Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 28, 1869, Page 2, Image 2

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3- 4
Agricultural & Geographical Statistics
nr a. J. iiurrn.
NUMiir.it .N.N.rr.xs.
This county, liko Douglas, sitim
t t(l in mi extensive Ita-in of unsur
passed fertility and loyi?Iiti.-rt, huuin
cy. Valuable iniiicrnl springs also
cxibt ill this county, from eomo of
which n superior article of stilt" has
been ninnufueturod for u number of ry
along Roguo river and to tributa
ries furnish motive power in nbun
iliuice for every variety of machine-
Ovnu ;)0,000 emigrants left Liver
jiool for America during tlio month
of Inv. Of this number live-sixths
intended to nettle in the United
States. It is estimated that this ng-
.... i.i .i ii.s. htati
years, and is now taking precedence In regard to the nenmi o u. t(J f IK!W.coinors will be record
. J .'-.. A.. &!..... .ill It I Wl IIIII llllll I'llll- r w.
in many ol the markets ot boutli- o
ern Oregon and Northern Cul
..!.. Tl.r.... ti.iii.,a in... i.nmil.1
IfcZ" Kt milimiied sup- lies for enjoying a climate in sum.
ply of wilt, if properly developed
uni:ui .. .... - ---- ..,.,. grogniu oi new-con
utli- eounty, there can bo but one eo -1 , Mt
itbr- elusion formed. A locality u t,10 lt tlXi.i(l
o of I pure running water, nnd tho lacili- ol . tMllll .,30 (
mer fanned 'by a gentlo son h
or by altitude to inhale the br
to bavo beou Hiipplied by nature ml worked to their full capacity.
with nil those inherent eieiuonis
tlult tend to render a community in
dependent of other localities, and
capable of (supplying a dcno agri
cultural,. iinmiliic.Umng and mining
i.ooulutlou with all tho luxuries of
nileimntleiico. coiitentiiieut am
wealth. Hounded on the north by
tho l.oguo river mountains, which
huparatuit from Doughs and drniit, entire State
curt liv Grant county on the linool
dm l(llli narallolof wcit longitude. ....mitv isilivi'iviiiod withloftvinouii
L.ntli li. tin. Sisl.-ivnll IlllllllllaillS. L.Si.j 'mill i.vli.lli1iil lMllires ill' IlllU. religious
on the IL'd parallel of north luti- fn wImso summits may bo seen madethe generous hearted and in
tudo, dividing il from California, ' extensive) valleys, through which tln-trious miner being general y
lllllie lO UIU OBlIIOIIMl
ic coining month at
port of Knglnmi.
000 Kiiropcan end-
i sum-1 jjmjjtj, will reach our shores this year."
irceze, I Xnt less than 10,000 Canadians will
take up their residence m tins conn-
i i....l flu.MH miiat illlimiT . in l Hi UMinnlllitit I llli hlllll I III 511
"'""T. the invalid .,V,,lrnf.o from all parts of the
ego ., an. o. u.y mi.Pi i. j -- - , ,. , , ,,, , t,,0 UnUc.(l Stltw foP lIl0
1 SSSS. i " S fi'i -uffiSv ol lu'he lacilities.br mar- present year will exceed half a. nil-
!:;ibufcl,,ihn,gh all "Sons ,?f keting arconliued principally to L, o p;;,,ms he nfljx .. foj
the county, with water power and the various ni.n.ng camps ... this B''; ' g ' ,1li"!1
t...ili uWim .,' miilli,!i.iit-. i-niiitcitv to portion ot Uregou ami iNoriue.u , ,l,"'.Vr."' :::.." .:.'..... ..i."i,.
" ' V ,. ,. .. . Ji Hi- ....:.. tfliiu'ii iVnit viurfitiili ! 1 I eMraiMOIii!irvi'M.'innui:.-ur,i-iii-i-iv-
dr vu the machinery for tho nulling ( abluinia, wlieio Iiiut, wgetnulis, ...... ,. i....... ,:.... ,..:.
,,...1 .mmiirMftiii-iiiir iillfilo.-e.Sof III! ' llOtll. IlllCOII, beet, IlllttCf 111.(1 CllCCSO , r ... ,.. ,. ,. r,. . ,
IUII' lllllll IHV llllllirt 1-1 lll' i.ill4l-
tind a ready market at reinunera-
The face of tho country in this tive prices.
I.ioeral .irovi.ons lorFcnoois ami
iu-tructioii havo been
mill we.-t bv the ( 'oast Wange moiin- I ifio l!iver and its numerous trib- ready to contribute to tl
tains and .lo-ephine county. This utaTies, liko hilver threads, (eein in- incut of good society as
logue of ai'ci"-iinis to our population
by iinniigralioii. And when we con
template the advantages which our
country can hold forth to the poor of
other lauds, if the laws of our nation
respcctititr pre-eiuptiou and home-
hteadsare faithfully ndminNtci'cd,wo
liberally as may reasonably expect that in the
...:tl.... !.. .... .... f ,K ..IIIKI tlul Inln l.l IIIKIII.
i.nllllH- Willi I SIM'lll O 10 Cllt-lllll liu.u-i.vi.ll II II lllllKll V ill . IMIC llllllt- allVOIIICr C.aSS Ol IIICII Wlllllll IIIU U-ll train I., rmuv lliu iui.il ... ....111.-
olm.rver or Htranger to be an al- i,,., loveliness. These vnllovn, as I State. Klouriuginills, lumber mills gration will average one million of
iiioX iM.latedbcation.cnl oil' from ' ,1,. roll back from the centre in and all kinds of mechanical nidus- cions ,er year. And hi itliin cnlcu-
communication with' the on t or , ,,, UI1(lulaing swells, or break try are established and carried on J um J JIM" Jj; Suft'JX
rrl.l. lb., the eneetic miner, lmto abrupt elevations, extern ing In thy ":" "3 mi. id K T im,mltoi-"2t
he iiidu-lrioiis iariner, and tho tbc r iimr Iiium in either direction valley. Also, Mores, well supplied ,
hardv pioneer were not to bo iiitim-1 toward lofty mountain ranges in the with agricultural implements, nun
iilnti.il livniii- triim ob.-tne es in t ho .ii. ....... ....vnicil with iiiimeiipo tor- cis and mecliauics tools, ami with
Mill' -. -J -. --- f-llV1 - -
way of opeiiini: a coiuniunication ,.-ts. form a basin aiiparently oncir- a general isortinent of nierchan
wil'h a vallev wliero nature has lav- (.,.,l with mountain:-, and known as disc, whero the immigrant or new , ;,,. : IhraUf.
The Coolie shipments to this country
niav in themselves, however, exceed
the number M't for the entire acces-
i-hed luir wealth with so liberal a the l.oguo Iviver Vallev.
settler can obtain supplies of all '
hand, llndges have been con-true- The general geological character kind at rea.-ouatile prices. Salt roK JIam-uk. Tlio m-o of
ted. iiae-surveved and roads gra-' ,,f the count v biirs strong indica- The price of farming land is from fint for manure N incrcaMiig inn
will. 1W la ,. lm, , IS ll,.va'J,,.,,.0, ,'" f?l;'irnto s.l.e.ons nil purposes can be obtained in salt, and many have cd salt to the
.anient. 1," ' u 1 v da v ' ,,I,I' MM",I''1 w,,.",,. 0,V' 'taii.ii immv portions of the county. j extent,!,, the lield.of twelve hundred
i . f h. ml 3.1J -lu'lls "l tlnr intlicntUHW of sedi-l A woolen mill l now in success-1 "eight per acre, and in tl.egardento
, n.entary lonuation fl operation at Ashland .king ! "?" '' U-nt, and alwavs
Tim n on r l -it l V of his p Al th ",ll,I.w,,, J',1 tIlu ( " "J'the products of .bullock into,.," w'' - Tl.erefi.se sail at the
ml , 1 , lr.,, hh u,.: t l,,,!r ""'?, hi- "Kiio river, ticks for bedding and clothing, suit-! !,!llt wt:Ils.'l '""r UH,,I i""1 w '"
...... ... .'- itii.i'11 k.i iiii iJiiiiiii iii'iikiiii.i mii.i (iin ...... .. . . . i.&i. ... . - j i . i - . :iiiiiiii(-iiiiiiiitiiitimiv.iia. . . .. .. ; j
riM". ""' 'ii- hup, nun uiu Miiiia i nine hi me wauis oi tueeomuimiitv . , ..n- wpi uvmii., miuuu-
mad by which tho uuuiigranl from
tho plains can come by tho way of
Humboldt, (ioo-e Lake and Klaut-
remains uninterrupted, except at I The water power at Ashland 'is rv ("' w"l'l.,-t hind. It now begins
long intervals. Tho soil along the splendid. There are at this place !' Ti ,,I,.1I",J11 .r ,0I,,11, ''" hest
I'l'iMHi' iiiKi t'li'iM' ititttitittj uiu Mil.,. .i ii. :...- ...ill i. i - i 'ii-'ii iiii u iiiinriNiH iiiML u'Miir m
a.h Lake route . Von, the e,,t. Pack the valhiv is un-y n : e 1 , ng O
rail.- and wagon roads have Uo l(Vja , cposit of sedi,nent,,leco, - 1, mbS .,,l,,.lm"1 ! "';" "V,1. tl-U' ,li'"'!,hL ,,tt,,c'1
been opened weptward, throu-d, the ,,....1 ,.r.l ..,.,1 v... .i.i.. . ", , .. . f . " .. ..' . V" ,,ac,e ot '".wr and toe" is found to yield to
Coa-t Ihingo mountains to lo,t Or- ; v d r IS. ....mmiici urau noro does silt The following fact ,a- he re-
ford and other points alongtho Pa- , ,, '? ""';,''"''"'( unng, estab- lied on: The write? havh.g'to make
cilie coast. ! ". . , k,"8 " ' fi wice-, ishments. The marble is of excel- a path throu-d. an old won.-ont s,,,l
.,.,,; ,.,,. , , ., "".". looicge s, in.iiau lent ouality. and is found near bv. of a meadow, for tho purpose of et-
ll county lias an assessable ' corn, tobacco, and n i m i-m-,., , . ....A...... ..:,,.. ., .: :.i . .....'., ' ' ; . ." c.
"-""hi. uiu i-oiiiiiv sear. 1.4 "k mi m cai mv mancr vim i smii.ii
he am
properly valuation of nearly one and of fruit known to the climate of Or-, a Hour
u mm uiiitiou uoiia, covers an egou. Tlio plateau, or nioro eleva
mvu ni' iili.nii ) noil nun ......... ..r ...i i i . . . .
i i il -,.--. ....I-.- ... 11.-11 ioiuoii,-, iiaiu a iiiooeraieiv rici,
lauii, ami nas a population
ishing town, with good pub- tlK f't (and tho meadow being on
! Jirivato schools, a number of very thin shaly sand and yellow
loiimi, removed thetuiftoa stitlicient
to the
oi no- pou, Miio-e emei eoniponeni paitsi re i ions ili'imminnt;,,. ,....i .-.. depth to leave the sheer sand nlunn.
ween fi.uuii aiulMliH.. Tin nun. ni-o !.-.i ...,,1 l.i-..,i...;j, ........'...:.. . i...r. .. . . V """- ..nil fl.p ,. i :..... ...... l : i n'
., I ., , .. .-.I- . i -....... f;in nu.- piiiiop, mimcp (HCS. a DiKii rn , . .......v i. im -i-i-u-n pain:
t,I icsouccp ol t us eounty are too lure of decompo.-od vegetable, clay , line private rVsidencos an, a ho ,,,,,J '-' Ki"- ,u,,ow ",0 " '"' "-!
elebrated throughout nil parts of and sand loam. ThesoTands, whero diHe,ent business ,-, il, ,11 ' U '.'.' laiul, which was foul with
ho country to renuiie niiv en-'thv eiiltiviiti..! l...v.. ......v.... ,...h. ....m..!..... ........ ' .,' '"""suuiuiip, weeds, a t ho mp.Im1i-ii...i -s.i. .i...
leferipiion in this place. The i.n- ductive. and are nowhere excelled ' ant and pro ',, erous Thero l U ' :viM,,l1in, tl,c l,'""'. " became very
nen.-eiiiantitieso .'old taken from' for tin.!,-emmebv ... ,-?.,, i.-i,.... , '..- .'.,'. .i,,uo ,s . tmiibles-oiiie. To remove and Kill tin.
. " .. i '."i.,vh.iv in ii ii ill i ft: i in in iiir in iit i ti ....-. ;...... i .. . -------.,-.-
he pacer diggings annually lor the Thi entire valley pcems ..articular- this vallev with Km",,n 2 ., i T,Vl H10 w,,0, l,nt,
lust eight yearp, utlh the numerous ' lv adapted to stock-raisin-wits ,' r' 1, ,t ' V lw' "'' ''Talt andhocdit. Thiskilled
.pmrtriod.Vof inevhauMible wealth, , Hills. p,l ,-ics and v ley m,H ,' , ?. I L. IX n0,Ttw"i- ,,0-wm s '"il .' '"1 f lovep
give unu.istakablo proof of thecal an a . L mil", ite d "iim.lv ,SS Z Z V .... i, '; I' !U,,I'.WJ Il,w ,,avi,,S "" '"to tho palli, thero
.acity of her gohl Ininep. an,, re,, ,urage,,U!r
tin ii a rtMiiuv oi mmt.i'itmi'o mtt t.m un.i n. .;-. .;!. i... .
I MM - ---..., r ........., iu MV.M4 (UIU
ri .fr?? V tli,rl,Wrty,,t ,ro ,!, ,, mX u.Ce, ul , n, IIo..ri.l.Wl ten tin.es better ,a on
.. . ... .. - ' .i . .. . .
...i uuii-r spot on tno premises. Try
' it. ('. in Uaiuula Juimur.
Ml llllltlt I lll'lin 111 111(1 Wlllllll ill III ! lit llliMlfll III Kin ... rill.. t -. i Ik .
.... .- in i ii v vi iiii'iiuin in i hit ii-iir. imt ii-iinr i :.i.t .. ..ii. . i
r.iited States. The.-e -old mines climate, similar to that V r ,., . ... . ' .. .'V. ?.. "V . ""S10!"-'. 'Mr,
annually furniph prolitable employ- altitud. in ml,,.,- ,,..,!,. J C. .'":.. ,H ,,.,..,,,l,u a," "
nient to a great number of inch, State, is mild, even ami teiunerate ' viir!..tv ..f -!i.i 1 ! !'i11 gl'at . "' three to live yea.-s aro sutli-
.i..i.ia.ai......i ...... i:.- i i. .i i . . . .i -j ... .. , .a m iiii iiiiii ii in i ii'tirii .
i.;. i .., ;.. i... nii . " .. . ... oiiiv i
,111-i.uiig iiiiiiiipiiiiHMiiviiiemisou ine nut not so hum u as in the lam- fowls necnlin.-1 .1... ... V , ,. '" '' !,oa,,ving'-,C1'. to protect
amount of capiial ii.NCPted and the etto vallev. tho extremes .,tJl T.fr. ' . . U..t0 . " wwtem slope; the iields from stock, unless animals
iiniiilHT of men employed. New don, falling below zero or that of ' '""""""" ; an t0 "r'y-
diseovenes ot gold are annually ln- heat rising to one hundred de-reos , , ....,.-
ingniado in thip county, and with , above. r Inti:.:i:st.-T)o legal rate of inter- thi, lg, lK,,lV?,c,
ilm L-.i..u-l,..l.r., il.,,! :,..,. l .:i. mm.. ...v . . est h Califi.n.i .M",.i,,,Ii . ..lcni ""O.k while, boloie
.... ........ .... ...,......,..- , ,,u n.uer is pure, SOU ailll II .im .-m "...."jUiim uiu tllOlll T Imv Mat n tl.tnl
ver. ead am eoi.i...i-aUo..vip,l1...... ..I,.... )...!.. ... ,..i:'i , .. . V. '" t ot .March !10. tsiis. fmin .,: i.i V!m ln.0 last a t,,l,tl
it ip but fair to i'liter that mining in' , lnikmM vn wr WM' l'r ' 5 , lv , ' "l g"''w '
this locality i but ju.t in its infan-; tains, while the umuerous cascades r.VlIhV1! ",i,i"J.,,HI,?r ra,e ,,la' . -1,tVI:1JV " a plow cuts a
and let
longer, and
corn root
' -. lui.iiieo. . it ki s a keriio .