J -111 UWMBHIJIW WIWWMIfJ'I'ill JMmiLIW J, l.'LWJlWHVWJ'mjfMI'M VIBMJW TJKKKr-frw K-rfTjnvn,-rirgiit.rfc,!.'"'yj'"iwantt.ir rf'V . i Tr-Tr,-: sl -. H AflOT Vil A W W UJ VM a BA "- oU,"S. ""A V..S'. ,50 per Year, in Advance, SALEM, OREGON, MAY 11, 1S72. Volume IV. Number 12. notici: to sriis'iuui:itN. The date aicnr!ii2 nl'lci- llio prliilcil unnic on the paper Is the date of llic KXPIIIATHW of subscription. Money iliosM Uo n.mlttcd by rccUtiTcil letter, lvi.tnttlcc tr.nncy order, or check on bmk. Tlio ViibllslnT lll iml 1 iriciiIlil for muiu'y i-nt o'hcrul.-. NEWS OF THE WEEK. C!oM Disiovniv. Tho Albany HeyMcr t)f the ittl Inst., says : " A day or two slnco Mr. J. L. Cowan, of I.eb anon, while in this rlty, exhibited specimens of gold taken from new Sold discoveries on the headwaters of thcSantlani. The-odlgglngsarcsotno forty miles from Lebanon, ami aro termed 'bank diggings,' and are very deep. It Is said that parties making Northern Paelllo Itollroad Company have bought out the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. It N now quite probable that the numerous ru mow to that effect which have tilled of late the public car and agitated the public nil ud, arc founded on truth." Ojikoo.v Citv. The municipal elec tion on last Monday resulted n fol lows : Mayor, A. Noltiier; Recorder, Ii. Dlllcr; Asessor and Colk'-tor, II. L. Kelly; Treasurer C. O. T. Wil liams; Marshal, S. D. Hlehardson; City Attorney, A. F. Fork-. All Democrat i except the Treasurer. Coiincllnieii-W. L. White, Julius I.ogu, S. W. Mo, Janie A they, it. Cauflold, A. J. Apperon mid J. I. Miller the Iti-t two Republican. Jacob Knglc, who killed Jese . i)i):m:vrn kkw s nv Ti:i.i:nt aimi. i N,:w Youk, May 0. The entire In terloroi' Niblo's Theater has been do tllO discovery liaVU kellt tllO matter as Itnnnn. Im liiwii inuivtnlr.l nf numliM' quietus possible, while they put In i the second degree ; al.-o M. McCor tho time In developing and testing. ,ek, who killed a half breed named their worth. They claim to have av- Tom. Montgomery. Hoth were sen- eraged 5-4 to jsi per day with n rocker, and that the dirt gets better as they approach bedrock. Wo hopo that this favorable1 report may prove, even less than the reality, and that tho new diggings may prove extensive and paying-" JACKfeux County. We copy the) following from the Sentinel, May 4th : W m. Chltwood, a young man about seventeen years af age, who was resid ing In Hams Valley, was accidentally shot, on Haturday last, and died next mgni irom uic ciiccimoi wio wound tenccd to the penitentiary fortlfe, Lownii Coi.L'MltiA. The Kalama Jlcacon says i " Abernetliy's s;iw inlll burned down In January last, are re bull!, nl"' wm be ready for operation In the course of a mouth. TliN will greatly facilitate the work of Improve ment In this vicinity, and as the pres ent demand lsgrcaterthan tlio .supply. The Company's mill, In this place U constantly employed in cawing lum ber for tlio cnrfilioii mid other railroad works, to that the public has to de remove tlio As-lstnnt Secretary of State, on the ground of Inability to! keep diplomatic secieK It Is alleged i fltiif ftiiltiT. fitit.m 1 1 1 aikitt1 Itti tint imt ' stroyetlbvlliv. 1;(km PP);'yl to be , .state secret-were' publlsiied tliroiigh i not less tlinn00.00i. Tlie Metropoll- txv ' tan Hotel was only slightly damaged. Vi't t.iA:t:-oitT. l'.i., May 7. - The 1 ho lire orlgliuited In the dome ami ! state Labor ltcfovm Convention met , simpo-ed to be the work of an Ineen- i,Crctoday and a.loptcd a platform, ' illiiry. ,.,,,. niib.-tantlally the same as the Coltini-1 (.reeUy has not Km n In he ltv to- )IIS ritfjrm. They noniluatodSehell I day. It is jvpoitisl he will remain at for (Governor nnri Judge JnmcsTliomp-, his homo at Chappaitua till the nonil-lS() of tllL. Hupreme Court, for Lleii natlon Is formally a.-tepted, to avoid tenant Ciovernor. i making Injudicious remarks liable to M:vYoiik. May T.-IJu,-ell Mur e called out I y the eongmi ulatlons nf , prominent New York merchant, i his friends. , tiv t,,.dav. W A'siiiXdTo.v. May O.-The senate ' -n,e niniored re trial of Mayor Hall ' has conllrnietl 'ihonitis 15, shannon, s discredited Collector of San Francisco. ' -j ho MaU 'K ,,.,,, ori.aHM ; t,r. 1 Ai.i.Aii assi: May t. - .overnor ty-thrce new cases reported to-day. r.eed Is i acquitted of the charge. " ntMi Wood state.l at a meeting to-agaln-t him, ami be ha-, po-.s-On ot , ,ht ,lut (ireeU.v (olli lIm u, wol,t,i tho J'.xecutlve olllce, ac lug as (lover- maln in the llelll no matter who was nor to-day and pn-ldlng over the , lUMiilnntoil at Philadelphia, but hlsi senate. i withdrawal Is positive should the1 .t.inm 11.1. 1., .u.iy l. l l-iuni:iy Olie l.Miinnrnt ,. V.,tl,,n.,l r'..,if.iiHiiniiki hundred and llfty sheep, valued at llf- ,., ,iepenlent nomination, ecu housaii.l dollars, were shipped; r the Methodist Oeiiera Confer- i iiiiiii ni-.i- hi j? hi mi hi.-iji.-ii, hi niK mut . 11U,0 tiiL report or the minority of the of the Hock sold by 11. 1. Cockorell, of iinnk iniim f'oiiilto. nr..s..ntp.l t lis coil n tv. to Callfortda men. ' i i ..e. .i.t,... CuiCAdo, May ..-leather U very; TJu, rt.atlB occupied three hours, warm. Accounts from all parts of tho l4.ui.,ilan reiterates all the charges, west are extreme ly favorable to farm- llcclHng t. Committee of trying to ers. A large breadth of audsareidanted . ,.,,.n,.?..... .,.,. in. ...-...Vi.i iniuoiiat mutui iiiuictiitwu vvuiei somo nercon was trvlntr to tlrivo tlio ,,, i .....i.,!.- !,.,. ii,,. st. n..i.nu , evllinlor off of his revolver, when one i..,.i.... n...r w'ti..t .,.m i,i,,i, barrel wa discharged, and the young i .t . r...i i,ni- n,.. 'i.i,.r..n.. I unuwooti ii A man by the name of G. W. John-' Schools i.v Doi'oi.ah. The annual on. on his way from Jacksonvllio to , report of tlioSupcrlntemleiit of Schools Wlllll with corn, wheat and fruit, and pros lecis generally are goon. Ni:w Yoiik, May ".Tho Jliruld states that Granville's response to the American proposition that the IJrltlsh Government would propose to cstab- iim mo imcriiauouai principles cov imciiiiri iiiur aiiiiiiiii- Tin inim : a t i i .. tiun.iuiK i i ivii iiuMi'gi IIOtlL'l.lH COll IV. SHOWS I IIL 10 Off- his wagon, struck tho Kick or ills . ,,,.., j, ,,.,,. -.,. ..i in.1 head, fractured the bao of his skull , R ; M".or of dlstilets icpoitc I, in and one of tho vertebras of the spinal , legal voters, l,-427; peri-oni under I and , .! .it. ..i l., .I..,fi . I. .... ulv ' nvnr "O'MlTll ! mnl. 1.1 IS filll!lliH. iiritain, sun niainta 11 ng t lie r out side provisions of the Treaty: that in future wartthciicvcrono lmtlonisbel- llgerciit and the othertieutral, It shall graver accusations pre to them, and says that the Committee endeavored to to Induce him not to report his discoveries to the General Conference, which hu refused, ami found himself treated a.s n criminal Instead of a prosecutor. ini:w iohk, may . ine arrival 01 nut-last ... 1. ",' " ";'" " pemi maiuiy upon ine si. "ciens, ! ,. i. ,, . r , ,-r " ", '' ":" , , r oil of his revolver, when one lta!cr nI1(' Vwtimit mills, which . 'b.f,r "$ " i Vin J f nwlKnintH In New York slnco Jam ra discharged, and the younn :.miI,t soon fail to supply the Incrcas- ' ?.. '"WffT; ., . MheXltld states "ry ,st cxcewl hy -000', tho,l,of ,1" od became another vlctom of , inir,eiinnd." .. 01 i.raniiio is inai uic unitcii states year. .less use of firearms. i ,n ., U.overiiineiit vithdrawthelrclalinsfor u jUlKC Can be obtained to i.r. n by the name of G. W.John-' Schools i.v DoL'oi.ah.-'I he annual cniisetiuen al dainages troni Great du over the Court of Oyer and 'IV: pre side over the Court of Oyer and Ter miner. It Is tho Intention of the Dis trict Attorney to bring the trial of Stokes to a final issue during the term. Meantime the prisoner Is articled over hours. 1,2:5!; average attenuance, mm; male From reliable ierons Ju.-t In from ! teachers 31; female teachers, 1H; tho Link river country, wo learn that .amount paid teachers from county tho reports of Indian troubles there "iml, M, 74; pant iy suhseripi 101 are without foundation. Iho lndiaiiil,i,s,-J; incldontai ex aro friendly and peaceable; anil there' St'icini:.- nau not oeeii, nor is inure, iinj rauii "i alarm licnscs, S7 7.". dispatch from Albany, May 7th, says: A man named Sydney WAHIIINC1TON COl-NTY.-At a meet- "C" ". "r """!?' J" i inn vuiiiu , 1.-U1111111111M1 piiiuim- v-ivi- lug of the Washington County Ag ricultural Society, held at Hillsboro last Saturday, G. W. Scoggln, James Imbrle, Jeroino Porter, Itobcrt Imbrle, Samuel Stott, Clysses Jackson, UenJ. Stewart, Lconlilas l'attei-on and G. M. Raymond were elected as a Hoard of Dlrcctoru for the ensuing year. The following named were elected oillcer.s : President, G. W. Scoggln; Secretary, L. Patter.-on; Treasurer James Imbrle. Tho citizens of Hillsboro propose to riImj fundi to procure a town library. A conceit was given by the friends of tho M. K. Sabbath School for that purpose ln-t Sunday and a considera ble amount ralcd. 1'oi.k Coi'.STY. The Dallas .Yynto (icaii etiys: "The surveyors ore at woiU running a line through Polk county, for tho Oregon Central Itall not De neiu responsible ror indirect or m... .i..u..rii.... ,t 1. 1. ....,, lu.,i i!ri.n coii-cquentlal damages or claims d Gerry, and Is completely at sea In iirMngln a hlmlhir manner ami under ri.Kiml to the .-election of their sucics- slmilarclrcuui'taiices with tho claims ' Mt to which the Treaty at Washington! ji,'IC,nnn JCcml, poet anil painter, efei:. 'his was a sniprlso to the s lyinK dangerously ill of pnetuuonla, Pivsident, who milling that diplomacy ut j10 Astor House had failed, called In tho members of PinLADiiLi'inA May 3.-A recep ho ( ongresslonal I'oreignConinilttee, ! ,OIl wn, Kvcn t tho Katlonal Misfl owhonihestacdlilsaiixlelytosavo ,..,, Convention last night, by the the Treaty, but not at the saerlllee pfi Au-Hiumy 0f Sciences. Five humlred imp iiiiiciiiic, huh naviug n ne i iu uu-, Illltl t. jjlity-thive member of the Con- day morning by cutting his throat with a razor. He had complained of being unwell, and on the morning of the tragedy asked hK w lfo If he would have time to look after his sheep be fore breakfast, llelng answered In the atllrmatlve.ho stinted for the pasture, ami not returning for Mime time Ills wife went In quest of him. She did not succeed In finding him, and a force of neighbors being sent for ho was finally found In the pasture with hU throat cut and life nearly extinct. He leaves a wife ami a small family of children. His father and several brothers reside In the county. He was a well-to-do fanner, and one of tho earliest settlers. Yamhill Coiwty. The Iicpubll cans have nominated the following county ticket; For State Senator, J. Cowlcs: Itenre.-entatlves. A. It. .. . , .. . -... it. Harrison; uteri.-, laiiisuen propo-ai irom iMiginnu i as, Vfiitlnii were registeredas present thus was expected, ho was In favor of with-1 f.,r drawing Schcnck's Instructions, lcav-1 ' VvAHiii.NmD.v, May 8.-TI10 House ng the whole ma cr 111 at llrst before . Committee while 011 the tariff bill, nf tho Geneva lrlbunal. Republican ' t,.r n t.Kti,y discussion, struck out of members of the IIoihj ( oniinlttee t... i.m .ii.if.j ,, to., n,t f-.iin... ttJ IMII 1(ttV . .- stated that they thought the question of consequential damages should nev er have been Inserted In the case, but it Poi.tTifAi.. A mooting was hold was there, and the honor of tho nut Ion Cincinnati hist wcek.by 11 lot of inon was ihus Involved. Tho Committee r ,ii(ry.rr.ni ;(,,. stvlltm- tliom. was willing to do anything consistent fro,n ' J . "en,1 ."" ".', J ?, ,V with Its position to strengthen the bdves" Liberal nepubllcnns." They President The President said it wasnotforhlm to say what should hotholina! attitude of tlio country. While recognizing the authority conferred upon him, he was anxious Unit the Immediate rep-lo.-cntativc.sof the people should know tho true condition or affairs, and ho relied 011 the Committee to stand by nominated Horace Greiloy, of Now York, for President, nml Gov. Urown, of Missouri, for Vice Presi dent. The dispatches Muto that Oregon was represented by "Gener al" Jasper W. JohiHon, who cant six votes. The "General" hits hereto- ronil. Vi uiulprstand Ibev cross tllO llurbailk llllll 1 Rlcrcal iicarHou. J W .X!i ThclIueisperiiiancnIylocatcltothemlSMlonirr;,( W1) )aV-w, anil J. M. crossing of the Yamhill, one and a jHulery; School Supt. H. H. Hewlt; half miles above Lafayette. South of Coroner, Dr. Johnson; Asessor. Isaac that point the lines now being run are )avl; Surveyor, Charles Hundley, temporary." Clatsop. The following is the He- The Polk County Republican Con- publican county ticket : Joint Repro vention nominated the following tick- tentative, S. Corwln, of Tillamook; et last Saturday: Stato Senator, Representative, John We-t; Clerk, It. RlchanlChrlstaljlleprcsentatives, a. ,.,.,,.,,,... sllr,ft- H. W. Twilight: him in utso it became necessary to fore ncteil with lioth lolitIcal parties, "WilSfWli remarks as to ''' - nitlluoi!y In this State tho extraordinary measure of calling I that hu represented at Cincinnati Is In the Committee, Secretary Fish said ' mv trnuill, Indeeil. nicy 111111 1101 ucen eaueu on 101 imvii-e, but support. Ambler of Ohio responded by saying that, if tlioHUpisirt expcctisl was Just, the Democratic members of tho Com mittee should also be enrolled, and he DKATII 01' I)AHK llllAIIMA IlK.V, and Tin: Cav.si:. J.'il. I'tinnm I lmvo lost one of my fluo Dark Rrah .ii...l.... Tnl. 1 l.ninliil lilI4IIMrilllllk 'IV' ,. ', 7 . ci,o,ur i-nnn "ffi 1 Treasurer, D. Ingalls; As-eor, . Clerk JLl. Coown 81icrilJjIino ru- cm s Hn)mi ,, Ci Mt.jurei torn; Treasurer, R. fr-."0.! . ' Commissioner-, School Supt. Itev. W. Tump Ifimslinu-. who lllVdteriOUsly . ' .1. leiui.v. disaitiH-ared some time since, was found in. the mountain, where ho had been Attkmit at Km. ai-i:. The .Vi icm evcn days without food or shelter. ,canis (hat irco or fom. of Uu. con. glttu l7fttSliW,,fSto vlcts at the penitentiary have bee,, boamputatcd. . RSriTtSST tT.'. SSf Sr.SJSftil S01.11 Out. The OrryoiilaH Nya. ,Kin vifcu tht-y aro eonllnetl. A "Itlsstatcsl on what purports to be discovery 011 the part of the otllccrs authenti.; Information, that the stopped further movement. fAinbler) would not Peril the interests' ma hens, and the cause of her death of the ltepubllcan party by udvoca-1 Wus so uncommon thnt I ilcslrc to ofU.esam?' Il,,l,l,c"1 ,n u,t wlm'MS notice It. Said henoccasloiially laid " WMlaril agreed with Ambler, and'n largo double-yolked egg, nml on positively declared that this mistake' Saturday last she laid an uncoiii of the Administration could not be ,.. j r0 (0Jlc-yolked egg- fas ened on the Republican puity by """" ",,,,,.. 1..1.1 ,,.",, an v metiMiro of exiKsllency. mudi larger than an egg laid b. one this terminated the Interview. Af- of my turkeys this year. esterduy ter tliclr witlnlrawal the President and sj10 Hat 0n the nest most of the day, Secretary Fish decided that Granville's . . . . ( fci,n iIImI on ovum, proposition was unacceptable, and that l lnt nllit Mio UltU. tin exani we cannot mede from our case as pre- inlng. I found in her ovary thrco scntisl at Geneva, and a dispatch was t full-sized eggs, with shell on each of telegraphed to Schenck to that eflcct. theiitr-thu only case of the kind I Wasiiinotox. Mav 7. It Is reitort ed that the President hn decided t ever knew. J. L. PAitnisii. Salem, May 0, H72. Fi.nm: Siikkp. Mr. 15. C. Goer has purchased -omo tine sheep in AVash lugton county, lomhl to his already large Hock nearSllvertou. Tho new purch.isc.saro tho be-t Mr. Gcercouhl tlnd in Washington county for sale, and consist of one Cotawold buck lamb, from .lames Imbrle; one gra ded buck, from Mr. Simmons; and one Lelce-tordilre, and four Cots wold ewes, from different Hocks. Mr. Geer thinks tlio mode he lias adopted lu getting line .stock I.s far preferable, in point of economy, to gomjr to the Kastern States for it. Hooks Uix-kivkii. Wcareindcbte I to Kdwiu W. Huswell, Huston, Trea urer and Secretary, for a copy of tint Transactions of the Massachusetts: Horticultural Society for IS7I. We have received a copy of the llfth annual report ot the St. Paul (Minn.) Chamber of Commerce for IM7I, which Is an Interesting lovlew of tho btisliicrt ami of the future prospect of St Paul. We are Indebted for this rcpoit to tho Secretary who prepared It, Mr. Ossiau K. Dodge, whom many of our reader will recollect with pleasure, In connec tion with his visit to Oregon some years ago. Aiiizona. A letter from D. D. Gar rison, late of this county, but now serving In the IJ. S. Cavalry In Ari zona, gives us some Interesting Infor mation concerning that country. He, says: "This Is one of tho poorest farming countries w have ever been in since l enteied the l S. service. IT'licr" Is nothing but stings of the ' worst class am! thoi ns on almost every ! tree, ami even on the grass. There Is little of the Ketto valley that Is woitk I a sixpence. In Tucson tho capital of the Territory, there are not two liun ' tired white people-only the military I oillcer.s ami trooif. You would be .sur prised to see what they call a farm here. They have lo Inlgate all the laud In this section to raise a grain, and all the farming Is carried on by Mexicans. This Is no place fora white man. Kudosed I Mind you 11 sample of what a soldier has to encounlei hero whenever he goe, on foot or mounted. Wo call them tho "Span ish layouet,s." I have some of tlieni lu my hoots. There will soon bo t wen tv men discharged from our troop, all o'f whom will go to the Willamette valley to llndthcui good homes for the remainder of their lives." "Lutli: ConroiiAi.." The May number of this valuable magazine for Juveniles, lias come punctually to hand, and filled as Usual with tho most Interesting reading. It has re cently been enlarged, and to our mind greatly Improved, both lit appearance ami In the contents. The Utile Cor lort U edited by Kmlly Huntington Miller, and Is published at J1..'0 p.-i year sis copies for $7.r,0. Wi:athi:h Hkiihit,-Thos. lvarce, of Kola, Polk county, sends us a weather report for April, fioiu which we make the following summary : Clear days, I, cloudy, W; frost 011 six days; light snow on Mb ami 12th; mean temperature for month, 4-V, highest, .'i"'( 011 21th and .10th; lowest, .'ST', on .'tli and 10th. Rainfall I" Inches, l.(H. Poitil...M ItltlixiK. The pap;rn fctatothata party engaged in ex auditing thu Willamette river, at Portland, to find the most favorable location for the proposed bridge acro'.i the river at that pine.