2 "WILLAMETTE FAEMEE. ' mtectlhiMom. ctj 6KAND LODGK, I. 0. 0. F. iioiow wii glvo tho decisions made i .. hi . i. ...i . fi . i i.. i. -i. ly UIIS DOdJ III US ll'CUHLSCSSIUIl I1CIU In tlilu i.ltv mi (inosHniw Mihmtltoil 111 llllSlltJ, Oil OULSUOIIS MlDllllUUI. Tho nc.M annual stolon will oo liolil at The Dalle-, In May, 187:1. QmtU'in Xv. I. 1 It iicienary to have tl appear In the minute of n Hnlmrdlnato Lodge llinl thu Loial Agent hail ricclvcd n coiiiinuiilcallnii from thr Actuary or the Mutual Life ArroclatloiiT .Limit. No. Oirttloii 'J.liiiveHiiunrdliinlii Lndge Ihe, right lniiniiirlalu' thilr In ml- (inll.'i H .1 by lax) lor charitable ulilrt In nutrlilu Ihe Older Aiuirtr -All fw.il In Iho InaMiry are liable to warrant r.irniiytitirpo'ci'tiiogulridli) the limiof thu Order, nnd there purpo-.'. have, been decided to he In "inn t tiioiliiliii-ur It" hk and dimmed wcinbcrr. In (arc f.r tin in properly during their llllif m. to bury Ihu ikiul. In riicmr I lie hluu-, and ' toidiicatclhe orphan. Thin Or" nil Lodge liar held "thai n Lodge hue a ll.'lit lo appropriate Lodge funilK lor charllaldii purporra outride of I he Order,' hill irininmendi il ihat a "nmfulilhnim Inatloii I fstnlnt , i'h ti nr lii7ii,' '1 hln (hand fridge, tun. further hihl that a Lodge ha- not n right to levy n lax an iirrerrinenl on It in. (li bera for (li.irftnlj'10 pimmrcr nuteliln the Older. Ar Hit qucrlion If worded. It iIim not cover the rare of "nlnx on tiHtiiliei for charitable purporc. out ride the Onler," In th- cam contemplated hy the ' micrllon, Ihnti'.nuey would hen part of the grin ral fund In ihu Ireaniry. and Hi" Lodge hn tin light (u mute mii h uppioprlalloiie Q itttivn !i. Ul. Whtli Iheroniiiiltlcoon Inter ligation riporl to Ihv Lodge, and picferu iluirgeor 'harfrcr flgnltirl n bmllnr iw.uld -mli ihirgti or barge, or ruiy pail Unroof, b.i pl.K id upon Hie ircorilinf Iho LiHlgiih.r.irc It Ir refirroi lo the roimnlltroor flrutottj the cuime' - Vd. le II nee- fry that aeiiittiit. of money vthldi hato hem i Ipeudril hyiiromiulllee ngtihirl? appointed hy the Lodge, he tiferred Inllio I'lliniice t'uinndllie, n hen rut II coiunilllee iliiuit tin Ir ri port and hlll lolhe Lodge. Anmrtr.- Ifl 'I he i lnrge prefi iri d hv thei oni-inllUn-liiiuld he plat m In lull mum lh' mlnulm, -'.'d. Thu lijrli prntldc th-t nil hill" -hall he te fined In Ihu I'liiamn l' uiiiiuue. uern ine o). Mil- luurl he nfer rid to lam. ate Imperailve. th I lie rinaucc iitiiiiiiin. . (JiHtthm I. II. in long rr'iiliiiri'ilnm It ri.iilrr fur tingle or ii.1rrl.1l pelrnn to he lllgllde f.ir liliniln'lrlilp hy liilllnllonl .(wiivr.-Hie lllgril (l.l,.f.H p. IC ree. V.IS. (J'inllnit 7, Dnei. a N.ll, l I'd lie any ettnhllihid 'aw of theOrdir tthrli he iruuerla In open Lodge that theofrlcrra me.t on Kiin.lat for rihiairlng thu itork, preparaloiy loan liiliUli.iut .(mure No irlalillfhid Ian iiouhl he tlohttril , hy aurh re'iuerl. l)..lln.i .1 U'l..., n..,n...lul..l..,.ll,.l.lrlh.r i. iiaiidedlnlhe .V.( . dining men. r ineclliize, i i'oe ihn N.O. nlrr that loinplalnt to the comnill- leo Mthtee.i.r l Il I.I tluly t.i wall until the night or ine.llngliiappoli.tlheioiiimltlee In open '"ii-e ,,., .,,,,,. . . .(niivr 'Die N. (I ,1 Id announce In open I l.Klgo Ihal A i.niplaliit had he.n plaeiil In hi. htudr, an.) foithn llli appoint nr.uuiiilltrn or three, !o,Mhe?,.nV.:;l;7:!::i,'':',:!,,,',, ,.i,!;B'ri;1,;ii,.MnL i hit iim I in nit' (if inn iiiMniiAiii i no jtintMiiiimn of Hie N.ll. dure rml exlnid oulrl.le and lirjond i.oug.i Hireling-, i repi ii.eun rpeciauy uirrci (Jmlloiti'i When u loiiimllteo on chargen re purl" a lueinher guilt; of loulempl, h Ihu N. II. out the A.hM'H.'U of ruililip.ul ol Ihu rommlllrr hy Ihul.odjef If he lauiinl. how l the tide on i Ik. adoption ol tin U lali ii hy hallot or oil.. luc rigni iu iieiirtii rueii a nioiinr rxpeueii, n tin i in in i . n""r . T!": ".I":".!"!"1 ,.,rO,r!".,,"i1!r.,.l,.,Jr,.u? I iMier. uiiu oy oan i.itnui. u 1..111111 gin ly iiu.irr ii.iA.i iA .....!.. i i .1 r n . Hi 1. . AH 7.1'iiiikllliilliiu. the N.(l. rhnuM de.tlllC(l to lllltlor till lllllld (if tllU Coill- llaru him 1p1ll.1l tillhout fiiilh. r lirocerdlu; Uiiiitl.uiH llai the N.ll. the tLjht to refine a tlrtior admittance luloa LiKl'ewhohai ttratrllne; card In date and the A.T I' W alro the I'. W. or I " COiiris us OVIIICIICC. rlllll eop Ihralli degree, hut Iu. no oilier rlgn or ttonl he-1 loh Hot to 1)0 taken from said (lepOS Joiigliiginlheiiidir' Ilnrles for iinv other iiiniwwo tlian In .Mirvier a tiinor iiiii'i riot 11 mum ii 111 "ine noik In Iim rallrlactiuu ol ine eianiluiiig nun Milieu. If Hie tlrllur U Hporlid an falling limit Hi llilr tirpei I, hu rlioilM he relix-il aduilirlou hy the Lodget Ijarillviiti. -I' II t.uirrari for a Lodge, Intend IU login' a hall on tiie no of our aiinlteirary, lo gltca tvrlllili plidgelolhe M W.li.M. lo ahilaln Iroui uiliu any luloitialliig Urluki 011 lint mra Inn, tin- M.U.UM hating pietloiirly Imird gi ueial pioclniiiatl.ui In all Lodgra In crlehiata Ike Jar in an) inauiitrlhry iuu i.n prnpert Atiittrr. At any rrli hratlon or hall, gttrn III the lumi'of IhoUteer, it ttttllriior tuhai proniUu la l.'.illlrrd n.ilu the i.nh'eri. III atioidauen ttllh lee, !, p. iu, lllir.ll.Ull S. Thr Couiuilllreduuhl'tbi I'loptlety, If rurit litr iter hero dmie. for a (hand Mailer In Irnu' a ill.p. nulliui ' In i lihralcluauy mauuer uu uihera in) ire proper " (Jncrllmi III -Imt I'.N.II, nlm In let till In till a m aney ai ,N 11., he lertliijauiluorll) of ulghliol the triiu, riitlllol In thr I'. U digrre of that rnirr, lili prt'Ctiror. nlm ttar a 1' (1 , hating irrted the uajollly nf nlghlir Auinrr. ItlhcNU nilgni an; lime during (In trin, (he hrolhrrilirl.il, and whn irrtri I lie re. I.ialudrrof Ibe term, l riitlllrd In Hie hmioii and 1'. 41, degrraof N II tsee IHg , hv. I3VI. p. Wl , alm.irr IJM.li. WU.J - - Qui illou II lla-llie luti'rll.'allng i.iiiiinlllri', Ippoluled for the nuip.irl of lutrrllgallng an ap. plnatioii for iiKiiitirraltli', rltlu r hy tint or dlrnili. ulcirllflcali, (he tight In eiamliie the ippllcmt 1 to lili Luun ledge nf (I.I.I rVllottrhlp! Ainwrr 1 lie duty or ine lute'ii'-atiui lyof thrliiif'll e Ii ci B-l'h MM, .111.1" the appllratit't i luaracurt LatacUr aud hit niucn rormembttihii Inirilliiillna duly of (he examluliig committee tit examine bint iiniue il to Idl knowledge of "the work." anil, If rati lacioiy, In inlrtMlut lilu in me Uxige, lUeatnu IK - -Ir Ihrie auj law reuniting the W wueu oaiiiniiL hoi lo the V.fl. ami See , Mj lor 1 a laiidldalri. tu pan the (.allot- , or l II a mere act of louilriy on lili pailt Aniwer. Thu hallot hot, during a halh.l, rhould nuiala Iu full tie w of Ihe N.ll. for the purpoir o( pennlllluK Ihe (1,(1, In tole (If be ttlrhm tu du ro), the W, may pan Ibe hallot hot t.i Ihe Inner door for Ihat purpore. It ihouhl 110I hv parted lo any other oftlieraner (rat lug Ihe N.tl.'i ihalr IJurillou 11. A l.rolhtr ippllri for inrnihenblp ly dtpoiltul lanlaud la elvried, but upon eiaui, Inatlou the romiutllei' nnd hlai ttllhoiitlhe A T.I'. W. or any nnli r for the lame, ran Ihe Nll.ordir Ihe See. In ruler Iiiui aduilllni an A O.r. Ainwrr. No, In ruih rate, thr hrolhfr rhould i.luiiutiiii hla appllralinii for iiu-uiVt tl.li lij catJ, aud pclllliin to he adiullted ai an A.0 I' (Jurrtlou l ('an a l.tlge dln'rlinlmli' Iu Ihe r duilwlou id Member hy donating t.t an) one Ihr whole or auj part n( Ibe'lulllaihui feet And It II right for a Lodge In dnuale lufllrliut from the llraturj luy lutilhir'a dura, rierpl In can f rlrkiieniv iiurfeiiuur, I'j tibU'lihc mi) he unable to make vaymml of inch duel t Auiwer, Kutb .UHluui aie auiHrted In the 1 rgtllrcj ljuritlon 15. liar a N (. the tight In line Ihe liutlou uut of order, tt but' Hi. iv Ir a umllim Inula tu iicure a hrothrr for li..(lrinllue at a (unrrill Auitter. The N II, Mtuild he In error Iu iulug out of order a motion V rcuie a hnther for tinn allcu4ai.ee it Ibe fuueml of niember. nnltn inch luollvuwaiUMolatlouvf allyjljaw of ibe Lodge, iucill.41 14. 1 t proper for a mUirdlum I ongr when, opened In tho initiatory digree. In .U.I.d. ... ... -.1..... ... .. .u . I. u .I....B. M I.. I.,. I Oucill.ui Id. 1. It 1. nmer time laiu pimrlU-d by law, vr wu.l mtli ppllta. 1 lien tor a uiipturaiiou prmeiu iroui ino i.iK.e In u opened Iu Ibepiiltmlardegne applied foil Aurtiir -The icyntit muM he made and toted upon in me imiiaioi) urgrie, tn co eprnctia. a i'A'!?. ..'L',.!h:':.',,iit fW V w,d,'Tnui weavlnirofasbawl of ordinary oa,.it nl-i.irihtf4iiiiti.ruieN-.il ofakuV.1 crxflii.ie UlfololJl.d f,.rdrjrr. on Ihe Mtuel lUUlunldapiJUalloii (or H.t .ti ,. ,. . ln.V-Vhr ballot u( mull he im the rie n nc on tthlrti Id applliallmi Ii made, (IMgnl ' 40, page llfli. A ballot held at any other time l I told. Id thla connection wo rccoiumeud tbtl the on-wir given by till- tlnind Lodge, n quo-lion No. 84, Heitlon 1870, page UV8 of the Journal, lie reverted. ancftloD lrt.-C'an a brother iilthdraw'from a gc for the imrpor c of forming new Lodge, nd ftcr having formed rild new Lodge In Rood work lug order In nil rerpiita, can lie then rejoin lili former Lodei lr iuivIiil' the rrimhir dnei of raid ' IMUi I Lodge, or mint he pnj themmca- no nilmlltrU !- Cnnl" I Atintir. Wcknmt .f lint mio modi) lir bro,M,ang:iliitn(niberrhlplnftI.odgo1), ir ilt poa. Itnfiard,-!, Iljf petition and .iiin-.ut of the In i IHI lie (Jiie-llnn 10, When u perron applied for mem- hertldp In u Lodge olhir than that nrarert Idl place of rerlilunee, rhniild the ierinl--lnnti( the 1 l.odge nrnii-t hl rrfldente isnompaiir hl pell- linn. An-iiir. -Ycf. ' (hiertlnn V) - What court ruction la tu he imt on Seellou C-Jl of thu Dlgert, Orolid Lodge V. S., by Muhonllnalri1, hlch re.ula a- fnllowe : " All trfrr-h' ininta Inllio wot ofdlhloi"orhottrage(nctpt lerl rhall he rlrlclly excluded from all Lwlge room or liallii eonuected tt Ith or adjoining therm under Ihu (oiilinl of any Hulort!!natu or llegriu Lodge or Kuranipment of Oie order 1 Anwer, Wuuudertland Idle Ui to exclude til rdlhles or heteragea (except ttaltri from Lodge roonn, ltd either hefore, iliirlug, or lifter Lodge uicdlii'', (ucrlloii ill Cull a tlrltlngiard le und to pain adriiltlanre to a Huliorilliir.ic Lodge In thejuilnlle Hon uln ro thu rume Ir Irriiid, tiliiu the hnilhir hnldlui.' Hie rant l not In orrirrhui of Ihu term p.lriioid. Anniir, '.(See Dlgirl.jugeMi. I.il el.iurec.f See, V."" Ill iifereme lo uru or A. T. 1. W.i l'atciit onire Itcporls. are indebted to Mr. Savage, We Janitor of the State Department, for a copy of tin) Joint resolution of Con gress, pitted .Ian. II, 1871, providing for publishing .speclllt-atlons anil drawings of Patent Oilleo Keport.s. The ruMilutlon provides: "That thu publication of the abstracts of specl ilcatlons and of the engravings here tofore accompanying the minimi re port of the ConiHiNsioner, hodi-cou-tinned after the publication of that portion of tho report for 18(iU. for which the plates have already been prepared, mid that, in lieu thereof, the CoiuniKslouer b authorized to have printed for gratuitous di.strihu tlon, not to exceed one hundred and IHU CWIIIfrl III I III' Ulllll lUClf MlieeillCll- tloilrt 1111(1 drilWlllg.S Ol Clicll patent iubseoU(lltlv iHSlied. (occllicr with . ,, ,, I" ,"?. , , V ' , h , r MlllablO illilU.Xe.s, to ho l.-MIClI frolll time to time, ono copy to be placeil r..v ..,, ....i.ii,, l,,-,,1.tiii In ,..,l, lor llt'O IHIDIIC I I.Speetlllll III Cllell Clipilill Ol every OUU0 IIIHI ICmiOrV, for t10 "ko inoso in the clerk's ii n itftf a OlUCO (if tllU district COUrt (if CMcll Jll- dicial district of tho United States, except when Much olllccs are located in Minto or Terntonai capitals, and (0 ill tilO library OfCollgrC'SS, which ,.,,liliw wlmll Im liil.-mi iitwrrooi.lfiwl In 'PIIS H"1 "O IIIM'II IIIKI leteiVCd III all courts as evidence of all matters therein contained, nml shall I in cer 1 ...1... I I .. il. 11 ...... i ,r iiiinniiinur 111111 mnii 111 ine 1 litem wi Iton nml ulml I lut IiiL'iiii iiiui tfiofkliiiil 1.. ..' t.i ., ,1 . '. .1 ' be uod as ovldence." Tin. Covii A correspondent of the La (iniudo fkntlnel gives tlio fol lowing description of the "Tho Cove," In I'iiIoii county : Tu our right aro steep and rugged mountains, which rear their heads and gently kls tlio morning vapor; their sides are covered with forests nf pine, llr uud tamarack, and also decked with snow, which melting, descends aud waters as fair a garden as man could wish to cultivate, hi front of im is that fair garden, Inter laced with streams of water, which first I'oiiiti leaping down tho stoop mountain sides from their everlast ing fountain-heads, and then moving slowly onward tu tho valley, waters that rich and fertile garden of East ern Oregon called the Cove situated iu thu eastern part of Grand Hondo Valley. Thu soil is rich and mellow and must of It tinder cultivation; Hue farms extend far up tiie mountain sides. Tiinlver Is convenient and tho farmers aro making thu best of this time of the year whtle grain Is up and growing, in getting rails to make their fences secure and alu tu fence more laud. Tlio farmers, as a class, aro Indus trlous and thrifty. They aro courte ous tu all, and seem tu be progressing lineiy, aim tiioy aru ceriaiuiy naiipy and contented as they should be in a country so well favored by nature. Yin Mi men aru mistaken when they think good looks the principal recommendation tu women. A wo man admires a handsome man for a time, but it needs something more than 11 good-looking face tu retain tills feeling. A woman N, ns a gen end rule, nioru strongly drawn by tho lutelliH'tual qualities, of thu up iroslto sex than hy anything else. What is ulruve, slid is abo true of the gentler sex. In Cashmere, one hundred thou- and persons aiu employed In tho slIUW 1 I manufacture, 'the we.ivers aru all luuu ; must or tlio spinners are women. A female spinner earns iiUtnt .suvotitv.tlvii cents 11 mouth. imtteiip occupies thriH) weavew for threo IlllllltllS tlO IUOt elulMimtU ,,,1 rollv. , from twi'lvo to llfteeil " ri MiJt ,u iu utt-HU 10 li(ivt ,-. -. AIIKAl.UI;lJXCLJf. An?Intcrcstlns SoincHlr. TliolMtxmiliifrton (III.) Iktutnymph i.rliiNrlmfnilnwl.i.e. l.rint.i tlip following . AnliitorcstlngniHlvahmhluinanu- K-rlptorrrcfthlcntLIiKoii'sislntlio IKWMCssIonof Mr. Je.ol-'cll, of pr - mai. Tlio clri'iinibtanucH under which it was written were the-o lt'iiu tM w r il iirniit i irun It was .suggested to Mr. Lincoln in the latter part or 1859, by Mr. Fell and others, that lie might become an available Republican candidate for tho Presidency in 1800, but it was a long wlille before Lincoln would be lieve that he could come prominent ly beforo tho convention. Inn-much as Seward. Cameron. Isnnkg. and others, who had been prominent an accurate statement of his points, as a eaiuiKiaie nugiit uo placed no fore the people of that State. It was not until after repeated solicitations that Lincoln responded to tho re quest, and when he did, in Decem ber, 18(50, lie sent to Mr. Fell the manuscript referred to, which is a brief statement of Ills ancestry and ills earlv life, and u characteristic de-crlption of his por.-onal appear ance. Mr. Fell sent tho document to Hon. .Io-epli .1. Lewis, of Pennsyl vania, late ComuiNsIoucr of internal Hevenue, who, from It, propared u sketch of Mr. Liucoli n's lilo and puh- lMiii. in. ii was tno mosiacctiriiio and .,...: . ,. - '. 'i eonipreheiislyo paper on tho stibjeet that a mioarci I. It was Iniinoillnlclv . i 7 i. V ii .i I ii T I copied into all the leading Journals in i ciiii-.viviiiiiu nun oiner easieni States ; and, Indeed, Illinois iieiiuent iiiterllneatlous and eras ures. Tlio languago is, therefore, his own natural expressions, such as he would uso to a friend in prlvato conversation. Eur Instance, ho hays his parents " were both Iwrn in Vir ginia of undistinguished families second families, perhaps, I should say." Further on, ho says that his father moved to what Is now Sponcer coun ty, Indiana, In Lincoln's olghth year, whoro ho grow up. "There were suniu schools, so called; but noijuali llcation was over required of a teacher beyond readln', writiu', and I clphorin' to tho Itulo of Three. If a 1 straggler, siipK)sed to iindor-laud Latin, liapiioiied tu bojouru in tho neighborhood, he was looked uion as 11 wlwird." Ho'goes 011 to say that lie was rai-ed to farm work, which ha con tinued until ho was twenty-two. Ills last year iu Illinois ho spoilt iu Macnncuiintv; then he was at Now .satem mow in -Menard county) "a 11 Mirl lit il .I'lnrlr In 11 sdirn " .'. thou refers tu the lllack Hawk war. , and tu his election tu tho Legislature and to Congress, winding up with tho following sentence : "If any IHTsonal description of mo is thought desirable, It may lie said I am, In height, six feet four inches, nearly lean in llesh, weighing on 1111 aver- ago 180 pounds ; dark ,cotiiilexlon, l ftl IIVIIC7 ll.tlll wiin coarse uiiick nair, anil grey eyes; no other marks or braiufs recollected." ' Tlio manuscript has been neatlv ( framed, and is uno of thu must valu-. able souvenirs of Mr. Lincoln in ex istence. PosTOiTiriiHiHiUi.vTiON.. The Postmaster Ceneral, Mr. Cre.-swell, has directed the new regulation on iiev.-iapers sent by mall to bo strict ly enforced. No niinio or memo randum can be made 011 a newspaper inside of thu wrapper, on which the address is written. It is barely per- inlssibln tu mark an article with nu ur pencil. Muru than this subjects thn iMiutr to lutter uostnirn imt thu tl 0 iMptr to letter iH)sta,e,.iiid the violator of tills law to a line. :No parly leaders, were all mentioned in C1UX11C j xm Ki,ui courteously : connection with the oilleo. Woll Strother, my boy, liow are Mr. Fell wNhed tu present Lin- we nil' fur moiiev V' coin's niinio in Pcnnsvlvanlii In the Wliv Profeor,' 1 nnswered, 'I event of Cameron. swtlidrawal, and nm sorrv to ,-av I have been (llsip remieed Mr. Lincoln to write n . pointed; Imt T expect a remittance briel sketch of wlio ho was. so that ,vi -,.,,l- III wi-iPVifti-iti iitifl It 1.1 t.ffi!iip iwitntu nu . ii i 1 ' r ti 1 1 vh h,i ; .V(,1,r art, ami care noiiiing ioryou. a eandldato for I resident, 'i'iiearti- A lpc:(0.r lives better; and the cle thus iirepared aiipcared original- vory Mjn-dlFveiiOM, that stimulates ly, wo be oye, in tho Jiorii Amerh MuUo work keeps liim nllvo to suf- cdii, of Philadelnliia. in January. r....t.... the 'iii 1 '. 1 iK 1 1 y r V1CU . or how ho was getting along with ills obtained their leading facts and ar- painting, nmriio toTd mo that ho had gu iiients from i . abandoned it; that ho had some- Tho iiaiiuscr pt has been in Mr. iMng bcltt.r ho believed ; and told howls' lrossesWon until recently, ,no about his proiioscd telegraph. I when ho returned It to Mr. Fell, neenmpanied lilm to his room, and Of course, It was never imagined by W1W, V.tm.i Bi.v.i iiinw nr'win. JiY . w 1 tr 'ii ,e V"1cri wouI(1 ov.cr ' twisted alKiut, and tho battery, which c V'V1 i,0..,)ll,llN' Arorr 'm m'.Ci' by,lio explained to inc. HIh p cturcs, " if i,,?.5i..ll..ff,,t Wi 1't,11, ,,t",w Ihiisht'dand unfinished, were lying evidently written oil-hand, as It has i... ,...,.i ,ui, .1..V1 ui.-.nf. printed card, handliill, or advertise- of abofuto refusal to enter life's itient, no welt ten notice, lip or anv partnership with him who cannot kind whatsoever must be folded in -econd her example, and sho will the paper. To do any of these things ' have accomplished a reform might is to violate the law. Printed slips 'ior than ever followed tlio scourgings lasted on tlio outside, or folded In of pen or platform, or weapons of jiapers or periodical, soliciting no- war. tlccs, aru also violations of the law. stumors 01 transient papers can send , Miss Virginia Vaughn, in her bundles of printed matter by weight , lecture on " The Poetrv of the Fu ortraiisleut postage charges, but must ture," announces that '"the grand not,send any written, matter in ftiicliepio of tho comlug noot will throb bundles. ' , , with the pulses of the cosmos." . Incident In the JJfc of Vrot. Morse. ( Siioaklngof I'rof. IMorsc, Col. Stro- ,thcr, tho famous "l'ortu Crayon," BaldliL Washington, tho other day, "I engaged to Ijccomo MoiwjM im- ,, linft subsequently went to New VoVkaiul found him In n room In univerfcltv Place. Ho bad tlirco tir,. i,i,ls. nml T fnnn found that m - our iirofe.s-or lmd very little patron rouage. I paid my Jlfty dollars ; that settled for ono quarter's instruc tion. Mor.-c was u faithful teacher, and took much interest In our pro gress more, indeed, than we did our.-eives llut ho was very poor. I remember that when my .-econd quarter's pay was due, my remit tance from homo did not come as 'Xextweekl' he repeated sadly I shall be dead by that time.' ' Dead, sirV ' Yes, dead by starvation.' I was ditrecd and astonished. I said, hurriedly, ' Would ton dollars be of any service '." ' Ten dollars would save my life; that Is all it would do.' 1 paid the money, ail that I had, and we dined together. It was a modest meal, but good, and after ho had llnished ho said: 'This Is my ilrst meal for twenty-four hours. Strother, don't be an artist. It means beggary. Your life depends upon people who know nothing of ii;iiiiu i ....'.. ,.,t,i .m, t,..,r., -i,, three years, and than wo separated, t......'. ...... i i ' i.i roniu veuia miei ttiiui i iiiui. linn uu iiro.uiwl,y, ,UI (y. Ho was about ijiiiiMiinniw liofurn. i tho same as before, a trifle older, and ome wna t ruddier, i asucd nun Shortlv aiierwani, congress made nil appro priation, and Morse was on the high road to wealth and immortality." P.uns, May 2-1. M. Paulo pub lishes u loiicrirom iMipoieon, dated Chisclliurst, May 1:2th, addressed to the Generals commanding the army of France, in which lie tavs : " I am responsible for Sedan. Tho army fought heroically, witli oven double Its strength, after 1-1,000 had been killed and wounded. I saw that tho eontestiwas merely one of despera tion. The ariny's honor having oecii saved, I exercised my sovereign right and uniiiiied tno nag or truce. It was lmioalblo that an army of WMHK) men could savo France. I witnessed tho cruel, lu'oxorablc ne cessity. My heart was broken, but my conscience, is tranquil." Plorro Iloon and his Imnd, who were convicted of participating iu some of the most outrageous acts of the Commune, were executed this morning at Satory. They exhibited 110 eiiiniion wnatevi er, and died cry ing " Vive la Commune." 1I(W A CAMI'.Ii OOIX TlIUOL'ail rii 1: Kyi: ok a Xkiuim:. The pas sage from tho New Testament, "It is easier lor a cainei," etc., mis per- . ----- I'lexei ntauy "' literally. goou men who nave " wav e"!li; "" "! very low apertures, called meta- I'horlwilly " needles' eyes,' just as V.U talk of whidows on shipboard ns "uuiis' eyes.' These entrances are too narrow for a camel to pass through them In the ordinary man ner, oven 11 umoaucd. wiicn a loaded camel has to iwss through uno nf the entrances, it kneels down, Its load is removed, and then it shuttles through on its knees. " Yesterday;" writes Lady Duff Cordon, from Cai ro, " I saw a camel go through tho eye of a needle that is, tho low arched door of an enclosure. He must kneel and bow his head, to creep through ; and thus the rich ,uau 1,u",t lblu himself." , ... I,ot woman wali her hands of all ,):,r,h.liatio in the cu-toins of social Irinklnt?. and let hwimir fhn frmv.t i nviini.fiiil nml mm fin v dm iirofossor DOMESTIC NE1V8DV TULKUHAPII. Chicago. May 31. Crop reports from various. parts or Illinois and Iowa show thut the season is backward. The wheat crop in most localities is much lighter than usual. Nkw Yoiik, May 31. James Ctor doii Iknuett died at 7:M p. in. His son and daughters nre expected to ar rive home I'roni Europe next Satur day. Washington, Juno 1. A spccinl says if the opinions of Senators are to be believed and their sources of Infor mation worth anything, tho "Washing ton Treaty is ucail. fcjenntois now talk about the Treaty as a thing of the past, and only (II'ciim tho cll'cct of its failure. However, the State Depart ment has hope and buci its belief up on the slender thread that in tho cable trausniislon of the protocol theie were niMakcs made which will be remedied when the ofllelal transcript forwarded by mall shall have arrived. The President has appointed (icorge Xour-e Itcglftcr and (tcorgo Conner Receiver of the Land Oillce at Lln vllle, Oregon. Tho public debt statement show's a dcciease (lining ine niouiii oi 'M-y.i-'u,- uoo ; coin bnlnnco liiTreastuy, S01,106, : currency balance. $ll,l!u7,81:. 341 An account of tho fiesbet iu Soutli- wc-t MIourl says whole farms in tlio valley of Snriiu; lllvcr. Centre Creek and other vt reams washed away ever.vthlng, leaving nothing hut rocic and gravel. Live stock of all kinds was drowned. Over one hundred yards of tiie Atlantic and Pnclllc llail road trade was swept away from Its bed Into thcadloliilng fields. There is a fall of water live leet high rolling down Spring Itlvcr valley, leaving de vastation and 111 11 behind. A Hint ron Si:ttm:i:s. Kighty acres is all that can now lie held un der the homestead act on tlio seven sections within thirty miles of the railroad Hue, the odd sections being railroad land, except such ns aro al ready secured by pro-omptlon. A pre-emption claim is only good to the original settler, until complete, or if conveyed to others, must run tlio regular time without counting tlio original settler's time In such pur chase of an incomplete pre-emption right. One hundred and sixtyacres, how-over, can bo pre-empted on gov ernment laud within the railroad line, by paying $2.50 an acre. The latest candidate for the civic crown among women, is Mrs. Abbie Cllilbnl, of Stockton, Maine. She was the wife of the Captain of a brlir fittingly called by her own name. This ve-el sailed from Pernainbuco on tho 27th of Maicli, with n cargo of su gar for tlio port of New York. -When a few days out, tho yellow fever at tacked the ciew, and iu a shoit tiniu both tho captain and first mate were victims of tho disease. The command o'f, the vessel now fell on the second inntc, who was a mere boy, and pos sessed little knowledge of navigation. So ninny of tlioyrew were sick that there were haul. enough to man the sails. A storm canto on and there was danger that the vessel would be lost. Under sucli circumstances this heroic woman rose from n sick-bed, and'as- siiincd command of tho vessel. For weeks she navigated tlio vessel, doc tored and nursed the sick crew, and on Sunday last the brig anchored off Sta ten Island, In good condition. Let tliis woman have a placo iu our hearts and history. Mrs. CHfTord bad inado frequent voyages with her husband, and bad learned the science of naviga tion. I The United States Senate, Saturday, passed n resolution, directing tho Com mittee on Privileges and Elections to make a thorough Investigation into tlio election of Senator Pomeroy iu 1807, and of Senator Caldwell in 1871, with authority to send for persons and papers, to administer oaths, ami to sit In Washington or elsewhere during the recess of Congress. A Youno PosiTi visT.-Purson.-Wlint is u miracle? Hoy. "JJunno." Parson. "Well, if tlio sun were to shine in the middle of thonlL'bt. what should you say it was?' Hov. "The moon." Parson. "Hut if von were told it was tho sun, wlint should you say It was?" Hoy.-"A lie." llirson. I don't tell lies ; suppose I told you it was tlio sun ; what would you say then?" Hoy. "That ver wasn't sober !" Calico, the well known cotton cloth, is namea- from Cnliebt. a city In In dia, from -whence it flrst'eame. Cwj Ico was not known in England at w until, ($ iate.ii8itho;yenr jjai.