November 1, 2017 The Skanner Page 7 Arts & Entertainment FILM REVIEW: Holocaust Survivors Return to Hungarian Hometown in ‘1945’ By Kam Williams For The Skanner News I t is Aug. 12, 1945. Japan is reeling and on the verge of surrender in the wake of atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshi- ma and Nagasaki. With Germany having surren- dered to the Allies back in the spring, Europe is already in postwar mode, though not exactly at peace, as we are about to learn. For, this bright summer day is when Samuel Her- mann (Ivan Angelus) and his son (Marcell Nagy) disembark from a train that has just rolled into their rural Hungarian hometown. Oddly, their arrival doesn’t inspire the locals to celebrate the fact that a couple of their Jewish neighbors, carted away by the Nazis, had miraculously survived the Holocaust. Instead, the easily identifi able Orthodox pair are greeted with suspicion, because their property had long since been appropriated by somebody in the tight- knit town. So, as they load their luggage onto a horse-drawn-carriage, “ nity, warning, “They’re here! Jews are back!” Among his ports-of-call is the drugstore the Her- manns had been forced to leave behind, which is now in his own son’s (Bence Tasnadi) hands. That is the compel- ling point of departure of 1945, one of the most intriguing Holocaust The...Orthodox pair are greeted with suspicion, be- cause their property had long since been appropriated the village notary (Peter Rudolf ) directs the driv- er (Miklos B. Szekely) to go very slowly. The delay buys him the time to ride ahead and thereby serve as a latter-day Paul Revere to the rest of the commu- dramas to come along in years. Aft er all, it ad- dresses a question gener- ally swept under the rug by historians, namely: what kind of reception awaited concentration camp internees who opt- ed to repatriate rather Kam says ‘1945’ is “one of the most intriguing Holocaust dramas to come along in years” than emigrate to Israel? Directed by Ferenc Torok (Moscow Square), the fi lm is based on “Homecoming,” a short story by Gabor T. Szan- to. The picture was shot in black & white, which serves to amplify the so- lemnity of the Hermanns as they walk in silence behind the deliberate- ! e t a d e h t e v a S ly-paced buggy. Their dignifi ed behav- ior cuts such a sharp contrast with that of the suddenly-alarmed citi- zens, most of whom re- spond by closing ranks and wondering how many other “interlopers” might soon assert claims to land they’d taken title to legally. A powerful parable of Biblical pro- portions, illustrating both man’s inhumanity to man, as well as his ca- pacity to forgive, if not necessarily to forget. Excellent  Unrated In Black & White In Hungarian and Rus- sian with subtitles –NEW– LOCAT ION F oundation 32nd annual MARTIN LUTHER JAN. 15 2018 KING, JR. 8:30AM-10:30AM Breakfast keynote speaker Cheryl grace RED LION ON THE RIVER – JANZTEN BEACH SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF U.S. STRATEGIC COMMUNITY ALLIANCES AND CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT FOR NIELSEN 909 N HAYDEN ISLAND DR, PORTLAND, OR Cheryl Grace is the visionary behind Nielsen’s African-American Consumer Report. This award-winning report led to the company’s historic creation of Nielsen’s Diversity Insights Series. Each report focuses on the rapidly growing African-American, Hispanic, or Asian consumer base. Cheryl is known for her engaging and refreshing perspective about why we buy what we buy. Tickets on sale at #SKBreakfast H Health & Services Let’s turn the answers on.