Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 07, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    wiei;a.mette ifr'meS.
Tke.lttrliei Fmt.
This, oho of the many places of re
sort of which California boasts, Is. sit
uated cm the main traveled road be
tween Callitoga and Bantu Rosa, 1
miles southwest of tho former and 11
miles northeast of the latter place.
Tho road from Callstogu Is mountain
ous and affords tho grandest of scenery,
ftrirly rivaling the Yosemlto. Tho
forest id owned by Charles Evans
nicknamed "Petrified Charlie"
and comprisei 150 acres of land, on
which tho only Improvements visible
conalts of three small frame buildings
and some fencing. Olio of thefce build
ings is used as n sort of headquarter
or refreshment stand, having a rustle
arbor attached, 'neath which is a table,
chairs, beeehe, etc., niTaiigi.il for the
accommodation of vNitors. The sec
ond building Is occupied by tho propri
etor, who acts n guide to pal tic-visiting
the place; and the third building
is Ubed as a stable. After receiving
his fee of llfty cent a head, the guide
leads the way and vra are soon in the
forest, which pier-enta a net-worl; of
trails leading to the most prominent
ofthe petrltled trees itml specimen,
tho met of them lying partially
burled in the c.irth, and not a few of
them protruding from tho mountain
Mde, into which they ran out of sight,
where tl ey haw probably bee.il Im
bedded for ages. The trees all lay
north and south, and are now only
partially exposed; but In another year
excavations will be mode about them,
so that a view of the whole tree may
be had. One large tree attracts much
attention because of It curious' com
position the bark being natural and
wooily as growing on timber, the
wood next the lurk petrified, and
through the center quart li formed,
brilliant and varlgatcd as of precious
stones, Another tice f-eenn to have
been burned to charcoal and W petrlll'
cd. There are a number of large tree
trunks, partially unearthed, measur
ing from ten to twelve feet in diame
tot, one of the number -nltl, by a
scientific gentleman, to bo THO year
old. Everything about the premises
gives evldenco of the volcanlo nature
of the country, and shows that a terri
fic, "MiaUc up" was had there noino
day. Mr. Evnns, the proprietor, it a
Swede, a Jolly old bachelor, and linn
spent a good share of his life on the
"Briny deep." Ho sot a high valua
tion on his place, is making a good
living, and feels confident that there
Is a fortune In store for him in his
pe trilled possession-.
i V.4 .
" ' TrfMswd llaln.
The inllucnee of the trees upon rain
and 1 thegcnc'ralmolsiitro,of theatmos
plicre, wjileh has be,qn nuVr'U dlocued
of lute, receives a strong Illustration
from the Island nfSntitn C'rur, West
Indies. A friend whoenv'ht the month
otVFubi-uiiVyi March iuul April last
upon the Island, inform?, me that
when he w,as there, tweiity'yea'ivi ago,
the.Iidand wts a garden of, freiluicss,
beauty undfertlllty;, woods covered the
hllls,tiveweri ovary "where abundant,
and' rains were profit-"nnd:fre(iurrit.
TIjo memory ,of Its Joyelhu-'-s oalleil
hiin thcro at the beginning of the
present year; wheiii to hl astonish
ment, hefo'imtl about one-third of the
island, which Isubouf 23 miles. mug.
uu utter ilccit. Thaforents and trees
generally had hceiiout away, rainfall
had ceacd, and a process o deMcca
tjon beginning at ouo.eud of tie laud
hod advanced gradually und, Irrufin
tlbly upon the lliiud, uiltll1 for seven
miles It' If dried uuiJcfolMe n.Vtlil'
seashoiy! Ifuuxca and Uum(hil plaii;
Utious. hayu been iibaudout'tlj nml. tlie
people watch tho advance of devolu
tion unable t) arrest Irj Miif hnmyhig
aVni'cof,ton "certainty the, 'lime v,ien
their own habitatIim"fitheir.-qardous
and fresh Holds will teooine'a""pH'V of
ttie'wasto. The whojrrtyijid Jfy'th?
dooniod to become Ojdejfllt.r Thtj.in
liauitaubihiiliavcvniid iny-1rlond:con-firms
their oplnlon,that thl ad result
isUfft'tb ' the.'aeStr,ucHbit otft W YrU
Upon tjjet yUltuid -o.m.t. ye,, , ao.tr
iJUVfcrrijVWoiWiVf)P'A(,'.' i -
i f t 'r ;.i.l.'. -,t?r:.f.-i tfrr "- '
''To Ski' vnA'frr't.roliT (in.vlx.'tto
tub Goon. A correspondent ofthe
Amtrfcan ; Aril .iromirtpTb, .the
rinsed, If tholight best, or It can be
dried for sowing, It will not hurt the
grain, if it is allowed to remain In the
lye. The grain should be spread so
that it will dry quick. This method
of treating grain not only removes
light weight, but destroys Imsects or
their eggs that may b in the grain.
For lighter grains make the lye less
We men are not fragments we are
wholes: we are not types of single
qualities we are realities of mixed,
various, counties' combinations.
Therefore T .ay to every man: As
far as you can partly for excellence
In yourspcclally mental calling, prln
pally for completion of your end in
existence strive while improving
your one talent to enrich your whole
capital as man. It is in this way that
you escape from that wretched narrow class duv coons mu an
mlndnes which Is the characteristic ( ALSO,
of every one who cultivate his special-, ..
ty alone. , jCarpetS,
In science, read by preference, the OilclothSj
newest work; in literature, the oiuost.
The classic literature Is always modern.
ttavinci ji'st liETunxKn rnoM TIIK
New York and Sim Francisco
Market, where all our flood m
Wc are enabled now to offer
To Unpeople of Halein and ildnlty. Our rtuck.
t011flt. A! CtlMl, of
A Choice Assortment
Ladies' Dress Goods
Of nrct tloi mill fjfliKin,
Shawls, Ribbons.
Laces, Kid Cloves,
An.l in fact cwrjthliw hclonelni; ti i ri!T-
or TMK
Fourth Yearf Publication,
Any prrron who choo tnajr cpllMt a ttuh of
aubacrlbcr. for arj m Iho iiamta and mmij by
rt'iildcrrd letter, ami rrcl the yn'mlum.
Tho rrrmlnmi) an- Intiudi-J for htie ruli-crltH'r,
hnt In elabt of ton one-half nnj- r oH oni-n.
Tablo of ProinlHaMU nr Itin
Von rlli VolMnar.
l New book revive and re-decorate old
Ideas; old books suggest and Invigor
ate new Ideas.
It Is a great preservative to a high
standard in taste and achievement to
tako every year some one great hook
as an especial study, not only to bo
read, but to be conned, studied, brood
ed over; to go into the country with it,
travel with it, bo devoted faithfully to
It, be without any other book for the I
time; compel yourself to read U again
and again. Who can bo dull enough
In ti:iM liiiiirihivs In tliitintimnto.elnse.
4 -"C1 - --- , 1
J Matting,
, Lace Curtains,
Window Shades, Etc.,
acJ c crj thliij portaliiluc to
House Furnishing Goods.
AUo, a anc ttocliof
(Urccrln tk1t llnotlmn ttt tfir" I
Alo, f iirtUI, n f j'.l Hock if
familiar lnter.-our.-'e with iome trans
ceutlant mind, and not feel the benellt
of It when he returns to tho common , v. .: t, ,, . r,..uo,i nr
I Ml,
tt 01
I V)
i ;
I eV
7 W
I fl
llut whatever staudanl of mental
evcellence youthusfonn in your study
of tho ovpoltont. ni'Vor. tf von wish. I
Ictyoiirf-tanilnnlniaktoul " "u:""
to any other defect but your own., ,tct,;,u, lh0 sr,m: ,..,., ttll, , ,.,
The surct sign of wisdom N eharltyj t , pnrCUM ih,irvnii.lk nt tl..-.toroof
aim tne ihhi cliantyis timt wnieii
never'ostentatlously parades Itself as,
ntinrtti Vai I'nliF Ifl.. nf n tntl nj'
" ".' " "
he ought to be, always look upward ;
but to Judge man as he Is, never nffi-ct
to stoop. Look your follow-men
straight in the face. Learn all you
possibly can, anil when you havo
learned that all, I repeat It, you will
never converse with any man who
does not know something worth
knowing better than yourself.-lluliccr. t
( 'on-1:1;. for reasons not revealed,
there ! a growing deterioration lncof-
For HiiNlnoHM.
H.winci j)i;cii)i:i to ins con ti n 1 1:
their lli'tall bti-lni'ii', otTer their entire mock
for nU AT COST.
To any one ultliln In isa In t!
Furniture Business,
TLI lin rarcchiuo-,
Tho Ftx.W mit ha tlvtd ly Octolcr lit. ami
lwlllbc.ld AT COST,
! DiwIiT.
I ..!..- .. . 1 ... .....I ...
fee from every s-ource of productlon.lt Is . IMTMtf indohtid io . re regretfully rniuMini
I probably tho pamocaiisc that dctcridr-t,''llla,,rt'',l'V'''!"ll,i , ,
ate, all fruits ami other. products, via., ' ""'" ' " ' u7iurc iiJiiJ!
coulliilng cultivation to constant kI- ifBi.Aiitfii.i-T
ectioiiN without variation. Ill' time,
like intermarrying cousins, thli in '
breeding. ruus out all yvgctoblu fqcl. "
The world li being relieved of worn "
put tea plants, by new growths in now '
Mill in India. That country Is going
very cxten?!Y.elj"totUc coflee cul
ture. Already we IliKjJn (r.nglijh
papers jimtie of India, eoHce .that ri-
vnl Mot-ha, JavA, and Jamalc:!.' Cof
fee In'Tntlla U heconilngMf Importaifl
arllch' of ngriculttib !n!l"e.port. In
thl southern counties of Cal., c'olri't
eifn be grown. We untlcrst:ind,,tliaT
i'thl" K domon'-t rated: find wcareaitir
ed that,' onee In bearing, the CofVe'c
trees demunil little cure and Insure
, large prolltKr
' rf$kr$Skfr ' '
Alltn'a (t.. V. Anu'tlcan Cattle
Allen'n (I.. IM Mural Archltrrtnrr. ..
Alk-n'o IK. LA Aurriran Varm Honk.
Allrii'a (It- !' and l F.) Ncn Amrrlraii
Farm Bonk t
Mlcn'i. (TI t. ) ll-avf uf DoiiiVftK-
AnlnnU I no
American Ulrd Fanilcr I t
Alnrrieni llof Ctiltnrltt (' Vri
American Wili-and Vcful l'laiit...,t 1 15
AtnoiM'r Country asilSnbnrluiiltiwri'i. 1 M
Archltcctnrc. Ur Cammlnw Miller I 1U CO
. lllrl'n.iTI'.. I'llli ... ll.Mt.l... I.ltal'
Art of S. V'IIIiir (Ili.ll.U.r. ' 1 K'1
IKiuIii.'mU' Kurjl L'tuuutui...,. ... I dtll
Hr-cW-Nrn Hmlcnf I'lnwera ... I '.V
Halt! rimwrll.ir.lcn Director) i IW
ltiM' 1 imllv Mlihoillinlcncr ' I il
ll.illcyOirOnn lllnln of the I'liltnl1 i
M ti-
lie incut riitilii'rcr'MMitipnlnn .. . .
llrliloniAii'it uiia- (larikncrV A-.UI-
Ilurr'- f'tulilca f Arnvrlca i
CaMucil'a Asrlcnltur.il Chcmli.il Ann!-
i hoi'.ton'ii r.r.tiM' llrocr'iiuUc
ColcV Vt'tcrlnari in
CupcUnil'a Country Ufi) (
Copleys Vl.iln nnj Omiiiicntal Alpli i
licit... i
Cr;icl. Shot. illulicr)
(hor.'a .MiVlol SukJtb.ui Anhllrtturc.
Cjriirntcr'a nml Joltur'a Hand Hook.
CartKiittraiiJ Jolnur. (II. llliulrlli....
( hi'inUlrriir Iho Kami. (Nlcholr)....
l.'lih'r-Makcr'a Manual , 1 Ut
l.nl l' (Km. II) Minlcrn Hour lloilur 1 W
imiiii ArDiviran laiun uiKior
Daua'a Muck .Manual
IMrivln'a Vnrlitlon of Animal nml
rum, iu'i.
Dead Miohur tnartuuirr Complete
lie Vou Market A'rl'tant
Downing' t'nilt and KrnltTrtc, New
hrflltluii. Detain, ll.lni.........
nonnlns' Ijinilc.ipe nanlcnlti ..
Duwnlii'a Cotta:;ii ltitldcnrc
Hontii llnr.ll K-mij ,
Dil llrt'lilt'H Vincyarif Culture. (Dr.
Warder.) , , ...
KlUollV Wii'tcrn Friilt.liruuvr'a (luldc
r.vcimra Prl.nol lloiire Anbltrcltirv
rleMV lV.lr Culture
frank Vorc-tcr' I'lrfit Spurt, mo.
Funk rorurlir r. li.li and 1 Dhlu. b
in., mi riKirailnc
1'r.mL. Korvntcr'a Manual (or iuin
rporimen. o...
Frank Cunter'a ltore and HorreniMi
rlilp. Not)Mi ... .,
Krenc h Kami DraliMe
Kullir'a Korert Tree I'ullurl.t
Knllcr'a drape Cnlturlrl
Kuller Smalt Frnll Cullnrlil
Fuller' Mnnlicrry Ciilturlfi ... ... (
KlaxCnltnru I
rultiui'i IV.nh Culture...
Parnilinr nr How
Klthln lu Aiuerlcan Water,
Klaai;' Kuroiican Vlnciard
Flint (CharU I.)ouUraiei. ,
Flint' MIUli Cm anil Dairy Fanuliii;
lluenoiion .MIIcIiIoh 75
(liiu, 1((hI n:ut Sad.l'e 1 m
(.eyelln- l'oultry llrorllnj; no
(ln;' llu riant (Iruw. iui
i.r.iy .iianuai ni iHaiiyjnti i.cpoii,
inl tul 4 id
flray' School and Field llooknl llotan)! a ;u
iiarncy iumi. uaiuniuiinini ami rrn
..'?.:.... ...v.-j'v- ;::::.... '"1"
iiniiip iii'i'vii" 1 111 'i 1 inn 111 tiLUiiU'ii,
Cloth ,
Harrlaon tlie l'1'....t
llcnileTvou' liurdcnlus for 1'rorlt . .
Heiulcr-on' I'rJdlcal i'lorlculture
Thojmaa' Kara laplamcnta and Ma
chinery. .-. 1.
Thoawoo'a ftood of AnlmaU....
Tla Maker nifrt
TqraUMltr'a Poaltry Book
Thcllnrac. (Stonchrnxo.) Xnllh cdl
Hon, Sro., m pace
The Mule. (KllryV..
Thomas' rrnlt Cntta rlt
Trappcr'a Oalde
Yaur.i iiourei anaiotiares.
3 00.
4 an
5 no;
t to
t W
1 UVI .
t a
1 6i,
't M
Wallacc'a American Tnittlni' lteclitrr.
Wallace' American Stnd Hook. Vol. 1 10 00,
n ardrr American romology
Warder' llcdi;cand Kcri:n'cn
Waring' Dralntnn riirl'mtllandllcilth
Waring' Klimeut-of Aelrulliirp
Tucker' llej-l.ler of Hural Atllr ...
Warltii; KarthCIocti .inrt rartntSfw
ae . 1
Yl..l.lT....Mi.. ll..H.ir. Im tn.i.kr
Hoiih. A -til" rh qnA'M NCltimc.l I
VI lllhosraiih liVitpa. In color 1 00(
Wheeler' llur.il flame I
Wheeler' Home lor the IVople
While' CMnherryCulttir.'
WoihIh ird'n (.oltiut and Vntm llonf
Wood:ird' Sulnil'iii irid Co.iulr)
WiiihtnnC ('titmtr ll.ime
WiMKiuanr (Inipo mid lloillci'Jtm.tli
tlnllillnc '
Wooalnard Nntional Aichltert ;
WrlKht' radical I'miltr) Kecp-r ...
Walion' Amerlrnn Homo Harden I
Willi'!' HnuMliuld Science
Vinitt and Spootif r on the ltore
Youattand Matllu cut. Jllle... 1.
Vi.tiif mi II... ITn
.1 1 Voiiitl ou Sheep
a -
Ai y of t'i" abi.e bool.-lll he f.irn.trd.M li
mall, poit-pild, 011 receipt of mMI!ier' price.
For a clnti of fJ.ir iilctllier. nt f J..V) cirli, hi
lrnipeof the l'Minrti Io the inciter up of tin
1 hlli.
Addrtr-. rAIMIKII OllUJJ, M.ile.
t W .1
U (V) 1?
J 10 ,
I Ml 'l
I El .1
t (1
1 on 1
1 a. 9 J
I iiw. to
t TR I'rtT
Standard Fruit Dryer,
100, 7
OM 10
8 HUI ft I
S t 4
Tl 9
1U I
in tv) n
1 3
11 en 10
son $
. '! I" 0
MX', fit)
It W' X
1 w.
1 w
1 Bnl
Wl ( -
1 M .1
1 m
3 Ml
i .11
I f
I fO
lUrherl' Uinta In Hourrkrcpcrt
nooper ihkik 01 r.ierrecn ,,
Idm Culture ...1 ......All
lluneraudTrapN'r t 1 1 UU 1
HarnrlhyVRraiierultiireaiiilWInMa ''
HallleliF Ancrlian HiiueCarpelilir"'
llav'a lntrrior Deenralor..
ilorruTralulnMadoUiar. (.lenuliiii).
Hiiiman'a (Impel ami Wlnr J. ......";. I
iactiyt'4 iauui 01 inn iiou-e ..
.lAopieV Manual of tho fianleii nml Farm
t tm" .
:t :t
V t W
..i... .f..,
I'pi. I t-eii...
IWI .1
i hi
. Yard..... I..,..
.TohllH0uN llotv rnn
JuIiuni)i)4 HoieOoipaUrcnr. .. ....... 1111" il
Juhn.Jii I'i a And II I e' .. . 1 i m '
Ji.liu.ion' AcrltullnriH!ticiullrv ....' 17V , ,
Iron Haater, Bread Roiatri
Dairy Hoater, 4o., J
c o ji h r n e i) r
n-etlil lineutleu of the agi", romhlnlnccliMr
00. durability and economy, nod cm lm appllf.
tiini;rc.itrr.ailM of purpnc,lhviniiy oficrUli
chine ektjni - I. 51
As a Fruit Dryor, ''
It land umitnlcsJ, ami If aeknnnlciliil ly afXi.i
tine men to (untalu lb.' onl; true prlmlirWa !y
drjlna: Dull, unil lnalmpl- In riiilrnrllnn mu
a mere (lilMal, onic iindrrt.ind an.l operate.) U4
At a Room Heater, " l)
. Tho WlfiUlff CjlfnilrT tni-.ntuti thiS")i;j'
lnltr the. curboli, anil pnulure runro henf thl.n
any other l.nmi 11 ileilce i I111.I1, Leny dUtittiulfi
hi Iho perfiiniled rhleld lu iluiihM ru' tilt iff,
air. ml) heat Inn. threi' or eiti tour loom
propetly ruuiierteil) ullli trr fu'l l..u not ran
Ihr ame rmmi cui h, hMtM to th, .im ' leinpc
aturcliyan rtuu,(r licalluc uppatntuailai ui.
untie ot Ihuraimillme It drtao all noyloujici
r. raiulna n nleaiakl and' le 1 1 f . ntmopfieroltii
eleii liiaperalure tlnwuKhout all iUcmiiiliuauUlt
In Iho fuinmrr tin.', while I olllns the ti 0 l.( It,
iiuklur loa. 1,1k lu: Iron, Aa. byn lnfll.v
llitrflt r-tirri.tilri t,T hunt iit fiirn.1 Inln T. .. j,.tl
tltW ihh Iho' hcnl I warn I) felt In lit rooW ""
lo!)itoir.i Ulenieiit
. iiriill-III
ift AiU 11lmr.1l
ileJiidUKtoiiC'allle ...i -i, ..,,.. ..,.r,l
,K llllllli;- on piieep, iHiui ,11,11 rniiiu)
.lmilna' on Iho IlnrinaiHthl-i DIcimv
llinp'I. iiulie.ip, inrdiiilii,. . ,,, ,
1 Imi'i-trotli ml Hi. Honey JW
t,t,uchai (,llo lu Itiilldn llol'llou'e .'
Mayliet ll'iotntnl uri IhHinr .. '
,iM(jbij JlliHUilnd llor Miuuxer,
Mi)lwW I'mlUnl lloolf.KivpIni; fm
llllinhi'for I'ncllcil H00I.' Klcplrr.' lor
Farmer ,, ,
i.'ll.UI l .ill .' . .n,,-.!, I .ri.-.llV,-i
. Mw)Mir O'niimiilua,
trK tRir- V Wj-fA&YvV i':Uk?
a white .ami carjy prluty tf vM
waxgrowif, termed Mummy NVJicai,
which, lr obtained from ngypt, wa
lfcfdinedly taKei'i to mat' country
Ib'iii T'nglaVd. Tlic- inr"l eomuiiiii
i I
"- Fanning Wills.
. iiirri.n'i. Ami rtuu hhi nhi id
I Mr..IUIo'N.ti cook 1V10L a.-.. 1.,,
Tho Best Seed Cleaner
tr''i'T'ATiiTi:n to f aWiH-.s' i's?'
kP&uiil of the orlcln of tlie no caffe'd
Mttmmy Wheat, xtak (hnt a' few iee'N -'", .' -Manurittn'iM by
were iilcfccliip when tin. linen' wrap- ,VAN ttrA'&NEn &. nQ.
Wngt" ,r,6tn
were "being.
anoli nVtrt?- ravr'rilltiiPllir'A Wininrk-
ttblc'tnsti)ce'o'tll Vredulltj'- of'pei-i
on. engaged In ngrkuHur.'v Tlie
t . I a J .
rtti l"s'Bife.rtWria'Haii ).A
ljt:oii.wf0(fitslio',tBaitr eiioiigh
ponr ottthe lye. Tile grain can bo
rv f. ,wA tinrvn-f nv rtri nriM?
liodyinaj; have Ifecjiuibalujed ,our U,UUU - .'' i'i -
orVe'oinlore orheatteanN, but a U,-i.'. ' -jft. .fSilw.i' aiiivnivn -3
lift1 7i'4''l5iJi,t 1 T i'li; o. ,l,o IlkllvnKX'.v SIHJlDLKli,
thcC Hrit niUt have bcell the growth . (Ilailw.ai rurnltatjiand bJdlair and mlrrorai
ou'ceHf',tefj'4on'u? ludi 'V.L",.li:r;;a.t'f1,W'1Hir.i' -1
WrtiutJi6Wlcaei1at'ar8iilvrHSwl .tw'T'sH. '"" i.-ini nvwi -i: . i:j
qSarfer oh. renfury!Bn.W(M A FFBirl'?W ...
Aprh fii-rt.;
Itv FMriunt llL;euiHMl .
, Mil, ithllorifc FikiI . ..I
1 Muhr "u lli Ur'c.Vluc
Mr Cnrnellii' Yninu Iloiuek. ir'1
Friend 1
i Norton' !i Irullflc A-llculture ... . .
, Norrl'FIli('alnmi.. ......
, ItLiuciifa Itjl.hlt Fancier ..,..,,., I.
(hiiTjimiTI'iiiir Acre dmli f
l'(i'l.iin A li'll'lc In tlm huly of Im,
I eCt . '
Fainter liiillder and VaruUlicr ... ...
1 trurv'i r-n.r mirj t iiimiy ... ,,, ..
I'armm on thi lto r ' . I
IVnlurou llort".,., , ,t)l
OnlnVjr Myrtfrte of Ilil-Kfi pliu .
'Jilfl? Ilmi. Jori.itDuu Sillllij t.'nttlu!
Julnii Money In Unl llanlvu. 7
i)iliiVlVrCiiltiir for I'roitt I.. .,.
llinl II11U1 ,. ,.,.. .,
tland'a Flower (hr Caiinr anl (Ijnteu .1
U-iir of, Hum Aflilr'r JSouad, n
'tl..earh ..",'.:.. .. ..",'ii'.....
toot.'ielt' Kbq Arrea, too Jliirh,
tumimodlo!...,-' '.?. U
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Aa a fcUothcj Dryor,,
niilAH NO ( o.MI'KTlTOK. m d iiunuitt kuea
Iliirt.lbtlH li Hi. lot aa ILc".-eje
p pv- ..,. w.
1 Smut u
lulled 11
ltl.rt(atrlnij Inwiltloll of the mJ
T t ..tk. IA- I l.'.ptH,,
.. UMIUU AjrMtJ,.,,,
;t . T.i iirlhilidiT nt tlil liiianlliiu. a 'nJ.ilUJ Vr
tl lu;il'itlile.itid wllhuiit rouipi iltlpu, ,
.1 . 'i 11 tj. i
,M1I,I.I.M-I(N IIAIvtll!. i KUIt .VANlIl'ACCI
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Kantian imii rn iiufir.iir . u
liixcrp' .Minioiurr rruinmrucn... ,, (,
b..-.i ... .a. a .i.ii..i,i.,b. i',.iia 1 . 1 - 1
uumi vitiirvu nnuiiiviuui tin, in
4l",?f!.'9),l!,,,""i,"iv if.t
ruiner uiiiii,iirturer. ..... 1 ,UI
Hcilkkar'a 1Ua4y Jlfikianr'arui U'J r r'J '
t' t S"i
tinimraT'ii MrtelAri C'a.m.-ntt'irtrt-.H. ,
tHrjaV-IUllWJJIil''tir)..-4.,V (H
8armor'JometIc l'oiiltryr..7....3.. S
nUiwrliiaiitewr'TenBuik:.f'.C;. r ft
rnmiwa ivnfn rvuwiiun.ii...,i
HtBwarfa-fthtli Atltilc Hoot..!!.!..
Tht Do;. 11; Dink. Majrh-ie and lint
'tor 4
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llrillti A.D,OTIIi:i:;.
Will III. I 1 .i.'illv to ll.lr aiH.nitn-. 1
iiinililn 'anil liiclliite It piopyj .
I - '
n 1011I.I puMWi iitiiiiiiif lttlmoi.kiltf.ii.
IliCli-at iltlien or()hlrt;liirllnin!1lllnilt,-Mfl'Y
i;aii, Ion j, utd othi r bUle. of It tulniiti ii
nil) Iniwtlrm of the ?. Mi ,1 the madilno mje
land 011 Itt.iiMii JIIISIIFJ'M. Il luti.fbu flu luc
erntlon Io he fu!v nppreiljt. , t , -q lil
T- .(X 7IIC -r !,J7 I
Boawell Heater and' -Dryer
,-, , r , 111 'r.it:,: ' )
, It (lailly Hhal nuiMauaiiil iKCikjii'iard'ri
li aiiy dry hnu'r Villi yon nia i,o!e luW W
In juit..ak 10J loliuya (.l.luplJuilll.iij of. Lli
rljlii. tueieH from air exaniliitlloii ora nliwij
iil cvirat aud wrllwnill ilirriliuntliiiitpciruaiin-
ori. u reoreiiieu .. i
TlHimla no Ilwelllii' lriii.,(1iii;rh. Hemlidrl
i'upl)clall. llutiloc I
I ajllaat ntiil m.l.l I In.
iH toiA)lj.iMriY'iiidiiutUuinj(iIiivluryuurKhcf
inn rn tr .nrnT n mi
HirV a rtjtn"iit'j
iif 1 r it (iii iiii'i"- 111111 iit I'lmin 11;
I, llutil 1 lli.lauraiit.il t)M(lt lllb'.nM
,t inr.llrahle. IK. fill Hli.l Drnrlulile. '
. IMtfft null L'eiuo iiini. J on iw itrptTiiuuy mwt
II 1 IU I All 1111 nniiiiiiv iuuiii
tat It la lMuMlblo In a rhort
uiiuati 1, lite .u''J.a,lli",l.,',. Sl.'J'W I VI.,)V MV!
rui, vet timpiT, rANii.i riur.iy. --
Mr'8'ereH (Uluia are icciiHit KyViu'r.1 lWil
witth'ldacea It lie) oft tbc ttar,h of k rlvaO'ill
u 1 t' . -., jlw ibiW
Theaubcrllir, hiilut; purthk.'il Hi" eitlualv
rlf hi for the Htat of Orcjroh, I now :miiijrarturt3i(
"yjfttff 'i'r VK t?1ltf ))-aM a
varltiy of ftrlea atui a niicMne lu oo.auiii can.b
amifuMa,!, a Jailti baTilJTo ,.pViT
Norll-lf Hi'-'n, (irT,i