Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 14, 1870, Image 1

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y1 jr-sa 7
y C- - - st4 '
"Agricultiiro is the most llcaltliful, most Useful, mid most Noblo Employment of Man." Washinotox.
SALEM, OREGON, MAY 14, 1870.
NO. 12.
WUtamcttc favMn
imuei) r. kiit ati nnAV, nr
l'i'niiiiirn An ritnrninTon.
oniceln (lrlwol17 Uriel. llloek, cconl story.
Term r Subscription.
iiiw copy, niu nr
on colli, six month
. 1 so
Club Utile.
Pen topic, nnrrcnr $'! f
rtiiii fhecnpfc. tiiicjc-T Ml (
Viny ".pl'. inn" year W l"
sir" .Vi iww ir; ti i'iifvf o 1 M uititeriik'lin
'vl rr.jf (Ane frlh(J by avtherluil agtnl)
.(7 f'-f irto nih'Vtiitlion UltlJ.
All piper "111 lo tllsrontliitiril nl tho mil oftlic
Ime lor hlch ihoy are juld.
Kntr of AilicrlMng.
Yi'irlr ilwrtli'mntt. H per mntitli fr one
stptav of ! In' llii; inuMMirlnit imp liicln) fl
for catlunMllloiiil wpinre ni).nlili) monthly.
l'riifeiloiinl cinl. nlliii'orlu, f IS per jem"
Traii.lcnt ailu'rtlemcnt, $1 per square forcacli
liiiprtlon .
Special Notice, 5.1 per ctnt. mixnnci" on nome
.vi:itTiNit:n i:ti.
Itrnl Ifotiitfl Agents.
Slltrel ,t Upton.
Atrrlpiillnrnl Viniilciilf lltn.
Knnnn. HumllA.ro., I'nrilanil 8
It, jf. WaU Salem 8
llafuraga i. Wright, Salmi 7,
I'nriilliirc, Ac.
Parmonter llalicock, Salem V-7
SVm, (Irate 5
Hooks iiml Stationery. ,
J. K. (Jill 9'
Jamc F llnmn, Discnu t'lty ft i
M. O'Kccf, Son & Ci 3 I
Imperial Flro In.iiranco Co. of London C
C 1) Snyder A Co, Satom 7
ltnok nml Job I'rlntluic.
ALSltn.on, Sutein 7
n.HQmlll. ti.l.n, ?
UcorKO II cfunie, Salem
Mallonr Shaw. Balcro
DiiTiu,,,, ,,,,,, :
II F Draso 0
Xloorc. Wllten. A .Miller 0
I'or Sulr.
IlotrU. Ac.
Co.moiiolltnn Until, I'nrllnml
'ew Vork Ke.launnt, Salem
litvrr)' Mulilr. I
Booth A riamondon ,
11 ' i
a WWlllni;.tCo,ciicUniaVrn fl
II ijanton , "
Setli l.iii'lllni:
U. W lto)al 6
Urns Moron.
I W Snutlirr. Silm 3
siirclnl 'olletor.
William I)lil.uii S
Oil.l Fellow." Itnral CVmetry
4 iienry nniHii
Scotri ami Tlimnro.
Atuleron V llnmn
llootK mill Shoe.
ltoyal & Smith
Wbit Sun: lUti.iioM). Tlu Orrgouian
recoiveil n ilisimti'li this week trom J. ()a
toil, ilntiil I'hllmleliihla, May 11th, caylnt:
that iron ami rolling Mock for twenty miles
of tho wot Milo rallmnil hail Ui'H Hircliami,
nml that ho woulil Hlnrt home the next il.iy.
t f llnufun Id llri.ktiii.tit fltiir, I r it , in ,
i cm sentenco for limiMMircnklnK, ami one, an
Jackso.v Countv. Tho Jncksonvlllo ui- InJInn. one yenr for emtio htealln'.
juts hay tho crop throughout tho vallev
never lookeillietter. Fruit, Rreln nml (fraiw Tin: Humiuimit lto.Mi.-It Is calil prl
liroinlhon full iinri-it.... The county court i vate ilUpntchtK hao lwrn rtcchiil in l'ort
Iiiih eKtalilUlu',1 an election precinct at Uoopo ! lnuil fnyino; that tho Mil unmtln;,' lnndn to
I,akn valley. I n,j t,0 conitructlon of tho roail from tho
l,r.i HitohKX Tho, Antimft n miner
by tho linmn of Peter -Cllno had liljf le
broken last week.whllominlnj' in Joephlne
county, by n rock fullliifr on It from tho
bank above.
Wahiiinotox Tkihutoiiv. There aro
threo candldatif" for Delegate In Washing
ton Territory. (Jarficld, republican ; Mix,
democrat ; and Illlnn, Independent.
Prom tho " Practical rannor."
Wawo Cou.ntv. T, M, Wnnl writonns
follow, Mny lnt : ''An many fnnni'rn nru
ljcl)hitf.ii'lr,.uxorW'lnfnnnlnff, l-wlll
, .. . ..!
le w)ino of niine. I lmvo Ikm-ii Kiil.lllrifr
my litrin land thin Spring In tint follow Inn;
ninnncr : I mt thrtit liirnc,hltclicil ulirniKt,
to ii cixhI Jfo. 0 lVorhi plnw, lilouhiLr from
"Inu ,0,c" '"el"'H ,,,,0,,! ,,l,nwl,,' ftl'""
lono;uo limr in u tni'lioH wiuo nnil iwoivo
lone, I hitch a kihxI t-tmn hon(', nml tho
norvo, M'nll;ln; in tlio liirmu or tlio luro
jilow, I loosen tho Mill nlxmt cljjht or iiino
lnchi-8 iU'Cir. I nm of thn opinion thnt It
will hoof nnitiinl nilvnntiico to lund wliirli
Im lx'on In mniill (jniln for llflccn ortwi'tity
y-nrn. I wll( thin full rIvo you tho riwilt of
my suliwiUIn. 'ro8 In thin county look
line. 1 think wo hnro tho iliu'st L'nifS I
A,h.io ever wen In thin eonntry. Wo ro
.-.' now hiiNln beautiful Hhouemnf rnln ; nro
I mlnciiMillydono ilniitlneorn nml Hitntoen.
Castor lloniii jjruw line In thlHoounty ; ilo .
5 they tio any at tho oil mill ; If mi, what mo
' they worth. Wo ilo not mlm llnx, no It J
wouhl cost too inurh for trancK)rtatlon." '
Convict". Tho i-hurltr of I'matlUa coun
ty thU week hroujrht fie eoinlctH for tho
Penitentiary, fnm that rottnty. Thn-o of
them wero pewonn convicted lor driving
Mock oil' tho rmntllln lteMTxntlon, flciillnt,'
CO lienil of liorHon thereby. Thoo are Kent
for threii vearx each. One kopm for Dim year
i lied of Humboldt rier to tho bend of tho
1 Willamette valley, bun passed With Uonti
of Conjrre.
Sl'iriliK. Tho llolso aVi'if (-peaks of tho
suicide of Thomas C. linll, n well known
printer, many yearn resident of that city.
Ho drank laudanum ; there wns no appa
rent cniiMj. Ho wnn n natlvoof Kentucky,
' and U9 years of age.
r'W-jn 1
j, rAr
Fatal Aividknt. Mr. Jesso 1). Wnlllno;,
llvluf In PolkcounTJr, aliout idulit miles
fnm.twilein,-wniklllMl,lnt Jfonilny, while"
emlenvorlnr to entch n horse. Tho nnlmnl
ran npiinst him with such force ns to Knock
him down, ciiunlui; nlmost Instant death.
Mr. Wnlllno; was nlsiut ."M years of ajje.was
an old resident of Oregon, and one of the
most siibstaut Inl farmers of tho iiiunliy. Ho
was widely known, and unhersnlly uttii'in
oil, and lenves n host of friends w ho mourn
his loss. Thu funeral took jilnco on Wid
nesdny, with the ceremonies of the Masonic
fraternity, of which Order thoihreasjul was
u member.
Domi.NS Cor.NTV The J'ntiyn sajsthe
nctlon thut was i-omuic need by tho ndmlnls
tratorof the iinte of I'M Duibln n(xnlnst
thu Canyon Itoad Company, for Iho thou
snud dollnrs, hits Ihm n coinpromlsed, , , .The
business in tho bind Olllco ut Itoseburo; for
tho month of April wns ns follows: Xiuu
lier of nens sold, l,Sltl ?" : tnken under thn
Homestend Act, I.Oii!) 1 1 ; tnken under tho
Pre-emption Act, I'.K) ; Donation leitlllcntes
issiud. , ii ii i. Tomi, i5,2ra,r.:.
Ohm: Kht. Thomas Cross, Ks., of this
city, started for the KnMorn Ktntes last
steamer, aud will imbnbly lslt I'uropo ls
foro his return. Ho contemplates lulnp; ab
sent ulsiul ouo yenr.
AWAIIIilMi. Chnrles Hussell, of Wnlla
Wnlla has been nwnrded u contract to fur
nish 2.10 horses for tlio Department of tho
Coluiubln, nt $1(10 each,
Tin' 'I'lihc I'osti liull) can lio ilant
wl mow in tlio xaiiluii, or llio Uowcr
inj fun lo ilpliiyi'il by liinting a
iiiontli from this tiiiic. Tliufingi'iiiee
of tliis llovi'risi'(iiisiti', anil nlwiiys
in ilemaiiil in cities for lioijucts.
Among tlio lntc couti ilitttioiis from
Jni:iii, ii the riiricgiiti'ri and htriiiil
JnpMti maic. Tlio grain is not valu
able, but the plant is gorgeous.
Telegraphic News.
CllliMio, Mny (I The President will
wild to thn Senntii -next week additional
documents In the mutter of thennuentionof
San Diimincfo, Itu'lndlli); tho iirtllled vote
on the nnncxntlon. It Is understood thnt
the treaty has gained no posltlxe strcnutli
slnco It wn lust consldetcd. Tho feellni;
In tint House njxnliist It Is even strnnpT
1 1 in ii In the Senate.
P.miis. Mm S. Midnight Thl oto ol
Paris on the IMebiscltuni, eeept one section,
gives jes lilH.illl), no lS'.YiSt The Clti Is
tmuiull A few returns from the sunt'iun
illni; phnlnces irle, jes 10S,.i"(l, mi iHl,:ilO.
11 v N , Mny 7 Hen, (llorcitrla arrhetl
last nlglit tm the stcnuif r Tinmfii, under n
stroncpirtl of unvnl olllters llewns tnken
tojnil, wheron couit-mnrtlnlnrc nssembletl.
which senleiii'is him to 1h jfitrii'tiil lie
wns then plneeil in the Cnj-elln, and nt four
this morning! wns t.iken in Principe Port,
mid ut 8 wns gariotul. An iuuncuHo con
course assembled on the bights of Principe.
The (ieueral wns serene nml linn to the
Paiiih, May II (t p m --Thn returns now
fs't up, 7. 1 Sl,ttsa ; No l,IH,1,.ll.
Tho army, ns far vs known, Ves 'JlW.'jSHi
No :!(l..i!l8. It Isestlmateilthat wltltout eoun
ting the nriny or mny ami Algerle. tho
Uovernmcnt has n muoril. ofnerf,(XH),0(KI.
In llio Council of.MlnlHters held today,
the lhuperor pnvldlng, It Is reported as tho
result that the Mlnlstei-Hwlll resign nml M.
(Ullvler will 1st chargetl with the formation
of ii new enblmt.
I Paiiis, Muy IV midnight. This evening
bnrrleades wero thrown up In the Faubourg;
, tin Temple, but they wero tuickly carried
by Iho troois, who, il Is resirted, wore llretl
upon. Other tpiarters aro tniuiuil.
Iinilon, Mny II. The Tinirt umlerstnmls
' that the warning to Oerniaii capltullsls
J ngalnst Au'.crlcnu llonds enmo from the
North (termaii Consul nt New Vork. The
Northern Pnclllc ltnllreml nml Honduras
Isintls, tlio TimtK snys, nro esisi-lnlt) in
IhkhiI. ( AVjBllh(iroX,-Muy II A twivtlilnlrnMilo
for rnllllcntlon U now clnlmed by tho friends .
of the Dominican treaty,
Tho Increaso of lniHirtH, excluding free
goods, for right months of tho final Ma r
was ijr.J7.27 1. '.MO.
The I'resiilent approMil tlio net for allow,
lug Texnsolllco-holilers thirty tin s to tnke
oath under tho net admitting tho Statu to
representation in Congress. .
UAi.TiMdiii:, Mar (I. Tho Hlnte of Mnn
lnnil bus suetl tho llnltlmoro and Ohio Itall
road lit rcviiM r the aluotif Hold oer cur
rency on Its ill Idc ml on preferreil sttM'k,
now amounting to marly $'..'11,000,000. Tho
elnliii Is basul on a rtiint division ot tho
Supremo Court.
The C S. Indian Commission has nil led
n meeting May IHlli, for the puriso of sus
tnlnlngtbo Prihlent'H peace si1li'y towanls
tho nil men 'II icy, also call on Iho H'oplo
throughout tho country to form nuxlllnry
ussoclatlons. ,
Waxiiimitiin, Mny II. Tho Hoiimi Com
mltteo on lleeoustriicthu will tomorrow
consider the (leorgin blH as amended by tho
Ni:w Yoiik, May (I. A parly of Huston
inen stnrt .lunelidon nn excursion to Sun
Fmnclsco, with tnpltal to tho amount of
llllx millions represented, (lov. Clnllln and
tliii.Mn) ors of llostou and surrtmmirng low ns
will Ihi memls'rs of tho party Tho alliilr is
in charge of Walcott Ilrtsiks, Japaueso Con-
sill to San Francisco, w ho Is In ro rn ruiilt to
Washington to Invito tlio President and Cnb
luet, tlio Stuntors nml lleprisenlaties to
join thu party.
M: iiiiik, .May III Mrrarlaliil Is nto
tpilttetl. Tho Jury was out two hours. T
Pkkt.s or I'litmrci: at Si. Lot'is,
Arnii, 1(1. Flour, best, :.7.r pur
band ; wheat, bushel, iirml.08 cviiIh;
lanl, lb,, 17c; butter, couinion, 'JOa
O'.'e; ery choice, !10a!12i); eggs, ilo.
j:ijtil Ic; chickens (grown fowls), $1
to $5 per tloi'eu; ilrietl apples, No. 1,
7iaHe ; potatoes, 'JOu'.'fio per bushel J
cattle, i to 8c, gloss; hogs, 2l to !ln
grosn; fat sheep, (5 each all I'nricii
i!V. .Soino of these nrticles nie tpiot
oil at higher, nml muiio at lower, rates
than Oregon jnieen, ,
r J