WILLAMETTE FAEMEE. 5 (hoiiim of S39,lo3 71. Tills is tho to which she Is entitled alone ; uiul first nssistanco which our schools have no county can bo districted with over received from tho common another county except on account of K'hool grant. A considerable larger fractions of the number ul iwpula Mini will bo distributed next year, 'tlon making the lunount required for u progressive Increase of the ili-tri-1 utlons from year to year. cvri:niNTi:sni:NT or ranui ix- STKVCTIOJC. I recommend that there be provis ion of law for tho election of a Super intendent of Public Instruction. Tho 'U1U IflO WOfK Will OC IUUUMfll Ull U.V Constitution provides that tho Gov- rnor -hall nerform the duties of this ttice, but that the LeglMature, after dertook tho same, with vigor and ho term of Jive years from the adnp- -ueec , although the cou-triiotiou of tion of the Con-titution, may )iij- thee works will prove a much more ;idc for a separate oilieer, ilx hi- com- e.te:i-ivo enterprNe than was at jien-atlun and pre-erlby Ms power- tlr-t estimated ; yet tho dipoltlon md (little-, it has been fourteen of the company are -uch a- give war years Mnoo the adoption of the con- rant to tato that the undertaking stltutlon, while the growing impor- will bo completed within the time Unco of the -ubject of conimon reiiuired by law, and in the mo-t chool reiiulre that the entire time if nu enenrotie and competent ofHcer ho devoted to it- devolopment and v'-introl. As to the amendment- to the colli sion school law, there are several ."an bet or bo explained to T conf- ;ffi5l04W rSl1. tt1 in bo disuii'.-ed in general message. AOKKi'iri'iiAi. cor.i.ix.i:. ,.l.rI. .. Atll.A...1AlA.l 1...11I I recommend the passage of an act .rovldimr for the moro ullU'lent nr- iranizntlon and support of the state Agricultural College. The state, in receiving tho grant made by Con gress, for this institution, iiL-co i(--olf under obligations to nnaintaina --hool of airilciiltiire and the nnvhau ! art-. The number of -tutleiit-, rovldcd to be appointed to thl- In- utuuoii oy tno stato ougnt to in loublod, nn'il the funds to ari-o from the aleof tho hind belonging to the College siioum no marinated and nade available. In all respect" wo have fallen far behind our -i-ter States in the management of our Agricultural College grant and the ergauiKiug oi tue m-tituttou. Tho report of tho President of tho rVgrlcultural College, al-o a report of tno Hoard ol ( oinnil loner- ap i0lnted by tho List Legislature to levl-o rules, regulation and bylaw-and a cour-o of .-tudy for -aid Institution are hereby submitted. .-TATi: UNiVI.HMTV. if the lil.ilSU aero- of land coii-tb tuting the Cnlvorslty grant, about .'0,000 acres remain yet un-old. The iml nfifimmilrif nil Tiviiii .'iliu .mil ntere.t. t niiilv . iJ.uo'Mio. a, tin. lands yet to be di-po-ed of aro not "" - -1 ."-...-.-- --. - - - i- tavoraniy located a- tiio-e ur-i -)ld, the whole fund to be realized Tom this grant will hardly ( ceed ne hundred thousand dolur.-'. 1 will -ugge-t in organising thi- 'n-tlttitiou, if this fund bo not added ..!. ....!... .n. .v.i ii,.,. I.-.....1 ... -uggested by mo two years ago, that the Cnlvorslty be located in the ouiity,approiriately -Ituated, which vlll donate the mo-t valuable -He, nd erect the best building-', freo roni charge to the fund, J-o that the inbllc fund may be kept Inve-tcd, at interest, for the current .-upport : tne l niver-ity. -i imoi. rott mi ti:- axutim; iii.ixp. Tho School for Mute-', provided for two year-ago by re-olutlon, appro priating 5s:!,' mil per aiiiium for Its -upport, has jiroved a striking .uc- c , and uiHlei' the tuition of a mo-t onipentont In-tructor, the pmiiU iave made good progress'. with 'Ids siuall beginning as an example, 1 permanent State Institution for Mutes may be organized, with no olsglvliigd us to tho mode of under taking the frame or as to tho problem if successful progress in learning by Mils unfortunate class In a school of ur own. I recommend that a further ap propriation bo made for tho support f the School for Mute.-, and that .l-o that appropriation be made for he etabllhinent of an In-titution or the Hllnd. We w III be unable to -tabll-h such largo and e.pen-ive ndowments for the.-e purpo-u- ti re witnes-ed in older states, but conomlcal provisions for a begin .lug in the proper way, what human ly and the best interest- of the -tate (temaiKi, -Mould lie iiiaile now 'PI... ....n..i ..r i... t k i'.j.i.i i IIVIOUUIl U UU1, 1. ,T. lIIIUIIt tho Hoard of Education, giving I . lews' obtained bv m Into vNIt to nstltution- for the deaf and dumb s. f the State of California, al-o tin oiK)rt or the Hoard or Kducatloii on his .subject, will bo found accoiu jnying tho report or tho Socrotnrv f State. AIM'OUTIO.NMI.M'. As this Is tho tlr-t -e Ion of the Legi-latlve As-embly after the of- ticial publication of the I uited State eiisiisnf 1ST0. It will be itroner to make anew apixirtinnmont of the member- of the Senate and I lou-o of Representative-, ba-od on -aid con- -.us, according, to tho provisions of our fitato Constitution. I will Mig- gest, tht in apportioning JJw Sen- ate, every "county having Milllcient numoer or population is euuiico w one Senator and cannot constitution- ally be districted with any other county in the election or a member tMIU .-"VIHUlll CAXAl. AND I .OIK- T WII.l. MI.1T1' rvu.-. This work of cou-tructing a canal i and locks for tho parage of -team- boat-' and other water craft, over the falls of tho Wlllametto river at Or egon City, provided for at the la-t session of the Legislature, ha boon prosecuted by the coinranv who un -ulxtumlnl and durable manner. The importance of thi project iMiinot now uo estimated. wacox imi-. Tho Coast range of mountains 1- 4tttnt tM..ml It . 1 1 t.t .... ........... ; VIUL'U U llHllliU.V WtlllUli ggSd "" & '"fc " road1-" Vm!UUNlii ame . VtllIt.y t) eastor , ,r,.p1, Tll0ro V(;t remain two important point--of the a-cado range demanding wagon road-. A road -hould bo constructed fnim the Kogue Itivor valley to the Klamath Lake Ki-In. ond another from l'ortland m the Dalle-, along the loft bank of the Columbia river. The .Meafham toll-road over the lllue Mountain- -hould be purcha-ed by the state and made free, on con dition that the neighboring counties -nan Keep it m repair. I lie toll road running through the canyon of the I mpiiua Mountain-, in Doui'la county, -hould also be purcha-ou by the State, and made free on the -aiiie condition-. Theoponi!itur'iu amount of all theo projects need not exceed --',-mil), and the funds might he provided iroin moneys uri-ing iroill -.lie- ol swamp and tidohmd--. Tn ca-e provi-ion -hould be made for con-tiucting tho-e wagon road--, the act should provide that they bo built under contract with tho state directly, and that the road-, when built, -ould bo free from toll. IX- T. -"i).l M. I lay before yon, also, the olllcinl report of Dr. .1. (. Hawthorne, phy sician In charge ot thuln-ane. Kvor niipeiilinir to the bo-t -vnmath e-of - - . ,, , , , . , .. ,. - ur nature ioraia mm protection, tin unfortunate cla of our cltl.oiis has not been lett without assistance. Our State Asylum .-till malntnln- It- for mer high loputation for good man agement, -.inltary arrangement-, and -ucce ful treatment of its inmates. Xi'in-lv I'ortv-tliree iiiii-eent. nl (liii.ii ,'" to the Ifo-pltal have been cured. ini-i- jii-i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 .' 1 1 1 1 ;. iii.iiir nit- mi- inanely keiit, and all their Ills allevi ated to -uch extent a-can boaccom-pll-hod In In-tltutloiisof thl-cla . 'ino nuiiuiiigsot tno Asylum bave been greatly enlarged aiKrimproved, oi iiu'i'i iiil wiuiisui (no loii-iiuiiiy Inerea-lng number of Inmate-'. I call your attention to that portion of thi- report referring to impropriation- to cover former dellciencles, and to-ulllciont future approprlation to cover all contract allowances for keeping the in-aiie. It Is but Ju-t to the contractor to make his contract nito eiiial to ca-h when negotiated on n cash baal-. 1 concur In ihe Mig-' Jrestlons of tho report upon this .sub ect; also, with tho-e made relative , to an allowanco for the purpose of assisting Indigent patient--, discharg ed as cured, In reaching home, or thoir friends. I further lay before you tho report of Dr. A. D. Ellis, Vi-ltlng Pliysl-, ciantotno A-yimu. wnicn is inter esting in it- refeii nee to sanitary .suggestions. -t n i i I mi . Vi hae re.u lied the time when wo may piopeily enter upon the con struction of Capitol buildings. The incna-ing mi mber-hlpof our Legl lativc As-embly, the growing inior tancei.f our public oMlce-', and the yeni t.il I'.ulll'le- reiiuired for all our e.vteinliiig public Interest-, demand hiri'iir mill mni'o iintimiii'Infn nooom. -"-" I l'-"J - ........ nimlatlous than we now possess. Hut economy and prudenco should -till char.u terl.e our undertakings in thl- ro-iiei i. , re.isoiianie atiiropriatioii to begin the Mructuro of a State llou-e would be commendable. -tatk (.i:oi.ot.r. It may Mifely Ikj -tilted that no State in tho I'liiun siirpa--es Oregon in undeveloped mineral resources. Her geology is bold, peculiar, and in-tere-tlmr. Her wealth ill tho tisoful and precious metals is undoubted. I hit wo do not know what) are our hidden treasures. It h probable that noncy could Im oxpended moro -efully to our future development than a rea-onable sum appropriated -u-tnin a .State (!eologl-t. litMicuATiox. n is cusiomury in me youuger States to offer pqMic InduceBa.ents for the Immigration of new settlers within their border-. Much Interest Is felt by many of our citizens upon ' this subject, and many inquiries aro ' made relative to it by those in other American State and in foreign coun tries, who are contemplating remov al to Oregon. This siiliject is worthy oi youreareiui eon-iuoraiion. -mirrrw.Y xn Turwitni i r 1 -tati:. I The report- of the-o olllcers -lib- 1 mitted to your Honoi-ablo body will , be found complete and In-tructive. giving all the detailed workings of I the accounting departments of the I .State. The-e otllcor- have been mo-t diligent and faithful in the eecu tlon of their -everal otllclal duties, and I tru-t their mroiuit- will meet with full approval. 1 i r.KUKAt. ruKu:. The clerical force allowed the -ev- I oral departments i- greatly dl-pro-1 portionate to the work reiiuhvil to be done. Tho Private Secietary of the 'Executive olllce, after performing' all the ordinary dutie- ot his olllce, ha-performed all the ilcricnl labors' of 11-tlug in triplicate all the public land- of the State, which have been -elected and approved within the pa-t two year-. lie ha- recorded the minutes of the l!inl of chool Laud Coniinl--Ioner-, kept the accounts of 1 the Mute School, purcha-ed -upplle-for the -ame, and performed an ini inenu amount of general ilerical la bor not belonging -trictly tohNotll-' , cial duty, while hi- proper dutie- in the Executive olllce have been ox- act lug and laborlou-. , Tho Agent of the Hoard u.' school Land Conimi ioner- ha- written all the corre-puudeiicu relative to the d!posal of land- and the miillictsof ! titles In we-torn Oreiwn, which has. I been vuluniinou- and tedious In ad dition to hi- dutie- touching the , land- theni-olve. I A clerk of -wamp lands ha- been employed In a l-tlng to execute the , swamp laud a-t of ( ictober -n, 1-70, laud one al-o to conduit the voire- -pondouce with the Laud Olllce at j Lad'rande, and to keep the aciount- of that otllce. The -ervi - of all the-e a nile 1 men have hem unremitting, and ' their work i- well exhibited in the ! permanent record-of the state. I oxi i.r-iox. In conclu-liii), I will a tiro you of my cordial co-operation in all meas ures calculated to -oeiire the bo-t In-tero-ts of the State, and to promote l the general welfare; and I expre I tho bono that the re-ult- ot your de liberation- and action- may be -utl factory to yourcon-tltueiit.-', and a la-tlng ble ing to the whole people. L. 1 (iHOVKll. Executive Department, ' Salem, Sept. l-T".. j oitrcox i.mi rrri:ic-. The (.Tint Nu I u im I I'lii'uiilltr, TuiiU iintl llluuit I'rlll.T. Thot'i'k ItlitiMnrl. ciur. tniicl.tl it i.ml .iii III iniKr Uiu hiinii.il -y.'U'i win n wi.M, nml ill i-aitl. li in ln..ifi mill (i'i. im. i nil i'hi im , ki'iin tin- lltiW'KI.- ni.il KIPXI'Y- n'.ula'. ami iiilll'.f tin lll.oop. Tlii'y lll lo-ti' " 'lif.' gi i in 'lie uattrit lialiK', nml, 1 1 i.rll)lii. II.ii.i.Iiiii, i.. ' n a mrr iin-wmli" of all illvjpp. 'IV la-t AMI UII. loi'S AIrat.TI K Ami TOXIC linp-irailim I.i niillii.iiy.init) imiiiu-i -. 'J lit l.KANII I'A.N l CA l-irnlllli.'IINll.nttl.-lil'lioli tn. Kioto the mllill.i -" n II- o i -..li.ul, ll.f ' ..t. Ami . .iff'cinilitti- inal.i. It nv .Mail vn e uiiil .ult uliti'fiii I DM I.K-. limn iiil.tr -ln.-l'-. iiiii.-rilit. At till ll.l n of u . li Mil ooil Ol ut tlio l 111 ol llll'. For alt liyiillilni.irt.t-. iifn-liant uiul 'ton- l'ortlniul Aui'itry.-l. sMI'KI.. (iuuiiil Aihi'lllilllI A.i 1:1, I- niltl.orlril In Art r .ulo Asi nt for iliu I'aiivi ii III I'iiiIUi ' - to p rlvr nml ri'cilpi for'nliv iilloti.in'! uihcttl'iiiitiit'. nu. i:. v. ii.i-i:, w IIKMiTl.t fol .late -ur. . un I N V-iluntici' on.. , lliiii ii.tiiOii,. tiii.tui-. lii-iili tin' Comm n nl'.r.' - li-i.t O i. r Jy Oxen for Sale. Vl.ool) Tl M 1 1, foi l.or.-i !.. Km. iw 1 1 t -.)' i a i 1 1. hli I '.. tnOi- tiotiliin.t nf -,i oi:i.os.n.ii-hiiso.N. I- A RARE CHANCE I'lll' I tll-.ilK-H-. PARMENTER & BABCOCK, II.WIM DKi IIIKIi in l)l-i uNTI.N I 1 I tl l( tal lor n 'o Ai' .H' T - . y i .r . ti ! i in r Furniture Business, i H a i ..to HI ! l i 1 '! vi r. I nnc,' if..' i in I. ly (iiiol r l-i, nml FOR CASK ONLY. Tlil I no 1 iimlrti,' We ir.n t.nln. Ml Ki..iii. i.il.l'tiii tn in'u ri--ccti illy k'ijiiciHiI to call ,i 0 . nV tt. .atn. IAIlMl.XU.il .(. IIAliCOfK. I'"rr In .. D'nlrr. -4l li., .' ii."l - 1-11. fill THE PARKER GUN. ;tKo stamp rcn cmcuun PARKER BROS . WEST MERIDEN.CT. CT C&K SFW&MG&SZg', AGENT KOK IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CHOICE ..I.-0 KKFI - I oN-TWTI ti.V HANI) 11 1.t. X1) WCM. -Kt.KTI'.tl -TOOK OP Groclcery and G-lassware, "Willow and Wooden Ware, Plated Ware, Tobaooo and Cigars, Toys and Notions, Lime and Salt. DANFOETH'S NON-EXPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID Jtar.l.i' iru' lU'fvti&rnifntS. $ 1 , o o o in in.) i: v.. s ii .' i i .i l.'' th ii t ti 1 1 1 . . i . ' i i. react Unok of ill.' Ac. I ho STRUGGLE OF '72 Tin' i"i:i" nml Cni'ilMa'i- of tl t lOlt. I riniiiinl.nl. lllnrot.! nml Hi ' . l: (Hum Ai'.i'ilnlfratliMi 'J li" Id' ilr lime-1 (.in 1.1 1 v, by i:cn-v(.li.iii.lji .iiu i,iii, . nf ii. , l '.J.-.I 1 A ' TI.C l'lM lAtli I Af I IJUII i , iri'ilv for ihc v or' li -loplii u I'li'ln-'y nrlftn 1 nl. Tlio iltie.', I mil lniim nr nml om-. If ou w.li t l.i li.i.l.f l ion iii.dOm linn I lor oiitlil. nml Hii:ro '.iti" ir i.i mi. t 'l'i i'i .V f rii!l.cil iiiiniilia'liin i'i'-i' ( I ll IIOITA (O. .'il . -I. I .-.UK'.."!!, llll CASHMERE GOATS. T'llOK. Illll tM-ilIl tSj Sou. i.'- ' M II (HIM . v i s Hi'- w w ro ni:i:(.ox k in: S' IX. hli Graded Cashmere Goats I'roiu lin'l.'u i. in lift m-.li.-ti. iiilm uiro but). Very Valuable Animals. p III. . I .li ly i.r e -lull. - I V ' ' ' .'M- III ll.l' , tr. COOKE. DENNIS & Co. mvsi run ur SASH, DOORS, BLINDS HVEolcLlxx&s, 1.JI-1K Ml Ml HIP I.WTVT sTVI.I-- jll l.f 'l.-'l'" ..I.i l -U! Il II l I O I''" "I IglUllll) ill1 ,11 tun trr - l - ii TURNING, IM INK Willi M'VrM-i M lll-l'ATCII CEDAR LUMBER Hliiut-I' Cor lll'kl III' Wlll'li III Sale C'liii. I,ui'-I I'lli r- I'K'.'I.C Ul! I," 11 r.,ll, f. . IIU) tirlcif. fliiu lIvi ii 011r ortl. r. I., I.6111 nur hK(lal r.m 111 Inn cluu tn iihIit. rrnm I'MtM Kit"-, nml liiliiiiiiallnii fntly i;h 11 ui.itl In our 1iiiiii-. -Imp mil. I'.'i.. k Pi"! f t 'li' (I 1. I . 1 1 ll.'il'i' .ii-rt tr WHEAT BAGS! ii.ho's 111 mii:i:, ii 11 v ll! 1 V I .Ml lu WHItllllllil full li uiul uf In -l iiilnlllv 1 in -nl" In lut tiv I'urt' ..Inly -Mi-.' I M. 1 IIAKCV A 1 o !:. ?I. AVAITIJ, BOOK & JOB PRINTER - I.I.M nisi i.ov W II HIS III). 0'... I Im.. nl 1.1) I'iiiiIIii.' I U II I'!' '.1Ull I !! -IS MoN'llln I II K , in id. Muti rll, iHtuii. 1 Ic . .il.M.liiin nl nml Inlm tlint I mil 1 1 v. ut. vi ly t!i ., rljitlull nf I'liilit nml 0111111111 11I11I Wnrli II h IK .V I'AMHIUn' rillNTINd i. any ift i i.nrili nl t-i.n I'i.uh i-i.i. Aii J ma niii'i:iltl K'Uhlnj tali t .t)iul T)ii', Hi'., Ill ti liillliu" 111 i.n i lii On. fiiit in iik nlilfi' I .01 k'.iili II. I'Clii.i.lv In lln in li i.- n II.Mik anil .lull I'flntlii?. My IV'litli. Im mi'lilly est rutins i.iJOl) WOUKn omit n,..i"iili mi in -mi I'mii. !. BOOK BINDING. Ilalii!.'im'liai-I tin ui'llrlnl limit ltlnIry rurtiii'rlyi.ni'iil by I". A 1 ibi! 1 iiuiirfiaiil, llli iliu Best Workman in the State tn Mm lllmik ll.uk nfull Kiml. Hi'lior wllliniit luaillncK. ami tmlnall iiilur iruikcnniiuKil Willi Una liriini li iirini.liif". In llftili"" I j le rarllciilaralluitlnii.'liili l'( liluilliu Magazines, Mutic and Library Book In rl, liich will Iw iloiiu 111 n iiiiTlnr inaunrr, and ai low a llK'yian Iiu 1'inl In On ;;on, LEGAL BLANKS. 1 kcrii on liaml at all tlino, a full aortoiit nt Ju.iken auil ututr hvg lllnk, fur aala at low raica, Huoirnajo aua rttait, matika irini(u auu rulrd to order. In 1 nipcnor maiiDir, j Finally, I MEAN TO DEHKHVE alllH-r.l tbara of the public palrona;-. anil ftnl fund 1 rliall atllvtrr-ratrt, I Joljtml. train no putctoaiiir, lair iicaiiceauucowi mui, K M. WAITB. LOBJDOIV. ,.XI) DKAl.r.It IX .. FAMILY GROCERIES 4'oiiuiii'rt'liil trrvl, Kulrui. ELECTRIC, CHAMPION AMI i LIGHTNING GROSS-GUT SAWS! HOWE'S Platform Counter Scales angftroo SHEEP SHEARS. , anujujt ajj aj iijiJiu.ty HARDWARE! i'oit mm: ii v JOHN R. FOSTER, ' i oiisi.it vi ink xp i'iio.nt stiii:i:tm. l'OIITI.M. THEB0WIEWA60N TO OREGON FARMERS! Wi; taki: i'i.i:.siiu: i.v a.vxoixcino i Iml ui' Imtnim Imiiit a full iiiily of Iliu ii'sti.yii:m:iikati:i) BOWIE WAGONS! Throo and Four Spring HACKS AND CARRIAGES, Thorough Brace CARRIAGES & BUGGIES. Miuli lniniit!iit r l.iM rmwtii.nml urcaii 0i iiii ly titlt) tlml c li'iW pioputv Ui nil )ou (Im BEST Wagons and Carriages 1 m r nil. ml 111 Hi), iniirl.il Our Hindu aro nmilii nf tlui lift in.icni iliiil.ir, nml Imllnl In imro l.ln ti nl Oil IhThic rt lllue lliv llro. tlui. ruaklni; than Entirely Water-Proof ! 1 l'u ii.i Uiu Ih-'I iiiullty nf riflimt nml Norway Irmi.miil 1 miiloy unly ntrlilax uorkmutt In nur LllllllUllMU'lll. Vuii III rim. uli jour (mil Inlirvil ami Iho inter 1 iH 'ifOic'oil, liy jmtiliaaliii' the ru oi;uli. All Work Fully Guaranteed ! Wit atcaltu k "'" '"' ll,t' "c" kuomi MITCHELL WACON8 Manurartnrril ami uarruiitril by MITCIIL'LI. X I.KW'IS. of llatlni-, VIcoiiln. T, ('UNNINflllA.n A; CO. HffERINO AND LKICSTEIU.UIHB MM. HEIf. bred bv . HHEBr, A irca w Halrni, Orrcmi, Anjr. 7, 71.' vuiit lillVl IIIIIH BI7-r FOR clajl.:ei!