Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Thursday Morning. February 28. 1946 PAGE THREE i Couple Visits 111 Mill City Durinif Week C7 MILL CITY. Fb. 27 -(Special) Jlr. ahd-.Mr. Bob Colethrirp of rortlind v idled Mr. and Mrs. Mai ion Huiitdii on Wt-dnesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vjilo Dickinson, fend Mr. and 'Mr. J. M. Dickinson cf Salem were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Crve. Mrs. Ctff's mother, Mrs. J. M. Dick inson, will stay l wo wetk. Dr. John Reid has returned to his practice here following post graduate work in Portland. Mr. Anna Swift is caring for Mrs. Dsi,y Hendricj-on who is ill. Mm. Reineld 01sen( Phyllis Mundt) was given a miscellaneous hower Thursday by Mrs. Lt-ter Hathaway, Lena Hathaway and Mr. Wayne Thomas at the Thom as home. Mr. and Mr?. V. B. Shuey and Mavis ' Murtdt attended the cap ping exerci-es at St. Mary's hos pital ir. Astoria Friday. Dorothy Shuey and 15 classmates received their caps in the ceremony. Cleone D. Kaplinger. daughter of the Leland Kaplinger?, and Pvt. Robert Becson of the army bir corps, plan to be married at the Pre.sbyter,ian church in Salem Friday. Bccspn lived in Mill City several tars ago. He will return to Germany following his present furlough. Labish Center The commun ity clyb meeting originally . plan red for Friday has been post jonJ. Orchard Heights Mrs. H. V. M inter, formerly of this commun ity, is recovering at her home in Who Wants to Put On Flax Festival For Mt Ansel MT. ANGEL, Feb. 27-(Special) While all favored resuming the annual flax festival none wished ihe job of putting on the celebra tion. It was suggested that the fuemen take charge and receive any., profits except a nominal amount for the Businessmen's club A committee to investigate and make a report at the next meeting of the club which met Monday at the hotel. The latest local co-op associa tion, the Marion County Dairy men's association, was represented at the businessmen's meeting Monday noon and asked for the moral support of lhat body. George Krusel president- of the associa tion, explained its purpose and told of the success of the practice cf artificial insemina'jon in other localities. He introduced Ben Newell, as sistant county agent, who stated that the association had a man lined up ''to take care, of (he in-M-mination and that work would begin by March s 8, although still short ft the 1000 cow goal. He srid the association called for a $10 membership and a $5 certifi cate for each cow signed, this amount to go into a revolving-in-' stment. In addition, he stated, there was a charge of $7 for each row to be bred. Farmers were atked to contact any of the offi cers, Kruse, Art Schwab or Dos Simmons. Newell said this method h a d' raised the production of the dairy he'd in known cases to the ex tent of increasing the butterfat yield of oiie cow 40 pounds in one generation. Peter Gores reported the Red Cross drive would begin March 1 and that the Mt. Angel quota was S1475 of which $900 was assigned to Mt. Angel proper and the rest to the suiTOunding school districts. Child's Colds IdwvlMiMTf A 9PQ lat H V'f SlV? 1 -a Rom where Te other day a construction firm set up an exhibit in the courthouse square. They built a new "house of the future" and inrited folks to see it Drew ,aite crowd with tfco women sighing orer the shiny kitckea, aad the men admiring the heating units and insulation. All except Ollie Mapes. He looks " around a spell and goes home. When I get there, he's sitting be fore his old dutch fireplace, with his. feet on the screen, and a mel low glais of beer, in hand. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Little of Keizer district ire pictured here on their golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. Little holds the rake. A family reunion was held mt the ir home on February 17. Present for the occasion were their eight children. grandchildren and great grand children, 4S in all. Among those attending were their son, Charles E. Little, recently re turned from Europe, their grandsons,. Eldon Wilkins, Rob ert and Kenneth Crenshaw, also recently discharged from military service. Seattle following a compound fracture of her leg suffered in a falk , Labish Center New wells have been drilled by Arlo Pugh and W. F'Klampe. Four Corners Eighty dollars was cleared at the rummage sale Saturday by the Rickey Garden club. The money will be used to pay for dishes and equipment for the kitchen at the community hall Pringle "The Barnyard Bee 4-H Livestock club was repre sented on the 4-H club broadcast over KOAC Monday night with a quartet including Barbara Cat laway, George Settlcmier, Shirley Kimble and Robert Holden. Four Corners Gay Clearwat er was elected as secretary of the Knitting club at Rickey to replace Marline Perkins, who is unable to continue. Vista Heights The Commun ity club will meet Friday at 7:30 p.m. in the Salem Heights Com munity hall. A Nicarauguan speaker is on the program. Pringle Newcomers here are Mr. and Mrs. Gust Cegler and daughter Eleanor from New Len ox, 111. Eleanor is a first grade pupil. Other recent arrivau are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cegler and children, Ann and Edmund, from Grand Rapids, Mich. Edmund is in the fourth grade and Ann is in the sixth grade. Sunnyside The Community club will meet Friday, March 1. Maxine Sherwood, LaVeve Foat and Betty Russell are the refresh ment committee and meat sand .wiches are regue.-sted. Earl Sher woocis and Paul Cammack are di recting the program. Pringle Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conklin and son, Murray and Jimmy, have moved here from the Liberty district. Jimmy is in the sixth grade and Murray in the second grade. Mill City Mrs. Jane Davis injured her leg in .a fall while attempting to start her car Sat urday. Virginia Dawes, in an ef fort to start the car, pushed it with her own and the bumper caught. It was while trying to untangle the two that Mrs. Davis slipped and fell on a rock. She is now on crutches. Swegle A musical entertain ment is planned for Friday night when students from .the Priscilla Meisinger studio will be present ed at Swegle school. The regular j Friday night Community club ; meeting has been postponed for I sit ... ly Joe Marsh ' Ollie Mapes and The Streamlined House "You know," quotes Ollie, "H takes a heap of living to make a home." Looking around, I see what Ollie means. A room crowded with mem ories of a life well spent and the friendly habits of a happy home, from a blazing old-fashioned fire, to a mellow glass of beer with friends. From where I sit, those things do more to make a home than modern streamlined gadgets. Copyright. 1946, Vmind Sunt Bnwtn Fmmdmtt SMMWMs From The t, . . Mt. Angel Post Plans Party Ftlr March 12 MT. ANGEL, Feb. 27-(Special) A covered dish supper will be held for the Legion's birthday party at the meeting, March 12. State offi cers have been invited. A special invitation has been extended to the wives, mothers and sisters of World War II vet erans to attend. Mrs. Fred Lucht reported on the award of the three-foot silk flag to the Monitor school at the Wash ington program. The flag was do nated by the Mt. Angel unit to the school in this area having the winning paper in the flag code contest Schools entered were Mt. Angel, Hazel Dell, Hazel Green, North Howell, Grassy Pond, Mc Kee and Monitor. M arlene Sprague, 12-year-old girl in the Monitor school, had (he winning paper. Judging was in the county superintendent's office. Mrs. Lucht made the presentation. Mrs. Al Saalfeld is a new auxil iary member, making a total of 62. Mt. Angel post has been award ed a certificate of distinguished service for its special efforts in getting new members, Fred Pros ser reported. Membership has now reached an all high of 117 mem bers. " Al Saalfeld has been appointed chairman of the constitution con test committee. High school stu dents of Mt. Angel ;ademy and Mt. Angel preparatory from 14 to 17 are eligible. Rules for the con test will be announced by the chairman. Silverton Lodge Plans for Visit SILVERTON, Feb. 27-(SpecJal) Plans were made at the Tuesday night meeting of Home" temple No. 21, Pythian Sisters, for the official visit of Mildred R. Har wood, Elgin, grand chief of Ore gon, on March 7. A regular tern pie meeting with entertainment will follow a 7 o'clock no-hostess dinner for Pythians and thei families. In charge of the dinner are Rose Specht and Lena Ham ilton. During the business meetin Emily Holm was installed as ex cellent junior, with Irene Roubal as installing officer. The Altruistic club will meet Friday, March 1, for an all day meeting, with no-hostess lunch eon at noon, at the home of Mrs! Al Down on West Main street Red Cross work will fill the day Mrs. Frank Carpenter, now Paso Robles. Calif., a former member of the club, will be special guest. PARTY HELD PRINGLE A Sunday school party was held at the schoolhouse Friday with Max Pemberton; Lu cille White and Thelma Rose act ing as hosts. Games were played, with group tinging led by Shirley Kimble and Barbara Callaway.' Oregon Motor Stages ANNOUNCES Hew Service to Keizer School District Effective March 1,1946 Buses will lecrro Keizer school district and State and Commercial. Salem, at follows: Lv. ' Arr. Lv. Arr. Keizer State & Keizer School Commercial School a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. 7:15 7:40 6:45 7:10 8:15 8:40 7:45 8:10 9:15 9:40 8:45 9:10 10:15 10:40 .9:45 10:10 11:15 11:40 10:15 11:10 a.m. a.m. - a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 2:45 3:10 2:15 2:40 3:45 4:10 3:15 3:40 4:45 5:10 4:15 4:40 5:45 1 6:10 5:15 5:40 6:40 7:05 6:15 6:40 p.m.. p.m. p.m. p.m. Weekdays except Sundays and Holidays Buses will be routed as follows From Keizer school on Highway No. 2I to Front St.. Front St. to Columbia, to Court, to Liberty, to State, to State and Commercial; From State and Commercial. Commercial. Columbia, Front, Highway 219. Dearborn, looping right on Dearborn, left on First St. left on Chemawa to Kelser school. Statesman s Community Correspondents Macleay Women Present Setting Demonstration PRATUM, Feb. 27-(Special)- Mrs. Roy Marchand . and Mrs. John G rue how presented the' demonstration Tuesday at the Macleay grange hall. Seventeen members and friends were pres ent. Mrs.. Elgin McKinnley and Mrs. Edwin J en son were special guests. Mrs. Arthur Spelbrink and Mrs. Herman Head were hostesses. Bouquets of daffodils decorated the serving table. The next meetirig will be a buf fet luncheon demonstration at the Tom Burton home on March 26. Four Corners Cliurcli Holds 4 VfT 11 CJ WeCKly OerVlCe J FOUR CORNERS, Feb. 27 (Special)- Four Corners Com munity church now has two ser vices each Sunday. The Rev. Frank Ferrin. student at the Western BaDtist Theological sem- inary in Portland, conducts one service at 11 a.m. and another at 7:30 n.m. Mrs. Ferrm. an accom- plished musician ilays the piano, th vvlnohone and the D ano- arrnrdion and assists with the The church services are new, but Sundav school services have hen conducted there for several VM The Sundav school was fire hAlH at Aiihmn srhool with Leon Lambert as superintendent, then with the completion of the building on State street the meet- ings were held there. Sixty four are enrolled with an average of Conduct SunilaV Service 60 attending weekly Classes for PRATUM, Feb. 27-(Special)-all ages are conducted B F ' Methodist Swinford is the superintendent. June Swinford is the pianist, Mrs S. H. Cable has the beginners' class, Mrs. A. E. Corning the pri mary class, J Holland the Junior V IT. 11 JM m Vh 4a n m boys, Mrs. Holland the junior girls class. Swinford leads the young people and Richard Tillman has the adult class. Mch interest and enthusiasm is, shown by those attending and an ' invitation is extended to all to attend both the Sunday school and the preaching services Friday at 7:30 choir practice is held in the church with Mrs Frank Ferrin as director, and all young people of the community are invited to sing in the choir Suiiiiysirie Family Has Birthday Dinner Party SUNNYSIDE. Feb. 27-(Spe-cial)-Mr. and Mrs. John Neuen schwander and family, Ernest Neuens chwander, G. Neuen- schwander, Mr. and Mrs. Bui Neuenschwander of Gaston, Ore., were guests Sunday of Mrs. Joe Vasek of Jefferson, who gave a dinner honoring her husband ,o.n his birthday anniversary. Mrs. Ernest Neuenschwander was unable to attend because of illness of her father, William Fu- trelL He is at the Salem Deacon ess hospital following a stroke. Ylley V J. - Oregon City Coiiple Visits Near Meliama M EH AM A, Feb. 27-(Special ) Sunday guests of the Tony Mora vers were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moraver and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilson of Oregon City and Mr. and Mrs. Anton .Moraver of Mill City. Seventy-five dollars was cleared at the school program which will be used for the school hot lunch program. Those taking part in cluded Mrs. Lew Pooler, Mrs. Ray Branch and Mrs. Orville Greer. Marvin Sagnotty, fireman 2c, U.S. navy, stationed at Seattle, had a 72-hour leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sagnotty. Raymond Adam took him to Seattle Sunday. Ray mnnri will enter the navv Marcl s mond will enter the navy March 12. Mr. and Mrs. Parriss Bauche and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauche were guests of Mrs. Mabel Baucne in iaiem aunaay. Mrs. Chris Mcuonaia is wun ner rattier a'. AKron, coio. e suuerea another heart attack and she will remain until he is better;.; Dorothy Mason has returned to scnooi iouowing a ineni inajoi operation. children and Mr. ana Mrs. n. u. Uray were at tne iranK wniie home Sunday. ueorge M. won or aanay was weekend guest of his sisters, Mrs. Eugene Cook and Mrs. Tom my rurnish. i raill 111 lOllllg I eopic g people church conducted the worship services Sunday under the lead ership of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meyer and the music was di 1 e deVri Ra, h Wilson, gram. jr. announced the pro- Wi 30 Mor. Vitamin ft I .1 II I V1'im!!l S limu II I ha. n a. II OIffoJiBeJ II B I 'i rlRi" lrakfal- II II ma Si II IlL TI CONTROUIO II aJberSj Roasting II II ' IIMIKi Old-lotKianad) 11 1 1 "EM n I pini cmiau rot nm yiam 11 News Nine Tobies of Cards In Play at CD A Party MT. ANGEL Catholic Daugh ters of America enjoyed a social meeting devoted to bridge and 500, followed by supper, Monday night. Nine tables of cards were in play and prizes were,, won by Mrs. Fred Schwab, Mr. M. I. Meyers mid Mrs. Henry Zollner. Mrs. Kd Hammer was Wiaiiman of the committee. - j Detroit Folk At Rockaway Visiting Family DETROIT, Feb. 27 -(Special) Mr. and Mrs4 Frank Steenhout, jr., and children are at Rock- away with her mother, Mis. Steenhout, who recently under went a major operation. Mrs. Frank Dickey Ss home af ter two weeks In Los Angeles with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boydson of Portland were weekend guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Max Harlan. Cail Bennett and George Ross of Philomath visited at the John Estey home while en route home from Bend. Floyd and Keith White of Portland, recently returned from overseas, are guests of their fath er. Letter White, and their aunt, Mrs. Earl Parker. Mr. and Mrs. George Dickie and Yvonne of Mili City were recent guests of his mother, Mrs. Hilma Dickie. Mrs. Edith Shields of Silverton and Fred White have returned to Portland. Their mother, Mrs. Jen nie White, who was seriously ill, has improved. Mr. and Mrs. George Streff and son Michael have returned home after spending some time in Red Bluff, Calif (IB duficn II I Find out I Gnuln butttrmilk flavor. all 8 ot tontial ingrodionts assured Folks always perk up at sight of these goidon brown Albors Flapjacks. Really shift into high, spirits when they sdinpe that tender texture, fasfe genuine old-time buttermilk flavor. Never forget Albers Flapjack Flour contains mil 8 essential flapjack ingredients ! Presto-ready . . . serve Flapjacks regularly I What a break . . Albers Oats has BOTH! I. All Id f rwtli, famlnaj, narf y SINIFITS Of TRUE OATMEAL All Ik extra TASTI APPEAL OF'CONTROllIP-TOASTINO" 2. Quick Cooking Ioof Four Comers Parents Plaii For Cub Scouts FOUR CORNERS, Feb. 27 (Special) Thirty parents attend ed a Boy Scout meeting at the Community hall Monday night. Lyle Leighton, scout executive, spoke to the parents and boys about a Cub Pack and as a con sequence three dens were set up. Another meeting for the par ents only will be held Thursday. March 7, when organization ol the pack will be completed and a packmaster and den mothers chosen. One or both parents of boys nine to 12 who want to join the cubs be at this meeting, j After the meeting Monday the i cubs and their parents were joinpd by the boys of troop 64 and the Kxplorer Scouts for a movie of scoutirg. Sardines were named after island of Sardinia. the VENETIAN BLINDS Dress Up Your Windows (Minimum order - It so., ft. per blind) Tontine Washable WINDOW SHADES We turn them, repair them, or make them to size. Eeinholdt & Lewis VENETIAN BLINDS 560 South 21st St. Telephone 8991 Pleas accept $100 a Month rorv Lire Tkt C.Mtn Ytmn PLm gltti .' 1 . Definite monthly income for life when you wih to retire. Protection for family now. Pay double for accidental death before retirenlcot age. Builds us- large cah retervt. Vixt Meadr income if von are permanently disabled. St YMAm Isijiav:k ( HAS. S. McELIIINNY IS Breyman Building LYDIA V. WOOTTKN 57 N. Liberty Street Measure WEATHER STRIPPING An experienced weather stripper is available to give you a first class job. f jjjj ' " , Installed til: IB - ft "Swell !" with ArtWrM , trf Alksr t lMtM rirf this lovely Sterling Silver BRACELET CHARM and top from a packs f Fecrlt f Wheat farina YouH nt iua anaart stariing aiWtr reptka-of tb"014 Miner". Exclusive original dsignt Jost print y(r nam and addraas plaiiw Ij r. Fnd to ALBERS MlLUNO Company, lOM Stuart BnOding, Dpt CN, Statu 1, WaaK, an cloainf 334 and boa top from Altera I'rcrla of Whaat PARI N A i itha CTMitny bet tarsal anricbad with in-forUnt Vitamins B, and Ba, Kiarin and Iron. Sappjy f charms Umhd writ today!