Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 28, 1869, Page 4, Image 4

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    A -
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Willamette gmmx.
JOHN nilNTtl, lidltor.
Salem, Monday, Juno 28.
The Tide of Immigration.
Tins jHamwhunctt IHoiitjliman
(whoso niH'iiriiiii'u among our ex
changes vu gladly welcome) comes
(o UN with an editorial under the
above caption, wliich is almost it wail
over tliu fact that tho tidu of omigra
tiuu f'roiii tliu old world, :ih well as
that from New England, "sots to
ward (ho West," leaving tint old
homesteads of the oldest Anglo
American settlements with nothing
hut the hands of old men to till them,
and leaving, as a eouseiiieueti of this
state of things and tlm dillleulty of
hiring clleicnt farm lalior, " farms for
nalo in vast numbers of instances."
Tho PloiiifiiiitiH wisely, as a eulti-
atorof Now Kngland interests, in
vites tlm attention of such steady,
eareful and industrious classes of em
igrants as tliu Scotch, who are in
tolerably easy eireunistanees, with
a family of children," to the oppor
tunities thus ottered for getting
homes, surrounded by " all the appli
ances of civilization," at eheaper
rates, all things considered, than they
ran get them "at the extreme west."
We of the Pacific slopo elaini to ho
"'the extiemo west," and notwith
standing wo acknowledge that the
Scotch, Irish or German emigrant
iMimTd'nfriniui "otloto civilization "
and relies of feudal despotism of his
native country to settle upon a New '
Kngland farm, wo desire to show such j
a ono that ho would in tho end fare (
hotter by coming further. I
first among tho inducements that
wo can otl'er is a freshly now state of
Hociely, in which tho immigrant will
find tho largest liberty for and tolorn
tion of bis religious opinions; nml,
secondly, ono in which the possession
of u family of children ofwe a cr-1 ",lh """"'eiorgatiioringiho wheat , tip the fountain of England's power
toin number, is not deemed disrepu-' mwwwnT " ' T,, ,0,li' of ,,,e ,T,ltwl Stn,l8 k"w
labia His children will hero have a ' lZSt. WmvS ' WC" !t 'M ot W ' "top
good opportunity lor common school ' ictiirned fioni a week's soionrn lu'm ' t" emigration of from five hundred
iKwcauon, which ins coming hero will , lm "" t suijvs us that there- is not
mnko better. Our high schools aio ' " w ,u'al Mt) '" A,l"eda county, be
now as good as high.y-oduoated New E', J ? 'Jgjft
Migmiiii men can niaKo tiiciu, mi.
proved by lhat emancipation fiom i
" stereotyped ideaV which oven New
Kngland roduces in too great abun
dance. In short, we can tiller tho
, ...... i """' "Hi-ciiti, inn scarcely ono has
igrant a civilixation frenh in its now ' entirely escaped injury. Tho weather
ness, and as broad as tho Christian i f ll" litis been quite" unfavoraiilo to
principles iitou which it is founded. ll crolw " ' section referred to.
And then wo can ofler tho virgin soil ', vy V'K"." "?"! ' nt night,
ii. - ",",m'" dampening the izraiu. wh ch durimr
under almost every variety of price ,he I'niddlo of tl.e day, has lice "
and cirounistance. Tho New Eng- j tlly dried by tho burning uii. He
Innd man may hero find his opportu- .voml ,h0 l'oat range, in the same
nlty for trade, or inanufactiireM or S""ty' V,10 oro' l rorrted to bo
farming. Wo havo fortsts for the . K W0,b
lumbermen of Maine, and fisheries for
tho fishermen of Cape Cod. Wo can '
Kvu uiu luwian.i rHDicnman nu tut
I.... .1... 1 1 1l. ....
"parse" laius, or tbo lilghlaiidinan
"bracken braes." Tho Kii.lUlim,n. i
may Jicro flud soils full as Kood
no inn uvt ui in couniry, uniler a
rliuiato far sujierlor, The Frenchman
and tliu German may hero find fertile
hills warmer than thoso of "sunny
Franco," and tho German may clothe
them with vines, or tho Switzcr may
stock them with kine, amid scenery
as grand as tho Alps, or as beautiful
as tho banks of the Khinc. Wo have
tho soil whereon to settle hundreds of
thousands, under eircumstanccs suit
able to the wants of the (piiet German,
who liuds his happiness in tilling a
few acres of vineyard, or the more
ambitious limner whodosiros to plow
his hundreds of acies, or tho grazier
who occupies his thousands. Here
all these classes of immigrants will
liud climatic conditions similar to
those they leave behind them. Here
they will liud men of their own coun
try who have preceded them; here
they will find them settled, with the
freu spirit of tho wido West circula
ting around them; where they have I
no need to "count tho mouths they
, .,.,,, ii -. -ii i i
have to Iced," and where it will boi
, .. ,
yiy many yea re oeioio sucii a ipics'
lion will bo necessarily raised.
Wo luivo need of all wo can get of
all tho classes of men we have named,
and room for millions of them. Wo
thcrcfoio hope our Kastern cotempo
rary will not seek to divert tho tide
of emigration from coming westward,
even to tho extreme west, but rather
submit to and, if possible, assist tho
march of empire, by coming over and
seeing tho inducements wo can oiler
both to himself and bis old friends,
the farmers who are selling their lands
in Now Kngland. Tho great Stale of
California I bllJIv ti.Mi.l f uih.1i n
nt'o agricultural paper as tho Jlnsmt
vliumtU PfojimaH. Tho great State of
Oregon can furnish htroams which
never dry up in summer nor freeoin
winter, sullleient to drivn nil tin.
woolen mills and cotton factories
Now Kngland, and a new m.nbr " ''"emic.i io scmo m the Uni
manufacturing enterprises, for those twl b,aU, I" onu VCNW, co"'ng '
who can transfer their capital. ,u,r ,t!l"u' l,or, tnoro woro fourteen
- - hundred, three hundred of whom arc
Cuoi's in Cai.uounia. From the skilled workmen, whoso labor and
San Francisco JIulUtin of tho 1'Jth skill will enable our manufacturing
instant we tako the following: system to grow, while its loss dries
ISOItmrn nerrwd
rust ; in most eaves tho damage is of
serious character. Soeral farmers
have ahvadv cut their lieM ...ii..
others hao turned their cattle in
limit ii..... 'n... ....-i .. .. .
........ ...v.... in- i-.i iv miwii ileitis
Cur-WtiitMs. A corresii
nondent at'
Pleasant Point asks: " Do vou or anv i .
01 your retulers know a sure and si...
. i
plo meth.Hl of destroying cut-worms
or niYventiiiL' their rvrr,. ti....'
'l'"'0 lKcn V!ry btttl " iwrtlona of
this county this season. Imu!i on r.iil.
and vegetables." Don't know : who
does t
Our Eolations with England.
Were it not that the agitation of
tho question of war with England is
a matter of serious consequence to
this country, it would bo highly en
toi tabling to contemplate tho present
excited state of the governing classes
of tho Hritish people over tho rejec
tion of tho Alabama ticaty by tho
17. S. Senate. This excitement is to
us a sure indication that that portion
of tho Ilritish people whoso feelings
toward this Government were plainly
expressed by tho sailing and action of
tho Alabama, aro imbued with a
wholesome fear of the power of a I
people whoo Government they hate,
and would ho glad to seo subverted.
It is also a sine indication that the
building, lilting out, maiming and
sailing of a piratical vessel to prey
upon a neighboring power, while pro-
feosing friendship for that power, is
fet to bo a wrong, the consequence;
, ,. , . " , - ,. ' ..
of which will Mircly fall upon tin
ly fall upon tho
wrong-doer. Under these circum
stances, it only remains for the peo
ple of tho United Slates to choose the
time and manner in which they will
receive their redress; and it is our
firm belief that tho longer wo can
wait the mora ample will the measure
of that redress be. As mutters now
stand, tho Government of the United
States may well afford to deal for
givingly with its repentant individual
enemies, and make them friends,
while it is in a good situation to enjoy
tho mortification and perplexity of
those Governments which have liar--w.h-
"sine iceiiiigs lowarns it. As
matters now stand, wo are drawinc
tho very life-blood of England's pros-
pority from her. In ono short month
(.May last) over thirty thousand cmi-
r!Kn,".k,ft verpool, llve-sixtlm of
thousand to one million of people, in
order to redress oven sogreat a wrong
as the Alabama cae ; and tho aggres
sor is not in a condition to force a
settlement upon terms distasteful to
us. Lot her wiso men get over their
" stomach aches."
Thk Cnors. The weather contin
ues dry, and, as a consequence, tho
erop prospects may bo said to prom
iso a yield somewhat below an aver
ago per acre. Tho hay crop is, ac
cording to our judgment, throe-tenths
below an average, and as there has
not been so much added to the mead
ow lauds as to thoso under grain, du
rinr llin nm vmr tl.n ..:..- ... i
",.?, .'...' ". 'r"' mY
- ! . , . ,' ho C0,I'ara-
iivvii uiuu. ii is liroiimiin 4...
preseut appearances, that some farm
crt may this year adopt a practloo
common in California that of cut
ting .some of the light grain in a
greou state, for hay. Many can do
o, and yet havo plenty of grain left.
Keeping a Cow on Roots.
S.w.km Fi.oiiai. Gakuhxs, )
Jtincafl, 18U0. )
Having read several interesting ar
ticles in tho FAKMr.it on keeping
cows, and tho results of the diflbrent
kinds of food given them, I thought
it would bo of some interest to the
numerous readers of thu Fa km Kit to
know the results of keeping a cow on
roots, winter and summer. I have a
small cow, live years old, from which
wo have milked, in one year, fi,7f0
pounds of milk in ono year, and have
made at tho rate of sill! pounds of
nutter miring ttiat time. I no aiiove
calculation is made fiom tho smallest
quantity of milk given during the
year. Sho gives at this time two
gallons per day, and it is twelve
months since sho had her last calf. I
have fed her on cabbage, rutabagas
and carrots, with tho following re
sults : When fed on cabbage, sho gave
the most milk, but tho least cream ;
when fed on rutabagas, it increased
tho amount of cream ; when fed on
carrots, the amount of cream and but
ter was increased, and tho color and
flavor of tho butter was much better.
I wonder why our farmers do not
give more attention to the growing
of roots for food for their horses and
cattle, when they can raise, on one
acre of good land, without manuring,
from seven hundred to one thousand
bushels of carrots; and on ono ncre
of good soil, eight hundred to twelve
hundred bushels of rutabagas; und
mis win r.t a no many cows n five
! wes of any other kind of feed, and
j " a good preventive against many of
tno diseases prevalent among our
stock in Oregon. Tho best kind of
carrot to grow for stock is tho Long
Orange, and the best rutabaga is tho
Skirving's Improved. These uro less
liable to rot, keep better lato in the
spring. 1 had them in good keeping
until the middle of April.
E. C. Auaiu.
A nitKAT exposition of textile fab
rics, under tho auspices of tho Wool
en Manufacturers' Association of tho
Northwest, will bo given at Cinci
nati in August next. This is ono of
tho outgrowths of tho manufacturing
enterprises which may bo said to bo
but just commencing in tho great
valley of the Mississippi. It is the
beginning of a new system of labor,
which will advance until the industry
of that extensive region shall consume
all its own raw material, and only
scud out tho finished product to tho
markets of tho world. Tho Pacific
slope ought to be moving in the same
direction. Our manufacturing com
panies ought to form an association.
Producers of raw material ought to
form anothor. Tho two ought then
to meet and confer frankly and freely
as to tho best means of advancing
tho general interests of woolen idan-
utacture, for in that direction lie tho
particular interests of both parties.
PiniTnEiiiA. A Jacksonville paper Mt ;
This dangerous and f.Ul diseaae hu again
made ita appearance In thli countr no leas
tlun three or four ahlldwu have died but
recently with It, wa W"