Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 28, 1869, Image 1

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. t
."Agriculture is the
Willamette Jtamw.
4oi (trctjil tliottfiirnMitil by withoiiud agtnt') Ml
til imjinct oj movninion it inm.
All iiapvrx ..III be ill continued at tho end of Ilia
time for which they are paid. .
ltatc of Advcrllnlng.
Ilu.lnera Ad.ertl.rment., by the mouth, 5 for
inn aquarn of tucl.u linen mcamrlnK one Inch;
$1 for each additional future.
Profoloiial Card., II llnet or lor, $13 per year.
Tnt I,ATKT. Th FAIiMrucimtalnathrciMlaja'
later ncw than any other Meekly paper lea.lni;
Salem In tlio mall, to-day.
Kaiib ltmit'cii.. Tlio furo on the Oregon and
Cillfornta MaiM line ha Ih'cii niluced tn t kl for
tliroiivh pa.renKera a redu.tlon of 1 10.
IlllnwNr.li. A little daughter of Mr. HuckleyV,
who rt'.ldc. two and a half mile, alxi.o llol.e City,
fell Into the ditch of the llnl.o Valley Water Com
pany a few dar. flnee, and wa. drowned licforv the
nccldent ..a. ulH'o.civd.
Mawinic Tlio tlmnd LikIko of Mi.oti. of Ore.
gon In Id It annual re. Ion III I'orlland lil.t week.
and clectiil tliefollottlu,"' T',TvrxA" "JT"
nruli;iir: 1). O.flu'rk,i.fCor.alll,0.M.jT.M.
Pattoii.ofHaleui.lMl.M.; (I. M. f tmiid. of C do,
S.O.W.; Samuel Hugh.', of Korwl (Inne, J.O.W.:
U.K. Ilnran, of Salem, (Iraml Treasurer; J. K.
Ilurfonl, of I'orll.md. tinind S-retary. J. II. Iki-
ley, of Curtain, Clialrn.au of Comuilltcu on IMu-
catlonal Fund.
Doi'iii A I'liUMr.- The Kiflgn of Saturday 'ay:
Andrew Sa..)er had hi leR broken a few day
luce, liy liflnB nil. o.er byn waKon....Farinenoii
Deer Ci'eek hat ocoininelinilcuttlni: oat t thejleld
will be moderate. The bay crop I aim unall
Dr. Vcatih luid maden tllt to Urn lkdiemla mining
Ulrlrlrt, and eipre.re hlniMlf ratlrtlnl that tin re
I coM-bearlm: iiiart rltli cnouitli lo Ju.tlfy It ilc
tclopiuent, but tlio pro-pect for filter I not encour
aaln. The men have nearly all loll the mliie.
I.inn t'o.iNTV. IJ-t WedniMlay iillit, a lire
broke out In tllnl' 1ihhi, Albany, derlrojlni; that
bulldlni; and the two building adjoliilngon Sninul
treet, one of them lielin; the new two-tory engine
h.iue. The nro rompjiiy .Hit good wrviee, nu. me
upplyof water wai"iiiehaued,therolH'lng no
rUtern. The pmperty delni)l a motly In-
auml....Tli.i7fgnr L'lte the partlciilar of an i
il ray belw een two men, iiam.il We.leott and Atno
llottanl. In which llowanl niidt.il eteraleterc
Clac'Kaha Piiuntt From tho EnUrpritt of
Satunla) wecollito thefullottlug: At thela.tlerm
or tho County Court two new nwd were e.labll.h-)
ed aud nvonled-cuie beginning on Pudding rlter
- tt . tti . .....i i..i..u,u-iii.i.ii...iip.i,iln riiv I
In Low c r MnlalU, ami lutcnectlng the Oregon City
aud Sll.erton nw.d, by way of Harrlum Wright", .
.even mile. In length, on an air line the other be.
clnnlugalD.il. DeanlorfT , rrolng CUekama.
. Vi , . , . , . ,; " , W' """ oi umuiionin on that rtn-amhaf outrage, committed 111)011 n Mil. Wil
A. Xi. STXiraOH, ....TIm-o1.o,aramom.arWndronMlnMa,'.be.Jl.l.,,ttloHprlnKneH MIIIO,...pny....Tl.i. coy liv ntr ,,. L i " ,? V
PUIIMSHKK AND PHOPHIKTOIt. ''"' m'"r C""''111'.""1'" ' bathing la-lTno-day VvrnMu.. been rh.m.i a Larof .UteramlKold In- :,,J, ",?:' 1 'l "r "vO n,,,C"
I uill.iailhll ahii KOI itlhTUll. ... ,Sr. Sni!lli, ol Stockton, Cut, left U-l Wclnc kcufrouinick that eta got outofa l,,un Hue I , W ' WiW Calul' Na 6
Office In Orl.wold' llrlck lllock, second atory. """ """ """" mlm " '"" ""T- "'" ln311'" fJ'T;';;' """V0 "" J11" been completed ncn. ' "" "" "";"" Jtunrotui. l.eorirc
I "" iiclgliborliood of 50,000 head or "Imp ilrl.cn 1?". V? ,'"'10 "'"." lltncf abotelhenld Oakl'S, who IS III cliariTO of tlio rami.
.. crM nun. , ,H,po,l of largo banda of hone ond cat- I Improv tig. ami It 1. tl.otiIit that amputation of , while tllC latter W1R nl.Hi.nf nn.l ,!&
One copy, one year i SO I lle-whlch make. 'J0 piece tolerably plenty. Our , '.""X ,Vl,J.l"i,..lH' "eco:iry...Tho (!iarl rat ' . ,u"-.uu- mtltr WO" nUKOnt, and made
Ono conr. lx montln 1 BO , cntcrnrl.lmr.lu.rln-. .!.. I',.lm . i... ..,.. inf. ....! '?.t.,S,V'0 ?'': d lli:i;liiK a well In KuinMio IIIMlltlllir IHODOSItlOlia to Mr. Wil.
W .Vo iiamt trill U iJaet-l on Iht tubtrriiitlon K aniiimi ami aldliii; then, lit nmllnir Hot
, . t ..!.. -. ti... hi....... ..f t...t. i ..p.. fiL,.f Alum, ii iiuiiorni ami iiiit men are a.
coll. one of w hleh mar cc.-l him the l.w of an ej ... work m.iuo of Ihem making big wage. The o ner
We.lcolt had an examination, but t.a. dl.charged or one claim lii" , W,t,0.i ,B,h!a w AiliV
on .he ea.e being beanl. en fn't deep, foundpatlngdlrt all the way down,
01. tnc can l ihk an.. fum U)g ,K, j-p. . ,u trum tKt f two
river at J. II. I'cdlgo , thence on to the ridge or ; r hi) tteamn C4rrc llM, .AM head or .h.i'p, r.r
divide Wl.te.Mi Clear creek and CUekama rlter. ; Bl(lc,l,n bmiling much on the Sound.. ..General
imcmrtliiea nc leading to Hani ng . n .1 1 '," "uperiu ui.le.it of the conduction of pub-
ouiiKFaniwiinli,re.ilv',ll.l year plowed a , .( ' 0riw, .Inform the Ortqonlan tliat
t3cn. II. Id I" four . law, w lib . '""" '",!'. I " I ffor the bulking to be erect Xl at IMrt
u.lng oneof l.l Vf !H o-ILImTJ ia. i la. d, will tec.numem.il .0.11. The llepubllean.
gang plow Henry lllmler, at Ongu UIJ . tja uili.,rul at tho city c lect la.t Monday, by
ecuil.fthiimlugdomoUH.inoc(ithehaiigluff J muo liiijiartty ora....Jafk llrucharJ. ha.
011 a hue at a China wah hou-v-he coiiipnini.il ' ?'t?t'l. !,.'"' Will' Jil. ..1. from iho Coium-
.i a uuo n.i nun w.pu u.'ur. ..v ,.....,........-. - , n LiumhI on Iwll ...Salmon
fM for a.taulllug Ihe Chinaman. The matter ma)
L brought lH.-f.iro the grand Jur)'
INiu C.-VTV.-Fn.n, Ihetlrand Honde&l-
ml or tho Will we leani tho rollowlngt Tra.le at
....I.... u,.. .,n..r.i..lin. Hn.lv The bov. or Ij.
Orande, acninllng to that inner, an Into all kind
of DtlHlilef, doing eterthlng but ttluil I right,
cuMlug and .wearing, be.eltlug Iho paer-by will.
.loue,.llek., audbla.ph.my, and .-ten intuiung
ladle, wlih their uuehae niuark.. They are a.
plague upon the community, but a few fine for I
0.iiTrin-nl. to pay, would hate a wbolet-omu effect
..Coii.ldirableeiclleuuiil wa ivca.loncd at the I
Co during la.t week, upon lhedlappeaninceora I
gtrk upMH..il in hate waudend off aud become ,
...i..... ....I i..a..iti. uiv .nil .-.n iii.ut.iiii?
ladle. 'will, their u..ehae niuatk.. They area.
olme utKiu Ihe cDiumunlty. but a few line for I
UteTriaiviit to pay, would hate a wbolcomu eoijet
I.... in itui ...Mki. n.i.r be 4nd L-m.it n-llef wa ex
perlcnc.il when the child wa found Then-pair
made upouthe mad. about Latlraudoaruuumerou
aud la.llug The dry .pell of weather or the iut
Um-ewctk ba. had a dliu-vlng ctti'Ct upouthe
cnpor thl talley.
most Healthful, most Useful,
DrMTiIX f'llI'KTr. .Tlm f!iH it .TunnOrtrh inn.
...".", ..... :....:. . .. ..".-""'-'""
'"'""" "'' "" uri iiro. arc pu.n-
I lug tholrmllt forward lo completion, andcipoctto
lwreJyforlhoii..wcn.iUfl.t. They lllalo
:k, be
' In tho
rlilea biiyliiKiinlil.o.tn account, lua lccn
mental lu cattcrlnj; r cvcral thouvjiid dollar
rnllt,- .i... .,,,,,1,1 ii,,i. .,- ,., . ,
county, that noiild othernUo ha.o found Invcl
nirut cl.c.licro
I ette Prelghtlng Company held their first meeting
I wi juonuay, a. .tiounie, ana clecteil Ilia rollowlns
uvi'tiiiijoai. iMiirn.'i. f. till limn.'.. Ill
lhl.coiinfy,dle.lterynid.Uiilyonoiilghtlatwwk. ,
He had gone lo bed a u.ual, anpaitntly well and '
heartr. hut alx.ut imo o'clKk hi wife attnko and
found iilm .Iniggllug In the IhnK of ilcalh. lie
uieu in it iuw mimiie. ttiiuoui .jieakinga wold.
Ho tta tulij.ti to allacki of " ulghtmare."
... ...... .:.T7 ..." ... : . .' "
Walla Wai la. The Waterman a John Ohol
1 " I
tu0 I
foii, onu of the pari let to a brutal murder on
Wallula mad. ua arreted on the arrli.l r
iniiictmeni round by me grand Jury. At tho time I
of the murder tlhol'toii Mat acting In tho capacity
of deputy hriln, and on Iho prelcneo that hlsprli-
onerwacudea.orlng lo ccnpe, ho thot him down.
Till occurmllat October. ...On Sunday, tho 1Mb,
In the middle of the aficrnopn. JUtJJ'tf'ii'a'ft'a
KanTTy oT hamlVTiiUila-niller, and rear urn enter,
tallied llial the enui will rtIIi lu the llild for
want of lain ...The Wi ji) lh.it during Iho
Mutter on Mom at-Ul, bolluhinlng plaj.il reteral
"urlira freak. Clio holt had ihe npp.iiranee or u
ballot ilre,andeeinedloexplHleJul iM'fore reach-
......,....... I linn rn.nit... it -Inirl tin. . lil.it.iAV
MiKiiiui.'iii.... w..u ....h.... ... -- " - -j i
I larof ibolo.o-bejrlli all .iter ill.1 nin. Id It !.
.age llmiugh the Hour. Another fragment went
Ihnmgli a hotia in me ri'ur or uie uuirKei, on uiv
lu.lile, to Iho grouml bencalb, doing no dumago
except inirkliiR It trail. Virylllllo rain accompa
nied Iho .tonii.... Andrew Abel illitl on IhuUlhln.l.
on Iho Upper Touibel, aged TO J ear.
I SoiiTiirux Oiieuon. In Umimua talley, a few
day .luce, the thermometer how ed MS deg. In the
lude . There tta a severe Ihundertlomi III Jack.
I tonvillo Urttteek, and .luting It continuance a
) barn lielongln,; to Mr. Kllgoro nu lruck by light
' nlng, and bidly dauuged. Tho lightning truck In
I other plten. lu tho tlelully. In one of which a hog
tta killed by the fluid.... Work on the new court
houe at Itnucburg, Doiigla county, ha been coin
ucnccd....Thu Hntlgn aj very encouraging re.
nort continue to comu lu fnnn the Ms rile Cnck
mliiea-ln the Wtavvr claim $131 were taken out
,. mo hand, from ten hour' wa.hlng. and other
culm are wild lo Imi mperlor to thl. The Ongp-
n'iti learn from a geulleman who ha beeu at the
M.rlloCnvk mine tnatiney winiieiu nu eaon
more pmdtably Ihau any jilaecr mine on tlie north
feet nuaro
PonruMi. A little ou of John Donovan, about
Mu,n n (M WM jn,,,,,,.,, th0 rlter near tbo
ml (m sstunlay, the 19th. Ho wa at-
' . .. it
,,,1,,,. , jlin,, fnll u0 log to another, and r. II
u,wl,. ,hl,mt , )HMly wa n-covcml two hour
.fierwanl... .M. FogaUkl, drajmaii, dl.il tcry ud-
. . fi , a.morll s,he a)lh....t)n her U.t
. .Mnlinoii from
hc "are " Id to lie Kitting tcarce,
Sow mK"...Oi. ! Moudaytbi ilat-.
Orncan Elictkii. The folloi
nuiglit lo -omanu.
v e. and but few are
uowtakeu ...Ou Monday tho thenaomcler in tne
hade .IihhI at Ni lo us ueg .no no..... uay vi mo
Ftaxiu by at lean four degree....
Orrican Elictkii. The followlngomcerawcre
elected by Ollto Uidgo, No, IB, I, O. O. P., at the
j U.t n-guUr meeting: 8. It. Woodward. N.O.;U J.
( Craw ford, V. 11.; L. S. Dyar. 11. S.J J. M. scoit.
W. Miller,
. v n
Trca r.
IllghUnd I.od?c,.No. SO, recently In.tltuted by I.
W. Miller. II. . . M., Ill Polk county, elected the
rollowlng officer: T, C. DutTy, N. O.; Jamc Oar-
J. Ma-McQrcw, H.S.; ll. M. ciarn,
PiaaoNAt. We were honored the paat week with
caU from Tror. Vcatch, Wm. Turner or the Jack
aonvllle &H1W, and Wm M. Hand, of tho Mtw
."...'.. -.,'-"',-"- iiy,n!ioun(icnraeiliilliurollcllio,lnirk. tuiuiv ol: ' ".. . . . ... . ' -
lMU.nl or director : Jamea Ilmcc, .lame Ednanl. ""nr.iiiiiien nea.y pnocKtcaa relt, t. hlch rhook the ISlI 111 t OlltlOIlH. nilll tllt'll Wont lmct tn
Win. IlkrlliiKliuutc-, Ct.per Itlcanl.O. V. Hnaln.II. . hulldlngand ..okolho.o who ..cm rlernlm; At I. lu ......... It. .1 . ,,
It. HUl.llc. u.iJ O. II Smith. Tho'nockholder of ' oirmma tho liockua i hiv Vnni .! ... l1.1?..' al" U ,0 l0 It'llllll of Mr.
Ihlcoinknnyconiprl.utoniofihoino.txunil.e 0,r ' 71 . "." ,im "'""K" maitancn w .. ... jM ...if,, J.,,,,,,.,!!..!.,!,.!,,,-......
farmer .ndiinlitr. men In the rouUiem part of I ,,l0? "10 Vro 'eplng. Tho tlhnitloii.wen-fnmi , , . ' ' , ,,01,l,V"w"a,uly I form-
tlm Knmilv l- . II U',.ll.l,... ..t i....i .. IlOrtll til miltll. Hilt! 1nali.it MluiMt r.itf a. I.. .. tUl llltll ill tlltl( liml lin....n. 1 "
and most Noblo Employment of
I T.a-atfe n. .... t........ i... . .. -. '
. ---y -"""'" "kc..c paper or u.i
eaiuruay wo learn t A company ha bora formed for
I the pnrpoo of Improving the Long Tom with a
j tlcw toll... atlgallon, and that an order fur lumber
reel under gnmnd, a llii;fn)g. , The rri-wa. about
i1,1 rl1 " "M M r"'',f- S'"1 l., II relleted froui
I'l tomb. Juttiiic.il nlmiit In fliu we , but on belm
brought lo ht, t died In a few minute.
t- , i
I AiimaTosTr.imiToiiv.-A light .hock of an
"""quake ..a felt at Seattle at 6 o'clock on the
J " i " awn, mm ni siew..coom, at mo tame
. "" "" -- " ...... ..-..( "vi'.i. titi r i'iiir, t
''wsnj'tay "pennion pretlou. l,rht t.,,ick aa
f.-" at 01jmpla....Tho lln III the lhllliighaui Hay
emX m'nv '" Ul'cn enllndy exIlugnlFheiT, and the
"l"'y expect hiii to commence taklngoul coal.
A new .null. nitm.l Ka.iIi k...il.. .. , ..
locaien anoutoiio mile belou-the old place.... The '
..... ... ..VI... tniuni'. ,,(,. ii-,-.i
nvt'iiiio til II it Jn Ijiiut luifi hiti'ti ilit.iiiii.ui ,,.i t,
JhoOlymiila r.,rf.f Jflho Itiil, wo ieVhefo b
lowing: On Sunday, June tilth, a Hage wanp.et
?.?".'. ?. '.T.'i ''"yr:.."'"1. J?mV ll''i'.Vf Claoua-
I'F in. pi mi Bi Bill i it mi -l II n jit .ii.li L'b.m
.. ... j. .1.1 -a ....il t. ....i - ----.....i ...... .
to. oneorthepaenger. t.aotcrclr Injimil!...
,w " "'0 "Kr""""l'" rang.il fnmi 01 low
SAtrtt. T. II. HUkey ha recelt.-d Id cnminl.-
'" n ''"Ima.ter at Salem ,. Hugh Owen la
aboul '""'""R Iirl.k houio III South Salem
LTJ"'CiS - JC"nia'u,,'"',"""",,"r,,""
on lounly. Judge tloWo pn-rMliig, begin. It cilon
today. .A mrgleal operation ...i perform.il upon
, , f M V. H. Jlwirtf, laft Thurrday, ami
,..,,, . ., ! .,. ,...
the Umc from Iho big loo Joint lo the In.lep were
I reunited. Dr. Pattnii, at.l.ted by Dr. Carpenter
. . - -. .... n.. ..
.nti icice. Iicrronuetl inoiueraiion.....uo wenuier
ferliuforuunt f rain.
"MiNTohad iH-tier ln-come a proof nader In lhl
ofllee, bo would linjinive by the occupation." (Vm
iitnla!. Judging from Iho above entenco, and the thn-c
date llui of th.it Ir.ue, loiuiliody I luidly necilcil
lu th .t airo a pnHif.na.ler.
(.'iiiiiiiiiimioNkw Voiik, TlioOrrydniVm
Ntys Mr. Scth It.icllliiK, of Mtltvniiklo, nlili
ki1 ly tlio Btcum.T l'nclllc, u Ixix of cliotrim
to lm tent fnmi Sun Krmicliico, by tlio rail
road, to New York, umm experimental ship
ment. They nro (culllnK. nn.l Mr. Liwlllnir
culla tlii'm tlio "lllack ltrpulillcan." They
nro j:hmI keejicTS ntul ho bulluvrs they will
nrrlvo at Nuw York In koo.1 ruii.lttlon. If w,
they will Ihi tlm llrst Orc-Kon chvrrliH ever
cuteii by Nuw Yorkers at homo.
KoiiTiiKiiN l'ACino Haii.iioad. From
Mr. Philip Hit. o learn thntsovurnl of tho
directors an.l btiblness men of tho Northern
Pacific ltullroiul Compiiny nro expeclecl to
nrrlvo hero within tho noit fotv days, for
tho purpoM. uf iiiukinjf an uxplorlno; survey I
of tho nmto fnnn PurvI Sound to I jiko buc
rlor. Ulon their arrival hero they will
pnK-eed ut onco to Ulympla i.nu to -oiiuh
..... Ll 1 1... iiv.it. ii flint. ..Ill ....
dot. it tho Sound. Uoturnlnif, they will no
stakes. Mr. Hita utsures that tho .
H, Co. means basliiccs. Orcguniun.
P. K.
no yen
ago, last wee
ilisi-tiiwlcil with mi
'c I ' ..-.- "
other man's wife, leaving his own
wife and three or four small children.
up to wall nun, mm inenco uy way ui 5o. i;t.orgiii,47; Wisconsin, 12; Ten
tVrStri"-,'.""' Trl!? U1. ui ", m-et -0 ; South Carolina ,0; North
lli.iln.irv survey will bo mado preparatory ! Carolina, 40; Maryland, .15 ; Misrour,
.,, hMuithiL' tliu actual nmto ntul drlvlntr tlm 27 : Virgltilii, 24 ; Kentucky, 24 ; Del-
Pass lint Aitou.VD. ivo learn . lj487t nn,i tll0 s,.,u.s f nhSacliif
that ono A. H. Stevens, formerly a ( 8t.Us,Now York.l'eiiiisvlvania.Hhod.'
resident of Josephine county, and isi.,,,d, Connecticut anil New Hnmii
who will be remembered as the iiiau H,jlx, j,!lvo 0,201, or about two-t'liinN
who killed John Pardee some years I of .t. , w)w i'ho r,,,,i(i urowth ol
The woman also left.sovor.il children. u i.tquin 01.01:, far superior to mil
Not content with deserting his wife, eilage, may bo mado by dissolving
the base wretch sold everything he 1 ruc in nn'eipial quantity of strong
!!.!.. ..1.1 A...1 1..JV l.tf i'.iiuilitnii. 1.- .!.. ...1.1!.... . tlV...cll. .P nl11-1.
possibly eould, and left his family en
tirely ilestitiue. Wo hope the press
of California, whither the wretch has
gone, will pass him around. Jack
sonville News.
Man." "Wj
NO. 18.
iT m,,,. , ,.,,. , .
, ,. ,V . , """ aou I'n-fotif
"" ' ' "tlay last saya: Wo ImVO
learned sorilu partilMlltira of a brutal
'" "L '
' onlPFCtl fl'O
Ilftltc Was I
' uipvrti . i
oiii tlio lioiif.0. Sccinc the
IctCllllillCll ill Ills tiiminuo
elm ,iti.i.,t.1 ... .... ..... ill '
".i..,. vuTiij uui iiKt'H
C!lllS,,t '-'" mill Ul'SpltO llur FtntpgK'S
jiii. iilt, nun til'Silto lllTPtntpglt'R
screams, accoinnlislictl his licnd-
i ii It tit it llttltt l(t 'III Vila JX
' Vil..v .., ,.,, o, l.tj '.:r. . . i
J' J,l" i '"tC 0llt Ills WHO to it
flllllLT H. lll'.'ir 1)V. Illltl fntllO lo tlic ii
I .,.' ' , ' , .
mr it warratll a HI otlii-pr In artval
Oakcs. A sliort. linio boforu tho olfi-
t y'ttl
, .. ... - 1 - a
' urn i nil ni 11 (l a. n. ........
O- k.-.Vml.n I.K. m . .' ' "V".,VUr
UaK(;,, IOl).1Ily SIISIIl.'Ctllll wll.lt W
roitljj ,, It.t ,, co,l,l .., Up ,'mmj
llio nciglibors, Itfarihg of tlio nllnir,
turned out ami assisted all niglit in
tlio st'itieli fur him, lint up to yester
day nioriiiii; ho had not been caught.
JjrOint.tVXciti.'llllillt.l.n.Wttll. ty-s'
111 liutillllg linn down. II caught, lit-
will juolialilv sillier stiininary iiiiiisli
ifhinent for liis ilastanlly crime.
l'rotn the Jfcruhl of Satunlav we
learn that Oaks was arrested Jliuii-
i -. - . , - .
ami 1 e tverecl into ein-t.iilv p 111:1 v
inoriiing. "He had seereled liiiusetf
in the wood-.. After night eaine on
he went toCaniiilVo. 7, and thokeejf
er not being at home, took his eoat
and left a note to that olivet, and in
forming him where his place of hiding
was. The keeper, upon his return,
infoi'ined theneighbonyiinl they went
out and surrounded the place. He
attempted to make his escape, but
seeing a lille pointed at him, he con
eluded ho had better surrender. An
indictment was found against him
yesterday by tho Grand Jury."
Tiik Woolen Manufacturers' Asm
eiation of tho Northwest publish a
proximate statements of tlio number
of woolen and cotton mills in the
United States, as follows: Massachu
setts, fl:i; Pennsylvania, fil7; New
York, SOS; Idiotic Island, 'J012 ; Con
necticut. 284 ; New Hampshire, 160 ;
Illinois, 1.10; New Jersey, 110; Indi-
nun, lis; unio, in; .name, ion;
Vermont, 08 ; Michigan, 65; Iowu,
' aware. 10: Mississinni. 1 1 : Alabama.
1 11 ; Oregon, 0; Kansas, 7. Of a total
number ot .1,500, .New cmglaiitl lias
una LT
ma mi fact u res of the South
iuu i. iuiiu.au. in en w cuc-
worthy of notice.
" .
hot vinegar, adding a fourth of alco
hol and a little alum. This will keep
any length of time when placed in
cloed bottles, and will fasten horn,
wood and mother-of-pearl.