Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 14, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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butlon of medical nnd surgical instruments
lias yet to bo ordered by Congress. Thero
exists an absolute necessity lor a medical
corps of the full number established by
the act of Congress of July 28, 1SG0, there
being now llny-nino vacancies, and tlio
Dumber of successful candidates rarely
exceeds cjglit or ten in one year.
Huyo been carried on with energy and
economy, though many nre only partially
completed. Tlio results have saved com
merce many times the amount expended.
rXho Increase of commerce, with tlie greater
depth of Clianncls and greater security in
nwngatlon, and iirC giving of time, adds
much to tho wealth of the country' JH11 in
creases tho resources ot the Government.
The bridge ncross the Mississippi river nt
Rock Island has been completed, and a
proper site lias been determined upon for
a bridge at La Crosse.
Tho ablo I!ul exhaustive rciwrt made by
tho Commission niJ?olntl to Invcnlgnte
tho Sutro tunnel las beett transmitted to
Tho observations mid reports of the Sig
nal oftico havo been continued. Stations
have been maintained at each ot the prin
cipal lakes nnd ports and cities. Ten ad
ditional stations liavc bccuicstiibllslicd in
the United States, and arrangements liavo
been made for the exchange or reports with
Canada, and similar exchange ot observa
tions Is contemplated with the West India
Islands. Tho favorable attention of Con
gress Is invited to tho followlin; recom
mendations of the Secretary of Wnr : A
discontinuance of tho appointment of
extra men to serve as Adjutants and Quar
termasters; the adoption of a code provid
ing a sped lie penalty for well defined of
fenses, that the inequality of sentences ntl
Judged by Courts-martial may bo adjusted;
tho consolidation of tlio accounts under
which expenditures nru made, ns n mcn
uro of economy; n rcappropriatlon of tlio
nioncv for the construction of a depot at
San Antonio, tho title to the Mte now being
perfected: u special net placing the ceme
tery nt the City of Mexico on the same
basis as other national cemeteries; au
thority to purchao lto for military pots
in Texas ; tho appointment of eommlary
Scargcuts from uon-cnnimlssloncd olllccrs,
asu measure tor meurliig bettor care and
portcctlou of cuppllcs; an appropriation
tor catalogues and table of tho anatomical
section arms nnd mctllnil nullum ; ttnap
proprlatou nfn sulllclent amount for the
manufacture of brccch-loadlng anus
should tho selection lie so formed by 'the
Hoard of olllccrs as to havo the former ;
tho appropriations be expended at the
close ot the H cal year; the sale of Mich
arsenals cat of tho Mississippi as can bo
spared, and the proceed Vuo applied to
tuo establishment of one largo arsenal ot
construction and repair uon the Atlantic
coast, and tho purchase of a suitable site
for approving and experimenting ground
tor heavy ordnance ; the abrogation ot laws
which deprive Inventors In tlio United
States service from detivlng any benefits
from their Inventions ; the repeal of tlio
laV prohibiting promotions In tlio stall'
corps : a continuance of tho work upon tho
coast defences ; tho repeal of tho seventh
eoUoaofthe net of July 13, I860, taking
tltjnj tho engineer soldiers the per diem
granted other troops; a limitation of time
Inr'tbo preservation of subsistence sup
pMeo, 'under tho act of July 1, 1804, nndn
inodlfleation in tlio mode oi the selection
of.cadets for tlio Military Academy, in or
der to enhance the usefulness of tlio Acad
emy"," which Is impaired by reason ot Uio
Urte Amount ot time necessarily exioud
ctlTu giving now cadets a thorough knowl
edge or the more elementary branches, of
learning, which thoy shouldd acquire before
entering tlio academy ; also, an appropria
tion for pbilophlcal apparatus, and an
Increase In tho number and pay of teach
ers at tho Mllltaay Academy.
Tl attention of Congress will bo called
during, Its' present session to tho various
enterprises for tho more certain and cheap
er trifris'portatloi'i of the constantly increas
ing supplies of Western nnd Southern pro
ducts to the Atlantic seaboard. Tlie sub
feet Is ono that will force Itself upon the
legislative branch of Government sooner
or later, and I suggest, therefore, that lui
mediate steps bo taken to gain available
Information to secure omltablo and just
legislation for lines to connect the Missis
sippi valley with tho Atlautioat Charleston,
South Carolina, nnd nt Savannah, Georgia,
by way of the Ohio and Teunesssec rivers;
by canals and slack-water navigation. 'Hie
Savannah andOcmulgco rivers liave been
suroyed and a report roatlo by nn accom
plished engineer nudoulccrot the army.
A second and a third now route will be
proposed tor tho consideration of Con
gress hamclv : by an extension of tha
Kanawha and James-river Canal to tlw
Ohio, and by tho extension of the ClMa
penko and Ohio Canal. 1 nm not prepared
to recommend Government aid to Uiom or
other enterprises until lt,U clearly shown
tliat thoy are not only of national interest,
but that, when completed, they will bo
or a vauo commensurate with their cost.
That production Increases more rapidly
than tlie means of transportation In our
country, has been demonstrated by past
experience; tliat tlio unprecedented growth
In population and products or the whole
country wUl require additional facilities
ami cheaper means for tlw more bulky ar
ticles of commerce' to reach tide water, and
that a market will be demanded In tlw near
future, fa equally demonstrated. I would
therefore suggests eltliera commute or a
ooiuml&dou to be orgauzlcd to consider
"this whole question and to report to Con
gre&at some fntttre day for h better gtild
SMolu.IegWntlngon this Important t
I -Tlw jmllrcoilA of. the country have
been rapidly extended during the last few
years to MoHtlio growlnaemanh ot pro
Ucera.'ail they reflect Binch cmHttwon
the capltaltata and managers engaiged in
their construction." "In addition to thrt a
project to fuclllato commerce by the build,
ing ol a shin canal r.round Niagara falls on
the United States' side, which has been ag
itated for many years, will no doubt be
called toyour attention this session. Look
ing to tlw great Ihture of the country, niid
the Increasing demands of commerce', It
might he well, while ou the subject, not
only to havo exaihlned the reports upon
tho various practicable routes lor connect
ing tho Mississippi with tide water on tlw
Atlantic but the leasijjllltr of almost con
tinned In mi-locked navigation from Malno
to tlio Gulf of Mexico. Such a route along
our coast would be of great value at all
times, and or Inestimable value in eve. of
a rorclgn war. Nature has provided tho
greater part of tills route, and the obstacles
to lie ovcrcomo tire easily within the skill
ol tho engineer. I have not alluded to this
subject with tho view of having any fur
thcr expenditure of the public monev nt
this time thflll may be ncceessarv to "nro-
curc and place All necessary Information
before Congress In nn authentic form, to
enable It hereafter, if deemed practicable
nnd worthy, to legislate on tlie snlilcc
without delay.
Tho report of the Secretary of the Nat v, here
w Itli accomiianjlng, explains fully the condition
of that branch of the public crvlce, its wants
and deficiencies, tlio cipenscit Incurred during
the met year, and the necessary appropriation
for the name. It also gives a complt to history of
tho ivnlccs of tho naty fur tho past year. It la
evident tliat, unless ah-pa are taken to prcscrvo
our navy, hi a few earn tlio United State will
bu tho weakest nation upon tho ocean of all tho
gnat oifiK. WtUi nn energetic, prugroiiilto
business people like ourK.pcnctratiiig ami form
ing business relation with utcrjr urt of tho
known world, a navy strougenougu to command
tho respect of our flag abroad I necossarv for the
full protection of their light.
Tlir. rosTKiiTICE nETAnTMOT.
I rccoiuniciiil the careful consideration hy Con
gress of tho rccominendatlonOnado hy tlio Hoc
rotary In thuacconipantliig report of tho Post-masUr-Qcncral.
It furnishes a full
ami satisfactory exhttilt of tho
operation of tlio I'uat-olucu Department
during tho year. Tho ordinary revcntio of the
Department for tho fiscal rear ending Juno iW,
187:2. amounted to Sll,llS,0 37, nml the ex
penditure to SiO.O-W.P.U 1. Compared with
mo previous ubcui j (or, uio incrcau tu revenue
was $l,h"fl.UM) t'3, and tlio Increase of expend!
turuH $'.',208,UHS V.J. Adding to thu ordinary
rmciitic of tho annual appropriation of $7U0,-
000 forfuo matter, and thu amount aid a i
subsidies on nmll ttcaiiihip lines Irom special ,
appropriations, thu ilc Hcii-uay paid out of tlio
general trvaiiirj' was$.'l.ai9,703 lit nn cccownf
S39,90t as over tho iletlclcncr for the tear 1871. 1
Utlier luteretiiig tatlUcs relating tu lupnlly
ex tending lostal tin ices nro luriililied In this
report. Tlio total length of railroad mail routes
on tlio tlUth of June, 1ST'-', i 07.1111 miles,
H.007 additional mllw of mich wrvKi-s having
been nut Into operation. During tlio year tight
now lines af railway ct-ofllot i haru l-en en
tabllaheil, tvlth an aggregate length of 2.WW
uiUos. Tho number ol lotion cxchangiil by tho
mails with foreign countries was 'Jl.aiiJ.SOU an
Increano of 4.000,503,' or 20 ier cent. Jver the
number in 1871. Thopostagu thereon amounted
to $1,871,237 2 Tho total weight of mails ex
changed wltli European countries exceeded S20
tom. Tho cost of tho United Utatea Iraiiwktlan
tio mall steamship aervlco It $220,201 70. Tlio
total coat of tho United Htates ocean steam
ship service, including tho amount paid
to milwidUetl lines of mall steamer, was J1.0J7,
020 07. Tlie following aro tho only ateunthip
lilies now reccituig aubaidies for mail acrvicu
nnder special acts of Congniia : Tho l'aclnc Mat!
Steamship Company receive 5500,000 per anuuni
for carrjing a niontlily mail between Han Fran
cinco, Japan and China, which will lio lncreatcd
to 1, 000,000 per annum for a acnii-inonUilr
mail on and alter October, 1,187a; tho United
Htatca and Brarll Hteamahip Company recdro
SISO.OOO per annum for carrying monthly mall
between fi'ew York and Jtio do Janeiro, aud tho
California and Oregon and Mexico ttteamabln
Company recclro 73,O00 iwr annum for .cam:
Ing a monthly mall between Ban Krancbco.and
Honolulu, making tho total amount of mall
steamship subsidies,, at presont, $725,000 p;r
annum. Our postal communication with all
parts of tho civilized world havo lieen placed
upon tho most advntAeoui footing by im
proved postal conventions. And arraiigemenU
rvoontlr concluded with tho leading commercial
countries in Kuropo and America, and the grati
ft Ing statement Is mado that, w Itli tho conclusion
of a naUsractory convention with 1'rmnce, tho de
taUs of which havo been doilnilely agiixd upon
bv tlm French rostal Departmetit, subject
tit tlw opprotal of tlio tfinlakr of l'inanos,
littlo remains to bo accompli-ikcd by treaty for
noma tlmo to coroo. In respect to tho reduction
of the' rate for tlio improvul facilities of tlio
po-ttal servico, your fat orabhi consideration is
retpectfitlly iuvltoil to tho recommendations of
tlio Vcstmaater-Ocneral for an incrraso uf.llio
servico from a monthly to a aciul-iuontlib" trip
on tho mall ttcamahlps to llrarll ; for a siilnluy
In aid of tho wtabllslimcnt of an American linn
of mU steamers between Hail Francinco, New
Zealand and 'Australia t for tho establishment of
iiost-oflloe satinpi banks, awl for tlio ipcrjaw of
Uio xalar!t-s of tho head of bureaus. I hate,
herctofoio recommended tho abolition of tho
fninklng privilege, ami see no reason jimvfpr
clungiug my tis on that mibjeet. It not hav
ing been favorably ivganW by Congress, liow
ever, I now auggmt a uiodUknUun of Uio prfcl
lego.to correct flio glaring and yotUvmuvp.
I would auggest, abio, tlio atmoliitmeiitpf aoom
mittoo or commiMlon to take Into cousiucration
tho best method equitable to pritatc corporations
who lutTO invwtwl their time and capital to tha
esUbllshmont of telegraph lints, of acquiring
tltlo to all telegraph lines pw In operation, snd
of oonwcUng Uds kttico with thu ,poUl ser
tko of the nation. It is uot probable tliat this
subject could recclt o proper consideration dur
ing tbo limit of Uio next sesalon of Congress,
but It nuy bo initiated, so that further aotlou
may bo fair to tho Government and to tho private
parties concerned. Thero aro but Uiroo lUiw
of octau atcawirs. namely-tho Vacuus il
Hteaushlp Company, bctneen Han Frnncihco,
China and Japan. ,wlth provWon made for a
semi-inothly kcrvico after OcU'bur 1. 1873, tho
United Btafcs and Drarit line. Monthly, and the
California aud New Zeland and Au.trulisii liliu,
monthly iJying U.ttxn Uio UniulHUU.ii,and
foreign ports, owiictl and ojierated umlrr our
nag. I tarnMtly reeoiomoud that irnffi bberal
contract for carryliii' thenall Ix iiuUtiirizcd
with thono line wiU Inture thclrcontlnuanee,
if tho exptdjenry of wtenuing. ,tUo aid of Uio
Ouvcrninent to linen of atcaniem which liitucrto
have not mvittil it should be deemed worthy of
considoraUmL by CWws. Vohtical and com.
mcrcialilJ cih make it adyUable to besUiw such
aid on tV line under our flag between Panama
and South American port. Uy tbia means
mii':'i tnulo now turned tn Dthcr.onuntrMmlabt
cuniuo "J "' Ijhwh" Untquatftroftlw
Mutjittat of America. Tbt reporf of ho fccra
tirr if the Ti eararr will how an alarsuttf fall
log Aff eT onr carrying trfo for the last 6 or
twclrii yrsr', and eteu for tho past year. "I u
uotbcllcvo that tho public treasure can iwbot-
tercxiiended In tho interests of tho wliolo invplo
than fn trying to recover thU trade. An exixn-
portion or the rarrylni; trailo of Uio world, would
be profitably expended. Tho prion of lalior In
Europe has so much enhanced within tho last
ocean steamers in tjie Unltetl Btatea U not no
uiucii crearcr uian in x,urui)v, mi x ,n-ne,u uiu
Ume ha arrived for Congress to to take this sub-1
iect into seriona Mn.liVralion.
DcrABTSicvr or Jcsrict.
A derailed statement of the disbursements
through tho Department or Justice will bo tur
niiOicd by the report or Uio Attornoy-Oeiicrai,
and though thesoliavo been somewhat increased
by tho recent Acts of Congress to enforce Uio
right of citizens f tho United Statcn to vote in
tho several Btates or tho Union, and to enforce
Uio iiruvlaions of tho Fourteenth Amendment to
the Constitution of Uie United Btates, and oUier
amendment Uiereto, I cannot nnestlon tho no
cowlty and salutary effect of tho euactmcuts.
ltecltlcas anu lawictw men, i regret to ay, nate
KsociaiCTi inemnciven .h ""v ni
, . ... . .. .,... .. ......... i..itti....
to denrivo
nti..M.tr i..i..i.i. .M..... I .!....
by the Constitution of tho United Slate, and to
that end hare committed deeds of violence: but
the detection and rmnUlinunt of mauv or these
i. ,i :. ". ,r i. . . . '
persons havo tended greatly to the repression or
siwii uisorucr. i uo not uouui mat a great ma
jority or tho people In all part or tho country,
however, aro in fat or of lie Toll enjovment by
all clause of persona to those right which Ihcv
aro entitled under tho constitution and laws, I
Invoke the aid and influence of all good cltirens
to pret cut organizations whouc obleets are by un
Ian fill means to interfere with thwe tights. I
look with eonHdetieo to tho tlmn not far distant
when tho obvious advantages or good order and
" " " Y.'",yr.r ".?.".' S:'"" I
i:s,;:v' uiiT' r:"'
..-...'.l- l,tll.l-l, ,lt,-.tv,-. v,. ,.., n..
It will lx niiiuvnwary to enrry on
pnwectitlnns or inflict punishment to
nrotert cltirens from tho Ian lens OoIiich of such
combinations. Application hate liecn
made to mo to panlon iert-oii cunt lctil of vio
lations or Knld act, upon tho ground that clem
ency in such cases would tmd to trnnipillUo the
public itnd aid to test tho virtue of that policy.
I disposed, so fur as my scnio or Justice will r
mil, to ghc to thoso appllcaUons fatorablo con
Hlderatlon. but my ncuon thereon is not to lx
eoiuldcnil as indicating any rrmnllon of my de
termination to euforco with tlgor Michael so
long as tlio conspiracies and combinations there
in naniiM uisiuru mo iaco nun too eounirv. u
is iiim.ii iu uu ivHiiuiii, uiki m ih" ".'"'
ono moro than myself, that the ncciiwlty has I
etcr exUtetl to execulo tho l;nloreeiiunt net. '
No ono can desire moro than I that the neccslty
lor appljlng it mny nevor again exlt.
The rnx'tctary of tho Interior rcxuls n sali-
ractorv tho improvement and progielon III enrh J
of tho setcral
biircnuKiiudir tho initio of the
Interior Iiepartmtut, They are nil In cxrilKnl
condition. All tho current liiiluet.a has Ihvii
proni)tly ilispatchcd. Tho silict nhlch ttus
iidoptitl at tho beginning of this Ailmlulslrallou
ttlui regard to thomanagenirul or tho Iiiilisim
has been na micccasful as it nuut anli nt friend
anticipated within so sboit n ttiue. It has
reduced tho uxponscs or their management, de
creased their rorays upon thu whltu at ttkiuents,
lendetl to g It o tho largeat opportunity for Iho
extension of tbo great railways through tho pul
11c domaiu and Uio pushing of settlcmiiiU into
many.jllstrlcta of country, nnd nt the same time
hi improvo tho oondltlou of Uio Indinus. Thi
ixjllcy will bo maintained without change i"tcct
llng auch ns farther experienco may rhow to bo
necessary to render It mororlliehnt. Tlieauli
Jtvt ot enntertiug tlio so-called Indian Territory
south' or Kanaan Into a homo Tor the Indians,
ajid orraUng thereon a territorial form of Uov
eminent, is ono of veiy great Importance a n
complement hi Uk existing Indian jxiliey, Tho
(titration of their reinoval to tho territory lias,
within the past yiar Ixtn presented to nuny
tribes resident upinnUier and leasdeslrahlo por
tions of tho public domain, aud hat guicrally
len rceeivcif hy them with fat or. As a prelim
inary step to Uie ercanlzaUou or such a territo
ry, it will bo necessary to ooutlno tlio Indians
now resident thereon to farms of proper size,
wlucli nhould ba wcured to them in ftv, tlio res
iilno to be used for thu. ncttlcuiiut of other
friendly Indians. Kfrorts will lie inado in the
immediate future to intlncc tlio removal of as
many or Uio peaceably disposed Indian only to
tho Indian Territory is can to settled properly
without disturbing tlio harmony of those already
there. A proper location, now available, where
a pcoplo who aro endeavoring to acquire aknowl
eJgoof pastoral and agricultural pursuits can lie
as well accommodated ns tijion tlie unoccupied
lands of the Indian Territory. A Territorial
Uovernment should, howutcr, protect tbe, Indl.
ana from the Inroads of tho while for n term of
years, tutlil' thoy hocuiuo aulUcioutly advanced
in thu art of cltiliatiun to guard tlulr own
rlghbJ. For tho same periisl. during the last
tbicaliyt-ar.-Uitre tttro disposed of out of Iho
public land'. 11,8&1,97S neri n niunlllv great
er by 1,000,270 acres' than waii UomI of tho
prnvious year. Of thU amount, l,tl7U,UiOucrii(
wire aohf for cash J aso Kill" anrs li-atil nllh
military warrants; S,C71,3.'U nens tukui for
honKstuada; CiU,CI3aert located with col lego
scrip": 3,551,887 acres giunted to rnllrliaiU:
KM,3I7 uens gruiiUd to wagon road : 71 1,255
acrcHgiveu to ntatissakuaiuii land, ami 5,700
acrts loctetl by Indian Hcrlp. Tho cash re
eelptit from all sotircui In the Laud Olllco
aniouuUsl $3,208,100 dnrliig UiotMiuio ptriotl;
22,01B,00H acres of publlo lands wero mirviyed.
Which, added to Uiu inantlty livforv surw ted,
amounts to 5WJC3.7(?0 acres, hating l.'ilS.iJJ,
ti28 acre or public lands stUl unsiirvettsl.
Iteports from tho auburdiuaUa uf tho Iimf Of
lieu contain IntcrtaUng Information in n-gard to
their respective districts. They Uniformly men
tion tho frnltfuhwrrt of the )kid during Oiejuut
kcuboii, and tbo imruoied j Md of all kinds of
produce evince' that iu thoo Htate and Terri
torMwlKro luinbigis llw priucipal biwine.,
tlio agricultural products hae rxmtlcd Iho lo
cal tktitand, and lllieral shipinlnts havo lieen
nuule to dittaut points.
During Iho )i-ar ending S.- t. 3ri. 1S7., Ilierewero
bnuot from tbo Patent t'lUco 1 1,11 patents, ?i v'
tensions and MOeertuVjilvsnnd register of trmlo
mark. During tlio sanm tUnu ll7 npuUoatlona
Sir potcnlii, Including re-lMUen ami iluslaiia haio
U-en nelt-l,nisl 3,100 catealu lllcsl. Tlie fee
re-cited during tho miiiw url'l auiviintu' In
70o,ai9 a nml tlio total eilltures tisiAU w,
making tho not riuelpla oter eJW'niUuinst 77.
tvuM blncv 1bj.Vui,W) application lor t
ems laro been lllvd. nnd al-mt UI.'J0 )UmU
hate betiu ImuuI. ThuiUlicuUliu wudnctul uu
iler the mo laws nndgenernl in-janlzntloo an
wloiSisl at Its origin, wlwn-only from oiivtiifltu
huiulro.lnpiUcUsiereniadu i-r annum, tlio
(tnniU-lonVrshilTtlutt theill.u has oWgroSm
tlw vritinal phui and Hut a neu ornHiiUaUuu lias
bci-onwfuuvsaary. Thfisutject was invt-nlM to
Uonxrou In a iJal coRiinunksailoii In t ebriury
last, wlih uiy approval and Iho npprotal of the
tsacrvtAryorthelalrrior, and ihoMssastloiwcou
taliuxl In Jd commiinlMlloii w tro eiuprnceil In a
bill that watreportoi to tlio Ilotucby tho torn,
mttluo on I'atcnls at tbo last foulou. Tlio tubjoei,
oftho rcorganuatlonofthe Patent twice, an ea
leaulaUKl by, tha bill referred to. In ol such taiior
tancoto the 'liidiuiri.it Interett or tho connrry
that I uoinmeud It In the attention ot tqt
for rtJerresl to. TboCommUtlonercompbjlua (t
the want of room foramwJel gallery, and lora
woiklngforeoand mwerMry nle for llic oillee.
It I imlblo to tmnvtct the tnlnes of I he
mc0 'ESTV1' '" inoro nwm tit tttilch tonr-
..rthol-atoiitOOIoobult.lliigtMll soon bo Horded,
ir I not already, for the accommodation or tlio
buflnestof the l'atrut Ofllec.
Tho amnitnl raid for iwnsloiis In the last nal
, tenrtvnfso,tt,3lo, an amount larger by si7,-
amount 2,31VW was twiVI, undorn.it orConxress,
a nn ivihi inu iirrveeiiiiK er. ui.inia
l0 p Ivors of the ar or lsii Tho incre.tjo of
nnlont br 'ftrUlallnn of CoticrftM la more than
Lent jmi-fl w llh tlie aaluntl yearly lussos from IM
rolls. The net orCongressot JoimsH, IWJ, ha ad
ded nu (sttaMtcd niuvuul of 73fl,Qoo per aunum to
tlierol without Increasing Iho number of n
rumen. Wo eAnnnt, therelbre, look for any silt)
stautlal dccreiue In tha cxpvntUturca of tlila bu
reau for some tlinolo come, or as toncas ConareM
continues to change ttw dates of pensions. The
wljole number of soldiers enlisted in the wnr of
the rebellion was l,tMSWJ. The total number of
claim for Invalid pensions Is liSOO-enllstisl
men. Tbo total number or claims on hand at tho
beginning of tho ear was 91.7C9. Tlwmuabcr re
cclveil during tho car was !ty7l; the numlicr dis-
nw 4. .vi.itn ninKii
pmciior, ;v),iin maaingn nrtgninor 1,'jbi. llic
i,t,mhr Ar.lalmanaw uo II In ( TOmts. On tho
-- "- .- -'--i -: -' ,t" r :-
3otii or June, ui:, in
.', there .were on tho mils the
nainos of D.S15 Invalid military cns)ours, IIS,
iVl w klow s , oriilun and dependent relallvs, niak.
lnsnn lunrrrcnia ui vicMru nrmr iRn?ioncr9. .tt
thONiniolluw Iboro Mere on tlw rolls 11m) nunxw of
1,449 navy )nsioners mid 1,7.10 widows, orisian
and ileivndeut relnllvcs, making the whole num
ber of nnvnt )Hnlouers 3,17V. There liavo been
recclrcit, elncotho uwito of tho net to provide
pension for surt It ois of Ihettnrof ISli, 30SM
nrilenllonpriortnJiino30, IS7J. Of lhep thorn
were nlloneil, dorUvtlho lnt llKalir, S0.1M
claim: 4,81.1 were remand during thcyuar, lent
lug lUelalint iK'iidlngnt I hat date. Tho mim
ber of jicnrlnn of nil elalm cranial durlnthe
ln4 llenl tivir tvns S.XIS. Iiurhiff Hint nort-
l Mh-. Vrc .lrmn.1- man rolKTur various
era ontliu lollnon the UOtllof June, Mi. it la
thought lliv claim for pensions un fcvomit of the
warm imswiii umiisiwniu oi uyinoursior.'uar,
IS7J. Ill cMluuitrd tluit tf.0,ISO,U)0 will ho re
liilrnt for tho i'iipIon H-rtlce during the next
eui .
Tho nliitliceuHiui, almat ooinplclnl. Is the Mil
JectorciiiiKiMtul.itlou, limsinuelias IIiuukoIo ho
nindo of tho Mnllttlcs (herein contained depends
very greatly on Iho proinptlltido of publication.
Tlio SvuSnry of the Interior iivoninioml that it
ceutouuary ccusus bu lakun In Wi, which re com
inendnllnn should rivet vn the renily iitlenllon of
Congrviw. The lnlvrtnl at prewnt eelabllrhed tie
I ween tlio I'eilernt cennUH's I x loug Hint Ihe In-
torntillon olsnlnelal Iho H'rliIsor Ihomnlcrlnl
,.owuilon, wnulaniid lewiiroesof the nation Isuf
iiiuo vniuenuertiiootpiraiionoi uio iirst nniror
Hint ln-rloil. It would iroNiblynbtiiitu Iho eon.
sllluttonal proiUlim teininllng Iho eenlennary
ceiisii. Iflhe ei-nsiisol s7.1 chonld ho ilircsl'.sl of
nil llllcal t-luiincter unit no apiiilloiiiueut ot
t'nngresi-lonnl repriseiitiillou be luido under It,
Sikh nienstu, coming n It would In Iho Inst e.ir
.if ll.n lUil .imiliilii lit .Mix Valhinnl Sal ..!
ttuuld liiinlsli n Keueral monument ol tho
' ins- Hint triiim i si in i tn iinti t-si-iviit t
greortne i'iuuiMnieiiiiinig tn.it centur.
Tliompidly liH're.islngtiuuiest liiediii.'ntiou Is
Iho ni"t vneoiinutng fenluie Iu tlio hllnr) or Ihe
counliy, nml It I umtouut Iruolliit this w duo In
ngreat innisiirelolheegorlsiifiuollurcnuof tM
nciiltnn. 'Hut t'itlci' IscoutlniMlly receiving etl
lenee, which iibmolniilly protu llsenicleih-y, fiom
various iin-tltullousof lenniiigamtislucntlnu of
nil klnilsthivugliout Itiecouuir). Thu icporlof
IliflCominlsslonciscontnlu.t vnt mnunt nr islu
cillonnt delnlls of great Interest. Tlie bill nnu
H'lullug In I'tiiigroNs prut Idlng for nu npprupila
Itnuof At tof the proceed or Iho sales ul public
land lor ediieiulonnl purinwis lonld IhoMnleo
In Iho general education of Iho rising gcncriiltnn,
Isuf sucbgie.it iiiiituucu In our nuit progicM
nnd sn inuinliunusl) niliniuil liy tha leading
friends ol' education, thai comiuend II lollie fa
vorable iitlenllon of Congress.
Allalr In the Torrllutlen lire guneiidly u.UIjc
lory. Tlio ciipacllynf thotoneirsthnnro set
tllng uplliu nt ilouialus urn tet lneorHiratol In
to MnU'n I kivplig sicu with Internal Imprmc
iiients, nnd with lliu older ciiniiuiuitlc. fit but
one of tbtni, Utah, Is the condition nTaffairs unsat
Islnclory, oacepl ' Inr a tho iiiiel of cllUcu
may bo ulsliirlssl bv real or linniiinnryilitn(r tit
Indian liullltles. It tin reenu'd to bo tha poller
of tho U-Klslalurenf tllalitniifvdonll'rcsimul
bility to the tiuterniiient of iho truitisl Mats, oud
even to hold niihlllon of hiv-llllly towards It, I
recommend n tnreful rot Ultsi til' lira proicnl Uwa
nt tlutt Terrllouy by Congiessnt lis last acsston,
tlir InMaikA-, or MHiH-thlug similar to It, a will se
cure I be peace noil tlio ciiiiailly of nil eUlieii be
fore ihe law nnd Iho utilmAlo extinguishment uf
IKiljgainy. ,
tltorillCT OK COt.UMIIl.t.
filnce the I nablMmionl of a O'errtlnrlal (iovern
ntuiit tor the UMiiettil'Culuuibiatliulniproveraenl
oftno condition nfllmell) of Washington and anr
rouudluu. aud Ihe lucieutd pnwiwrlty of thuclt
leus. Is nlisei ruble to tho mot eantiuil visitor.
Tho nation, being a la rin on nor uf property m UU
clly, Miimld bear "llh iho clllrena of Iho District
Its Just haru of Iho oi?uet of tbeto Improve
ment. I tis-coiniiieiid, Ibercloie, un nppropru
llftll liin-lmburou Iboelllen of Iho DMrlct' ir
lli work dono by I hem along and in front pX the
public ground during tho wist scar, and liberal
apprnpiWllon, In oritcr that (ho Itrprovement
and CMhulllshinont uf thtt libllo Uuldlnxs u
ground may keep iwku wltiilltv Impruvvineuls
made )ff tbo tenliorul atUhorifw
Tho rcrt of ttio CinmU-loiier of Acricnltnrn
gtui a very mlt nnA tulorvHlonrtAouit m the
M oral dubious uf I hat Dcpurtiimnl -hortlcullii-nil,
ngrlcultuiiil, sintMlcai, entomological and
oliemUJib-iuid tbo beuentsuonlbrnslby'itclinn
tbo ngrtculliiinl InlumH nt the country. The
whola ii'pnrt I n e.ouiJoln hlstm y of Iho wnrklngs
of llud IK'irtiiiont Iu all Us lnimlKisvIshowhig
lui latuuiirbi which Ilia Urns r, mvrullsnt ana
miner Isn filmier, nnd Iho ottiut 1st iihU-h lio I
aide I In hi' pin ull. Tliot'o lUkiiiuer makes ii
locoiiiineiuLillou that nu-iisiires lieliikeu by Con.
grrtn pn-livl mid Inilncn the plaulliiK of for
ruta, mid siiggvMH lliat uo purl ol tho pohljclaudt
should lmdliiioMor tililmut lln cnndllloii that
iHie-lcntti or It li reserved III Umber where II u
lts, and Mhcrultdoo nol, mi liiiliiceiuent (hoiild
I oirured for tlw planting or II.
Iii nccordaucu with Iho tonus of Iho act of ( on
gvoFS, aiHiroved March 3, 1K7I, pnnmiagfur Iho
tiilebratinii of Ihumiu huudruillli auiitiersary uf
Amerk-nnltviotK'isleiiei, n (.'Miiinlsslnii has lieen
orgauluil i.olihlallng ol luu munlsjr Irom enchol
Uio suites and Tciiltorles. Thu (Vmmlssiou has
Iwldtvto lesslons an-l luKiluidufntlifueUiry pro
grcMln thonrganltnllouandlullilnlilutiry(eM
uu-ui-strv lor oarrjlng iuii the prociUinstrtlia
ncl.nudfor uMtmlliiiflliu proil'lous nlsoof the
act of -Iimo Itrsi, 171, i-nntlng n Centennial
Itisird or I'loancv. A prullininary leport ur liro
growi bt U-ou nsoliisl from Uio Pre.ldent or the
(kjmmbtlon, mvl It beronllh tniiituilitvsL It will
bo Iho duly of llKil.'iiminlulan nt jour returning
--ion in trauMult IIh iviort iifthupio:rau tnnau
nixl to lay In-fore ton Hindi tails rclatuig to thu
exlilbtllou orAinerhnn mid l.iivigtt nliv, lirwlucls
and iiiaiiuucliiii, which bv thou mis of lliuncl,
or tho llnllul Mutos, inl'lilladelphla.luUio 3ir
l7ti. This etk'bralloii ulll bo luuku) forward t
by Ainors-nii clltfetuwllliKrisit luleri-t asirink.
Ing a century of grwitorpriigiuM. ami itjsvrlly
Ihnn Is recorded In thu hi -lory nl'nny isneriuillpn.
anlprotlmtlw rurtliir).l isinvuo litbrlnginir
tomlherfiu oursolMbq peopioot all oiiuimurvlal
riallotis of tho unrlli, as a inuMUe ctlbiuaieAl.to se
cure tntrainiliiial gl li-ellnj.
' rivir. tmti'li-a:.
Tim dodra has lni Itil ni uorrisit I he luwi,
whkli lin(u vroivii uimhi ihc.civu scnJi-uni iuc
rtmmrytllmligtl Ihoaetiscttve tnetliod or.anaktair
oiiuluunllats to esSloM,' width haw laMO rutantea
us tMxVWitdt I pwHIWai tortlCKf. uiwir ot
iliorlty.of Cyjf ry., rulc-,liat ,beeii i ertaWljhttt.
to reiwlale tiSi terms of oK at)VnysU:oT up
uoiiitaarota It lanaot.twexpMialtlMt .any ua
UjtBi.r rio ca o ha l Im) , dToc tWe, a1 prut's a.
pt-rfbef remedy for exlln;ll. HIMheyhat
llW ihttsfcirtiir tatlMt by. actual ptacikx aad
amended according to ttus re)Ulrciirtof Ihoter-
t lee. Hiring my term of office It slintl be iny test
eiMlcavor In so apply tbe rules m to teenro the
createit jiossJblo reform in the civil servico of tlw
(luvernmont; but It will require Uio direct atten
tion of CoiurreM to render tho enforcement of ttui
system Unimc anon ay snoccssor, and I hops (hat.
the oxperloao ot: the put year together wjS ' ap
propriate lextsWion by Cooaretvs way rasib a aC
tketory ho union of IMS qnaatton, iMiKMtMbs
pulille service fbrall tlmo a practical method aC
obtnlulng Ciithfliland ctlclent offloersand employ
ee. . i . j
(Signodl V. 8. CttAHlC.
KVecuUvo Mansion, Dec.2, 18J1, ,
For JtJttsiupsw,
tnrir iician nasincss, oier taeir entire ttoca
for tale AT COST.
To any one v. Ithlng to engage In the
Furniture Business,
This Is a rare chance.
The slock mast be closed by October 1st, sn.l
will be sold AT COST,
This I no humbug. Wo mean bulucs. Ail
persons ludcbltd to ut are respectfully nquttted
io call aud settle the tame.
Fnrnllnre Dealsra
trilem, August it, if,. aotf
MoNt Improves!
Raising Water for
Domestic Furpoaes,
or for Barn or Stock
Kicry msu who lu had eipirlenro In the differ
ent wait or raising water, knows TIIKIIK IN NU
WAY OF DUINlf IT HO Cll i'.AI'I.Y, and thlt
that there t nn pump so itnrahle, coincident, and
free from Imparling nnhraliliy rlrmentito tho wa
ter a the plain WOOD I'OIl' maunf-tun-d by
The Nuleiu rump tVintpany.
ticpt . t!C!tf VinilKlt HAAS.
lr & MOWER
Salem. Oregon.
rriiiK PitontiKToitoF thi wouthy km-
M) tcrprW haa Imported tnewy-llvonf then
Superior Machine 2
(Which haUttnd la ImltU) lit ortterlo leftthtlr
uittlta In (Jregnn. ,,
Kee Hog confident that they are the
Mtnnfsctnred, having ffctlrt th only'-
i iii i
at the 11 two Uiiltol btatct Fairs for Ihe,
Combined 8elf-Rak
Wo can ronlldrnlly recommend I hem to the public.
Hand for doscrtpilvo raulogou-teat free.
Machine uow at ourotMce on ettilblllpn, ana fat
Oregon Agricultural Works,
auto stamp i onawuiaj.
94 fl(U ,:VHi of tiVP &m
VY." v
Zi ;l "' 'fln.'J-HL-SiSIYitm'L'JJiw J'1'
rerwiiti('',ytis'a;t7jy WfT.ir.'Tfit :i
MayX, ItrVH. ' ' ' '
rjUslrTii ' rstaViH1