'-?? & ? vs ' ' t - v' 5b $2.50 per Year, in Advance. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBER!!. The date appearing after the printed uaaae on the paper I the date or the EXPIRATION ofanbaerlpllon. XIWI lljmEORAPH. Washington, Dec. 7. Tho follow-1 IDg 18 U synopsis Ul nil; iuuiui annual roport of tho boanl of Indian Com missioners: After three years work ing of thopeace policy tho Boanl llmls causo for congratulation. Their antic ipations of succes in the attempt to civilize tho tribes have boon so fur ful filled that now reasonable nssiinineoi of the object In view Is being rapidly attained, unci nearly live-sixths of tho , Indians of tho United States are now civilized or partly civilized. Varloui trauuuicm ueuiings, uiruugu uibi largo fortunes have been made, arc now nearly abandoned. Instead of paying for thirty-six per cent, more than is received, tho Government re ceives tho full amount of the money appropriated, and the Indian gets all ho is fairly entitled to. Tho Sioux and other tribes on the Northern Pa cific Railroad are generally well dis posed, Tho Indian Territory, with a smaller area than any of the other Territories, has a population exceed ing any other, with the exception of Now Mexico and Utah. It has more acres under cultivation than any other In tho United States. This, in effect, fully disposes of tho statement that there is considerable land idle, com- Sared to other portions of tho United tates. Tho board deems it a matter of congratulation that public opinion In the country is so rapidly developed into purposes ofjust lee and humanity. Philadelphia, Dec. 7. Tho mys. tery of Dover, Delaware, has been ex plained. Professor West was not kill ed. It now turns out that he killed a colored man whom ho hired tem porarily, and after the man was dead tho Professor cut his hands off. and than burned them his object belug to niako the authorities believe that the body was his, so that his wife could obtain tho iusurancc of $25,000 on nls life. He acknowledges that ho klUcd tho negro, but says it was in Bell-defense. Wvtlsnow injall. New Okleans, Dec. 0. Tho Fus ion members of tho Legislature assem bled at the Lyceum hall. They were In caucus this morning. Each mem ber, as he passed In, was served by tho Deputy United States Marshal with a copy of Durrel's restraining order. The Mechanics' Institute Is still In charge of the military. Sentinels guard the Stato officials. The mem bers of the Legislature recognized by Che Customhouse Board, and reporters, with their political friends, aro admit ted. Congressman Darrcl and ex Mayor Flanders aro on the floor of tho House, but the Senate is doubtful. Vizers, the old Clerk of the House, whoso duty it Is to call the roll, was arrested yesterday by a Deputy Mar anal, and has since been held a prls- Washington, Dec. 9. Packard the Uultcd States Marshal at New Orleans telegraphs to Attorney-General Will iams that tho Senate has at present twenty Republicans and eight Demo crats, and that tho House has fifty Republicans and fourteen Democrats. Tho Stato Supreme Court has sent Elmore, Warmouth'a usurping Judge of tho Eighteenth District Court, to jail for ten days and his clerk for five days.and has fined thorn $50 each. Tne House lias aaopieu me luuun- ! . . . .- ... ... lAtrAmnv ho nnrl In lirflhv.'imneaflh- ed, for high crimes and disdenieanors In office, committed against the con stitution and laws of the State. The Senate then declared Warmoth suspended until such time as the charges against nim can be tried and decided. . At the evening session R was resolv ed that a court of impeachment bo formed, and that Pinchbeck be nomi nated aa Governor. Washington, Dec. 1&-Webb has prepared an argument to be submitted to tho House committee oa appropria tion, la favor of a mall inh1P llnefrom 8an Francisco to Australia via Sandwich Island, He asks asab aMy ef $500,000 for carrylag the malls aa4 la supported by recossmendatloia SALEM, from tho Postmaster General. It is said Secretary Delano is to suit for Cuba soon, to bo absent one or two months. It Is hinted that he coes in a semi-official capacity, and at the suggestion of the President, who I wishes thorough information on the condition of affairs In tho Island, and expects to get itthrouph theSecrctary. ' Chicago, Deo. t). Further accounts ffom tho recent storm on the northern lakes show that It hos been one of the , iiiusi viuieiu ever Known, iui less than ten ichooners arc reported to he lost with all on board. A Canadian steamer Is fro7eu in on tho lake with fifty passengers on boanl. New Yoiik, Dee. 7. President Gra ham, of Walklll Hunk, gave ball this morning, and was released. The rumors on the street are that several leading bankers and merchants propose to call i mcctingoftheChum- Tiah nf fVim,iinfi.t in tnlm ttinnwttt-.ia against merchants and baukorsengag-1 ing with stock gamblers In locking up money for the purpose of depressing, business generally. S. N. Pike, a well known merchant, ' formerly of Cincinnati, died suddenly lit It lit fttflsi.i It tlitu itt ililtj nfrniiwiMi ? IS III? UllllU lit tiltn V.41J llltO HUVOIWUtl from apoplexy. Washington, Dec. 11. Senate. The bill passed to admit free of duty tho statues to commemorate the will ors who fell in tho Into war. A concurrent resolution with reganl to tho holiday recess was presented. Mr. Colo objected to Its considera tion, and It went over. Mr. Hitchcock Introduced a bill for tho removal to the Indian territory of certain Iudlans of Nebraska. House. Mr. Beck, from the Ways and Means Committee, reported adversely on the bill for the abatement of taxes on spirits destroyed by acci dents whilo in bond. Tabled. Washington, Dec. 0. Senate. Colo Introduced a bill providing that after Juno 30, 1874, it shall bo lawful to receive twenty per ccut. of customs dues In tho United States notes, and twenty per cent additional extra thereafter until 1877, when duties may bo paid in gold or United States notes. On motion of Stewart, the bill to define tho rights of miners and encour age tho dovelopmont of the mines was Indefinitely postponed. Sumner's joint resolution proposing An amendment to tho Constitution, confining tho Presidential term, was referred To Judiciary Commlttoe. Tho Free Speculation bill was post poned till Monday noxt. A motion to mako It tho sieclal order for that day being opposed, it was withdrawn. Tho Senate then weut into Execu tive session and soon after adjourned. House. Gallegos introduced a bill for tho eoustructlouf a military road in New Mexico. Banks introduced a bill to creato a Commission to award damages to claimants under the Geneva Arbitra tion. A resolution to adjourn from Dec. 20th to Jan. 0th was adopted.' Tho Speaker announced the select committee on the Centennial Celebra tion as follows: Kellev of Pennsylva nia, Dawes of Mass., Slay nurd of Ten., Sargent of Cal., Hawley of Conn., Havens of Mo., Cox of N. Y., Mar shall or lit,, anu itancocic oi Texas. Dec. 15. Senate. Hhermun report ed a bill to authorize the Secretary of tho Treasury to issue coupon bonds in exchange for registered bonds. Cameron reported a bill to author ize the President to release tho Empire of Japan fronvtho payment of tho In demnity due the United States under the convention of 1802. Tho Committee on Appropriations today beard the members of tho Dis trict Board of Public Works, and will report In favor of reimbursing them In the amount of $250,000 expended In Improvements In the vicinity of the public buildings since adjuururoent. Five crayloyees of tho Houso have died; one last night, Robert A. Mc pherson, of Pennsylvania. The number of appropriation bills Is fourteen. Three aro before the House, aed three more are to be reported be fore tho holiday recess. The Ctaamtttee oa Ways and Means had the' subject of the Syndicate be fore them to-day, bat will net bo like ly to come to any conclusion. House,- Bills war Introduced and ' -; f : - OREGON, DECEMBER referred authorizing Collectors to grant spcclul orders for unloading steamships at night; also establishing a uow scale of fees and salaries for custom house officers; repealing the bankruptcy act; repealing tne pcclal tax on retailers of tobacco: repealing the enforcement act; and abolishing the stamp duty on bank checks. Tho House resumed consideration of Cob urn's bill' introduced last session, to enable honorably discharged sol charged soldiers and their widows and orphans to secure homesteads, but it went oves. Tho Indian Appropriation bill was taken up. I John T. Croftou, of Ky., I- appoint-1 ed Minister to Bolivia. Charles Johnson, who murdered his wife, was hanged tills morning. Washington, Dec. I). A Chicago. politician, who has made application tor the governorship of a Territory, has ' uiwovercu tnai tne rresiueni inienus to adhere to hisannnuncad policy con cerning Territorial officers, and will till vacancies from Inhabitants of tho Territories. i A Washington dispatch pay that Due de Nollles, French Minister, lias inrormation mat mc present crisis will end peacfully. Thiers will bo sustained after making some conces sions. Blacqtio Bey, Turkish Minister here, received a letter from tho Finance Minister of Turkey asking a series of questions with reganl to Pacific rail roads, oonditlou, management, und their availability to the Mohamme dan commercial interest. The letter has boon referred to the Secretary of tho Interior and Blaquc Bey has pre pared an answer. Cincinnati, Dec. 8. Aseaflold on a building being added to the water works, fell this afternoon killing four men and wounding four more. At Tlcber's slaughter house, W. Wolf cut the heart of Valentine Dun nen In two with a butcher knife. Liq uor was the cause. Washington, Dee. 10. Tho com mittee appointed to inspect tho Min nesota division of tho Northern Pa cific Railroad report that tho road Is well located, tho grades light, the cm bankmonts and excavations within the requirements of tho law, the bal lasting well dono with gravel, tho rolling stock uniformly evcollent, and the engine houses and repair shops adequate. Its acceptanco Is recom mended. The President and Mrs. Grant, with Miss Nellie Grant, left Washington upon tho noon train for Philadelphia, to attend tho marriage of Miss Boric, nleco of ex-Socrcta-y Borle. Tho Pres ident will return to-morrow night. Columbia, S. C, Dec. 10. John J. Paterson was elected United Stales Seuator on the flit ballot. On motion of Mr. Shcllabargo, the Judiciary Committeo were iuttrnctcd to redorted whut powers Congress pos sessed to regulate commerce among Stater as reganls excessive chcrges by ml I road. In tho Senate M. Cole o He red u reso lution directing the Judjclary Com mitteo to inquire Into tho expediency of amending tho Constitution so as to Srovldo for the election of the Presl-ent,VIce-President and United States Senators by the people. Adapted. New York. Dec. 11. A motion to quash tlio indictment against Tweed was denied to-day by Judge Ingia hain. Inhank Asylum. Dr. Ellis, visit lug physician to the Insane Asylum under tho chnrgo of Dr. Hawthorno, makes his quarterly report, from which we compile tho following: Whole number of potlonts In tho Asylum August 30, 1872, 1G7; males, 119; females, 43; admitted during quarter ending November 30th, males, 5; females, 7; discharged dur ing same time, males, 0; females, G; died, males, 1; escaped, males, 1; re maining in tho Asylum on Novem ber 30ta, males. 117; females, CO, making a total of 1C7. m StrebimCaiw. These metropoli tan conveniences commenced regu lar trips In Portland on Monday lat. 14, 1872. The Indian Trouble. Ykeka, Dec. 0. J. A. Falrchllds, P. A. Dorrls, Nat Beswlck, and Kben Ball weht out Saturday to find Capt. Jack and Scur-fnccd Charley and to Induce tlicm to como in anil give themselves up. These parties do not believe that Charley and Jack had anything to do with killing tho set tlers, but that the Indians killing the settlers are a baud under an Indian known as Jim. Mrs. Boddy also said that It was Jim's party who killed her husband, Charley and Jack not being In tlm band. Jacksonville, Dec. o.-Mr Odenenl, Mipenniunueni oi inuiau Annus, arrived hero from tho Lake country last night. He reports the arrival lit tho Indian country of two companies of cavalry from Camp Warner, and says that the aggregate forco in the field, Including sorilo'Klamath Indi ans who have volunteered, Is about 250 men. The Indians aro uow being kept too busy by scouting parties to be nnie to commit any more uepreiiatious He sap? that within a week tho cam- JJ4SIil nil! 'V I'lKI'VllilU CVl IIVIUMIJ iitiiitn iiii ti iwuiwitr tii mt MirrtMiMuiv " that but a short timoenu clapso before the hostile baud of Modocs aro taken and the war ended. His terms nre unconditional surrender and punish ment of the murderers. Mr. Odcncal left for his headquarters at Salem this morulug. Ykeka, Dec. 10. From Dotcn and Alvauty, who arrived here last nfght from Hot Creek, wo learn that there wcro 25 men ami a few friendly Modoc Indians at Fatrchlld's ranch, waiting the return of Falrahlld, Dorris, Bes wlck, and Ball, who had gone With threo frloiidly Modocs to try nnd find Captain Jack and Scar-faceu Charley, anil get them to come In and go on tho reservation, They went entirely un armed, and many uro fearful that they are trusting too much to tho friendship of theso desperadoes; consequently considerable unxlvly is felt for their return. The courier who left hero Satunlay for Fort Klamath, if ho has no misfor tunes, should bo back to-morrow night when wo will have full details of the situation on Lost River. It Is hoped the greatest danger is over. Tho weather is dollghtful and every thing favoniblo for tho movement of troops. IX MKMORIAM. Rebeckah Dkgkee Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F., Dec. 3, 1872. Whekeah : It has pleased Uod lu ins inscrutable wisuom to remove from our midst by tho blighting hand of death, our beloved slsler, P. F. that wo deeply feel the severe loss which wo have sustained In tho untimely death of our sister who, though gone to her eternal home, yet still lives in tho hcartsof tho poor, tho sutlcring, and the orphan to whom she never turned a deaf car, nor a cold heart. Resolved, that wo tender our lioart folt sympathies to tho bereaved hus band and family, whoso lobs, though irreparable, and causing an aching void In 3agh heart, will recognize tho will of "111m who docth ull things well." Rcolved that tho Secretary bo directed to furnish a copy of thoso resolutions to tho afflicted family, und also to each of the Journals published In this city. olive H. England, Amanda A. Wiieklek, Sahak E. Muhhhv, Committee. Complete!. From good authority we learn that tho work on the canal and locks ut Oregon City is completed ho fur that boats can pass through on next Monday, tho 10th Instant. Tho company will not, however, permit vessels to pass through the locks and canal before the 20th. They will try the gates previous to that time by passing a scow through, and if all prove satisfactory throw them open to public travel. Herald. New Boat. The Willamette river Transportatron Co. Is actively engaged to building a steamer at jeortlaad for the upper Willamette trade. Volume IV. Number 43. From Eastern Orrgea. ANTHI.UPK VALLEY, WftSCOCO., Nov. 26, 1872. I En. Faumeu: No doubt many nro anxious to know how stock arc doing during tho pust and present storm. Snow commenced on tho 8th, falling half an Inch in depth, but disap peared on tho 0th. Snow fell again on tho 10th, continuing slowly until tho 12th. Weather turned clear and cold, with tho miow six inched tloop on n level, and so remaining untU in tiny timo and ,i, . vli mniin freezing at night, Miitil now wo havo two inches yet, but tho north hill sides aro bare. Tho stock have done fine, there not being snow sufficient to cover the uniw at any time. Oniss Is spring-green on tho hill sides, nnd tho stock ure fat. Butch- era from Portland and tho Sound aro plouty, us well as beef steers. Old residents of this country oxpect thU to bo tho hardest part of tho wintor: although tho storm lu soma parts of the .surrounding country has beon more suvoro, tho snow is deeper, nnd tho wind rages fiorcoly, forming groat drifts, thereby causing people) to gather thair cattlo to feed. On au nverngo, one nun out of twenty-five has n little hay, only enough to food through ono storm. Many aro driv ing their stock to this part now for grass, nnd horses aro being brought In bands for wintering hero in Ante lope. H. F. Asitnv. m m wiaomii. London, Dec. 0. A torrlblo wester ly galo throughout England yester day prostrated the telegraph wires and demolished many buildings in thU city. A large number of pedestrian were dashcifvlolently to tfio ground. Street lamps and signs were blown down. Injuring many. Eight ships were blown ashore at Plymoth. Tho flag-shin Narcissus parted her moor ings at Dovonport, and the gunnery ship Cambrldgo nnd three small mer chantmen lu the same harbor wero blown ashore; tne esows, however were rescued. Tho telegraph wires lu tho north of England uro not repaired. Dispatches from all other sections report great destruction of property. Tho galo wassovero in Wales and Ire land, accompanied by lightning and rain. Many towns wcro flooded and several vessels driven ashore. In tho hurlxir of Cork the damage was very great. Threo pinnacles of the tower of St. Thomas' Church wero blown down while tho congregation wero in It at worship, and falling on the roof crushed into body of the church. Tho congregation woro panic-stricken and rushed from tho building. No no woro killed, and their escape is regarded as miraculous. Tho Lebornlu, from Sunderland for New York went ashoru and was wrecked oft" Lowestoft, and tho crew barely escaped. Many huts used by tho trbbps at Aldershot were destroyod. Tho chapel of Orlof Col logo, Oxfonl University, was badly damaged. The freight depot of the Great Western Railway was entirely demolished. It Is now thought that the Ameri can creditors will uot lose seriously by ths failure of Jacobs Brothers of Ant werp, No intelligence vet of the. nihulnor ship Scandinavia, and it is Oared she has foundered. Tuk Doo Cass. In the case) of G. Gibson vs. C. K. Hoed, to recov er tho value or a dog killed by the defendant, tho I'jry returned a ver dict In favor or the plaintiff, assess ing tho damages at $00. Tho trial estabilsh.od the fact that docs aro propovty. The case was tried at the re-sent term of the Marton Circuit fcourt. , ", "