WILLAMETTE FARMEE. .ortictiltttnfl. KASMERRIKS-SPKCIES. Ed. Fahmeii : Thoro are some ten or twelve species of tho raspborry. I will, however, notlco only somo three or four. Jiubus Strigosus or Wild lied '""spberry. " Jiubus Occidcntalis or Blnck Rasp berry. litibtts Jdaeus European Rasp berry. Thcro is also another, known, all over tho western portion of Oregon, as tho Salmonberry. This species is classified as Hub us Macropelalus. Thcro aro two varieties, the red or blue, and tho white. I do not know whether tho salmonberry has been cultivated to any extent or not. I tried to grow them on our red, basaltic hills, but thoy do poorly, feccming to require damp laud, and Mich as is found along creek bottoms, or laud in which humus abounds. I hopo some ono along tho Willamette nnd Co lumbia bottoms will try growing them from seed. Valuablo varieties might thus be obtained, and, being natives, would suit our climate. So nj'iflliyfbr llubus Jfacropctalus. I lov for tlioso species which liavo Ittou cultivated and greatly improv ed: Jiubus Strigosus. Tho varieties of this wild red raspberry aro numer ous, and some of them quite good, as Allen's Red Prolific, Allen's Ant werp, Scarlet, Pearl Raspberry, Kirt land. Tho best of theso aro tho Kirtland and tho Scarlet. Jiubus Jdaeus. This Is a foreign raspberry, and Its varieties aro very numerous ; and many of our best and largest aro from this specios. Somo of tho best aro : Hello do Fon tcnay, Clarke, Col. Wilder, Down ing, Franconia, Naomi, Antwerp. Theso aro all splendid raspberries. Every ono who owns a rood of land should havo them. Thoy aro valu nblo for market, and especially for homo consumption. They aro very healthy ; very good for pics, and to cat with a littlo bugar. I llko them In milk. But they aro llko tho dar koy's rabbit, good any way. Tito last species wo shall notice, for tho present, is Jiubus Occidcntalis. In this spe cies aro Included tho lllack Rasp berries, Black Caps. Tlieio aro very hardy, great bearers, and flno for mnrkot. I am partial to this species, becauso of the iutonso flavor and natural richness of tho berries, as well as their splendid qualities for culinary purposes. Among tho best of theso aro : Davison's Thornless, Doolittlo's Black Cap, Miami Dlack Cap, American Black. This last I havo had in cultivation many years. It Is found growing wild nil over this country. I havo not tried to Im provo it by growing it from seeds, for it suits mo well enough as it is; though, like all of tho raspborry fain lfo it can bo improved, I havo no doubt. Wliy raspberries aro not grown moro than thoy aro, scorns strange. They aro easily grown, and rcqulro but littlo extra caro ; but thoy must have tho richest kind of laud to cpmo to perfection. To succeed, tho raspberry must havo deep, rich, very rich, land must bo kept from growing too thick in tho row; must bo highly manured every year, and tho old ones remov ed. They aro delicious, rich, heal thy, and within tho reach of all. FlIILO-RUHL'8. Salem, Feb. 15, 1872. FBl'IT GROWING IN OREGON. Front tho Christian Advocate wo copy tho following trlbuto lo our own St to from a tourist who visited the xJt last year, and also to ono of our real estate agents : Thefollowlngcorrcspondencenot on ly shows the Increased Interest abroad in Orcaron. as a first-claw fruit uroduc- lng country, but contains muca of en couragement to all who aro encaged In the cultivation of fruit in this State. Mr Davidson has rendered exceedingly valuable sendee) to Oregon In supply in strangers anu oinerswun ruuin formation by means of circulars and letters as to tho vast resources of this northwest coast. Hcnco this letter ad dressed to him: St. Joseph, Mich., Jan. 1. 1872. Win. Davidson, Esq. Dear Sir: Herewith pleaso find copies of the Country Qcntlcman, published at Al bany, New York, containing my cor respondence concerning your State. I am also writing articles for Tllton's Journal of Jforticalturc, published at Doston, wh Ich will give yout ho details of my observations on thcfrultsof Ore gon, and will send you the numbers as issued. Doing a monthly, It will re quire somo time to publish all my let ters on tho subject. Knowing tho adaptation of the cli mate and soil of your State to the pro duction of all kinds of fruits. I foci it a duty to call tho attention of those de siring to engage In the buslncsn, as well as others, to its superior advantages. At no very distant day will It bccoiuo an important branch of industry, and a source of great wealth to individuals and the State. Thanking you kindly far attentions received, 1 am yours, very respectfully, J. A. Donaldson. Scientific. $ Another Achievement of the Spectro scope. A now and another most wonder ful achievement of that remarkable instrument, tho spectroscope, lias Just been announced by a German astronomer, ir. vogci, wno nas suc cessfully applied this instrument to tho measurement of the sun's rota tion. Tho form of Instrument used by him was that known as a rever sion spcetroM'ope. As originally con structed, it consisted of two direct vision prNms, with their refracting angles facing opposite ways, llcuce a beam of light falling upon thorn produces two spectra, ono of which has tho colors above tho other, and In nn inverse, order. Tho object glass being divided horizontally, mid cadi half being movablo micro metically. it is possible not only to Juxtapoo, but oven to superposo tho spectra, and to measure tno dis tances of tho lines with great accu racy. Tho instrument was doviscd for tho purpose of measuring the direc tion and velocity of astronomical mo tions, ono of the problems proposed by tho inventor being tho very ono now solved by Dr. Vogcl. If tho two spectra in tho instrument represent, as they may be made to do, different and opposite limbs of tho sun, then, slncoouu is npproaching us nnd the other is receding from us, thcro ought to bo a dlflurcnco in tno posi tion of certain spectrum lines. Tho difference in velocity is about a mllo per second ; an amount which Zoll uer says ought to chango the posi tion of tho sodium lines by a quan tity equal to 1-SOth of the distance between them. With his instrument as originally constructed, ho was nnablo lo ob serve any displacement; but with a iiiuiu funuuui lu.iiruiuuiu, vuuaisi- liiir of a circular train of ilvo hlcrhlv dlsporslvo prisms thus arranged, wnicn no lurmsncu at kioi, lit. vo gcl lias been ablo to detect a dli placoment of the flue lino F of tho solar spectrum, by nn amount which gives a velocity of rotation of two miles por second. Subsequent ob servations, mado with moro caro and with a highor dlsporslvo power, havo reduced this number to 1.62 miles per second. This is only 0.28 mild' moro than tho velocity given by Carrington's observations on the spots, which was 1.21 miles per sec ond; an approximation which is re markable. Rain. In a lecture at Norwich ro ccntlv, Mr. James Olaishcr. F. S. R., wild : Tho whole of tho rain had its oriirln and fall 600 feet from the earth. Desiring to discover tho inilucuco of the moon on tho elements, ho took observations, and discovered, after a long scries of observations, that on tho ninth day of the moon thcro was the most rain, and that on tho first and last week of tho moon there was the least amount. lie had taken ac count from 1615 to 18G9 of every day on which thcro had been nn Inch of rainfall, nnd ho had found that on July 20, 1807, tho rainfall amounted to U 7-10th Ins tho largest amount that had fallen in ono day at tho Roy al Observatory. From careful olser vations ho had mado, ho had no doubt that tho moon did exercise an influ ence upon tho rain. Another inves tigation that ho made was as to tho time of day that rain fell most, and ho had found that tho largest quant l ty.of rain fell at about -1 o'clock in tho afternoon. The Fossil Plants ok Canada. Dr. J. W. Dawson, of tho Geologi cal Survey of Canada, has Just pub lished his report on the fossil land plant of tho Devonian and Upper Sil urian formations of Canada. In this report, he has catalogued or describ ed more than 120 species of land plants found In formations older than tho carboniferous in Canada, thus placing tho knowledge of this old flo ra In advance of that of any other portioirortno world. - i Volcanic Eruptions. Archdea con Pratt, by discussing tho amount of precession In a globo with a mol ten nucleus, ilnds conclusive evi dence of Sir Win. Thompson's opin-1 ion that the earth is solid, nnd that, therefore, volcanic eruptions aro at-' tribtitablo to somo other cause than the ono popularly assigned. Hisviow I is confirmed by numerous recent ob servations, which indicate that the increase of temperature, below tho earth's surface, soon reaches a limit. A Ni:w Bueud ok Fowls. Some genius out West has been playing " pranks" on tho Judges of poultry at tho Muskingum (Iowa) County Fair lately. An exchange gives tho following particulars of tho "sell" : A deformed chicken of common breed, tho deformity resulting from a broken back, was entered at tho Muskingum County Fair as a lluii- fnirlan cock of tho "Slav! Magyar treed," Just imported, and tho Jud ges, after Inspecting it, awarded it tho first premium over one of the finest poultry shows ever seen in tho country." npociui rs'otico. IiptoErnos It ih tvi nf iitna-ti'ntlit ef all nt-t'..ha ttio liritirf itiAiltlnM It ftuliji-ci lo' (Ilia twin tnthcatfimaul and rilf native onianii. krdtnu will niri' moti than Imll In your doctor' llll. lr. HrNlr,'nOlrl.rlrJlxr. IIIHrrtftteftTOIIl mr.nlrd lijrrll nhyaicUna to Dwnmr ami for All. INnlri-AIVM nf tltn I.IVI II AM! flUH Hl Ouuana, Hro fcUvttrUicinrnt lu anoiber culuiuu grofciSiSioniil (CavtljJ. J. QUXirar THORNTON, ATTOHNKY AND COl'NSIXOIl AT LAW. Office, In ration' llrlck, Statu trect, Balem. JanHi-ly. DR. E. XL FISKTJ, SAI.II.n, OltlttiON. Ofllce, No. 1, MnonV llrlck. Iter Idcncc, Court rttvet, vpnmllr Iliu Unlwrtltr, octJMf 8. HUGHES, RKAL KSTATIS AGENT AND NOTAKYl'tlll. llc. Died. MnrtiVi,Tf, and l'oncr of Attor ney ilrawn. Acknowledgment taken, force! drove, Oregon, Aiu. 8, lbjl.-tf. CITY I1TJG STOKI2. J. W. SOUTHER, DIWttUIHT AND Al'OTIIKOAUY, Moorca' lllock, halem, Oregon. May 0. isll-tf Real Estate Agenoy. o. W.nOYAX, Real Estate &. General Agent, SALEM. II' YOU WISH TO 1IUY. IIENT, OK BULL Farma or City 1'ropcrl r, rail on nr addrca JulyiM-tf. C. W. KOYAL, Saleui, Or. Agent for Willamette Farmer IN EUOENK CITY. James F. Brown. BOOKSKM.KK AND I) EA I.Kit IN VAC1A. tinea, I'crlodlcala, Nvurpanvra, Hooka and Snlit'crlptlona taken .far the WIi.I.AMETTK KAltMEH, and all Kattcni I'ubllcatlona, at I'ub. lUlier'a prleea. Willamette vtrret, aerond door lo Die 81. Diarlca Hotel, Kukvtio Clly, Orejon. AulV. II. MAtLOIIT. B 1, 1. illAW. MAIXOXIT & SHAW, ATTOI1NEY8 AT LAW, HAI.KH. onROON. OtUc mer Oray'a (tore, comer of State and Liberty utrccta. MaylT-lr. OEO. H. CHANGE, (WHMiNtccl ly T. 1. ISUslflln) DENTIST. Knlcm, Orrson. THE CONTINUEO l'ATKONAOE of thofo appreciating 1'EltMANENT ANU FIN ISIIKI) OI'EKATIONS. ramcatty aollelled. Artlflclal orkaacolaatliabcat and ua cheap aa ran bo liad at any oftlco In tliu Stato. tf Nitron Oxlile, for ialnleaa eitraetlon. Itooma over Wado'a Store, anil ailjolulni; Mont coroerr'a (lallerr Commercial atrcct. j, 11. jonuAK. u, y. joiiuan, JORDAN BROTHERS, nCALEItS IN HARNESS, SADDLES, BIUDLli, Saddlery Hardware ETC., ETC., ETC., State btrcet (nearly oppoaite I'attou'a Block) Balcm. A Good aiiortment of Conoord Stage and Buggy Harnen. IIui'iicnn 3Xutlo to Order. (V Itepalrloj promptly attended to, and a gen eral aitortment of Farm barpen kept conitanUy on bind, or made to order on abort notice. tST Having removed fron our old lUud oa Corn tnerclal Street totbt place formerly occupied by Bam'l Oray on State Street, we reepecUMly aollclt afurthtralureorpaUkpatTOBac. Kioeaaniepdi tlon: Out Work. Apat-tf JOHN HUGHES, Ooraoi1 of STATU Axxcl. JjIBBRTT Strooti DEALKIt IN Bacou, Lard, Butter, Oheeso, Flour, Grain, Feed, AND DOMESTIC PRODUCE OF ALL. KINDS. Faints, Oils and Window Glass, Amorican and English Coach Varnishes, English and American Furniture Var nishes, Gum Shellac, and Japan Varnishes, White Daraar and Asphaltum Varnishos. CASTOU OIL, LAUD OIL, NKATS TOOT OIL, CHINA NUT Oil,, ELEPHANT OIL, I)00T1SH OIL, VOLAK OIL, COAL OIL, LINSEED OIL, 1TTTY COLOIIS' !.AMI".(L.U'K, tlltAlNlNfl Wholosalo and Rotail at Cnoli pnlil for nil Kind of 3Irrc1iniilnlil I'rotlnro lit 4'tinli llntra. litr TREES AND PLANTS! East Portland Nursery. IINVITII THE ATTENTION III' DEALI'.IIS nnd pbintern to my lnivu nnd ronipU to f luck of Standard Fruit Trees OF I'.VEHY VAIIIETY, GRAPE VINES, Small Fruits, Ornamental Tttet, Shrubs, i'lunts, Jlulbints l-'loircrinff loot, , . lltmv, etc. tiT" Frnltnnd flrcen llotifo CiitnloRito iriil friv on aiiiillcnlliin, AiUreax, II. HANSON, (cti Um. Katt I'urllniul. FARMERS OF Ol'OJOll lllltl "WltHlllllfftOlla LOOK HERE. I HAVE HA1SIJD AND HAVE FOIt SALE inltoaiiuuntll) uriliucvMirAli-d MAM.Tiorii uiiAMii: ui:nt .oiin for reed, now remly to aniply iiiiIcit. Thin eornjtcliliui'at tlieratnofalsly itht lu,li el per aero on my Farm lh rat araami, m itnrlnji IUeirthonin:hly.aiHl ltohIii from ten In iHihc feel III liel;ht and licarini; ftrtu'iitly tn ear on u rlnlk, and producing from turuly to twenty-four ro a on an ear. l'rlcea prr liiirhel aarkrd and put on board car, t (!; licck ili), J (); I lb by mall politj;o paid, f I Ml. C. I". IIITUKHAHT. Allnny, Dec. Sllli, lull. Willamette Nursery, O. W. WAX.I.XNO Sc CO., OSWEGO, OI1EOON. -i UOWEII3 OF THE CHOICEST VAHICTIUS Fruit Trees Su Shrubbery l'artleular attention gtien to CIIERIIY AND l'LUH TIIKES. rcrannalnieiidliiKtnpurcnaao Tree ilurlni; Iho rraaon (if 1611 -'J, rhoulu call and examine our atock which la tho Largest and Best in the Stato tV Send for Catalogue, (llatrlbuleit (,'Mtl. Novll-H. Why Delay Insuring? SECURE tho PROTECTION OFFEIIED 1IY TIK OLD NEW ENGLAND. Facts Little Known IIISI.ATI.VU TO LIFE INSURANCE: mu Kit i! in no iroici'1'.rrmtic in JL tho New Knuhml Mutual Llfii Inmranio C'niii. pany, and tho follow Iik oxuiniden prot o Iho fuct t 1'onTi.AXn, Nov, IS, 1WJ. um paid on a policy whern the premium a vlx nioutha utrrduo A.C. K. Miller, I'lirllaiKl, Oregon. Amount liuured, tS.Ou). Tliu pnjnunl nf tbla chlm naa atloted by Clntlmiatl llllli, Jacob Muer, (Sro. H. Flan dera, M. heller. Col I'aA, Jan. 27, lhTU. .nt paid on u pollcv uherotho premium a four inoiilba oicrcluo J, W, Jonea, Colima, Cat. ; amount luriind, f III.iMjU. Tim liayiiK ill of thlaijnlm altecKd by Frank rlpaublfui;, W, F. (load, J. SI. Wll.on, J. W. Uoud, A. J. JoIiiiimiu M.D., Henry reyton. Walni't L'nn.K, Jan. VI, 1 17 1 . Loan paid on a policy wlicro thu pretuluui naailcven moulha over due: Ijiwrrnce (I, 1'iel, Wolnut Creek, t'al. j am ount Injured, 3 UO. Iho payment of tlila claim waa atteiKd by John blitz. Orrla Falun, John J, Kerr, M. Culver, 1). F. Majura. CoLUtA, Fib. 2H, lbTI. Lo,a paid on a polity where, the premium waa faur moulha overdue : Jaa, II. Caldcu, Coluta. t'al.: amount Intured, 'I.UO. Tha payment of thla claim waa alletted byW.F. Unad, J. W. (load, John xk. John Cluaey. Han FnANCinctt, July !!5, 1871. Loa paid nn s ollcy w hero tho premium waa tno monllit over due; J. Letlniou, of Ilol,e City, Idaho; ainouut Iniured, $10 ot. The payment of thla claim waa atteated by M. H. llarmtt, H. A. tlylo, J, Cerf, Ho. ftnlhal, Fcikr 4. Co. Tho above clalma were paid under Iho Maaak chuactta nonfurMlure law. Tho New Knsland Mutual Llfo IniuranceCom. pany waa Incorporated In IhSS, and la therefore the oldeat purely mutual Ufa Inauronce company In the United Htatee. It haa CAHII AHHETH OF OVKU 10,000.000, and la the only company on tho Facile coait covernM by Ihe Maaaacnuxtla non forfeiture law. D1VIUKNUH declared and made available lu payroeula of prcmluma ANNUALLY, WALLAC'K KVKHDOIV, General Ajreut, N. K. cor. Baniome and California ita., Van Franclaco. JOSBrH HIBaVLBMIM, Bipcrlstendcnt of At-enclea, 10 Froat at., FortUod. CAPT. LYMAN S. hCOTT, Local Aceat, MUM at., SaUoa. Declia & 11VW AND IIOILED OIL, TOOLS, .tr Ac. -V JOHN HUGHES. L J'OI-I3Sr I-IXJO-I-I33S. (' M. PAIHIKSTIII. I'. J. HAIllorK, PAniWENTBIl Sc BAB000K, ('iiiuiiiorrlul lllui'lc Niilrtu, CABINET MAKERS! AND DEALEIIS IN Domoatie and Offico FURNITURE, Upholstery, Paperhanging, JIATTItAhHKH, Tuolcor'a Patent and Spiral Spring Bods. Coffins and Caskets Slailo to order at thorl notice, and on reaumahla lernif. Noll If, THANK A. COOK, BOOKBINDER, Ain Blank Book Miuiiifnclurcr, N.VI.I'..TI, OIIKUON. HAVINd KSTAIIL1SHF.D A Flrrt Clan llmikblndery lu halem. la now pripaml Inilunll manner of work kuonii to llio tmde. fftatfnilnrii, Ncuapniiorai mid niualr, Hound In any dvalrtd rljlo. Old Hook rc-boiniit. III.ANK IIOOKN, of oerydei-rrlptloii.wllh or without printed luuillii);, iiiauufuctured to or dor, III.ANKH, of every kind, nihil and pilulrd lo order. IV- I-HICICN IIKANONAHI.IC. .Al In Uray'a lllock, Hlato atreet. Mayl7-tf. L. 8. 8COTT, Ktutr) atrccl, next tloor lu U. IV. Ilrar, ....IICALLII1N.... Groceries and Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars, Foroign and Doraostio Fruits, FARMERS' PRODUCE, CROCKERY, Glassware & Stoneware Halem, July SO, 1870. SALEM IRON WORKS, B. F. DRAKE, PROP., HALEM, :::::: OUK(.0N. STKAMENOINKr), HAW MILLS. 01IIHT MILLS Jtcaptra, l'umpa, and all klnda of alyleaof ma chlncry made to order. Machinery n paired at abort notice. Fallen) makluK done In all Ita varl. oua forma, and all kind of llraaa and Iron Caatluii furulahcd at abort notice. my 6. If LOOK HEBE! 100,000 Bop Xootf for Sale ON BKABONABUa TERMS. The above are the far famed S(NUI.!M CLVaTTKH. The only variety thttiaatiret early and uroducce lanrty loOreicoa. Teareliorooklvaccflnialcl,hraJili. ly o UJiAy. Five yeaVe cctllvatloa have anowa the aTirajy aunal ylekTto be IHO i i to the acre. Apply tBoptrd !f wiils COm butlaa VolUB, er iddreaa them at lluena VleU. epi-lt-tne. VMA