Page 8 The Skanner February 28, 2018 News STUDY: US Inequality Persists 50 Years After Landmark Report School segregation persists, and income inequality is worse than it was in 1968, new report says ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Barriers to equality pose threats to democracy in the U.S. as the country remains segregated along racial lines and child poverty worsens, according to study made public Tues- day that examines the nation 50 years after the release of the landmark 1968 Kerner Report. The new report blames U.S. policymakers and elected officials, saying they’re not doing enough to heed the warning on deepening poverty and inequality that was high- lighted by the Kerner Commission five decades ago and it lists areas where the country has seen “a lack of or rever- sal of progress.” “Racial and ethnic inequality is growing worse. We’re resegre- gating our housing and schools again,” former Democratic U.S. Sen. Fred Harris of Oklaho- ma, a co-editor of the new report and the last surviving member of the original Kerner Commis- sion created by President Lyndon Johnson in 1967. “There are far more peo- ple who are poor now than was true 50 years ago. Inequality of income is worse.” The new study titled “Healing Our Divided So- ciety: Investing in Amer- ica Fifty Years After the Kerner Report” says the AP PHOTO/ RUSSELL CONTRERAS By Russell Contreras Associated Press In this Monday, Feb. 19, 2018, photo, former U.S. Sen. Fred Harris, of Oklahoma, sits in his home in Corrales, N.M., and discusses his role as a member of the landmark 1968 Kerner Report looking into the urban riots of the late 1960s. A new study examining the nation 50 years after the release of the report says barriers to equality are posing threats to democracy in the U.S. as the country remains segregated along racial lines and child poverty worsens. percentage of people living in deep poverty — less than half of the federal poverty level — has increased since 1975. About 46 percent of peo- ple living in poverty in 2016 were classified as living in deep poverty — 16 percentage points higher than in 1975. And although there has been progress for Hispanic homeowner- ship since the Kerner Commission issued its report, the homeown- ership gap has widened for African Americans, the new study found. Three decades after the Fair Housing Act of 1968 passed, black homeown- ership rose by almost 6 percentage points. But those gains were wiped out from 2000 to 2015 when black homeown- ership fell 6 percentage points, the report said. The report blames the Black homeownership declines on the dispro- portionate effect that the subprime mortgage lending crisis had on Af- rican American families. In addition, gains to end school segregation were reversed because of a lack of court oversight and housing discrimi- nation, the new report said. The court oversight allowed school districts to move away from de- segregation plans and housing discrimination forced black and Latino families to move into largely minority neigh- borhoods. In 1988, for example, about 44 percent of black students went to majori- ty-white schools nation- ally. Only 20 percent of black students do so to- day, the report said. The result of these gaps means that people of col- or and those struggling with poverty are con- fined to poor areas with inadequate housing, un- derfunded schools and law enforcement that views those residents with suspicion, the re- port said. Those facts are bad for the whole country, and communities have a moral responsibility to address them now, said Harris, who now lives in the village of Corrales near Albuquerque. The new report calls on the federal government and states to push for more spending on early childhood education and a $15 national minimum wage by 2024. It also de- mands more regulatory oversight over lenders to prevent predatory lending, community po- licing that works with nonprofits in minority neighborhoods and more job training programs in an era of automation and emerging technologies. “We have to have a massive outcry against the state of our public policies,” said the Rev. William J. Barber II, a Goldsboro, North Caro- lina pastor who is lead- ing a multi-ethnic “Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival” next month in multiple states. “System- ic racism is something we don’t talk about. Sys- temic poverty is some- thing we don’t talk about. We need to now.” The late President Johnson formed the orig- inal 11-member Kerner Commission as Detroit was engulfed in a rag- ing race riot in 1967. Five days of violence over ra- cial tensions and police violence left 33 blacks and 10 whites dead, and more than 1,400 build- ings burned. More than 7,000 people were arrest- ed. That summer, more than 150 cases of civil un- rest erupted across the United States. Harris and other commission mem- bers toured riot-torn cities and interviewed black and Latino resi- dents and white police officers. The commission rec- ommended that the fed- eral government spend billions to attack struc- tural racism in housing, education and employ- ment. But Johnson, an- gry that the commission members did not praise his anti-poverty pro- grams, shelved the re- port and refused to meet with members. Alan Curtis, president of the Milton S. Eisen- hower Foundation and co-editor of the new re- port, said this study’s attention to systemic racism should be less startling to the nation given the extensive re- search that now calls the country’s discriminato- ry housing and crimi- nal justice systems into question. Unlike the 1968 find- ings, the new report in- cludes input from Afri- can-Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and women who are scholars and offer their own rec- ommendations. “The average American thinks we progressed a lot,” said Kevin Wash- burn, University of New Mexico law professor and citizen of the Chicka- saw Nation of Oklahoma who shared his obser- vations for the report. “But there are still some places where Native peo- ple live primitive lives. They don’t have access to things such as good water, electricity and plumbing.” Like the 1968 report, the new study also crit- icizes media organiza- tions for their coverage of communities of color. News companies could become desensitized to inequality if they lack diverse newsrooms, and they might not view the issue as urgent or news- worthy, said journalist Gary Younge, who con- tributed to the report. “It turns out that some- times ‘dog bites man’ re- ally is the story,” Younge said. “And we keep miss- ing it.” Reducing Portland’s Carbon Footprint A career you can be proud of. Being a carpenter isn’t just a job. It’s a way of life. We’re devoted to strengthening the lives of our members with steady work, wealth and personal growth. We take a stand for our members and all workers. We work together to lead the building industry in safety, training and compensation. We create rich lives for our members and partners. To learn more about becoming a union carpenter, go to PORTLAND: 1636 East Burnside, Portland, OR 97214 | 503.261.1862 HEADQUARTERS: 25120 Pacific Hwy S, #200, Kent, WA 98032 | 253.954.8800 More than 20,000 members in the Pacific Northwest. 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