I'-JJl'TL'M.'1 M It mIE. Hi I p K' Jt Wt ffM $2.50 per Year, in Advance. IVOTICK TO SXUSCHIBKHM. Tho dato appearing alter tltn printed immo on the paper la the dale of the KXPIItATlOM omuharrlptlon. Monry ihould be rrmlttrd liy rccUtf ml lrllrr, ikXoMco moni- cnlcr, or rhrck on bank. Tliu 1'uhllfluT Mill not be roponflhl" for monry nent oJicrMl.c. NEWS OF THE WEEK. Washington Countv. The Repub licans of this county have placet! In nomlimtlon thu following ticket : Rep rcscntntlvcH, Oeorge II. (.'oilier nml Thomits Htott; Rliorlfr,Cliorlcs T. To., tor; Clerk, "W. D. Plttlnger; Commis sioners, Samuel J. Hcott and Hobcrt A. Carpenter; Assessor, II. F. Pierce; Treasurer, Hyer Johnson: School Su perintendent, Alexander J. Anderson; Hurveyor Columbus Smith; Coroner John Vlte. Pump Faciouv. The Mercury says J. W. Fisher nnd J. Henry Haas arc putting up a new pump fuctory nenr the Capital Haw MIIIh, which Is to fur nlah the power necessary to run it. Tho machinery for boring, ringing, etc., was received somctimo since, nnd Is expected to bo In operntton during the coming summer. Kahtkkn Oukoon. Tho Maker city JJcMiocrof, April 17th, says: "Ono hundred miners reached tho in I lies in Eagle Mining District in one duy lost week. Much of tho plnccr ground Is being purchased by ChlneHe." Tho wheat field of Eastern Oregon novcr looked better tlinn they do this wring. On tho 10th Inst., 11 child residing in Union county, climbed up to a pantry shelf and nte some concentrated lye, which win act away in n can. Tho child lived but a few bourn afterward. Eastern Oregon is receiving n heavy immigration. The report of the Superintendent of Common Schools in llakcr county shows Hint out of 399 children in the county between tho ages of 4 and 20 years, only 100 havo attended school during the past year. In most of tho districts tho school has only been kept up threo months In the year. W. II. Pnckwootl has uolil his Inter est In tho Kflglc Creek Ditch to Messrs. Bo wen it Cranston. A new bridge has been built on tho main Powder river road leading from Baker City to the Eagle Creek coun try. Folk Covntv. From tho Jitpubll' can, April 27, we lenrn : Mr. Isaac Henshaw left homo on Sunday, since which time nothing hits been heard from him. Persons havo been looking for him, but t nn discover no traces of his whereabout-.. . Owing to the doprra&od stute of (he market, all agents buying wool have been called hack to their respective headquarters. Wool, llko everything else, appears to be in abundance Just when buyer are fearful of a scarcity. The two young students, who wero Indicted for entering the store of Mr. Llndslay at Monmouth, went tried last Friday at Italia uutl acquitted, Hoimmi.v Okmon. Mr. Myer, the importer of blooded stock In Southern Oregon, weighed his two noted colts Louise1 nnd Reliance, ' on Tuesday of last week. Louise la one year old niul weigh 1,002 pounds;, Reliance Is eleven months old, and' wlgh 602 pound. i The Josephine Democratic Conven tion ,madc the following nomination : 8Ute Senator, E. N. Tolcn ; Represen tative, A. i. Waldron; Clerk, Chas. Hughes: Sheriff, Dan Greui. Toe Democrat of Douglai county have placed In nomination the follow ing ticket: Joint Senator, Solomon Fltzhugh; Representative,' J. N. Ra ker, John Drain and - Hall; Sheriff, William Mun; Clerk, F,. Stephen. The AVnffnr I Hays that Mr. Roekwoll, while mining near .Ashland, In Jack. on county,' a few day slncej found what wtu siippo-wd to bun jwirt of tln i JH'Tmyw tusk of some supposed animal. The delicate little chap seems to have sup potted it tooth, n small fraction of which measurers six feet In length nnd nine Inches at the smaller end, and weigh ono hundred and thirty seven pounds. SUNKAY St HOOI.Co.S VK.N I ION. -'1 lie VhrMlnn Advocate says : Tho Execu tive Committee of the Oregon State Sunday School Convention met In the Preshyterlttn Church in Pottlaud, on Tuesday evening, April 2.id, 1872. Present Dr. O. 11. Atkinson. Rev. W. R. liutrhcr, C!en. K. II. lliibbltt, Dr. J. (J. (llenn, Judgp C. N. Terry, and Rev. Win. Robert". On motion it was resolved, that the Statu Sunday School Convention for the present year be held, commencing on Tuesday evening, May 28th, at 7 o'clock, and extending tliroiich Wednesday 20th. Thursday .loth, at the option of the Convention, in the Congregational Church in Albany. OnNTCorNTV. D. II. Rhluchart, Esq., writes us us follows from Can yonvllle, under date of April 11th: " Many farmers have finished sowing their spring crops ; others are drawing their wot k to a close, while the remain der will finish their work in it few week". Horticulturists still move cautiously about sowing the tender seeds. Wo havo heard of hut two In-, stances of early com being planted. Pea, radishes, onions, lettuce, etc.. are up nnd doing well. Peach and cherry blooms arejift appearing. Several of our stock men, J. J. Co. art, Wager, and Do Morse, ant collect ing beer cattle, preparatory to driving to the Portland market. Should they succeed in delivering them, In their present condition, the epicures of tho metropolis may enjoy a luxury not often obtained West of the mountains nt this reason of the year." Canal a Nn 1xcks. Tho Oregon City Entcrpriiv, April 20th, says: Last Montlay n double force of workmen was put to-work on the Locks. It Is the Intention of the Company to work two bets of hands until the work Is completed, nnd orders havo been Is sued to the Engineer In charge to nut, on nil the force necessary to complete the work by the time prescribed by law. The Company nro using every exertion in their power to comply with the law, and they are satisfied that tho work will be completed anil ready for boats bv or before the 1st of Janu ary, 1873. 'There nro now 225 men tit work, and more can get employment, nt $2 25 iter day In coin. This night force will aid considerably in pushing the work on to n speedy completion. W.W.I.A "WAM.A.Kyger, who was held to answer on the charge of rob bing the County Treasury at Walla Walla, of $10,305, hail his ball llxetl nt $7,500. Walla Walla county is in n b.ttl con dition financially speaking. Tho pros pect Is that at the end of this year tho county will owe flo.onn ami will have nothing to pay It with. Ahiikhtku. On Thursday, Deputy Sheriff Rush, on it requisition front the Governor of Washington Terri tory, nrrcteil a man' n'nmcd Lewis Miller, Indicted by the grand Jury of Clark county, W. T., for adultery. He was takm below by the Sheriff of Clark county on Ti'mmlay. ThlsMil lor is the man who has been offering reward of 250 for the arrest of his brother, Mlnter II. Miller, whom he charges w Ith having stolen the sum of $1,960 In gold coin from hint. Ktigene Guard. Uhitish Colvmbia. Sixty tons of coal from the new .seam of the Van couver Coal Company, Newcastle Is land, was shipped by the bark Shoot ing Star for San Franclsoo. It is said to be oj'a very.superlnr, quality to that , obtained from the Douglas pit. I Tho fruit yield on tho Island promise to be lnrife ' but thf old tries tho ".j im in . .! an t wnnwir-) SALEM, OREttON, MAY 4, planted eight or ten yearb tlntic to snow symptoms ago -con-of decay from no appnrant cause, except, per haps, a lack ol'llfe-iilvliigproperllcs of the toll. A cnucpoudeiit Milting fion Pott Itntwrt. wivh that finWs on human I He-It tiro very common among the In- dinns of that neighborhood. One ' tribe w ill siterlllco it slave or a child and in (Idle the meat front camp to camp. The lion Id fea-ts commence at the full of the December moon, and (Itiilngilspiogiess the pailakets tip ittmnn belnus.-rooif. ' ' ! Wool,. The Hr-t lot of wool, of this year's clip, was received nt tho Wil lamette Woolen Mills, Salem, on on rue-day last I m-NTi'ATKn MmiintiM Kmid hfm'of sulphurous add, by ono of the vn !.... u..t.,...i i n... .,i..,.,n,.r.. r,.,.l three ycai-s, by the Lnnc elivult court, .f-WO-. Ri.tii:i:i. C. 11. JitnitM ha- retired from the CorvallU Ouxtttt. Win. II, Carter Is oneo more the sole proprie tor, and editor. Postal. Petitions atu In circulation nt Dayton. Wheatland, nnd other i points, for n dally mall between Snlem nnd I-nfayctlo. DOnKVriC KKW.1 BV TKI.Kt.HAPH. Wahhimiton, Mny 1. Secretary Fish stated to-day concerning our re lations with Spain that Ocn. Sickles' Instructions were to the effect that If Spain continues to decline nn amica ble settlement of vexatious questions In controversy between the two Gov eruments ho was directed to demand his pnsqort and inform Spain that I tliu United Slatt's would not send an other Minister until she complied with our demands. The Charge a' Af fairs lit that event would remain and the American Legation be kept open, while (air relation would not bo very cordial. A number of copies of the Rrltlsh counter case have been received at tho Rrltlsh Legation, nnd six have been given to the Department of State. There Is much talk and considerable excitement among members of tho House to-day, several of tho most f imminent expressing a belief, from nformatlon received, that tho Ameri can claim for consequential damages will be ubaudoiied. The President has approved tlm bill repealing the duties on tea and coffee, to go Into effect nfter July 1st. Inquiry In ofllclnl sources elicits the fact that Sickles took Instructions rela tive to the release of Dr Howard in the spirit of former communications. Tho liiinicillato object of Sickles' ro-i hers of ills fumjly and present his let- turn is to bring nomo several mem-. terof recall, he having for some time contemplated withdrawal. His sue ees.ir will not be tippolilted for some time. It has been ascertained from authentic sources that while our government has not withdrawn ami will not with draw its claims for consequential dam ages, It bus signaled to Great Ilrltaln that at no money award is anticipated or sired, but simply a decision of tho icstlon involved touching tho duties desln question involved touching ami obligation or neutral-. The Senate has confirmed tho an pointiiiont or h. O. wataon, itegisier, - ..M,,,,,,, .. .?."" .. ,... . ., TllK RtrtV Wkkt." This is the Ilno iimittlilM ttianuflliu I II til l(4lt4 D of u monthly magazine Just start- at St., Paul, Minnesota, by Miss Bella French, who U the editor and i.. ..ti i..i. 'i r.. i.i..t. ;..!.:. While not claiming to be a "woman's rights" organ, it will advocate all truM reforms, nnd work for the bet iutcrc.U of' tin. ivople, showing by example more than bv words what women are capableofdofng. We extend n welcome hand to the HV(, and wish Its conductor abundant success. J The prjee 'of suV'scripilon '2M ier an- num. 1872. Vor Hie Wlllaim tto I'lirmcr. VMM I LI IK TALKK.-No. 8. I felt p.utlculnrly careful of tho Early Ro'-o potatoes, nnd so placed them on u ground lloor of ti house, turn mixed considerable dry earth with them. The re.-tilt Is that thev , , k ,, ... ti ls t) m , tilllt lmN0 n k'1 " Wt" as " T , were pitted during tho winter, and . for a month pint lying on a ground )(,oor ,,, ft (1,r,. ms,t Tlu, ,.:r,y ,,)''0 weiv s-ottnd, hut a good deal sprotueii, while the others were equally H)tind, hut free front sprouts. Potatoes may be prevented from protitlng " by oH)ing to the viiior rloiis well-known modes, and a largo lniit-s of potatoes can lie treated at !"m,ll,,!u:,,'11 ll-,wllt luttuw from .onetime." This, It Is asserted, does' l":"J "irirLT' not affect tho lluvnr of the inttato, or tiimiiiLsii mo vitality, mil sinipiy re tard tho formation and growth of eyes. Some writers tell us that straw- berries can bo raised about as cheap ,,0((o(,9, j L.annot reach that point with strawberries, but can very nearly, If not quite, with raspberries. lloth of these, however, should bo on every farmer's table without tint, during their season. Wo havo Just cut down to tho ground a part of tho raspborrlo", which will throw up strong cuncs, and benr lute this sen- son, but after tho regular crop i.s all gone. It i.s not too Into yet to try .the experiment, Tho monthly Agricultural Report gives tho item that " the meniburs withdrew from tho Mahoning Coun ty Agricultural Society on account of its horsc-mciugnud gambling, which absorbed most of tho time and atten tion of tho people, leading them to lose sight of tho truo claims of agri culture and horticulture." If tho Oregon State Agricultural Society would tako courage, and not offer premiums for trials of speed, thoy will hnvo taken ono long step toward reform. Sooner or later, this imes-tlonofhorso-raclng, horso-Jockoylng, gambling, or whatever you may rail it, if not checked and kept within bounds, will bo tho rock ujioii which Society will split We may re.wmnbly e.ect that butter will bo cheap this present sea- son as we already hear of shipments eastward by rail. This depression, .H.l.nltlii ait II I li.i nAii llm.jl j- li.iti nl.' probably, will Imi contlued to low or second grades and good, that may bo pressed uion tho market before tho ' , . Manv dairymen how. rUH" ,s l- , '"" -niOinen, now- over, will bo Inclined to ease up, and, turn off the least prnfltahlo milkers, , mw of lho h,h ,,rco of lnhor, uMl oHKr (iaijM-) r Thpro (h miUUif, H0 deceptive as to Judge a cow by . ,. ', .. ,lf ,.,,, ,,A ,u ,, . " fl J t (o dotlrin,no-tho (lia ,', , ., ,, k,iii ( ttactomcc- 1!rt.n,y instruct- one-fourth of an Inch In diameter ' 'x l,,c ,CN '" lc"ft,''1 Vl'X l y ?,- -;; "- l1cctl ki In a frame with parallel horizontal-. V "-- "n l"n ,-- " '""'Hi lines may be numbered, and, Wiling o phials from milk of different cow, tho relative quality can bo ( seen at u glance, an sin us thf; cream hns had tlmo to rise. My ex- perlmenH made Inst s.Hon showed 0 ) Yoliiino IV.- Number II. a very great dlffcrcnco In thotniiillty of tho milk. Tho proportlonnto quantity of cream from the milk of live cows Is represented by tho fig ures SO, 72, M, (!l, 50, linking a dif ference of over ftxly per cent, in tho quality of mlllc tested. This Infur niatlon. cotlng fifty cents, and a little time, saved me many dollars. (The remainder of our correspond- ti.l.i ..f.l..t. ilit.li lu ilnlilftil Ia 1 VIII .t llllll.IV', If ii. v.. " "W.WU'I w ' ' tiiiiliirilmltiltiir . will iiniiitnr 111 tlio next l-suoef tho Faumkii. THK WOOL HIOSPKCT. From tho nri"eiit indications It looks as though the high prices that ' nt nreseut rule, will with dilllculty Ihi nni j,0 c,,, 0r iUnni ilitptt. and n't iirc.sent ttio market is well siinpneu. .-ft . , It scouts that during tho last weok in March, sovcu vessels discharged In Now York almiit 7,000 hales, and Hint tlicro are now afloat front wool ports sixty vessels for tliu United States. American lleeco In tho Ilostou market has declined about 7 cent per pound and Australia nlxmt C cents, during tho last week. It la thought that tho market had turned its highest M)lnt and wan tending downward ; that dealers wero grow ing sensitive and mix Ions to dlsposo of their stock. From another sotirco wo lenrn that the scarcity of American wool had driven mi many iiiauufactiirerd from using It, that tho call for It has fallen off. and tho higher prices ruling hut itHliorttimoslnco are not maintained. Yet with tho next hreuth tlm sumo iuforiiuiut would Indicate that man ufacturers tiro making renewed in quiries for foreign wool, but refrain from purchasing more than they want tor immediate use, us though thoy hud hut Utile Iiojmj of any de cline. It would appear, therefore, that tho chances for a further nd vanco or an Immediate decline nro considerably mixed ; and wo would admonish wool holders to keep them selves thoroughly informed of any changes likely tooccur. Iwfjic Ilur ul 'rem. 0REG0X MAHKKsTt HASHI.NUTO.X. Wo clip tho following paragraphs from the Washington correspond ence of tho Eugene Journal.' THK. I'llltTliANO, 1IAM.KM ANII HAIVT I.AKK HAII.HUA1). Tim hill which has nassed Con- ' gross, merely gives tho right of way , and lands for rieiiotH, mnterlals from tho public lands for construction. '1! chapman is considerably elate . . " 1 ..a It.r. 1.111 ..iat I iiuiii wiiinb jafc Col. Intcd over the passage of tho bill oven In thl j form, Ik'ciiuso he belle vch that, with , ,,l fjrro'JK1'" Vom-,,Ujd .,!ml icrcuft,,r (, nrrangemeiitH lio lias already ami such as can no mauo nxid will bo billll. II u land grand can hereafter ho ob , tallied h ere will ho no (lluicilltv In obtaining mc.ins to build tho road. CITIZKNH IN OIIKOMN. The bill Introduced by Senator Cor tnitt to innko cltUens of all personi horn in Oregon previous to tliu treaty or 1810, wIiom) fathers were Ilrltislt subjects nnd whoso mothers wero Indians-, wnn reported Inst wook from tho committee on the Judiciary, by striking out the preamble and origi nal bill, una inserting mo iiniowiug in lieu thereof: "Thnt.ull 4orHon3 Itorn In thedlstrlct of country former- y known as the Territory or, Oregon, United States at Oils Hmo, are eiU- ennnf the United States n tho sntnc injjnner w 1 lro elsewhero In the unneuaiuw. Kkw Mraic. G.1 L. DePrans, Pori- i,,,,,, wm awt.pt our thanks for favors In the iniislcllnr.