2 WILLA-METTE FAEMEE. What Kind or Wool. Is Iicst for Oregon ('roum to Produce. I1V.IOIIN MIXXO. ..,. . . ..it .r.... i iit. ..T...t: i I....1 11 j4Ai.-v....j.. r-iinv uiu o,TOiii3iui;njry io w.c consumer u.iuimiujuiiiu wiw,:"uW "l " ", ti -i. .T.i.inh Ij lm-. iiilni) as the liner wool fabrics of former burglSeotland.- Tho geological has IMthat u"lc" J W? "u.ui; days. If is desirable Hint wo .should of thisraugeisporphyrltic.thobeautl- proVo tlif Choviot, n am j hnvn n. homo Mll.l.lv nf nil Ihn vnrtn. fill .nnlfHlF.iMn.itif!il.l. flinHlV.COVOr- WininClltS WJIIC11 HUM. uci ties and grades of wool required by ed with grasses torn-, wild thyme, our maimmctufers, mid I hopo that and other plants distinctive or trap; T in vic,w of tho growing demand and plan soil, rising to u height of two deficient supply of long, combing thousand to two thousand live liun wool, It will make special effort 'to dred feet; beyond and in contact jxiciici nun uraiicn oi .sneep-nus- witn mom is me ruggcn country ui mtulry. , tho heath, tho trtio habitat of tho Mr. Mudge, lido eonindssionor, .Wnckfaced or Jllghland sheep. (i -,.,i. ' Before tho middle of tho eighteenth T-i. -If. .. . , ! century tlio Cheviot sheep were I can only say to tho wool growers confined tothlsdistrict. Allttlolcss According "to JlrIIaycs, 5qur im portations of drcs.s:goo&sVmposed principally df combiiig-wool were, for jK0-W.3Tk,l )iil J, ilA(:Unr.Hlatilo . . r ...$1S,1?I.0I3 M-fi7.l'l,llyiiM,ofdecUtil valiio r 16..V'..',3W Our importations Jorcloth", for cor- (vVofa.icnare.Hnincor....."'. njam 'l,"d ngriculturlsts of this country than n hundred years ago attention vio-oraticcinroHatiiuuf. o,siu,oii i tlmt there Is ii field moro vast than was given to their amelioration, and Tliis Indicates Hint wo aro now I l,lt!,r imagination enn take in, in tho tho now Leicester blood was introdu- pcrhaps Imnortlnir hoarlv twice irti V?" V""""' A110 worstcci in mi-try. ceil. Tho infusion of this blood wn much in valuoof comhlng-wool fall lies, as wo aro of Hioso of eiotlilng wools, but it gives noindlnttiau as to what amount of the former class of raw wool is lmportodj'liut it must be now near or ulto as large, as the value of the Imported goods whleh American comblng-wool inuntifact . . j i... .."..It AltrMa Uowus woulUbcem una.-u . . . . . : , UUUJIli;" v ... I yet tne o.- JulmnnM whicr liave been iiiinoriu made, iiavo shown that the mixed Fall Plougfciag. Inferior to the native .itt.' i. m iJ-in't in ifa ndnntntion to a country of cold and humid mountains. -Wehnvo yct'to .-peak of the new claims of tliis raco to; ho nttontlon of sheep breeders, resulting from tho now demands of manufacture, and tho fields recently opened to sheep husbandry. . . , Tho washed wool of the Cheviot fiheop nvcrages aliout tlirco and u A correspondent asks If wo would recommend fall ploughing when it is wot say tho present month. in response, wo.sftyJtls always prefer able to plough land whon it is" drj' wlictlicr In full or spring, -When land is in ncondttlph which is known as "grcavy'ij nmoug farmers, it ought not.Un 'our opUiion,fto bo ploughed ill spring ; but wd have of ton ploughed lnml in ths fnll when water followed in fth'o'fuVrow. t the more eflleadoiH. as there's much lctt'on for regarding tho Lelcestcrs mil f'lmvlnts ns holonorillf' to the ........ I...... II... T ntnnuln. timn io If '111 OllfillO- oxl-tod before its amelioration by quite recently, I has been prlneipa Hakowell, prevailing In all tho conn-(Used for combing purposes, it trio-wiiMicdbvthoNorth Sea. These . finer than tho Cotswold wool, a 1 irV. 1., nnnti nnlmnl. Tt WHS formorl v used wholly as a clothing- scarcely injures it to do this in local, wool. iJIhco tho attention of broed- itics whero'it is likely to.freezoup era lias oecn uevutuu iu uiu miKuie properiicsof tho raco, tho wool has increased in icngin aim uhihuisucu It Is tho great branch which lins on gaged mo attention of tlio two gieat ost nations of Europe, Franco and Kngland, during tlio last ten year-. Croat extension of their manufactur ing industry has been in this branch in iimiiiiiuuMiru " - -' ine- r le-wu1- he bvt hejsor n hea. T neso , ner man mo .oiswwm i, ,....,,,. 11...J ,,., ,, r , MWW !'!"; V""' M.ce, moreover .re-embh. the Lelces-' can J, .ulvantageouMy ... Ixl w 1th 1 I , t g nnu...,i iVl in .I viiuiu luiuiiiiuii, nui ler-i in Kcnerai appearance, iieing iiiiKi ""l""K "', -- ..v... .a -' . r i ... 1 f 1 ...... i...i1Iai i.i i in I'Kii'wir l '! ill' 11 Jloro lately, and until )any is and up solid, or to freeze and thaw repeat eaiy uuruig run winior. if SUcn land is Mibsoilcd attho same tlino nil tho better. Time is every thing in spring. Ev. moro nttontlon to tin and lustre wool- ii growth of long without iiorns and I here I- a largo face- and leg-. tirers aro paying to foreign wool,nonntof thc,0 WOolsMio'w required ',,lTht' sMitt-j Aim Hiii IH....I llii.ii 11.....I iin.l ( T..u il... .. .. . I'll . . i 1 II V growers for tho wool they need, and ire doing all they can to encourage Hie production in their own country, as tho extracts front the Hitllcthi well -how: It will bo Interesting to agricultu ral readers to know the individual views of ,-omo of the loaders In tills department of tho woolen Industry, .uiti wo append omo extracts irom remarkH made atone of tho social re unions of tho Manufacturers' Av-od itfon, not only to .-how tho Import anco attributed bv these nrnctlcal men to growth of combing wool-, but to,show how prudently, while dwell ing uiMin this iHiint, they deprecate Hie abandonment of other branches of wool production. Mr. K. 11. Illirciow, tho ilrst i're-l-dent of tho Manufacturers' A dela tion, and who, more than any other, is entitled to the honor of tho con ception of tho iKillcy which has ,-o nupplly united tho wool growers and wool manufacturers, remarked as follows: Tint combing wool Indu-lry, and the coar-o and line grades of tho card wool Industry, have been allud 1 to, and n question arliesas to their relative iniportanco at the iire.-ent time. It Is well known that the card vvool Industry constitutes by far the nice ii for tho U.-e of tlio worntod inneliinurv of tills country, and we shall extend our manufacturp.s in thi- branch, pro- lll.diland race ulono ylded both wools and worsteds con- Dance. The number uiiuu imnor ino iosionngenro oi the timated bv Mr. novel imiem. Mr. .1. Wiley Kdmand-, the pro.v cut President of the Manufacturers1 Association, said: Tho Interests of wool groweri bo "having white application of the Cheviot wool, or a inivhirii of it. with lino merino wools now diffused In all' locertalnetothsbythcScoteh woollen .... . . . i I A.-l...u. l.nnlnil I., 4lin ulnrlilMh parts of Scotland, except mo rugged iiiniiuiiiciiirursimsieu iu my iiiuuvu lieath-covered districis fall plougmng should bo. Mast r our .sowed spring grain crops arc scedod t() late whon tho farmer falls to prepare tho ground' for,- tho (soed until spring. Tho earlier wheat, oafs. rvo. and lions nro cmt.n.i i.. Tim India nf flio Scnfi-li n-.sillluroS. . !. 11... 1...11 i," tek ehovlo Vis the coar6 M "",B.. "" .. "Jl":r... " ?... wp, ul...i... Hw. I f.ijlilnti ni' iinrtiirp nmircn clofllO f()Y I 1HIV1U HIV mjiniiii vi ,, x-..-.-fj "- . " enn find -ii-t(- bu- ne.-s and morning coMumos. in 18.j(i was es- .Stewart, In a mono t hunted iiy.wr. stewnrt, in a niono-'iweeu-, ami cnuviois l'l"'un"'nfilori1,,ffu,pi,1,,,IIMi win. i gram of he race published in tho fhovlot wool spun witlianilxturo of "ct tlilngnuoiiigcuual. With bar- v. . . .. , . -m it.. i 4 ...( ril.x 4.t1.!t.i I ln It Ij lint cr ao&aiimaI C Jrencli language, at u,iou,uuu. iu(nne uiiuiiosiynjswuui. 1""i:? nicot with the demand offa-hlou, ments ol our theinoiesoutherlycountlestheslteep.from this material aro liked lor not farms are commonly about L'.OOU acres' climates, and have become a demand in extent. In general only a small upon the continent. I-.ven tho man piu t of tho farm is cultivated, r.irely I ufacturcrs of Klbeuf, In France, so uieir nroiiuciioii 01 been compelled to lot wools, aiiiiotigii ley It Is not so essential. Some of Hio best crops of barloy wo over' grew wore .seeded on land ploughed in tho spring after tho soil an un drained stifT loam, with clay subsoil had got in condition to plough. nut ovon lor narioy wo prefer fall- . Jug iiitiinately connected with our, , ,ro than 5i) to loo acres, and 'that 'celebrated for tl .they aro subject to nil tlmt befalls us only for winter food Tor the sheep. Hue cloth, havo . ns manufacturer". Ono dllllcultv wo ai,....i i.i. .,,nt,.,. r,.n ., .i.n.. ' imn, Hm i'imv 1 . ...in. 1.. t. 11... .,..1.1...."".. . """ "-'-7 7i" ' "- iiiv.-r, ! ".w. -"::. '.": "..-:.' - r". hiiiuvhii mr imrioy nreior mil. .. .-. in un- m-i.iuiK-si 01 ft rurm or J.sui acres -u-ta u ng tUKiut mo complain iiiueriy 01 uio scarciiy j nInlli1w1 ilwl niwi t ,.,. ,f ,f : , " ml lor kowIh from i changes i m Hheep. The artificial food is and high price. In view of these l,Im B c wi mid then if it is to bo , and the dillerent require-, altogether stib-iiliarv to Hie natural fact-, it can scarcely bo doubted that seeded later, go over it with a two- it is suiipiied.iuo (icmaiuiiorcoar-cwooisiorcioiii-inorsccuiuvaiornnii stir tno surface just ncioro seeding. ft cu-tomers us to the MI ...... . ... ...I. .... ulvlfu ftllrl i.liiit.,..l..i.j .r ...i.l.. 4.. 1... " . .. r....t 1 ..11 ii ... 1" """ ' " "" unruly hiii-ui -iiuw, nun consists 01 1 ", lni'-'3 i "v unvij i tu"11" IllorOUCIHV firii-hcdtothein. Wo huvctn incut cultivated gra-es or the produce of lie, and for tlio production of such v irJ",, tho demand, and the changes i roqulr- tho wamp- , and the natural peren-' wools no race appears -o well lilted I J "0,ia' ed of us wo must lequiro of tho wool imissoA These Mieen havo tho as tho Choviot. . f,ioeis. ,,.,,, , faculty of obtaining their food, even, Tho newflelds for sheep liu-bandry, Tin: Pi It IS tllli; lllllL IL 11 lltll 11 111W Vl.'ir ...It.... II... 1 I ...l ...111. .. ,,.l,l.1. mil. II. 1 .illfitill.n li.u mmi I since wo culled on the wool growers ,now, bv -cranlnir to furnish us the finest wool-, because with their feet, am nubile awnv the snow recently called, comiirlnini: Hie vast I I thev prefer the natural pastures between tho Mis-1 ....... .....,......,... .,. ..., ,,uin iiauiriu loon, tuns outiiincd. to dry soun Hivernuutno l'nciuc coast, tne were in demiiud by our customer; provender, i'rotectcd by their clo-oi valleys and plains bordering upon but now all this has changed from ilcece, which prevents the penetra- Hie great Sierra Nevada, whero tlio the changes of fashion, nni tho pre- lion of rain and .-now, thev bear witli dried grasses, becoming perfectly out demand is argely fortheooar-er comparative Impunity the -terms of cured uncut liny, furnish perpetual ool-for the staple that makes ho tho.S-ottl-h liill-. They need shelter resources for winter grazing, and N'otcli tweed and other cloths that mii. r.-,.i,. n... ,i..:..i.,,. !.,..... . I..-..., ,e'.. i... in..,.,,. r...ij r. nr.. i-ir,i. ,(!. ."...T ...I.I IIIU llll llli: .-llllll. ,11111117. JJl ....... ..VJIIIUIIt .,t LIIU til... LI. LUU predominate in tho fashions of the day. The llckleiie-snf the demand ilitf 1111L1 i311lll ;11I1JI17 which me often of terrible -everity, me 1110-1 common .-iieiteriieing a cir cular wall, without coverlmr. of -lx nanckr prints a tabular statement of miles of road controlled-" by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, either by loaso or by owner ship of 11 majority of tho stock. Tho li-t embraces slxty-threo railroads, Including thoso now being construct ed. Theso nro nil mado tributary to tho main lino from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, and their tormlui aro dis-' trlbuted in nearly every Statoln tho Cheviot nice. If mutton production . J ' T 1 I V .--'-.- - . . - wwmwmtwwt - . . Ml IIIIIM1I III,' llllll I'l 11 I I I I lllll k II II I 1 I I Wl I II If II III 1 I 111 I II I I lllllllllllll III llllkl PIHFinil I lit) Inrrrniiiitirl itriili.il.tif fi.... lfl1LJ i.f l. I lu lltttclrn tiwl fii iiiifviuinlom... .w .1 ..t .-." ,i,,-,," "vni0k-i ,,;.: 4 . V. " -" :.b'"" "" iiiMi I'm 11 inwinuiM luiifi iiii-)im 1 iu ' ' '""-' j VM'vin'iiir 4-ti I'll I'M ll'llli WllliiUtr titfiti nf 1 v ' i imvinr r rm Itl 'trii rt f lintl.rnt. .-' - 1 . " . . .. I . . j". . rf " ... ... Ill, IIMIIWIIk lUtLlllli III -!l. .1 1a .U I) IIUtlll.1 Ul lliu lllllll- '. . . .. .. . . .vnoio; and 01 mat tlio extreme lino luaniiiacrer 01 ure-s good-, u iiiw-feetin height, with a xlmple aperturo tcntion on account of Its hardness! Ln,on' including tho Union, Cen urado forms only a -ma 1 per. tngti. , been, until very recently, our aim to foradmi-sion of tlio animals Their and working qualities. If tho cost tml, and Union Pacifies, tho total cx- iiiub, areol the ength to fit them or transporting llvo sheep by railroad , tent of lines will bo nearly 15,000 for travelling and enable them to from tho ba-oof the mountains to1 tll0l ,,,,.1 Mm onmi o.wia r p.i-s over bogs and -nows which n tho Chicago market-as given by IM,,?.!, ," "' ln4 ,e,ran "BSrefiaw of shorter legged animal could not pen- Latham, 75 cents per animal is not ,cal'i,al '"vested In. them will bo at Mlftlfit Mi I .in. . .. 41... n..4f..A lliitnfitti.il Al.n 0..ni,.i. ,...!... Irt.i.t CllTll nnn ikAil Dn.-t.lAi. H.n .- " ..... . . . .:.- 1 -mv & iii'iiu .-an liiii iiiiliht iuiml-i vMiiiiULUAit iiiu ni'imrii .sv.siiiii . vi. ofi w.uviiF.innF. jbi;?iiuiti Liiuau.t V h'avo to imimi imh teouKr ics "Keiiieiit of tljc.-o sheep in tho of breeding upon the iiiountafns for tliere aro M miles of canals and a to Hi .. dmi So h,o I li "iiT, 'in'li lml of .1M1,tal,n '.'"V.10 W1" h,ttcn,l!8; "I'0!1 .'I1? ridu-,,r '-V"13 r n of f"r steamships now building quirelnrgo.-,,1pplyorthel,.ng,har,l, KiS P-o en irelv &d o K L.r ,, , ., WL0!LS)Kh t'oiiinmg-woois Attuciire-eutiime iii.i,iiu.fiv..r 11. .. ;..A .. .. '. ". "'' "" "Ul """" ".V..V..:,. """" "V "".".'.,'"""'J:! 11 1.. 11... 1...... n 1. 1.... .. ...., .I.... -..--.... .,. Illk 1(, i'ho combing wool industry, as has icon .stated, has recently assumed 'oiislderablo iiiiporlauce. Tim prin cipal hindrance to tho further r.ipld extension of Hits brunch of manii I'acluro Is Hie limited supply of raw iiuterial. Clothing wooih, or can! vools, us they aiu sometimes called, .iro produced In .superabundance tho world over, while there iiidcficicn y of loiyj combing wools. There in nothing that would give such an im netiis to the manufacture of worstqd ihrlc4 In this country as a full nip ply of homu-growu long combing wool. Could our faruiors-esiiecially til tno Atiautii' .-lope, near larire ....i.i, ..11.., .-i. iviviiu,,! nui nun bring out our delaine fabrics -o that they .should be -oft to handle, and in liiil-li to imitate the all-wool French merlnoes. Now, as tlio fashion I-, many siyies 01 ine-o goods must lie shall very .-0011 Unci tho clothlne- . : ...'.. . - - . ... - .: lowii-, wuere tueir mutton would wool maiiuiactiirers c hid ready niIo hu Induced to en- wool. Then tlio farme gage more extensively in tho produc tion 01 mien wools, 1 11111 sure tliey would find it 11 source of immediate and permanent profit. It would iriVo lo a; national bouetlt, not only by furnishing tlio raw material for an important branch of manufacture, but by Hiinplylnir a much needed ar- tlclo of food. Il Is Hie growing of 1110 long comuiug wool aim lis man ufacture which have contributed m largely to the prosperity of Kngland. Hie tlilrty millions of sheep which sho HUpiKirts aro mainly such as pro duce this description f wool. Tho valuoof tho worsted muuufact tiro in J-higlaud, in 18-riT, was e 1 8,000, -K (or JO.iXKl.OOO). Hluco that time it hns largely increa-ed. In lSiJl, bo--ides supplying the wants of the people, i-ho exported fabrics to the value of xM(!,(KH),lHM(or SlMKHI,(MMI). In tho town of llradftird alone, tho worsted manufacture Increased in value from 8,000,000 in iSil, to cia, 000,000 In IKW. To Franco, as well .is to Kngland, tho worsted maiiufjct ure Id un iiti)Hrtunt soureo of wealth. nuriug my recent visit' to itoubalx, couracemuiit to itnMlucu tho be.st wool-, but at present there Is a .-ur- tlio ciotliini: foiwi.-n,,. 1.,,i,Va ,r ii.7. .....V; .." -"'""' sneep iniu can supiwrt ailing .for lino , COuld not maintain one-fourth n.irt """"'elves under such conditions as Twniiiiui en- of tlio pre-ent number-." "ere de-c de-cribed, certainly dc-erves The Choviot". althounh bred In tlio attention of thoso who intend to plus of lino wools grown in tho world, P,rely pastoral regions aro grown pur-no sheep husbandry in any part and they command a low prico com-. l'lhiuirlly for mutton. Tito breeder ! of tho Columbia valley, and I funcv .,.,i,..1ii.ii,..,....i..... t In tho mountains. Iiowevor. niroiv - sj wu.y ,.,.... 1, ., 1 1 111 iiMin-i Qllllill.'. j1uii- i... 11 -,--------,-....., ra'tJ mtol "7? vl"o on the II ilnd the fine T1,0-v Mro 1"rno(I vor, at difrerent rouh kcn ranges that aro pared turo to siy that it will ...,..., I...A,... ...n , I...II 11... 1 11... n.... viu-i wiiini ti .-nun nun iiiu inn;, , ,.. ..,.;'. ."."""i,;-i ... . . D " winds of tho country in demand ng ldmeront districts to bo fat-'yet to be occupied on tho mountains again. At pre wools are in reuue: KSiwZZZZ: l W WnSitonr in tho of linpvtag the breed with a cross rativeoi ourranrlc-, wools of this country crease, ana we nro 1 receive them from fmni flavmirl nuil doubt not that, with the nre-ent t'ls ur0 "m, amb-, and tho re-t fOWK individuals In ono corporation, fa 'view of tho vast political powers 1 which could bo wielded by a combi: natieit 01 tno major portion or ui railroad interest of tho Unitod States., this is a significant fact In acom-o merclal point of vlow, It is also vrc- thy of uoto that all tho transconti nental roods will bo controlled in Philadelphia. Prairte Ibrmer. i cuuiurv 111 iicmiliui ,"- , , ""., , -i , ... wv. .hi- -. ... v,i un iiiu iiiuuiiuiiiis "IAr ?b!RK ! lands1., ! J oweS:rrIeher,,,:L , ."!"!do .f lho Wilhunetto vl- No Fi:nces.- Fences," says tta SS , 1 !i . 1 .i-i.... X AVIien fattened, their mutton is hold "?: l uo."ot "ecm tl10 oxporlmout I mi county Courier, "ate a peculiar ,.,-. ...... ,iiii.i,uviii , 4... .l,l ...4 if... -m .. ? Ill HtnCAt tWftlin 1,M.l ...111. ill nwii LxtiiiknKia.... ! . il. .. 1.. ul j. L7n..ii. ix .. . . , The coinblnir ""- ."ui"""" uiiuei uie iiicrca-o ouiu iown as at all conclu , ii... i.r 01 a nocK 01 a ti.oii-i.uii lioiui 1 sniii iv. , ..i..,. . . " " I"-' "I- ,lu i,,,,,. fii, .11,.::: .v," ,".. ""w ,,a "k'h possuao success ''SS'M.Som "reed-, the merinos for Mi-n.r.1,,. ',i 1 from 1.10 to. ..V). of which thrco-miurt. "st"ce. ftimuhif, their pnxluctlon will bo',Youngewe-; with i;l(lto lWoldewCA abundant In a very few year-. l "V .l5uU," ,wl,,h lho wiwhed fleece, It will bo noticed hero tlmt Atr ""k tho wliolo return of tho flock. 11 will no noiitd iieio that Mr. j tho north of Scotland Hio lambs Hon to PrcsmcFi'nrc Posts. A corresnondont nf tun uvui.,..,. a. , , .. . V .'.. .-vv,li,ii. IIIU 111111111 .. " ..w ir l.'lll II i-.uiim.iM4 speaks in no aimve e- nro kept till 1 tlirco years old, and are "'" says: "Take boiled linseed I Illinois is said to havo moro fencing American institution, tho result of tliriftlcssncssnndinattention to econ omy. Whon they aro eroded and understood to bo for no oUiorpurposo to enclose and restrain cattle not to'1 oxcludo them, a great advanco will havo been mado in civilization. A narrow path serves to divide farms" in Franco, Germany and Holland. tract ofcoai-so wool lioing In demand, then old to be fattened. oil and .Mir In pulverized charcoal to un., mi mmi n ,cr. tms coar.se ..it". ni.'niiiiiTp-oi()oiuuiaigaios tno consistency of paint Pntm wool I- placed by Mr. llaye-as third, , "wlily with tlmt of the Leicester-, of tlh ovcr th tiH bor ,i .1,?, ' !'::v1!t::..'- Ss4SrVSJSi: i---?" - "t "". w.w. Mv(iuKUUMirNliTnoi inocicftcont. tuo wroucii. 1 uibcovcrcd nianv 1 saw oviuences 01 material pro-por- iiueiuuiu unireKou wooi growers out nun- cmiuoyeu aro tno puro j.eices- years ago that wood enuiii i. .n.i Hy, such us 1 had rarely ,-eeu bufuro. for tho characteristics of the breed r ,ri'Y". ""d tho progeny is super- tolastlomror Hnnimi, i, ,.. . tsiKipulation, then 7il.(kK, had doub. of jlwl whlch produces it Mr io1, '"'i wolght of wool, and tend- .,,,,, i'?, J. ll,thBrowlMl' led during tho precedlnir ten vears ,1 . ' . V.. . ., . 1 . ency to fatten to tho native Cheviot l,ut "oBt Hio process so simple -a,OtK)orthemlK.liigeiiiployidl-Haics,son,is,"inl da: The lambs of this den-ent are some- '""' luoxpenslvo that it was not rectly or Indlnvtly in the inuiiufact-l There Is another ela-s of wwtlsoo- times fed until they are -hearting-, worth whilo to mako anv stir n, uri, til wiimii'ii .siiiiiN. 1 iiiii.viiiK 11 iiiciiiiiii ii.ii-vii iuiiiiiiiilt" uuu iiuw I'ltu iiu riMiii(nii hm iiit nu 11 i ... .::. . .. . :. ... ... 1 have htutcd that tho .lntliliur wools am produced lu Miperabuuir tncc. 1 otiulit to have executed tlu very lino wools, the prtKluctlon of which j rumor uccrouMUg tnan in creiisiiitf in all wool growing i-oun-tries. One reu.sou for this uecroa-o is that it is les profitable to raise Hum tho coarser grades; another Is that tho fashions and tho times havo clumged. Instead of flue wool fttbries mnwy pooitlo now wenr court wool fabric. IWrovemenU In the Jprtf cttM of mahufWeturv havi wbl4 nuMUflichirer to make- from the coarser tlbro certain fabrics which ami clothing wool-, or adapted to the parent Lotee.,tors, and not much !!' ,u,us,nnnvo poplar, bass .sjwclal falirics both of worcted and. Inferior lu weight: and they can al-.i . . . ' nr lunki"g nsh as any other 111111 i-iuui, which in viimt hi uiv tit.- iti i.ii-cu iu iimuuuy uniiei' IOSS lav- """ "i liiiioor jor lenco lKXStS 1 veiopmoius 01 sneeii nii-iKiiiury unti oniuiecon uuonsoi sou and herbage. "'ve taken out busswood . Bft woof mAtiiifiicttiro n this eountrv 1T10 bonelt. lnnvnvnr. I w.l.l ,A..i i .'wooa Ps after deserves moro attention than it has; with tho first cross Mr. l.owo u n . h mi !?1 Heveu J'w, that iliattliort Minnot lu u iiuestlon thai ":'" '" souim wnen lur L-ciienu cuiiivaiinn ana tempestuous eo ...w ..v..v. uivm 1 i.uii.iiihi. inninnAk. ... .k. m. than nil tlio Gorman speaking coun tries of Europe, nnd a single county,( in tlio Stato of Now York, moro than than nil France. To an oyo unaccus tomed to thorn, they aro unsightly, and mar tho finest landscape This is particularly manifest to persons from tho city. It is generally long boforo they becomo oblivious to their disfiguring effect, and tho annoyance nndiiiconvoniciico they occasion." "- yet received. These aro tho wools of (ho Choviot sheep, so extensively bred in Scotland in place of the old Highland breed, una which supply Hio chiof revenue of the vast estates of the nohlo families of llrcadidbaae, Anryle, Athol, and HutheruuxL. - TmiMtRieofthiaracelsderlvwlfrom the mountains of Cheviot, county of Northumberland token up as ivatlon.in thehigh',w,ho" t I"t into the ground, s countries to which 'Time and weather soein to havo no mvshouldlioprcrvcHlinltsniuvoinZw J . , ltlf P09" can juirlto. lW inlxture of strung SntW (Z &t? thV .two Uootf has been fopnd to lessen the SSdVi0 Hovo " tbJs is character of hardlmvu. whi.i, k it in ik I flllttttlivillahln. Al.atan.A t il. , Kngland, ' The lutlfuf brTetl of the "fclSh ! weuTSSffibSftSS KU1U nV IM Ki.4 .- f ." 7 0 mitnn r!." "". imln.nt t ; ;MMc,s.fl?yi i the Boston- OitioiN ok the Word In tho seventh century, a pious monk, known as St Botolph, found ed a church at a placo callea Y-cean-ho, on tho English coast, LuwouOo. The town which grew up arouiM was caUe4,Botolph'.sTown, contact ed lntaBot.nlBli3.tAn. notS-tei -.,- VW . VWB finally Boston. It mi from WW' town ikrttluSRAv. JnhnCottoaCapW to AbmvJos, ixH gave the iJWft to the Miinrt in which he settled IQ . ... w.i tiHivimrcoai are applied. Aiassncnusetts.