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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1994)
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. February 28. 1946 PAGE FIVE The Oregon Statesman Telephone 9101 ARTICLES ARE FII.rD Supplementary artirles of as sociation of the Marion County Farmers' Union Oil Co. were MeJ with the Marion county lerk Wednesday by directors Finest Werner, Warren Gray, George H. Kruse. Robert Har per and Peter Kirk. Purpose of the filing was to add an article ruthohzing issuance of certifi cates of interest. 1 s Income Tax. Auditing. Account ing sen. ice. M. D. Fidler, 245 So. 21st. Plione 6715.. 1. KG I ON MAY INSTALL PIjtis are being made by the Ameikan Legion Capital post No. 8 ritual team to install the offi ce! s of the new lesion post at Stayton March 19, James Turn boll, captain of the ritual team, aid Wednesday. Together with the installation of. officers the post's members also will be ini tiated by the Salem team. Wedding pictures taken at the church. SCQ Stale. Ph. 5722. ' . RETIRES FROM PLACE Ernest Thompson filed a notice tf retirement from F.rnie's Place, Stayton. with the Marion county tleik Wednesday. CRASH VICTIM HOME Mrs. Reva Davidson, 498 N. 24th st., who had been hospitalized since the truck-bus accident in- ' volving members of. the! local Eagles auxiliary February 19, was released to her home by Salem General hospital Wednesday. Two others injured in the accident, Paul Hart and Mrs. George Lane, ; are reported in "fairly good" con- t dition at the hospital. j "Cyn" Cronise Photographs and ! Frames. 1st Nat'l Bank Bildg. WOMAN RETURNED Besrie Gilbert, Aumsville, was returnee! to Salem from Los An geles Wednesday by Sheriff Den ver Young and is held in the Mar ion county jail on $1000 bail on a forgery charge. She is charged with forging checks in Salem, Portland and Aumsville. Lutz Flower Shoppe, 1276 N. Lib erty, phone 9592. FILE FOR BILL'S An assumed business name cer tificate was filed with the Mar ion county clerk Wednesday for Bill's Confectionery by R. Wl Schneider, 1152 S. 12th St., and H. W. Townsend, 620 S. Summer st. Obituary : : 1 Srsea -r Bozo B Sien. late resident of Poitland. at a )t-al liuspibU February 2S. at the' ait ol 61 ais. Survived ry tine sislrr. Anna '. Cumbelich. Oakland. Calif. Announcement of funeral arranfotnenti Jater by Hov.ll tduaids coii.pany. i; In thu citv February 2S. Pearl M. Gregory. K CI eari, late tewdent of vSaiern; father" of Herbert Harlow of IJmo and Mn. Verjiice E. Strong nl isalrm: brother f Me I'lrmmlng of 1 aroma. Kunrral seivu-rs will e MirlU Tiiurnlav. February ?, at 3 p.m. in Ue W..T. Rigdon chapel with coli i!udin neivice at City View cme .rv. Rv. W. Haiold l.jman will of ficiate. Tanquary Narxv Evaline Tanquaiy. late. resi dent of route 1. Brook, at a local hospital. I'ebruaiy tr.e ane of 'B ear Survived by two daughters. Mn. Neva Kelly at-'Erooks and Mrs. I .eiia Brooks of New berg; one broth er, C'lurle Heed of l.lU-ial. Minn,: two grandchildren and two great-grand-f-dllilien Mrmlr of On-gori Kwe camp .f Hn)tl Neitthtnota of Portland. AUo member of Ir.e Congregational church. e:vcr Mill be held from the Ilowell Kdwards chapel Friday. Mrcli 1. at t TO p m. with Rev. frank Cunnmrham of fx-iatina' Conc-lutlii.K aervit-ea will be held at tue Butler cemcteiy east of A.JiMkVilie. DISMISSED BY HOSPITAL Salem Deaconess hospital Wed nesday dismissed the following patients: Mrs. Marion Reyneis and son, 241 N. High st; Mrs. Ralph Mollet and daughter, Stayton; Mrs. Paul Bale, 1394 Saginaw st; Mrs. George Swift, 560 Chemekta st.; Mrs. Alfred Olivers, route-$, Salem, and Ma belle Page, route 2, Salem. Discharge service lapel buttons now available at Brown's Jewel ers and opticians. Bring discharge certificate. h j Little Mrs. Marie Little, late resident of route 1. Gervai. at a local hospital. Tuesday. February 26. Survived. by her husband. Ebert Little or uervais: daughter, Mn. Mariorie Schaeffer of Toledo. Ore.; two sons. Perry and Ray Hunter, both of Garibaldi; sister. Mrs. Kather ne Bealtv of San Antonio, lex an; brother, George Giger of .Little Rock. Ark., and four grandchildren Services will be held from the dough- Harriett chapel Friday. March 1 at 1 p.m. RokrrUon At route 2, Salem. 1.177.1c Robertson, late resident of Ashland. Ore., at the age of f7 vears. Survived by two Sla ters. Mrs. Oren St ration and Mrs. L. F. Brown of Salem, and several nieces and nephew. Member of the Women"! Relief corps. Shipment will be made Friday by W. T. Rigdon company to Ashland, where services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Litwiller fun eral home. Clifford In this citv February 2t. Demo-' thenes Clifford, late resident or 2270 Mission St.. age lit years. Services will be announced later by W. T. Rigdon company. . Gehrman In tins city February J7. Margaret Oelunian. late resident of IMS t.'he meketa at , at age or 79 years. Sur vivor include a brother, Frank Haas, I -o Angeles, Calif., and two nieces, Kathryn Uartman. Salem, and Sister FianceK-a-. Oakland, Calif. Funeral an nouncements later by W. T. . Kigdon company, ' HAWK CHANGES HANDS C. W. Bartlett, jr., 1825 N. 18th st., filed an assumed business name certificate with the Mariofr county clerk Wednesday tor the Nite Hawk, 475 Center st. A not tice of retirement from the game establishment was filed by J. it Stephens and Anna Stephens. Taxi? Capital Cab, phone 6646. f SURPLUS MATERIAL READY f Surplus war material has been released to Marion county at the Tacoma naval base the county court was advised Wednesday. A truck, tools and tires are includ ed among th. material that County Commissioner Boy Rice will secure for -the county some time this week at the base. Rummage sale Feb. 27 and28, 439 Court, upstairs". ORDER ENTERED Marion county court Wednes-j day ordered that the changing of law library fees by the county clerk, made during the June; 1941, term of dourt, be entered into the court journal. River silt top soil 4c fill ditt Com'l. Sand St Gravel Ph. 21868. STAYTON NAME FILED William Thompson, Stayton,; filed an assumed business name! certificate with the Marion coun ty clerk for Hitch's Pool Hall at Staytoii. Mac's Barber Shop, 'West Salem end of bridge lots of parking space. ' DAUGHTER ARRIVES Salem General hospital Wednes day reported birth of a daughter to Mn and Mrs. F. L. Edwards of Salem. TAKES BABY HOME Mrs. George Morse, 609 Locust st.. took her infant son home from: Salem General hospital Wedne- day.. " i BOOKED BY SHERIFF Arthur Morgan, Stayton, was booked at the Marion county sheriffs office Wednesday night on a charge of being found drunk on a public highway. State police who arrested Morgan fa id they found him intoxicated in his automobile which was in a ditch alongside the Salem-Turner road near the penitentiary annex. For home loans see Salem Fed eral, 130 South Liberty. COURT APPROVES SALE Marion county court Wednes day approved contracts of sale' to Raymond M. Steinke and Doris Elaine Steinke for lots in block 26 Depot addition, Salem, for $4000. and to Martha A. Harring ton for lots in block 6, Oak Lodge addition, for $575. YM Speaker vv-'". Rummage sale Mar. l.-t, 2nd. 439 Court, upstairs. CHECK MADE GOOD A. Hutson, 291 Chemeketa St., who reported to police that a check on Archie D, Schultz, Dal las, had "bounced." said Wednes day that the check turned out to be good. Schultz had transferred his account to another bank be fore the check cleared, it was ex plained. Jary Florist, 373 State St. PUT dUT RUBBISH FIRE Salem firemen were called Wednesday morning to extinguish a rubbish fire at the corner of Front and Division-streets. Howard Re-weavers, 145 N. 17th. Moth holes, burns or ..tears ex pertly done. Prompt service, un excelled, work. Phone 9660. JENKINS GIRL ARRIVES A daughter was pom to Mr. and Mrt. Wrliiam Jenkins, route 4, Salem, Tuesday Flight at Salem Deaconeiu hospital. TIIIELE DAUGHTER BORN A'tdaughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Thiele, 1445 B st., Tuesday night at Salem Deucon ess hospital. See Doerfler'i for revamping with better dwarf shrubs. RIGGS WILL SPEAK Dr. Lawrence A. Kikb, profes sor of education at Willamette university, will discuss 'Boy Girl Relationships'' (Jefore boys and girls of the ninth grate at Leslie junior tiigh school, in sepa rate groups, Thursday afternoon. O. LA Donald Lowrie. who helped ad minister the YMCAV War Pris oner Aid project during the war and also did refugee w ork while overseas, will address an open Inncheon meeting Friday and a public forum that : eve ning; ai the Salem YMC.V LIONS TO MEET In a program related to their work with 4111 clubs, Salem Lions club members Thursday nmn will hear an agricultural talk by William L. Teutsch, assistant di rector of the Oregan .State; col lege extension service. Tracy Por ter will introducethe speaker Dame Saturdays, Silverton arm ory. Glenn Woodry's 12-pc. pand. REWARD FOR DOG O. E. Thorp of'CorvalliS h;is notificxi Salem police he Willi give a $10 reward for teturn of his big black IbrSdor dog, "Jeep," who jumped out of his car at Dwilit tje's service station here Tuesday night and ran away. HAULING PERMITS GRANTED Log hauling permits have ;been granted by the city engineer" of fice to H. A. Dyer of Turner, Virgil A. Barnes of Dallas (two permit), and Albert Harris of Lyons. Routes through the city were prescribed in each case, TOWNSEND MEET CALLED Townsend club No. 16 yilltneet Thursday . evening in the horae of Mrs. Arnold, 225G Ford M. Albert Lewis, Former Salem Resident, Dies Albert N. Lewis, former resi dent of Salem and oldest brother of Marion county's chief deputy essessor, C. A. Lewis, died early Wednesday in Seattle on his 74th birthday, his brother has been notified. Born Feb. 27. 1872. in the hills near Shaw, Albert N. Lewis was the . son of Abner and Margaret Lewis and grandson of Reuben Lewis, one of the participants in the now famous Champoeg meet ing. Much of his early life he spent in Salem, where he operated a men's furnishing store before r.oving to Walla Walla, where he became associated with a large department store, remaining there for a nufnbcr of years. Later in Seattle, he managed a number of clothing stores owned by one firm, but visited here often enough to retain ties with a num ber of friends and acquaintances. Survivors include the widow, the brother here, and other broth ers, Elmer B. Lewis and Julius C. Lewis, both of Seaside; ,Oren V.. Twis Portland and Dr. Flovd ! curfew violation.- $5 fine paid. i i i I W. C. Cheffings. 1575 Jefferson u. K win, vju niiiiiu, Public Records CIRCUIT COURT Bethel Benton vt John II. Benton. Jr.: Suit for- divorce charging crtiel and inhuman treatment asks that plaintiff's maiden name of BeUiel Gar retwjn be restored. Married Mav 9. 1946. at Sheridan. Wyo. Herman F. Rickett vs Anna Marie RK-kctts: Suit for divorce charring cruel and inhuman treatment aks that defendant's maiden name of Anna Marie Orcutt be restored. Married March 13. 1!H4. at Hiawatha. Kan. Helen Schmiedecke vs Charles W ! Schmiedecke: Default ; of defendant filed and application made' for place on. trial docket. Olpa Criswell vs Dale Crlswell: De- I fault of defendant filed and applica- I ,tion made for place on trial docket. I PROBATE COURTf ! Lizzie M. Evans. Ruardian'hip r- 1 tate: Report -of ulr of real property filed by Frank E. Evans, icuardian. John A Glatt. rslale: Supplemental final account and report of di-rtnbu-tion filed by Ravmond Joseph Glalt David Depew Mero. estate: April 1W6. date set for hearinc on final ac count of Nellie Mcro, administratrix Order approves sale of real property MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS Richard H. Arnold 10. cleik. BR.1 Rc I lev uc !t . and June Buell. 21 Ixx.k kceper. rt. 1 both Salrm. Frank Andreas. 21. laborer and Viol et Dunn. 18. domestic, both Geivaiv Harvev A Thibcau. 29, salesman. Captains Set For Red Cros ("ampaign Cap'a.ns hae lie'-n r.-nic-l r the i!nf divisions in the He-1 Chv- fund campaign, r-ponirg here F:uiay. and worker aie lin ed up to start active ftf'.licttii-g' -n . the (iay of the oiive. Ed Majek heads the pi ofes.-io:i-al division, which h.i a goal ' t $4000 Jcihn Stark i hi -u--haii-man and the captains iicluiie C-haile St hmift7, Henry Kropn. l.ce 'l?askin. Kd Si-hicit r. Wr, Atarion Curry. Leonard Oilkr-y. Kay Kho'on. Ed Slad'ter, LaM'ne Ander-nn. Clayt n Dyer. ' irgil Hume. Kt iu-.e: Manning, ('lit is Seely. i;i. Rofi.ik wrki. Frtd Mi Kinhey '.: cl;ai: man i r the contractors div;.ion with A. W. Morns n.imrd a his a-sita;.t. Portland, and Jean Ellen Irulne. 23. Quota for'thi i!ivisin !- S30M) school teacher. Independence. , . J MUNICIPAL COURT j Personnel of-other groups v...!l Vance A. Hitt. 324 X. Capitol st . disorderly conduct. S25 fine paid William Bast. Blih hotel, disorder ly conduct, fined $15. S. L. Stevens. 32J Court St.. parkins; violation, paid $3 hail. Mrs. Guy Hollls. 1196 Chetrieketa st be luted from time to t:rre. NAMED TO DENTAL BOARD Governor Earl Snell- Wednesday re-appoijited Dr. L. M. Boire, Portland, and Dr. KJoyd Utter, Sa lem, as members of the state board of dental examiners. They will serve three-year terms. HURT IS ACCIDENT Mrs. D. J. Gerken of Salem, whose shoulder was fractured in an auto accident Sunday on High way 99-E north of Salem, was re ported "improving" Wednesday at Salem General hospital. Her hus band, D. J. Gerken, was not hos pitalized. LICENSED TO WED Portland marriage licenses have been issued to Mabel G. Lenz, Salem, and Michael J. Balkovich, Portland, and to Virginia M. Stout, McMinnville, and Don L. Klein, Corvalli. MRS. R I SSI-XL, DIES Ida M. Chiklers Russell, form er resident of Salem ami Silver ion, died Tuesday in. Portland where funeral services are to be held following cremation. ST . St , So parkins violation, paid S3 ball Joe C. Hughes. 174 Rrnadwav failure to stop, paid $2 SO bait Myron Fender. 1322 Nebraska. drivers license.' cited. JUSTICE COt'RT Besrie Gilbert. Uttering foifed rheck. waived preliminary examination and held to answer. Leonard Patrick Robinton. dr tving while intoxicated. 30-day all sentence served. $100 fine paid. Harvey D. Bradley, non-uppot t. case dismissed at request of public prosecutor. Raymond Fredrick Smith, no vehicle license, SI fine suspended, paid cuutt cost. John Harold T.oviher. speeding paid IS fine and couit cut I. Salem Public Market Group to Meet Tonight First meetiiig of the new year , McAKin. for the Salem Public Market, non profit corporation, is scheduled to night at the market building. High ( and Union streets. Albert II. Gille, C ., I . ..l., 1 . T 4 7. .11-. .jniciu, csiutiii , LA.-t;iidiu .iciKc,,1 diir) Kbe: t, u e presutent, and Mrs. p Walter Barst-h, . Salem, Secretary, were all re-elected at the last meet ing of the directorate. Other direc tors are Fred Steiner, Aumil!e. John H. Crabtrw, Liberty: Louis D. Johnston, Roberts, and Charles Fowler, Salem. . ! Permits Issued For 1 Houses Ciy F- K)iieT .1. H Davis Wed ncsdsy issued build, pg permit authoibirg construction' of fo;;r houses in Salem. Two went to F. T. Re:.l for a $6000 house at j N. lfith t. pnd- a $.Wi0 houe st 1580 C st. ! Other houses auth(jr ?el were a $50n0'f'e!?inp at 320 V. Rural st. 'for K, I.. Biirroush? a'ld a $3f"o house i.t 455 Rose st f r T. V. j Di i. Also etithori.ed we.e 3 $100 ga j.rage a? 22f-5 N. Sth st. for Ry Pence and a $300 alteraTion job n ' a hous at 1050 Norway st. 'or J.- o f .... CSS Liquid or Toblett act as a nuid Lusuti tm and f 4 Cold MiMOM astornallr (66 No Drcpa Of Sa!r kwauas ss rtliev ttufiuMMi and couhuig T OnCt .... snakes it saasr breoltt. r i con par rsuHi ULlSfOTE 'flOCESSODHS IS - Mobile-Acting IV i-TEMl with ME and IMMWUESS Efficicttt Allstitte attery Charger Now you can imalie your batfery last longer; keep if at peak performance at all timet. Enjoy briqhter lights, clearer radio rec-ption and faster starting in cold weather. Rugged t construction. Saf and simple to Operate. 1 Down JM1UB nmuw i-ton capclfv an l . "l? 7-foof body has Heavy Duty TIRE PUMPS Protec . .i ''..' i.n a. Carraclly Jstlgntd fee effjeiency, ease ia use anJ lonqcr ter ice. Eety operate. Priced for sevi9,t. .98 The Following AI L STATE FLEET TESTED iwm TEES .f'i Stork 6.50- 20 6-pIy 7.50-20 8-ply 7.50 - 20 lO pfy 9.00 - 20 10-ply 10.00 - 20 12-ply 10.00-20 14-ply Shell Type Exhaust Deflector All: metal, chrome plated for rust and fume re- QQ. kistanee. Efficient. 07 C Dependable TOW CABLE Touch, wire rable with "ef ficient hooka. Tested break Inr strength of a AO 7.160 pounds litO 8 Sealed Beam CO NVERSI0NS Eetily Imlsll.J. Al. fl Aft mot double tK l.oht J i90 output of old style "A . reflector type head- ' 'io.hH. Mcderniie new. and' lip Satisfaction Guaranteed U nnTftrr ri nnir ZfS, l,lwWil wi ASSEMBLIES it Ftry HVrn Part Replaced or Expcrlly Reconditioned Add new pep and rower fo ysur od Ford. Chevfcte. riymooth o' Oeag with ore cf tfee) depeadat rt-placements. Screw-Type BUMPER JACK le p-tpsr.d. This aj QQ aay - to ui. bunp.r f I imO model eliminates I stooping. Safe, de- pendeble quality. Sealed Beam FOG LIGHTS Eitra projection for Kf fiQ bd woather driving. r sF"' 5y4" amber seal.d beam unit. Bracket 1 end wire Included. ml t. -V I j Vacuum-Type DEFROSTER FAN Economical, d.psnd- 4f 7C able protection. Sf, J.3 Qeiible rubber bUdrt. ' m Popular Tr!co modtl fans. A uto . Luggage CARRIER RACK Strong, l sttel cen. struction. 42i37il' ixe. Suction cups and strap attach ' ments are Inc'udtd. '.95 Rebuilt CARBURETORS $C79 Fxclnmye Price and up All 't'tii '.-proeme-t . . . r-'qt-.'y -(nt to rust f cor-o-'cn. e uttakle high low tpted '. Vacuum contra !ti it-tt'lnq. TWIN HORNS roptilar tuin-blast auto horn. Built-in relays and f ul I - t iif d weatherproof pow rr plant 6.95 Sintle 2 i8 Triple 9.95 ALL STATE "Satisfaction Guaranteed ot Your Money Back" 484 Stale St. Salem, Oregon Compounded Motor Oil 100', pure paraffin base 10-Qt. can, inc. tax