WIEL'AMETTE IWj&ESMJEMEI. 5 IIOLUDAY AM) HIS MONOPOLY. f v JlABiON,.Aiirll 28, 187:!. Kd. Faumkh': Itftwhnt.you say to certain questions asked In my com munication' or April 20th, I cannot Fco,whcro tlio answers come in. You fitnrt out by saying: that "this 'taint ing' of Hen llolliulny nsaii Oregon Itnilrond builder is idl nonsense. Tlio building of u railroad hi tills viil lev wax only u question of time. Mr. Elliott came hero nud Inltlutcd nil. that Mr,. Ilolladny has carried out," etc. Now we agreo with you that the saluting of a man tar any pur pose isnll nonsense. AVeuevcr fa Id anything of the kind. Kn. Faiimku. Hut we praise f 'olumbus for discovering America, Washing ton for our independence, Franklin for bottling the lightning, Morse for npplylnglt to telegraphy, and iiuiii 'bors. of .other great benofactors for the" good and great things they have accomplished in tlio world; and whilst wo are willing to give-Mr. El liott and others credit for "initiating. M'hat.Mr. Ilolladay' and others have carried out," certainly Mr. Ilolladay is entitled to some credit for carry ing out what they initiated. The facts aro that tho parties who- held the franchise that government Saw tit to give for building railroads in Ore gon wcro not willing to put one dol lar into tho enterprise, but were" very willing to make all they could out of them ; and had not Mr. Ilolla day put his capital and energy to work, tho iron horse would be neigh ing a long way from Oregon to-day. You say, " We oppose his monopoly of the carrying trade of (he Willam ette valley." 1 suppose" there Is not n farmer, or merchant, In Oregon, who desires a monopoly of the carrying trade, In tho hands ot one man, or company, neither Is tliero ouo who would blame a man. or company, for securing a monopoly, if he, or they could, or of making money out of It. after it was .-ecu red. lib secured that monopoly by buying out citi zens of Oregon, many of whom. had amassed largo fortunes out of tho hard earnings of tho people of Ore gon. Now tlio question Is, can the people or press of Oregon, make any thing by omw.sinf.rt-rfBCi' If by opposing tlio present monopoly, you euccccd so fur as to prevent the rail roads from paying Interest on tho investments, have you gained any thing for Oregon? Would not tho Btato of Oregon suffer nioro than lien Ilolladay V Would you not discour age others who have capital and In clination to compcto for tlio carrying trado ? Will not tho personal attacks by the people and press of Oregon on Mr. Ilolladay stimulate him to se cure, if possible, the locks, at Oregon City, and thus have this valley com pletely at ids power for nil timo to como V I would not bo tho special ad vocate of Mr. Ilolladay, but 1 bclluvo that tho personal attacks on him by a portion of tlio press and people of Oregon, arc unwiseaud injitsl. " Let us have peace." Yours, truly, J. M. Johns. Iticic. TIiIh Is from Mr. Jlolliulny's paper, the Jlullctln, of Tuesday last Tin: "Factoky" Oucian. The VlLLAMKTTK FAUMKU of lill-l Slltlir diiv Hiivs of wool : The pilco paid in Salem Is M cents per pound. The King must huvo stipulated in their mirclmso of tlio Kahmkii's col umns during tho cuinpuigu that tho intercut oi tlio Milium woolen i-ao-torv In which Miller nud (Jolilsiiiltli hold stock, and Orovcrowns Inrgoly ftUUUMI UIMJ LH! ilUYUVUlVU. rullUUIQ who liavu wool to sell, and who de pend on tho Faumhu for their idea of prices, win mm oui inai m nigii us ou vents lias been paid in Salem I Tho Factory Company aro buyers tho King own largely In the Factory Miller and Golilsmltli buy wool on speculation ; the'y have It stated In thctr oman. tho Faiimku. thnt wool sells for only 50 cents or six emits be low tlio actum price, incryr vtiuii share of tlio profits tint made falls to tho publisher of UioFakmkk? Ho mUlcods tho wool growciv, who triibt him and look to him for faithful re ports of the market ; and he plays In to tho handu of the Factory owners and speculators : and yet, all the while, he takes the farmers' money on pretorwe that his pacr Is tho farmers' organ I That is what wu call playing it pretty low down. J.et the wool growers and farmers beware. The same trick can bo played In wheat as In wool. FastIIormi.-. Tho nice will bring out tho coin. In 1671 there wcro H75 trotting and pacing races in the United States, with pur-es amount ing to $7Vj,231. Tliero wcro 71 dou ble team trots, witli purses amount lug to $2"',000. Tliero were 101 pac ing races, wlh purses amounting to $30,000. The aggregate of the purses put up on tho American turf last year could not have lieon lo-s than one million dollars. To hpkak to tho purpose, ono rnunt speak with a purpose. SPBOXA& KOTXOXM. WXXXXASE SAVZSIOH, Wool Tho market is as unsteady as whoiMvo wtid to press last week. Wo still think' there is n corner some whero. WeVccelvoVhy amount of flllflhlilfin.1 nf flitni M'lin.tf ttml .....x. In tho San Francisco m'arket, bid REAL ESTATE DEALER, n"i ii;iiiiiiiii uuiiriy umioiiccii. Elsewhere wo gtvo' San Francisco quotations from the local press. We have heard of no offers higher than 00c duflng'thu past webk, and at the present time buyers are ofllsh at a higher price than 18c. Dispatches of May lstfrom San Fmnckcn, quote WOiA'tc. With Mich price prevailing at that place, our local prices are far too low. It is possible that the large buyers In this State aro " cornering." AOlOiVl' l"01t CoMT.itKNcn. The M. K General Conference, conioscd of delegates froiu,the Annual Conferences of the M. E. Church In all parts of the world, wlU'convenont llrooklyn, Wednesday, May 1st. Oregon Is reprosentedi'by Itevs. J. F. )evore and ('. C. Htratton, Ministerial delegate, and by Kx-Uov. Oeo. Aberncthy, Ijiy Delegate. Nr.w Daily. The llrst number of the Dally ""Mercury was issued laM Sunday morning? It makes n neat appearance. BUSXHSM NOTICES Imiv It. FotTrii.AVc rail attention to Ilia ad crttcment of John II. FoMcr, of lVrtlan.l. Mr. Fotti-r I one of tho otdctt Hardware dealer In the State Hit rtock li lrRO ami complete, and prices i rciocnAljle ni any other home. lloon am Sime. - Juhn W i.lllitrt I .J up turned from San Francltco, and li-tti.ow a complete t toik of boutt, rkoct, leather, thoo flm!ln", etc. Giro Mm a call at hie rtore on Commeiclal ttrett. OCBrr, No. 04 Front Street, 1 roiiTLANII. ORKflON. ; IlKAL KSTATK 'in thl CITY and HAST rOKTLAND, In the mot dclrablc localities, con. tl.tlni; of LOTS, HALF 1U.OCKS and niOCKS, lIOr-ES AM) STOIIE" J nlo, IMPROVED K.AIIMS, and jliinbl uncut, thstcil L.VN'IIS, looted In ALL pniit of II1.1 STATE for SALK. ltKAL ESTATE and other I'miKtly ur chicl for Cnvrioiiitni, In thin CITY and tliroBRliotit Ihc STATES and TKItltlTOIUES, I with crrat enre nnd oil tlio m.i-t AI1VANTAI1E OCrl TKIIMS. . HOUSES nud hTOHKS LiasKl). LOANS ' VPIIliTf Ift'll ....I rt lltIL All III f itVllltl nr.MVi 1.1 1 ivw, aim viuiiinn wi iti j'iitti TIONS l'UOMITLV COLLnCTKP. And n O.n. oral FINANriAL AKI) AiiKNl'V Ill'SINKSS tramacted. AOKNTS of thin OKl'ICi: In nil thr CITIES and TOWNS In tho STATE, will reecho nVtcrlp tlon. or KA1IM l'UOl'KIlTY m.d forxard the 4me tn Uie alsnv addrron. l'eM-y. trT"riio Cltr Itoot Mlnrn hue lone been IlMilqoarlrr for Iho fIv of TIIIIIKL'S CKt.lI. illl.VTKn 1IOOT8. of which I lino r.xciruri! ale. l'ar Il'H aro cautioned to eimnlno and And my mino mi Ihein, a the country If flooded w llli a HOTTKN BOOT, lu Imitation uf the k inline aril do. Kicry pair of Tlrnl lloott fold at my etali Ildimrnt In piarantrod lo plvc perfect MtUfucllon, ltrmemlier that Ihealmiphoiot rllmm bun" or rplit Rood. No Shoddy palmed 01T upon It cti. tomerx for a mpcrlr article of French. Calf 1 1 Al IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY rlp, returned wllhln n rfaoualilo time, repaired I free of charge. Illert.) .1. W. OILIIKUT fiu JLji-JCM AJIST. ..AM) UKAIKll IV . CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! A WO, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANI) V 1 1 I L AND KUL HKLKOTE1I STOCK OF Grookery and Glassware, Willow and Wooden Ware, Plated Ware, Tobaooo and Cigars, Toys and Notions, Lime and Salt. DANFORTH'S NON-EXPLOSIVE PETROLEUM FLUID Murcli'il. CttMiliii'rrliit t reel, Siilein, EGGS FROM M FIRST PREMIDM FOWLS I AM NOW I'KErVlIRl) TO IIKl'I'.IVK OIIDEltS I'OU KJS 111 M MUST I'llEMII M Fowl, lr.t OHIOIONS. IIAltKllKAHMAS, LKIIIT lllt.MIMAS, WHITi: FACEII 1II.VCK SI'ANlSII, FIIENCII IIOI'IUNS. WHITE III! A It I) Ell I'D LANDS. QKNKKAL HAKNEV KE1) TBXDB SW MEZ.X.OM8. TO ADVi:ilTINURN. Through tho eolunin of ihc 1'aiihxr (ho adcr titer It enabled to prcreul hit hutluc" to all cla. ct of the public an odiantaee pottetted hynn otber paper tn the Bute. Term, of aih ertlrlnc on eighth pace. - Oregon & California Itnilrond . TIME TABLE. ootid ratmi.- fata'K'r ('Freight l.cnf-.M B.aoA.M 1.30 .. 7.no .. I 1.41 .. 7.ai ' S.U7 . 7.M . l.l . 8.1.1 .. 3.40 ",. 8.13 .. JM... tl.l.t .. a.13 9.K1 ., ' .131 .. 10.111 3.4'i .. 10.1').. .'I..Y! .. It. Ml I.U1 .. 11.41 .. 4.17 .. II. M .. t.: lii.Mr.M 1.47 .. 12.40 .. r, (17 .. 1.17 .. 3.33 . 1.4S .. 3.41) .. i 9.13 S.GH .. .3S .. 6.1-4 .. 3.17 . tit.. 3 49.. 11. M . I. IS 11.37 4.43 .. 7.3.1 .. .0.3-4 7..VI .. fiUl 8.I1) .. H&U b.'J) .. 7.:) TAIIiink. ..Portland. .K. 1'orlland. Maclilno Sli. .Milwaukee. Mart hneld Oriiroii 1ly hock itianu ...L'anhy... ., Aurora... .Hubbard.. Wood burn . ...Ocrvalt ,. .. Ilrookt.. r'alrdrou'dn .. Stlnn... ...Turner... ...Marlon... ..Ji-ftVrton.. ...Miller... ...Albany... ..Tancent ..Micdd'.. ...llaliey... Ilarrltbnn;. ..Junction.. ..Hallett't. ...Emjene... BQOMtl KOHTII. I'ai a'g'r KrelgliT 11.45. w "4Wr.il 11.13 .. 4.V0 .. II. HI .. 1.(10 .. 10.47 . .i.:i3 .. III.H3 .. .103 .. ION. 3.40.. 10.05 . 3.VCI , 9.30.. 1.51 .. tl.frt rt LIT .. tUt .. 13 S3 .. 0.10 .. 14.31 .. 0.0-J .. 13.30 r.M Kit .. Jl.WA.M tCll .. 11.33 .. h.-ai .. 11. n .. M .. 10.30 .. 7.41 .. 1000 .. 7..TJ .. 9 33.. 7.17 .. 1MB .. 7.03 .. Ml .. (1.43 .. .03 .. fl.S3 7.10 0.10 .. 7.17 . 5.3) ., 11.33 .. 5.10 .. 3.63 .. 1.40 .. 5.17 .. 4.S0A.M 4.10 A u Sui.'. Sct-ununiu-trcuKn, and I'iiinkktV. I Introduco llieio new and tcry tupcrlor Mclotit at reniaikiblo for eaillner. teetne, and pplvl neM: ery dctlrable cither for tlio private panlen or Hid market. IKtrilptleoCuU1o;ueautthprtrci', ente to all. JASIKSJ. H.OItKGOItV. 1 AprW-tir. Marblehead, M. I A ProtruilliiKtoc It nut a tightly thine, ray ' nothing about health and comfort. HILVKIt Til' I TKn Shoe a never -Veer out al tlio toe. I Tor Hale by all Doaleri. Mhl'J 5w . Portland Aueucy, W. II. Wvr A. To., , New rpaer and Advertltlni: Afcntt, aro anlhor Iced lo act at Acent for tho KAXNtn In 1'ortUnd to rccelre advcrtlmcnlt mid tubtctlptiout, ainl , receipt for tho tame. IIAMKS. t U,iA. IIaWI 111 At ' NvSvWV ft ,LT11LHII II LAWK IIKIl (AlU ttVU tMjMk L! rl UW ! DUCKS. WtWfel m?jM DDACK CAYIK1A Hl'fKS, V'lffiBlffiTO'l' IHW J .LAiKiKi'iHDOKsitjiTi:!) VHmB? "X fhV. S km ' TURKEYS. Mf I lUIUNZK TtlltKKYS, M -a' --. - 1 111 Arir 'rtiiiKKVM. - wl f-rTr .J&y.' -Tr --IaCafcl2riiSWvVr "-i - -r-mmi c t , ..... - 111 1 ..i tfiaf.,.,. ELECTRIC, CHAMPION GEESE. I.AItlli: L1)M)ION l1RPK. PEA FOWLS. 1 1 1 The.a ElKIS aru from my I'lltST I'HKMIl'M l'tWI.H evi'litti-.! nl our Suio Vulr. 1 li Kuvt ll ' bo (lillvrritl at my ri'ld-ne at $3 per dozen. If piirki-d jiiiI sent by Uxpi , lb al. r Kallioadl I $4 per docen. Tea Fowl Kgf. $1 lT doren. ! Kowttiir the allow t allelic wIIIImi for ralo In Ihu foil. -T dr-'lt care ii..n In nicking, ' IIIIVI'V tllM1. Afl'flUI.AW IintlL'IIM N. II. -All are Invited tu rail and tceuiy ttnckuml 111.111, fi.-i' 1. (lien Uak, ueur Slem, March II. 187V. J. I.. IMIIHIMf. LKAVX, .-tlAKHIKD. In tbltclty. May tt. JS7.by Iter. II. M. Waller, Dr. AW D. Jiffrlet. of l'olk county, and Mitt Sunn M. Walker, ilaujhter of MaJ. W. M. Walker. Compllmentt of the pari let receUed. A CAnD. Tho rxirl abroad ! that Stlcru It an unhrtllh) place. II.) can It bo otherirlte when In tlnio.t eicry konte jou meet tilth tUknett In tome form I I think I can tafely aay moi t of the complaining la among the female portion of tho community. Why la each the cate t 'Hao ho not tho rl;bt to be bearty, raned, and healthy t Or la It a dltgrsce to our delicate naturet to own thlt? Prom the ap pearance of moat of tho lidlra here, one uould certainly Judge auch to be tho cate. I have been a resident of thlt pUeo nearly two yuan, and have been under tho care of rotnc pby tlclnn. tno.l vf that tlaie. My eomplalut vcro l. Klun. Tho drnc ttorea cro fulthfally jiationlird. Alout four cekt o-o, a lady (a lra tiger to me then) caimitomoand tald the knew whero I could bl eu rod If I ould content to ro. I'ortnnatcly I cou. rented. A turn aa warranted, and tonlay, com paratively tpeaklns, in) bod It well and toy mind at tae. I undvr.tand that the umecnro hat been iffectrd with ft number of other Udle In thlt place, who wie tlmllarly aflllcted. Now why hat not tome one of thetu In'eited a card In Ibo newtpapert, that ladlet In delicate health may knoir where they can get permanent relief, luttiadof tpendlng tiery dollar tliat can be earned In paying doctor't blllt t Now- allow me to lay to all ladlet that may be tuf ferine with wn' 0VT cannot detcrlbo themtelict, but cajkd by the family phyttclan r.ervouinctt, and where tho whol.i ttem ncedt toulnR np, to throw- away )our tonlct and call ou Mr. S, J. KoD at toon a poi.lble, and I w II! jruaraniee a tpeccy ro ll, f ind a permanent cure. jik, k r iiuuuuvin. S-km, May 8. 1K3. LIGHTNING CARDEtl 8EED8 GrZci.ss Seed.fi. ! I AND SEED POTATOES! Reliable, Fresh A True to Name. Breese'a Xing of the Earliea. ' THIS POTATO IS UNSMIPASSKI) IN SI7.K, rOIIM AND COLOlt. AND IS I'MJUKS ' TIONAIILV TUB KAltLIKST OP ALL VA- i IIIKTIES KVKK INTItODl'CKD. I PHICK, PKR Rt'NIIKI., l.00. Early Rose, $2.60 Early Goodrich, 2.00 Whito Kidney, 1.60 Fink Eye, 1.26 Garnet Chili, 1.60 Humboldt b, I TttewitlkliOWljCl.oi.eLuilfiil.il rll . iiY.lrabIeriMiix.il 1.00 CROSS-CUT SAWS! HOWE'S Platform &Counter Scales ELansaroo SHEEP 8HEAR8. SHELF AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE! VOK NALK BY JOHN R. FOSTER, COItNKK STAIlK AND PKONT STftKKTS. PORTLAND. rOll SALK IN (iirANTiriKH TO RUiT, BY OOOMKOR U MA170 K. . rillK. C. II, MA! BBJ. rxtXB XAXX. OFFICK-NO. 1, 9IOOBKK BLOCK aplT HALKM, OUKOON. lOtf , Dtder In rrodnre, IVoil.lont, and Orneral (lnvrlet. Warthiote-V. I!, tornernf Knuit and Slaik tit, Aililnx. Lorri-tKuidrnro I. O, lloi 3, Martr) Im. I'orttand, Orffon. Cabbage, Onion, Squaah I I ham publl.hid thrco woikt, mott amply lllut. trated, on thn riiHIiatlun cf thete three vegeta blet, citing thn thousand dttalla to Invalaabln u the beginner. 1'rlce of each, tend po.tp.ilJtoany addntt, thirty rentt, JAMKS J. II (.IIKHOnV. Mtr.tTKn. MaibUhead MlM. J. H. & 8. Robbins' SULKY BREAKING PLOW i THE BEST IN USE ! fllllK SX I.KK IIIIKAMNti I'LOW IS OK UK, X runt IniMilon, lulii; txin puliiiti-d lit Mr. J, II. Itobblnt dutlnij hit reienl lllp Kal. The f"l' liiwIiiti.ili.ioiilaU ere j;Iuti a c)ldcuru of the value of the I'lowi Allll, VamhllK'o.. April I. l7t. 1 ill l toeellliy that I bam II..-.1 .1 11 A. S. Unix blht' Sulky I'M for n thoit lime, ami flint It to Klvo perfect titl'faclli.u, anl llilnk It tin- bet In i.n- .1. W. 1IIIIDWKLL. Axi,.,Or,pni. Apnl I, InVl. Thl- I" liir.rllfy that I Imwlxin iitlnt: ono of J II. A S. Iloblilnt' Wheel I'luwt.aud dud II toif'l better work than aujthlic ' ') r raw It It lljihl draft, wmk eaty tn Ihu hand. Mid liirulni llio fToiiml oier In good order, ainl ban i;lieu j;ood tat pfjetlon In eery penii i f tin word, W. II. I'ATTY. Amri, April 1. 1 Ml Thlt It In certify that I Imiu ii.eii J. II. A H. Itob. bin' Sulky I'lnw for olio tear, and And It In cite perf.ct ta'.l.f.iellim.aud I think It It tho he.t lion III ute U'. f (OCIIItAN. Amti, Yamhill Co,. March W, ml. Thl It to certify that one yiarajjn I iliternilned to buy a Sulky I'luw. I loi.uid al tuirral riUlerent klndt, and iirtermlutd to buy ouo of J, II, AS. llobblnt, which I IhoUKht wat tho bett.and after plowlni: tomo 7. acre with It, I am well plra.nl, and would bot enhauc It fur tn mm I haio tior teen. T. II.IIENDKIIHON. Vininii. CiiNrr, April 1, Intl. Thlt may rrrtlfy that I haio noiv In ue one of J. II. A S. Itobblnt' Sulky I'low t, and And that II doi a Iho bet work iifanypkivrl nto rter utrd. It cannot be beat In turning undir heavy ttubble. T. K IIAHIIIS. Iff t'uuiity Itk-hta fur tale mi low terraa. Oue Trayclfni; Thretlur fur rale. Kor further particular., nddreit J, II. X S. ItOIIIIINS, Ai Sin ll.-thel, l'olk county. LADD L BUSH, LNB SALKM. INTEKEST ALLOWED ON TIME DETOSITS for p-rlodi of three montht and upward. Urou.li recelreilaud auouota kiol object to Check. ' Valuable) received on aepom lor aaw Keepioir. i.llwtliina made, and all financial and tratt Mil lnet irtnracieo. , ; Sicbt abd Ickcrapblc exchanjo ou JVnlanJ, San T.i .- ,i,....I.Bi.i.. I Ureenbackt, and (.increment, and State Seccrl tlet boacbt and told. April inn, irrr. ..i-u. Tin: Singer Sewing Machine WILL HEW JCVKRYTIHNCJ NEEDED IN A KAMILY.ritOalTllEHKAVIESTTO THE LlOllTISTr'AUKJC. XT DOES MORE WORK, More Kinds of Work. AND BETTER WORK Tbaa mmj olhtr .Iehlae. Seed for clrcubrt and tamplet of work at A. N. OILIIKUT A CO.'S Doot aed fihoc Store, AprilvtT. Salem, OrrKOr. James F. Brown, Agent for Willamette Farmer I IN KUOKNK CITY. ' T0()KSKI.r.Klt AND DKALEK IV M.MIA. J alnet, IrlodlcaN, rttwtpapert, Hooka and I " "rTuht'crlptloM taken ftr the WILLAMKTTK KAUMKIt. and all Katteru I'uUkAtlout, at fob ' llther't prlcet, IWIlUmetle tired, icfond door to the St. Cbarlet Hotel, Eugene City, Oregon. Apl. '-KJOTICk. I HBBKBV UIVKN TO J. the atocanouert or ioo nauiOion coaniy Asrlcullural Society that the annual ineetlnir of thr Society will be held at Hllltboro. on Saturday, the Hlb day of May, 171 for the purpoio of electtmr lit oMcert.'and tv Irautact an oihir bctlocaa that may come bf'jre the utetlnj;. I PATTKKRON, Vv. Sertary W. V. A. H. EGGS FOR HATCHING- From tho Finett Bred FOWLS IN AMERICA! iwklvk nitsT iiir.Mir.Ms at the SacraiaeutD Slate Kalr. I.llit Hrulnnat. art en dlu,-reut Hiulnt. llaik llrahmat, lniiortri from England and Ireland, HoudaDt, direct from France. Ia Klcehe, direct from t'ranee. Silver HpancM lllluburt, laid to lay 410 ejc. a year. Ooldtn IVilandt, non tcttera and flne layert. Sliver I'oUndt, nou.t.ttert and due layer.. While L'oehlnt, lluoT Cochlut, Duck Winded Han- larot. (Joklen Srabrlithl lUbtauw, Jauinr.i- llanUpii. Ilealhn-ood Oamea lh On.tt In the world. Ailetbury and lloutn Duckt. VfKu and Fowl for ' AddrrM. TUOS. K. KINLE Lallforula Stock and 1'uullr, . r. Offlee No. 113 Llrdetdorfritrrit. Yardt-t'oroer Lacuna and Vablni-lwi , . MaK3iu tm 1 r.aclKO.