PAGE TWO The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. February 23. 1948 Stroke Takes UO Art Dean, E. F. Lawrence EUGENE, Feb. ,27-(P-E- F. Lawrence, dean of the schnl of architecture and' allied art at the I'niversity of Oregon since 1932, wi trk-ken at the Faculty club on the University of Oregon cam pa.', and was rohed to the hos pital but died before arrival th'-re. Dean Lawrence had been pro feor atf the architectural school sm-e 1914 and was in partner ship with his son. Ablxtt Law- r'n f in the architectural firm of Iwrence and Lawrence at Port land Before coming to Oregon in 1914. he practiced architecture at Portland. Me., and at Boston, Mjis. He was educaU"d- at the M iss( hu5 tts Institute of Tech nology at Boston. I Van Lawrence was member of the Portland city planning ommts5icin, of the Oregon State TV her' association, tln Associ ation of College School of Archi ll -ture. the Pacific C'oaAt Leagae of Anhitecti! and trie Portland Ai ' hitectural club. - He i survived by bin widow, living at Portland, and by three m. Abbott. Definition and Amos ?M I-awrrnce. Truman Makes 2 Appointments WASHINGTON. Feb. . ZJ.-W-Pr.ident Truman picked two ex perienced official today to help formulate American civilian pol icy nirt Germany and to negoti ate nettlernent of nazi axaeU cach es! in Europe's neutral countries. He sent to the senate the nom ilMtlOMH of: Maj. Gen. , John H. Hiltdring. director of the war department's civil affairs division, for assistant secretary of state; Randolph Paul, former general coun.el for the treasury, to be a )10.0O0 a year presidential assist ant to negotiate settlements with Switzerland. Spain, Sweden and Portugal of German external as fcet in -there four countries. CHURCHILL'S SON HERE NEW 'YORK. Feb. (Thurs day )-tP)-Randolph Churchill, son of Former Prime Minister Winston C hirrchill cf England, arrived at Lt Guardia field here tarty today aboard a Pan American World Airway plane from Engtand. RAFT OUT OF HOSPITAL HOLLYWOOD. Kete. . 27-4V Ac'or George Raft waa released t day from Cedars of Lebanon h p:tal. where he had been con fined three weeka with a res piratory ailment. - CON'T. FROM 1P.M.- NOW SHOWING! (Feature at 1:1 - 3:20 - 5:30, 7:45-- 9:55 R. M.) Th Maddest love That Ever Pottttessed A r. pte a luiMn INGRID BERGMAN GREGORY PECK a AITRTD H ITCH COCK'S A WUJilCS rvTMIMTIOtlM. rNTV PLl'S! CARTOON NEWS! - OPENS 6:1$ P M. - NOW PLAYING! Barbara Stanwyck Joel MrC'rea "BANJO ON MY KNEE --T Fun Co-Hit! 4- - OPEN8 6:45 T, M. - NOW!THRILL! I i 1 1 1 r: s irS r t JOHNNY WOSSMULLER CO-FEATl'RE WUd Bill Elliott "CHEYENNE WILDCAT" C:'s-v & S. Succumbs ' ' x W Ml . v i-k V : i , m, .... Dean E. F. Lawrence ( the Uni versity of Oregan school of ar chitecture and allied arts, who died last night en the Eugene campus. (Story in column 1.) 2500 Troops Stage Revolt in India Province BOMBAY, Feb. 2T-P-A tele phoned report to Nagpur in cen tral India said. 2500 Indian troops had revolted today at Jubbulpore, 550 miles northeast of Bombay, marching out of their barracks, unH tlaf rvrklvere anH luvnn1i had been used in attempU to stop them. The message to Nagpur, pro vincial capital 150 miles south of Jubbulpore, said the troops paraded through the streets car rying Congress and Moslem lea gue flags. The situation was reported tense, with increasing numbers of men leaving their, barracks. The troops protested a court martial sentence on a captain who had served in the Japanese-spon sored Indian national, army, the dispatch added. Texas School Rejects Negro AUSTIN, Tex.. Feb. 27-(-The University of Texas has re fused to register Herman Marion Sweatt, Houston negro, as a stu dent in its law school and ,ha asked Attorney General G rover Sellers for an opinion on whether a "person of negro ancestry, oth erwise qualified for admission may be admitted as a student Dr. T S. Painter, acting presi dent of the university, sent a let ter to the attorney general saying the registrar of the university, with the approval and consent of Dr. Painter, "declined to accept the application of Mr. Sweatt and refused to register him as a stu dent in this institution, pending a ruling from you upon the legality of sifh action. NOW SHOWING' in.! i m v t YJr Mnt n t ii r n u M J, x V 1 MURPHY CO-FEATURE Beenda Marshall Win. Gargaa In "A STRANGE IMPERSONATION- f" TODAY & FRI. TRE WJUK CEPJUTUEXT'S STC2Y CF BOYS IN THE PACIFIC! Hit NoT A BREEZY MUSICAL Wl krrna , SATURDAY Errol Flynn Alexis Smith in "San Anionic' n ni i in ana n r-i i - III 1 H IUUst III Il.di President Calls To Persuade Americans to Conserve Food By Harvey L. Seandrett WASHINGTON, Feb. 21-iM-President Truman enlisted the aid of Herbert Hoover and other leaders today in a drive to per suade Americans to eat less so that more food can go to the hun gry populations of Europe and Asia. He invited the former presi dent, the outstanding food expert after World War I, to help map the campaign at; a White H,ouse conference Rriday. Mr. Truman announced Mr. Hoover's accep tance in telegrams inviting 12 Duo Pianists Win Audience Acclaim at Local Concert By Maxlne Buren Vera Appleton and Michael Field really won the audience's heart at the high school Wednes day night when they played a duo-piano concert. Leaving the hall, this reviewer was admonish ed repeatedly to "do well" by the players as if her pleasure had not been as great as theirs. The duo pianists displayed a charming mixture of naivete and poUe, and there was no question as to their talent and sympathetic musicianship. The pair listed a program rang ing from the pompous Liszt grand concert variations to the Over Oregon I By the Associated Tresa PORTLAND, Feb. 27 -K- A pedestrian was killed yesterday by an automobile which careened off North Denver avenue. He was Pint, Brown, 40. One of the car's occupants was injured; ASTORIA. Feb. 27 -i!P A pro posal i by the CIO Interna Uional Longshoremen's union here that a joint political action committee be formfed for Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties was rejected by4he AFL central labor council. . DALLAS, Feb. 2T f) Plans to combat the hairy vetch weevil by dusting from a plane are under way here with farmers getting up a pool for financing the work. PORTLAND, Feb. 27 iP)-TU- ty-one men held diplomas from the University of Oregon dental school today after graduation of the first senior class since the school became a part of the State system. ,:' CORVALLI8. Feb. 27 -P- Home Vegetable gardens were urged today by W. L. Teutsch, as sistant director of the Oregon State college extension service. ;R Ralph Clark, assistant extension horticulturist, has been- named project leader to work with coun ty extension staffs In promoting ardens. . PORTLAND. Feb. 27-P)-Port- land's growth Is reflected in crowded court calendars. Circuit Judge James S. Crawford told a businessmen's club today. He said municipal court here handled 22,- 000 more criminal and traffic. cases m 1945 than in 1940. Circuit courts had 693 criminal dases to 406 in 1940. The biggest boom was in divorce suits 5125 last year and 1891 in 1940. REDMOND, Fto. 27 The first plane to land on the Redmond army air field since the city re ceived an interim permit for its use was piloted by Mayor T. J, Wells. With Wells on the initial landing was J. R. Roberts, whose name the field now bears. The airport, built by the army, will be municipally owned and 'operated. PORTLAND. Feb. 27 -(P- Measlesi cases totaled 169 in Ore gon last week, the state board of health reported today, a sharp in crease over the 63 in the same period a year ago. a CORVALLIS. Feb. 27 HffV The Patterson trophy for outstanding 4-H club leadership and achieve ment, in 1945 was awarded to Eu gene Maynard, 20, McMinnville, H. C. Seymour, state club leader. announced today. Maynard, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Maynard, has been in club work for 11 years, with his main interest in dairying. PORTLAND. Feb. 27 -P)- The state board of health today ap pointed Dr. Maynard C. Sniffer the director of its maternal. and child health division. He has di rected the venereal disease treat ment center here since last No vember. i ROSEBL'RG, Feb. 27 -UPy- Wil liam H. McCoy, 36, Portland oil company employe, was killed ear ly today when struck by a car on the Pacific highway north of here. McCoy, passenger in a car driv- "BEDSIDE IIAiniEQ with Jahn Carratl and Rath Ilossey -Ca-Featar Mrder in the Bine Rara Bargain Night, Opens 6:45 FJH. on Herbert Hoover, Leaders other "public spirited citizens" to .the meeting. Mr. Hoover earlier gave sup port to the president's appeal for food saving to cope with famine abroad and expressed belief it was possible to meet the need by voluntary action. "Our national self respect and our duties as human beings de mand that we do all possible to stop the spread of famine," Mr. Truman's telegrams sajd. "I have directed the agencies . of government to do everything possible to this end. But govern ment alone is not enough. very rhythmatic "Brazileira by Milhaud, with a generous num ber of extras thrown in. Even the more staid local mu sicians reveled in the bright rhythms and enjoyed especially the youth fulness and romance brought into the-music by Ap pleton and Field: AndanU Masterpiece Probably the masterpiece of the program was the andante and variations by Schumann which was unsurpassed in lovely mel ody and beauty of interpretation. Another nice number was a "Toc cata" written for the two pianists by Anis Fuleihan. I personally enjoyed the flam boyance of the "Grand Concert" variations by LUzt, though out voted in favor of the more- spirit ed offerings by those who know music better than I. "Flight of th Bumble Bee," written by Victor Babin from the Rimsky- Korsakoff composition was an other of the fine numbers and was repeated by request. Their beautiful interpretation of "Blue Danube" also drew loud applause and was partially repeated. Pre cision in timing was characteris tic of their playing in both. Encores Given Encores were given after just the right amount of hesitancy followed instantly by a pleased acceptance of the audience's ap peals for more. The pianists were indeed charming and played in addition to their regular program "Minute Waltz" by Chopin, two preludes by Gershwin, "Jamai can Rhumba" by Benjamin, and "Sword Dance" by Khatchatour- ian. One could laud the players through many paragraphs, but lt is enough to say that they'll be listed among the topmost in en joyment of programs brought by the Community Concert associa tion through the years. Anita Strike 'Off LOS ANGELES, Feb. n-iJP The Santa Anita park racing strike threat dissolved today as the California horse racing board satisfied most of the demands of the Cal i f o r n i a Thoroughbred and Trainers association and the Affiliated Grooms association. PROSECUTION RESTS NUERNBERG. Feb. 27-fP)-Al- lied prosecutors rested their case against 22 top nazis late- today. after the international military tribunal earlier had denied de fense motions to bring Winston Churchill , and Edouard Daladier into court as witnesses. The de fense for the nazi hierarchy is expected to open its.Lcase Mon day. HOUSING PLAN ONLY STIT CHICAGO, Feb. 27-(-A hous ing program calling for construc tion of 2,700,000 family units dur ing the next two years will only be a "start on the sustained, long range Job Of building decent homes for all American families," Wilson Wyatt, -federal housing ad ministrator, said tonight. en by Walter Cunningham, Port land, had steDDed into- the road to get help for their car, mired in a soft shoulder. a PORTLAND. Feb. 27-(iiP)-AFL millmen and representatives of the Woodwork Employers associa tion will meet tomorrow in an ef fort to avert a strike set for Fri day which would affect 700 work ers in 31 Oregon plants. J. M. Scudder, emplayer association at torney, said the union had asked for 20 cents an hour increase and the employers have offered 10 rents with an additional 10-cent boost promised if higher prices can be obtained for their products. a a MEDFORD, Feb. 27-jP)-Heavy snow with high water content was reported for Crater Lake park to day by a survey crew. Tho snow cover was 155.4 inches' with 68.4 inches of water content. Last year's totals were 92.4 and 32 inches. a a e PORTLAND. Feb. 27 -(- The Bonneville administration today awarded a contract for construc tion of an Albany-Toledo, Ore., 115-kilovolt power line to H. H. Walker, Ellensburg, Wash., on a bid of $69,932.70. Too Late to CI "We can not meet this situa tion without an aggressive volun tary program on the part of pri vate citizens to reduce food con sumption in this country." The meeting will be under the auspices of Secretary of Com merce Wallace, Secretary of Ag riculture Anderson and Assistant Secretary of State Clayton, rep resenting Secretary Byrnes. Charles G. Ross, White House press secretary, said that a cabi net subcommittee which has been studying the situation, rec ommended the voluntary campaign. "In the first World war," Mr. Hoover said in a statement Feb ruary 8, "we placed food con sumption on a moral and Chris tian appeal and voluntary organi zation of,' the housewives, eating places and the food trade. "We have now, in this war. had experience with compulsory ra tioning and an examination will show that consumption per capi ta was no greater and probably less under the voluntary system." In the meantime a well-fed world in the future was forecast by Secretary Anderson. "Agricultural and nutritional science have been developed to the point where it is now possi ble to banish hunger from the earth," the agriculture secretary said in testimony before the house appropriations committee, released today. Stockingless Women Appeal To Clare Luce By Virginia Van Der Veer WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.-WH Down to your last pair of nylons? WelU better not tell it to Clare Boothe Luce. She's heard that line before - - about 5000 times. It all started this way: The Connecticut congress woman put out a 'statement suggesting there might be more stockings if hos iery mills could get more rayon. That was where Mrs. Luce put her foot in it. Unhappy merchants, seizing on this ray of republican help, be gan to put ads in their local pa pers. "Write Mrs. Luce." they im plored. "Tell her you must have rayon stockings." The ladies wrote. Boxes and cartons and mailbags of letters. From women of every stocking size and shade, democratic and republican, old and young, Yan kee and southerner. In a few days, Mrs. Luce's har ried office workers estimated they had slit open over 5000 . letters, almost all with one desperate re frain: "I'm down to my last pair." 8ALEM CARS COLLIDE No one was injured and little damage resulted when cars oper ated by the Rev. Francis H. Cham bers. 299 N. Winter st, and W. L. Preston, 1189 Jefferson st., col lided at the corner of Court and Waverly streets Wednesday at 4:45 p. m. S JAPANESE TO HANG SHANGHAI. Thursday, Feb. 28 -jPj-Five former Japanese sol- I diers were sentenced today to be hanged for the strangulation and cremation of three American B-29 airnien at Hankow in December, 1944. The fliers had been parad ed through the s t r e e ts and clubbed before their deaths. GUN CLUB FORMED SWEET HOME; Feb. 27-(Special) -A rod and gun club has been organized in Sweet Hprne' with Ray Malone president; Vernon Cox, vice president, and Bill Put nam, secretary - treasurer? The group is looking for a permanent location where weekly, meetings and shoots can be held." The discovery that coal could be used to produce high tempera tures was first made by the Chi nese in the sixth century. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause tt goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchnU mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you bottle of Creomnlsinn with the un derstanding you must lika the way it quickly aliaya the cough or 70a axe to hare your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis DRS, CHAN . . . LAM Dr.Y.TXam.N.D. Dr.G.CaaaJJ. CHINESE HERBALISTS 241 North Liberty Uf stairs Portland General Dectric Co. Office open Saturday only 10 a jri to 1 p.m.: to 1 p.m. Con sultation. Blood pressure and urtm tests arc free oi charge. Practiced since 1917. Compliment First Iatly On Choice of Cocktails BINGHAMPTON, N. Y., Feb. 2T.-(P)A Binghamton Methodist church has congratulated the president's wife and daughter for their choice of orange juice over cocktails at a recent New York City dinner. v In reply, Mrs. Bess W. Truman wrote that she and her daughter. Margaret, deeply appreciated the church's congratulations and "are pleased to know of the approval of our action." Company Given Permission to Issue Notes PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27 -() The securities and exchange com mission issued an order today permitting Standard Gas and Electric company to issue and sell $51,000,000 of unsecured promis sory notes bearing interest of 2 li per cent a year. The company will use proceeds together with approxi mately $9,000,000 treasury cash to redeem $58,601,000 of 6 per cent notes and debentures not outstanding The transaction is part of i proposed new recapitalization plan of Standard, replacing a plan which the SEC approved in No vember, 1944, and which was up held last September by a circuit court of appeals. The notes will be secured by pledge of all Standard's common stock holdings in Pacific Gas and Electric company, Oklahoma Gas and Electric company, the Cali fornia Oregon Power company. Mountain States Power company, Wisconsin Public Service com pany, Louisville Gas and Electric company (Delaware), Louisville Gas and Electric company (Ken 'tuiky), and Philadelphia com pany. LESS GRAIN. LESS BEER NEW YORK. Feb. 27-iiP)-The nation will have less beer to drink in 1946 than at any period during the war if the government reduces this year's grain quota for use in the manufacture of alcoholic bev erages by an indicated 30 per cent, leading brewers in the New York area predicted today. B-25 BOMBER MISSLN'G SANTA MONICA, Calif , Feb. 27. North American avia tion announced tonight that a B 25 bomber had been missing since late afternoon on an experimental flight, and that wreckage found by the coast guard seven miles off shore had been identified as that of the plane. SLEEPING CAES i to SOUTHERN OREGON Will Run ar-time- regulation being modified, beginning March 1st sleeping car aer rice will be reetored between Portland and Southern Oregon dtiee. Last July these sleeping cars were withdrawn on orders from the OJ5.T. because they were needed for moving military personnel. Now. they have been released for civilian service. This permits re-establlshment of convenient overnight sleeping car service. 1 SOUTHBOUND Lv Portland 7:15 PM Lv Ahlan.l 6:30 PM Lv Salem 9:30 PM Lv Medford 7:10 PN Lv Albanv 10:35 PM Lv Grants Pass 8:13 PM Lv Eugene 12:05 AM Lv Roseburg 12:15 AM Ar Rosehurg 3:20 AM Ar Kugene 3:07 AM Ar Grants Pass 7:31AM Ar Albany 4:50 AM Ar Medford 8:30 AM Ar Salem 5:50 AM Ar Ashjand 9:25 AM Ar Portland 7:55 AM These trains also carry through coaches. Sleeping car reservations can be made any time Agent Salem, or any S. P. Agent. Army to Use Pilotless B-17s On Atom Test ROSWELL FIELD, N.M., Feb. 2 7 -(P) -The army air forces dem onstrated today how to fly a four- tengine bomber by remote control -and get it back to the ground all in one piece. The B-17 used in today's dem onstration was one of eight which will be used for instrument re cordings at the Bikini atom bomb test, flying , unmanned because they must be sent into or near the lethal radioactive bomb cloud. It is essential that the big bomb ers, most of which are veterans of combat, be brought back intact, with instruments undamaged. Two planes, one' control ship and the other a drone, were brought here today from Clovis field, N.M.; for a demonstration before Brig. Gen. Roger Aamey. commander of the army aviation section for joint army-navy task force, and Rear Admiral C- A. F. Sprague, commander of the naval aviation of the test, who came here from San Francisco to see the experiment. The navy also is using "drone planes in the test. Weed Killer Wins Approval RENO. Nev.. Feb. 27-(.Ti-The western weed control conference for the first time today cautiously endorsed the potent new weed killer, 2. 4-D. The conference, made up of weed experts from 11 western states, accepted the recommen dations of its research committee which found 2, 4-D effective in combating morning glory and such common lawn nuisances as dande lions and plantain. Morning glory is the weed which strangles food crops throughout the west. Portland was chosen for the meeting next year. Washing Machine Service Complete stock Mcryicuj fac tory replacement parts now on hand. Reasonable quick snrric on Maytag. Easy and other makes of washing machines. Register new for post-war borne appliance needs. Hogg Bros. 2St Stale St. Ph. 9149 Again Beginning Schedules The friendly Southern Pacific Police Capture Defraud Suspect CHICAGO. Feb. 27.-P-Con- necticut State Police Commis sioner Edward Hickey said to night a man detained by Chicago police admitted he is Daniel J. Leary. former Waterbury, Conn., city comptroller who . vanished five years ago after being con victed of conspiring to defraud the city of Waterbury of $1,000.- 000. Hickey identified the man as Leary and quoted him as saying: "What's the use? I'm Leary, and you know who I am. I'll talk with you tomorrow morning." , Postmaster in Albany Seeks State Senate (Story also on page 1) G. C. KnodaU. Albany postmas ter. Wednesday filed in the state 'department here for state sena tor, 2nd district. Linn county, at the republican primary; Other filings Wednesday: M. M. Land on. Sweet Home, re publican, for state representative, 13th district. Linn county. O. Henry Oleen, St. Helens, democrat, for state representative, 2nd district, Columbia county. Manley J. Wilson. Warren, demo crat, for state representative. 33rd district, Clatsop and Columbia counties. E. J. Stewart, Delake, republi can, for trustee, Salmon river-. Grande Ronde highway -improvement district. Ira L. Withrow, Grand Ronde. republican, for trustee Salmon river-Grande Ronde highway Im provement district. G. H. Fullenwider, republican, Carlton, for state representative, 8th district. Yamhill county. CANT KEEP GRAHDF.1A IN HER CHAIR Sho'a as Lively ma m Youngster Now her Backache is better Manr aaSnvre nliave ualaf ffcA ejtiekly. oace the? diacor tfcet t net eaoM ef their tnmM Mr be tin kieners. The kidneys are Nature's ehkf war of Uk tn the raee aeida and waate eat of the Uaae. Tbejr help nwet people pee abeut pinta Uj. . Wbn dlaentoer kUaer faaetioe fwmHm niaoaoua nsttrr to rnie b year Mood, it yceaeejnkeckHie.rWireHpeiis. b) paiaa. loa of pro and eaenr. svtttBC bp afehta. eweUtac puOaeei ndtr the area, headaches and diuiaraa, IVeeutnt or seaatr pataaan with aaauiiatf aad boralaar time ahowa there ia Mfataa; im wan row kidaera or bladder. boe't waiU Aak roar draaptat for Doe a 'a Pill, a UaralaM aSareUe, aei amaiaafetly kr million for over 4 raare. Doaa'e arre happy reMaf ead win help the 1 aihai of kxraer toba flaah oat pononua aaata faaaa . year blood. Get Dau t FlUa. , I I-Iarch hi J NORTHBOUND through C A. Larson, FOR SALE: OS Graham, $375. Ph. 4029