The skanner. (Portland, Or.) 1975-2014, August 29, 2018, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6 The Skanner August 29, 2018
Arts & Entertainment
Kam’s Kapsules: Movies Opening Friday, August 31
Kin (PG-13 for violence,
intense action, sugges-
tive material, alcohol
abuse, profanity and
mature themes) Sci-fi
thriller about a recent-
ly-paroled ex-con (Jack
Reynor) who ends up on
the run with his adopted
teenage brother (Myles
Truitt) from the feds, a
vengeful criminal (James
Franco) and a horde of
otherworldly soldiers.
Cast includes Carrie
Coon, Zoe Kravitz and
Dennis Quaid.
Operation Finale (PG-
13 for mature themes,
disturbing images and
some profanity) Histori-
cal drama recreating the
top-secret Israeli mission
led by Mossad agent Pe-
ter Malkin (Oscar Isaac)
to Argentina to capture
Nazi fugitive Adolf Eich-
mann (Ben Kingsley),
the architect of the Holo-
caust. With Melanie Lau-
rent, Nick Kroll and Joe
Alwyn. (In English and
Spanish with subtitles)
Ya Veremos (PG-13 for
suggestive content and
some profanity) Com-
ing-of-age drama, set in
Mexico, about an adoles-
cent (Emiliano Aramayo)
already upset about
his parents’ (Mauricio
Ochmann and Fernan-
da Castillo) impending
divorce who suddenly
has to undergo an opera-
tion to save his eyesight.
Supporting cast includes
Erik Hayser, Paco Rueda
and Ariel Levy. (In Span-
ish with subtitles)
Active Measures (PG-
13 for violence, war
images, crude sexual
references and mature
cling Vladimir Putin’s
‘Operation Finale’
covert efforts to influ-
ence political campaigns
all around the world via
bribes, propaganda and
cyber attacks, including
the U.S.’ 2016 presidential
election,. Featuring com-
mentary by Hillary Clin-
ton, John McCain and
Sheldon Whitehouse.
Big Brother (Unrat-
ed) Martial arts drama,
set in Hong Kong, about
a schoolteacher (Don
Yen) with rusty academ-
ic skills but fists of steel
whose unconventional
approach to education
comes in handy when his
class is invaded by a mot-
ley gang of fighters. With
Joe Chen, Kang Yu and Ye
Fan. (In Cantonese and
English with subtitles)
Blood Fest (Unrated)
Horror comedy about
fright fans who flock to
a scary movie festival
only to discover that the
show’s charismatic pro-
moter (Owen Egerton)
is a psycho with a grisly,
hidden agenda. Co-star-
ring Seychelle Gabriel,
Robbie Kay and Jacob
Destination Wedding
(R for sexuality and per-
vasive profanity) Roman-
tic comedy revolving
around a couple of mis-
erable wedding guests
(Keanu Reeves and Wi-
noa Ryder) who fall for
each other at the recep-
tion. Cast includes Greg
Lucey, Ted Dubost and D.
Rosh Wright.
The Little Stranger (R
for disturbing bloody im-
ages) Suspense thriller,
set during the summer
of 1948, about a country
doctor (Domnhall Glea-
son) who encounters
more than he bargained
for when he makes a
house call to a haunted
Gothic mansion where
his mother once worked
as a maid. With Will
Poulter, Charlotte Ram-
pling and Ruth Wilson.
A Paris Education
(Unrated) Coming-of-age
drama about an aspir-
ing, young filmmaker
(Andranic Manet) who
moves from Lyon to Par-
is to study cinema only
to fall under the spell of
a charismatic classmate
(Corentin Fila). Featur-
ing Diane Rouxel, Jenna
Thiam and Sophie Ver-
beeck. (In French with
Reprisal (R for pro-
fanity and violence)
Cat-and-mouse thriller
about a bank manager
(Frank Grillo) who teams
up with an ex-cop (Bruce
Willis) to apprehend
the robber (Johnathon
Schaech) who murdered
his co-worker. Cast in-
cludes Olivia Culpo, Jesse
Pruett and Natali Yura.
Pop Star
in ‘a Lot of
By Rodney Muhumuza
Associated Press
KAMPALA, Uganda —
A pop star-turned-law-
maker is in “a lot of pain”
after being beaten while
in custody, the deputy
speaker of Uganda’s par-
liament said last week, as
dozens of top musicians
Kidjo and Chris Martin
condemned the “vicious”
Pressure was mount-
ing on the government
to free Kyagulanyi Ssent-
amu, also known as Bobi
Wine, who has emerged
as an influential critic of
See UGANDA on page 7