J PAGE ELEVEN FjrSale Real Estate For Sale Real Estate For Sale Farm Acreage Acreage 'Suburban Wanted Used Cars Wanted tted Cars Th OREGON STATESMAN. Solom, Orogon. Thursday Morning. February 28. 1948 LEE OHM ART & SMALL. SUBURBAN HOME .mall 4 room hoine. located mi the Kaoptian Road, hat elec. water syslm. some ftuit tree lota of berrie'and n soil lot :MV11S, priced at IWM ... HnU VlA'OOD DISTRICT 1 f Neat and clsr. and comfortably Itlr- ntviru. V ' 1 im . i , v .- dut furnaor. ha livin-roow. dinUie rMn. 1 bedroom, kitchen end" hath, all furniture included, nice kM-85O0.' MODERN SUBURBAN HOME Modern 2 tx-arootn horn with Hi oil rre -wl lano, wirea tor ranee. heat, in good condition. Fenced-in It Mil id. nicely landscaped, heat In ituv. and titlrr heater included for VP) North of town v PHONE 9680 477 COURT ST. Salt Real Kntate or ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Small I. ( on nice lot J rooms. I.alli and utility rooms CMi bus line. $l"Vmlm Se "Scottv." K1 Hvrkit, Realtor 425 S 12'h Ph 5981 FAST OS BUSTLING 2 bed roorr.n cath. living room, din ing room, kitchen, builtms, fireplace, wiied for rantre, plastered. baeroent and furnace f&Ob 00 See "Scotty." Eil Bjrkit. Realtor 425 S 12th " EAST ON STATE STREET 1To bed room, living room, dining t'm kitchen, builtins, wen Winds. 1taA. viied for range, fiieplace, base ment turnac. This Is a Mce place. 9-jO(Ki See "Scott)." Eil Rvrkit, Realtor 425 S J2th ' r Ph 961 CAPE COD HOfffi Kingwoori Drive, beautiful view, hardwood floors: three bed ram, fire place .automatic gas furnace. In fact it na everythir.g to make a lane home. Eil Byrkit, Realtor 425 S 121b " Ph 9981 CLOSE IN Svcn room English style heane. wir ed 1 r ranre Concrete fovndaUan, ven. blinds See "lae" Baean. Eil Byrkit, Realtor 425 S 12th " P 5081 "" NEW DUPLEX Electrically r.eated. etectile ranges. Cho'ce p-ece of property, Good rentals. nl t &) Call for "C. aV" Eil Bvrkit. Realtor 425 S 12th " Ph. 3981 m - REDECORATED I BH home This p.ace is clean and neat tlirouchout Immediate tr raalan. See this I inn to appreciate it. Sullivan Realty Co. 335 Portland Rd. Ph. 3238Eveemi3 EXTRA Large lot with old tonin home Located blks N E. of Capitol BWlg Very Rood rowrt ait. Call O. V. HUME with) State Finance Co ..Realtors 151 S Hirh Ph. 4121 North. Immed Poss 4 adrms. Iiv im.. dm. rm.. kit.. dtt garage. Can be converted Into apta. CtM Osner Huff Real Estate Co. REALTOR Pi 2-1549 1TI7 CENTER ST Eva. Ph. 8-1731 4 MONTH? Old. I B R Mastered home orln rumored altic. Ven blinds, wired for rsr.r. Very nice for $4230. Sullivan Realty Co. J.VSS Portland Rd. Ph. 3255 Eves. t!41I LARGE Mourrn home weil located on D St Sawdust heat Garage. Price SH Call O V. HUME with State Finance Co., Realtors 1SJ S Hiiih Ph. 4121 For Sale Farms 810 500-24 A, 15 A planted to fruit. t'jt-irriatl v A. of Umber. Late built modern home Fireplace. Air conditioned furrsce. Ceil Jena Thonia- Huff-Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph 2-1M9 1717 CENTER ST. EvV Ph 2-1731 Business Directory ' Business Directory cards run by the month only. Rale l.Z5 per tine per month. Call 1101 be ILtted here for results! Accounting .Service At.'DIT. Bork keeping, payrolls, taxes. Fv aprtr .K;'-a Accounting Service. J!9 Ort-Kon liicg Phone 7952. i Al'DIT?. BOOKKEEPING. INCOME TAX Work cr.iled for knd returned. Available evemr.g. Telephone 39S6. Airplane Model SALEM MODEL CRAFT 217 S High .AlioUne. Boat. Racet. Railroad Sup THies. Bala. Dope. Xacto Sets "Salem Made) C,entr " Appliance Service; EXPERT Bendlx and commercial and domestic refrigerator service. Ralph Johnson Appl.ance Pbone 4636 Art Tile Wt'lard Tlla Co . 1368 H 48k. Ph. 8380 Fireplaces, drairiboarda, bath rtns etc BATH Room, drain board, fireplace, tore fronts Pn. 9964 9658 Portland Rd Saiem Art Tile Auto A Truck Service MARION MOTORS NASH SALES 8t SERVICE Experienced mechanics Otto Buff, foreman. M0 Chemeketa. Ph 7838. HERRALL-OWENS CO 233 S Coml Auto Brakes BRAKES St wheel-aligning Shock ab sorber exiharyed. 241 Center St. FERRY Ferry t. Street Brake service. 344 J HERRALL- OWENS CO 233 S Com'l Mike Panek. 27 t. Coma Ph 3161 Brake and wheel -altgnwig specialist Beauty Shop Beauty Hacienda, permanent waves and facials Kvetiing appointments taken every eight except Wed. Sat., Sun Room 201 1st Natl. Baak aUdg- Ph. 3923. Bicycle. CENTS BIKE SHOP. 111$ , Edgewator St . West SeJem. Phone 2-1&6S. BICYCLES New and reconditioned Harry' W Scott. 147 S Com cl P 4316 Body A Fender Repair HERRALL-OWENS CO 236 S. Com'l CO., REALTORS S BEDROOM HOME Excellent neighborhood, about 10 block from town. North. IJvlng-room, dining-room. 1 bedroom, kitchen and bath down. X bedroom up. full base ment, fireplace. With aome decorating will make a good family home $7400. JUST EAST OF TOWN S acres and a 1 bedroom home with full basement, air conditioned sawdust furnace, barn and chicken house, fenced and crosa fenced. App. 300-ft. road frontage, sub-division possibil ities, tractor Included for $9600. STOCK RANCH 442-acre coast ranch. 95 acres pas ture land, timber, spring and creek, partly fenced, aome stock and equip ment. New 3 room home. Z small barns, borders on Hi way -$12,500. Sale Far or mi 56 ACRE Farm 14 miles from Salem. All can be cultivated. 25 A. sewed to oats and vetch. Extra good barn. 2 car garage. room hotie that is wired for range. Price $8500. Includes some equipment cair o. v. hume wim State Finance Co.,Realtors 153 S High Ph. 4121 -20 ACRES APPROX. 1 ACRE IN CULT. BAL ANCE SAW AND WOOD TIMBER? 4 MILES OUT OFF OF SOUTH RIVER ROAD. GOOD 4-YEAR OLD 2 BED ROOM HSE. 2 CAR GARAGE. ALSO A J ROOM CABIN. WOOD WILL MORE THAN PAY FOR THIS PLACE. $6000. CHEHALIS WILLAMETTE SILT HERE IS A FINE 11 ACRES CIXJSE TO WOODBURN THAT WILL GROW MINT. BEANS OR HOPS AT A PRE-WAR PRICE OF ONLY $150 PER ACRE WHERE CAN YOU BEAT IT? CALL MR. GRAY Severin Realty Co. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. 9 62 9 Farms-Farms-Farms 5 A North 4 rm house. $0800 203 A Excellent bldgs. Year around stream $26,000 80 A. 60 A. cleared. Good soil. 203 acres New bldgs. Year around creek. A real farm $28,000 120 acre Ideal stock farm $16,000 94 acres Dairy farm . $11,000 97 acres Good house and bam $8500 20 acres Beautiful suburban home - $16,000 10 acres Berries, nuts. ,7- rooin boose $11,500 34 acres Ketzer. acre peaches .. $20,000 S7 acre Santtam river bottom farm. Irrigated $18,000 142 acres North .. $21,000 Bliven-Alderin-Coonev REALTORS 430 Oregoa Bldg. Phone T906 T340 20 ACRES. 11 A prunes. 8 A. wal nuts. 2 A. c halites, very good loca tion. S4500L : 1 IS A. Narth of Aluminum plant $800. IS Acres North. $1800. 20 A. So. 14 A. gooaebarries. 8 A. open. 85000. Call Mr. Gardner. 3210 BURT P1CHA. REALTORS 837 Narth High' Street BY OWNER: 28 A. with oil lease. 1 ml , from Salem, atar A. fmll bearing boysen at youngben ies; t A. straw berries. Rest under cult. 3 B R. mod ern house with elac. Deep welt sys tern. elec. hot water, alee, range, laun dry trays, oil heat. Essential urn. IncL Double garage, bars at other out-Mdgs Ford-Foig tract, with equip. St other farm implements incl. All goes for $12,000. m. SE. an 222 (Aums- ville Rd.l W m. E. oa gravel. D. L Merritt. at. 8. Bm 322. Alter 1:00 p m RIVER BOTTOM 120 acre of Newberg anil. 63 acre in cultivation. 20 acres in mint. Good mint still. Fine irrigation system This (place haa always been a fine producer. The owner ia selling on account of ste-knena and this place ia a Dargam. frice 814.500. Good terms. Call Mr. Svarvrrud R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S Com ! Ph. 8841 Building; Contractor OHKIN s PINNEY. contractor Designing and remodeling homes Ph 9493 Rm 220 Oregon Bldg Bolldoring Bulldozing, leveling and grubbing Call A I Benson Ph 6303 Cement Contracting GENERAL CEMENT contracting Stanley Fagg. Ph. 23043 CEMENT Pb 4071 contracting C R Ellis E. F. MAPES, Cement Contractor. Phone 3932. 710 Crass St. Chiropractic Physician Lloyd L Hockett Physiotherapist. 180 N Com'l Pb 4438 Chimney Sweep CHIMNEY SWEEP. Phone Northness. 4450 mornings and evenings OIL CIRCULATOR, furnaces, chim neys cleaned Ensley. 771 S 21st P 7176 Delivery Don's Delivery Service. Ph. 6088 Quick, courteous, insured. 175 S. High. Drafting Drafting and designing house plans Phone 2-1330. Flee trie Repair Work Harpole's Wakber Repairing. 200 La na Ave.. Pickup service. Phone 9J58. Fertilizers Organic tertllirer. Perfect for your lawns and flowers. Delivered anywhere in Salem vicinity. Phone 109F11. Funeral Directors) HOWELL-EDWARDS Ph 3672 Flag-stone Home Construction, Patios. Terraces Fireplaces. Retaining Walls. Ph. 21754 Florists EOLA ACRES. Rt 4 Ph 5739. Breithaupt'a 447 Court Phona 9199 Floor Waxinr Professional floor waxing. Ph. ?652 Furnace Cleaning; Expert service Cooper St Son P 3603 Gunsmith General repairs, blueing, custom stock and metal work. C R. Douglass. Ph 7551 Gun reoatrlna and reblutng. By " I experienced and licensed gunsmith 1 12250 Maple. Ph. 3465. $8400.00 Special Farm 8 miles S E. of Salem. 8 room Modern Home with new range and heating stoves, four cords of wood, utility room, woodshed,, walk in refrig erator, garage, 14x24 barn. 26x32 chick en house. AU outbuildings are wired and have running water. 4 Acres cher ries. 1 Acre filberts, strawberries. lam ily orchard, rest under plow. 135 chick ens, rabbit hutches, two plows, harrow, mowing machine, merry go round and tractor. 10" i Acres. This is aa nice a farm aa you ever saw. P. H. Bell, Realtor CLAUDE KH.GORE - CLAIR KILGORE R. L. "BOB" PRIME 402 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4ffiM: ere. 7828 $9000 ' Very close in on Garden Road. 5 acres, all fenced, good barn. Mod. rm. house, baamt. Sawdust furn.. walnut trees, tractor, a swell location. Don't Miss this Buy. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 45 S. Com! St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 22373. $7300. Sub. 1 A. L. rm.. Kitchen, S bdrni.. utility rm. att. garage. Fruit and nuts, only 4 yrs. old, neat it clean! Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com'l. St, Ph. 4590. Eve. 22373 8I0.504 rPcres! lTATn" "culT. mostly fruit 8c berries, bal. In timber and pasture. Mod. 6 rm. house, basmt.. furnace, only 8 yrs. old. Double ga rage, barn, chickens. Very good buy. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 949 S. Com! St. Ph. 4590. Eve. 22373 HOWELL PRAIRIE 1 48 Acres. All in cult. 10 rm. house, barn and other outbuildings. On paved highway. $15,000. : Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd Ph. 3253 Eves. 21413 20 A W of timber. S rm. house on Homestead Rd. Immediate Poss. 86000. WILLIAM E. MOSES 231',, State St. REALTOR 488 A. CLOSE Bethel school. Lge. Sheep shed, small dwellings. 120 A. CulL; 100 A. Timber; balance pasture. LoU of wood. Good fences. Price $18. 0M. Half down. Bal. 18 yrs. 4. Reimann Real Estate.4 REALTORS 201 S. High Phone 2722 68 A. FARM 12 M. from Salem, level dark soil. 20 In cult. All can be when cleared Bldgs. elec.. good road. snap. $7008 terms Spr. at Cr. 20 A. 8 Mi S. good mod. Bldgs. 10 A. prunes, other fruits, good road, good location, some equipment. $8850. larmi. 20 A. 4 M from Salem. l in cult. 7 A. cherries, apples At walnuts. $ R. house, other bldgs. Fine spring. Snap, $3500 8X500 Mtg on 100 A. farm for sale. Valley Land Co.. 370 Stat St., HOWELL PRAIRIE 61 Acres. 6 rm. modern house, fair barn and other outbuildings. This Is a good one. $15,000. Some terms. Sullivan Realty Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255 Eve. 214U FOR SALE: PAYING GRADE A DAIRY: 48 acres in Cult. 14 excellent cows. Dae. Milking Machine. Tractor and some farming equipment. Good home with Modern conveniences. 3' miles from Corvallia, Ore. $14 One BATES AND MILLS REALTORS CO RV ALUS. OREGON Acreage 83750 ACRE With 2 bed room ami. Close in an bus line. Lots of fruit and walnut -trees. Barn. Chick en hows. City water. Immed. Poss. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co ..Realtors 1S3 'S, .High Ph. 4121 UACnTS. aTTuUvaWe! S r house, elec. water system, etec. water heater, garage, barn, ether nut bldgs. BfSje Ph. 3031 or 4087. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1893 N. Capitol' St. 1 ACRE, first gravel road on right north of aluminum plant. 4th house on left. e ACRES Eaf out State street. Cherry, walnut and prune orchard. Good land and buntrings. A chok-e lo cation and priced to move immedi ately Price $7500. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS . 344 State St. Ph. 92S1 Household Products The J R. Wat kins Co. Products. 175 So. High St. Phone 5395. Lawnmower Sharpening; MACHINE Grinding and repairing 2130 Fairgrounds Road J t Dougherty GUARANTEED WORK on special factory grinders by Harry W Scott Tba Cycle Stan 147 S Commercial St Marazine Subscriptions Better Homos St Gardens. yrs. $3 00 Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. Phone 7828. Maoiare Battle Crack Sanitarium treatments. H Logan. 1896 N. Capitol Phone 4839 Medical trained masseuse. Ph 8731 Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phono 4089 Musical Instruments Repairing Will's Music Store P 4939 Music Lessons Piano and violin lessons, all grades. Call Mrs. Rawlins mornings. Ph. 4876. SPANISH St Hawllan Cwtar. Mando- Un. Banlo. etc 1533 Court Ph 7569 Naturopath Physician Dr W. C. JACKSON t Ntauropath physician. Kelp Mineral Baths for all rheumatic conditions Treatment for sinus and prostate trou ble 671 Breys Ave Phone 8826. Oil Burner Service JUDSON'S. 279 N Corel. Ph 4141 Painting etc Decorating PAINTING. Decorating. 8c Kalsomimng. Ph 4922 Kern-toning PAINTING St Decorating Ph 7331 Painting; tc Paperhanginr Painting, cement work. 853 N. 18th PAINTING and Paper Hanging. Phone 9513 857 Shipping St. PAPERHANGING. Reasonable B J Woodworth. 2190 Myrtle. Ph. Ml. Paper hang'g. Jerry Johnsor Ph 8492 EXPERT Workmanship Phone 4323 Plowing , Plowing and discing Ford tractor. Geo. Wilson. Phone 58F15. PIXiWING. Discing. Ray Sattcr. Ph. 22504. Ford 1 tractor West Salem "Little Giant of Industry" 2. ACRES KE1ZER Finest possible location for rural home On highway 1', miles east of Keizer. Exceptional soil. 81000. We personally own adjoining acreage, also for sale. 2 ACRES CHERRIES- $4250 Small, nearly new bldg., 2 wells, fine subdivision. Glen Creek Road. West Salem Realty "Co. 1238 EDGEWATER STREET Phone -5109 7 ACRES Willamette silt soil. Good 5 rm. house, wired for range, elect, hot water heater, dble. garage. 2 acres in walnuts, apples and filberts. 9oO0 Sullivan Realty Co. 33A5 Portland Rd. Ph. 3253 Eves. 21413 A Real Home North Near Keizer school on pavement. 7 rms., bath, laundry trays, full baint , furnace heat, walnuts and fruit. l' acres. Priced for quick sale at $10,000 full price. Terms. Poaesaion first of month. 3035 Portland Road 7820 FII.BKRTS 8 acres full bearing filberts, trees 20 years old. complete set equipment to work place. A house on the prop erty has been converted Into a nut house. Located N. E. of Salem. Price $13,000. CaU ' Habby." SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 GOOD Lot on N. 4Uf street. Paving paid. Price $550. W. G. KRUEGER REALTOR 147NJTonVI Ph. 4728 $4950 4' rm. house with 20 acres, pasture and timber. This is a good view. Don't fail to see this. Olson Si Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com! St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21090 $52300 EACH t'a acre lots at 4 Corners. P. H. Bell, Realtor CLAUDE KILGORE CLAIR KILGORE R. L. 'BOB' PRIME 492 Guardian Ph. 4896 Eve. 7829 ONE Acre Keizer dist. 4 rm. notice, range wired. Wood range included. The house is clean. Price $4200. 5 fine acres black soil, on I .arising avenue (no bides I. all cultivated. Price $3250. easy terms if desired. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 7660 $90003 A. 1 A. peaches. 7 rm. modern house built in 1943. Garage attached, oil furn. . Close in. Call Jess Thompson. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 2-I7JI 24 ACRES 4 rm. ceiled house, old barn 8i coops. 20 acres cleared, bal. timber St brush, some Will. Silt load. IMMED. POSSESSION. Onlv $4500. 29 ACRES about 13 acres filberts, walnuts St cherries, few apple -and prune trees, balance timber St p al lure. Small barn, well & spring. $6300. WALTER SOC01.0FSKY Phone 8835 850002 ACRES North with 3 room houao and bath. 2 years old. furnished. Elec. water system. Garage. Immed Poss. ' Coll Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., Realtors JjL Mijfft Ph. 4121 '., ACRE and food 3 bed rm home. North. Fireplaoe, Venetian blinds, hwd floors, elec. water heater, nice yard, lots of flowers. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins t Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 6 6715 READ THIS s Over 8 acres N. E. Full set build ings, house partly unfinished inside: one cow. about 73 heos. mower, disc, garden tractor. Furniture in hou'f in cludes elec. refrigerator, washing ma chine, oil circulator.! oil burning range It all goes at $5500. First come, fust served. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 H. High St. ' Phone 7 SCO Pets RINGLAND'S Pet Shop for pets. foods and accessories. 463 Ferry St Phone 6359. PI um blna; JUDSON'S. 279 N. Com'l. Ph 4141 BOW EN BROS. Plumbing and Heat mg 355 N Coml Ph 7215 Radio Service RICHARDSON St BOESCH AU makes Also car radios Tubes Phone 4036 Valley Motor Bldg WILL'S Music Store Ph 4938. Sand and Gravel SAND St GRAVEL CONCRETE MIX All kinds of Road Gravel, genuine River Silt Clean, sharp Maaoa Sand Crushed Rock COMMERCIAL SAND A GRAVEL CO -Pbone 2-1968 or 2-3100 SAND; gravel, crushed rock and gar den sand. Walling Send and Gravel Pbone 8561. Saw Filing WANTED to file !-Carpenter-hand saws, pruning saw. falling and buck ing saws. Open all work: days. Hans Chriatenson. 364 N. 12th St.. Salem. Septie Tanks Cleatted SEPTIC Ph. 9633. TANK SERVICE. Jack Boening Kennith HameL 1143 Sth st W Salem Ph 7404 Guaranteed service Septie Tanks Cesspools CLEANED FREE INSPECTION Pene Fite. 160 Williams ave Ph. 7524 Sewer Service Roto-rooler sewer St drain cleaning service. 853 Center. Ph. 5327. Seising Services SINGER Sewing machine offers serv ices on button holes, belts, buckles or buttons 142 S High Phone 3512. Sewing Machine Repairing Stnger Sewing Machine Co. Call for and delivery service Guar anteed repairs. Phone 3312. Verne's Repair Service Ph 3028 Sheet Metal Work JUDSON'S. 179 N Coml Ph. 4141. Shoe Repairing WHY Not sole your shoes with pre war leather. 1 to 3 day service. Short lobs while you wait. All kinds of aood rebuilt shoes for sale at Gipson's. 328 n. coral, sv fnone cn. TWO ' acre tracts. N. E on risher Road Ideal bldg. sites. 6750 each. 24 ACRE Farm. 4 room home, near S-io. A good buv. $3370. 23 ACRE Farm, near Brooks. Ore. Nice 2 bed room home, large 12-cow barn. Elec. to all bldgs. Family fruit. 17 acres crops sown Only 87850 6 ACRE Farm. Best valley loom. All in heavy bearing walnuts and berries. Good 5 bed room home, deep elec. well. Very close to school and market. Easy terms. $6700 5 ACRE Tract. All in producing wal nuts and filberts. Ideal for home sites. Can be sub-divided. Terms. $2500. SILVER FOX FARM 12 acres. Ideal view property close in. 3 bed room modern home. Basement, furnace, wired for elec. range. Acreage in nuts and prunes. Large elec. equipped prune and nut dryer. Nice barn and fox pens. SO hreedrt foxes All for $20.000 00. 5 ACRES. CLOSE in. By school. 3 bed room home, plantered. basement, furnace with fan. Wired for range. Family fruits and nuts. Barn. Terms. $0600 00 5 $100.00 PER ACRE. 'Best stock and general farm In valley. Dark silt loam. Year around creek. High pressure gravity water to all bldgs. Some Bond timber. Good income now from seed. 6 room home, fireplace, wired for elec tange. Phone, near school and market on state highway. Roomv barn and other bldgs A "buy" at $12.600 00 Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings 164 3 Com'l. Personal Service Phone 8389 ONE ACRE Swegle school. Highway frontage. $700. See Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 68713 5 ACRES 6 miles north on pave ment, with 3 bed rm. mod. home. double garage, small barn and rhicken noun, very nice shrubbery and lawn. family orchard, nuts and berries. You had better hurry. Price 86500. l's acre. 4 rm. mod. house. 4 miles East. Price $5250 FURNISHED HOME 2' t acres. East, good soil, family orrhard. walnuts, 'i A. of berries, barn and out bldgs. Cow and chick ens, good 3 bed rm. furn. home in cluding refrig. and washing machine. Priced for immediate sale $7500. Call Bill Estep with R. E. Meredith, Realtor 176 S. Com'l. Ph. 8841 7' ACTtES. Fair two bed room home witli shower. Gravity pressure, spring water in buildings, and piped to gar den for irrigation. On paved highway. This won't last at $3500. SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS , 344 State' St. Ph. 9261 IMMEDIATE Possession. 1-4 acre and neat 2 B R. home. Close to Pen 4 Corners. Has elec. water system. Gas Kiped to house. Stoves included with ome. Price $3750. Call O V. HUME with State Finance Co.,Realtors 153 S. High Ph. 4121 4 Rm. House & 74 Acres Strawberry ground "7 miles south of city on pavement. In Rosedale, close to school. Partly furnished. $3450. AND ANOTHXR NORTH Toward Woodburn, 2 acres with 7 rm. houke partly furnished, on pave ment, small barn, lots of fruit aud sli rubs, some walnuts. $4750. Art Madsen 1328 State St. Ph. 3580 Resort Property On the Beach - Furnished 6 rm. ultra modern beach home, right down on water front, close to DeLake. Glassed in sun -porch, inside 8c outside fireplaces. Al Patio yard inrlosure. Milltonaiie surrounding. All nioely furnished 8t ready to move Into. Will consider some trade ' for Salem prop. $12,000. Art Madsen 1328 State St. Ph. 5580 Suburban Suburban Home Set in Beautiful Surroundings 6 Rms. all lidwood Firs. Also glassed in Sun A sip. Porch in hardwood. French doors 8c windows. Good bsemt Fireplace inside A out i' A. Mostlv In Nuts 8c Fruit. $18,000. E E. Grimm. Reimann Real Estate, REALTORS Ph. 201 S. High 3722 or 7805 Surveying "Dave" and Fred Bates. Land Survey ors 477 Court st. Ph 9680; Res 2-4294 Transfer NEWTON Transfer, local hauling. Pi ano and furniture moving Ph. 2-2812. CONTR a.C"T Hauling farm Droductn. wood and fertilize! Kt. 3. Box 588 K Salem. Ph. 23172. R. L. Phillips. Lester DeLapp Truck Ser Ph 2-1750 Gen ' Hauling. Local St Long Distance U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets turn 197 S Liberty Ph 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer rtorage. burnei oil. briquets Trucks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto Freight, including Calif points Larmer Translet Co P-. 3131 Tree Surgery SALEM TREE CO. Tree- pruning, trimming St removal. Ph. 6285. AU work expertly done. Vacuum Cleaner Service Electrolus cleaner and air purifier sales and service and supplies A lim ited number of new machines now available. Get your name on the list fox a new one now. Free inspection In your home Office at t7S S. High Phone 6088 Verne's Repair Service Ph 3028 FREE inspection In your home. Au thorrzed Hoover service We service all makes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph 9149 Waterproofing Basements w at rr proofed Phone 3777 Concrete busting. Hatch-Clock Repair D E. Decker, licensed watch maker 2381 State. Ph. 2-1937. Open evenings Ceweaving Howard Reweavers 145 N 17 Ph 9660 Weather Strips FREE estimates T Pullman Ph 3963 Window Cleaning ALL work guaranteed. Windows wails, woodwork cleaned floors wax ed Insured workmen Professional Cleaning Service Ph 4437 Woods wlng PHONE 6685. Chas. F. Simon and Associates Co-operatrve wood service. 1311 N. Liberty. IS ACRES subdivision land near Keirer. Call Bell Norns with Harold W. Ileers 3053 Portland Road Phone 3-1874 For Sale Timber Land 40 A. TIMBER near Waldport 1 miles from beach Phone 5969. Wanted' Real Estate WANTED: 2 or 3 bedroom modern home from owner. 1740 N. 20th. Phone 2-1631. WANTED to buy: 2 bedroom home in Rosedale or Englewood District. Box 429 Statesman. LISTEN ' We need listings have cash buyers. RVA. Forkner, Realtor Phone 3031 NOTICE: If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list It with us We have all kmas cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO . REALTORS 153 S High St WE Are urgently in need of listings on city homes if your house, is for sal catl us. Prompt, courteous serv ice "Four salesmen to serve ,you" SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N High St. Phono 7660 Will Pay $7000 Cash for 3 BdRm Home Call E. E- Grimm Reimann Real Estate REALTORS Phone 3722 or 7805 201 S. High BtipineM Opportunities Highway Frontage On 99E. North. Close in. This Is a good one. $0000. Sullivan Realtv Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255' Eves. 21413 SPECIAL Business property on corner lot very close in. Ideal for of fices or store. Auto. heat. Immediate possession. A bargain $7500.00. Owner must sell. Ill health. Going cafe on main thoro-fare. modern fix tures, low overhead, good living quar ters. Can give long lease. Terms. $5700. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings 164 S. Com'l. Personal Service Phone 8389 Busines? Oppor. North 1 A land, with Ig. building suitable for garage, service station or store. Sec Joe Holmes with M. O HUMPHREYS St CO. 3033 Portland Road 7820 DANDY LITTLE STORE Right downtown. Stock and equip ment in good location. Only $4200.00. See "Ike" Bacon. Ed Byrkit, Realtor 42S S 12th " Ph. 5961 A NEW Building 30x60 on full ce ment foundation 50x66. An additional cement slab 3Ox30 adjoining the build ings, 23-foot ceiling suitable for whole sale house. SEE RALPH BENT. SALEM REALTY CO. 149 N. High St. Ph. 7660 SERVICE Station and Shop Good location on hiway. Stock and equip, can be bought for $2500. 6 rm. house, station and pumps can be leased for $40 per mo. Olson 4 Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com l St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 22373 $5750. Cafe doing good business. Well located on 99 Hiway In Salem. Call Ray Pa vis Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COM'L Ph. 3793 Eve. Ph 9441 WE HAVE Several apartment houses and courts Priced from $22,000 00 up. See MR. GOODWIN with Hawkins & Roberts. Inc. REALTORS After 6 Phone 4108 8715 West Salem "Little Giant of Industry" New shop building in West Salem, unfinished livinu quarters upstairs. Val uable new saw filing equipment A fine deal for you own business. $4000. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDGEWATER STREET Phone 5109 SMALL business for sale. P. O. Box 228. Salem. Ore. $15,500. Gas station, garage. 2 small dwellings, lge. corner kit. some equip ment, terms. Call Omer Hull. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve Ph. 2-1731 Apt. Property Downtown Near State St. Income $219 Mo . plus lge. living qrtrs for owner. Nice shade trees St shrubbery, on creek. Lge. lot. See E. E. Grimm. Reimann Real Estate, REALTORS 201 S. High. Ph. 3722 or 7803 Hotel & Dining Rm. In prosperous valley town. i A. - ground. Good place for about court. $12,500. Some terms. Hotel brick bld. near Salem. 68 rms.. 3 store rentals. $40,000.' $15,000 cash. See E. E Grimm , Reimann Real Estate; REALTORS f Ph. 3722 or 7805 201 S. High For Sale Wood 16-IN. OLD GROWTH lir wood. Im mediate delivery. Phone 23F4. GOOD Old Growth bodv fir; aUo dry 16" slab. Phone 9706 16" OLD GROWTH. Ph. Ital Lumber Fuel Co. 7721. Cap- OLD Fir log ends. Ph. 3380. OLD GROWTH FIR, 16". delivered. Clyde Barney. RL.l. Lyons. Ore 16-IN. GREEN edgings. $6 load. Irry'n delivery. Phone 5533 1 BIG 2 cd. load of mtlUood $12 00 Phone 8161. OLD Fir slab. 2 units $18 00. 1 unit $10. 844 Mill St. Ph. 3J80 16 IN Wood and sawdust, stove oil and diesel Ph 2-4031 . PREST-O-LOGS manufactured and sold by Capital Lumber Co, North Cherry Ave. Superior fuel for furnace, circulator, range arid fireplace Phone 8862 UTAH Uimn and nut coal Capital Lumber aud t ucl Co. Phone 772L URGENTLY NEEDED GOOD USED CARS (Any Model) Hatfield's Used Car Market NEW LOCATION : Front & Marion For Sale Wood 4 Dry Old Growth Fir 16" choice, also extra fine Aslf, Oak, -Maple Old gwtli. dry slab, etc. Delivered anywhere Call at 1311 N. LIBERTY and see the quality of wood you want Phone 6685 Chas. F. Simon and Associates Co-operative Wood Service. STOCK next winter's supply now. Old growth slsb. block. Special discount, 3 loads or more. Veteran. Phone 3380. CHOICE mill wood. 2 unit load $13 00 Ph 6444 High nay Fuel 16-IN green slab wood for furnace Capital Lumber and Fuel Co, Ph 7721 DOUBLE LOAD 16-in slab wood and edging. $10. Immediate deliver). Ph 6683 16" OG. H R Clason. Meharea FRESH cut sawdust. Ph 6683. DOUBLE load of mill wood $13 Cap ital Lumber and Fuel Co Phone 7721 Wood Sawing WOOD SAW on 2 -wheel trailer. Ph. 3523. 960 N Com'l. Lost and Found LOST: Black handbag. Canadian owner Reward. Ph. 6&i9. Seamsters. cleaners. LOST,: Black billfold in Elsinore theatre.) Monday night. Identification papers, discharge papers. $53 in money. Reward. Albert Walls. Turner. Rte 1. Box 138 or Modern Beautv College. Phone 8141. WILL the person who took the black camel's hair top coat off the 3 40 Portia nd-Salem bus Saturday return it to Bus Station Dispatcher. No ques tions asked. LOST by Veteran: Clothing from vehicle along 12th St. Cut-off. 2 slack trousers, shirt, woman's suit 8c dress Finder please call 2-2891. Reward. LOST on S. 25th: Female black Cocker Spaniel 5 mo. Name "Murphy." Ph. 7058 BROWN Leather key cake, social security card, downtown sts. Fridav. Ph. 3795. Wanted Used Cars Wanted: USED CARS (Any Model) Highest Cash Prices ANDERSON'S Used Car Ixft 240 Center St. - Pin 3734 Cars Wanted Don't wait until a high volume ot new car deliveries forces a drastic drop in used car values. Sell vour late model car now. Loder Bros are still paving ceiline prices for most cars Sell vou car today at highest le gitimate price to LODER BROS. 465 Center St. Phone 5467 or 6133 . "paFtopu GM vr y dim roui car ts vorth Cash on the Barrel-Head "C" SHR0CK SALEM'S oldest ndependent used eai dealer. N E Corner Churcn ft Chem Ph W. WANTED: Good used 1940. '41 or '42 bedan No dealers. Ask for Joe, 805 Oak St. PANEL Delivery or pickup truck. 550 N. Winter or 896 N. 17th. D St. entrance. After 6 p.m DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. The craw In birds 4. Cry of a cat 7. Rational 8. Cod of war 10. Latent 12. Caliber 13. Remotely ancestral 15. Silkworm 16. Before 17. Ostrich-like bird 18. Close to 19. Old times (archaic) 3. Little 22. Race of 4. Dull finish female 5. Silkworm warriors 6. Finchlika (Gr. myth) birds 23. Conical 7. Character- mass of yarn tsticofa 24. Follows sport 25 Me.lt kiln 9. Slender 27 Mountain 1L Spikenard defile 12. Bill of a bird 29 Argent 14. Copper (sym.) (sym.) 30. Tibetan 16. AntlereoT priest animal 31. Doctrine 19. Shield 32. Coarse jute 20. Help sacking; 20. Land measure 21. Packsack (West. US.) 23. Whiteftsh (Gr. Lakes) 26. Creek letter 27. Seed vessel 28. Exclamation 29. A wing 31. Spigot 32. Fuel 33. Teases (slang) 35. Pulverized earth 36. Transparent feldspar 38. Ctrl' name 39. Tavern 40. Place 41. Coat, as ship's bottom DOWN 1. An aborigine (New Zea.) t. Poker stake For Salt! Uaetl Cars FLASH! 38 PLYMOUTH 4 DR ED4N 'S3 CHEV. 2 DR. SEDAN J5 CHEV. 4 DR SEDAN -35 PACKARD 4 DR SEDAN '34 CHEV. 4 DR. SEDAN '32 NASH 4 DR. SEDAN If we don't have the car ypu'want njaybe- we can find it for yiu. "Hap" Powell USED CARS On the Corner of Ferry and High Phone 2153-1 TRUCKS '41 CMC. 6-wheel drive, power winch. '41 Dodge Pickup $595 '42 Chevrolet Cargo Truck, dual tires. '41 Dodge Command Car, $395. I H-D Trailer HERRAL&OWENS CO. PONTIAC SALES St SERVICE " 235 S Commercial Phone 3189 "1""" USED CARS 1898 S. 12th CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD Any make or model. PHONE 9706 TRADE : Clean 1941 Cadillac 4-door sedan, model "62" for house or lots in good residential district in Salem. 2120 Center, .after 7 p m.. Phone 5S4 1932 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan, heat er, defroster, new battery, good rub ber. See Brown, circulation dept. Statesman. 9 to 16 a m. 1933 DODGE pickup. 3555 Portland Road. Phone 3533 1931 FORD I-DOOR. $225. 219 SOUTH HIGH '35 PLYMOUTH Deluxe coach, clean throughout. Priced for quick sale. 876 S. Commercial. 37 V-S FORD as Is for $400 Edward Hatchery. Rt. 3. Box 91. Ph 2-2943 '36 STUDEBAKER Coupe, good tires, fair motor. 1 mi. south Grand Island store. John Fowler. 33 FORD Coupe.' good cond Earl Bond Rt. 6. Box 394-H. Near Krueeer's Store. f vertible $285. 494 University '31 CHEV. Coupe with small pick-np box 3 verv good tires. Metal top Runs O K. 540 Union. PARTS: I93 Studebaker. '33 Chev. standard. 960 N, Commercial "34 NASH 4-door 6-cylinder sedan Cheap, ready to go. 540 Union. USED CARS WANTED Will pay top prices for your car. . Almost auy make or model If it will afford someone with transportation we need ft. For appraisal dial 8106 or call at 1297 State. McCalls Used Cars. 193fl PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan Heat er below as is ceiling 51 Union 1940 G M C dump truck. 1650 Ea-ron rear end. Can be seen at wav be tween R R. tracks and North Santtam schoolhouse. Clifford Martin. Aumi ville. Rt. 1. Box 92 '37 FORD V-8. 85 deluxe 4-door se dan. Radio and beater. 540 Uniim '42 CHAMPION Studebaker. SIS' Liberty St., Sllverton. Lodges a Pacific L March L Pacific Lodge No 50, A F St C. Degree, rnday. 7 00 p tn. Central Lodge No 18 Knights or Py thias meets every 2nd and 4th Wed nesday at 8 D m 248 N Coml Yesterday's Aasna 34 A region set off 35. Spanish title 37. Apex VN Vic (Pi lr-ji l . r lt-lvp AFf s i J e1'"" JOjASjT I n) C plEi NIC TFST m: : 1 : i" lllllll'lll 11 33 34 . k w w w I IkH 1 Wr rm,