WILLAMETTE FAEMER. 7 totrg. RPRING. XV WtLUILX VVLLa.ll. lUi'.cl open window, open heart ; Quickly, oh quickly 1 OM Winter eceka a paflse out s Ho IlJgcts anxiously About, Goes round the houo with buttling air, And picks hit duds up hero nnd llicro; Quickly, oh quickly. Haste! open window, open heart; Quickly, oh quickly I He's spied oun? Spring luforo the doo". He knows his madcap pranka of yore; To pull hl enr were rpnrt, I trow, Or plack hit rorcnttd beard of mow I (Quickly, oh quickly t Hato t open u ludow, opes heat! I Quickly, oh quickly I tfprlnjr. knock already at tho door; Hark) 'lis hltthrerlnotco once raort Ho kneel with all tho force he may, With his little meadow-flower bouquet; Quickly, oh qulck'y ! llartol open window, np ti heart I Quickly, oil qulckl) 1 And If yoa arc not pioiitit to hear. He has hi train ofernnts near: He'll summon theni to help lit will. And knock and beat more loudly still 1 Qutcklt, oh quickly I Haitc I open window, open hiattl Quickly, nti quickly I Lot MnniliiR hreejie, his herald, lew A pnflwl cheeked boy of roy hao JIo blow s till all tiling (tlr mid rliic Tor entraneu tn hl .Matter, "jirlnj' Quickly, uh quickly 1 Ilatc I open window, open Ixait; Quickly, oh quickly I Tho braio knight, Siinliliie, now appear. And breaks his way with t,uldcn spear; While tho roft flatlirer, I'lowerbriatli, llut.s Through narrowest erc Ices andchliik, Qulckl), oh quickly! Haste I open window, open heatt I Quickly, oh quickly I Sow rounds the oust t, l'hllnmel ; And hark, and hark I an tclioV w ell An echo from my Inmost breast In tweet Spring Joy, n welcome cuest J Qulik1y, oh quickly I Tin: Christian advises ministers in these words : " Do not got excited to toon. Do not run nwny from your henrcw. Kngino driving-whceld whirl fatt on nn icy truck, but when they draw anything thoy go Mower. Do not scold tho people. Do not abuse tho faithful souls who como to meeting rainy days, because others aro too lazy to attend. Preach the best to tho tiuulet a-scmbllcs. Jesus preached to one woman at the well, and sho got all Samaria out to hear him tho next time. Ventilate your meeting-room. Sleeping In church is duo to had air oftencr than to bad manners. Stop preach lug and talk to folks. Come down from your etlltcd ways and sacred tones, and becomo 'as n littlo child.' Tell stor ies ; Jesus did, and tho common pcoplo heard him gladly. Relate your experience ; Paul did, and you can hardly do better than he." To Cum: Tin: Lovi: or Aui)i:.r SrmrrH. Captain Hall was tho com mander of tho Great Eastern steam ehip. Ho had fallen iutomich habitual drunkenness that his most earnest efforts to reclaim himself proved un availing. At length ho sought tho advice of an ancient physician, who gavo him a prescription which ho followed faithfully for seven months. At tho end of that time, ho had lost all desiro for liquor, although ho had j many timos been led captive by a most debasing appetite. Tho pro-t-cription, which ho afterwards pub lished, and by which po many other drunkards have been assisted to re form, is as follows : Sulnlinto of iron, 5 grains; magnesia, 10 grains; pep permint water, 11 drachms ; spirit of nutmeg, 1 drachm ; iwlco a day. According toofllclal reports, there j wero In London on tho 10th ult. 120,-, 111 pauper.-, of whom ill, 100 wero in , workhouses ami &o,;kj1 received out door relief. Theso llgures fchow a dccreaeo of 27,017 compared with tho corresponding weeks hist year. At a rccont town meeting In Mos cow, ti fcinall town on tho Chicago, Koelc Island nnd I'acillc railroad, about forty miles wcat of Davenport, Iowa, women wore elected, by a largo majority, to till all town oflkes. It l n flno tiling to Imj nblo to rlpon without Nhrivellng j to roach tho caltnncM of ago nnd btlll kcon tho warm heart and ready pympathy of youth. ' lonltrji. CMCKKX CHOLKKA. A correspondent wisely remark.- of chicken cholera that "until it it known what organ is affected, it N idle to talk of this or that remedy proving efieutual." I cannot decide this point, nor can I say what Is tho cauo of tho disease, though I be lieve It to bo some hurtful food. I can only de-cribo the .symptoms and mention the remedy which 1 found olllcaelous. Certainly every disease which carries oil' poultry Is not chol era. Tho symptoms of true cholera aro as follows : The fowl droop, and refuses to eat, and evacuates copi ously a frothy iiiiiuoii, which looks like beaten yolk of egg. The craw Is filled (u-ually much dl-tendctl) with lluld, and, In parting the feath ers which cover it, shows a grcenNh Into through tho -kin. As tho dis ease progre.cs, tho head become afl'ected, so that the fowl in unable to hold it up, even when It can Maud on its feet, or hold on to the roost ; finally, it is attacked with convul sion, ami die". Tho appearance of the craw I consider dUtluctive of cholera. 1 had lo-t more than half my Mock la-t -prlng, and wasdo-porato, when a friend suggested carbolic acid as a remedy. 1 put llvo or six drops Into two ounces of water, and poured about half a tcaspoonftil down the fowl's throat, repeating tho dive twice or thrice In the day. If the fowl could not eat, 1 feti it with corn meal wet with tho carbolic mixture, in some caes making It like thin gruel. For tho poultry which could eat, I prepared the corn-meal In the same way, and into the trough of water i put enough carnoiic acid to impart u decided odor, and make the fowls shako their heads vigorously when thoy drank. Tho disease causes great thirst. This treatment checked tho spread of tho dheae, and cured womo very bad cases. In ono case, tho fowl was so dirty, from falling and lying in the mud, that I gavo it a warm bath, wrapped it up In a piece of old flannel, and kept ft In tho house all night, giving It a good doo of the acid. Tho next morning it could hold up Its head, and It Is now a Hue, healthy rooster. Hut It Is all-essential that the poul try bo confined in a yard ; If allowed to run at large, nothing can save them. For tho "lp," another fatal (lis-; eie, known by a horny .scale on tho ; tip of tho tontruo. 1 have found a' mixture of about one teaspoon fill of soot and one-fourth as much oiilphur, with Mitllclcnt lard to form a paste, tho bo-t remedy. Tearing the pip irom mo tongue, i uiiiik worno man u-elcss. .For sore eyes, washing with .-alt and water is vcry efficacious. Jpono ciido 1 dropped into tho 'eye a woak solution of nltrato of silver (lunar caustic), ono.graln to one half ounce of rain or distilled water, apparently with Itoneflt. Lir. Ctilman's lturul World. Ciiakcoai. ox Flow Kits. A cor correspondent of tho Jlerue Jforli cole says that not long ago he made a bargain for a roso bush of magnifi cent growth and full of buds, lie waited for them to blow, nnd ex pected rocs worthy of such a noble plant and of tho praises bestowed uikhj It by tho vender, hut when It blos-omed all his hopes wero blasted. Tho flowers wero of a failed line, nnd ho discovered that ho hail only a middling multlflora, stalo color enough. JIo therefore resolved to -acrltleo it to nomo experiments that he had in view. Ills attention had been directed to tho effects of char coal as ntated in somo KnglMi publi cations. JIo then covered tho earth iu tho pot in which tho rose bush was nlmul half an Inch deep with pulverized charcoal. Komo clays af terward ho was astonished to see tho-o which bloomed of as fine a lively roe color as ho could wish. JIo determined to repeat tlie experi ment, and tiiereforo when tho ro-o bush had done flowering, ho took off tho charcoal, and nut fresh earth about the root, ami waited for the noxt r-prlnp Impationtly to spo tho rouii 01 111 is (xtiuriinciit. wiiun it hlooiiU'tl. fho roif.s wore nt flrl nitlol nnd discolored, hut by applying thot 'l!ircii:ll 11.1 lniTitrn llinv uu.iiiinl I their ro,o red enlorJ Ho' then tried uiu I'lioiiL-imi 1'iuircoai 111 utrpo iiuiiii title.i uon petunias, and found that lioth tho white and violet colored flowers xvcro equnlly ransltivo to lt action. It alwayd pavo vhwr to tho red or violet, colore, and the whito jKitunla'j hecaino veined with red or violet tint"; tho violets became cov- Sortirnlhtral. cred with Irregular spots of a bluish or almost black tint. Many persons who admired them thought they wero cholco new varieties from the seed. Yellow flowers appear to bo insensible to the influence- of char coal. TumpTkhkinKngi.axi). James Vlck says that during his recent tour through tho south of Kngland, In visiting a park which contained many interesting and remarkable trees, one in full bloom attracted the special attention of his English friends. This was tho tulip tree, and ho adds : " 1 took no small plca Miro in Informing them that this was a common forest tree In America. " Tin: Si'xri.owKU and Nitkoohx. Xo plant absorbs nltrogon so rap Idly as tho sunflower, as ravenous as tho s-toniach of an ostrich. A pigeon was burled between the roots of a sunflower, ami after somo weeks not a vestige of the bird was found the plant had devoured ami dlgoMod even the feather-". I r h at homo that every man mu-t be known by those who would make a Just estimate either of his virtue or his felicity; for smiles and em broidery are alike occasional, ami the mind Is often dressed for show in painted honor and fictitious benevo lence. SPECIAL NOTICES. Iti'liiiirluitili' Cunt of tlu ."upi'itiitendrnt and Au'i'M of the (luiidalupo Mint' The wntk pus brtwl) on. " Ca-e No. ii,(0t Second Series lil'AHAII IL M'NI, NKUtSAN Jll I An?. 13, 1871. f lr I. If loWii ,t (U. Knrn longtime I hiie been ailllctetl with Ithi-niiiathiii In my hand and lei t, the pains mot of the time brine very merr tin the il of July I procured some of vottr t NK XVKKI) l(KMi:i)Y, and nftir tnklnjronly Thnv Hol lies, dm! that I am qultu restond to health and stri'iijlli. I hiu'lmltln: rlinmiMlMiif iri'h'wn II) jeans and think tli.it thesuccess oftlu L'.NK " In I'titlng a iII'Oiko of mi Ion,; ttandlnj;, In so sliott n time. Is ery roiiarkiible. As i tonic ami appo tler I have nnor met with ftnjthlni: equal to the UXI;W:i:IIII1:MI:I)V: ilurlii.-lhetrmclHiistak. Ingll lpilnrdllfterhU&)p(iundliiurlht. Tru-t-lii'-thAt this i-ertlilratn will be useful In Induiliii; other aneUed it was tn try the "IINK," I rrmaln (err truly jours' JAMIM T. IlltOW.V. Ki'b'.' I. Sup'l and Ai;ent (iiindalupc Mine. lclil o(lo. iNMnrcTIos is in rsus of nhio-tsnths rf sll dmsM' ttm lllluir intcliin Is subjnt to) ili tun to tho stdniscli anO die vstWo ore sns. and rmi .bill -.. H.ABA .ka tial. 1 .. J..-- .1... nil, M.l. IUVIB ,MM ..Ml. ,U IWUF UIKIV, R UIIIP. Ir. nly ClisisS4 iMC Bl(r gn rf COIU- intnilrd lijfsM itirslcin to Drsfrmc and lur iu, iviuri.tism at in I.itiii aiin rtiorxtixit O0M, Mse adTertissuitat Id uctbrr column. GILL, STEEL & CO., nril nw is r r"V .""""' BOOKS, STATIONERY Musical Instruments, SCHOOL BOOKS. Aii:xi:hai. AssoitT.vn.vr or the hi:sp HuuiLinl I'ubllcntloiif. TrIACIIKItV Ri:Qi:i!)ITi:, Mich as Ololirs, Maps, (hatls, Crayons, Cn'.l Hi lis, ItonarUs, Ac. misci:m.xi:oi's hooks A Kiiirral asrorlnisnt, ami (.rrrythlnt; pulillshiil In tho Cnllt'il Sut is or l.'uropv linportot to oruVr ou sliott notice. XXV iMliosspi'iiul attrition too-ir tiV of Mason & Hamlin Organs, THKIILhT IN TUB X-Oiir.!) CIllCKKItl.Sn. MAKICIIAM. X MITTAliKlt. AnU KMEItSOX PIANOS ! I'l.irri;', violixh, a(x-oiidkox, a., &i: A compl.'tH ashortiutiit of Ml'MC IXSTIH'C TlOX HOOKil. Aul3. THE OSU3IBAT2S CHICKERING PIANO "T MICZI ifJ 84 ':7rmi MASON i: HAMLItf OUQANS, (1IM. A. STIII'.I, Arcta fvr Oregon ami XX'ashlDKton Territory. tvrrlcfrcally Hcdaced. HoM either for CAHII cr on INSTALMKNTf . XVAnruoivi 87 Front Nlrcct, up stairs. Tunlscd. Stfl Jl. IWl-lf. vl 75iz3$&&'fiSKKtF' ' ftfJj?j'':sosa'1 IM jrap.I ST n m JOHN HUGHES, Ooruor or JST-A.T.EJ nud XiXaaXUVFir mtx'ootm O Bacon, Lard, Butter, Ohceso, Flour, Graiu, Feed, AND DOMESTIC PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS. Painty, Oils and "Window Glass, Amorican and English Ooach Varnishes, English and American Furniture Var nishes, Gum Shellac, and Japan Varnishes, White Darnar and Asphaltum Vai'nishoo. cas rou on . KMII'IIVNT Oil mxkki) ear Mil) OIL, XKATS I 01)1' Oil DOfil'MI Oil l'OI,lt Oil., Hill IOI.U1IV lAMl'llLAlK. liKAIXIM. Wholesale and Retail at iiIi inilit 1 1 i' nil Kind m Jrtr nit J Why Delay Inouring? SECURE tho PROTECTION , uni'.ur.i) iiy Tin- ' OLD NEW ENGLAND.. Facte Little Known Kt i riNi) in LIFE INSURANCE : minim: i no i'4ici'i:ii'i'iii in J. tlio Now Knuliiiil Mutiml I. Id' lii'iiraiicoCom pnny, mill tliu fnlliiwliia namiK,Kinni)llii' lirl : I'liitTiAMi, Xoi. 15. Imn I o- .ilil on it Hillrr mIutii the iri'iiilnm us sl niontlis ounlno -.X.t" i:. MllltT. rottliiul, Orivon. Xtnoiint lnimil, fVDm. Tlie mitiiiiit of Oils ilnlm .is .itto'tcil Iiy flmlninil lllll- ,l.i.li M.ijir. I m II. I'lui- ncrs, .ii. i?ciitT. Colt st, Jan, 'JT.. ISil. l.os uitil on a polloy uliorolhi! iirriiiliini ns fuur numtU' m I'nlun - J. XX. .loins, ('.ilusj. inl. Hiiiuiiiit lu.iiri'il, t Hl.inii). 1 lie tuyinriit of ttiU i liilm uns u 1 1 1 t o I Iiy l'rank Siinilillii. XX'. P. 1:0.1.1.. I. M. Wilson, J. tloinl. .X..I, JohuMin M.I)., lliiirx rototi. Walm T 1'iirtK. .Inii Xlil, ImI.- I.os pilil on n policy uhcratlir iirtiiiliimniisilrtrniiioiilliiinrr iluo: Ijiw rrnco I), lVrl. XX'nlmit I nik. C11I, ; nm ouut liiMiml, f5.i). Tliu is)iiicnt or Oils iLilm iiAsaiti'stiil Iiy John Mil, Orrl- I'rli. John J. Krrr.M. Ciihrr, I), 1' Misjur-. CnLl'M, l'cli. , IS1I. I.oss mj on n "illi") lnrt' tlio in'inliim us foiiriiionihsoiinliii': .Us. II. Caliicti. Coin. 11. cat.: amount Insurril, riimi. Tin' Jim ment of llils claim uts Attisliil Iiy XX. 1', cioml, J. XX. lioail, John llos. John Clicni'V. San Fiunci.lo, July ', IHII, -Ui-s isll on n iollry Mhorutho i'ri'inliim was Inn month out iliitfi J. I.i'ilnson, of ll.il-o City, liloh.i; ninoiiiil In-liroil, tlO.rtO. Tliuia)ini'iH of this dilm us AtlrstiHl hy M. H. ll.irm It, S .X (')K', J. t'trf, Ho 1'iillinl, Ki'ili'r ,t Co. Tho Imo flslms won' mM unci, r tin' Mussn ihusitlt Iiuu-forfuituri' Ian. Tin; Xi iv Kiicl.iml Mutual Life tiisurauci' I'tim pany was liiriirptinitril In licit, ami Is thon font tint ohlest purely imiluil flfo In-urnncc romiiauy In tlm 1'nllrO Mtati-s. It lias CAHII AMHKTM OP OXI'.lt lO.OOO.OOO. ami Isllu'unlr company oil lliu Pacific roat Koirtni'il liv tho .Massarliu'ilts noti. fotfi'linre law, IllVIDK'NIIH il.clsr.'il nml iimit.i aiallahlc In imjmoiits of prmilmns ANMAI.I.Y. v.i.i,.:i: i;viciiKON, 0( ni ral Ak nt, N. II. ror. Sjnsonm ami California. rls tian Kramliio. JOSi:iMI .MIDDM'.MISS, "upcilnti nili lit of Xpfiicles, ID rront it., PortUiu! t AIT. I.YMAX 8. HCOTT, Drfliiiu), l.oral Xs lit. Statu st.,Hai-hi J. 11. JoltDAS'. 41. W. JOIIIIIV, JORDAN BROTHERS, DKAI.UM IX HARNESS, SADDLES, Saddlery Hardware rrc , n r , irvc lati' Mtif t crailyopposlti'l'alloii lllixV, fuWm A Good asoortmont of Concord Stago and Buggy Harnoso. IIlllltK 3Illl ( !!. tV ll'plr 1 .' pn1111pt.ya11.iHU.lt 1 tn.', a p'n rjaortnnnt of I'arm liarni l.ipi ontantly 011 haml, oriuxlc touiih r on lunt iiollir (YHat1i- r.i.joi i il froii. uurolil slaiulon Com. nurclal Mlr'H 10 tin' plaro funuftly occupied hy haill'l I'll Jf H!I Sliil,. Vlr, f .,., r.t.i.. rlf.ill. L..II-1, a fuitlu r liuri' of puhllc imtroiuio. Id romincmla I tlonj O111 XViiil .Xpib If k CULLENS SANTA CRUZ HARNESS ! ManufactiireiJ anil forsaluonlyat JVo. Til J-lOll Hi ., fttvt lltlKl rixui: hi I'liwoiiiTV ok my nusT clxsh L II AIINKSS render tbcDilh'i CHEAPEST IIATJIVEHS III Ihui.iailat I niMUANTKi: thtm to he u UI.'NUI.M: All TICI.K. All klmlsof HAI)I)l.i:flV WAIICS at lonctt prl ccs. ll'chlUJm.l JOHN XV. (.'III.I.KN. 1tf'l!'.,M9. A- ? IJilCKbTKIIHIIIIIU Atm. uiuiir, nrcd by JOHN JUNTO, SaUio, OrtKOu, Aof. 7, 'TI. Ettm ni2Ai.r.u in ;:e:k.:x.:e:sf tlll.NA Xl'T Oil,, lOAI. OIL, !VW XXI) IlOll.lill Oil., roois ,u ,r JOIIIVr HHJGEES. liantnlilo I'roilmo nt 'ti Itntr. - OI - I3ST X-XXJ GrlEUllBS. r rsi.Mi ,sn n. i . nxrrnci: PAniVXENTSR U BABCOOIT, CiiiiiiiU'irlnl Iltoik Siilrm, 'rnVJ g? CABINET MAKERS! XMI III! XI KltS IN Dornoslic and Offico FURNITURE, Upholstery, Paperhanging, Mxnit.XKsr.s Tuckor'o Patent and Spiral Spring Bods. Coffins and Caskets Maili' tnoiiP't at short holler, ami oil n-asonaWc lcnn. Nortt If. rRAKK A. OOOX, BOOKBINDER, AMI lilank Itnok Miuiufactiucr, sAi.icn, oiti;u.. rJilhtm II A VINO KSTAIII.IHIIKD A AlEIUA ru,t a'" llookliliulrry In Malrm. nmSjBW '" ""w I'ripari'il toitualliiiannrrnf tmamt wink known In the tratlr. .tluKiiA'liii'si, Nrpnirr nnd jriualr, llouiitl In any iletlnil sl)l, Old Hook rr-liutnid. Ill, INK li:iOKS,of n.ryil.'scrlptloii,ltli or wllliuut prlntitl IiiiiiIIiiks, minufucturrd to 01 ls r. III.AMiN, of tcry ktu.l, rulnl ami pilntid Iu ord.r. ' trr I'HK kn iii;.tKO..ni.ic. j In inay'a lllock, Mat.' tlrrrt. JIoylT-tf. L. S. SCOTT, Man- olrri'f, nrxt door to tl. IV, tiruy, . IIKAIRII IV.... Groceries and Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars, Foreign and Domostio Fruits, FARMERS' PRODUCE, CROCKERY, Glassware & Stoneware HaUhi. Jul 'Jl. l",o. Willamette Nursery, Q. W. WAILIHO Sl CO., oawiioo, oill.-rjo.N itovi:its or Tin: iioiuvrxAiiii.TiKs VH of Fruit Trees & Shrubbery Particular iitti-utlon i;ll.u In CHKIIUY AND I'l.tJM TJtr.K-J. I'trsons Inti inline Iniiarrhain Tru' ilurliif tlio reason of lb71 'J. slmulil call aii'tcnauiluu our sloik which Is tin) Largest and Best iutlio Stato tCT Hmd for fataloK'ius, illstrlLutid k'ratls. Novll-tf. FOR 8ALE. AMlTrilKI. XVA00N. 3M INCH-NKAIII.V new, liavluK heen used oil light uurk but ouu srason, Also, a span ol KAHM HOHHKH. with HartiMS, lnlolreat tk KAHMKil UftlL'K. mm.: I- -jl. t. krWmm