Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 14, 1872, Page 2, Image 2

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To the Xaflttc anil Jlumc of Jleprcseutn
itvcs: In tmusnilttlnjr to you my fourth
annual message, Jtfs with thankfulnesss to
tho Giver ofkll gjood to , the 'Ration. Wo
have been blessetl-for'-tho pMt.yon'r with
pcoeo at linuie'Rtid.abroad, and a gcncial
prosperity has boon vouchsafed to uJ.'
Willi the e'xebptlon bf tho icccnt (lava
tatlug llru which swcpt,frou tho earth with
a breath, as It 'wore, millions ot accumu
lated wealth lulbe city of Boston, thcio
havo been npOoversliado'wIng ;calaniltles
within tho yaw to record. It In gratifying
to note hnwy'Uko lliclr follo.v-clti7.( lis hi
tlioclty of Clildpj. under slinlhr .clicum
litanccs, a year Gamer, tlitf-dtius of ) Jos
ion aru rallyhfg uiUor tliolr iiiM'ortuiie.
and thu prospect is thrit their energy, ;(iul
lcioenitnxilll qvcrcnriio nil obsliu-lc
iiid show lho..Kinio piosnerlty that they
would havo attained had no disaster bo
fallen them ; otherwise 1V0 havo boon free
from pclllcnec, war, and those calamities
which often ovcitaku nation;, and us far as
human judgment can penetrate the future,
no cause Booms to oxHto threaten our
present pence.
wlth tho question hi nil Its phages, nnd In . Congress at St. Petersburg, the ficrsons np
every stage has manifested 11 patriotic zeal . pointed In that diameter proceeded to their
and carnetncs In thu maintenance' of the destination ami nttcildcd the sexton ot the
claim of the I'lilted .Slates. Ho Is entitled Congress. Their report shall In due season
to much credit for thd snecets which has bo laid before you. This Congress meets
miciiucu inn commission, liner a pa- at unci
ilnnj c.i. ninrlnff nut tho laws of cni.tucl-
nation havo been announced, riving evi
dence af tho sincerity ot, the Intention 01
the present Government to carry Into effect
tho law ot 1870. I havo liot failed to urgo
vnM of about, threo year, nnd lias the considerations ol thc,wIsdom, tlio poll
session In several ot tho countries ;ey,' and the Justice of a more ollectlvo sys
ia I submit trfyourednslderatlon tcm for thd nbolltlon of.tho great evil whlcl
tlcnt investigation of the eae nnd
ol thoi statement uf each party. , III?
Majesty tlic Eniiicrorof Germany, on the
21 M day of October Inst, slaflloil hls'nward
in', writing, decreeing that tho claim of
tho,Govcnimentoftlio United States that
tho boundary 'lino between the territo
ries ofjler llrltaunlc Majesty and the
United Statu could cbo drawn through the
DoIIiuo clinnnclls most In nccordanco with
tho true Interpretation of tho treaty, con
cluded on tho full ot .tunc, 1848," between
ihongciitjofjlo'r Britannia -Majesty and
the rolled States. Copies ol this can', pre
scutcdlii behalf of tho Government, and of
tho statomunUii reply to each, nnd n trans
lation of tho award, nro trnumlltcJ hoi-e-wlth.
ThU award conflrmi tho 1'iiitcd
States In their claim tp the Important arch
ipelago of Wands lying between fho co,'
Uncut and Vancouver Island, whlcli liir
tweiitv-lx years ever slnco the rallllca
tlon of tho treaty Gloat llrltaln h.i-t held 1
and leaves us, for tho Jlfet time In tlio his- J
lory 01 mo 1 nneu .Nines 1 as n nation, w 1111- j,, authority wa.s yiveu lor (ho appoint-, .. It is gratifying to announce th it tlio rat-
1111 11 iincMioii ii iup 1 mi iHiiiiiiiiiry "-mentor 0110 or more .".rent? to reinvent neat on of the Convention, concluded 1111
held IU
of l-.tiroiM I submit Iff v
the jiroptlcty ot extending an Invitation to
tho Congress to bold Its next meeting hi
tho United .Slate. 'i'lioCentcimlal.Cele
liratlon, to be held in 1870,, would afford an
appropriate occasion for such meeting'.'
Prepnrntlonsarc making for. tlio Tuterp
national ICxiiosItlon, to, bo held duriac
ncxtyenr In vlcnna,on a scale o( vwy great
niagnlliklc. 'JM tendency of these cxne
sltlousW In tlio direction of advanced ctvjlj
Izatlon and. the elevation ol luduttry and
litliii n ml IA ItiiHtnlfin nP kiiiitnti Iiflt
ness 'ns wolla, of greater IdSOnrse ami ' lof H Unltol States. They arc
good wHI between nations'. Tlio Kxposi-1 thuscputrlbutingto tho continuance of tl Is
tion Is to bo tho flrstwhldi will have been ' dl-trtiIiig and sickening contest. In n y
hold in Kastern Ktironc. and It-Wbelievcd . a4' a"".":'1 "9igo ' retcrrciUo thlssiib-
lliat Ainurlcui Inventors nnd nianuliictur- Jycr' 1,M" ' anm 1OTIrn11 n"cn w,p,sl-x:
or-, III bo ready lo avail thcui-elves of tlio Io11 l,s '",iy bu, Vm to denounce. It not
oiipoitunltyfor tho pivcntatlon of their ' prevent and dK-miragu American dtl
production, If encouraged by pmner nld ' 'ci ,''oli Iwli"fe I" "',
iimi protection. At tlio lnl fc-Ioii ol Con-' niK tomn ami:iiican wai
o'imreses n mcc'niul cotitlutics the bloody
and destructive conlllct doso to ourboixlcr,
as well as tho expediency and Justlco of
conceding otner rciorms oiwmcu 1110 pro
priety Is not questioned. Deeply Im
pressed with tho conviction that tho coun
tenancing of slavery U tho most active
causo of tlio continuance of tho nnbaiipy
condition of Cuba, I regret to believe that
cklicns of tho United State?, or tlioo
claiming to bo such, arc largo holders hi
COiTki ot what U thcro claimed as property;
but ulich is toibldneu and denounced by
MI I.llll-'IITM illllljllllli:il III II 11111: til. - a. - . . ..
iiiMilmi bad been raNedbv Croat llrltaln. "UH-'1.1 !"''i?rriori ami tlio poscMons ol tli!s Government, at Iho Exnoliloii. The dor tlio nu"nlixn of this Government, be
iiul was then pending, which Ibrn timo l,'V ,, ,1 ' , , i.? 1 1 .1 ",. anlhorltv thus given has been oxcreU'd : tween Spain on onu part nnd tho allied
Hirlotidy Impel lied Oic wltlenient 'y """ " n.l.i owleilgo tho proinpt ,t in tlie nlnciico of anv iipproprlation Hopuullcs of tho lMclllcon tho other, pio
frleiidlv aililtiiilloiioftlio dllluiwiees e.-, 1.Ml1 cponlaiir-om action ot l'-r Jlnjcsty icri, f, j,,,,. ti,:it tlio hiinottdtit l.etiellts vlllntr for an armlnlco havo been ex-
iitlnir between tin- GouTiiinciil and that 'eiimiu 111 giving ciiect 10 1110 nwiiii !,!,.), (0 l-Stnosllloii offers will In a larse 'dianaed. A .ny of tlio lntiiiment Is
I hi aiiticlnatloii of nnv mi nest lioin this
(lovcrnmciit, and bcloro tlio iccuptlon of
I the a win (I, sigiicii iy tlio Jni)cix)r, tier
.ii:ijt"'iy 11 111 Kiven iiiiirneiiiiiis liir me m
' ly
'; ! tha
tan iiili.iiu.Uu apprn)ii.itlou lw made
of ller Uritannlo Majesty. Thu Treaty of
Wiihngfii had been ivd-ricd (0 tho Til
1m tin I of Atblliiition which nielatOcni'va,
Ut. ii.. f . I ri... i.ii..i.ti iikl.....
ni.iniiruiiii if. , inj ! iiitiiiiijin. iiui,ii:i ' ".'...". ... .
JpoMjdi.ftli.' iiiillon whldi had leopard- ,l0)'" ol " '""'P Miuioned inure. iinu,for Umpurpo-e. To fuither aid American
...' 'I..1 fnpflifi.viajn fit 11 ftrfllf v.i it !.,. it, mlitMtl-i,. ... .. ...
" v ' nvniiiiini'4 ni. inn vii.iin I viinirinii I
ij ....-..-.., ... .... ....,,, v . ...., .
would recommend, In addition to 1111 ap
proinlat Ion of .money, that tho Secretary
of tlio Xavy lwnuthoiled to tit up two
naval ve"cls to (ran-tport between our At
lantic cities nnd Ti lestc,or tho mon conven
ient jio4 for Vicuna, the articles for exhibition.
degree bo lo-t to tlio citizens or tli'u Tin-1 herewith transmitted. It Is hoped that
ted Slates. I commend tho subject trong- tills may bo followed by a permanent iieaco
ly to your consideration nnd recommend I between tho samo parties. ITho dlll'er-
lzc.1 thu whole of the treaty, and th'rcal- '. mmlhmfM oxeixljo or cliiiin
died to Involve thu two nations In unhtp-l- Mllctloii.soas lo eavuliol "ted hint
py relations toward (stch other, in a man
ner entirely hiitlnfactory to this Govern
ment, .iiid In aivord.iuco with thu views
and policy which It his maintained. The
Tribunal, whirl! euuveiied III December,
Concluded Its lahntloiishcR-lou 011 tho I lilt
tit (September l.'Ht; 011 that day, having
availed Ituclf of tlio di'urctlo'inry power
clveii (0 ItliytliiiTrcalylonw.irdasuin in
crov. It m.ido Its decidou, whereby ll
11 cxehulvu poicsslou of tho lately dis
puted lenlto-iy. I am gratllicd to bo able
toaiuKiuuci'llinttliuonlersfur the removal
or tho lrNi; hive been executed, and the
uiiiiiary inini occiiiaiioii 01 ft.in .man
has ceased. Thu l-ilaiidsiiin now in the'
excliiilvu possession ol the United Slatci.
II now hci'omus ncce-SNiry to romplcto thu
Kiirvcyiiiid ileturminatlou oflli.it ivortlou '
of lliu bouud.iiy lino through Dullaro
cliautiel, upon whlcli thu conimMoii
ci ices, wiikii at one tune tlircntencd (no
maintenance of peace between llrall and
tho ArgiMitluu Itcpubllc, It Is hoped, nic In
11 way of satisfactory adjustment. With
theo Slates, as with tlio Ucpuhllcs of Cen
tral and South America, wo intend to
maintain the most friendly relations.
cr.uMs AUAiN-r vi.xm'iXA.
ItU with ivzrct. however, that I an
nounce that the Government of Veiicucla
111. Iiij uifvlfvie rt
r'-" -- " -.-. ".".. " . .,i,tti...i .,i.nl. 1.1,1. 11... . .,... . .!,. t. ..:' "T" - - j vvffcv
awanleil tlii-Muuolirir..WXMKKJ in gold an1 ";." " '. ' "bi.ir.i .. ...!.. ""r.'Vi his country, has died. Ills triuponirysuc milllleil
11,,. i.i., 1,,. ... i. ,...t,i i. (!..i ridi.iix . wiikn Uclciiiiiuodsr.iue lemaliiliii: part 01 ,,.... i,j ,,,.,,. 1,.,.,,, i,.i ...m. ' I'l'!!.."'
(" "(. i' V. i..,..(v ........1. ,,. ,,,, , . , -j- , vvi . (.,-, (iw .. mtn .,
'!... 1.. .. C....I .,..., .. -, miiuiuit
... . . . .. .. . H IHilUU II" tlllHH.1 IJil IllUHV Ull IKWUIH I .,rt i
., ii it Vr ---"'-"- . i " n iu iiinn uiiiiui iiiu uiiwiiluii ui
no .MUMoiu jiepuijiic, iiii nguisneii uy .iirU 2Sth. lSOO. That llenublie
ins iiiku cnanicier ami uy ins urvlccs to moo.1 n hn now nlnmst. if nnf null
the Ti-casury during tho Hscal year ending
January 30, 1872, were : From customs,
21,C37,02S 0 7; from sales oi public lands,
2.075.51410: from Internal levl-'iue, $130,
042,17778; froiutax-on iiatlouaiV banks,
etc., fO,5A300 30 from the rnclricall
road Companies, -f 740,801 87 ; from cu
turns, fines, etc, $1,130,44231; from fees
of ConAds, patent, lands, etc., $2,281,.
093 02; from mlsccllaneOas sources, 1.412,
55171; total of ordinary re'celpt;i $301,
001,22001 ; 'from prcirtlums On iles of
coin, 19,41 2,037 loi) totaUutf receipts,
!?374,01C,837G0 ; baldnce i lif Treasury
.luuo 30th, 1871, $10,93C,705tO,'1ucludlng
$1,822,835 i-ecclvcd from taMvallablo as
sets ; total .valtablo fca.su, $41,012,573 15.
The net cxiiciidltures by Nrarraiits drawn
ilurhTgx.thi. i samo prrlr! wcro: For
civil expenses, $10,189,07910; for for
eign interests. $1,409.309.14; Indians,
$1,005,720 SSjpenMou?, 823,533,402 70:mll
ltaiyctablisliuiciit,incTiidlugfortllIcattons, liver and harbor Improvements nnd arson
nls,$.1I.537.215 72:fur.naval establlhmciiL.
Includlnii vessels nmrmu-hiiicrynnd 1m-
prnvenu ids nt thu nvy-yard, $21,219.
809 0!); For miscellaneous civil cxpcndl
tuies, including pnbllo buildings, llglit-
nouscs ami collecting tlio rovcuuc, $12,-9.-ii,329
03; Interest on public debt, $118,
358,839 72; total, exclusive of principal nnd
premium on public debt, $270,559,095 01 ;
for premium on bonds purchased, $1,058,
700 00 ; for redemption of tliijpubllo debt.
$99,015 310; total, $IC;;.013.C20 30; total
net disbursement', 377,-178,21021; balance
In treasury, .luno .'10. 1872, $103,501,350,04.
Total, $484,OI2,5ii;l 15. From tlio foregoing
stiileiueut it appeals that tho net reduction
of 'lie principal of the debt during tho Uscal
year ending, Tune 30. 1872, was $99,000,
253 51. Thu t-ouicc of reduction is as .fol
lows : Net ordinary receipts during tho
year,$30l,09l,220 91 ; not ordinary oxpen
(Millies, Including Interest on public dobt,
$270,559.0901: difference. $91.131.535: add
I the amount oi receipts from premiums on
sales of gold In excess of premiums paid on
! bonds purchased, A.417.0S0 89: add
oi mo cau uniaiico at tlio
the year, accompanied with
1 1.'
to thu United Stales for villsf.utlon of all
claims rrfeiml to its coiiiidrratiou. Tills
ducUlim, happily, disposes ol'u long stand
ing illlliTrnce lH:lwren tin two Govern
ments, and, In roiiiieetlou with another
award niailu by thu German Kuiperor un
der rulcrouco to him by lliu xanio Tivnty,
avex thu two Goveriui.ents without n
slindow on I heir fl loudly relations, which
It Is my hlucuro lioiie may luruur mmalii
tfpiully utidoitdcd. Tho lenoil of tlio
agent of thu United Slates appointed to
Mtcod the Geneva Tribunal, ncciiupanicd
by pnitmijls of tho pnKeedlngs of tho ar
bitrators nrguiiii'iils ol compel of both
GoMinmeiits, nwaiil of tho Till) iiial mid
opinions given by the several aibltrators,
is traiiMiiltlcll hcni with. I have mused to
bu vouimUNkiited to thu heads of Urn three
irlciidly 1'oweu, who compiled with the
joint rfpict made to them under the
Treaty, the thanks of thu Government for
thu npiMihitmuul of iiibllrators ni.idoby
thciii rcspcitlug It, and al-o my Hunks to
thu emiiieut H'rsouages iiameil by them,
and 'ir.y ajiprtvlalliin of iho dignity, rti-tlciio-,
Imp.iitialiiy, mid great ability with
which they disdnrced their arduous mid
high functions, llcr Majesty's Govern
ment lias communicated to mo its appre
ciation by bur Majesty of tlM ability and
indefatigable. Industry displayed by Air.
Adams, tho arbltnitor named on tlio purl
of this Government, dm lug thu ptot ratted
lunulrles mid dKixdons of the Tribunal.
I cordially unite with ller Matc'ly in Ibis
appreciation. H is uue io iim ageuioi me
Ulllli'd Stated Inforu tlio Tribunal to re
con I my apprediitien of lliu marked ubll
ity, unwearied ipHtleucc, mid (hcpnidumv
and discretion wltlnvhlch lio h;w conduct
ed, the vcryrfsuotinlblo nid delicate duties
cutnutcd to him, as It is nKo due. to thu
.earned, mid eminent ixjmiscl wboalteiidud
fiMlYlbuiia on tho purl of Ibis Govern
luent, to txpru my kjumi of tho talent
nnd wisdom which they bitumht to Ujar in
tho nfgimicnt. nod iiinwi the uullioluip-
puy ItllUIVtl.l. II III IKJ inn iiukiiiiv III
Congress to provide for tlio dUtrlbutloii
among tliOHi yho may bo entitled to It, of
Uielr r!iectlvo bares ot the money to bo
paid. Althougli It Is not payable until a
(yoar IViuu ,thi dalo of (he a wind, It Is
oeeuied advUablu tliat no tlmo bo loit hi
Oakllig'tbn ptoptr iiixaiiilnatlou of tho
Mycral caes In which liideiuultleatioli
jniylxiduc. I aiiiHspieutly rcctiiumcud
Uio civatlon of a lluuU of (imuiUMqiicrs
flr dial purpose.
Till'. KAN Jt AN .M'l MION.
IW tlio tltlrty-lbuithurtlde ot tlio Treaty
itif Wasliliigton, the icsnoctUovliduiA or
tho UnlUxlJStato and of (lieat lliltnlii In
tludr construction of Iho 'Icrraty of Hie lOih
of June, JHT, iletlutuK tlielrlKmudniy line
betwren ilHlr rtptviln territories, won
.r.ubmlttiO to Uio arbitration of Ills .Majes
ty,' Uk), Kniperor ot; Gciiiiuuy, todedde
wlddi of tho claims was mutt hi iwvord
.anoa.wlth the tmo luvrireUtloii ol tho
yTrwMy oT,ltH0, .HWinaJiv-lylMiylng been
pleaavl tounduitako tlio arbltrAtlou. lws
(he cameit thauUsofthts Goveriiine'ul and
, tho ittople, oMIie, United States for (ho la
;bor, pains 'and enro which lu has deyotrd
to the consideration of this long Hndhig
dlflereuco. I h. cau-cd an expresloii of
my thanks to ho transmitted to Ills la
ity. Ur. Itancntrt tho ivprv-sentatlve of
IbUGowrnmrlit ut-ltillii, eomlucU'd the
.euQ mid prcuarvdi.tljo staicniciit.oii tlm
part of tboHlpltH States wjth'tlig ability
Uwt his iMttCNwItiM JustlHed tlw publio In
expecting m 14s hands. As av weinberl ot
. xaa t.jkouiei at we nsie oi ino in-.iiv wniui
'tel iavtn rbv-to toodlnwlouU'tweeit
M .K. S . I . . . - kB. ll . ' . '
thu lino were unable to ngivc. 1 reconi-
Icctci with croat
...l.l.ll.nt(.. It.. (I.. i ...m..!.. .. .... nJ .VL...1
. . j. . iiiiiintiiiiL, (., iiiu iicuiih'. .( iiiiiui (ii limn
menu iiiuappoiiiimcnioi a coiuiiunsioii io ,ioiu. ., fmi-i,iii In liUiniilmlim l l,.i.
e, .; "f YhV, inuii to'niilMMii '.,. ii ?".'Vr W! ,,'!ra! " Mrt'o'-
iieieriiiiiiaiion oi our
boundary alter tliu on
anil us K'liicmciii i
uiauco lo Iho ic-'n
points to tlio Impottanco
by natiiml objects or other iiieafciiremcuts,
thu actual line. L
ipihed by piirch.'
It Is honed, therefore
will losu no tlmo hi nrovldhnr lor tho mi
paid balance of Its debt to tlio United
States, which having originated In lujiuics
to Its citlens by tho Venezuela authori
ties, and having wen acknowledged pur-
lllrt tlla nt tlii iiAiiililiiWMimiittt nf tliA enn m
Is under- ,.,, "n.'T. ,"".'. W'X'. r,YV ,u K?. !
'that t ' sUltemcnt trcats Mi' r l,l principal of
mi- iiuuiiuueiiv uv uiu iiiuiiiiuv suiieiueni.
I. Ill lll.llllllllll lll.ll llllllllll" IIIIIIIM IIIS Mill. f.xi im u.a ! l.n
aiuiimeii '111111 oi ,f I... ,!, (!nt ,7. r.i. .-."" :""" '" " """.J' '.' ",vi ,""."
Liuiatoii of tcirlloir r 7i .'.... ...'.v"'.'",.Vr." ,,u,.1"" ,u Known iiinongnaiioii". would
'.. . .. llllllllll, LU MIL' UlIIL'Il II1UII- I1'l!llinil4 IW ..I.-. .i.wr.iHA.t.. j..ah .1..I.(a .- rt
V I IO0 OWIII!' II III- .'..i.-i.i.- .1 P"., .i." ,.'.- uiu iiuiuuni; uiu (icuii in ii
--rr ii!-i,r(iiiiu kiiii i ii ik. i(,d,i,iii., rum. .(, 1 - . (.....(..(
N' ri niivnrlllilnn 9. -t.-- ,,- --...--.-.. .....v.. . v ui llllll illlll CUIIllllCl. Ill a (line
orcsfibllshhiL' i; s t . , """""J jusi ucu coiiuiiuu iier tins sutijett Is again
l eiivu
of the public debt, which adds together the
principal and Interest duo and unpaid and
interest accured to date.aud deduct tho cash
lu tho Treasury. As recorded on tho day
sor otner ineaMircmeuis, ,,.., .nnt1.i,i.:pnllnlll. ,,., ! .,,,.i ii.t . . ,-"""s u
between tho tcnltoty ac- ,?$$ j JSV !"n "' Si "J "? "S, w ,u"y ,M ,,CC",etl tmwr'
iam fhim Itussl.1 anil tlieifo vmc'iuct Izens iviS JA,,'
.sloi.s of I ler llrltnnnlo Lu;:, KJ.1 ' C V.iM''u-i. . '?, ' . !.?!A u Our treaty relations with .1
seem to do-
rent m.iii-
rccoiiimeiided to
it'tktilsttiwitlmt tlwk miliinllnii tuna iMllA Rst4
Tin I inn I ViJ""V",.,. .""' ",v """"" "'" V"''"'i
-.-.- Ill, .,w
udjoiiiini: iiosmiss!
' " .(..
siajc-iy. ino region is iiow.o sjvirsoiy
occupied that no conllicllng lnlcrcstsof In
dlvldunls or ol Jurisdiction nro likely to in
terlero to tho delay or emlurrnssmcnt of
tho actual location nfthc line. If defeired
until population shall ontsr and occupy tho
tcnltoiy, foiiio trivial contests of nolghors
mnyacalii array the two Govcnnuents In
antagonism ; I, there, lore, recommend tho
countrynre made. The revolutionary con
unci in which ino ueiuiiDonni: ltepuuil
Tamil lvmnlii
mi nmoassy iromtnat inter-
i? iicniiiii e ---- o--- ----, j- ."".".:
luis ho long been Involve. Ini fn so.no do! '';, ! 5 ", "?!' !' ! J
anee. It IS j.ctMlr iniiiiovlilrd wltli' nnivpr for llm
l l'l0 oi or
ich mav bo
expected lor tlio present government, and
nu.,1 . u. .. .!!. . ..1 A l.t . .llf...l... ..
".""' ""; i - 'i.iw.lliyi:. 11,1-1 IiMih, ,,ii,-nvl l.wl will." ..n.inM fi
'.V". " VS,,1 S m " T. signRig of i invention In "thta wmtrr.'
. v .1' ' "M . "it wu isiiii'linlnii In flint illnrflnii ivnt ifidiAil
1 rim Miitniir frvnt'titttsnr umi ""."" -- -- .v.. .... .. ..vv
It Is honed, however, that tho intcrcliani'o
-..-.'... .'.. . . .. i
hecn iniido will eca-si. Tho nmccccdlniN '"'. "m.,"0., ..wnicn took piace (Hiring l neir
(hat tho acts of whlcli Ju-t complaint has
necii miiuo wi;i ceao. -i 110 proceccdiiigs
ol'the Commission under tho convention
vilh one Ihlit maV lio"apinbVd on Z'i.gS i X?0JZrZ"
,rt ofGn-at llrltaln, todetcrmluo the IS,E od ft otatai iffl
Ilinbelm-eiiourlerrHnry or Alaska and ' ' , fe, M "" ob?3' 5,,'!
Tin. iiMiian ijuniruix.
uu vssuuk-i n uw iiv ui loo in;iif muai
cvlriwu, ret u outrttniou imi( i-
enuftetit,' U10 Mtiilster to Great
I Mucesl..HUbwdetl ., ,ttrt, advatwai
we m im ifent ana reprcseutative.W wo
Govtniwent to preeent the ouo im to re
ceive tho award, he ha been sssovisted
In my last annual nie.s-cigu 1 nvom
mended tlm legislation necessary on the
Kirt ol tho Unltisl Stales, to bring Into op
eration tho article ol tho Treaty or Wash
ington, of May, 187), relating to tho llb
erlcs, and to oilier matters touching thu tv
latlous of tho Ulilted States towards tho
Ilrltlsh Noilli Amcrluiu ikwsoakIoiis, to be
eomo ojierntlve to soon as thu projier legis
lation should bo liad on tho jiart of Great
llrltaln and her possessions. That h-glsla-tlan,
on tho part of Great llrltaln iinif her
possessions, had not then been had, and
during tho i-essloii of Congress n quostlon
was iuIsinI, which, lor-a time, raised a
doubt whether any action by Congress in
tho direction Indicated would boeumo Im
liortant, a (juestlon whlcli lias since been
illsinicd of, and I havo received uOtlcetlial
tho Impeilal l'ailiauient and the Legisla
ture ot tlio provincial Government liavo
limned laws to can-y thu provisions of the
Treaty on tho mattrrs re I I red to into o
cratlou. I, tliereforc, n-commend your
enrlyudopthm of legislation in tho Mine
direction, to entry out the treaty on the
part of this Govci iiineut.
nit: NinniiwiT iiorsium.
The olut i;ommlslou for determining
tho boundary lino between tho United
States and tho Ilrltlsh infusions, between
the Ijiko of tho Woods mid tlio Itivky i
.Moiiutidus, has lieeii orguulml and on-1
teiHl ii ion Its work. It Is desirable that
me lorco ih uicivaM'ii, in oruer mat ine
iximplotiou of the survey and tlai
mlnatioii of the boundary lino may
koouernttouiieii io, ami to uuteiui, t
ma do Invostlimtlons on that snhlect. 'rhr-fr
report upon tlic subject will lio commuul
cat ml to you. Tlielr researches wcro nec
csMrlly liicomplcte. partly on account of
tlio limited appropriation undo by Con
gress. Mexico, on tho part of tint Gov
ernment, appointed n similar commission
to Investigate Hiomj outrages. It Is not
announced olllcially. but tho press oftliat
country Mate that thy fullest investigation
Is desired, and that tho co-operation of all
parties concerned Is invited to secure fbat
cud. I, therefore, recommend tliat n so
cial appropriation Iw niado at tho earliest
day practicable, to enable tho Commis
sioners on the art ot tho United States to
return to their labor, without delay.
,(U Is with regret that 1 have again (o an
nounce thu ttoiitluuauco of Iho dlsttirlicd
condition or the Island ol Cuba, and Hut
no advance toward the oadilcatlon of tho
discontented portion of tho population has
been made. While, the Insurrection lias
gained no Advantages, and exhibits no
more of the elements of power or of a'nros
peel of iiltimulu kiuvess tliati were exhibi
ted a year ago. Spain, on the other baud,
has not succeeded In Its repression, and tho
lwrtleststand nnnarently in the samo rela-
.M.'r l attitude w lilch they havcoccnnlca for
Vv bo " on ,lmo J"" 'VhU wntcst s lasted
1 rec- ,l0W '" oro than tbnr year. 'Were It
(iiiimend ib.it n siilllcientaiinroi.rlatlou lie '"""S '.' ." Mil ". ""' V r "gnuor iw .
. .,. , i wo migiii ov i Hiiucreni io us resuir; ai-
oi'ii mi-Fins- hki atioss .though liuinaiill' iv.dd not bo unmoved
With ftiuour'cHK ai.;; .!. & 0ft!tofi5 ?$
ten Miues, Kcrnuii). wiui wnosoiiouni-,..,., , )....... i (-mK, i. -, ,,,.,
. CAIIfeW " - " --.rf ' - ""I"".
stay 111 this country, has led ton mutual
appreciation or tho Interests which may bo
cxpcacii wncii mo revision oi mo treaty
shall bo undertaken. In this connection I
rouow my recommendation ot a year ago,
tliat toulvo Importance and add to thoclll-
ii,vi,vni,m?,.M.. . iy's...,T,.,'"",";'s".,r,!
.nay iaM, io iiiqiuru lino inu depredations
on tlio Texan frontier, liavo diligently
incut and in'Oiilowo b.no so many
of filciidililnaiul ko many common mniia
thlos. and tlio other Hiwers of Kuroio, our
relations are malutalued on tho most
Irlciidly terms.
iKInn, niv last annual messaru nil ex-
'chaiigo Im's Ik-cii iiudo of ratiricatlons ot
UIO IIVAIV Willi lliu vlllHnciluiipwiail r.lu-
plre, relating' to natiimllsullou ; also of a
treatv with thoUoruisu Kmplnv relating
to oolisulsaud tradoniarku, also of. a treaty
with Sweden ami Norway, relating to nat
nralUatioii, all of wbldi treaties have been
duly iirocktliued. i i "
. 'i.Mlii ml (Im lial -' hAvimm BUdM
an aiiproprlMloM to defray the wyksuso of
UC wiuutivivsrvia wit ftitsn tsii r w j-
Ud Suuntothe liiteruatlonal Sutlstlcall
strong IndiKvinent to a coutlmmtlon of
tin striie. A tcrrluio wrong Is lira natur
al rc-mlt of a terrible evil. The abolition
of klavery and tlio introduction of other re-
lonns in i no administration ol the tioveni
mont In Cuba cottld not invisibly fall to ad
vance tlio restoration ol order. ItU ospec
lally to be hoped, Uiut tlio present liberal
Government ot SiMln will voluntarily
I adopt this view. Tho law of cnundpatkui,
miiivii was parccu' inore uiaii two jears
since, lias l-emalued unexectitcd. In the
absence ot rrcuhtioiu, tbr ekiforeemeut, It
was Uit a feeble step toward etraucfoatfon,
but It was a recognition of the right, and
was. hailed as suehaml xhtblttd -Spain In
hawsoay withtha Mntlauas)i ehtiBtanUy
aiul justko, and In, syiptby. with other
powers of tlio Christian and the dtUUed
world. Within the past few weeks reguU-
pconleand secure to lis our sliara of tlio
commeivo destined to llow between these
nations and tho balance or trade of the
commercial world, an appropriation should
bo niado to support nt least four American
youths hi each ot tiiuso countries, to servo
as part of the oUlcial family of our Minis
ters. Our.Itcpreiciitatlve would then bo
placed upon an ounality with the repre
sentatives of Great Jlrllaiu and some other
xwcr. As now. our representatives hi
Japan nnd China have lo depend for tho In
terpretations and translations upoiiijntiycs
of thoso countries, wliokuowoiir language
Imperfectly, or procure lor, tho occasion
tho services of employees of foreign bust
noss liousu, or tho interpreters to other
foreign Ministers. , ,
I renew the recommendation ,mado on a
previous occasion for tho transfer to the
Department of tlw Interior, to which they
seem more appropriately to belong, o! nil
tlio powers and duties lu relation to territo
ry with which the Department of Stato Is
now charged by law or by custom.
Co6gress,'fi-om tho beginning ot tlie Gov
ernment, has wisely made provision for
tho relief of distressed seamen In foreign
ommtrics. No similar provision, however,
has hitherto been mado for tho relict of it
Irens In dlstresa abroad otbor.tlian seamen.
It Is understood to be customary Willi oili
er Goverraenu to nutlwrisw tlieir Consuls
to extend such relief to their dtitens or
sublecu lu extreme casus. -A similar nn-
tlieritvi niMl An-innnmnrlallmi In n-...U
Into ellect, are reoouiinended in the cose of
citizens of the United States destitnto or
sick under such circumstances. U is well
knowuthat our citizens resort-to foreign
countries In great numbers. 'Though most
or them are abio to bear tlio expensesjlnvi
dent to tho location, thcro arc some .who,
through accident or otlicrwlse, beoouic
penniless and have not friends at homo
able to succor them. l'crsons;iu this situ
ation iiuust-cither Dcrlsh. cast themsekes
Uipon tho charity ol foreigners, or be re
lieved at uic private cnargo or our owu of
4ts.iwhoiUsialy, own with tlio most
benevolent dispositions, have nothing to
wwu ;wi-ui puruuscs. onouiu ino au
Tho soiiico of this reduction is as
lollows: Reduction on principal nccouut.
i99.SOO.003 01; reduction on unpaid Inter
et nccouut, $3,430,957.55; total, $103,290,
950 50; reduction in aiih on linud, $2,740,
405 22; total, $10,511,191 2S; on tho ba
sis of tho last total, the statements show n
reduction or tho public debt from tho llrst
of .Maivh, 1809, to thu present tlmo, as fol
lows: 1'roin March 1, lk00, to March. 1,
1870. $87,317,828 II; from March 1, 1870,
to March 1. 1871. $117,S19,030 35; from
March 1, 1871, to Mardi 1. 1872, $01,M5,
318 94 ; Irom Mareh 1,1872, to November
1, 1872 (eight months;, $04,017,237 81; to
tal, f)03,090,9ro 87. With tho grcat;rc
ducttoii of taxation by nets ot Congress ,nt
Ita last session tho expenditures of tlio Gov
ernment in collecting tho' Revenue, will be
much reduced for (ho next.flscal year. '"It
It Is very doubtful, however, whetlicrfany
further reduction or so heavy a burthen
upon tlio pcoplo will bo practicable for the
present. At all events, ns a measure-of
jinnee to iiouiers or ino nation's ccrUllcates
of Indebtedness, I would recommend tliat
no legislation be had upon this subject un
less It bo to correct tho errors of omission
or commission in tho present laws until
suillclcnt tlmo has clamed to prove that It
can bo done and still Icavo sufficient Ave
nue to meet the current expenses of 'the
Government and pay the Interest on the
nubile debt and provide for tho stoking
fund established by law, Preservation 5r
our national credit Is of the highest Impor
tance. Next hi Importance to this comes
the solemn duty to prpvldo a' national cur
rency or llxed anil unvarying value, ins
compared wltlfgold.as soon as practica
ble, having duo regard tor tho Interests-ot
tho debt, or class and tlw vlsclssitudcav.ol
tradoand commcrce.'and convertible' Info
gold at par. "' "
Tho rejiortof tho Secretary ot War altevyn
the expenditure of tho War Department
for the llcnl year ending Juno 30, 1871,'to
lie $35,700,991182, nnd for tho fiscal -year
ending Jliue 30,1872, to bo $35,3G2,167 S,
showing a reduction lu favor of tho last
llscilyearot $127,83102. Tho estimates
for military appropriations lor the next
fiscal vear ending June 30, 1873. are $33,
1401,37876. Tho-oslhnatos of tlw Chief of
Kiifriuocrs are, submitted nope ratcly,, for
fortifications, forHverand harbor luiprove
menU, for public buildings and grounds,
mnl for-tho Washington miuftduct. 3,'he
nffalrs of tho FrcedMcnVi Bureau liavo all
been transferred to tho War Dcpartaeat,
and regulations will ho' put into, execution
for tlw speedy payment of bounty nnd
iwy due to ' colored soldlcrs-properlv oom-
lng under that Bureau. All warrauUifor
money and property Issued prior to 1871
havo been examined aiid transmit ted to the
Treasury for final settlement. Durlngdbc
fiscal year tliere lias been paid for tran--portatloii
Oiraliroailv$1.30000, ofwhlvh
$800,857 was over too PaclfloUallroad ; for
traiuportitlon by water.1 $020,373 52, and
by. stage,- $43,075 84, and lor tho puruhtysc
of transportation, animals .and wagons,
hire of teamsters, etc., $92-1,050 04. AJuopi.
$3,705 liave Hcen collected from Southern
railroads during tlio year, leaving about
$4,000,000 sturdue.;Tlw'QuarUriuser
lus examined and tnuunLMedtO; tlio aot
Ing ofi)cen for sctUemeaV3C7.173 73 of
clahua by Iqya clUzeiu fotQuarUrmaitar's
tborityandannrcriatlonasklforbeKiuii-Utof-dirJug1 the war-.Silsience.'sup-frtd,
MrajwWAUtakou tocarry.Oie nmnlfl-tpstoUi amount of90t,aT5vo!fi5i
uawa iNipi ww eaeu,aou mat it
wHtiiMt he uun3essarily ,or unworthily b.
wed. ,tJ.fJllai: rt ,r- r;
. tsxsauimmt,sKtjacnBact.
The money received and carried into
Mieata'tha luOUns.v'nM'juiniMl Vet-
eawa iBrjjnjroar are nwnwM
wiuie ami any-iour voiorea. nt oi