Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 28, 1869, Page 5, Image 5

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    Condensed telegraphic Hews,
ktnte to JUiie 27lli.
AtADitii), Juno 18. Tliu Cortes mwcil n
tlOcrvo catnullsliliiir it ri'itenry under. Mumlm!
Sorrnnn. TI10 voto on tliu Ilnnl jinssngo,
stood HK1 yens to 4-1? nnvK.
Omaha, Juno 10. '1'Iiith Is no fiirtlior
news of tlm Indians near the Platte. Sever
nl companies of cnvnlry nro scoitrlnjr tlio
country in search of Indians Six i-ouia.
nies ol trooitt, tliat nrrived from Cnllloriilii,
liavo been distributed nlon tlinl'acillr. ltnll.
Tlio Congressional Wnysnnd Moans Com
nilttoo, with tlio Secrotiiry nnd roiortiTs,
started west on n siioclnl trnln tills iifti'rncMin,
nml will travel only in tliu day time. They
will ivnch tlio Pacific In nbout ton dnys.
ClllCAtio, Jiiiiu 17. A notable, event In
connection with American turf matters, was
nu miction snlu yesterday of blooded nnJ
trotting Block, owned by I). A, (Inge, of tho
.Sherman llousi.', oT tliln city. On Tils cstatu
it lllverslde, Ills breeding farm hns liecomo
famous tliroiijfli tho entire country, nnd tho
niIu wns woll attended. A buy stallion,
l.offiui, brought !),000. llonnlo' Scot In ml.
f 1,000. Somo thirty horses were sold mill
tho tirlcos roall.ed uro snld to bo exceeding
Mimll. Logan nnd llonnlo Bcotlmul wero
valued nt $10,000 each. Tho Halo will con
llnuo to-day.
Tho Stnto Department Iiiih received dls
imtches from Mr. Motley, formnlly announc
ing bin nrrlvnl in London and giving nn Re
count of IiIh iiiforiunl Interview with Isird
Oaruudnn. Tho Queen wiih still at llnlmo
rnl, nnd Mr. Motley therefore had not been
presented to her.
Nkw Yoiik, Juno 20. Tho New York
World' Havana letter my that (Jeuernl
Jordan's exedllIon lias been highly success
fu) nfter landing ns lis most snnguinolrlunds
could reasonably exivect.
Several members of tho Culmn Junta wero
arrested by tho U. H. Mnrshnl nnd confined
In tho Ludlow jail.
Them Is intense excitement among Cuban
MyniathlzerH nnd Cubans ntthonrntitof tlio
Cuban Jiintu, and denunciations of tho con
duct of tho United State nuthorlticH nro ex.
Tho crop reports from Arkansas, North
Mississippi anil North Alabnnm, nro favor,
nblo despite tho unpropltlotiH weather for
weeks punt.
liONDo.v, Juno 10. In tlio liouso of Ixirds,
after tho close of tho rejmrt of Inst night,
and amid great excitement"; tho House at
threo o'clock ssed tho Irish Church 1)111 to
Its second reading, by 170 for to 113 against.
Mauiiid, Juno 10. In tho Cortes venter
day, lllvero administered tho oath of Negro
cy to Manihnl Serrano. Tho following Ih tho
now Cabinet ns far ns announced: (len.
Prim, Secretary of War. President of tho
Ministry, Sllvn. Secretary of State, Herrera,
and (Irncu an Minister of Justice.
A prlvato letter from ono of our leading
consular olllchiU in Kngland, says that Mot
ley hns been very kindly received by tho
ticst class of cltlzcnsln that countrv. Kvery
laxly is noxious to know what his instruc
tions are.
Chalkstox, Juno 20. Tho tirst execution
In South Carolina under tho reconstructed
State (lovernuient, took place, on Friday
afternoon at Arlington Court House, where
a negro named Cyrus Cox was banned fur
murder of lloliert Suggls, white, In January
last. Tliu execution pussed oil' quietly.
The (dierlfT, and tho minister who olliclated.
as well as most of tho sjiectators and guard
who wero present, wero all negroes. Cox
confessed his guilt.
Thero was consldcrablo excitement In
Wnshinglon yesterday because tho law al
lowing colored men to sit (injuries took ef
fect. Several negroes wero summoned,
IIkkst, Juno SI. A Imnipiet wns given
on board tho steamship (treat Eastern last
evening In honor of Napoleon, Queen Victo
ria and President Grant, and toasts of France,
EnglanU and America.
At an early hour this evening the shore
line was spliced, and at daylight the whole
expedition put to sea to pay out cabin. Dis
patches from on board the steamer show
that tho work Is gclng on well.
London, June 21. The announcement of
the death of Henry J. ltavmnnd creates a
deep feeling of sorrow. The Pall Mall On
ttttt eulogises llaymond as a publisher and
journalist. It says tho death creates a gap
which cannot "bo filled. The JMily Trie
graph publishes a similar article.
The London Star aava the U. 8. Govern
ment is to be commended for consltency in
taking measure to prevent the depart uro of
filibustering parties fur Cuba.
Amihuut, Mass., June 22. A grand trial
of mowers and reapers, under the auspices of
the New England Agricultural Society, com
menced to-day on the ground of the State
College. Twenty-seven machines entered.
Cbicaoo, June 33. The severest storm
ever known swept over the Jower peninsula
at Michigan on Tuesday of last week. Such
tornadoes 'are of rare occurrence. Fences
were prostrated, houas blown down, crops
fe?JiSSM'i of",Mrno.;sc.(.,m ITT p
others nro reported Injured. TlXnVnro I cd ,n '' 'y. W"-.1 V8. I fcp 11 nmoHD llQUmOU
notyetncelved. In H.nio.Iacci. tin. rtorm ", tlint railing n innn n X llu f T llldlllBtltl J? Ill IDBl .
swept everything before It. A church In "1 tl KntjIMminii'' Ih iiotswonriiic, I ""tlUUUU J. UllUUli
Mncoml. county wnsslruck by llghtnlngnnd witliili tliu tliraniiig ,,f tlio slutllti-s, so 1
ChIcmio' Juno a-W.rf.lnirton i.i. ,ol,8 ns tl11' Alabamu flait.is remain ' Jvotai to Aprtculhrn ttml the other
.vKiri: ?:I ft5'nJ." . Mn-ottll. W.friW Intent of the North
lhero was somo tnlkonthuCiilmniiuestlon. I
1 III which It npenrcd that tho President nnd !
' tho entire Cabinet sympathized with tlio
' revolutionists, but nono bellevo this is n lit I
time to give tho Insurgents Iielllgereut 1
rlglils. I
( A hirgo crowd of ppectntom wns nt the
crlmliinl court when Judge Fisher charged
tho grand jury, seven of whom werocolored '
1 men. There wns somo nntlcluitlon of dls.
ngreonblo scenes nnd refusal of white jurors
to sit with tliu negroes, but nothing of tliu
i miiii occurred
It Is stated Hint the cx-Mllilster Webb
lmtil n,i t,il,ir.ti.i. vnut.inli. t. . 11. t-.u.v.tn h..
tl (. 1 ...
.. ... .... (., villi.. v VtV ll.l(l 111,11 ki-viuitii i
Fish, on tho llruziliuii Uovernnient. llu
denounces tho nuthorltles thorn, and snys
they hnvo no more rifitH-cl for tho United
Stntcs than for llnytl. Ho thinks wo ought '
to give them u good tliriiHhliig In eonfe
ijiieneo. It Is iinderstiKxl thnt the President
lully Indorses tho course pursued by Webb.
It is confidently believed thnt thocoiiHoll
dntlon lietween tlio Michigan Southern nnd
IlulVitlo mid Erie rnllronds will soon boniudo, I
which will plnce the whole lino from Albany
to Chicago under Vnnderbllt's control.
Work will commence on tho East river '
brldgo liiimedlntcly. Secretary Ituwllns has
approved tho Commissioners' relmrt.
tlKTrvslu'lio. Juno 2.1. Ueneral Meado
accepted tho Invitation to crform lh-) cere
mony of unveiling the monument of the list
of July, with npproprlnto remarks. Tho
lialilmoro union Singing Association will be '
In attendance. I
M KM I'll n, Juno 2.V A convention ofcltl- j
xensof West Alnbnma, Mlsslfislppl and Ar-(
July to take mensures for tho introduction
if t'liln.. Mol.rn.ni.
01 lliineso vmigrnnls.
JIosto.N, Juno 23. 1 ho vote on the annex-
nniirHin la inilv-ll M luevi iieru tin inu ioiii ol
ntlon of Durchester to lloston wns enrried at
both places. It takes edict on tlio first day
of next year.
Coi.UMlil's, Ohio Juno 22. Tho ltepnbll
can Statu Convention orgsnlnil )remsnent
ly. John Sherman wns made president.
The nominations are as follows : for (lover
nor, II Hayes; I.leut. tlovenor, J. C. Ii;
.Treasurer, H. M. Wrcr Wuinrno J.lK.,
I.utlier Jay ; Attorney General, F. II. Ilond.
Hoard of Public works, Kichard A. l'orter.
I'llll.ADKl.rillA, Juno 2;t. Tho ltepnbll
can Slato Convention wns called to order.
(lev. deary was renominated on tho first
linllf.t .fi.ilff.i Wlltlnliia itni v..,ifittil.in4..,1
........ ....M-. .... .v..w......M.ii.
fttm I....... It ,1... Ua. I.K....I.I .... a. .... .1... 1 t
(ill mumuu.ii .in, viu.,.,,.u .iii.i b .,,1 iiiu ipb
I,. .., i o" ii i i i
WahIIINUTON, Junt2.i. llorlohnsreslgn-i
ed tho Secretaryship of thuXuvr, nnd (leo.
M.Koliertson. of New Jersey, formerlv A.
lorney General of that Stato, has been np-'
iiolnted in his ulaco.
HitKST.Jiinoso. tiki tireat Knstcrn nasi
now laid I00 miles of cable. All well
TilK Ciioi-s. Tho Agricultural Depart
mint report for May unil Juno shows a high
average condition of tho wheat, and good
prtHUHcts of abundant crops If no casualties
occur before or nfter tho harvest, ltye, bar
ley and other grains aro generally In line
condition and show an Increnw.
l'enclies have made their n)ipcnrnncn in
luarKet at various prices.
..',. . i
i no crop reports irom Arkansas aro very
encouruglug. Thonmount of wheat liar-
vestetl Is largely lu excess of that of any
previous year.
ClllCA(K), Juno 2."i. Much uneasiness Is
felt regarding tlio corn crop, owing to pro
tracted rains which still continue. The
wheat and outs, however, are generally in
finu condition.
" I1i..m:k JtwuiiMCAX" Ciikhiiv.
This in tliu name given to a smiling
cherry, from the ganlen of Mr. Setli
tlio other day by Mr. 1). 1). Pretty-
n-i... ft.;.:, i. i 1.,-t. i '
i-. i i . I
llsttll J ill. ua if niiuviuiiiii fv
in color; flesh dnrk led, thick, firm,
sweet and juicy. The tree heart ex-1
treincly well. Wc judgo it will ben
first-rate market cherry.
Stall-Fkkdino. Our friend Mr.
Daniel Clark, writes: "If Mr. G. W.
Hunt would be bo kind as to give,
through tho columns of tho Fakmkii,
a detailed account, ss nearly as ho
can from memory, of Mr. Shotwoll's
cxcricnce in tho different modes of
stall-feeding tried by hint, he, would
at least oblige one ol your readers."
Cotswold Bucks. t
for mIc, JOHN f. 1IKI.I,. ,
Hulom, Oregon, .tune S. tNM. i
- ii:kkis- iati:t
For Preserving Eggs.
Perfectly Fresh for Ono Year.
,.'! T1IAI. irancr of the uilrnt rlxlil for
" V'l.'K'.'ii
I). W, lltlKllltl). ap-iit fur Marlon county.
M. II. WAI.I.Al'i:, np-iil fur l.liui rniilitr,
.1. It. K. In 111. ntrnt for Urlitiin rmiiiit'
A. DKMIMI. am'lit for I'nlk niuiilv.
W. A. MII.I.H, nj;i'lit Tor Wn, Illusion tiiinl.
JiinuSX, 11151.
Homestead Property
BtoplteiiM' Addition
X l'ANYn,r fur mI Ia, ami IlliH-k In Hlc
lion's Aildllluti lu Kat l'ortUml, si rt'SMimlilo
The Ml" slid Illnrks III lw miM In arroniiNlttr
' lHIIT IS", " "Xr, '.tt". 7,"'1 ""lrsrs' rnilli. or
i 'SjrW In inoMhly linlallmrnls. The ol.jicl of Ihe
I'mnnnny l to all.ird erj- Inclllly to Hie ncliial n.
tier tooliislii a llinu'trail,arcrillii);lo hU iiuau.
Uuon will Ik made hv Ihti K-l rnrllnml Havlm.-
aiitl IMin Hank on llui miu.i lemi. o a In airlt
the imrrliaatr of a lot or hl.xk lo Imllil a lnino.
All opportunity la tlnin atTnnl.il In every lieail of
a family In priniiru a HoineUcntl.
Tli faml I'Ri'nft for Mle III more llinn ilnnMs In
aliiiHaHina Hie l)rri.in Cinlrul ltallnnil will
lit In niiiiilnu'onU'r lo Orcim I'lly.
The (Mn Krllnw, Maronlr ami (IimhI Templar
I.Klp-f carji uhii a lot, and will roon hiilltl halln on
tin' ramp. '
TittrmwmwHi rAitiH'iu MntHH lacuiliea WllllK. Ill
rreanni ry 1110
rlv ltalillphment of a ended
The Portland llrlik-o Company, of which I.. M.
Starr, Km)., la l'rehleut, roiitcmplale ereetln s
llrlilcc arna Ihu Wlllamelte river, the lermlnua of
which will Iki In Ihe renter of Ihe new town alte.
Mr. Janiea 11. rOenhena will itirt fur llio Kant al
. pi, vanyuaj .lopnMiirv uiu nereaiiary appi
I .nii.il- .1... ..I.m.. III. -. u ...... . It h .. ..f ....
an early dAy. to pro lire the nereaiiary appllancea to
ru'e,J "v l'"" i' " ' mi ouM.ntmi. v ... lull' niivi.
that la nhtalnalile from Ihe rarlmia rlre.tma lark of
uro waier.
ainlon Ins town slle, Willi li. H. rnlrnl.
Kor furihir i.anlrulani. apply to or acl.lr.
HAMILTON II(IVI), al Mn.r., IjkI.I A Tlllun's,
"rl? A. St. I.OIYi:A,at Hie Ka.l forllnml lUnk,
" runJ. Ju" loil., in.
l - . .
CaDilBl LlVerV aiaDIO. I
; (In rrar or Capital Hotel,) ,
r3iiiiiii, i
JBMR on iraMinaliln term'. Hirrlal atlentlon !
1' l I'M to lmni.li lit anil lioanllmr llorrra,
MaylT-ly. I'mprlcliira.
a. I,. smraoK,
aj T3K1. n..l. Tur-..f-..
uu naun. xiuua, jumiujuubuiui)
UrlawoldU Block, Nalcm
Plain and Ornamental Printing
Executed with nealnoa anil illrpatch, and on
reannnalile term'.
Blacksmith. ng!
.fL ataud arar the Capital Lumbering Comix.
ny'a Mill. I" ready to aerommialato ruilo-
p were In Ida line or bulnea. Farm Imple-
nnla M.dalrnd In the heat fuanntr anil on alinrl no.
".- .-,--..-- - -- --- '-
nee. avi-u.
cn..sTi.a. a. ju stink.
O. . nTTDBR St OO,
Blank Book MiunifuctuwB,
finit Claaa Ilooklilmlerr In Halem.
aro now nrenare.1 tutluall manner of
work known lo the trade.
Macular, Newspapers and Music,
Ilound In any dlred style.
OI4 Books re-tvoasvel.
LANK OvKa.uf every deacrlptloa. with
or wltboat prlntvd tiesdlujra, manulactured to or
der. BLANKS, nl every kind, ruled and printed to
la OrUwoM'a Brick Btesx. MaylMf.
lwtk' Count.
Stale Agricultural Society!
The necvxilly which him o Ioiii; rxluted lu Ore.
pin fur a Journal w here I'lirmem nml other latiorlnt
nicu could meet nml illcii their mutual Intrrmta,
la ebilaleil by the eilAllpliiiien( of tin) W1I.1.AM.
The paper will aihorale ami Lilnir for all Inter.
rts that will mhniirc Ihe prtinprtltjti.r the Farmer
nml Mechanic ; anil wilt have In view especially tlu
eiicuiirain-iiieiit of theciillltnlluii ami Impnivvnirnt
of the noil, ami tho agricultural ilcielopincnt of the
I Hlatci fiwtcrlnj; every Imineh of iiieeliauleal and
hnu'chulil arta rnleulated lo lnrrme llieliapplnrn
of home life; and eilcncllii(,-nnil fuellilallii); the va.
rloua lirnnchea of Agriculture, bleck-ltaltlnir, and
' Mlulni;aml iiiIiiIiik lnlrreti,
Kcclt attention wilt bcpnlil tolhoileparlmrnla
Domestic urn? JCuxtern News,
And the aulincrlliera to Ihe FAllMl'.ll will rrcrlva
each week a earelul ami roniilelv ayiiiipula of an
Ihe ncwa of Ihe Hlate anil ailjtlilli; Trrritorira,
ctimplled from our eirhatiKes and other sources, a
well nt a nummary of Kiwleru leliraphlo news,
thua funil'lilui; our readers a romplcta
Agricultural Newspaper!
srvTiMtiirr itioionr.r:
Carefully nirreclcd Coaimrrclal ami Kluanclal
Iteporla will appear weekly, kIvIiik Ihe New York,
Man Frnnclxo, and Portland price curraut, sa wttl
aa llioaa or a local r ha racier.
Should Subscribo for It I
One copy, our year fj &o
One copy, sla nioulha I SO
tT POSTMAHTKItM arc r.-inc.tcil tuactaavsr
Agent. Money mailed In preaence of a 1'oeliua
ter, may le aent at our rUL.
I'ubll.lier ami Proprietor,
Halem, OrrKOn,
What our ltirliaiira May.
"It la hint the uiper every fanner In Oregon
needa. Nil man ! heltrr ariiialiitrl m Itli every Of.
partinent of (lrri;oii acrli'iilturn than Mr. Jno. Mill,
lo. We Hlili IIi.i eiileriirlae all poaalkle auccesa."
Iuijtt Chii.tUm Aitnnilt.
"Oregon need an afrlrullural paper, and we
know mil why thlaonu will nut aupply Uie want."
fiiw ritr.
"The'Aprlrnlliiral ami (Imxrajililcal rlUUallca
of Orenn." hy A J. lluflir, K., which will ap.
irar In each nuinlMr, liyeountli'a, will bo found well
worth tho auharrlpllmi price of Ihe paper to every
cllUen of the Htatu."Arua-rYi'fc IWii.
"Their pcruul (airrlcultural and ireographtcal
aUtlillca la well worth Ihe aulmrrlpllun price of
Ihe paper fur one ytar." ticic t'A. AiirvcaU.
" la ailed with mailer Intereiitliij; lo all peraona aa
arllll rtmnH. W, Ii.iiih tlm Hnmu wlU
I prove, aa It deaervea, a muccv. timmtnUU.
. "Kvery fanner ahould aaalut In tuaulnlnir tall
paper, aa It la directly puullahed fur Ida bentnt.'
"lleliiKiilltiMl liy John Mlnto, guarantees Ua i.
Ilahlllly aa an KrUuUural pajwr." Kugmi Ctto
" We Juilue from the Drat manlier that the fans
era and inetlianlea will want It not only fur the la
formation It will contain perUlnlni; especially to
their visatlona, but for Ita currrut, general and lo
cal newa "OrrffonUm.
" la Olliil with mailer InUreatliiK to all claaae of
the DriLiiii public, and rapeclally lo UM acrtcuita
ral." Art lbunv Maiuil.
"The ixsinle ahould support It." SM Journal,
"filled with valaable and Intereatlna; malUr air
the farmer and mechanic, bealdea the current ntwi
of lbs day." Wsruiid ( W. T.) TnuerljA.
'CowUlaa ezcelleut readlaie foravrwera." Orauirf
llotvt4 umtiul.
" Kvery farmer should subscribe for It." Van.
raurer IrV. TA ll"jUtT.
"The number before aa la the beat specimen of
an agriculture) Journal that we have eeea tale side
of the Bocky MouDUlas,'' San ronctatv 7ssf,