Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 28, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    wiillmette: faemer.
Sr.(ir. Accident. TlioSttttoninn of Satur- Tlip f.iet has been established tills
div contain, the follow Inc : Mr. .lobn Gilbert season, beyond a doubt, that Eastern
who arrl.cil mcrhnd jcstcnlny nncrnoon, Orepoii, with Its soil and climate, Is
.Br1"rvi,eUr.ri.usr,,Is:rV!,.,s stia'iSJSffj
,.artlc.1Jornnlnol,lentorstasotnncl..0n. ,,oars, peaches plums, tint!
(l.tngcrotis tlun iigrecnii1e. I rlil.iy night, a", i poH) s weU ns ,,' nutrlnus
tltcy wcie rolling along, with pery nppe.ir buiieli gnu," every body has heard
mice of afoty, nt the foot of Myrtlo Creek of. ,
1IIII, o few miles fouth of ltoclMirp, the stage Mr. W. 'P. Smith, who lives ill
iraio a muIiIcii lureh nml out It went. ami Dry Gulfli. threo or four miles the
kisciiwh, mall, luggage, etc., were dcehlecl-1 other side of Fifteen Mile Creek,
raised this season four hundred and
llfty bushels of plump, white wheat
from n Held of nine aero.", and with
out Irrigation. This is nearly forty
nine bushels to the acre. The
ground was plowed about nlno ineli
es deep and the grain town in the
fore part of April. This is little the
best yield that lias oonio to our no
tice, yet, nearly all of our farmers
report excellent crops. This wo
think Is sulllcient evidence to any
practical farmer, that wheat can be
grown on our dry lands if the
ground is plowed deep and the grain
properly put in.
The Miction of country that can
raise Indian corn .successfully, Is ad
mitted by all practical men, tho
country to rale all kinds of fruit!'.
Certain portions of Wnico county
.seem to be particularly adapted to
raising this grain. Hood ltlvor Is
one, and tdl along tho various creeks
and rivers putting into tho Colum
bia river aro others. All of thco
localities will raise fruit of nil kinds
indigenous to the temperate zone
equal if not superior to that of any
raised in tho United States. Tills
fact has been established in tho city
of Portland, where our fruit hits
come in competition with that re
ceived from California. Mountaineer.
lyinlveil till. Tltoro were ten iaengers
niHunl besides the ilrler, three of the loroier
being l.idiei. '1 hodi her, a nun lunicil Sltn
on. recelictl Injuries from which It Is ipry
doubtful If he put rower", lilt .ionliler
was badly broken, and his loll iulc mwtvI
crushed, and it Is now feared that he has mi
talned internal Injuries of n erloit nature.
The ji i-'engers on the Inside nt the roach e
e.iiicil with lo.ss soilous results, but passco
gers were pretty thoroughly waked tip, Mr.
(llllici t was among the nuinlier who ei-cipcd.
Other eomo.winces were lurnMicd and the
parties proceeded In spite of the accident.
.Sir. (lllbcrt canto through from SMiil'mit
clseo in three ilaj s and six hours,
r.vi.vu.sj; Minks. Tho Id.thoblgn.il learns
that the mines are pa.xlng from six to ten dol
l.irs per dty with a rocker; that thcyare now
constructing a ditch, wlijeh will earrj IM
Inches of water, n as to supply scleral claims
at tho lower end of the gulch, which will
enable them to woik with sluices mi soon a
completed, w hen they w 111 h.uo good iv.isou,
for tho ch trader ot the diggings they tiro
now wot King with rockers, tn expect a leld
of from r:M to y.'Sil per tl.ty to tho hand. They
nbo line in eoiitiinpl.itlon a nittcli larger
illtcli to tiling water in nciiriiic iic.ui or I lie
gulch whli h will couth groat portion of the
Hook Dkuisimuv. The Oivgonl.tn mjs:
Then-pent (iononil Conlcielieo of the M. Y.,
Church, prolde.l by law for the establish
ment of a Hook Depository at Voitlaiul, Ore
gon. Tito Discipline of the church was
changed o as to conform to the facts In the
catr. .As no time, was lled upon for com
mencing this Depository, tho Agents at New
York, to whom tho (ienoral Conference com
mitted tho execution of its purpo-cs hau-.
niter looking the ground nil out, concluded
not to establish the Depository Immediately.
It will nodutibt bo etalilMiod In tho course
ol tho uel )ir.
rii'icwi:. A prisoner In lliu Jill nt Mlu-r
City, Idaho, committed ulclde on the night
of the Itlt In-it. Ills n.iino was Ch.ulcs
O'Doiiucll alias Thomas McN'nmar.i. lie had
liei-n Indicted for manslaughter and Imprison
ed but anerwartl was released on ball, when
lm Immediately acted so as to rxcito tho fears
of his bondsmen, and they lad him re-arrested
and put into Jail, nml the next afternoon
ho blew his brains out with a pistol which he
hid smuggled Into tho prison, lie was an
Irishman about lit jears of up1.
AcenncSTs, At I'umplirpy's list .s.ttur
day, a workman on tlm Cowlitz bridge,
named Titos. Cully, had his hand crushed by
a heavy timber; nml next iitornlug (Sunday)
nsXlc. AVaMi was iKissIng under miiiio part
of tho bridge, a wooden inAiil fell from the
framework, n distance of twenty-tlo leet, and
lupiiened to strike him u glancing blow on
the head, literally scalped him, peeling the
scalp ilia hanging flap oer his car. They
u-ro lioth attended by Dr. Donlcicy, and a re
getting along Kit oralily.
Heavy ltilx-sroiiM. The Idaho .--Igiul
says : " According to the Itolso State-nnii,
the fanners i.f that section hivesiilVensI hniy
losses of grain from tho lato rain-storm w hlcli
Isiteil tli.it country. It lasted tlto (U, nml
It Isi-stluiatned Ihitonc-lMlfortlioiinthnishcd
grain was p-pod to it in tho Held. No such
ruin ki) the Stutesin in, was ever known or
anticipated lit tint eountry. There Is more
stock there now than any pre lous year, anil
In ease of n hard Winter there will lm no
surplus grain,
Acciiiknt.ii.ly Siior. Sjj tlioUiegouiaii:
I.3t Thurday n boy naiiietl Thomas Con
nolly, residing In 1-ut l'ot Hand, was standing
on the depot platfliVin waiting for the train to
arrive Irom Salem, lie h.itl u pistol In his
pocket which he kept h milling nil thotitne.
The trigger suddenly rllpiicd ami the wntiioii
was discharged, tho ball entering tho thigh,
producing an ugly wound, lie was taken to
a drug store, whcie his wounds were dressed,
and from thence home.
T hk K.uit. The TIme s.ij s : l'roni nil we
e.ui lenrn tho rninln? ,lackou County Fair
will be ury largely nttetided, and an etrn
sbeeNhihttloiiof thevailoiis luthistrles nml
iiroducts of the count) will be exhibited,
VariH-rediblv lufortm-l that there will bo
several of our Douglas rntinty friends In nt
tciulauee. Xo jaiiis will lie sp.tnsl li the
ManaL-iTs to make it a gland sin cess.
lli-x.it irriiiNiirCo.Mifii.uvcE.At.i regular
liuxtlugof tho Olllicls mid teachers of the
11. I., r-.f. Iicld at tin
Nrnilltig long Wools.
Tho greatest fault that Is to be
found with tho Hocks of long-wool
sheep, as now bred, Is almost entire
nbcucc of uniformity of quality In
their wool. This matter has 'hith
erto escaped tho attention of breed
en) In their desiro to breed rather
for symmetry, quality or meat and
carliness of maturity. Hut In the
bands of Judicious breeders there is
no reason why a higher standard
of quality in ilto tlceees, and more
uniform staplo throughout the Hock,
cannot bo obtained, without at tho
samo tlmo sacraflcing tho already
high mutton quality.
In tho first place tho flock should
bo examined every fall, and nil the
lambs of that year that show wool
of an inferior staplo and quality
to tho nvorugo that It is desired to
attain, should bo graded out and
sold. IVoxt, In order to keep con
tinuously lining tho wool, rams of
higher quality of breed but having
wool liner and of hotter staple than
tho average of tho breed, should be
obtained and used. Hy steady por
severanco in tills courso (which
was tho one pursued In Saxony that
resulted in obtaining the llncst wool
now grown) wo may In timo obtain
Cotswold, Leicester or Llucolns with
fleeces of wool far exceeding in llnu
nes thoso now bred, and but llttlo
behind tho flno wools for dros goods
of a. higher quality. Cvr. National
Live Stock Journal.
Tun Distkict Run. Tho Co
lumbia District Agricultural Society
held their Third Annual Knir this
week at tho Fair Grounds. Tho ex
hibition was not as largo as last year,
yet what wo saw was qtilto crodlfu
blu as to quality. Mr. Horace ltlco
exhibited thirty-uiuo varieties of
atiplcs, all properly named. Mrs.
watson exhibited a large variety of
corn, squasho", and other articles.
-Mr. M'litcrman exnnmcti specimens
nf I'l-iimi. nmili!. twiirj. iiivifdmQ uiwl
the church last miihIiv ,,!,,,..' -u.!., i',,..'' .,v.i. n.n,..i
(ldll1Alll tit.. I.llltl Itlt. . ..llitln,. ...ir1"'"". '-'"' V..f7-,. UA. III. 1,1 II
.,1,1 i m'ii, .in- ,.-111-11111- i, -1-Miiiirti i.vii"' ,. ,.,,,
utuuliuoiisly adopted : I llllTr ,, J1 ra Vi, pruavfrveu iruii
Wiik.itu, It h.t. pU.ueil our llctunu ' various kliitN. The MN-.es ro-jiur
Katherln hU infinite- winloni to penult our exhibited several beautiful quilK
bcloi ml lister. Mm. l'ltim.i cros, to ias, There was a largo number of
!S".'i.,,."f!i,,t.l'!Ail,wi ".b'.t.Ur '""'" '""!, homes and a fuw head of bulls and
while we are shocked nt the iirmnrr and i ...... . Mnmitiitim
tnuklpiimiss of her departure, wo nro lorelblo "" ' "0'""'""c '
ISKlltllll.l llf I llO ltl tllltlftllltl fl..t llmi .. I..
: :.: : :::: . , ,,,, ,
u.i i.i.u.mi r,.Ti..siu., rroiu
Mr. Myer, ju-t from tho ITtuitqim
country, we learn that It has been
dt-chh'd to contlnuo tho construction
of tho O. v ('. It. It. to a point live
miles south of Itoeburg, Instead of
i stoiii)inir. a-) was the oriL'inal inten-
tender to, tion, at tho present point of eoniplo-
woru win lie
orou'lvln order to
complete the extension heforo the
L. Ciu MUtnuiuu. isiiu't '"' nm" set lit.Aoittiiel.
.... . ... . i
M(JI.MI.V,I VKlf.,- ,
theinliM ot life weaielit death," nml bow In
humble submission to thu.wlll ot Aliuiuht
ltKMlLXKD, 'Hut III the diutli of .St-r
Cross, wmlepl ii-.iIUotlut we lute lost a
faithful teaflier. the Church of Christ a
worthy cxenipicr Jnd sulfi-rluhiiiniinltyoii-or
Its tmct ft fends,
llrsot.VKi. Th it we" do hereby tender to
lirothcr Cross and liLsnttllctisI l.iinllyourlow1 (j0u for t lie Winter
itW Chrt.tlan sjmi.athiis, and pncrfully j .,,. i' ., nl p.i., '
rs,,r,,dthcn,to.ln,whod,K-th all thing,, Anjdeto tho extens
A voiitiL'Intlv htii siii'-iisi,fiillv iitid.
A London 'dispatch snA's hat l)av-'od the renuJlto examination and
son, 'tho geographer nnd tntveler, ' been admitted a mombor of the
,who has . returned from Zanzibar, iFreshnmu elas-of tho Maine State
reports having boon in communica- College of Agriculture and tho Me
t!onvw!th Dr. Livingstone. i hanlt- Arts.
Fnst Walking Horses.
The boot gait a horse has Is the fast
walk. A slow walking hoifc. Is an
abomination. AVbo has patience with
such a lio we ? If you ride him or dt Ive
hlni, he exhausts your patience. If
ho Is used to plow, or harrow, or go on
the road, he mopes along at a snnU'
pace. He docs only about half the
work of the rapid walker. If tlmo is
money, you make money, beeatie you
save time, by having a horse that
walks fast.
Ureeders should pay attention to this
matter. In "electing a stallion to
breed from, by all means select one
that ean walk fat. A slow walking
stallion will be likely to got slow
walking colts; while the -talllon that
has a long, rapid, spirited stride, will
be likely to beget colts with a similar
Then there Is a great ileal in breed
ing to a horse with spirit and ambi
tion. Tlnise cold-blooded horcs will
beget cold-blooded colts. The nearer
you can approach the thoro'hrcd, even
for obtaining a f.itt walker, the better.
Thens is game there, and spirit and en
durance, and taniliitt.nudslvlc. There
are the neat bony heads and promi
nent eyes, i m small ears, t iu capacious
nostrils, the largo lungs and chests, the
well-developed muscles, the bones as
dense as Ivory.
I'ven for wallsois, (hen.iret the near
est to thoroughbred possible, anil tlo
same for trotters, anil of course the
same for runners. You have then hors
es fit for any company, and for any
pitrpoo to haul the plow, or buggy,
or carriage, or to carry you upon their
backs. I treed large, line marcs, to
thoroiigh-lircil horses, audyoti will get
colts that you will not be ashamed to
have your friends see.
The "Horse or All Work."
The "hoisu of all woik" should not
bo less than lo hands in height, nor
less than 1,100 pounds In weight,
quick, lively ears, broad between the
eyes, round barrel, short loins, well up
in the shoulders, deep chested, square
quarters, flat legs, short between the
kiicoand pastern, hind legs well under
him, speed equal to eight miles an
hour on tho road, autl at least three
miles atthoplow, with sufficient blood
to Insure spirit, stylo and endurance.
As in this class It Is evident tho ma
ture animals aro intended for breed
ing, they should bo sound ; and ns the
youugunlmalsniuritbojiidgcd on their
own merits, as thelrpromlso for future
usefulness, they also must bo sound or
else they cannot complete.
Thu "horsuof all work" Is intend
ed to bo capable of being trained fur
thu saddle, for harness, anil to bo able
to go on the mail or in draught, as he
may uliaucc to bo broken. It may be
that tho "horse of all work" shall af
ter a few years' training, maku u use
ful, spirited, handsome family road
ster, or ho may lie brought up to bu a
good draught horse, true to pull toany
loatl that may bo put behind him.
Much depends on the n.su he Is put to.
Hence the Judges, will note Hint iiu Is
not to bo Judged by the speed he may
make for single mile. Hence, also, it
will bo noted that ho may bo thor
oughbred or ho may not, and for tho
same reason he must have sle, action
and spirit, as wellttsconstltiitlon, If ho
Is worthy of a premium as a breeding
animal. ttcyuhttluint of Michigan
Agricultural SVW ty.
Many varieties of the American
grapo are now successfuly cultivated
in Franco, among them the Clinton,
Cunningham, Delaware and Taylor;
they aro said to grow luxunintly in
(ho French vliiovnrd soil, anil tint
wino made from them Is of a super-1
ior quality.
or THE
Fourth Year of Publication.
Any iH-ron who rlnor nnycolUct a cluti of
nbirlKr, fern ant u- the ii.imcs unit money l)
rcKiMirei! letter, ami rceelto tlio premium.
The Premiums nre Intituled for ntir rutin rllicr,
but In clulis of ti n one lutlf nnv le iM unci'.
Table of I'l'i-nilnm. fur Hip
l'ourlli Volume.
Allen'Ml". I'.i Ami-rlcm Cattle
Allen'n (I, f .1 Itunil ArchltMlure
Allen' tit. I..) Aim-rliim Farm Hook..
Allen' (It t. ami I.. I New Anu-rUati
Kitm lloiik
Vllm's ill 1. 1 nii-cancs nf Domcrtle
Aincrk.iu lliril 1'iimlcr i
American Une Ciilturlat I
American w eeds milt I ml l'lmiK....
Atneiut'iit'ouiitrj and f-iil'urkin Hourer
Anliltcilure. Mi-L'ummhiL's A Miller
IllcUeUV Vlllijjelliilliler,
.ri m :mu linn,'. illon
Itoiissln.Miilt's Kuril I'miiium
Ilreck' Xeu ll.iok of l'limcr ..
lt.lltt's 1 liimril.inti-ii lHui'tnr) ....
Itillst's l'ilinllv Klli In (1 iiitem r . .
lkilley'r llur Onn Hints of tlie I'lillcdl
it. incut's 1'iiiiltercr'ii l'iiiniinlini
lltlilm nun's iiiiiij; llnriltiier'r Assist.
nut I
llurr's c'etiitilesif Aiuirlui
I'.iMmcII'ii Aurluilturitl I'licinleat Ami
I tiiiiltnu's l!rnii llnnver'r liulile
t'ole's Vitcrlnnrlin 1
1'ihIiiui'k Ciiimtn ,fe ,
Ci'ltcv' l'litu nnif Hiininentiit Aliilit
I 'i V!
g; R
I s a
l .vi :t
l M :i
ar r.
1 1X1 s
tan i
I no i
t ;i i
l Ui :i
in im ia
10 IM l.'i
I on s
i is) n
t :v i
l M :i
t w s
Fanning Mills.
The Best Seed Cleaner
Mnnufactn'v I hy
u. MALumr. J.;, uu.
Ofllce oTer(lrjr' iter, cornr of Btl nd
LUxTtj' treii. MtrlT-lr,
rmck Sliot. (ItnKri
C'rol'.'s .MihIi-I Miliiirluni Architecture..
C.irm'iiler'n nml .lulner's I limit Hunk,
Cnrpiiiti.rniiil .leliur. (It. ltlitili-ll)...,
I'lirmlstrr of the Fnrm, (Nlclml") ...
l.'lilor.Mnk-r's Mnnn it
IHd.l's (tied. II) .Minleni llorrc llnilor
lluilil's Amerlrnu I'ntlle lloctnr
Diiii'h Murk M.lliliiil
I)nrln's iiilstliui of Auliunls nml
l'linlr. -Juris
Demi Shut; or Spo'triiiin's lVmlitc,
lie Vm-'r Mnrkit AssI.Uul ... ,
Dun nln ' l'nilt ninl t'rult Tree". New
llltliiii. Urtnto. n-ttmi-...
Iliiwhliiu-'r Ijimlsrniiiillsnlculiii; .
lliiunlUK'tt 'Ulni:u llrrliUmcr....
Iluwiilnir's ltnnil t:.rts
till llniull'n lticjiml I'ullurc (Dr.
unnicr )
Knstumid on rmnticrn-
I'.lllolfi. We-tiru rriill-llrinterV llulilo
I.Mlellrs ti lui.ii I louse Anhltcituie
1-U MV I'eirL'ultun'.....
Frank Fore7tcr' KIcM yinutt. mo
fr.uik I'orerU r'r I'lrli ntnt I'lrlilin;. ri
o..im) riiL-rmiiu's
Frank I'nreitir's Mmiunl for uun
Hiiirlmrii Ami
Frank Furotcr'a Horse unit lluruuuu
shin. rivo.,iu4
Frnuli Farm llniliuti'
riiller'n I'onrt Tree Ciilliirlrt
FullorV llrHi I'ulturl.t
Fuller's Snmll Fruit I'liltiirlst
Fuller's Slrunherry Cutlurli-I I
Flm Culture f
Fulton's I'cnrli Culture
Farinlni'fiir Hoys
FlrhliiiTlu Aiiurlmn Willi r (Si-oil),,
FUcu-'s i:uri)ienii Vlmjunls
Kllnl tl'liotlcs Ik) on (lrn.se.
Flint' Mllrh Tow anil Dairy Farming
(liu-nnii on Mllclil'inm
Clin, ttixl nml Hsilillo
(le)ulln's I'onllrjr Dr'tilliitf
(irur's Itow I'lmils Aran-
(Ira)' Manual of Uotanr ami Ix-xons,
tut M.l
(Ira;' School ami Flclillluokurilolaiiy
iiarnrj iiariin, uui-iiunains nun rcu
Harris' Insects Injurious to Vrxtttlluli.
i nun
Ilrriun tho Via
lli-iulcri-ouVilariTriilni.' for l'mitl ..
Henderson's Frarllral Flnrlrnltiiro
Ilrrhcrl' Hints lo llixmkceiii'rn ...
Itisiper's Ikxikof Kirn;rren ,
Hup I'ullurc I
HiiiitrraiulTraiilier I
Hara-thyV llrnMi (.'ulturcnnil Wlm'-Vu!
lUtflf Id's American lloui I'srpf liter
ltn' IntLrlor Dicornlur
I torso Trululni;.Mailu F.ny (.Iciinliir)
lliuumu' (Irapiisaml Winn
.Iaciiies' Manual or the House
JnniiK ' Manual of thu (Innli n ami Farm
aril ,
.riihusnii's How Crops Frist I
John-oil' How C'mpit (Inov
Johnson's IVnl nml Its I'sc
.lohniton' A-.-rkultiinil Chumlstrv... j
Johnston's I'.li minis ot A;rUiilluri
Illinium mi Cattle
Ji iinlns on shun, snliiunml I'uullri
Juiuln.son the Horse ami his lllrcusis
Kimt . I.iiuilsnipe (Jrtnli nln
IjilUtlriillioii Ihelluuc) Ike ...
I.i uchtr' llou to llullil u lliu House
.Mahi lllustruteil lloisu llo tor
Mu)lut llliistraliil Horu Manure
mi nt . . .
Ma) him 1'r.u.tlrnl Ikiok-KeupliiK ri
Illiiuks for I'ractlial llook-Kuplni; for
runner ,.
Manufacture nf Vlnnrar. iliunn-i')
Miilunitu Comjilou. iNliliuliin..
Morr.ll' Vmerl'nii Shi-plunl
Mr Halii .NVtt Cook Vil( , ,
Mr Farm ui CU'ihoisI
Mile ml th-llorsi Fisit
Mulir on IliiiOnipc hie
Mr. Cirncllu' Vfnn- lfnu Leer
Norton - Sri, nllllr A-rli ultiiru .. ..
Norili Fl.li l.iillurn.....
Ilvmiiit Itiilibll Faiiili r ... ... I
Our Farm ol Four An ... 1 1 Hi i
fuil.ul.l (Mill to In- H i , r Ii. ,
sill , I
i'ululir. (liitMir anil anillnr
I'jnU-e on rstrauherry Culliin-
I'arMini oulhu I'o.c
I'lrchirnii Hurro
(Juliik)' Mysteil of lbs. Ii-riin
lluimyilloii Ju'lah) on boiliii dull-
()iilnu s Moni-r In thu (ianlni
diilnn Fear Culture for Frollt
lUii'l' Iluib , ,
Itaiut's Fhnri r for l'arlor ami (Jartlrn .
ItiMvr or llurat Atralri Iiouml, tin
tot i-ni h .
JtlrtdclU.Scw KliimutorllJml-ltelliiu
ltixsci lt' Flio Acres loo Much . . .
lturl Mmlli
Uamlair bhii-p llu.lsiiiilry .
Itamltll' FlnivWool Miei p Hushamlr)
IIMcrs UlulaturuFrulllianlt.il. .......
Uural ChurfSi Arrlilli film-. Folio, In
lolors. la biait-s...
1-tsliti.r' Lamf Miasunr
rkrlbmi' Kwly Jtickourr
Honk .. ,
Hllliiar't Mislrrn L'ariHiiIrr
rltroiir''scultlialtonol Ibe lirapn ....
Haniiuirr" Iloiii"lle Poultry ,
Hchcutk' (iankner' Tcxt-llotik.......
Sllup. oil's Horsn I'ortrillure
rtlsxirt'i (Johii).Stablr Hook
Th IlK Hy lllnki, MjbsT anU Hut
r and livf
Ttiomas' Farm Implement ami Ma-
I Tliouipon s Food of AtilmaU ,.
Tim Hunker Capers
Tc-vtmelcr' IVultry Hook....
Ten Acre Kn vVs'h
The Horse (SiiuichcnRp.) KnKll'h Pill-
lion, So.. I.-J-) psi;e
Tlie.Miile. (Itllei
Thnma Fmlt Cnlturlst
Trapper' (liitdc
Van Vlllsj:eanil('iillnire.... ......
n lice Amcrluui Tmllliii; ltcclslcr
W all ice' American Html Hook. Vol. 1
n anter American Fnninlns)
Wanlcr' tinier ami F.tcnrnru......
Warlns' Uriilnlm; rur l'nult ntnl Health
Wiltlni: bk'iuiiit of AuTlciittiui.s
TiickrrVltesMcrof llursl AITilr....
WnrliiB' 1-irtli Closets nml l-JirthSow.
ni;e ,
Wclileiiinnntr llenutlfiln? Countn
Home, A atipcrh qiurto Milumc.
vi iiiuoumpu im ire, in coior..,
Wheeler' liur.it itnmc
Wheeler' Home lor the l'cople....
Willie Cnnlierr Cnllitri.
WoodMnnl' Cuttni;eatiil Farm House!
Wooilnnrd Muliurrau unit Connlr)
Woodward' Country llutues
Wooilnnnl' llrape nml llortlriiltur.il
WomlHiird' Nation it Atchllect
Wrlislit" I'ructlral Foultry Keiper ..
Watson' Amerlinu llonie dunlin
eunmn' Household Hi Irnre
ouiitt nml Spoomr on tlie Horse
Vmaltniiil .Inrtln nn Cnltle
Voualt on the lie)
Vou.'itt nn Miup
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Any of the alune hooks Mill ho furwanlcd hy
m ill, post-pnlil, on rcrrlpt of puhllslu r' price.
Fern rluli of four ritliscrltH-r. nt $i50 each, an
etri copj of the I'mimmi In the p-llirup ef the
Address, FAKMFlt OFFICII, Salitn.
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1 Mil
I till
1 Oil
Standard Fruit Dryer,
Iron Hoator, Broad Raiier,
Dairy Hoator, &.O.,
iisi mi tut eiilloii of thu n-e, romhlnlnK cheap,
lie, durahlllly ami t-coiiomy, and can be applied
lo a crcatrr mlcty of purioc Ihau uuy othir inv
As a Fruit Dryor,
It itaiid unrhalt d, and I nrkunMicdci-il hy rclrn.
Illlr mrii to rmitaln Urn only Iruu prlurlvlr for
drying fruit, nnd Is so simple In ronsiniclfnn that
a nuiuihlldnt euro undeipaiidiiud operate It,
As a Rooni Hoator,
Tho I'rl.mntlr Cjllndrr rmirriitratm the heat,
Itfliltr lliu vSthoii, ami prodmr moru heat than
any other knoiri. itivlrr. ldfh. heliitf dl'Irlhutnt
hy the pirrorilliil shield In duuhle iiirrent of hoi
air, will hrat Imo, three, or i-iiu roiir room (If
properly loimcrtiil) ulth In fin I I hull any olio of
the raiue room ran lie lualnl in lliu muio temper.
alum hynuy stove or hintlnjs npparatn III use,
Willie ill Iho same llmu II iti rtnov ull lioilon ir,
e, niU'llii: n ple.isaul And hialthy iiluiospiiere unit
evi ii ii mpeiHiiiro iiiriiujjiit.iu all Uioniiartiiiuiit.
In thu siniiiiH r time, ulillv l.ollluir (lie lea kittle.
luakliu tolst, hcnllin; Iron, .tc, liy a slnjjlu NUu
lliiiriirrrntiif heal are lurmst Into lha oiitildo
flue, ahd Ihu Invit Ik rirulr fell In lliu room.
As a Olothos Dryor,
IT llASNOCOMPl.-n'IOIt.aiidulicrnurkiioun
llialh-d with ih llt-ht hy the Indies, n. the cnMcft
Uhorrnliulurriitiiuof lhoai,-i.
In LunVbor Dryiny,
Tim prlmlplusor ihl lim niton, n applUd, aru
InMiliiiiMii ninl wlilioiit roinpilllloii
Mll.l.l.NIIItH, llAICI.'llS, CK1AU MANl'FAUTL'
Will Hud It irn ally io tin Ir rdinntn r-i to ro this
liiaihll.uiiiid llilisll'ste, It propntli ,
Wi rouM pulili.li loluiniis of Ii tluionlaU from
Iho h. sl i llln-ns of Ohio. Ihillnioi, 'Illinois, Mlrhl
Uii. Ions, ai.d ulliuc hluti, of llssupulorlly oni
any Iiim ntlon of tl.o ae. Imt ns the machine Inu.l
ilanloii lis mill MllltlfH, It mutt hesern iiiop
er.lt lou tut." full) uppuilalid
Eoswell Hoator and Dryor.
u ui
j no
in srr. nil.
' j It I ciarlly what )ou wiilit mid hint. ntiri!lr.
' of uny dry house orkthi )oii m.y iinw ham Wu
1 , i ii not k )on Ui buy a i,oiupllrloii olpatint
' riiM: lui-ri-ly ftoni on yuamtiiatloii ifn uuslilj
1 1 hut roinnnuii wpthelull-slridiuaihlnepirfurm It
hoik as npilr-i illi-o
Tin nil nn lhelllM- Home, (hiirih.Hrmlnorj,
Fiihllc llall, llolilnr lteuuniul, to Mlilch llils urn
ihli.p U ui I nppllr ihh , nn fill and pruilliihle.
tadlisiind Knileniinynii aru reji.lfiiy Invl
liil liifallnirinioluthiimirliliiiifor)uuicti,
fur It Is liii,nsM In a rhorl mltrrtln-ini nt loinu
iiitnile ai k thu iiMst iiiullile or ltd truly woudi r
nil,).! simple FAVIliV rillKNIL
ffrSeli n rlslin. an- sirurid by (tti r patilit,
which pl(v II U-yoiul tlm n nrli of a thai.
Tho snl-KitUr, hutliiK purthasrd the eirlu.lvo
rf&til for the Siato of Oregon, I iiowiiiaminHturlui
llam rur rale, on Htatu Wtrul, In hakni, wherett
vdlrly of tilr and a uiaclilnu lu vpsratlon cau bu
K-t-n at iii lime,
JOn CAltR,
. Djiporlte (IIU Mtil A, Co.'. Hook htoic,
Norlt if ,T Hlcm. Ilrrgon