Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 27, 1872, Image 1

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    $2.50 por Your, in Advance.
isorici: to HPBsciunmm.
The date appearing niter tlie printed
name on the paper la the dalo of the
KXPHtATION oraubnerlptlon.
Monry fliouH 1)0 remltti'il tjr rcgUtrrtil letter,
no'tottlcD monrj (inter, or chrck on bank, Tho
rnbllstivr will not bo rcoiiflble for inimry nciit
Mimical Union. The festival given
hy the Biilcin Musical t'nlnn on Tuis
duy evening gave, ns nil their enter
tainments do, entire satisfaction. In
the singing line, Mr. and Mrs. Prcntlco
ennnot be easily beaten, and we are
glad to witness the advancement inndo
by the Union under their Instruction.
Wu learn that It Is tho Intention of
this company of singers to give a fes
tival In a short t line that will eclipse
any musical entertainment ever giv
en In the city. Wehnvobutonothlng
to growl about, and that is that there
is not a more general attendance. A
better attendance of oureltlcim would
give tlie performers encouragement,
ami benefit nil.
At the request of many people, the
Musical Union will repeat the Concert,
with some variations of programme,
on this (Saturday) evening. We hope
they will be greeted with a full house.
Rtooic rou W. T. Messrs. Irown
anil Ilutton, ol Slivcrlon, left on
Thursday last with one hundred and
forty head of cattle for I'nlty, Piiclllo
county, W. T.
Foium'.iiy. Andrew. I. Moses, a law
yer of Portland, has been arrested on
ti charge of forgery. The Justice, after
hearing the evidence, committed the
nccttscd, in default of $700 ball, to the
county Jail to await the action of the
grand Jury.
DnoWNr.n. Last Friday, a man
named George Carroll, a submarine
diver, was drowned or suffocated, at
Portland, while under the water exam
ining the wreck of the tug itesolutc.
The deceased was a native of Norway,
unmarried, and about 30 years of age.
Anotiii'.u Mi:itii:i:. Tlie following
particulars of a murder at Oregon City
on Friday of last week, we copy from
tho !ifr rprUc : "Henry C. llorrlngor,
hotter known as Clav Dole, was shot
this monvlngabout4 o'clock hy James
Gordon, at Linn City, and died about !
7 o'clock. The shot took ell'ect in tho
thigh, shattering the leg bouu Into
pieces, lloth parties have been engag
ed in fishing, and it appears that Gor
don had destroyed tluthoat belonging
to llerrlnger, who weiitto the house to
Ascertain whether Gordon did it or
not, wiien ho immediately shot him.
We learn that ho hud drawn the gun
on Holes before, and the parties have
not been on good terms for some time.,"
IJUKNiU) to Dr..vTii. -The ltoseburg
Ptalndcalcr says that a daughter of
Joseph Iiwlgerwooil, of Myrtlo Creek,
aged'abotit ten years, died April 17th,
from th e fleets of burns received the
day before, We aro Informed that
Its Clonics caugui on tire iroiu u p
from the ll replace, that in her fri
i spar
alio ran out or tno House loiiovv
hemarenta and when overtakeivlier
body was completely enveloped In
flames. The little sufferer lingered
twenty-four hours before death reliev
ed her.
HEtvv Blast. The Oregon City
EnttrprUc speaks of a heavy blast that
was lot off last week, at the canal ex
cavation, throwing pieces of rock
across the river. One fctnne struck n
halfbrccd named Dick Howe on tho
head, Inflicting avevero wound on his
forehead. Another rock struck the
roof of Mr. Igu' butcher shop, paw
ing through the roof and smashing In
the ceiling. This rock weighed K
1ounds, and another passed through
ho window of Mr. Kraxcr'R residence,
trlklng Mrs. K. on the shoulder, but
doing no serious damage.
j&$&f$fefjf J iTt "iS-1 J' ' ct"" j,fj 'i MflBHSi vi t jjk'V,
Ochoco. A correspondent of tlici
Hnto Journal, wrltlngfromthisviilley, i
under a Into ctiitc says : The farmers ,
of till- locality nwvco'lmv fencing,
IIIIM irillllllU III tllllt V.l"l'" M V tiilV m
,!.. ..1IIU I.. tl,..,.n,.. U' 1in.Mf
m-nml hml.r. ,.n.l m... Il'in...!... ......
chine and the building of a flouring
mill lm "been t ffl ofl!y the people
of this part. We hope they may m,c-
coed It. building n grist ml I, for it
wouki ue a granti iiiiugioriins part oi
Oregon. The farmers of Ochoco and
surrounding country raise plenty of
wheat for their bread. Mr. James
l.uckcv. formerly a resident of Kuirotie.
has a blacksmith shop In Pine City,
Ochoco. The reader can sec from these !
few lines that Ochoco Is coming out."
Itosiiitrno. The I'tatiulaitcr rejoi
ces on learning thnt n telegram has
been received front headquarters to the
ell'ect that the Itoschurg route had
beenndoptedby the railroad Company,
and thnt the road would he construct-1
ctl through their thriving little town
" This Was Indeed, grateful Intelligence
to tliu citizens of Itn-churir, the effect
of which, will soon be observable in
the increase of business and material
I.ani: Cor.vrv. I-.ugcnc Clly Is
prospering finely. Several new brick
buildings will be erected during this
season, anil among them a large two
htnrv lintel.
'Cl'... !..... ,1,11. ..... ..nm.lv HnL-.. lunu
r.,ii,. . 'i.'.,,. ytni,.' .,n'ni,,,. w w
lliNiow; Ilepreseittatlves, N. Martin, A third reason for fencing Is, the)
t;. A WiiHlihiini and A. P. Powers ;,..,, (u.,tructIon of farmoiV
Clerk, Joed Ware; Sherifl. William . , , .... ., . .,
llrattiin; Treasurer, K. P. Henderson. . wlm tiro tinwllllng flint It
Tillamook. The Republican of
this county have nominated the fol
lowing ticket : Sheriff; K. A. White:
Clerk, It. li. Itetishawj Treasurer, Isaac
Quick : Surveyor, S. Hanhuau; Cor
oner. W. Smith. S. Corwln was rec
ommended ns Joint Uepreheiitiitlve
from' Col n m I
.1.. !... , t.i mill., i
""r. '' '" -
J.iNN Coi'.vrv. In this comity, the
Itcpuhlicans have made the following
nomination: Representative, M. C.
George, M. C. Cunningham, A. K. Ki
lls, J. It. Smith, W. 1. llcdiuan;
County Judge, S. (1. Irvine; Conimls
sinners, Jo-eidi Lane ; Nathan Houil ;
County Clerk, Charles P. Hogue;
SherllV, II. M. llrown; Treasurer, Y..
11 Ptmloin ; Assessor, It. (I. Cuslck ;
Sclinol Superintendent, John Flshay j
Surveyor, Cyrus Cllngman ; Coroner,
J, It. McCluro.
Kahtimin Oiti:oN. According to
recent accounts from ltakcr City It wns
very cold. Snow in Powder river was
front ten to twelve Inches deep.
The winter wheat through Katern ,
S I.. ........ ........ IUI. w. ...1
Si "TI J rroVt of ho wliilor
itivo benefited ratherthiin Injureil the
" . , fi ,
mo L ireuit i ouri mr jincivuiiiii e.uiu-
t t II . A ffn. .!.. f.mm ll..
IV win ne iii-iii next jituiiuiii ir n-
trial of Kngle, .McComilcK, and i.or-
it, cncli charged wun niurucr. v
. i,.n .o-.. fii.,1 !.. ...... ft.r tin .inlmiil ll... i-nru . '"VO, HO VOr.V OSSOIltllll til till) pri)S-
IiAKAVirm:, April 22, 18,1'. . fnsed to u for an a iinal the tars ,' ,, 'imppi,, of H riXTUnK
KoiToitFAnMKit: I noticed by the had killed for him on the road whore 'J.oiniiiunlty.
I-'AitMKii that Mr. Jos. Teal offers to tho right of way was given. Has It ' Aiijourned until tho second Satur
soil tho Locks nml Canal at Linn City come to this In Oregon tluit a man's ' lny May, at one o'clock p. in.
to tho State. For ono I nm in favor . projcrty shall lo ileMroyed without I ji, Ai.kxandick, Hi'c'y.
of the purchase. Investigation will remuneration, and that twhyn com- -.-...- -
show that tho Locks Company has pauy that Orogonlans have petted nml Hukna Vihta, April -I, I87-.
not cxiicntkHl a single dollar In con- tilled thclrootters with gold, Was ev-: Id. Faiimkki Having recently
structing the Locks, outside of the' era people morefroo to help a road or 'had occasion In i puss through a por-priK-ee.l.s
of the State llonds donated more glad to see tho Iron horse wind- tlon of aiiiblll nullity, I improved
to them. If tho State (tho farmers, Jmr his giant way through tho laud ? tlie opjiortunlty to .lo somo work for
tax payers, etc.,) have to pay for the IJ,,t k,lkrt ml cuffi. will make the the Fahmi:ii. I found ninny muter
work, why not own it unil control it, most timid clog 1.1 tf, ami so will the of your paper, id or whom wore
and not only the Looks, hut also the ' pcoplo of this Statu defend their well pleased with tho eotirso you are
valuable waterwor itereates? Let r,K,ltflf mul ,,,iU. I10t y ,P but JXftilo'l!
us treat all alike. If we goaf or tho ,."', mia linr,.r i.n ha.. f u-lmlf. ,,,c . V HU-L',j1" o raniui
Railroad monopollM. let us nlo "go i corporations under tho ban or uiiol (rt,(m j OroKon. The result of n y
for" tho Looks. Hespoetrully, i some and Just laws. If tho policy to labors you will find enclosed. Will
A r'AUMHit.
OREGON, APRIL 27, 1872.
There are somo tilings. Mr. Editor,
,,,,,, ,1,., ,lf ,(" , ii,1P. .
pMtf( ,,;, nnoIIB I(W0 , ,,K,,erty ami each citizen of Oregon
'"'"h "' ",V """
momentous '
TIlC tlr.St, lllltl 11101
ono, Is tho safety of the lives of our,
citizen, when riding in tho cars. It
Is wc kllovvll mt , roi,a ,,.,,,.,., I
. f .
-- .......
pasture lands, ami thnt till kinds of
stock along the road are liable at any
tlino to he run over, mid thus throw
tho cars from the track making it
constantly perilous to travel hy rail-
roa,. However careful the ought-
cor.s itiiiy ho, it Is impossible to al
ways avoid running over Mock. We
have seen many instances when we
have trembled, so neatly have the
cars run over stock : when destine-
tlon would have been Inevitable and
in ono instance lour ltoros wore
struck, unil tho engine, ami earn flow!
the truck In wild confusion, hut for
tunately no human lives worn lost.
Another reason for fencing is, for
the saving of the constant losos tho
company nro liable fo in the way of!
repairs, nml In payment fur stock. I
Almost enough money hits already
"0011 r-pLlll
been spent for Mich loss's to fence
Htotrack from Pol Hand In Salctn.
should thus he de-t toyed tor mere
nominal Mints that the company
ehoo-o to pay. I'vory day my Muck
are subject to death, mill I know not
certainly whether I shall have n
hor-e to work or a cow to milk. This
is nn niinlo.isant .state of nfliilrs. ami
ono which no citizen sho
houhl he sub
jected to any longer than Isnbsoltitely
neeos-ary, and If the railroad compa
ny Is not willing to net honorably
towards tho citizens of Oregon, and
especially to tlio-e that aided tlieni,
thou the citizens at largo nro bound
to assist ono another for self-protection,
ami niakolaws onforeingjustico
to all parties. Wo promised to it
member of tlie company to fence, the
road through our premise: and
chargoonly the actual cost of labor, ' lllii hotter prims for our produce
but he sal,, it could bo done chetmer .fc""! ifff&i!
I... Al... ...,iki.. it... m.jl llu.4 ll afttfitaljltml . ft"
by the company and that it would hn
a precedent tlioy could not follow.
Wo think we could have fenced it
for nliout o0 ets. a rod if they can do
Hieapor, 1 should like to see it
. A ,
Hut n fourth reason seem-, to bo
croppllK out Just nt tills time, nml
j)llt j m() rt,fnsaj f (IC company to
..,.v. f,.r nnv uli.i.1.- u'lii.n tlio rlclitfif'1''1'! Wlliell Is doVOtOll to tllU IICItli-
t pay for nn stock when the "' J'StIoii nntl illsseiiiinatlon of agrlcul-
way has been sc-citretl. I was tolfl tursal knowleilgo, ami thereby pni-.to-day
by a gentleman of honor and mote acquaintance, friendship, and
Sr u-oniti. o-. tlmt tiu.v lunl (lntlvr,..
' he ptirueii hy tins company is to ov-
Jorrldo all Invalid common Justice,
I the sooner it is known tho hotter.
Ktermil vigilance Is the price of lib-
holds his liberty and his rights
(l,nrcr 1 him nil else, and since on-
croacu me, .s nr,iT. ..,....,.
those rights ,, ml not only have, harsh
and Just criticisms boon mat o, but
the people generally nro making it
move to run this State thonisolvo.
Wo have no wish to throw mini at
Mr. Holladay or his company, hut
wo have a right to the rights of
American citizens, unil wo propo-o
that they shall ho given by this com
pany as much as hy a private citizen.
We shall hull tho tiny with glail
ness when tills rontl shall have Joined
itself (o the California ro.id,but can
this company expect the right of
way given them when they rofu-o
the cltl.ons pay for stock destroyed
or cause more trouble to tho owners
ofslod; than It Is worth '.' Khali rod
tape flourish In this Slate V Shall
common Justice ho mocked nt by u
Miiillosseorporatiou '.' Shall the fann
er, who is tho life and blood of the
iiiilliin, bo nhio-cil, mid bullied and
swindled constantly '. Not iiiuith.
ItWo, yo houont men of Oregon, unil
give equal Justice to nil
T. I.. Davidson.
The llelhel
April M, I87L
oty Invited
a I teller oik
KiRNKIIN' (lit'H.
runners' Chili met 'on
On motion, tho oci-
any one In draft
than our present
constitution, subject toapprova! next
meeting, or to prepare changes in
our pre-ent eoiislitulioii that will be
more In accordance with the spirit
of our organization.
A lirlof discussion m the use of the
header, somo members offering
strong objections to Its worth, owing
to tlie detention in harvesting, ami
tho eonseiient maturing nml shat
tering out of tho needs of woods nml
wihl o.its ; uImi the danger Incurred
from ruin during harvest.
Tho following resolution was then
adopted :
Hosolvod, That wo will he able to
oll'oeting sales on large amounts by
tho most honoilclal methods.
On motion of Juntos Harvey, it
i was
Uesolved, That ; to'iiMi tho
I "lliw ItepubUvan unil tho WlLi.AM-
irrn: Fakmi:h each a copy of our
ntlnutes, and that wo extond a cor-
dial Invitation to all the fanners lit
" loenniy to i-ouio nntl join our so
I iifi4ftl t.tl.li.ll 111 (ll.llllllill t 1 III. Ill.ll.ll
a feeling of conflilenco and brotherly
wujuu m mw wiyi. iwu.-., ...
Yolnino IV Number 10.
WASHiNdTON, April LU The Pre.
dent, in a letter to General Schoflelil,
says that General Howard's mission Is
not ileslgueil to Interfere with autliorl
7cd military movements. The Indiana
who will not put themselves under re
straint must be forced, even to the ex
tent of war upon them, to submit to
measurers insuring security to the
white settlers of the Territories.
ClltOAdo, April !S), -A tornado struck
Colleyvllle, Kansas, on the evening of
the Nth. Kx-Seuiifor Iloxs' iiowspn-
iuiiiiIIIiiii It'iiu lilutl I. ll.ill.. ...wl !lli llhiy.
,.,..... ii ,. ..n ... ... ,
carried it itinrter if a mile from the
Iti.M.lt.t.r r I ! 1 'I'll., V.ic.ii.i. Ifn.isi. it
..,,,i,,i,,..j .... , -.,...,,.
drug stote and several other buildings
nere inning iiriiiuiinneii. n iiii.ii.in
III.. l.'Mrtilir., lfi.litai. u im l.li.wll 1I1.WI.
and four Inmates Injured If Is feared
fatally. A train of freight cars on (bo
Leavenworth and Galveston Kallmml
was blown ono hundred feet from the
llALTiMnitr, Apill :U The Investi
gation of the ileustou clerical scandal
Is neatly llulshcd. ll Is said that tes
timony adduced, ir tine, shown n terri
ble ciiscofali fc of licentiousness out ho
part ohe Reverend accused.
Nr.W Vomc, April lii A Washing.
dm u.uikIi.I vivh lliiil llie Aiiierlenii
counlerease piecnted at Geneva will
tie prcM'iiicd io ongress iii-ii:i.v. mo
iiicsflon of e(iiiM'(iienthil iliimugeit
sliiudsas before, as fur as our Govern
ment Is collect ncd, and It is tho opin
ion of General Itaul.sthat the demand
should be sustained In the House by
more than u luii-thlnl vote
The American anil Hrltlsh Conimls
slou itiljoiirns tills week until the hit
ler pari of June.
Giieinev leturns to Ihigland where
he Is expected Io remain till Septem
ber. There Is no ptospeet of I'ongiecs at
(he present session net lug upon tho ad
mission of I'lnli Into the t'lilon.
Wahiiinoion, April J. Tlie Presl
dent today transmitted to the Senate
a inpv of the counter case of the Pul
led States In the mutter of tliecliilniH
MKillnst Great Itlltttiu presented to tho
Hoard of Aibltnitlonitt Geneva. The
ease stmts out with the iticsf Ion" front
the fourth article of the Treaty or
Washington, providing for the tiling
of counter cases by each pally, and In
accordance with which the Cidlisl
Stales filed their counter ease with
additional documents.
Tho evidence, etc., of the United
States premises by saying that they do
not consider it within tho province
of the document iodlsctissiill tliepro
ixisllloiis made. Tho positions taken
on the contestations of matters of fact
In the Itrltlhh ease reier io iiic origi
nal case of the United States for an
expression of views on those points,
and prefers to leave thelnllseiisslou to
an argument to bo prepared by them,
and a submission under the articles of
the Treaty and to such oral arguments,
If any tribunal may hear, outboacU
of tho Florida, Alabama, Shenandoah
and Georgia; and calls attention to
the fact of the olnlins growing out of
tho acts.
Other vessels iiauud In the Ameri
can case are regarded as embraced
. III. I, ti,.. lix-iim i.f 11. i. Tri'idv. anil In
Ifuut, they are so regarded. It must
eminent before the Joint High Com
missioners were appointed ; nml while
thev wlsli to hear aright, reserving
their rights and iho freedom if their
counsel In till-so respects, they ask tho
attention of Iho Tribunal to soinoot
the imilu points of difterciicit between
tlie twoeasc
Itorilll ON TIIK "HlhTKHS." Tho
St. l-otils Chritltim futclllffcncrr talks
uugallantly if our strong-inlndisl sis
ters, as follows :
They nro not decided whut to U-, but
they will not bo women. 1'hey are
determined " bo homebody else,
not recognized, classified, nor ticketed
for a place In tho world. They will be
r.....i.,i.. nw. ii. IuihIiiiiiiIIv wives, na-
I ternal mothers, matronly lawyers, ilel
I lento doctors, dowager divines, states,
I. la.. .....I....... ..1.l....i.nlili.n
mines, riij iiuiiii-rn, iiu-i ."... i
bi-iiri ssos nml liulleHscs in Wall street.
III.......... .l..l....,I.W..I t.l 1, fill. lllll.
i iiii-v i' iiviHiiiiiini v . r.
verstilpcttieoat wave trhiinphautly ov
er a sitDjiigausi vt:riii win." HiiHiii.i
I herself shall flourish In every conceiv
able product of lledltiiii auilheldiiiii.