Hi OREGON STATESMAN. SoWm. Ofqvn. Thursday Morning. February W. H PAGE NOT May Rye Slips 31 Cents After Steady Trend CHICAGO, Feb, 27 -().- After holding at steady to firm prices most of the day. May rye slipped bout 3'j rents a bushel in the fin si minutes of trading today, finishing the sewijUt with an ave rage loss of arfund 2 cenU a bukhel. Despite the sixth consecutive nickel limit setback for the grain at Winnipeg, biokers bid the price around ll rents upward at the opening and held frac- Serial For People Who Work-What Would You Do sickness or accident suddenly cut off IF your income from salary or wages? Would a check for $210 00 A guaranteed income to you Be of j merest to you? Ifso calW990 ask for Greer The Aetna Life Insurance Co. Representative Is Van M. Greer, Insuranre Agent 131 Pacific Bildg : Salem. Oregon tional advances most of the time against" m a derate liquidation which uncovered some additional stop loss selling. Buyers of rye hesitate to make purchase due to the fact that the time is drawing near when the ceiling of $1.44 cents will be imposed on the May delivery un less the OPA revises its order, said James E. Bennett and Com pany. Wheat, corn and barley firrih ed again at ceilings of $1.80 Vi. ll.lSVs and $1.22. Oats were unchanged to V cent higher than yesterday's close. May 81 -cent ceiling, and rye was: unchanged to 2 off. May $2.144-. - Table of Coastal Tides Times computed for Tan. Or.. Sty ttao U. S Coast and Geodetic Survey for The Ores on Statesman. February Tima IS 1:44 a m. 11 Ail p.m Hiirh Water I 49 Low Tima Water 1:50 am. S f 5-01 p.m. -0 J 411 Leaders to Speak on Radio "Club Work Serving the Com munity is the 4-JFt topic for dis cussion over KALE Pay Dirt pro gram Wednesday morning from :30 to 7 o'clock by Mr. Roy Krasch, a 4-H club leader in the Auburn community. Burton Hut ton, KALE agricultural program manager and James Bishop, coun ty club agent. Wednesday morning during National 4-1. Club week, March 2-10, Milton St John, Gervais, will discuss by transcription over "Pay Dirt? program producing food and fibre for home and mar ket, Bishop said. OPA VIOLATION CHARGED TACOMA, Feb. 21-(P)-Six Ta comans were arraigned here to day before US. Commissioner Stuart Eliott on charges of con spiracy to violate federal meat price regulations. Phono S9S5 1 S3 S. Liberty Ray E. Morrow THE MORROW COMPANY Radio-Electronic Factory Service for AHMoIcm of Homo and Auto Radios Parts for All Makes and Modal Tubes and Batteries of Every Kind SALES" and SERVICE Motorola for Home and Auto Packard-Bell and Clarion. Radios - Pbilco Auto Radios New York Stock Quotations By the Associated Press - J NEW YORK. Feb. 17 Ajl Today closing quotation: A I Chem St D.ve . 191 .Gen. Food 52 Radio Coip American Can ... 99 lUen. Motors . 711.' Ravonier I 24 Am Pom Mc U 14' j Coodvrar Tt SI '. Rayonier pM . 3Is Am. Tel at Tel 191 Ct North pfd 57'. Reynolds iMt 33'4 Anaconda 49 Int Harvest MVSafewav j 2'i Atchison M jlnt Paper p(d 113 Sears Roobuck 40. Bendtx Avia . 14 J. Manvllle 142 ISinclair II 18', Beth Steel ' Krnnefotl . 43'',So. Paella? 99 Boeing Air . 2 Xoni Bell A M', Stan Brands ... 43. Canadian Pac 41', Maytag . K't Slin Oil Cal 42". Calif Pack SO' Miami Copper IS. tew-Warner Cane J 1 42S Mont Ward .. T9',tudrbkrr Chrysler .. .. 122 . Nash Kelvin 22 (Sun. Minting IS', Com with m 4 ,Nat Dairy 40 Union Oil' 23'i Com Edison M'i'NY (antral tt lUn. Pacific H7 Cona. Vullee 2S. North Am Co .J M'iUJn. A IT I inn 44z Cont Iaa . 53 Northern Pac Vtln. Aircnaft 32 Crown Zel 31 Pac Am Tnh 17 1u. S. Steel BI. Curttas Wl . t! Pac Ga Elec 42i!Warner Bros 33, Douglas Air .... 93 P. T St T 14S I Went El Mfg ... 34, Dupont Du Ne 194 Pan American . 12. Wonlworth 52 Gen Electric 44'i Penney J C , , .. 33 i Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Feb. 17 -AP) Butterfal First quality, maacium of a of 1 per cent acidity, delivered in Portland. 62-i2'ic; premium quality., maximum of .35 of l pr cent acidity. 43-5.Vc. valley route and country point.. 2c leaa than first or 90-90' . Cheese Selling price to Portland I Better -.:; oau ana vrtcn. retailers: Ore (an tripleU. 33 13c: loaf, mixed hay. vallev growers price. $24; lb: lambs AA. 2Sc: A 24',c: B 22',rc: C. 30c: mutton-fancy A. 13 l-4c; M. 12c; R grade. 8-10c: beef-AA, 21.c: A. 20 3-4c; B. II 3-4c: (I. 1 3-4; canner and cutteT, 13'i-Mc. canner and gutter bulls. 14e. Cascara Baik Dry 'stock. IOc lb. Wool Covet oment control. Mohiir IM. 12-monHth. 45c lb Hay - Wholesale rhspnvrnts: alfalfa. 34 21c lb : basic price triplets to whole salers. 28 3c; oal. s.se. . Eggs To retailers: AA grade, large. 4-Hr. A large. 43c; medium. 30c: small t pullet . 34c. Eggs Purchases from farmers current receipts. 35-36c: buy en pay 3-10c doz. below celling price nn others. 'Butter AA prints. 31-51 'jc: car tons. S.-M'-c: A grade prints. &0-Slc: cartons. 91-93c; B grade prints. 90 lc. Rabbits Government ceiling : aver age country killed to retailers. 44c.! live price to producers. 33-34c lb. I Turkeys Basic buying price, dreaa- I ad basis: hens. 352-X2c lb: toms. 1 30 2-31 2c lb; for toms net at farms Onions Green California clover hav. 121 baled on farms Chickens Buying price of whole salers: Broilers. I', to 2 lbs . 20c; 2 to 3, lbs., 24c: roasters over 3'j lbs . 25c; colored hens. 22c: Lee'wrn hens. 15c: roosters and stags. lOu lb Dressed turkeys Packet s' selling price to retailers: Hens. 41 -43c lb; toms. 3-41c lb. Potatose -Ixral Burbank. 3 cental. Baker county. 3.50 camtal: Deschutes 100s. No I. 13 45-3 50 cental. . 05c. Portland Livestock "THE YOUNG IDEA" By Mossier PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb. 37 API i USDAI Salable cattle 125. total 325; tt 25 ' salable calves 23. total 55: market per doc. bunches; The Dalles. 1 ao-l. 10 J steady on all offertnrs; run mostly 1. S3 60 : per doz. Onions Oregon dry No. SO lb. sack Dressed Meat. Veal AA. 12 ',c; A. 31c: B. 19-I9',r. C. 17-17 3-4; cull. 14-15c lb; hogs fancy block. 30c T7. .jjL GOLLY I'U- " ' ' Tf j M 1 T .j)UuiiJaiM 1,1 r MAVE TO 6WEQP a WHAT SHAU. j UP THAT MSS V - (WE HAVE FDC? mm r made " r : I 7 supper -tonight:) SMERTFTArT--ICR BALLS & J rVTl TO REPORT mV 1?0R Ho'FlREl! X T5 YJr7lHlvi vUJFJ - gt ' BARNEY GOOGLE ' ' 5:.. G3A(wWACX7VE VAlO ' rrf GCEXT-VS TWE LAW- Volr ZiFSZSJl p ItPOLXY sVlOUSg ssS lE (TeiEgEf? HAVE OT Jegyf mVt i ' W I liL M LL t J do susnos KrSAALLovk (mallows J -J I. rJrtZtl2 tibaFV Si -'hK. -! DEAP FOR n THIMBLE THZJX yu !"V TwHEN WAS A K10 I KA0 A H fCO IS SMARTER THANK IM GLAOl SUFfr SEI ALL SCHOOL IN- H: 1 j r- M DOG THAT LOOKED JUST LIKE ME LOOKS-HE KlM DO' TO KNOW 5PECT0RS ABE BAD MEM. BUT T MOWDy: LVl VES.SlR-i 2ER0-Mf 006 WAS MlGHTt ( TRICKS COURSE HE I YDU.MIS- TMIHK HE UKES US-AST I KNOW AfrVfl YOUNGSTER ME AM SMART-HIS NAME WAS fJ 0ONT LOQkT VtTRf V TER ZERO 8A0MEN OONtEVER UK6 r V J tS THA r 1 ZERO IS --sr--, TEDDV- v FANCV-1 )T OftPHAWS OA POOCHES UTTLE ANN1X B OO ssP' '-fX I WES .11 PjO DO IT. VOWX J I BG FEUfeR FOOtTWATS G00C 1 lZ&&7 I 1 9c PEOPLE. THEtWrmJrf WE CAN JUMPW JTNlPf R! PO YUH SEE THAT rfrf- HIM SHOOT -Ii JU5T KEEP CXJR NE TOWN-TAlHEff P0ES PUNC- &ZZKT S' -M 5KN kLv3THM THWK- dairv cov.'S selling freely from 7.50 1190. few beef cows ap to 12iO: only one carload good grade steeja. Uwse steady at 16 50. few sort-outs at 15.00. all other offerings in truck -in maikel; few common-medium steers and heif ers 1100-14 50 bull supply limited. most offerings 10 50-12 50; vealers steady, top 14 SO: extremely light veal ers selling down to 4 00. Salable hogs 50. total 1100: market steady, top 15J0: weights over 300 lb mostly 15.00: sows 13 75-14 50: stags and boars S 0O-S 5n Salable and total sheep SO: nothing done on morning rounds: few lots ani mal as yet unsold; market believed quotable steady with choice wooled lambs salable up to 14. T5 Cm 14 fcy .. ty-Af,. r- G. H. Saubert Celebrates 55th Anniversary CUSHMAN, Teb. 27 - Spatial )-t Grorg H. Saubert. one-time as sciate publisher of The Otgosj SuleKman, and Mrs. Saubert cele brated their 55th wedding anrii veinarjr here Sunday, February 17. Residents here for about 15 ears, they came to Ciixhman from Spo kane to make their home om the. old "Dr. Saubert homestead " Their first home after IHeir marriage Feb. 17. 1891. at Trinity church in San Francisco was &j lem, where Saubert ww asanciat ed with the late R. J. Hendricks in publishtog "The Statesman: In 1894 they moved to Spokane, where Saubert was with the Spokesman-Review for 23 years. Mrs. Dal M. King of MyrUe Point, whose husband ia circuit udg of that district, is their daughter. They hav one son. Harlan FVSau- bert of Dallag. Te. THE LONE RANGES "It was definitely a anisUke U baiy kins that lam'er iaeket for his MrthsUyr Thurr. KSUI dm k) KOIN ke) KCW (i2 ke) KEX (UN ke) : :J 8.45 Music Farm News News INaws West Stars IKOIN Klock iNews . ! News iOld Songs I Bugler "X- I- 'ortlanrl Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. Feb 7 (API- No wheat futures quoted Cash grain: Mo. 1 flax 3 10. Certi wheat (bid): Soft While 1 83.: Soft White (excluding Rexl 1.63: White Club 1 U 5. Western Red 3V Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 1 63 5t; 10 per cent 1 BS: 11 per cent 1.67 5t. 12 per rent 1 69. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 163: 10 per cent 1.65.: 11 per cent 1 7. 12 per cent 1(59. Today car receipts: Wheat 107: Bar ley : flour X: corn 1: aats S: bay 0: mtllfeed 5: flax 0. Salem Market Quotations The prtose bsss m auvptied by a lo cal grocer are tndtcattv of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem buyers but ars not guaranteed by The Statesman: UTTS-.R. tGGI AN! POULTTCT (Subject to caaai wttkaat otlcal BtTTntfAT Premium . J4 No 1 ; S3 No 1 50 I4VTTKK PUNT A B Quarters KI.G8 Irge . Irge Mediu urns Standards Pullets Cracks UV.HTOCK (By VatasT Pack) CATTXE Beef steers It ta Beef cows - OS ta Dairy cows .05 to Bulls 075 to .49 . XI . Jl . -!4 . J4 Veal Iimb. tost Yearling Kwes Bucks Hogs. top. 10-ITS Iba. 270-308 lbs Sows PUUL.T-T No 1 colored he Ne 1 colored hens J .11 OS 11 00 to 13.90 . .. 13 90 . COO to 7.00 . tea to 4 no r tOO to 3 00 , 1545 . 1495 .11 M to 13 90 M 11 Colored frys and bakea S4c6c Yearltng lambs .14 to ', rwes , 4'i Stocks and Bonds Compiled by The Associated Press TN 1:l 7:1 1:S N I- RUe and Sbtna News News D. Cutting Farm, Home JN Priagla ITletcher I Farm Time IRidtn' Range ISam Hayes I Roundup Boys M Agrontky Usmes Abbs ' Bugler X S OS Ha van of Rest ; News S it Haven of Rest .Valiant Lady Sing Away i Light World :49 Victor Landlahr Aunt Jenny OTred Waring (B'tast Club Ore. Caravan ' Kasteianets I- Stock Market Begins Rise NEW YORK. Feb. 21 -OV A number of leading stocks gained ; 1 to more than 4 points tody as ! the market snapped back from I the downturns of the past twa sessions. t'loxiiig pi ices of mny leadens were at the day's best levels. Transfer of 1.400,000 snares wert sharply down from Tuesday's 2.650.000 Buying by customers with idle funds resulting from recent pro fit casning was credited by brok ers with providing lift, aions with belief the list was m Jfna for a comeback following sharp breaks, earlier this week. Divi dend inn cases spurred :se sis M :4 News M Downey Pastor's Can Orchestra KaU Smith Big Sister Helen Tient Gal Sunday - James Abba 'Glamour Kenny Baker I iHoneym'n N Y. Breakfast 'Star Parade i . 1S.SS News ;l.lfe BeauUtul School 10:19 Orchestra IMa Perkins IS IS Mountain Men iDr. Malona I Carolyn Gilbert True Story 10:49 J J. Anthony t Road of Ufa I Art Baker I I Home Edition jTed Malona ( issues. j The Associated Press 0-atock j average advanced 1.3 potnta, ta j 73 7. against a toial decline of I T points in the previous two sessions. U:M 11:19 11:S 11:45 Cedrtc Foster Organa titles Queen Today Queen Today I Mrs. Burton 'Perry Masosi Raaetfuurv i Teoa a Tto ICuiding Light Children tin Wnita ' MHqiMTMl Baukhag tEtbel and Albert Listening Post Mikic Memories Noon IMS U:30 lt:4S Hymns News Serenade Broadcast News Marie Green IB Whaeler (Barn Child'n. ,unien of Am. IMa Perkins (Pepper Young Hippmen J B Kennedy Stars Today jdin 1:0 1:19 1:30 1:45 News Ltim'n A oner Btng Sings Melody Hour I House Party (Backst Wife IStella Dallas ! Air Newspaper ixiren Jones ( iWidder Bro"n iBerch I Hob Nichols !G Martyn iHymm t:0S (:I9 t.M t:4S News Public Schools Bill Gwinn Bill Gwinn AmeT. School Meet Missus Girl Marries iPortia IPlain BlU 'Front Page What's Doing I- ay West SOVIET DELEGATION 8TAKT3 MOSCOW. Teto. 27 -?-A so viet union trade delegation left today for the United States, on route to South America. The- so viet arc Interested in tha pr r -pects for obtaining meat, wheat and other products of South Ame rica needed in rebuilding Russia. 3:00 News I Art Kirk ham Road of Lifa Bride. Groom 3:19 . McMinnv. P'm Clayton Sings 'David Harum ' 3:M News iHacienda I Aunt Mary !AI Pearca Its Elsa Maxwell World Today I Dr. Paul 1 4:00 Fulton Lewta (Stars Today ; Woman s Scrt. Footlights 4 It Res Miller Kvelyn Winters News I Northwest 4:M Jotimton I Lost persons Stars Today Mr. Motorist 4:49 Orchestra I- IK Kalash ''lop Harngan PAINTS MINUS HAND ATIJVNTIC CITY. N J . Feb. 27-iPi Lt. George L. Sharpnack of Sebring, Ohio, who lost his light arm and left hand in a sntn explosion, was paid $225 today for two landscapes he painted with a brush affixed to the hook of an artificial hand. 94 9:19 9:S 9:49 News Super nan IMannung Rots. 6?0 Matine i' Daily Double 620 Matinee (Pirates Dick Tiacy CaDt Midnlaht ' H. Flannery Sine. America lAroisttong feiersoa Ray. .wing Tom Mix B. Garred IE 4: SO 4:19 IM 4:49 Gabriel Ueatter Kostelanetx Orchestra ! Hour Song IHobby Lobby I Music Hall Bob Burns 9 Min. Mysteries I Retribution ! Delect. Collect I DAM BUILDER SI CCTMM REDDING. Calif., Feb. 27-0") Masonic funeral jser vices for Frank T. Crowe., one of tha na tion's great darfj builders, who died last night, were set today J for Friday. T:S T.I9 1 34 1:49 News News Stiver ton Sllverton (Is. Adventura I Abbot. Costello Curtsln Ttma I- I Powder Theatre R Vallaa I Jury Trials i- S:0S SIS :JS 3:49 Will's Music Hr Kirkwood Smith Shos Rogues' I FBI I Supper Club l.um 'n Abner T Law ton iT-arl Godwin Burns i Allen (Town Meeting I i S.as 9:19 S:J4 9:49 News J Crowley Norm'dy Manor! Music F. Iewi I lEllery Queesi i Dinah Shore N. Webster (News I Time Is Now 10:00 News ia Stir Final News (Music Orclestra J Flowers llrs Paul Trio ! 10:50 News (Orchestra IGardening I Concert Hour 10:49 Orchestra 'Tex Hangers Band Wagon I February ft TOCK AVERAGES 30 19 19 S Indus Rails Jtil Stks Wednesday 07 S 49JI 913 TI T Previous day .. . N.I 44 1 90 1 TI I Week ago 99 3 49 4 91 I T4 4 Month ago 1M1 90 4 93 79.9 Year ago S3 S 37 JI 417 S3 1 1949-44 high 106 4 910 94 1 80 4 1949-44 low 7S S 3X9 391 37 9 BONO ATERA43ES 3 19 19 IS Rail Indus Utll Fog a Wednesday -10J9 104 1 197 9 79 3 Previous day 105 104 1 logo 7T.3 Week ago 10S 104 7 109 3 70 S Month ago . 10S.T 104 7 IDS - 76.4 Year ago 99 9 103 4 107.9 71.4 I945-40 high - 1U0 105 9 109.3 TI.O l4S-4 low HI 193 4 IM S SB 1 j . ,1111 II Ml I I II . ' f" i t ' r- .r; . " v 1 1 i I ,S,i.-. :-f ' fc,:V 'a - - . - t j,Nw ' , t v y v t JJ mm A tuft Today 8:00 AM. and Try Mondcrr t-tra Friday. tp poctsxl with ... 11:99 11:14 li :M 11:49 II. -99 12:99 Organ ! Serenade 'Orchestra t King Cola Trio Henry Busse (Orchestra . Orchestra j Air Flo lOrchestca News News I Orchestra ! Orchestra (Rhythm News News j Open House ISilcnt Swing Shift l"X" Hour KOAC Thrasday 950 kx. A.M.: 10:00 News; 10:19 For Women; 19:30 Mrs. Oregon: 11:00 One in Seventeen: 11:13 Concert Hall: P.M.: Noon News; 12:19 Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride 'Em Cow boy; 1:19 Air School: 1:49 Heroes-of the Merchant Marines: 1 00 Garden ing: 2 JO Memory Book music. -:ub News: 3:13 Music of the Masters: 4 40 University; 3 DO On Up-beat: 9 5$ Sports Review; IM News; 1:19 My Country Sings: 9:30 Songs of the West: 7:19 EVe. Farm Hour: 8:00 Keyboard Masters: 9 13 Juvenile Problems. 4 30 Music That Endures; 9:30 Nes; 9:49 Meoitauons Annual Husband Night Held by Friendly Club SUNNYSIDE Friendly Hour club sponsored the annual Hus bands' night Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Neuen schwander, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Neueruchwander. Those prewent were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burrett. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thomas, children Nadene and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mc Neil, Miss Imogene McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Kehne Wain, daughter Lou Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips, son Michael, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hill. Salem Worker living In Orchard Heights ORCHARD HEIGHTS. Feb. 27 (Special)-Wilfred Wilson of Bremerton. Wash'., Is staying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson while employed at the Farmers Union stoie in Salem. He has purchase a small farm near Roberts station, south of Salem and his wife and family will join him soon. Mb , -. NOWIF I CC1A9 s. ,J- ovv lose irtcr Jis) COCL0 DKDOCT. IT HC Be. ' mn jm..ji- m n"i' "fJiS! 'fj' ' ?W 5A tr., -i.t'.t--j--- "BIIIG SIITGS 11 SM.2 10:15 A. II. Mot-day thru Friday KSLI! Kstarday S:4S r, M. ! 3 t 11 Illinois Women Ieave Following Visil Here PRATUM. Feb. 27-(Sperial) -Mrs. Charles Beesley and her mother, Mrs. Kmily Smith, left Monday for their home at Omir ga. III., after visiting since De cember at the Harold deVries home. Vernon Charles deVries is little grandson and great grand son of the visitors. WHEN NOT TO USE WITHHOLDING RECEIPT A SPEED: If yaw went to know your tax quickly, without waiting for th col lector's notice. (Ye figure H owt oei the short form.) BKIND OF INCOME: If you received moro thon $100 from dividends, intorest or wag 99 not swbjoct to with hording, or if yew received any income from ony source other I Hon wages, dividends and intor3t. (Then you MUST W90 form 1040.) c. BUSINESS EXPENSES: M you have rental or? pn909 or Io990 from 9ale or exchange of property to do duct in computing total its come. (The90 can't be listed on withholding roceipt.) r-1 AIS CORPS TO VACATK WACO WASHINGTON. Feb. 27-UV The army air forces today de clared excess all of the Waco, Tex army air field except a small port weeded for use by re serve air corpe personnel. u. til nil I SPANISH LEGATION HAKMED COPENHAGEN. Feb 77 -.) Police said tonight that a hand grenade was thrown into the Winter Garden of the Spanish legation during the evening No one was injured but the building was damaged. . ri taautd shot tssss taaSasl ; et asi fasigirttl-! I fl ss-aaJ sssstsa sw VBas-TVst ll Saasi -t. It sea gead sagkfs aa4 ssaka os as Ska sa-eaaag 9i Ilka a (IjOoe.OOO. Oet gaaf assy 39c. 09. as IM ara saattio i