Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 11, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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Sm. or AxiM.vi.ci'i.r.s. Tlio mt
croscopo jdves im a thoiHaml Icmou",
to bo gained In no other way but by
its thousands of multiplications. The
Ize, structure, habits and general
character of millions of little animal
cules can alone be determined by the
use of the glass. There are a number
of Rpcelesof these minute anlmnlsso
-mall that e half million would not
till a lady's thimble. These species '-
of animalcules so that ten million. Marriage, liko fiddling, depends a
would have moving space" In a cubic i great deal upon the beau-lug
half inch! Again, the microscope re- Any fool can make a woman talk,
veals to us thee animals mi small, I but lt'.s rather hard to make one lis-
but not with lorleated form-, that COO-1 ''"
000,000,000 would not be crowded In an " Cleanliness is next to godlncs." If
eggshell! A space no larger than a .M"..is H0- ft cnkc of w,al ''I ' ''ft-
peck of miihI would contain 8,000 of tcr t,m n ,oor "tmon-
these living, moving, producing be i Oraeo (Jreenwood acknowledges that
,,, "man Is a grand creature, oven if he
'"? . , , , . , Is a little stingy about the franehl-e."
The sheddlngs of the-e minute mil- .,,,,, ..
mnl pnmiw.s.. n rrrnn i.iri r ( rh.nli A bachelor Is described by u member
mas compose a great parlor trlpoll, f jheSoroslsasa man wlio has neg
whlch contain enough of the skins of luctetl his opportunity to make some
nice animalcule" in a euoiu loot oi i
the sulftance to reprcent more beings
than any figures yet made could com
pute. Tn various portions of the
'lobo tbiii little economics of nature
have passed down Into a stratum, be-1 ,, Mmiiv InUlw cxnreJwRreatillslIko for
'. i i in ii . I tuc "Dolly union" eostuines, and
came Impregnated with the nxyil ! rai,nilcntly ncrt tlmt tlu-y will never
of Iron, and Is n valuable and eeon-, bo seen wearing them. If the fashion
omle ore for eommerelal purioe. In&ts any length of time, however, wo
I would not bo too nine that they would
,, not ehange their mind"'.
Vklocitv or Mi.ti.omi.' SroNiw. ,,,..,.
It has been ....lie satisfactorily proven A? j
that meteor-, before they meet with ' KO(xl farmer, he make two crops In one
the retarding influence of the earth's year." "How Is that Kiunbo'."' "Why,
atmosphere, often move with a veioc- ,' sells all his hay in de fall, and
tivmvi.nitilmiikMiiilttniivilinnrnn'iii akes money once ; den In the spring
Iti.seeniIthouMnltI)iestha tornc.ui- he sells all do hides ob the cattle dat
non ball at the Instant of Its discharge. tv f,,r the lack ob de hay, anil make
If a cannon ball could be made tn money twice."
move With Mich velocity It would I a wife who has been lecturing her
almost Instantly be destroyed, and husband for coining home Intoxicated,
disappear in a streak of name. It Is. became rineeiised at his Indlllerenee,
probable, however, that the Impetus
necessity to Impait such a velocity
would at once reduce to powder any
brittle substance like east iron or stone.
Meteors which enter the atmosphere
at any eonslderableangle from a direct
lino towunl Its eenteraredefected from
- . I
their coue and soon move fnm its u prelude tn u homily or elcanlines-, !
infliieiiee. Bucli is no doubt the eae ' how often his shirt was washed,
with many which arc seen to lilt across "P.1.1.1"0 month," was the reply.
i.a tku- u-hiin ...mi, if i,r.i ,.w.ut r My, I require two shirt a week."
thosky, vhlle man, if not most of i.'iVaVarlis In a week!" ejaculated Hob
those which enter In a direct line, arc ,t. v, maun be n dirty deevll J"
dissipated into impalpable gases I- ,u. .., .,.,,, nlllI;L.MK.h flMllll
fore they have pascsl half the distance ob demselves about do women as de'
Irom the solar bounds of the atmo.s-
phero to the earth, or reach the earth
lit a slate of impalpahlcMlut
tiouitci: ov (.Sl'ano I)i:iiairs. The
long adopted belief thai fiinno was
the excrement of birds that infest in
(.... l i... i uii i
IIIIIIIL'IIM1 Illlllllliril LI1U lUL'illlLlL'l IVIILTI.
f.M,.i iu I...I.,.,
this great fortllbor is
' '. """"i
attacked by celentllH of no loss note ,
than Dr. 1 label and Prof. KdwanN
l'.xnmlnntlons have determined
tlltlt '
tho Insoluble portion, when thrown gwi!c to aJt'imyl" I
intoucldH, nruthebkelctoiif off-itougori1 .,.", I
ami other n.arineanlmal. exactly the gAma" who'mSr tho'X "ow"
hamosiccleasnovinluiblttlieoeeans'Ha,i Honiethlng about his thinning
where these ilcposltx occur. From tho locks belngcuiised by the development
investigations made by tlie-e gentle-' of 'Ih '"I1""; '! Kxc"; o sir." re-,
,. iiu,u,muii1,ti',Mm,i,ilii,i marked the barber, "but you aro la-i
men, It seems altogothorprobable that, i.oring under a mistake. The brains
tho great guano donoIts are no Ics' penetrate the skull, und encourage the
than stratitled formations, building growth of tliolmir tfiit'sirftt they're
ono upon the other foruge", anil tire in Jor ''''""
great part tho bodies of marine anl- Cirecley Miy.s (hat the best way to
mills that have been uliiced In their
layers or beds by tho action of water,
heat or compression. This theory
may seem to bo well taken, yet the
food that these murine birds subset
upon is almost entirely from the mil
malt slne skuletous me found In
the.-o bed-,, and to lar ilUproves the
theory of the "-ouice of giiiiuo n advo
cated by the-o gelllleinell.
TiinTitA.NSiror VuNrs. l'lol'e-Mir
Henry and other -elcutllle men eon-
necte.1 with theHinltli-onlau lntltiite
and the aval Ob-eivatory have unl-
leu in an iiiii'ii'-iiii,t; iiieiiiorini in
t'oiigie-- urging (he appioprlatlon of
150,(u'i to malto enteii-ive and
thoiiiugh preparation for ob-civlng
the transit of Venus aero the sun,
which will take place in It" I, which
Is looked upon a the ino-t iiniKirtant
astronomical event that hat occurred
for many year". The Iat tianlt w
in 17tr, and excllisl mi inueh intere-i
In the Mieiitille wmld that several
Kuroponn (iovornincntt made liberal
npproprlatloiit to ciiahlctltciraHroiio
mcr to takoob-ofvation-. The tran
sit of ltTI will not bo viable in till
couiury, and sill bo letter -ecu fiom
the inland' nf the South l'aeifle and
Indian oceans. It is proposed to send
naval expeditions to these points, ne
companlcd bysctentltlc parties. The
(Jovernments of many of the coun
tries of Kurope have already taken
step" to thli end, and there i little
iloubt that Congre-i will enable the
astronomers of this country to have
the same advantages as their foreign
tt itnb fjumor.
woman niiseraoie
Hew Dr. Guthrie says : " If you
want to keep a dead man put him in
whisky j If you want to kill tt living
man put the whisky Into him."
nllil AVillnllllnil . I Wfct.-.lal ...
....... i. p.... v... .., .,..,.........,,
tears of anguish from your eyes." To
which tho hardened wretch hiccough
ed, "'Tai 'taint no u-e, old woman, '
to it u iiore lor water Here."
A Scotchman, observing that the
oi leu white linen of his workman had, '
through long absence of soap and wa-,
fur lmiiiitmi u lin'ip lilimb tiif.nli'i.,1 ttu '
women do about de men. If dey look
' at the moon, dey sec a man in It : If
dey hear a mouse nibbling, Its a man; ,
and dey all look under the bed last ,
thing at night to find a man. Why I ;
ucbbcrlook under my bed to Hint a
woman, does you ?' ' ;
A Jury In North Carolina, after be- !
imr flinltriil ' III fltn limiiil iiii In'
T"P ....-.. ...... w ......... .... ...
I"" Honor, rotlrtil, when a whlto juror !
venturwi toatk n colored nMociuto If
u. understood the charge of the Judge.
"Oolly," asked the astonished amend-
ftklmn4 li Iklk dljUAtlft l.vtlt ... 4 l h tM m
"ltMlt 1IU itrncii viitiiKv :! 11III1II1 lU
RHseenriy iMip-eorn si s art It no w
Put the corn any kind will do In a
corn popper and su-peud it In (ho sun
over a pun of water till the shoots
grow out between the wlro; then In
the spring set II out In pots or hciN,
and before June the popped corn will
be hanging In liltlopaperhngn all over
the hrauclio.
An exchange cayi that It I.-given to
M.mo women to ,-ce very clearly and
Mate their opliilon very compieheii-
sively. An Iowa woman has been
.studying the woman siiHVugcfiueMlnn,
and she N led to this conclurlou, vl. :
11 '.. ......... I, ...1 ..( .1... .....n... i
light you plra-c, but MminiT It dowii
nil lllllt llFt'tt .IV tllU Jlitllll'l III illlt
.,, , Amj.hty that we ale not all
An emiiiint divine recently iniblinh
ed a ciiarmiiig little u oil; on the tlirir
pnrabk",lii the Piftccnth of I.uke, the
appropriate title- of which was, "Tltc
l.o-t nhwp, the I.o-t foln, and the
I.o-t Sou." Iniagine the horrible feel-
lug - of the son-ltlve divine, vlieii he
aw-die tyjiginphical bliiuilerof the
Cii-Ulnhi I'hIwi. which revlewcsl II
under the title oi "The i.o-t Sheep,
tin- I.o-t Cow, and the I.o-l Sow !"
QriTi:n niiinhcr of the .Iniiaiiei-e
l-.niUit-y have niailc nniillcafion to
nie .Mti-oiiic i.oogot ot
U'r.1, 1.. i.... '
.... a' l.f. .. .. .". '
it iijiiiiu itrn,
1. l lor luilllissliill 11110 tilt' tinier, I
niul their pctition-
a.w .,. V...l,..llll. II, lll.U
liav.i I.nnn fnvni.. Il-lier'. iinfri.
abiy nctoii upon.
Galvanic IUttkiui.s. The annual
expenditure of the Western Union1
Telegraph Company for maintenance '
of galvanic batteries v over one hun-,
dred and twenty-live thousand dollars '
per annum. i
JriMK Davis, the Labor Jtofonn
candidate, for President, weighs two
I Hundred and tuiy-six pounds. The ,
J platform of his party should be very
'strongly built to .support so much
. weiglit.
Wiiatevi:u you would not wish
your neighbor to ilo to you, do it not
unto him. This is tho whole law ;
the rest l.s merely the exposition
of it.
C'omlnlalll'ct)tlllnlloof'ronltooc, Corner,
Snlciii, Oregon,
Hats eft? Cciops,
Wc'uv now
A Complete Assortment
nf llio nbci.o inuu'J kih1, Ar.il ire oiTcrln,; llirm
Wi- nlfo kfep a f jll line ' f
Lace Curtains,
Window Shades, Etc.,
IciMlikli wo lnIli) 'hwUI ntluiMiou.Aiuv ran
tiler iio'f
We have nlso tho Agency for the Sale of
oreoom orry
tn.l fonH.nl'y ki"i nn full supplrnr
w,t,,r'' l"
nMftl lo ell In illi-r t morjf irluror.'
Hiion.Jjn, in, isn.
Fanning Mills.
The Best Seed Cleaner
Mimirirliirrtl ')
I .'Ml n. sAI.l.M, (UllX.d.S
MillK'lLTI 1IAI. WAKl:ilOl-l., A I.KMillAI.
.. ,. J o I
MPCninGrV anfl oUDDlV
i "i
runners, Minors. .Mill men.
i i.fi n mi'l Wli.ii. .li l, t:.-Min
Hardware, Portable Enginos,
KiiiK iiriii ii. i.'ii'j.ioirvrfi,
Ww.l W1.1I.I11; nnil limi Wi.il.lii,' Mulilo' ry. Ml
l-r. rnrliH'iir.' ftlul MitIi Hilt.' lo'il
Mill hujiplit', rlc , nr.
Al llio i Luiiur JljrUcl ami l'n muni !.
Old Miunl. f HA.V I'liAXI t((i
James F. Brown,
Agont for Willamette Farmer
in iuokm: uiv
IOOKtj:i,l.Kt A.M Jlr.Al.r.ll
It.jv-k ulnl
7I11". l'.rloillr.li. Xi v.ijj.ir,,
. l I. .1..... a-l .. .l.n ll'lt 1 I 1...M.1..
rAIIMKIt.und all lli.uni I'ublivatluu.. ut I'uli
.'It..-. III. I...... t.M.'.. ... ...V ....... l'l.fJ
W'lllamille.lri'l. nixlil&orto t.'i bt f1iiri
llutfl. Konn fllr. Orrjwu. pli
$10,000 Wanted
- nr
11 XV1M1 lTltCll.Xbl It MY utiOlln
' 25 pr ct. below present Prices
I an rmMid to M'll rorri'rvMMllnly lo. M 'pn,i'
xml fxt'Ivc ..n.fUrpi! ptok or
Crockery & Glassware,
Call and Examine Goods!
, Mure. Ill UtirbliiS lllork, )imiM' llir
I Dunk, Snli-m.
Silom, Mn.th m,lt:!. t'
! Periodicals, Newspapers,
Wall Paper,
... IMI .
Musical Instruments
mi: i hi i:iMt'rKn
AN I ..
Hallott and Cumstou'a Pianos
M' ! 'Mi.)
Thf litMtuiiwiil iro VAVOIIITUs tilth nil
niii.lclan. ami tlil Moro Ullu- rrmirtof.il who
II. . H(K.,
. uniiirii lil n.-i'i'i, s.il.'iu.
I -..
I:. iLLonv. J. i muw.
iV DfUce oM-r lltn)'n loio. mrurr of Miiti iml
i.iurnr nrn'i. .timnif
Read Physician's Ctitificatet Below II!
A Most EfIklont and Pleasant Tonic
TIimi iruMMM'rrrF I loin Hi nit4l flioi
bit hult kiiwi !. L ii. i.t-. ii;l li l-.ii
unltt'tiilMlilli"'i tvlni)r Irlid. Ih.in.l
rlyiieitin Iwi.loint'l rdlf lliruiiih lli.lr ii.
nJ phi iciiiii rrrtninirml lln in fur ll.u ruin '
ll.jitif, llilliu.iiiri. Onritlvtlna,.i-n' -1
li lllllrnnlla "l ih-ium ll.i.r.iH., lln
itr-iiMi.- ut of ttm ntoiatih. I.l.rr .ml oth-r
'iMinmmo( l?if u nu th IM. imtir ii
I ! trrMiliiil)' itlt-ii nj dim arriniea 11 ni'
ittvthuulk(trlitftUtN9ktuT in.
M -ii II 1'i.riiu A'' . .
I'.nllriiriii I txl..L.iilil.(r"lltii.r ll.ft' irfri.
ftb'r t'in'ir till. Ihti In") ' i.4nl linn
limllliv ,ai.i.l nf. four 1X1. I.iil..is 1.I.1.I1 i.. i
r. tit l..i. .11 linllt liolnnlr u tr.-..Mi llllt'ln,
l.'itwl-.irim llitl .luiitol f.iil I i b. Iitnitltul .
iu.ilrUrtr.ilit;-UiIl MJ,
(Tr tin I'tstt II i inL, Sjn I uiwm,
Juiih or it m;i
I li.. .a,, fully i. -I Ir II .I". 1 I.
IIiIIik. ii'l litt. fallal In .liliHiijlbl'Wl)lili
fiiil I injur t ti-n tli. niit J llili lon.lilutliiii
I ram tu- (Aidiiiiloii r.r tin Whim. iir.fl
M.i -l.l.i t .!, (nuhi. It. I 1.0'il I lu-lfl tlnltli.
1311, lliflri' l.iuat liu. inr rruint rtinjlji 11
lrpMli. Iinllr-'llan, IM.uf A-irilio i.-l lml.
Ir totii,iliiH. Inlna tnui- I ill . muiipir of
tp-t.M i dcil ill.l.fi r- t.rln (ll. i'.t In 'll
,1144 4 of lli-l hiii.. ul fci ' b- O. I
.Cl'fm,lntl.tlr,.-l ) , U(,.,.s
Ak'I Rtl rhfpltlia Ar-.'IW.i, (' St' IlirfnUt
Hrvir A.mr.11'. Oiuii. so I'r.q.io, Jut
?Mli'.:.II.r.rrilS.Vfil-!nl' I luT.lnal.i
..rifnliumiMiki'iuf ,ur ll. I1HI.I...II.I ii
firm! Ihfia .nllrtl ir t.1 utUU'ilcu lulotml
;uU'""' ?,Cl'VrAi;iti:.VAll.bUI. A,r.r.
f lliaroMMnil,rMit .nt.t ti ntllno t.ltlir.nt
IK. Ilinlo .It'll. Kir. Jtioil tho lop f t-i.li tuttlt.
v i:irj I'iiiiill) kIkhiIiI huiii i, llulllu
III I In' Iioil.'i Solil rurjrlllirre.
11. r.l-K'l'KI.V,
hoi I'rotitlHtri.
,t nil I rnl S'lpl Spit rrrrKlMt I .1
I. I.HOsS X iV.-'.t l.l.jit.. I't".;- Ill'
Standard Fruit Dryer,
Iron Heater, Broad Raiser,
Dairy Heater, &,c,
1)omti r.LV tih: most ritoriT.Mii.i: ni
upofdl InUTlIoniif thc;'o. roiil.nlnchcp
iiri, ilurnMIII nuil rnniniiijr, anil Citn tin npllr.l
Ion Kn'ttrr ml() of mr..i thin nnir otlirrcn
As a Fruit Dryer,
j As a Room Heater,
Thi- rrUinatlf Cjllmlir iiincrulPiliM llif lioal,
l l(.'iillr th rnrliM id nliir iimro limttlun
I any other kmm ti ili'il.c. nlilrli. lu'lnc ilUlrltiuto.1
lit IliiMH'tf.irntiil lilrlil In iluulilo riirriiil. iifhnl
inir, Mill hrnl tuii. thrrr, nr ewii fniir riMitm (If
! lirol'crl) roniul.tli wltli Im. fiirl linn miyiiuocf
mi- fniiu- irtiiii run n.1 nrrn'Mi in inr Himo tctupr
alnrp liraii) Huif nr IimiIih; iiinlii In uc,
MM!." it tin! .mi.' time It ili"titmnll liuxlmn c
i', oiirliin pl.ni-mit nn.l Ii.Mllliy ntinofilirn nn-1
i'ti'11 ti'iuprniluri' tliriiiichnut nil iliv tii'Miiurnt.
In thr nininior linn', wlilh- IhiIIIiir tho trn VtUU,
unking ti.., IimiIiij; lmn, S.c, li n r Inglo tiiho
llici i nrrt t.t nf IiimI an tnrmil Intu thr iml.I.Vi
lino, nhil llu- hrnl l icunvly fi It In thp muni.
As a Olothos Dryer,
l IT IIAMM liMI'irHTiill. amlMliiT'rrl.nouii
i Miillnl lt)i il. llclil In llir laillr. ' tlio erriti'iK
liilwr liirfliiinii Mi-f ilit !;.
In Lumbor Dryiurj,
1 Thi' jiflni lj.. nf llil- lut i lUl.-ri. .l n.il,,, r.
in, mil i-iir .inn tt iiiiiiim i'iiuiii lllinn.
I Wlllitnil Kcronllj lutlnlr mhiiiitiip In nv Cilt
, tnirhlnr hh Inti -t'jj-it 1( irnM'rlu,
Wi rniil.l imMl-li n.liimii-iif liplliiiniiUl't fimii
tliolfrt cltli-ii. i.r lililn, lh.ll.ili l, lllliiiil,. Jllihl
I Run. Inttn.iii.il ntlnr Milt.., nflt- Miirrlinly over
1 nny Intitillun of tin- nc-. Iml it- lln- m-irhliif inu-t
uliiml nil ll nun MKIHTS, Il tun. I In- t-iii In up
rrnllnn In 'ii fnlh niinTl'ii-il
Tii rr Xiir
Boswell Hoator and Dryor.
, It i iiui II; iili.it tun imnt nn.l ni'iil. rru.irill'p-
' l.r Mill .Ipv.I.I.Mp.. rtP L llll lull ..14V I..... i.p.u ltM
--. .... ... j '...-. ... . ...... ...i. . ..i... ........ ...-
- I ilo mil n.k )nu In buy .1 ciiinillr.lluii of juktit
I rlRhU. ini-ii'h from mi r.iiniliiMiiii nfn nioilol,
. Iml ruiiir niul hi, the fiill-lril midline perform l'
tinrk .'in ri'Mi'pciilul.
immn nn iiuriiinx iiuu)', inireii, srmnur.
I'ublli- Hall, lloli lur It Uiirnul, In ulilcli lliln nil
rlilno l not a.illrAM,', ii.fiil nml prortmlil.'.
l.illr .iml L'l'inli-iiii-ii. )nu nm ripiTrlfiilllnil
liil to mil Mitl iMitinlur lln' in.ii liliu' fiir jniiru'ltvi',
fur II l Inipiirplblo In i flmrt AiliiTlln'rin'mtor-nu
im-utit ail lhi (.'iMHli-iunllllr. nf lhl Iriill ttniiil'r
fill, Jfl.lmpl, KAMI..V 1IIIKNII.
tt'" Scm-ii liilin-ar. .trnriil hi Irlli'r. juliiil,
tthlrli j.Ui - Ii li.'.ii.u lln' ri'.icli nf a rltnl.
Tin nulipcrllifr, lining nirilii'ul lln1 exrlu.i.c
rli;lil fur tbo Mnl' nf Onrmi, rm-v inn mifar iiirlti.;
Ihtm fur Mln, mi Slli htiu'I. In nlviji, uhrnr.
larlrlynf lli' -inl n ninrlilmt In i'niiitliiu rnn hi
pi'rli at an lllni'.
.lull (vim.
I 0iii(.-liL (.111. st,.,.) ,x ( n.'. ,.ik St.irr,
Nii-.ll if snliiii, Ori'suii
1 Willamette University,
salbm, onsaoN.
L ril Si him! In (in sun. ( bipplcnl, ( oiiiini'rcm,
NniiiMl iiii'i Silinlllli' Ciinrii-iiif SHiilr Knrfi.ll
liifiitiiiilli.il. uMitt. ilu I'lipblriii. T.'.M o.viru,
n is, I t, i iry ll'i.ttilnfl rii-U'ri,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
l'Nr I'liflCvliiy tin Itlonil.
.X im illt linilli.it rnrf i
ii mil I'nl. Hi- hh'oln
llll- SAIHtl'.tllltl
miL(4 Hi.ilii'iiiiont .
n'rli" nf rniiiililiit.
In piiil Inn nihil filiil.
Il iiiillli. Ihu Monti,
lurp-p niu mi' iiirkltiis
liiiinniM In tint piptcni.
y.' hull limit l Milne hluHli
S Jinl 'lOlo Inlo Irnnlil'
tr fuuig ill-unl'-rt, Kruu
' on. nf 'liii .(.In am lh'
mini irum.0 mi tho pit
nr liiini'iri (Im miiiM I. .iiilltil Irnm tLn
l.!i liiii-ri.iil il!-riiijiiii"i.p ,iii' tin. ih IitiuIili
II. mi nf thi" ijiiii liuiiu.r- tn n. 'in' lull m.l ori;js.
niL'.inp niiii-r aitinii tiny iii'riuii mill ttfinpi
. pilli-Uni'D iher ill .
1 IM.' Hll'l tlw t
r'n. .XlMi.h.s
- tl'Allll I t I .tll'l- 111.
liiitiinrt friim lln I'lotil
Wiii-'ii till-' sri! emu. Hi" iIIpiiiiIci1 Ihiy .rmlur.'
lll4itii II, ii II !! '. ftl'i'M vf Hit .llll, t)Ul
It t.iinl unrltiili'il, ninl U niKinmUMc .1 lir cUn
tide men lo frm.iln tin- only mu tluelrWa fur
ilrjltitf fruit, mid liirliiiik In coimtnictloii that
n mrtp rt.llil it unci- in !( itnil mill iiirrnlro It
ii Ca k
nri, ni''"iy'. '"f'. II 'IJtiniw linn f.ri'M,ir !
.. ,. l,i .S,,,, .s ,,iMiuiy'p Hit, 1,'imi oi Kin
.ftlHh", fV'i'cP, Wr'". iV'ii-. li'iili, Tiwun
' I til, i nmf sll . llri'l. Itlii'rroim II
, rr nml Sini4, lllituifHll'iii. Xriniil'ilu, "win III M.
IttiiXn.shb -lull "i'', I'lHiUU UfcriiKM, .Sltillily.
t Ijiiciiiih'in iirl-lmj tutu liiltihul tileinitlon au
til f i lut 'Imi' . lhoiij, liydiiii, f.'utai luUcn. ur J
liti..iiii ..',' Willi i li.l -il.-j.rt i tun p.ilili f
I'lil.rt in.ii hi
. lir. .1, I'. A 1,11 A I'll,, 1, ut. nil, .In...,
1'iiullail mil .u''i(i"f PhiinUlt.
Ami io'4 li) Mrufu'tpt- nil n.oju.l III Wdrld
t" MII il A 1VIK WH-npiirAgrll.,!'.
'- I. Mil's, At.