June 15, 2016 The Skanner Page 7 Arts & Entertainment BOOK REVIEW: ‘Blood Brothers’ Tells Story of How Film cont’d from pg 6 Cassius Clay Became Muhammed Ali By Kam Williams For The Skanner News “Blood Brothers: The Fa- tal Friendship between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X” By Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith Basic Books Hardcover, $28.99 392 pages, Illustrated ISBN: 978-0-465-07970-4 “[This book] is the sto- ry of how Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali and the central role Mal- colm X played in his life. It is a tale of friendship and brotherhood, love and deep afection. It is also a story of deceit, be- trayal, and violence--in- side and outside the ring- -during a troubled time. ...Malcolm’s life was in danger, when Elijah Muham- mad threat- ened to cast him outside the Na- tion of Islam... Malcolm had no doubt that someone in- side the Nation wanted him dead... Only ten days ater they cel- ebrated the boxer’s cham- pionship victo- ry over Sonny Liston, Cassius stopped tak- ing Malcolm’s calls... Once Muhammad Ali sided with Elijah, “ ated with the Nation of Islam and the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. Furthermore, Malcolm X played a pivotal role in the brash, young boxer’s conversion, befriending him while inculcating him with the Nation’s controversial interpre- tation of the religion. As Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith put it, “Malcolm X molded Cassius Clay into Mu- hammad Ali,” and “Un- der Malcolm’s tutelage, he embraced the world’s stage, emerging as an international symbol of black pride and black independence.” Trouble is Malcolm would be- that he issued an “edict that all Muslims cease contact with Malcolm.” Opting to obey the order, Muhammad Ali proceeded to throw his former mentor under the proverbial bus, de- claring, “Malcolm X and anybody else who attacks or talks about at- tacking Elijah Muham- mad will die.” And sure enough, soon thereater, on Febr. 21, 1965, Mal- colm was assassinated by several members of the Nation of Islam. “Turning my back on Malcolm was one of the mistakes that I most re- gret in my life,” Muham- mad would ultimately Opting to obey the order, Muhammad Ali proceeded to throw his former mentor un- der the proverbial bus, declaring, ‘Malcolm X and anybody else who attacks or talks about attacking Elijah Muhammad will die’ Malcolm knew... that los- ing Ali’s cover might cost him his life.” —Excerpted from the Preface (pages xvi) M ost people are probably un- aware that long before he became heavyweight champ and dropped his slave name Cassius Clay, Muhammad Ali had already become infatu- come disillusioned with the Nation of Islam soon thereater, and let it in 1964 to start his own sect, Muslim Mosque, Inc. He hoped to maintain a relationship with his increasingly-popular protege, but that was not to be. For, Elijah Mu- hammad was apparent- ly so unhappy about the loss of his organization’s national spokesperson admit years later. A fas- cinating deconstruction of the fractured friend- ship of the most-revered, African-American Mus- lim icons. already athletic enough, her initial challenge rests in just learning the steps and perfecting the choreography. Mean- while, a side beneit is that she gets to enjoy the sort of female camarade- rie she’s missed by being immersed in a macho sport dominated by guys. Unfortunately, Toni “ has managed to make a decent movie on a mi- cro-budget. Short on dialogue, long on atmospherics, “The Fits” feels like a solid student lick that hasn’t quite been leshed out to feature-length format. Nevertheless, future star Royalty Hightower’s in- spired performance as ... an ethereal, coming-of-age drama efectively exploring a tentative tweener’s rigor- ous rites-of-passage still has a hard time ind- ing acceptance by the tight-knit group of girls. And that endeavor is further frustrated when her teammates start suf- fering from mysterious fainting spells. Will the newcomer be fully em- braced, or might she be blamed for this inexpli- cable development? So unfolds “The Fits,” an ethereal, coming-of- age drama efectively exploring a tentative tweener’s rigorous rites-of-passage. The movie marks the prom- ising directorial debut of Anna Rose Holmer who the protagonist, here, is reminiscent of Kerry Washington’s in her irst picture, “Our Song,” a similarly-modest, ghet- to-based production. A mellow meditation on a beautiful little Black girl beginning to bloom! Good HH Unrated . Running time: 72 min. View movie trailers at TheSkanner.com WHOLESALE PRICES • OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Specials for June 13-18, 2106 When were out, WE'RE OUT! 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