Page 8 The Skanner Portland & Seattle November 14, 2018 News By Catherine Caruso, Pa- cific Northwest Region, USDA Forest Service driana Maria Mo- rales did not grow up near any ocean. She was born and raised in Bogota, Colum- bia; a metropolis high in the Andes mountains, 8660 ft. above sea level. But technology brought the ocean closer. Every Sunday at 8 p.m., she watched Jacques Cous- teau on television, and fell in love with marine biology. Today, Morales is a district fisheries biolo- gist in Hebo, Ore., on the Siuslaw National Forest. In college, she moved to Brazil, earning a Bach- elor’s of Science degree in marine biology and a master’s degree in Bi- ological Oceanography. Then she moved to Scot- land, where she learned to speak English - and earned a second master’s degree, this one in aqua- culture. “I fell (in love) with aquaculture, cultivating fish, alligators, algae and shrimp with the idea to educate others about it” she said. After a few years work- ing California, Morales moved to Oregon eight years ago and became fascinated with the state’s salmon fisheries. “I was amazed,” she said. “I have been work- ing to improve their hab- itat since.” A Salmon isn’t the first thing many people think of when it comes to land management, but for- ests play an important role the lifecycle for the Northwest’s iconic ocean salmon, many species of which are threatened or endangered. Fallen trees create “ Oregon. “It was a perfect col- laboration between the tribes, agencies and the local community,” she said. But the Siuslaw Na- tional Forest, located on the Oregon coast, is the place this well-travelled biologist currently calls Working projects improv- ing water quality and aquat- ic habitats in-land is a good way to protect the ocean… all the waters run to the sea turbulent stream condi- tions that allow spawn- ing salmon to swim upstream to their hatch- eries without strong cur- rents sapping all their strength. The cover to hide in, gravel bars they collect, and insects they attract help young salm- on that hatch from those eggs grow and thrive. Trees also provide the shade that keeps alpine stream temperatures cool as the water runs down towards the ocean, which improves con- ditions for salmon and their eggs. As a Forest Service dis- trict fisheries biologist, Morales coordinates fish habitat improvement projects for the agency, and with its partners. Re- cently, she worked with the Umatilla Tribe on restoration work on Mit- cham Creek, in Eastern “home.” “(It) has streams, rivers and ocean… all connected with agriculture, timber, cities and rural areas,” she said. “Working proj- ects improving water quality and aquatic habi- tats in-land is a good way to protect the ocean… all the waters run to the sea,” she said. When she isn’t caring for salmon and steel- head, Morales is often be found working to share her love of the natural world with others. She leads bilingual outreach and education events for young people in an effort to open outdoor experi- ences to under-served communities, and to communicate the value of natural resources, in- cluding importance of using them rationally and preserving them for future generations. She’s PHOTO COURTESY OF USDA FOREST SERVICE Adriana Morales Makes a Difference as a Career USDA Forest Service Fisheries Biologist Adriana Morales, a fisheries biologist with the USDA Forest Service, works on a fisheries project on the Siuslaw National Forest also is a strong advocate for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education, and introducing young peo- ple to STEM concepts “ STEM is like a seed to inspire young peo- ple, to en- gage them in any pro- fessional area they want to be (in). It is opens a door in their minds and ideas. “STEM is like a seed to inspire young people, to engage them in any pro- fessional area they want to be (in). It is opens a door in their minds,” she said. Morales said she also encourages young peo- ple to consider exploring career opportunities in the sciences and natu- ral resources, including with her current employ- er, the USDA Forest Ser- vice. The agency’s intern and fellowship programs provide opportunities for students to learn and get hands-on experience in technical and scientif- ic fields, in outdoor class- rooms that offer contact with Mother Nature, while interacting with Forest Service profes- sionals knowledgeable in a diverse array of natural resources fields, she said Morales adds that while her mental image of a National Forest is one of diverse plant and animal life, the diversi- ty found in America’s culture is often miss- ing from campsites and trails on the forest she works on. The reasons are many, but enmeshed in both in historical and pres- ent-day barriers. For example, a city-dweller may lack access to a vehi- cle or public transporta- tion to rural areas. Chil- dren may be in school during the week, but have a parent who works weekends. Non-native English speakers may have trouble finding rec- reation information in a language they can read. Together, the barriers result in demograph- ics that are largely un- der-served by lands they have a right to access. “National Forest Lands are (a) place where hu- mans can (enjoy) rec- reational activities in- cluding picnic, camping, hunting, fishing, and more…. Public Lands (are) for all of us,” she said. Sharing recreational knowledge with others is a form of environmen- tal stewardship, Morales said. “Land stewardship is the conscious and re- sponsible use of the land by human activities. This is tied to the Envi- ronmental Stewardship term by Aldo Leopold… the interrelation be- tween the land, the an- imals and plants which grow upon it,” she said. “We are sharing this planet … and we need to recognize and ensure that conservation, pres- ervation and rational use of natural resourc- es needs have a balance with the interest of the society, and with other animal and plant species, because this is our legacy for future generations.” View the Community Calendar and regularly updated News Briefs for Seattle and Portland at