Page 8 The Skanner CAREERS EDITION June 7, 2017 (BSN) degree program and the new ABSN program. Concordia graduates pass the national licensure exam at a rate of 91.67 percent, well above the national average pass rate of 83.7 percent, and higher than any other private university in Oregon.  Oregon is the fourth highest paying state for reg- istered nurses, with an average salary for BSN and ABSN-educated RNs of $83,800, according to the Unit- ed States Bureau of Labor Statistics. According to re- cent labor trend reports, health care is leading the job growth and, within the sector, nurses are in highest demand.   According to the Oregon Employment Department, Oregon is the eighth fastest expanding job market in the nation and health care leads the way. Portland’s health care sector is strong and growing, with the de- mand for nurses higher than ever, in part due to the rapidly aging baby boomer population, as well as re- cently expanded access to care under health care re- form. According to recent labor trend reports, health care is leading the growth and, within the sector, nurses are in highest demand.   To learn more visit edu or call 1-866-892-5321. AG Rosenblum’s Student Debt Bill Passes out of Oregon House, Moves to Governor’s Desk The Oregon House today passed the Attorney Gen- eral’s bill designed to help Oregon’s students and their families better understand their education PHOTO COURTESY OF STATE OF OREGON CAREERS Briefs cont’d from pg 7 related debt obliga- tions. The proposed legislation, Senate Bill 253, would re- quire Oregon col- leges and universi- ties to send students annual, easy-to-un- derstand letters ex- plaining the scope of their federal educa- tional debt. The bill already passed the Senate unanimously and will now move to The Oregon House has passed the Governor’s desk. Under the pro- Attorney General Ellen Ronsblum’s bill posed legislation, designed to help Oregon’s students every student who better understand student debt. receives a federal educational loan will annually receive an estimate of the total amount of federal loans the student has tak- en out, and the total potential payoff amount over the life of the loan. Students will also receive an estimat- ed monthly payment applicable after graduation. In 2015, roughly 63 percent of students graduating from Oregon’s colleges and universities had educa- tion related debt, averaging $26,000. Similar laws passed in other states have had promis- ing results. Indiana University saw a roughly 16 per- cent reduction in student borrowing, which account- ed for $44 million in debt savings, when they started sending annual student debt letters during the 2012- 2013 academic year. Since then, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Washington have passed similar legislation. Unemployment Rates Hit Record Lows in 3 States WASHINGTON (AP) — Solid hiring nationwide led unemployment rates to touch record lows in three U.S. states last month. Unemployment rates declined in 10 states in April, increased in one — Massachusetts — and held rela- tively stable in the other 39, the Labor Department said Friday. A significant number of the job gains occurred in nine states, led by Texas, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Indiana was the only state to see a signifi- cant decrease in jobs last month. Arkansas, Colorado and Oregon reported the low- est unemployment rates since 1976. Colorado’s rate, at 2.3 percent, was the nation’s lowest. Those states’ jobless rates fell because more resi- dents found work. In some cases, the rate falls when those out of work stop looking and are no longer counted as unemployed. All told, 19 states had unemployment rates lower than the national average of 4.4 percent. Hawaii, New Hampshire, North Dakota and South Dakota each had jobless rates below 3 percent. The highest unemploy- ment rate was New Mexico at 6.7 percent, while Alas- ka had the second highest at 6.6 percent. Nevada, Hawaii and North Dakota enjoyed the stronger percentage job gains last month, while In- diana experienced a loss of 11,300 jobs, or a decline of 0.4 percent. Across the country, employers added 211,000 jobs in March. Hiring has averaged 174,000 jobs in the past three months, close to last year’s pace. The unemployment rate has tumbled to 4.4 percent from 4.8 percent in January.