Page 8 The Skanner June 14, 2017 News Arizona Leaders Call For Removal Of Confederate Monuments State includes six monuments to Confederate soldiers – most erected within the last 20 years By Floyd Alvin Galloway Arizona Informant/ NNPA Member The Arizona Confed- erate monuments con- troversy has risen once again. Two years ago, it was over the naming of the Jefferson Davis High- way in the Southeast Val- ley. Other cities across the country in Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, and Maryland have or are in the process of removing Confederate monuments from prominent public lands. “ There are six monu- ments around the state honoring Confederate soldiers, who died in the Civil War including one at the State Capitol’s Wesley Bolin Plaza and Arizona Confederate Veterans Monument in Greenwood Memory Lawn Cemetery in Phoe- nix, erected in 1999 by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Other locations include the Memorial Cemetery area of the Southern Ar- izona Veterans’ Ceme- tery in Sierra Vista. The This is a slap in the face of all Americans, as those who se- ceded, were at that time seced- ing from the Union, they be- came traitors to our country Metro-Phoenix Black leaders held a news con- ference at the Arizona Informant office June 5 to call on Arizona Gov- ernor Doug Ducey (R) to remove monuments hon- oring those who were at war with the country and pushed to protect slavery and hate. monument was erected in 2010 to honor the 21 soldiers interred in that cemetery who served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War and later fought in Indian wars in Arizona as mem- bers of the U.S. Army; a road named the Jeffer- son Davis Highway in the far East Valley near Apache Junction, Pica- cho Peak, known as the western-most battle in the Civil War; and a mon- ument at the four graves of the only Confederate soldiers killed in action, by Native Americans in Arizona, Dragoon Springs stagecoach sta- tion east of Tucson. “The confederacy in their articles of succes- sion, wrote that they are protecting states rights; states rights to protect the peculiar institution of slavery,” explained Rev. Reginald Walton, the pastor of Phil- lips Memorial CME Church and president of Black Lives Matter of Greater Phoenix. The monuments are a tool of terror, the Black leaders stated. “This is a slap in the face of all Americans, as those who seceded, were at that time seced- ing from the Union, they became traitors to our country. To have monu- ments on state land hon- oring this institution of slavery is honoring ter- rorism,” noted Rev. Wal- We honor the many accomplishments of African Americans. It is our primary goal as a labor union to better the lives of all people working in the building trades through advocacy, civil demonstration, and the long-held belief that workers deserve a “family wage” - fair pay for an honest day’s work. A family wage, and the benefits that go with it, not only strengthens families, but also allows our communities to become stronger, more cohesive, and more responsive to their citizens’ needs. 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Reginald Bolding, who represents District 27, read a letter he sent to the Gov. Ducey, encour- aging the governor and the Arizona State Board of Geographic Names and State Legislature, to put words into action this time. Two years ago, Rep. Bolding sent a request to Gov. Ducey asking the governor to take action and strike the name of Jefferson Davis Memo- rial Highway from the portion of U.S. 60 in the east valley, following the horrific murder of nine Black church wor- shippers at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., by white supremacist Dylan Roof, who used the confeder- ate symbols and ideology as a justification for the killing spree. “Today, I call on you, again, to stand on the right side of American history,” said Bolding, sending a direct message to Gov. Ducey. Bolding asked for im- mediate action on this issue. Cloves Campbell Jr., co-publisher of the Ar- izona Informant, said that, the biggest issue discussed at the press conference was doing what’s right. “This issue of having monuments and me- morializing things that are against everything and principals the Unit- ed States constitution stands for is something we don’t need to remind- ed of,” said Campbell. “Let’s not honor some- thing that is wrong. Hav- ing these monuments are a slap in the face of not just African Americans, but every Arizonan.” “For many African Americans, the symbol of the confederate flag is a symbol of racial terror- ism,” said Dr. Ann Hart, president of the Marico- pa County branch of the NAACP. She said the flag and monuments are a symbol of resistance to the civil rights of Black people. “[The confederate flag] represents years of lynching, Jim Crow and Black suffering.” Symbols honoring the Civil War-era confedera- cy should not be on land paid for by state taxes, Hart added. “The NAACP vehe- mently opposes any con- federate monuments on public property,” said SHOWTIMES KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD (PG-13) Fri-Thur: 4:05, 9:15 THE LOVERS (R) Fri-Thur: 11:45, 7:15 THE BOSS BABY (PG) Fri-Thur: 11:15, 3:20 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (PG) Fri-Thur: 11:25, 4:35 Roy Tatem Jr., the pres- ident of the East Valley branch of the NAACP. “We call on Gov. Ducey to take immediate ac- tion. We do not tolerate him passing the buck to a board that he appoints, to a board he has influ- ence over.” The group says that the governor needs to show leadership on this issue. The leaders said they want to know exactly how the governor feels on this issue. The civil rights and community leaders asked: “Does Governor Ducey support the idea of a terrorist group and its symbols, the Confed- erate Army, and its de- fense of slavery and hate on public land?” Tatem called on Gov. Ducey to be a leader in the community and rep- resent all Arizonans and not just a specific group, like the Daughters of the Confederacy. Tatem continued: “These monuments are not only offensive to the descendants of African slaves, they are offensive to any American who celebrates the principles of liberty and justice on which our nation was founded.” The Week of Friday, June 16 through Thursday, June 22, 2017 T2 TRAINSPOTTING (R) Fri-Thur: 2:05, 6:45 GET OUT (R) Fri-Thur: 1:50, 7:30, 9:25 FANTASTIC MR. FOX (PG) Fri-Thur: 1:25, 5:30, 9:45 $4.00 adults, $3.00 senior citizens (65+), $3.00 for kids (12 & under) 7818 SE Stark St, Portland, OR 97215 503-252-1707 • Babysitting: Children 2 to 8 years old. Fri: shows starting between 3:30 pm and 8 pm. Sat - Sun: shows starting between 1 pm and 8 pm. $9.50 per child for the length of the movie. Call to reserve a spot, no drop ins.