WILLAMETTE FARMEE. w laire- NOTES ON BITTER. Prof. Julius Lchmann has) been uinking j.01110 experiments ns to the causes why cream sometimes gives none. Ms results have been pub lished in the 111. J. I Axe. if. Gew. These cases aro : 1. Unelcanllness of tho vessels holding tho cream and butter. i. Too long standing of the milk and cream. 3. An unhealthy condition of the milk from which tho cream 1m pro duced. Tho cream which gives no nutter Is ulwaya very Hour and its smell and tasto denote a decomposition of some of Its clement". At least wo must grant that thero is in such cream tomo substance whsch causes its ab normal act ion in butter-making. The nature of this substance Is not yet understood : but tho professor has a way of making it harmless as regards separating the cream into butter and buttermilk. That tho troublo in making butter often arise from unelcanllness of the vessels, cannot bo denied. Where wooden vessels are used, a simplo washing with water is never snlll cicnt. Tho milk and cream get into tho minute pores of tho wood and arc not removed by the process of wash lug and drying, but remain there, decay, and lujtiro tho following charges of milk, from which is on tallied, therefore, poor butter or, in fionio ciws, cream which yields no butter. The professor recommends that, after theitsiial wnMilngnnd dry lug, a little sortn solution and hot vn tcr (In tho churn a wino glass of Mida Kolution to one gallon of water, and in tho cream vessel a liquor glass of foda solution to one-third gallon of water) be put Into the vessels, which ro well shaken llvoor six times (lin ing half an hour and then well washed with hot water and dried. Tho cattlo troughs should uImi 1k kept clean and occasionally, at least once a week, washed out with lime milk ; for It cannot bo doubted that decaying matter, used by theeowsas food, deteriorates tho quality of their milk. Sometimes letting tho milk or cream stand too long Injures it for butter making although many dairy men hold to tho opinion that the longer the mill: stands the more cream Is obtained. This opinion is entirely wrong. Tho milk should not Htand longer than tW, or at most II, hours at a temperature of 60. Is tho cream deteriorated ko that It gives no butter, put it in a wooden vessel, stir It continually and add a u diluted solution of soda (to 1 wlno glass soda solution oiid-sixth gallon water) until yellow test paper on con tact with tho cream assumes n brown ish color. As soon as this occurs, and the cream has lost Its sour taste, let it stand quiet a quarter of an hour and then stir and add very carefully diltito hydrochloric acid until the so lution gives blue test paper a faint red color. The addition of tho acid has changed the oxcess of soda in the cream into common salt ; and the cream now, after working it an hour nt tho uttnoit, will give very good butter. The professor has often tried this method and always with tho best of success. Should too much acid havo been added, tho butter can only with ditll- culty bo majo to form largo lumps. In this caso the material Is (ttralied through tho cloth. Tho professor thinks that no dairy should bo without soda solution for cleaning tho vessels. This, of . spec, gravity should Iks kept in lit tles with tight glas-. stoppers. After using, wash the stoppers with water, wipe dry and rub on It two or three drops of table nil. Tho dilution of tho solution or of tho hydrochloric acid must always tako place in gl.tss vessels. Tiik Amkunkv.s. Tho distin guished quality for which tho Alder ney is prized, is tho marked richness, nnd deep yellow color of her milk ; yot it is moderate in quantity eight to twelve quarts a day being a good yield in the height of her season but that, wonderfully rich In cream and butter. A gentleman in Now England, who had for many years kept quite a herd of them on his farm for dairy purposes, a few years since told us that he sent much of his but ter to private families in 1 Jos ton, where he obtained about double the prico of good common butter, and that one-half or even less of Alder- ney milk, mixed with that of the common cow, gave it color nearly equal to that of the pure breed. We have like accounts from others who kept them. Aldemeys were occasionally Im ported into America as early as fifty years ago, and In considerable num bers within the last twenty. They aro favorites where well known, aro Increasing in number., and bear good prices. iormponbmcc. Sublimit Farmers' Club. E. Eaiimi:k : Uy request of E. T. Perkins, Secretary of our Farmers' Club (who Is very busy), I send you a few Items concerning our progress. Our Club met on Saturday, April 13th. After discussing domestic economy, it was agreed that there was a wide difference between real economy and sllngine-s. After dis cussion, H was agreed that notwith standing the rage for cattle and sheep speculations It was safest to hold carefully to mixed husbandry After appointing agents for the disposal of our wool flop, we found by count that we had some twenty three hundred fleeces to dlspo-c of, mostly combing wool, and It was left to the discretion of our agents whe ther to sell now or wait for further developments of the market ; but the Club seemed to be sensible of the benefit of the tariff on foreign wool, as favoring the wool-grower. An c.v.iy on homu attractions was read by J. C. Olca-on, which attract cd considerable attention. It was ordered sent to the Faiimiui for pub lication. After the reading of the coustitii thm, sixteen new members were ad mitted. Each person offering to be come a member pays a half dollar to the Treasurer, and If he receives a majority of the Club he Is declared a member. Our new members includo four ladles, one of whom is u miss, Wonder if she would not make a good companion for somo young farmer. Ono feature of our Club is, we admit large lioys, five of whom are members. Wo number some thirty members In all, and our Club seems to bo getting quite popular. We also mado arrangements to keep our library at the building where wo meet. Wo have qulto u number of books for our library, and are mak Ing arrangements to Increaso our stock of books as npiortunlty offers. The Club voted to have an oyster supper nt Squire Downlng's on the the 10th of April, at which time wo Invito the editor of tho Faiimkk to be present, as we expect to have a pleasant time together, spending tho entire day in discussion or rwiitl chat, as may bo deemed most advis able. Our next subject is progress ive agriculture. I neglected to mention ihat we re ceived a valuable lot of grass, grain, garden, and flower seeds, from the Department of Agriculture, which were distributed for experiment the result to le duly reKirted to our Secretary. O. W. Hunt. L1MK FOK 1'OTATOKS. En. Faiimkii : Dr. J. P. Parker, an old nnd experienced farmer of our community (Jacksonville), had about an aero of choice- land which ho de signed for potatoes. On tho flrt year ho niletl an abundant crop of pota toes ; on tho second year the crop was not so good ; on the third season Hie crop was qulto inferior to tho first two, whllo tho fourth crop was near ly a failure, barely getting his sed back. It being apparent that tho o. tatocs had attracted some requisite substance of the soil, he sought to as certain what that something was. Fi nally, after a philosophical reasoning, he determined that lime was the in gredient ; hence, on tho fifth year ho dropped u teaspoonful of lime in each liillof potatos; tho consequence was, a crop equal if not better than the tlrst. YourcorresiKindcnt knows of farm ers that never raise more than one or two crops of potatoes on one piece of land. If they will try the remedy of which I have spoken, I think the desideratum will be acquired. Jackson. The royal plate at Windsor, which Is kept In a tolcrahly-sl.i'd room nnd iinniljoinlngcloset, Is valued nt 1,750, 000 sterling. There Is one gold serv ice, lined by (Jeoige IV., to dine one hundred and thirty guests. Some pieces were taken from the Spanish Aiiuailn, some brought fiom India, ltlrnuili. China. Theicnrc thirty do zen of plates which cost twenty-six guineas each plate, 'fills Is only a portionor tue royal wcaiiu oi iMigiaun, In tills Item of domestic necessity. In tnu lower oi i.oiuiou are all manner oi goidsalteellars,drluklug-cups, spoons, etc., which In value represent an addi tional million or so. imi niwi -i iMfriiiiHwgaa SFSOXAXi NOTICES. Icninrknliln rurc of tho Supcrliitiiidriit aud Act lit nf the lliuiliilupt' Mine "The work pie. hrawly on " l'e No. t!,00t Second Scrlc.. liCAKALirr. Mink, Ni:AiiS.lor, I An,'. 15. 1871. I Dr. A. it iWu.il ,f Oi. 1'nrn Inn time, lluie been afflicted with Klu'iiinatl-iii In in) bund nnd fcit, tlir iln iniwt of tlii! tlnu' bclim ery .ccrt' tin ihr- 7lh of .lulr I pmrutisl .nine nf jour t'NU VKIU)RKli:iY. and nnerlaklti2nnly Threw lint Ilia, find 1 liit I mil qulti- riXnri'K I" In -itlti ami trcnslh. I liiti'limlllK'tlii'iimillMii fur lift rn Ml) jeans n ml think Unit lln'Miico" irnhi " I'NK " In curlnj: i (II'iMm' if n Innu .laudliii:. In n .hint ti thiii. I. erv rcmarknlilti. An it tunic mut turn... Ilrerl Inw in Mir met with ' jtliln;; rqllill tnlln' l'M Mill ill. Mhm ; iiiirinuiiii'iiini'i Hit. ink lii'lt I nitliiitl llflt-iMi Cll h.iiiiiI lii nrii:li( Tril.t IliiMlint till cirllllcule will In' ii-i-flil In Iniltulni; other u'U'tttdn.l tu. to try ttu "I'NK." I ft main wrv truly your JMi:T IIIIOWN i'elifl Kttp't and siMit (1-tiidalupoMlhc. Wjwotnl IS'otloo. IxrmrnTtos I. ih cn et nin-tntli of ill di...va tli litliiM macliiii. 1. .Uhjt-lt lo ' Ona ton to lb itmcn aod du Mtlt or n. ml i oa will ruoi OiaQ halt in yftur diMor tU'. Ilr.llra.l,'aelr.rlr4l1tl HlM.ri.rarfruni tnrnJ.l be all pby-lciina in l)rrrTJ and fr AM. IVUrt.UKTN of t f l.ltlH AMI l'nrTM4 OliUASi, S adTcrttaeiuenl lu uiotLcr ewluifaii. GILL, STEEL & CO., MEALl'lt IN BOOKS, STATIONERY Musical Instruments, SCHOOL BOOKS. 4 ORNI'.lt W. ASSOUTMK.NT OK TIIK I1KHT IV sUDiuru I'nMlcallon. TKACIIKUS IIEQUISITKS, Such Cllouca, Map, Ctaitr, Cr.jotif, Call Delia, Kcwarda, Jtc. MISCKM.ANEOUS HOOKS A central annnrlmcnl, and vrrr)lbioff nolillthrd In th United Hlatn or Kurni'i- Imported In order on (lion uotur. We Initio r-pi rial attention toouratotk of Mason &, Hamlin Organs, THE nKST IN TIIK WOULD! CIIICKKItlXn. MAKSCIIALL A MITTAUKR. And KHERSON iiuiros i FLUTES, VIOLINS, ACCOHDKONS. C AC. A complete itaortment of MUSIC INSTRUC TION HOOKS. AH5. TIB OSXtSBRATSS CHICKERING PIANO 6 v, try MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS. GILL 4c NTKKL AgeuU for Oreeoo and Waahinictou Ttrrllory, fify Price. rellr Brdurcd. Hold either for CASH or oa INSTALMENTS. WintHoiii ST rroat SI re I, np tUln. I'ortUsil.Sept. 11,1871-1. 'ffriFrB k1 bJ m. i?6tiis'. JOHN HUGHES, Ooruor of BTA-TH tvxicl. XXJBJBXVSTSr Btrooti DKALKH IN Bacon, Lard, Butter, Ohoeso, Flour, Grain, Feed, AND DOMESTIC PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS. Paints, Oils and Window Glass, American and English Coach Varnishes. Engmn and Amorican rurmturo v nr- nishos, Gum Shellac, and Japan Varnishes, White Damar and Asphaltum Varnishes. CASTOR OIL, I.AIII) OIL. NKATS FOOT OIL, IIOOKISII OIL, l'OLAlt OIL, rt'TTV COLORS' l.AMIMII.M'K, KI.KI'IIANT OIL, LINSKI'.I) OIL, UKAININO WholesAlo and Retail at ni.li inll lor nil Kind of Jlrrclmntnble. l'roilucc at ('ituli Ilnlc. tttr joi-insr i-aixja-i-iEis. Why Delay Insuring? SECURE the PROTECTION OFFKIIKI) IIY TIIK OLD NEW ENGLAND. Facts Little Known Itll.ATISU Til LIFE INSURANCE: riiiiiaii: is no voiti'i:iTi'iii in JL tin' New Uiirl.inil Muiiml Life liinmimc (Vm pan), mid Iliu rilliinliiyi'ninpli'i pnur tlicfuil; I'uitTi anii, .Vnv, A, IN.'i.- a.' pild mi a puMry nlicri' I lui premium rlx mniillm mi rlm A.t i: Mlllir, ruril.iml, Otix'on Atmiinil Inruritl, $Vim. Ilic pmnu'iit T thl clulm ai Mti.lnl by Cliiclnimtl llllli-, Jdiuli .Mnjir, (le. II I'l.iu den-, M. t-elli r Cot I , Jim "7. I'-TO Liii.ii' p.il.l mi a puller i hem tin preniliim nun fnur mniiliii mcriliic .1 W. Jiiiii'k, t'liluni, Cnl t nimiiiiil In.iirul, $I0,UM Tht'pnmeiil of IliUilalin n llftid by Trunk SpitiVlIni;, V I tliHttl. .1 M WIUuii, J.W. timid, A .1 .lidiiiiHiii M.I) , llmry IVilmi WainiitI'iihik, .Inn vn. 1871 l.nm paid im a polk-i ulicru llii'pri'iiiliim uiiKilcii'iiimiiilliniivir duo: I.iHnnri-(I l'eil. Walnut t'ruk. t'al ; nm omit lii'iirid, (Mum. 'I lit) pii)im-nt nt till' rUlm nan altrrlid liy .lnlin Slltr, tart In rnK'f, .lulin ,1, Ki rr. M. Uottrr, I. K MtOr. fint , IMi .', 71 -Li pnl.l mi a pulley ulicri' tlu pri'inliim fniir ihimiiIhiim nine: ,la, II. t'ulilin, I'nlii'ii. I'lil.t aiiiiiniit Inriirnl, tliiil. Tim J..1J nirlit nf Hi!', i him n ntli'rlul liy W. I". tliHil, .1 W llimd. .tnliii How Jiilm t'liini-y San Kium i-iii, .lull z l7l. L pild oim IKtlliy ulieri' tdo jiri'iiiliim im. Inn mnnllimrr line; .1. Li-Iiimii, nt IIiiIpk I'll), liliilm: iimuiiiil liixirrd, flu OKI. Tlici.i)iui'iit nt lliln tliliiinim nlli-ptiil l.v M. S. Riniril, H, A. Il)l, .1. (Vf, ltn-ri-ntlinl, 1'iilir t'o, 'tin' bIhiiu (l.ilnn uern paid under tin.' Mnn rliii'i It liini-furfrllnrr law, Tlie New KniMiinil Mutual I.I fr- Insurance t'niii- pitiy ai" Iiirnrporatcil In INVl, and l tlierefurc the iildrct purely tuiitual lite luiiriinri. cnnipatiy In tin I'nliiil Slnte. It ha. t'ASII ASKTS III' OVRR 10,00(1,000, mill l tlii-nnlt i oliilultiy mi the l'uc till cna.l yoierncl he the. Mit.pailiii.etl. linn riirlelturelan. IIIVIDKNIIS ilnlan-d and maili' aallahltf In inyiiiiiit.nrpreniliiin. ANNl'AI.LV UAi.ii.Ki: i'.vi:iiso.v, tlineral AKeut. N R. mr. Han.nmeniid Cullfiirnli .1... ban KruiirliCn. JOSIil'll -IIIDDI.IMIISS, Superlliteiidi tit nf Aceucli , ID I'mnt p , rnrtUitd. CAIT LVMAN S. hfOIT. DcclKmil Inal Aceul, Malu p Salem TREES AND PLANTS! East Portland Nursery. I 1NV1TK TIIK ATTKNTION OF IIF.AI.KUH and planter, lu my Urc and complete .lock nf Standard Fruit Trees OF RVnitV VARIKTY. GRAPE VINES, Small Fruits, Oriiammtal Trtrx, Shrubs, Plant, ltulhnm J'lowcflinj Hoot, J tow, etc. I'lf Fruit and Orcen Hiiupo CJlnloiie .out fnc K.B.llSll. unapidlcatlnn Adilrep., OdVS in. II HANSON. JUit rurttand. u, jounAf. ii w JlintlAN JORDAN BROTHERS. DKALKRS IN HARNESS, SADDLES, Saddlery Hardware KTC RTC, ktc, State Street (nt arly uppmlte ration'. Illitcli) Salem. A Good assortment of Concord Stage and Buggy Harness. IIUI'IM'MM Ilo t Ol'tlt'l'. ITT" Repairing promptly attended lo, and a (.fa era! ii.ortment of Farm barne.a kept com tamly on hand, c.r made to oiler on .hurl notice. rtT" Hating remored ffinr, our old Hand ou Com mercial Street tcftliu pUco formerly Mcupled ly Sam'l Kray ou Hlato Street, we reipecttully folic It a further ahare of public patronage. Recommendation- Our Work. Aprs If fEHIVO AND I.KIOKSTKIISIIIRE HJL HUKKV. bred hy itin.t m.iiti. Halera, Ort.-on, Auf, I, '71. E CHINA NIT Oil., COAI. Oil., HAW AND IHlll.Kt) OIL, TOOLS, Ac,, Ac JOHN HUGHES. r, at. ranxciTKu. r. I. nAncocK, PA1U1BNTSR it BABOOOX, Coin mere I n I Ulock CABINET MAKERS! AND llKALKltS IN Domoslio nnd Ofllco FURNITURE, UpholBtery, Paperhanging, MATTRASSI'S, Tuclcor'o Patent and Spiral Spring Bods. Coffins and Caskets Made to nrder at limit notice, and nil ri-a.oiiahlo term'. NnMl If. rilANK A. COOS, BOOKBINDER. A1II Iilmik Hook Miiiiufactiiroi', kam-m, oiii:o.. -Jmli II A VINO r.STAIILISIIKn A rt'l'lM Flrpl l'Li Ilimkhlnilerv In Salem. ftjivW l utiw pri pared In itinill manner ol MhMHbI' nmk kiinnii tii llrtt trade 'IllUHXlllex, Net Mtuer mill .tlllalc, lliiuinl lu any ili.lnil l)le oltl II n ok. rr-bouml. III.AKK IIOOKH, nf titryili-irlpllon.wlth or without printed liiadliiR., inauufactiind to dr. iter. III.ANK), nf evtry kind, rulitl and printed to order I If- I'lllt'ttN IIKANON.tllMt. OlI III tlray'a llliK'k, Klate atritt. Sljl7-tt. L. 8. 8COTT, Ntulo mtrrcl, tint door lo (i, IV. Uray, ..UKAIail in ... Groceries and Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars. Foreign and Domestic Fruits, FARMERS' PRODUCE, CROCKERY, Glassware A 8toneware HaUm.Jnlyao, 1670. Willamette Nursery, : -w. vrjuutxMm & oo osu'kuo t)iti:tioN. G ROWKRH OK TIIK t.llOlfKST VAKIhTIKS r of Fruit Trees - 8hrubbery I'artlrnlar attention clvru to CIIRRRY AND I'Ll'M TIIKKH. I'er.nn. Inli ndlnj; !' pnrrlia.e Treea ditrini; th. iriwin of WI-. ahoultl call and enamlneiour tock which la the Largest and Boot in tho State T Send for Catalogue., dlilrlbuled Kralla. Nonll-tf. FOR SALE. AMITIIKL WAOON. V INfll-NKARLV new, haloj; lit.cn nwd m llyhl nork but una pca.on, Al.ii. a pn nl HARM IIOllHI'S with IlirriM. Inqnlreat tho r.MtMKil OKHL'K. aa&2la7iarta'fi'BaBaaBaflBaBlllHs