I80KIK. To Dysi'Kitu'M. If u man wlsliea to get rlil of dyapopsln he mum give Ills Momm-li nml lirnln loss to do. It will bo of no Hcrvlvc to lilin to follow any particular regimen to live on clinfl', brciul, oruny such stunto weigh li In food, etc., ho longns tile brnln Is In n fctntu ol excitement. Lot Mint liavo proper rent, uud tlie stomach will per form Its functions. Uut if lie pans fourteen or fifteen hours a day In Ills ollleo or counting room, nml take no overdue, Ills stomach will Inevitably become paralyzed, and If lie putn noth ing Into but a cracker n day it will not digest It Tn many cases it la the brain that Ih the primary cause. Give that delicate organ some rest. I.cavo your business behind when you go home. Do not ect down to your dinner witli your brown knit, and your mind nb ttorbed in casting up' Interest accounts. Never abridge the usual hour. Take more or lens exercise in the open nlr every day. Allow yourself some In nocent recreation. Kut moderately, lowly, and of what you please pro vided it be not the shovel mid tongs. If tiny particular dish disagreed with you, however, never touch it, or look at It. Do not imagine that you must live on r.yebread or oatmeal porridge; n reasonable quantity of nutritious food Is ctcntlul to the mind as well ns the body. Above all, banish all thoughts of the subject. If you have nny treaties on dyspepMa, domestic inoil Id nc, etc., put them directly Into the fire. If you arc constantly talk ing and Miliiklngabout dyspepsia, you will surely have it. Kndeavor to for get that you have n stomach. Keep ft clear conscience ; live temperately, regularly, cleanly ; be Industrious, too, but be temperate. Jloflon Jounuil of Clicmhti'i. ArsTitAMAN CVitr. ron Sotti: TnnoAT. A correspondence of the Qitmilmulcr glvei the following cure for sore throat : It cannot be too gen erally known that all forms of miiv throat, whether simple, ulceiated, qulnyllptherhiearlet fevcr,or other crwlsp, can be cither totally or greatly Alleviated by wearing a toft oil silk keivhlef twice around the neck, high up and next to tbo skin, especially If worn at night when the pain I llrnt felt. I.lkoNaanian theSyrlan, people will take any trouble but therlghtone nnd lly to gargles, bllstern, lotions, etc., and keep at themfor a month at a time ; but an old silk wpiare why It's too absitd, and so they hug their sore Miro.it and wonder why It don't get better. Not only does the silk cure the sore thro.it, but Itpreveutsa recur rence of It. I was formerly a martyr to iulny and ulcerated sore throat, nml ned to have a whole month of It regularly" every winter, and In spite, too, of all the u-ual battery of pills, gargle, etc., It runs Its course till I tried the silk ; the sore throat then took tho hint and left me alone ever Bluce as a bad customer. I invariably killed It In an hour of any attempt It makes upon mo ; an old sore throat will take a day to cure. Mind, I do not pretend to say that the silk will cure fever or any other symptom or complication that may accompany ore thioiit, but this I do say, that it will cure and remove all pain and diff iculty of swallowing ' tlio throat without the aid of any local remedy, or it will do it In spite of thorn, if you do apply them and it both, but without It, euro only comes by nature, not phys Ic, as far as the sore throat goes ; other remedies urn neither good nor harm, oxcept as they keep you from trying the Infallible silk. Autt.-aliaii Jiper. SI ftaulitt). SiIch Tor Success In IUUIng I'oultrjr. Just now tho cry romps up from Binny quarters of cholera, and fatal epidemics nniong tho poultry, nnd up nrr treated ail nauseam to all iwrts of .specifics nnd preventives in tho agricultural publications of the day, as well in harassed by nil the old Indies of our acquaintance for n cure that will Immediately not only put their cherished bipeds once more Into erect port and tauey carriage, but act as a warecrow for ail time to come against any and nil kinds of foes-. My wife, often wya to me: "Do yqu, think you know more than moth er, Who was Ixirn In tho country und lived Micro all her life?" and my tri umphant reply Is always: "How about tho chickens, my dear?" "Oh, well," rIio answers, "even mother says you do inanago to beat anybody nho over heard of In raising chickens, but then it Is all your good fortune, after till !" From this you may judge, I think, I know .some thing on the chicken question, and I propose, as far as able, with the kind permission of tho American Farmer, to give Mime of my experience and thoughts. Tho tlrst rulo I ever took mind, I say rule, I don't mean any temporary makeshift, helter-skelter, spasmodic way of doing things, but a regular dally operation, and .sticking to It tho first rulo for success in raising poultry, I find In then words: "Cleanliness is next to godliness," and, Justus regularly and habitually us a man takes tho dirt out of his own house, .so ought he to take tho dirt out of tlHU'hlcken-house, If ho means business. The second rulo I found in tho llible, in tho command to do ev erything "decently nnd In order." Now It may bo I saw more, or differ ently, In these Injunction than most people, but tho sum total of nil my experience Is Just this : that, wheth er you raise poultry for fancy or for profit, in breed, meat or eggs, a lib eral application of these rules cannot but result In success. That there is money In poultry I fully expect to doutonstrato, not only by my own experience, but by the fig ures of others. Figures! What have chickens to do with figures ? Much, every way. How without figures, can you tell anything tMlNfactorily '.' I keep u hook, In which I set down tho rent of my yard. I take stock every year In February. Kvcry hen In my yard has her number, and that number litis ti page in my boo!;. Every egg each one lays is set down to her credit. Sometimes I get puz zled by finding two or inoro eggs in tho Mime nest then I have to watch for a day or two, until I spot each particular biddy. When uho wants to .set, 1 give her a do.en egg.-, and charge them ng.iln.-t her. In this way I keep tally for every egg laid, charging the house, of course, with all used, and crediting alt Mild out side. When the little chicks are hatched, the noisy matron receives credit for them, nnd her account is clo-ed for that hatching. They are counted and watched over day by day. All the feed ueil Is charged against them In tho aggregate, and, by dividing thisaggregate, I manage to fix tho cost of each one as close as can be. Every chicken that dies, or turns up ini-slng, Is entered on the lo.-s hide, and all sold or eaten nro credited, and in this way, at the end of tho year, I can find out how much I liavo made, and huw much each has cost me, and .start fresh for tho new year. This Is what might be called system. It takes a great ileal of trouble at first, but, when you once get habituated to it, the whole thing works like an old shoe. Only try it once, and, with a parting injunction, I s-ay, If you innko up your mind to do this, stick to It. Awerl an I-'i'rm-er. Hapiii l)F.vi:i.oi'Mi:.vroK Kcr;s. On leaving tho ovarium, the egg to lie extruded n week hence is not much larger than n pea in common pullet. In Hh passngo through n tube hardly eight Inches long, it Imbibes fluids from the wall to increase its size. On its transit through tho four iches tho growth is Mill more rapid, while it nUo is coated oyer with lime, mixed like paint with mucous, which hardens quickly. That is the finishing process being laid. In twen ty days the eggs of one lien would exceed the weight of hor body. So of any bird. Yet tho whole of that ina-ss of albumen is drawn directly from her blood. If stinted in food, of course it would limit tho number a well. In the laying season, if do mestic fowls cannot range for insects and worms, which furnish albumen for their eggs, they must bo fed with animal food to meet thu demand up on their systems for that material. Russia ha recently organi.cd fif teen thousand public xvhook f ILLA.MJE'yTJB RABMEB. BREYMAN BROS., Cornmerclnl Street, third door fromMooret' Comer, Kntcni, Oregon, WIIOI.KSALK AND KKTAIt. DKALEtiS IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! CLOTHING, HOOTS -rVTVl HIIOKS, GROCERIES, ETC. Wc hai c now A Complete Assortment of Iho bo t named gootli, nnd atenflerln;; ihrm AT BXT2UJMBX.Y XrOOT RATES. Wc alo keep A full Hue of Carpets, Oilcloths, Matting, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Etc., to which wo Intlto cpcclal Attention, si we can oner now SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS TO ni'VKHS. We have also tho Agency for the Sale of OREGON OXTY WOOLEN GOODS, Ml centlitntty keep no a full tupply of BLANKETS, OASIIvfERES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, YARN, ETC., We art! t naliliil to ell to uValti t niaiiuljf Hirer' price. IIIIKYM.IM IIHON. ttatcni. Jan, 13. lSTi. -f.tl PATENT PREMIUM Fanning Mills. The Best Seed Cleaner," ADAITKD TO I'AIIMI.KH' I'SI Mainifacliiroill'y VAN WAGNER &. Co. KolilMf. SAI.KM, OltKUON. a v MinriiT. . fArori'.r. A.N. GILBERT & Co. Holrr luttml Munuf.icnu.il of Boots and Shoes, IN IIOMIrtN'H 111.01 K. fSllMJ l.i:OISLATIVi: 1IAI.I., kai.i'.v, iiiicnoN. Vol 10 If jk CULLEN'S fe& GHUnNTTJIINrilJ SANTA CRUZ HARNESS 1 i Maiiufactunil Ami for ntronljr at IVo. 7' tPvmxt Hi., l'ortlitutl milK KtU'KItlOlllTY OK MY FlIlfiT CIS . X IIAII.NKSS ri-nili-r them tlio ' CIIEAPKAT IfATtTSKHH In the niAiLi t I (ir.IIATi:i: them to U- n (IKM'INK All TIC'LK. All klnilo of hAIUII.KllY WAIIKH At lonc.t p, cm. IrVbllVSm 1 JOHN W Cl'LI.KN TREADWELL 4c Co.,' AOIlICt'l.Tt'riAI. "AIIKIIOlB, A OKNKKAI. Machinery and Supply For Farmers, Minors, Millmcn. Impurlera anj WlioKle DeuUrt In Hardware, Portable Engines, MILLH, AMHICIII.TCII.il. IMPLKHKKTal, Wood Working ami Irnn.Worklrc Machinery, Ml nrra', ttrlneer.' ami Mi-chinlc.' TooN, Mill Huppllr, etc.. etc. i At toe I Corner Varkit and KremoDl ill. Iri Hand. I HAN I'KANCIM.'O. UI 3ia. $10,000 Wanted v S. FRIEDMAN. HAViVH rtlHfllASKI MY 0001)8 25 pr ct. bolow present Prices i , 1 m enabled to fell cnrrcppolidltijrly loir, tuy Urgn ami extensile and hirr:o plock of DRY GOODS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Crockery & Glassware, ASH NL'MKIUIl'H OTIIKU AIITICMCM. Call and Examino Goods! AUCTIONEERING K01I 110T1I T1IK CITY AND COUNTIIY . ..AT . S. FRIEDMAN. More, III Durbln'a Itlni-k, oppoallr tho Uauk, Salem. Salem, March re!, IMJ.-tf. H. D. BOON, IlKAim IN . BOOKS, STATIONERY MUSIC, Periodicals, Newcpaporo, Wall Paper, ... INH... Musical Instruments Tin: er.i c'nit.vrnt BURDETT ORGANS ...AMI... Hallotl and Cumston'fi Piano3 Al !'!! hand Tin-.' Inlitiiii.iit .ire I'AVOIIITI'.S with nil I im-lclmi", mi'l Mil- Mom la (do umrt of oil who nMi tnbli; (ImidailiiMp. ii. n. iioov, Comnirn hi Htiit. i'almi. Hits, """"1- 1 """ TOAXalaOIllf t 52X.AW, TTOIINT.Y1 AT I. H K I.I!M. OIICflON. Olllio mcrtlrat'e Ion- turner of Mali' nit.l I.llx'rt) rlrcilf U)i; ir Read Physician's Certificates Belowlll A Host Efficient and Pleasant Tonic. Tho Illllf M ir. Ptf P"''l 'rim Wi. moH cl.alca ml vth'tlooma blb ami Pull. " bat !" uiuttrul uiKtutioii wi..itf iiliil, Ihaaumla ol drp pllc lut IuuikI rvbtf Ikronfb llitlr u.j. n.lli!i)M law rrcoiuin' mt llirm or lliurli.ll iluaaaita ol lb. blood uid lltar, and IrreKulirtllfa ct lli.iiiBp.it.oriana. ..,.,, , llraJacn.. Hillmi nata ami Conallnllon.(:n.rl Il.ihlau.t Lo-aul AlliH',llai.rau...l I. II. a lUranaam.nt t Ih. nmnuiti. Liter aad oihtr lunclionariraot th' fj.l'in. lb. I XI. Ititlair hat. brnuauecaaatullruli'iland ar. arr.nlta to alli t ut4lbwauilartrlo.il lb. About c.v.a. rrRTiriOATES. 2lin II KtariKllu. .... ... llantl'iiio I lakailrMUi.lntatlalliatarrra. alilrtlllnir nlahllutacarrfnlly lrlaj an Uma hwdlha aam;l of lr 1X1, llillara. which ).. nt mo, and rial Unntoi'ir aaialU llill.ra. Ixit alwon-i that enn..t (all In In Untile la I aa Ualaaod WWWMr.l i HilUA. M. O. Our in cotnirt llJaritu. bia JrautUco, JllUM tliU 11. .. .,... . I bit tutlMj eiamln.il Or lleiil.f a I X I. Ilittaia. and bit. fallad to ilwKl uijlbma .likri roullhiiuia alio lb. roo.l iluhiatn tou.lilulio.i t'n.m tfi. eo-npoaill.n ol lb. Hi'lara. aa faraal !m .1.1. to ilatarmlnv ll. I abouM JuJt 114 IB. XL Bilttr. moil r. a terjr emn.nl ramailf In )j.iy.li la1ii.allon, Ijnaof Aijijlit. anilallj a ioniplalnla Uin cm.a.il of a nuinUr of taa-fLblndlufanblrK ar liln-l.-al'f nwd In ctla ta-a .1 that nilur.. mi n ol ll attain eBtle,lnUi.lriur.(. Jf rs(irXH n Aai'l Baa Pnfrlclaa Aitb.jr) O. U. Iloiultal. HiATr JUaaliaaOllUC. tio 1'rioc.Mo, July ''mmmw II. Ernrrja A Oi -" ' bat. mda a earaful ninlaallo-i ol ou' I L llltlera. and lata found thai, eaural irw el dtUiUnaw wUxral ubaunca. , v-r;.tf.e K huu f f.wiraof (lo.a'ariaila. Mea. rannln. vilbol Ir ll.nl'i 'a-laoalar. attoaj tha top ol tub botlla. i:rr I'mull kliouM tiavet n Hotllw la lltf Ijuj. I old rrrynbrr. ii. j:i'f-Tnirr, Hoi. I'rapriatM.. . Xo i:iKrotliirl.rwl'w:uvo,(VI L. CKOI A CO , k-.i Vf. Ula at , l'vu., Ilur SOHBTiUrJ nWS FACfflG COASTI BOSWELL'8 Standard Fruit Dryer, Iron Hoater, Broad Raiser, Dairy Hoater, &c, comiiin i: i r 1J0SITIVKLYTIIK MOST rilOVITAHI.K Ar4 Meftil Intrt'iillou of tho alm'. romblnlni? chriiv. nri, duraMllljr ami rconomjr, ami cn be appllut togWAtcr Arlvtof purponrAtliaii Any other ni chine exIAnt. As a Fruit Dryer, It r tamta nnrhnlr.t, and l nrVliowlolj, il t.jr cloo title mm to rontalu tho only trim pilnrlrV. fa ilrjrlui; fruit, Ami l Arlinpli In rotirtrurtlon MM a tacit child at once timlerrlAtiU Anil oprrAtr It. As a Room Hoater, The 1'rl.niallc t'.illinlor coiicrntrAlr the hrAt, lunllr. Ihp CAibon, aihI prinlner morn licAt llialt aiijt other Unou ii tlevi.r, xlilrli. IifIiik tllntrlbtilrd ht the pfrforalnt phlrM In ilonblo ruireuu of hoi Air, will liral tiro. Hirer, or ewn four rootna (If proprrlx(ohiii'cleil) w til. Icm fm I llian anjronrnl flic Mine riHn,a rnn be liealnl to llir tAine temper Alnro brAiijr ptoin or lieiilln; AppAralua In lira, while at Iho Mine time II derluoii- all noiloti gA v. euln(; plenum ami Iii'.iIiIit nliiio.phi're and eien teinperAtiire Ihiouhcul nil itiu niiniliiirut.. In the rummer lime, while Imllltu; the lea keltl, iimklni: loAit, liialluelroiir, Ae , bv n pintle lalni tliepoiiurriitaof heat nro liirnttl lulu the otitfltte flue, alnl the heat In tratiely tell In the room. As a Clothoa Dryer, IT II H NO COMCCTI roll, nu.l when er kno I'halleil Willi ilellsht by the laillen. ua the it Aloe Ubor miIiik liiirntloii of the ae. In Lurabor Dryiurj, Tho ptliKlplvpof llila luieiilbui.ao ApplI(il,AM IlitalilnbKiAiiil ulllioiit eonipitltloii. MII.I.INKltx, llKi:i!S. I'lll.Mt MA.NTI'ACTtf HKKS AMI OIIIDKS Will riml It nenlljr In their ailv.-inln to nu Ihki maeliliie ami lim rllnlr lt propiruep. We roulil imMNIi eotiiimiiiof terllinonlaU froM the l..-t tlllreiK of Ohio. Inill.ni.1, IIIIiihIp MlrLI ran, toMii.uiiil other Hinte., of ll mpeilorli) otor any iiivintloii of IheaL'i', but an Iho in.iililuo niuat ptiimliin li own Mi:lMTS, II lini-l benen III o, erallon to bn full) npprn litml I'AliMI'IIS, IIIIIMi Yoni I AXIII.IKH in nr. inr Boswoll Iloator and Dryor. II 4 rxnrtly nlmt ou Maul ami nu.l. recanlleu nfiniyilit hoiipuor kiln till iiiji now bate Wt In not ark )ou to buy a uimpllrallnu ofpatiiil rlKliI'. iiieiel) from an rxamlnnllon if n iiiikIcIj but eonic nml f i Ihn lull leil ion bine i rfoim lat untk n reprvpenUil. Therein no UhiIIIiii; lloii.v, Chiirib, HemliiariL I'ublle Hull, llolelm lii Miiurnut. In n blrli thin Iu7 iblno l not applh able, ii.efiil Alnl protllahle. Lailtett ami ei iilli'iiiru, )uu nro riPpiiOully lnvl Inl In rail ami eviuiltie Ihem.iehluo lnr )ourpitei for II l lmpo.pblo In n .boll alti lllirmi lit lorn mrrolf Al l. Iln l-immI imi.iIIi ! nT IliU Iruly nmlt. rui. t riiiific. i'aMii.v i'iiii;nii tTTSeteinIalmare Mruml br litlera palnit, which pUuea It bejvl.tl the Itali Lf u tlial. The aiib.crlbir. Initio pun liineil ll.c uilu.lw rlsbt for llmflaliiof Oregon. In iiovrminnfarturlui' I hem for al,mi Malo Mru I, III halem, whcioS inrlely of plilenaml a machine In npi ration ran l; kaian Ht alii llnm I .1011 cAim, Opiinrltp filil, Mill A Co ' llook Htoir, Nnvll II. KiKin.Orejon, Willamette University, salbxk, onsaou. fllllK Ol.llMST ANDI.AIKIKST IN( OID'OIIAT 1 111 hlhool 111 Olii:oll. I Ija.llal. ('uuiiiii'IlIuL Normnl. and rlilenlineCoiiraiaof Hnuly Korful liifnriiiatloii, aiblrtra tho I'i veltlt lit, T. M. (Iatiil tr i' " 1 i.ititi, Mep C, mi. Keciclary lloanl of Trutlua, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Fm- lnrlllii- li Itloocl. A inidliliie that cur la a rial public bleaaln Arrira Haii.arnaiLi nukia pii.lllleiuiei'lrt peril a tif romplaliita, Hbllh arvalKayaatUluS ln and loo nftin fatal. II imrlflrt Iho blootL purk'ip mil tlio lurklitf humora In Ihn etplilaV hli.li umli rmliie beallE add petllo Into troobkn xiuin iliaoidera. Ktup. tlona of lb. akin art: lui annearaiic. 011 the aur. face of humora that pliould bo eiptlled from lt' 01000 nternal i!erani(tmeiita are the deltmilra lion or liiete eauie humora 10 aoitie inn ru.i or orana, whoae action they derange and aubatatiri llifiv illbi.naH Mini tlaalrov. Aran airAiillLA eipela Ihiao biimoia Iroui tbo blood. Wbeu Ihey nr. cone, lh dlaordir. they iH.annvnr a'lrli aa Vhtrtltlunt tt Ih All prodaa rr, Hon- ach, A'l'faey, Lunjt, HruiMvnt anil tvjtlin lit. tani nt thi Alli, 0 ,tiMwiv' t'ut, Jtwf or tn iiv'u. lliAntti. Ilitluln. lllottAft. I.oitt. Tutntft. filUr uiul AUI lllumt,SaU Mi', JUnauvnn Iff' ctri and Sura. Wwitnatlim, .Sturtitiilu.l'uln In UU Jloiui. Aide, ami Haul, t'tmalt Wtnkmti, tittrilitf. Uwbrrfiita urhlmj ivin Inhlnul ulrutbm vim uttiiin tilutut, irutty. lfiyla, KmatliUut, aad (uirriU IMtWi. llb tl.tlr Uepartur bialib w turn rnit-iinii nr Dr. J. '. A Vlllt Ac Co.. I.uu.ll, Jlaia,, itvtU-al ami AhUiyli-iJ VAnnUU. And told by Dniuiiu all around the world. JfhMlTll A HAYIH, WU!i.:c.U..rui;. UlU MLUrhu.