PAGE SIX Tli OREGON STATESMAN, Sal am, Oregon. Thursday Morning, February 21. 1$4 Mid-Winter Travelers Interest Wintertime traveler continue to hold the social spotlight. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sexton nd daughter," Patsy, are being welcomed home from a month' trip in the east and south. Mr. Sexton went to Washington. D. C, on business and from there went south to Miami, Fla.. to Join hi family, who had preced ed him, There they were the guests of his parentij. Mr. and Mis. Lawrence SextoiilThis was the first trip home for; the Sex tons in 20 years. The Sextons returned via the vuthern route and stepped n Monterey, Calif., for a stay at the home of her brother-in-law and sistem. Mr. and Mr. Clifton Iersen. Mr. SeTtton went on to San Francisco on business. They irrivfd in the capital Tuesday night. 'Mi. R. T. Boals ha returned' a f en-day stay in Sari Fran- sen as the guest of her son, !!'. Harlan C. BoaU. Mr. Boals has been with the Chae Nation al bank in New York City for the pat two and a half years an-i willnow be with the Amer iran Trust company in the bay city. Mis. W. (onnelt Oyer ei liamrd for the onth on Sunday a il after a stay in San Frau co erit-on to Monterey to v;it u ith her on ari't daughter-in-law, ('apt. and Mt William C Dyer. jr. CaV'tain Dyer is tVmg trans ferred . to the Presidio in San Frantiss-eo. Hi.s wife and on. WilliaW Connell III, will accom pany Mrs. Dyer home next week.' Captain Dyrr expect t- he re-' J-avf4.. fi (,m the service in June. Tr y uil' make tlu in i'f m . . Shuttleworths Honor Guests On February-22 Mr. ani M.rc Lon Shuttleworth ,-w e ie,i at a ix o'clock dinner honoring their 53rd wedding annu el nary. Their four daugnte'j wet e host at the rijnnei which was held at the Fairmount Hill home ff Mr. and Mrs. G. K Sundii. Sprint; i!cweis were used in Hi ait.r.s -Ground tlie rooms. The table? had centerpieces 6t tiyjtil and silver' with bowls flo. ting flower. au-4 white afA; in o-ystal hl li t The plji f iii rt weie p '?: with ci ;:! bcw.. ; L! t v j:eeiit weie: Mr. an. I Mi -. Lori Shuttlewot t'i, Mr. and Mr-. George Strojrut ani son Junior, Mr. and, Mi,. W. John-s.-n. Mr. fcnd Mrs. De-lueit Dot s n and daughter Raibara. The Shuttleworths" daughters ar.d f;.nv.!:ts present included M. and Mrs. G. B. Mitchell and f rls iR)i!er Marilyn, Mi and Mrs.' J U', Wi-M j;nd son Rtc'Mid. Mr. -.I Mi . J. f Btirtneiich and rt.-i..ghtr Krerta, and Mr. and Mi. G- re K. Sundl'e. f I ' drome . SVcd SM-A r ,ptV J Sfi) Vcfi $4.45 t":M 1 : Society ... Clubs Music .... The Home Maxlne Buren Women 'i Editor Mrs. Ronald Hudkinsa Hostess Mrs. C. Ronald Hudkins was hostess for a beautifully ar ranged luncheon Wednesday a f ternonn at her North Summer street home in compliment to a group of her friends. Arrangement of daphne and violet provided the decorative note and at each place were corsages of early spring flowers. Contract bridge was in play during the afternoon. Covers were placed for Mr. William Bush, Mrs! Roger K. Putnam, Mis. Kenneth Sher man, Mil. Ralph Nohlgren, Mr. iwin I.. McKwen, Mrs. W. Gerald Nibler. Mis. Albeit Ott and Mis. Hudkins. Costume Party At Severin's Judy Foreman, Barbara Fran zwa and Astrid Severin were hostesses for a gala George Washington party on; Friday night at trje R. D. Seveiin home on Tillman avenue. Guests tfrme in costume and Gerald ine Keene- was awarded the prize for the funniest. She was dress ed a a fisherman, advertising her father's store. Claudia Wa ters wpn first prize for her cos tume as a ballet dancer. Games were in play during the evening and refreshments were served later by the host esses. Assisting were their moth ers, Mrs. Clayton Foreman, Mrs. William Franzwa and Mrs. R. G. Severin. Attending the affair were Barbaia Bonesteele, Jean Jor genson. Patsy Snider, Carol Lee, Claudia and Clarice Waters, Sidney Ann Kromer. Marjorie McAllister, Julie Ann Miller, Gcraldine Keene, Marcia Maple, Judy Burdette, Judy Schmtle, Joan Meal, Patsy VanOltingham, Barbara Klunder and Carol Stiebig. The Women' Relief C'orpa will meet Friday at 12 noon at the VFW hall for a nohost luncheon to be followed by the regular meeting. KF.1ZER Mr. a Mrs. Nick Ie Rud entertained at dinner on Sunday for Portland friends, Tliore present were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Culver, David and Na dine, Mrs. Culver's mother, Mrs. Dillv. Jeryme Eoglish Society E4tir CLUB CALENDAR TIl'UDAT Twi and Gown club. Carrier room. Firt Methodist church, 2 34 p.m. Brush College Helpers with Mrs. N. J. Nelke. 1 p m. HayesYille Wotnan s club. Mrs. Claude Taliuadg. SO Duncan ire, S p.m. Sojourners at Woman's club house. Fruttland Woman's . club, at church. I p ni. tit ID AT Uolrten Rule eta. Evangelical church, box aocial with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Knurl. 460 Bush at. Knglewwod Wmmii'i club, Mr. C. B. Johns, 1T7S N. IStb St . 2 vpm. Woman' Relief Corp no-host luncheon. VFW hall, noon, 1ATIBDAT Chemeketa chapter. DAR. Mr. Edwin Joty. 429 Uoyt St.. 1 p.m. Nurses Gather For Meeting I Eighty graduate nurase of Marion and Polk counties at tended the district nurses meet ing on February 25 at the dairy cooperative building on Fair grounds road. A social meeting was held with the public health nurses as hostesses. Mr. D. Ray Brown sang sev eral numbers. His daughter, Jean accompanied him at the piano. Group singing, games and an original radio skit were present ed. A red, vhite, and blue theme was carried out in the dining room. Tables were decorated with red and white carnations. Refreshments were served by the Marion county public health nurses. The next meeting will be held on March 25. Arrangements will be announced later. Engle wood Club At Johns' Home Mrs. C. B. Johns will open her home to members of the Engle wood Woman's club Friday after noon at 2 o'clock. Assisting hos tesses will be Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. L. Biown and Mrs. Bertha Farnham. Mr. Lawrence Boullier will be the guest speaker and will talk on water colors. The hostess' two daughters, Elsie May and Bever ly June, will present a musical program. Elsie will sing "Lady Moon" by Clara Edwards and ."A Brown Bird Singing by Roy- den Darrier. The sisters will present a piano duet, "Shepard's Evening Song" by Chase D. Blake. Mrs. Nettie Larson "-w ill be the accompanist. Election of officers will ba held during the business meeting. Luncheon at Chambers' Home Mrs. J. N. Chambers will pre side at a smartly arranged 1:15 o'clock luncheon this afternoon at her attractive, country place in Morriingside for the pleasure of a group of her friends. The luncheon table will be, centered with an arrangement of daffodils flanked by yellow tapers. Other spring flowers will be used about the rooms. Con tract bridge will be in play af ter the luncheon hour. Covers wil be placed for Mrs. Frederick J. Brennan. Mrs. Henry Hanzen, Mrs. Mall Rudd, Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. : Harry Lucas, Mrs. Fran" : BroWnell, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mrs. R. D. Paris and Mrs. Chambers. Au Revoir Party Is Given Mrs. Maurice Welch and Mrs. Florence Wilkerson were host esses for a farewell party given "In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Torrr Cook, who will leave soon for 'their, home in Pendleton. Mrs. Cook is a sister of Mrs. Archie Bones of Salem. The dinner table was centered with a bouquet of talisman rose buds, Mr. Welch's gift to his wife on her birthday. The day was aLso the 34th wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. Len Wil- kerson. Pinochle was in play , during the evening. Guests were " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Denham of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bones, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walker, Mr. and : Mrs. Tom Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Welch. BPW Club Hears . Mrs." Chin. J Holding the second monthly dinner, meeting of the 1944 sea son, the Salem branch of the BPW presented a progtam both interesting and entertaining to the members and guesls present at the Golden Pheasant, Tuesday night. The principal speaker of the evening was Mrs. Stanley Chin, wife of the Chinese Counsel in Portland, who presented the need of future relations, both economical and cultural, of the American and Chinese people. She emphasized the need of con tinuing the scholarships in Amer ican universities for Chinese stu dents, the abolishment of extra territorial rights in China, and the desire of China to trade5 with America without tariff walls. Mrs. Chin also stressed the ne cessity of a continuance oiff American-Chinese relations as a means of maintaining world peace. In furthering the "project of the year," a collection was taken for the fund used for the training of Chinese urses. Guests present were Mrs. John Schmidt, jr., Mrs. John Minto, t 4R4 Slate" St. -J 1'hone 9192 Mrs. II. J. Thomas, Mrs. I. A. De France, Miss Ami E. Mar tin, Mrs. E. A. Meola. Mrs. Stan ley Chin, Mrs. Ella Yan Arsdale, Mrs. R. Sidoway, Mrs. Mable Carder, Miss Elizabeth Dotson, Mrs. C. II. Fisher, Mrs. W. R. English, Mrs. John Jelderks, and from the Seattle BPW club. Miss Ruth Jaynes. L During the program Mrs.! H. . Jr Thomas was presented in three vocal selections and accompanied at the piano by Mrs. John Schmidt, jr. j Cooleys Are Dinner Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Coo ley were hosts for a smartly ar ranged dinner party Wednesday night at their D street home for the pleasure of Mr. and ' Mrs. James H. Nicholson, jr. Mr. Ni cholson recently returned from duty in the South Pacific and Japan. The buffet table was centered with a ring of violets and acacia and white tapers in crystal candelabra. The individual : ta bles were decorated with crystal vases holding a white candle, acacia and violets. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nicholson, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Need ham, Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne Dyer-and Mr. and Mrs. Richard C'ooley. it Guests Are Bidden to Parties With three formal dances on the calendar for the latter part of the week several informal parties are being arranged to precede and follow the affairs. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nich olson, jr., be hosts for anin formal party at their North Sum mer street home Saturday night preceding the Town club dinner dance at the Marion hotel. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferris have invited guests to a midnight sup per party at their North 24th street home after the Trotter' club dance Friday night at Cry tal Gardens. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ferris wiil be Dr. and Mrs. Harry Fred ricks, Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Putnam and Mr. and Mrs. Fran ci Jernigan. Mrs. lslle R. Burdette will preside at a bridge luncheon this afternoon at her Fairmount Hill home in compliment to mem bers of hrr club. Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinsoh will be an additional guest. Mrs. Roy H. Mills Is spendinr a few days in Camas, Wash., a the guest of her son and daugh ter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Price. - For FAMED LABELS! Nationally AKeiiiM tI in UWY.W HA V V . . . CH VIWI MljihiAj mMm Sfi IN MAtnrt lAlAAt JUt CMAMM Unerringly . simple ... inevitably right ... YOU in one of thostf wonderful coats by Shagmoor! Superbly detailored of our exclusive lOOo woolens . . . yarn-dyed to achieve their lovely muted colors. - Sty le Vo. 462 ' Pictured Above 35 00 Mrs. C'MnUa SUstdUh will en- teitain members of? her club to night at her home on North Church street. A late supper will follow several hours of contract bridge. KaishU of Columbus anal the Catholic Daughters of America will hold a dance at St. Joseph's hall on Tuesday night. The af fair is to be in honor of returned erv icemen. Shrine Club Banquet Elaborate plans have been made for the coming Salem Shi ine clu') formal banquet to be given in the Minor room of the Marion hotel Friday night. March 1. at 6:30. The entertainment committee has secured a complete pioles fcional" floor show for the event, which will provide a diversified evening of entertainment for th Shrine nobles and their wie. Decoration will be carried out in true Arabic pattern in keep ing with Shrinedom. Music for the dinner hour and for dancing later in tlie evening will be furnished by the Top Hatters. The Rainbow Girls will have charge of the punch bowls dur ing the dancing hours.' Many Shriners and their wives from neighboring towns will attend. A f L t t , I Couple Will Be Bridge, Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Evert G. Given have invited a group of their friends to an informal bridge party Saturday night atflhetr North 17th stieet home. 1 After several hours of cards a late supper will be served by' the hosts. Bouquets of early spring flowers will provide the. decorative note about the rooms. Guests of Mr. and-Mrs Giv ens will be Dr. and Mrs Estill Brunk, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Goodenough, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ivan Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Jones, Mr. and Mrs. I.. F. Rem ington and Mr. and Mrs. Jame Turnbull. J Mr. and Mrs. Givens are plan, ning a series of parties and will be hosts for a similar affair in a foitnicht. From rorlland eomet wari 4 the birth of a daughter to Dr a-id Mrs. Robert Evans, formeil of Salem. The little girl wai bom on February 22 at St. Vin cent's hospital. She has two oldet brothers and three sisters. Mrs. R. T. Boats will fee ho tes for a bridge luncheon thit afternoon t her apartment ' at the Ulricli in honor of members of her club.