Page 4 The Skanner January 11, 2017 Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The King Letter and Government Surveillance By The Final Call Special to the NNPA T he disclosure in 2014 that a re- searcher found an unedited copy of an infamous FBI letter sent to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., may have taken some by surprise and may have left the mainstream me- dia gasping in shock. But these responses be- tray a woeful ignorance that exists among the American public and the media’s failure to prop- “ is a reminder that the citizenry of any country needs to ardently watch the watchers. While FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was acting in the name of protecting the vital security inter- ests of the United States, he was actually acting to protect White suprem- acy and to ensure the survival of White pow- er. While personnel has changed and there are even Black faces in high places make no mistake that systemic White su- premacy still exists. “King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 34 days in which to do it (this exact number has been select- ed for a specific reason, it has definite practical sig- nificance). You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy, ab- normal fraudulent self is bared to the nation,” the letter warned. According to research- er Beverly Gage, who found the letter in the personal papers of Mr. While FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was act- ing in the name of protecting the vital security interests of the United States, he was actually acting to protect White supremacy erly and clearly address government abuses and the targeting of civil rights and Black Power movement leaders and organizations. This sordid and dis- gusting episode in U.S. intelligence activity isn’t important for purely his- torical reasons. With the ever-expanding security state inside America and the continued erosion of civil liberties, the letter “No person can over- come the facts, not even a fraud like yourself. Lend your sexually psychot- ic ear to the enclosure. You will find yourself and in all your dirt, filth, evil and moronic talk exposed on the record for all time. . . . Listen to yourself, you filthy, ab- normal animal. You are on the record,” said letter from the FBI to Dr. King written in 1964. Hoover, the FBI was monitoring Dr. King and planting listening devic- es around him in 1963, unhappy with his close- ness to a White fundrais- er and Communist and criticism of FBI failures to protect Black lives in the South. The letter was also de- signed “to try to fracture movements and pit lead- ers against one another,” she added. After passage of 1964 civil rights legislation, Ms. Gage noted in the New York Times, Mr. Hoover labeled Dr. King “the most notorious liar in the country.” Ms. Gage believes a Hoover dep- uty actually wrote and had the letter sent to Dr. King. The “debate over how much the government should know about our private lives has nev- er been more heated: Should intelligence agencies be able to sweep our email, read our texts, track our phone calls, lo- cate us by GPS? Much of the conversation swirls around the possibility that agencies like the N.S.A. or the F.B.I. will use such information not to serve national securi- ty but to carry out per- sonal and political ven- dettas. King’s experience reminds us that these are far from idle fears, conjured in the fevered minds of civil libertar- ians. They are based in the hard facts of history,” Ms. Gage noted. “Imagine Facebook chats, porn viewing his- tory, emails, and more made public to discredit in 2014 that a researcher found an unedited copy of an infamous FBI letter sent to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader who threatens the status quo, or used to blackmail a reluctant target into becoming an FBI informant. These are not far-fetched ideas. They are the reality of what happens when the surveillance state is al- lowed to grow out of control, and the full King letter, as well as current intelligence community practices illustrate that reality richly,” added the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which seeks to defend civil liberties and combat government secrecy. But the targeting of Dr. King was not an iso- lated incident but part of a concerted U.S. gov- ernment effort to derail the Black struggle and demand for freedom, jus- tice and equality.