March 22, 2017 The Skanner Page 11 Bids & Classifi ed Advertising deadlines 12:00 Noon Monday Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Techies cont’d from pg 9 fore.” If all politics is person- al, as the saying goes, the moment it got person- al for the tech industry was when the Trump administration imposed its initial travel ban on immigrants and refugees from seven majority Muslim nations. The in- dustry prides itself on its openness to immigrants, who comprise about one-quarter of the U.S. technology and science workforce and include the founders of iconic in- stitutions. Nearly 100 tech com- panies, including Goo- gle, Facebook and Uber, fi led a court brief urging suspension of the ban, while Google co-founder Sergey Brin, a Russian immigrant, joined pro- tests at San Francisco International Airport. That was followed by an unprecedented compa- nywide walkout at Goo- gle and now, on March 14, nationwide rallies are planned for a “Tech Stands Up” day of pro- test. “People in Silicon Val- ley, it’s really hard to get them excited about things that aren’t techni- cal,” said Anita Rosen, a technology project man- ager who has started an activist group in the Val- ley suburb of Mountain View. “But everything that Trump says is the opposite of what we be- lieve. He hates technolo- gy. He hates foreigners.” The morning aft er the election, Jesse Pickard convened the daily meet- ing at the technology fi rm he runs, Elevate. He could see the fear and heartbreak in the faces of his staff of 21, some of whom are legal immigrants. He tried to inspire them to fi ght for all the things that made them fi rst fall in love with the United States. Then he set about doing that himself. Pickard wondered if the door-knocking he’d done for Hillary Clinton had been the right use of his talents. “I didn’t feel I was having the impact I could have if I was mean- ingfully using my design skills,” he said. And so Pickard launched DeBug Politics, a series of hackathons where teams of soft ware engineers create apps to fi ght Trump and get more people involved in politics. Winning prod- ucts include a Chrome browser extension that points viewers to news that doesn’t match their ideological viewpoint, and a tool that allows people to urge followers on social media to con- tact elected representa- tives. Pickard’s company is based out of a three-sto- ry converted brewery in San Francisco’s trendy South of Market district. Sitting at a picnic table on the rooft op deck, where the company chef some- times serves employees lunch and dinner, Pick- ard acknowledged that tech workers generally had a protected life. Read the rest of this story at Community Business Directory To place your ad, email or go to and click on the “Ads” menu Save the date! Wake of Vanport Screening April 30, 2017 • Tickets announced at CONVENTION SALES COORDINATOR This position provides administrative support to the Con- vention Sales team, whose primary focus is to bring con- vention business to Portland. The position requires strong Microsoft Office skills, attention to detail, data input, pro- fessional communication skills, and the ability to perform consistently in a fast-paced, multi-task environment with frequent interruptions. Knowledge of the hospitality in- dustry is necessary. The position closes at 4:00 pm on March 31, 2017. To apply visit http://www.travelportland. com/about-us/jobs/ 3-29-17 JOB TITLE: PLUMBER City of Portland, Parks & Recreation is seeking applicants for Plumber. The position performs highly skilled journey level work including installing, maintaining and repairing pipes, fi ttings, fi xtures and other plumbing equipment used for water distribution in commercial, institutional and industrial buildings. The City is offering an optional information meeting for this recruitment please see the full announcement for details. Please visit our website at for the complete position description, required minimum qualifi cations and applica- tion process. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 3-22-17 REQUEST FOR BIDS METRO Metro Regional Center Roof Replacement RFB 3306 INSURANCE CASA For Children is hir- ing Supervisor for Port- land office, $40K, good benefi ts. Social work background preferred. Apply w-resume/cover ltr jobs@casahelpskids. org. Deadline 3/31/17. Several exciting oppor- tunities are available at SAIF! reers 3-22-17 3-29-17 HIRING DELIVERY DRIVER Weekly North Portland newspaper is seeking a driver to distribute the weekly publication in the Metro Portland and Greater Vancouver areas as well as other duties. Must be dependable and possess a valid driver’s license with no previous accident or moving citation and may have to submit to a random drug test. Contact (503) 285.5555. 1-25-17 Closing Date/Time: Monday 4/10/17 4:30 PM Pacifi c Time Salary: $30.18 – $33.79 Hourly ADVERTISING Placing an ad is easy at SUPERVISOR Metro, a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the Metro Charter, locat- ed at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is hereby requesting sealed bids to replace the Roof on the Metro Regional Center. Sealed bids are due no later than 2:00 p.m., April 26, 2017 in Metro’s business offices at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, At- tention: Julie Hoffman, Procurement Analyst, RFB 3306. Bids will be opened publicly at that time. Contractor is to provide all equipment, labor and materials necessary for the removal and replacement of the existing 38,000s.f. roof of the main Metro Regional Center (MRC) building, attached Daycare Facility and two (2) Plaza Café struc- tures, as defi ned in solicitation document. A voluntary Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for all potential prime and sub-contractors on March 24, 2017, at 2:00 pm, in the main lobby of the Metro Regional Center, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736. Interested sub-contractors are also invited. Solicitation documents can be viewed and downloaded from the Oregon Pro- curement Information Network (ORPIN) at http://orpin. Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is deemed in the public interest. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and spe- cifi cally encourages minority, women-owned and emerg- ing small businesses to access and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services. Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s), employee or applicant for employment based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, reli- gion, disability, political affiliation or marital status. Metro fully complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. For more information, or to obtain a Title VI Complaint Form, see 3-22-17 We honor the many accomplishments of African Americans. It is our primary goal as a labor union to better the lives of all people working in the building trades through advocacy, civil demonstration, and the long-held belief that workers deserve a “family wage” - fair pay for an honest day’s work. A family wage, and the benefi ts that go with it, not only strengthens families, but also allows our communities to become stronger, more cohesive, and more responsive to their citizens’ needs. Our family wage agenda refl ects our commitment to people working in the building trades, and to workers everywhere. In this small way, we are doing our part to help people achieve the American Dream. This dream that workers can hold dear regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, creed, or religious beliefs. INVITATION FOR BIDS KITSAP TRANSIT RFP #17-563 TRANSMISSIONS Kitsap Transit, the public transportation provider in Kitsap County is requesting bids for the rebuilding of transmis- sions. REALTORS Kitsap Transit reserves the right to reject any and all bids without cause and to waive any informalities or irregu- larities. Copies of the Invitation for Bids may be obtained by con- tacting Kitsap Transit at 360-478-6220, or at 60 Washing- ton Ave., Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337, or email at Mailed or hand-delivered sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. PST on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at Kit- sap Transit’s main administration office, 60 Washington Ave., Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337. Kitsap Transit, in accordance with Title VI of the Civ- il Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat., 252.42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations De- partment of Transportation, subtitle A, of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the DOT issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifi es all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any con- tract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disad- vantaged business enterprises will be afforded full op- portunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an award. 3-22-17 Pacifi c Northwest Regional Council of Carpenters Representing more than 5,000 construction workers in Oregon State. Do you want to know more about becoming a Union carpenter? Go to PORTLAND: 1636 East Burnside, Portland, OR 97214 503.261.1862 | 800.974.9052 HEADQUARTERS: 25120 Pacifi c Hwy S, Ste 200, Kent, WA 98032 253.954.8800 | 800.573.8333