Page 8 The Skanner August 29, 2018 News Clyburn Calls for Black Vote in Mid-Term Elections By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire hile there’s at least a per- ceived grow- ing number of Democrats who say they want to replace Califor- nia Rep. Nancy Pelosi as the Democratic leader in the House of Represen- tatives, South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn has emerged as a favorite among his peers to be- come the first African American to hold that position. In an exclusive inter- view with the NNPA Newswire, the 25-year congressman said that, while he’s ready for the challenge, Democrats currently have much big- ger fish to fry. “The first order of busi- ness is to win the [mid- term] elections on No- vember 6,” Clyburn said. “That’s what I’ve been concentrating on.” Clyburn and Congres- sional Black Caucus Chair Cedric Richmond each told the NNPA Newswire that they’ve identified 37 districts across the country they W believe can be won by Democrats this year, which would wrest con- trol of the House from Republicans. “We feel, with the right kind of effort, we can win,” Clyburn said. Clyburn listed three keys to success this No- vember. The first key, Clyburn said, is to prioritize the Black vote; Democrats can’t afford to take the African American vote for granted. Second, the Democrats shouldn’t rely on an anti-President Donald “ I’m in- sulted the President of the Unit- ed States would den- igrate the office in this way Trump wave to get out the vote. Finally, Clyburn said that candidates must advertise in the Black Press, if they want to win in November. “We are also talking about districts where Barack Obama won twice and where Hillary Clin- ton also won, but these voters don’t turn out for the so-called ‘off-year elections,’” Clyburn said. “We can’t let these vot- ers feel like we’re taking them for granted.” Clyburn, 78, said he was recently taken aback by one candidate, who said that he could win the Black vote by running on an anti-Trump platform. “Wait one second,” Cly- burn said that he told the individual. “We can’t just go around being ‘Repub- lican-light.’ We have to be out there putting forth an alternative message, for our base, and we have to reach out to Black vot- ers and let them know we’re not taking them or any of our base for grant- ed.” To that end, Clyburn said advertising cam- paigns must largely in- clude the Black Press. “It’s very, very import- ant…Chairman Rich- mond and I have had can- didates in and we’ve been telling them that one of Cuban Music & Culture Tour 2019 January 11-18 A rare and exciting opportunity for legal cultural exchange travel to Cuba. 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Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) says that President Trump has a deep-seated hatred for people of color that manifests itself every day Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) says that President Trump has a deep-seated hatred for people of color that manifests itself every day. In this photo, ahead of the anniversary of the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2012, House Democratic leaders held a press conference to highlight the benefits of the Affordable Care Act for America’s families and small businesses. the best ways to demon- strate that you’re not taking the Black vote for granted is to advertise in the Black Press,” Clyburn said. The National Newspa- per Publishers Associa- tion (NNPA) is the oldest and largest trade group representing the Black Press, comprised of more than 200 Black-owned newspapers operating in the United States. “I’ve been in [the Black Press]. My daughter and I ran a newspaper down South, so I know that candidates tend to take Black media for granted,” Clyburn said. “They tend to judge Black media the same way they do other media and you just can’t do that, because the busi- ness model is totally dif- ferent.” Each Sunday after at- tending Morris Brown A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C., Clyburn said he and other church- goers habitually pick up the local Black-owned newspaper. “People tend to pay at- tention to the headlines, the stories and the ads in the Black Press so it’s vitally important that candidates know this,” Clyburn said. A former history teacher, Clyburn said Trump’s obsession with dismantling Obama’s leg- acy is reminiscent of tac- tics employed by Andrew Johnson to demean his predecessor, Abraham Lincoln. Johnson, who was im- peached by House, had a vision of America as a White man’s govern- ment, according to histo- rians. “If you remember, it’s the same kind of reaction Johnson had to Lincoln and I remember sitting alone once in the Oval Office with Obama and I told him that this would be the kind of reaction he could expect,” Clyburn said. “[Obama] was never going to get the kind of respect for his presi- dency that was shown to presidents before him,” Clyburn said. “The nar- rative that exists in this country is that there are certain things that Black folks are not supposed to do and one of those things is becoming the RECIPE: Easy Cheesy Burgers SHOWTIMES THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME (R) Fri-Thu: 11:5, 7:00 BLINDSPOTTING (R) Fri-Thur: 2:00, 7:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3: SUMMER VACATION (PG) Fri-Thur: 12:20, 4:50 SKYSCRAPER (PG-13) Fri-Thur: 2:15, 9:20 Week of Friday, Aug. 31 through Thursday, Sept. 6 HEREDITARY (R) Fri-Thur: 4:05, 9:05 OCEAN’S 8 (PG-13) Fri-Thur: 11:40, 6:45 SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (PG-13) Fri-Thur: 4:30 LÉON: THE PROFESSIONAL (R) Fri-Thur: 2:30, 9:30 $4 adults, $3 seniors (65+), $3 kids (12 & under) 7818 SE Stark St, Portland, OR 97215 503-252-1707 • Babysitting: Children 2 to 8 years old. Fri: shows starting between 3:30 pm and 8 pm. Sat - Sun: shows starting between 1 pm and 8 pm. $9.50 per child for the length of the movie. Call to reserve a spot, no drop ins. Serves 8 INGREDIENTS 2 packages (16 ounces each) Jennie-O Lean Ground Turkey 1 tsp kosher salt 1 cup shredded moz- zarella cheese 1 cup shredded ched- dar cheese 8 sesame seeds buns, warmed ketchup yellow mustard DIRECTIONS Heat grill or griddle to medium heat. In large bowl, gently combine ground turkey and salt. Shape ground turkey into eight balls. Cover with plastic. Mix mozzarella and cheddar to create eight piles of shredded cheese. Grill patties 12-15 min- utes, or until cooked through. Always cook to well-done (165 F) as measured by a meat thermometer. Once patties are cooked, place on alumi- num foil-lined baking sheet. Top patties with shredded cheese and broil 3-5 minutes or until cheese is bubbly. Place patties on warmed buns. Add ketchup and mustard, if desired. president of the United States and [President Trump] and his adminis- tration, feel they have to do whatever they can to wipe out any semblance that Barack Obama was ever president of the United States.” Clyburn continued: “[Trump] has a deep-seat- ed hatred for people of color and it manifests it- self every day.” Though he doesn’t sup- port or agree political- ly with former Trump aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, Clyburn said he was deeply troubled when Trump referred to her as a “low life” and a “dog.” “I’m the father of three daughters and I’m deep- ly insulted by the presi- dent of the United States referring to an African American women the way he referred to her,” he said. “Politics aside, I’m insulted that the president of the United States would denigrate the office in this way.” Clyburn continued: “The president asked an important question when he was running, ‘What do we have to lose?’ Well, we have lost dignity and the respect of the presidency, be- cause of his coarseness in the office. When you lose respect, you’ve lost about everything there is to lose.” While he still supports Pelosi, Clyburn said that if the Democrats take back the House, he’s up for the job as speaker. “I have always support- ed her, but I have always remembered a sermon I heard my father give a number of times,” Cly- burn said. “That sermon stayed with me and he said, ‘keep your lamps trimmed and burning to be ready when the bride- groom comes.’ My point is, I’ve never forgotten that sermon so I keep my lamp burning so I’m ready.”