Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 27, 1872, Page 6, Image 6

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' i'
Tni:Si.v. Tho Mechanic? Maya
zinc gives a nummary of an Interest
ing paper by 3Ir. Kayo, upon tho
physical condition of tlio sun, dedu
ced from tint observation of tlio -olar
spots made l.v Currington. This Is
expressed la tlio following proposi
tions: 1. 'I'luit Zollnor'H theory, which
views the sun tta a Holld body t over
rd with a layer of Incandescent II
iiuid, is entirely improbable, and, in
deed, impossible.
L Tin' speed of rotation of any
point whatever on the sum's. surface
Is always expressed by one and the
Mime foi inula.
.'!. Theie do uol exist on the sun's
siirfiii e any .sensible currents which
lire tit nil analogous to the " trade
winds." I. The absolute absence of cur-'
rents H only explicable by the pres
ence everywhere of ascending cur
rents of meat intensity, proceeding;
fioiu I lie sun's center to its surface.
fi. The existence of such currents
is nn imperative proof that the body
of the Min must ho In a gaseous state,
mid is an iinmenso sphere of aeri
form unifier of an enormous temper
ature, but which Is contluiiiilly cool
ing by tin- action of the ascending
(!. Tin- miii Is absolutely spherical.
I'iiimhoi'iiv ov H, in. Three-1
fniirllis of the surfuce of the earth is
a great reservoir f moisture. Kvnp
oration on all thisMirfnce inconstant
ly going on. The ntmoshcro ab
sorbs, and the winds carry this vnst
acciiuiulatlou of moisture to the dry
The nbsinhing power of the at
mosphere depends on Its tempc.ia-
lure. The wanner it is, the more
moisture II will hold, till it reaches
the point of saturation, or dew point.
Now If win in, moist air tscooled, the
hid plus water n-olves Itself into
drops and falls to the earth In the
form of niiu or snow; or, if near the
eaith, in the form of dew. High
mountain ranges, being usually cov
eted wlih snow, are tuudciiscrs of
moistuic in a grand rcnle. This is
tannest tieptn to which tlio sun's
rays could reach, but an apparatus,
oi which tne main rcature is cneni
lenlly nrenared naner. has moved
that the sun Is more than three times
as powerful as was .supposed.
f&ht tiers. '1L.mmL j fJj
vv 0(mwfm.2Z'
Tin: Ahaii irmtsi: at IIomk. A
For Dm W III ink ll I'lirincr.
Few fruits are more healthy, rich,
nud delicious, than blackberries. For
pies, jams, pudding, picservcs, and
to eat with sugar, sugar and milk,
as ulo for wine of a rich, high fl.ivor,
for the sick, I know of none that
equal- it. Dried blackbeirlcs will
euro the most obstinate cases of bow
el complaints. I'm-children, nothing
Is more healthful. And yet how few
grow this Mipeilor fruit J Strange,
that people will not live on the best
when It Is so easily procured. What
can be more refreshing than a howl
of rich, ripe, delicious blackberries?
What a rcgnllit for the boys and
girls to feast in, is a patch of black
berries! A'ifainni.'VUU Is the brut of
blackberries. It Is large, and of ex
cellent flavor. It Is a. strong grower,
hardy, and very productive. This
variety continues in hearing from
tluee to five weeks, according to the
richness, and moisture of mil, and
care bestowed on It. A rich, moist
soil, fair to Mill, Is the hc.l location
for blackberries'. They are lino for
market, and for home consumption
fowfijunl Ibis kind, it is stated to
be a hybrid between the (ommon
blackberry and the dewberry. In
proof of which, iHciislnimlly a cane
(rails along the giouuil. He its oil-
Tin: A it a n llmi.ti
I correspondent writing troni hay pi
to the Spirit of the Times says : The
Arab rarely exceeds 11 hands high,
though .some are l.", and a very lew
exceed even that. They have won
derful endurance, not much speed
except f r short distances, and are
extremely docile, and easily man
aged. The stallions are never alter
ed, are exceedingly compact In form,
with splendid head and necks, beau
tiful prominent eyes, round bodies,
and Hue loins. Their legs and hoofs
are harder anil more durable "than
the thorotighbiccl horses of ICiigland
and America. They are not good
trotters ; their principal gait Is the
walk or canter, and they are frc
cpu ntly taught a sort ofnmhlc, called
In Mexico "sabre pa." They are
great weight carriers. Col. Jenifer,
Inspector general of cavalry, to whom
I am indebted for much Information
concerning the Arab horse, Informs
me that lie has seen a lior.se 1 1 hands
liPrli fri'MiionfK' I'Hrrv n snllllor with
Ids equipment's, weighing together
L'.io pounds, aim Willi apparent ease.
In the cavalry service tlio hor.scs are
all stallions.
Wiiiti: Ki:i:t. A veterinarian
thus explains how to produce white
feet in horses : Taken piece of ostin
burg the size of the white on cor
responding foot ; spread It with
warm pitch, apply It around the foot,
tying it afterward to keen It in the
right position ; let It remain on three
days, by which time it will bring the
hair oil clean and make the skin a
little tender; then take of elixir of
vitriol u small quantity, anoint tlio
parts two or three time-; or use it'
common weed called Asmart, a small
handful, bruise it, and add to It
about half a pint of water; use it as I
a wasn until i lie. soreness is removeci,
when the luilr will grow out entirely
LW 1
0er-0r$aZ&a,2ffie Zowes?ftu&rXewzce
In XJs
A8 A
lccZasiveSa,Ze.in OsvdefrjfarMe,
. a . j "y m
0re &addJmefmyezAz
ltt'viti'ii ! , ,..i,. .. ..i. ...... i..
gin what It may, it Is can- best black-, founder, trim down the feel; cut the
oeny. it inues us name iron) tne , neei us low as vntican w IMioni. h cot I-
why no lain leaches the plains of, onily. largo, sweet, and irood. Crows
.. "i ..... . i .. ..... . ,,
Kin. ii is an condensed ny tne I .mil i.mi-4 u.ai
Kltlatlnuy moiiulalus, where It was ' big, unci apply the following mix
llrst found. ture: Corrosive sublimate, I ounce;
.Vh..-TIiIs variety I
1 beating about
Hieira .Nevada momiliilus, and falls
on the I'acilic slope. All foims of
iiioistuic r.iin, snow, fog, clew, etc.,
down to thohucntiug pitcher on our
mine me all inanllestatlous ol the j place In everv lmicIcii.
"'I'l.,.1,. ,ii,ii,.rr ii ...n.1 l-tiroii, or AVr Jlocullt
is ety iiiiifonii, and wesuli'er uol so
niticli liiiin a want of moisture, as
liom an imeijual dlsliibutlon. i:aji
oration Is greatest In the lioplcs, on
nccoiiul of the irreater heal : ami
greater In the naithern hemisphere
or Aiir iiocHlli'.- I-or
sie, yield, liiclniisius, anil beauty,
it isalmost micipialed ; and it makes
a most niagnlliconlly ticli, heavy
wine. Now, I don't want folk- to go
to growing Iiitwlnus for wine, unci
in the uoi thorn, because of the 'tret ilritnk-iM. not drunk, but "tdo-
turgor prnNimnii ol waier soutli ol rloiisly refreshed"- for this would
. :,:', ? ."i1 ..:". ::,'"' kwk -vh or.. go,i
north unci south, cioss t'acii otlteri
near the ctiualor, giving us the
gieiilei' evaporation ot the southern i for home consumption.
iKIn'nrmK!' U,,""r"n'l r '-'-- Tl. l.,ig,l,a.i-
. lid, and sweet beiry, and mi abtiu-
SiNKiM.iii'llniiiusix nn:()( i:a.n .jdanl beaier. It is quite eaily, and
- iiouiiisaiioui inesiiiuiiigoi imiiies ripens soon as it turns black. It's
gum camphor, I ounce; oil origanum
oi unci'; iiirpeuiine, one pint.
Apply to the bottom of the feet; heat
in witli u hot Iron. Ho careful not to
get the mixture on the hands. Feed
..it.. I.i 1. 1...... ...... I'.. I ..I' I....... I rll...
generally goneubout. he, inn ,ers I f i'Tvn-v rtl.Tvn"K
commence bearing. It Is worthy a, days; omit four (lavs, uiul'theii re-
I peat, alternately, until a cure isef-
n.tiS:''S JrlMMMrf ..firflbu
i'jw i mcsHHBjHHB3Sr i
It only continues in
two weeks, ami Is,
rtitfes feaute.?-.
yreZy c7ra?tae(Z$recctzsrMcta-'H'fA ystZttaZtc-
&ddef?ff?t'ra':d?M'?e7 dariesf- A'7s!.a
rv An vtr" "" '
,x 7Z, , ft J I
Nay, rather, let us irtw this excel.
lent fruit for market, and especially
Vol: w rrv in Uun-in. A sttUseri
lier to llmrllt ami Home, who lias a
imi-e i 1 1 1 iii iit-s.ii, inn wim a vora-1 '7v tfon sr
clous appetite, whloli nromnts him -vC.,,.-. . Cj. .JJL. . a. S
to eat the litter, asks what to do! U5If
a nyinptom of disease in the digest-'
ive organs, or of the presence of
worms. If no worms have been ob
served, the llrst may be Mippoit'il to
be the cause. A -Imtile remedy Is to
feed to the horse a handful of wood-!
ashes, one ounce of sulphur, and an
ounce of common salt, mixed In his
iccci every oiuortiay.
in the ocean can oulv be euteitaiuccl
by those who Imagine the water Is
more coinpiessible (ban the bodies
sinking in the same. Now the re-ver.-o
Is lhecne. Water at a depth
of s.uoii feel is only Incieascd one
himilreilth pail in its density or spe
clllc weight, while cork, wood, or
other noioiis bodies, will at n much
less depth heroine so much com
piesed a-to be unable to een re
rtsivud to the surface. They have
become heavier than water, and.
couscciuently, will (lout no longer,
nud Ibis Is uillcd water-logged. We
Li;."tNSTON. The venerable race.
horse Lexington, the sire of motel
winners than any horse or his duv,
either In this country or Ktirope, has
ocen entirely wiintirawn iroiit lie'
not bad to take.
A'i iowiV Tioriilctf. This Isit me
,ii..... i ...i i i,.,..,. i i
, "V i",'i , ' ' I P""-' '" M '" does nut appear '
dii.llve.an.l It- greatest rcconiiuen- ihe'iM of Woo.lburn stallions this'
d.illiiiislsi'omparatlvfii'cilomfiMiii M-a-on, for the first time in manv
thorns. This is a ladles' blackberrv, yi'ars. The old horso is still vlgof-
fiir they don't like to be pricked bv ' I)' one or his age, but at twenty-,
thorns. Those who do ,,f want to J.VivAto M " U 0 rtirt' '"
be scratched by thorns In gathering ' ' - -
berries, should plant Newman's M. .1. Cuti:u writes to the linrtil
Thoinle.ss. Kvery farmer, and ov- A'lif )W-ir that If those who have
ery gardener, should grow all of tlio 'T.,, ."V Tl w,,,1 ,1!,U ,l B1,,,,"
i .. " '""" ' m', niu'ii'iiT mere
nance ior tne norse to liite, ho
not do very much erllililmr fi .
stable. I
many o?kernew&a!6Stfd.&7&7eafc.
lOMiri'lllNll Ni:V LVTINi HII'I.oV rMIAT l nil.'l-sUlXCi.M.UIIIXKs-siMI'I.r;, citct
TIM- AMI l OMl'l.KTi:.
Don't fail to sjco it boforo Purchasiug any olhor kind.
have I en id people who even went so ,aM,Vo splendid buck berries. Whv , N , 1
far In their error as tmissert that, a ,i.m,, ,i ...... ai.i i ...... i , .tn .
aMilllcIenldci.lh.thedeitsltvortlu) , , ",l- ! ' Kn,w W.iek-. jylll i
water Is such as to piexent even berries successfully, the following is 'best
Mones iront sinMiigiuniier ; llieali- tne nc-i memoii : .select a moist, i .
sui-dlty of this notion Is evident fiom rich place, fair to the sun-plow it1 I'Ast Smultiy Henry Ward Heech-1
J:; in 'iioK,1 w,!ffi iiai v,,, ,u,t,,,,y .r f,wrrow n -int "i i ;,r' tl r ru,,,,y-" Uv
h rows, eight feet apart, and six feet vSM,",y tosay tlmt women swore ,
Tin- Si'i.(Ti:o.sici'i: a.m Ni.ui ., m ,lu i)Ws-cultlvato well, in bilk I women of culture and eminent Inso-I
t.Mt llM'ciriiusis. I'rof. Ivlikwood i Alter tho canes are fully grown, or I l'-l',y whmi that ho knew and .
k:i,s that the sped iwopo has dem- at least before the sap rl-es in i, I 'l're is u tendency in thnt direction.
ikll.t isitiwl tint iii'iuiiit ( laLliiim,. jiI ' n . .1 ...i
Inn i.s n bu ous V. Wes s. 1 ;," hl,nnr' '" ,,:,l,k ' w-tlilii three or ! ""N'okcoi tne alarming prevalence
111"! fr.".. S llaphu-t"' su'pHKses ! ' ground- cutting out f '" vN mul wondered that wo
the solar system to have been derlv- U 'b-'tul canes also. Hy cutting luck ' nu'n '" ""v name all that Is pure
ed. It has show n, moreover, u pro- so low you make the c'auos stiiV, and ",ul k'oocl is asscx-Iated, would liecome
K .mre.. Sd,;!rw,!jriV::!,!'ri,y"" lu'ir.Mn,ggllng,orf.,lilng,'
views or the Nime astronomer in. """". on thus avoid the tie- " ' " ,l,ir tuiciea to prolanlty
sold fas?
K0'a&3rft?H'e0dJytflffo fofAe. Jts?
7ijjY y
kliorl. the evidence iill'ordeil livkiu.i. I cessltv or nolliiL'. or tvlni? tliem nn oulcl dare Icwk upon her Innocent
truiii analysis In favoror the Hebuliiri to stakes. Hesides, Isjing low, and -'""dren. Among children theevil'
rtllftlVtotlvoVhN'rtliSl. ,U ,,I1N' vou w,n K"' nH "'U'M ' :Vi,vllh,1.vMreadlng,hut hehoiied
.!wj?hlih dctreo of prol'Slt v! J vl 1 the In-rrles, and thus ' mhtnken In Its extent. ,
' i-vold U'lng picked by the thorns, as -..- (
rnwi.lt or Tin; St .'s U.vs. Mr. . "' "," glMng bigger, richer fruit. A jiiH'tor was very lunch aunoycil by
nieiiieiiH, mo wch-khowii I'.ngll.sli
leiegrapnist, iiiih invontccta ptiotom
I'll 1 1 o-Ut tits "" !,,, ,,ll,y wm 'lwayi htopiHsl hliii
l"" '" "l h . on Ihestrcot to tell hlinofbcrldlincuts. !
Books and Stationery.
(Snccr.K)r to llsrtl A llolnun.i
hi Front Mrcn, Vorlland, Or. sou,
Importers, Wholo.lo ma 11,-ull VmUtt In
School Books,
.1 . IIHI 1111 UIWtlt.tl. (it. ..!..... 1... ... 1 I
" ..xv":n.. rw.. .v" r ""! '. ? ...!.s".v: .- :. Knuhiausi ,' ,;r;v: ' a r"r ,:r;.':" "
.'.red rnt.ionis &'& 5',W Wo mi M.m'. nTNe v j ftSff'lS ' ' "S-T
HAI.KM, :::::: OKEGOK.
.. Ifairr. l1iniii,aiid):kildor ! -J
rhlm-ry mal in order, liu.u.mr) np ?
fhorl nolle, f.iurn miVInc done In all ;
i ! lnn., and all kind orttra aud IfOB Cuttag
fiirnl.hxl at .hort notice. mT.
DIbmL B..I.. " He. I)i-rl. Morten-c, and 1'owert rf AIWT-
DIllIK BOOKS, and her ilmm. Ailnowldt.iuiit. takra.
" Korn't Orotv. Okkoi), Au 5, lSl.-tf.
TATIONERY. sa. a. &. rzsKB,
Co,UL1., iCALKM, OUIitiON. OWc. Ko. J, Moor
.,...' tuind tvery aritrsetlOOI. 55 Hrlik. Iti tUrurr, Cunrt rtrcit, cppolteU
NOOKS u.rj a ,0 j,,,,, ,m, xi jowKST nl I s'nlriT.lli. olU