PGE TEN Vi OREGON STATESMAN, Saltm. Oregon. Thursday Morning. February 28. 1946 Gales Woman Visits Seattle Kliner Klutkc Return From Overseas Duly j With U.S. Army f; ATKS. Fib. 27- Special) -Mis. , VirRir.ia Ovrrlock i in Seattle) for i.wrrk with her husband. J Harla from Mill City is substi- j luting jn hi nh school (or. her. j Mr?. Clara Steward of Stay ton I wj.e a weekend gue. t of Mrs. Riley Champ. I George Rws w&s taken to Port- Unrl to the hospital again Friday. Couitland Rue ami family are ' iMtmjJ his grandmother, lis. J I.ulu Collins. j K'mer Klutke c ume home f rom j Otrmany Saturday. His sister, Mrs. Marie McCoy of Portland,! nd brother, Groifte Klu'ke, and ' M-ce, Haitie Klulke of Albany, were also here. . Bill Ru-h and his gi aixlmolherv fr. Charles Rush of Salem, came i.p for a visit Monday. The Charles Tuckers spent Sunday in Sirverton visiting her parents. Mrs. Wilma Stewart, went to Salem Monday for the project leaders' school. Mrs. Roa Roten and Mrs. Mary Haun accompan ied her. f . Popcorn Community Couple Will Reside In New Swegle Place ORCHARD HEIGHTS.. Feb. 27 - Special )-A group of local peo ple gave Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ken nedy of 'Swegle a housewarming Saturday night. They recently moved into their new home. They formerly lived in the Popcorn community. Those present were Mr. and , Mrs. Guy McDowelt. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Withers, Mr. and Mrs. Doc tby, Wilfred Wilson, Glen South wick, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Isaak, William Busch, U.S. navy of El Centro. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson and children, Doris, Harmon, Eddie; Mr. and Mrs. Car-1 Hoffman of Swegle and Cal vin Roy and Wanda Kennedy. Wells Family Returns From (California Trip ORCHARD HEIGHTS, Feb. 27 - (Special)-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wells and daughters, Betty Ann n-.d Winnie, have returned from Santa Rosa, Calif., where they svere called by the death of Mrs. Jerry Wells. Mrs. Wells' brother, Martin De I.yle, returned with them for X i s-i t. Valley Men to Enter Washington King Severn! valley stockmen plan to 'attend the animal Northwest Hereford itiierluV association .pring" show and Mile set for Spo kane March 7 and 8. The khow will Mart at am. the first day Mid the fale at 9 a.m. the second 'uy.; Both will be' held at the old union stockyard. A total of 115 Kgi.slrreH Hereford have been consigned. Bob Teale is sate man ager and II. B. Sager auctioneer. A number of Oreuon Hereford men are showing tattle out only one is listed from the valley. He is Roy Freeman from Amity. At live Polled Hereford auction .Miiih 11 at Walla' Walla, which Sager will also cry and Teale manage, It. A. Waid of Halsey will ahav.-. I.heatoek and Poultry GUERNSEY, Durham cows milking, coming with second calves. Reasonable. 2 mi. part Roberts sen.- Rt. 3. Box 688E. FOlTsALE: 2 gelding horses. 3 & 4 $r. old. 4-yr.-old practically broke-?1 other one lsnl. Henry Benner, Rt. 1. Box 20. Turner. RABBITS WANTED, all sizes. 4 to 6 lbs White. 24c lb colored 22c lb., live weight Rabbit skins, best prices Wire etretcher and other supplies. Salem address. 60 RatclUf Drive, phone 3-1330. Portland address. Rabbit Meat Co. 917 S. C Stark syN 1722 17 N II RED heps. $1.50 each. 1133 market. Phone 7016 W ANTFD: Beef and canner cows bulls and veals Will call at farm t I Snethen. 1330 Lancaster Drive Pn H134J Morns er eves BABY CHICKS. Cockerels. Pullets. fcine leading varieties. Weekly hatches Order chicks early. 23th year Phone 2-2861 Lees Hatchery Legal Notice rXF.rCTRIX' FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HFREBY GIVEN that NANCY E. SKEWIS. as executrix of the estate of NANCY M. BALLARD, deceased, has filed her Final Aecount as such! and by order of the Circuit Court Of the State of Oregon for Mar lon County. February 28. 1846. at .10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day and the courtroom of the probate depart ment of said court have- been fixed a the ttme and place for the hearing f objections to said Final Account and settlement of said estate. NANCY E. SKEWIS. Executrix of the Estate of Nancy M. Ballard. Deceased PHOT EN it RHOTEN SAM V SPEERSTRA , 310 PioneerTruat Bldg. Salem, Oregon -Attorneys for the estate. J 31 -F 7-14-21-26 SEALS I HI lS Ad'TilnUtralnrs sale Sealed bid ac e.rnintrf1 with certified check of ' af bid will be re elved to 5 p m. March II. I IMS. pn 2R3 acre farm 12 miles E. ef Salem' with good build in i. Iiht reM-rved t re)ecl any and all bids not satisfactory to the court and the un tlrrsiined Bids to be deposited with nd partM-ulars obtained from Roy H.; Waxsam, attorney. Masonic Bldg., Sa lem. Ore. Henry J., Priem Lrona V. Keyser Co-admintstrators- of the Albertina Priem esUtc. F. 28-M. 1-2 Classified AdtertlslBg Statesman Clastified Aits Call 9101 Three Insertions per line, 25c Six insertions per 1ine...J 40c One month per line.... $125 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tl min. imum 35c; 6 ti. min 45c No refunds. Cpv fof till oage accepted un til 8-30 the evening beore publica tion for clarification Copy re ceived artrr this time will be run under tht heading "Too Lata to Classify" The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errora which mav appear in advertisement pub lished in its columna and In cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs The. Statesman reserves the right to re lec-t questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under th proper classification A "Mind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress is or trie protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered v letter. The Statesman p) not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale our specialty. Phone 2-2861. Lees Hatchery. ' WANTED: Tat and canner cows foi heef Dairy cows, heifers, bulls, veal rat hogs. tows, stags, boars Market price E C McCandlish. rt 8. box 373 Ph. $147. across from ball park. S 25th TOP Prices paid fof animals alive ...I..K1. fn. In -H R J Whrlan. RtA 4. BOX aiA. SOUin OI Drawings warehouse on Liberty Rd. Ph. 2-2X1S. WANTED: All kinds of livestock Valley Packing Co. Phone 5935. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED counter man and waitress. Senator Food snop. zjz m High. Help Wanted Male YOUNG MAN capable of managing fountain lunch. Honorably discharged service man preferred "Oood deal for rigni man. write ooj ia c staves man. EXP. Ser. Sta. Opr. Steady emply. good wages to qualified willing man Write Box 417. co Statesman. WANTED: Single man on dairy, farm. Must be experienced. $160.00, . 1 wl Doara, room, launary,. rnuiw virid WANT At Once:Good Lube and Gas Inland man. Prefer local estab lished man or returned veteran witn niwrimn. Good starting salary and opportunity for ambitious man who wants to learn business. Appiy in per son only to Mr. Kingan. 393 N. Liberty BUS BOY. B'r.dy position. Marion Hotel. WANTED: Men to work in cemetery 0 W. Hoyt or t all 8S52. WANTED: Men lor hop yard work Pnone 1 950, MEN wanted for hop yard work. 4 miles west of Salem. Williams ana Thacker. Phone 6ia9 Help Wanted Female WANTED PRESSER THE SMART SHOP PLEASE APPLY TO KAYE OVESON. MCR. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for working; widow. 3 yr. son. yr. daughter. Nice suburban Spokane home. Private room, board wages. Write Mrs. Botts. 3224 NE 42 Ave. Portland 13. Phone TRinity 6231, ' EXPERIENCED wattres. Marion ho tel WANTED: Kxp.waitress. day shift. Top waxes Pade's Coffee. Shop. 1241 Sta'e. WAITRESS wanted: hrs. am. to 4:30 pjn. 1 hr. off for lunch. Sat. af ternoon. Sun. aV ' holidays off. Apply Mrs. Frank Krauger, State Office Bldg. SCHOOL GIRL or woman to worn for room and board in private home. If school girl we must! interview par ents. Phone 3343. GENTLEMAN needs housekeeper. Call 653 Jefferson day times. WANTED: Experienced waitress. The Spa. COMPANION for elderly couple, light housework. 944 N. Cottage. WANT Secretary for Insurance of fice, permanent. Shorthand and typing necessary. Very good opportunity for advancement. Write Box 416, cb Statesman. EXPERIENCED fountain girl. The Spa- EXPERIENCED Saleslady wanted, between 30 and 45 yrs. References re quired. Ph. 3050 after 10 A M Situations -Wanted TRUCK for hire, hat bed. Ph. 23F4. WILL TAKE CARE of children af- 'ternoons & evenings in your home. Phone 7273. EX-SERVICE man would like work on farm. Experienced. Married Box 431 Statesman. REFINED lady wants housekeeping in motherless home. Phone 2-1369. IRONING in my home. Phone 8643. PROFESSIONAL rioor Waxing. Ph. 6752 WANT carpenter work, repairing and building. No materials furnished. 797 S. 23th. evenings. MARRIED VET wants sawyer or mill foreman Job. Ore.. Wash, or Calif. 6 yrs. ex p. Reference. Write R. Holford. 2025 MarkeKSL. Sakrm. GEN. YD. WORK, spading, sawdust put In. Phone 9449.; SEAMSTRESS: Alterations, quick serv Reasonable (34 N Winter. 2-1879. hrencnool PlarSehooL 1381 State Ae 2 S Part or all day. Pta 8430 For Sale Miwellaneou NEW 42 gallon electric hot water beater. 1365 Plaia St.. W. Salem. UPRIGHT Piano. Moving, must sell by Thursday noon. 385 Shelton St. SMALL upright Conway piano $293. Phone 6239. f PEKINESE, one; jr. old. $10 to right party. Ph. ZZ113. r For Sale Miscellaneous FULLER Brushes 1745 Grant p 8351 STOVE repairing & part Woodry't MkU 160) N. Summer St . ELECTRIC Room heaters, three ,PeYEATTR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Unfinished Furniture. Salem's exclusive unfinished - furni ture laree assortment or made to or der Pickctts furniture. 13th and State DRESS up your awnings and out door furniture with Set-Vast canvas paint All colors available. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. LIBERTY SMALL upright piano, di nixie room set. 1320 Franklin St. PIANO Benches Tallman'i 335 S 12th FLUORESCENT kitchen unlU. bath room brackets, desk lamp and student table lamps. ' YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY LA WNMOVVER Sharpening & Ad- lusting. woodry Mitt, I60a n summer , st Shinsles Save by buying at direct mill retail prices. We nave shingles tor your neea. Orders limited from IS squares to 35 squares to a customer. Phone Tilla mook 383. tor true ceuvery pnone Salem 2-1196. Rosenberg Single Co 60 E. 5th ave.. Tillamook. Ore. FLASHLIGHT Batteries, standard size, 2 for 15c. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY FURNITURE BARGAINS. 2442 Lee 4 SPRAY size fresh veeetable rack Pearson Food Market. N. Com'L and Chemeketa. Phone 7335. ELECTRIC Solder Irons, all sixes. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SEE "The HJ. Store- at 330 Che meketa. Used furniture. We buy, trade and sell. Formerly at 413 Ferry St, EFFICIENT 2-unit concrete septic tanks. Sewer pipe. OREGON GRAVEL, LU. 1405 N. Front SL Ph. 3417 BEAUTIFUL Pre-war daveno and built to order chair. 1253 N. 17th. Call between 5:30 and 1.00. RUBBER Tired, all metal utility lawn cart. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY n A n!n thl model, guaranteed A-l condition. Phone 2-1957. GLASS TOP mahogany counter, I ft long. 15 in. wide, glass top table 6'i rt Ions. IS in wide, shelving 7'i ft. long. S2 fet high high, 12 plate glass mirrors, an sues. STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State Phone 7596 GARAGE EQUIPMENT 1 BUDGET. 1-ton chain hoist & A frame. Just like new. Will sacrifice for $175. 1 Milwaukee drill motor. Vj inch. S50. I brake machine. $50. 1 5-Inch Parker vice. SCO. All this equipment is lust like new. owner is retiring xrom business, see oeimer bnyoer. Amity Oregon. CRAMER Steel Posture chairs. I in mediate delivery. Roen. 456 Court. IRONING Board pads and covers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 25J N. LIBERTY MEAT CASE 20 ft. Birkenwald, com plete with compressor. A-l condition. Saving Center, Portland Road, or cajl son i auer p.m. AUTOMATIC oil floor furnace.. Ex cellent condition, $93. 373 S. 16th. STOVES, Wood and Gas. Furniture Electric Irons; tools. "The II. J. Store. 330 Chemketa. ' i ONE NEW 4000-gal. storage tank with base, saiem Bargain, &a n Com I. Phone 6443. FINE BLUE Mohair davenport, white breakfast set. fruit . iars, new S-foot tepladder. 1M0 Pearl at. AUTOMATIC Electric lidegrm water beaters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 269 N LIBERTY WARDS MASTER QUALITY, HAR NESS is rut from BEST bark-tanned leather! Sturdily built throughout with extra stitching at points of strain C ostly finishing, meed as low a $61.50. WARDS FARM STORE Trade & High St. Salem, Oregon DRAWING Boards, laf'siieP70 noen, ao court, ; 100 LB ICE BOX. high rhair. nurs ery seat, mother's pusher, clothes racks, child's olay school desk, fruit iars. and miscellaneous articled. All in good condition, reasonable. 436 Mill St. NEW Commercial Refrigeration Unit i h.p.p Super Cold compressor water aeiroster type coil witn eiectrie blow er. $333. Hubbard Building Supply Huooara. uregon. zios. . MAN'S' prewar rcle. Ph. 6810. 1942 AUTOCRUISER DELUXE TRAILER home. 8x23 ft.. sIccds 4. rms. cir oil heat. Gas range witn rock wool insulated oven, natural finish in terior. elec. Werner brakes. Ven. blinds drapes, inlaid lino., lots bulltins. 2 big ciosets. run piate mirror, neirur.. ra dio. Masonlte exterior, new cond. 8S8 N. Com 1. afternoons and eve. ELECTRIC table -broilers smgl ana aouoie notpiates witn ovens. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY IRONRITE mangle, knee hole desk overstuffed custom built Hv. nil. set, Katelec table with ladder back chairs. walnut bedrm. suite, beauty rest, ivory Da suite, extra Simmons eea. nam' mered brass firepl. set. pastel pottery aishes. pc. crystal plates. Silex A- cono. s p.m. to . bjo snipping; WELL bred & trained, l'i-yr.-old male, golden Retriever. $20. including dog house, see after 4:30 p.m. 432 Wat er st. HEAT Lamps, portable and stand type ultraviolet lamps. YEATER APPLIANCE CO; 233 N. LIBERTY Rifle, 8 mm. Ph. 6638 24 STEEL fence 1 posts, some barb wire. wiinams Ave. rn. 4iei. ULTRAVIOLET GermictUal lamps potent new germ killers to make the maiiic of ultraviolet energy available for better health and sanitation. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. LIBERTY : 2 HORSE TRAILER, also drv wood See or write Circle V Ranch. Scotts Mills, Kt. 1. XSOX 31. 50 NEW Hampshire laying pulleU $1.50 each. Light weight Vaughn drag saw. lust overhauled. 2 blade. S133. Rt. 3. Box 666C. S. River Rd.. turn on t inzer Ra. at Khoten s Ualry. : LAWN Miwer. 1 folding bed. coil springs built in, twin bed & mattress, all in A-l condition. 590 Union. Ph. 9047 COFFEE Maker sets, with mirror tray. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 133 N. LIBERTY 8-PIECE dining room set, practically new. izo inncan Ave.- X HICH box toilets. 1440 Waller St EXPERT washing machine service ana wringer roils, ail makes, bee Ea Ellis at Nelson Bros. Furniture Store. sta rt uoerty S -WHEEL Trailer for sale at $86 N. 20th. Joe E. Wilson. WHITE ENAMEL WOOD RANGE, 14 in. lawn mower. TeL 4732. 1650 Pearl MODEST MAIDENS TrUuauh Baantwari V. S. r.Mat Oaks . j "Of course I've gut a of the invisible man'''" For Sal5 Miscellaneous MED. upright piano, gd. cond. 2-2367; REFRIGERATION: New 21 co". ft. sharp freeze, 5" above to 25' below cero. Price 6500. Box 430 Statesman. TRAILER house, ' 16-foot auto cruis er. Excellent condition. Cabin 8, Camp Joy. 3213 Portland Road. FOLDING steel frame baby buggy. Phone 5938. HOMEMADE tractor. 20S Bellevue. CHARIS the foundation varment. Home appointments. Phone 949). Es ther Turner, 2605 N. 4th. MT. VERNON wood ranee in excel lent -condition. 1245 N. Capitol. DELUXE Hotpoint electric range. New condition, used very little. Leav ing city. Phone 2-4070. THE FURNITURE which was to be sold at Capitol City Transfer Co. can now be seen at 217 state at. Thursday only. RIVER SILT: Fill dirt, sravel. all kinds. Keizer Sand 6c Gravel Co. Phone 2-1749. BABY BUGGY: $20. New price $40. Call evening. 235 Union. FOR SALE: Quilt tops. 421 Rich mond.. Call mornings. FARMERS Attention. Westinghouse automatic electric milk cooler. 40 gal lon capacity. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. LIBERTY 3x12x20 planking, cheap. 100 Han sen ave. Call afternoons. FOR SALE: Table model radio, beds & coil springs, table 6c chairs, trash burner, waffle iron, toasters, clocks, table lamps, sewing rockers, rugs tt many items. Mac's Bargain Place. 145 S. Church. REBUILT Pianos, like new. Shop Tallman'i and save 393 S. 12th. near S. P Depot noer YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY WE buy and sell furniture, tools stoves, dixhes. motors, radios. Electric appliances, household good KLKS MAN'S. 263 N Commercial. Ph 9C83 FLASHLIGHTS Complete wjth bat teries. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. LIBERTY SPERTI Sun Lamp, u .ed onlv about Ii his. Cent 852.40: will sell for 640. Elec. Iron, 84. Small radio, needs re pair. $2. 7443 Court. Phone 9752. NOW IN STOCK Beautiful new daivenns. swine rock ers, lamps, chest of drawers, corner cupboards. dinette set. occasional chairs and tables, baby cribs, desks. also hundreds of good used items all at guaranteed saving WOODRY AUCTION AND FURNITURE MARKET 1603 N. Summer St. See us to buy, sell or trade. POTATOES KLAMATH DE LIVERED. Phone 3-1035. ONE BAND SAW. one hammer mill. one two-share plow. S automatic drinking fountains, 2 sets metal stan chions, one drag harrow, and 2 trail ers. Oak Knoll Farm, 7 milea west of Salem an Dallas Road. SEE LAMBERTS for feood used fur niture. 3260 Portland Road. AUTOMATIC Vaporizers and bottle warmers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY Ready Mix , MASON SAND. CONCRETE MTX RIVER SILT AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PII. 2-19C - 2-3100 ELECTRIC CUrlmg Irons. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N LIBERTY WHITE enamel range, 1945 mod.. slightly used, appearance of electric ranee. 880. Ph. 22680 or Jess W. Lucas. Gervais. Ore., on St. Paul-Newberg highway. 1st house past Fairfield u range hail. UPSTAIRS Antique Shop, 439 Court -ALWAYS a big stock." Woodry's Furniture Mkt Ph $110 ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent fL C Pugh Ph. 2-2458 P O Box 463 ALUMINUM frying pans 44 sizes) serving trays, cookie sheets, pancake griddles, and sauce pans. , YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY STEEL Coat hangers for sale. Rag man's. 283 N. CammetciaL FARMERS Attention. Eiectrie fence controllers. YEATER APPIJANCE CO. 254 N. LIBERTY' TRAILER HOUSE, factory built, sleeps 4. oil heat. Butane range, ven, blinds Fir Crest Trailer Park, N. River Road. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED: Table model separator. Robt Chase. Rt. I. Jefferson. Ore. RECORD PLAYER wanted. Phone 72a evenings. WANTED: Trailer house. Must be reasonable. 1473 Pearl St. Ph. 6908. IF YOU WANT to sell your furni ture. Phone Lamberts. 5364. USED FURNITURE Ph. $185. Jute! Haven't you heard Wanted Miscellaneous STEVENS FIXIT SHOP Lawn mowers machine ground, saw filing and gumming. Blacksmith work All work guaranteed Pick-up St deliv eries. Phone 7603. 'WANT TO Buy, Used cameras & tenses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State CASH for your used furnitme. Ph 7596. State St Furniture, 1900 State CASH for used Diano & other mu sical instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaauith Music Co. 191 S High. WANTED: PIANOS. Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 432 State SL IF YOU nave furniture to sell sec Russ Bright. Ph. 7511 453 Court AUTO painting. Just a shade better, bv Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co 8502. Miscellaneous FOR HIRE: Ford Fergerson power loader for gravel, dirt or manure, fast nd efficient. Ph. W9F13. HEAVY Haulfhg. Excavation and Road Building. Land , Clearing. Dozer Work. Ditching. Basement Excavation. Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix, Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 1405 N Front SL Salem. Oregon Phone 9408 or 21924 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES , Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldg State at Com. Ph 3311 MEN'S HATS clesned and blocked 73c. LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St Money to Loan YOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WHEN YOU APPLY TO General Finance Corp. FOR Quick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar wiih all local needs and con ditions and lend on any reasonable ecuritv Lrp to 12 mos to repay Ph. 9168 1J6 S. Commercial St State Lie (S-138, M-338) Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cars et iniiks regardless of age. No delay bring car and title and get the money Vou retain possession of vehicle. I to IS months to repay. After $ o'clock phone 21143 foi appointment ROY II. SIMMONS Regulated by state. PRIVATE MONEY 136 5. ComT St Phone $16$ MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or faim properties; loans made as small as $300 See us about refinancing your present contract er mortgage Approved city loans s'j- Leo N. Childs, Inc. 344 Stat St Ph 8281 $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and buy real estate contracts. For quick and effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 . Hteh. Salem Lie S 218-M 222 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. JTH FLOOR GUAP.OIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 159 TARM and CITY LOANS 4i and 5i Your own terms or repayment with in reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second MortRaces. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone. T182 INCOME TAX LOANS Person!' makes loans for Income Tax or other worthy purposes) promptly and privately. Sensible mo. payments. Auk for free Simplified In come Tax Work Sheet. Personal Fi nance Co. of Salem. 518 State. Rm. 125. Ph. 3191. Lie S-122. M-165. Loans Wanted WANT to borrow $6000 6. Good investment, P.O. Box 219, Ocean Lake. Oregon. Room and Board WANTED: Board and room for two business girls. Will pay up to $50. Phone 3-28.14. ROOM for elderly lady. Ph. 3874. ROOM and board in exchange for some help In evenings and Saturday. Phone 21582. For Rent-r-Apartment FOR RENT: Furnished apt. Please fctate if children. Box 432 Statesman. For Rent FI.OQR Sander for rent. Marshall Wells Store Phone 6877. FLOOR SANDER for rent Mont gomery Ward GOOD Used Piano. H L Stiff. TRAILERS for rent 80c qt hr Woodry's MM.. 1H05 N Summer. D-7 CATERPILLAR tractor, dozer. A cleaning blade for rent. Phone 8030 TRUCKS - for rent You drive Mc Cune & Lovell Phone 9G00. Wanted to Rent VETERAN., wife and child need un furn. house or apt. Unable to take job here unUl ind house. Ph. 7177 days. BY LOCAL business man, 2 bedroom unfurn home. Will pay one year's rent in advance and lt-ase. Box 429 Statesman. WANTED: Furnished fiouje. ,2 to 4 bedrooms for period of 9 to 12 months. References. PhonV 6124. WANTED to Lease: 10 to 25 acres With modern Improvements, by re sponsible couple. Box 426 Statesman. URGENTLY Needed: 2 bed room house. Call Beit Caster, 24108 office hours VETERAN. wiiei,,6t small daughter need 2 bed room unfnrnish. house. Permanent, wilt lease. Write Box -427 Statesman. REPRESENTATIVE National con cern just arrived Salem nd needs good furnished apt. or house. Would consider rural location. No pets, liquor parties or children. Marion Hotel. Room 424. URGENTLY ' need furnish, apt. 2213 N. 4th St. DESPERATELY in need of large house. Employed nurse in locaT hos pital. Phone 2-1905. WANTED to rent: 2 or 3 room apt. or housekeeping rooms furnished. Mid dle aged 'couple. Man employed by state. No pets or liquor. A. S. Weller. Marion Hotel. WANTED: IIoue or apt. by profes sional man, just discharged from serv ice. Child onp-vear-old. Please con tact D. Elmer Door. 307 Nat l. Bank Bldg. Phone 6644. BUSINESS man. returned veteran. wife, daughter must vacate March 1st. Anyone with house or apartment for rent call Mrs. Hartwell. 6588 or 7972. For Sale Real Estate POSSESSION IN 10 DAYS NEW 2 BED ROOM ENGLISH STYLE SUBURBAN HOME. LIVINO ROOM, COMB. DINETTE AND KITCHEN. UTILITY RM., LARGE LOT. BUS BY DOOR. PRICE INCLUDES OIL CIRC. AND DINING ROOM SUITE. $8500 NEW COUNTRY HOME AMERICAN MODERN WITH 3 BED ROOMS ON ONE FLOOR. LARGE LIVINO ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. DINING ROOM. KITCHEN fc BATH. UTILITY ROOM. HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. EIJJC. HEAT. 2 CAR GARAGE, ACRE. $11,500. CHOICE I CITS FEW tN THE BETTER RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS. SOME VIEW LOTS. S1500 AND UP. CALL MR. FOOS. EVE. PHONE 7677 Severin Realty Co. SENATOR HOTEL BLDG. 9 6 2 9 HOMES 2 B. R. MODERN Home. Stucco, basement, fireplace, wired for elec. range. Beautiful creek lot with fire place. Walking distance to schools. $8400 00. 2 B. R. HOME. Excellent location. 3 blocks from State Houff. Only S5300.00. ROOM FURNISHED Home. Good condition, built ins. oil circulator. Near Salem school. A bargain. $4200. LATE BUILT Modern English type 3 bed room homo in nice section. Hard wood floors. fiT-eplace. full basement, sawdust heat Hard to please? You'll 'ike this. $r)000.00. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclurlve Listings 164 S. Coni'l. Personal Service Phone S.UIt) Vacant 9G800 2 B. R. plastered hse. Hwd. firs., gas range Ac gas hot - watrr heater. Call Mr. Alsman. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 3793 9-iO S COM'L. Eve. Ph. 2-4248 BUSINESS Coiner 150x130. $1100. F. H. Weir REALTOR 1247 8. Com'l. Phone 9411 Hollywood District 3 bed rm. house. Hv. rm., dm. rm.. kitchen, nook, wired for range, firepl.. full bsmt., auto, oil furnace. Exec, cond. Possession 30 days. $9500. Ph. 3031 or 4087. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1S53 N. Capitol NEW 5-R. HOME NORTHEAST $7400 2 BR. LR. dinette, kit. with plenty of built-ins, full basement, sawdust furnace. Id ry. trays. See this if you are looking for a good deal.. See ER NEST BOOCK with CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 275 State St. Phone 9494 S RM. House and 2 lots. Southeast Salem. Price $3500. W. G. KRUEGER REALTOR 147 N. Commercial Ph. 4728 8 RM. Plastered modern house. Needs some repair. On large lot and bus line. $5500. F. H. Weir REALTOR 1247 S. Com'l. Phone 9411 $6500. Near I.elie sch. 4 bdrms.. liv. rm.. din. ini, kit , oil heat. Call Omer Hull Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 CENTER ST. Ph. 2-1549 Eve. Ph. 2-1731 Residential Lots and Business Sites Phone 3031 or 4087. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol St. $4750. 'i A.; two bedr. hme., gar., poultry hse., fruit, berries & nuts, close in. Ph. "Elmer" Amundsan 3210 Bt'RT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street FOUR ROOMS, shower bath, fruit room, garage and woodshed. - Floors covered Witn linoleum, not wtitr neat er, wired for electric range. Lot 84x 150, room for house on front. $2500. 711 Howe SC. Dallas. Ore. ti-ACRE LOTS. $400-8500, with fruit trees and city water," view. 21$ -Salem Heights Ave- BY OWNER: 3 houses and garage on 1 lot. $100 Income per month. Owner has 3 rooms, basement and garage. Oil heat, gas1 water heater, electric. Close in. These houses are modern and in good condition. 1143 Oak St. 'TCHOICE CORNER S!e 100x100. located on SoutR17th & Mill Sts. Price $loo. See Mrs. Need ham or Jim Fisk. 34 1 SJiate St. H. 4 LARGE LOT between 19th and 20th on Market. Irh-a! home site, street as sessments paid. Price $1200. Ph. 5228. For Sate Real Estate 100 Ft. Boulevard Frontage Just north of underpass, city ua:?i and ft on lot. 80(0 full price. Phone 7820 I. O HUMPHREYS and CO. 3035 Portland Road "Eight Room House Well constructed, on corner lot. yery close in. Auto. heat, pice surroundings excellent location for home or busi ness Terms. 875O0. Larscn Home & Loan Exclusive Listings and Personal Service ! 164 S. Commercial Phone 8J89 6 Km. house on corner. 89'axl30. Now. bringing $65 per month besides living quarters of 4 rms. for owner. Price $6500. Loan can be arranged for $3500. F. II. -Weir REALTOR 1247 S. Com'l. Phone 9411 TRADE: Clean 1941 Cadillac 4-door edan model "62" for house or lot 111 good residential district in Salem. 3120 Center after 7 p.m. Phone 5984. CLOSE In apartment house, furn- I Khed. 3 aots. Good income. Large lot. Priced rifcht. Nice corner lot on 16th and Mill. Paving paid. $1050. Lot on North 4th. Paving paid. $550 Melvin Johnson 549 N. Cottage St. Ph 3723 West Salem " "Little Giant of Industry" 85250 Good. 2 B. R. home, nice condition, new roof, ctr. heater goes with deal. Located in convenient West Salem Let us show you this one. $4850 NORTH SALEM Gets .you a neat new home 2 bed rooms. $500EAST SALEM A nice. 2 bed room home, fisrpUce, basement. Early possession. $6850 5 BED ROOMS North Salem. 2-story house. 2 B R. down. 3 up. Kitchen. Dining 100111. Living room. West Salem Realty Co. 1233 EDGEWATER STREET Phone 1 .1109 OPPORTUNITY Duplex close in north on 717165 lot Perfect future court site. Two com plete 5 R. living unft. both now rent ed. Worth checking into for $10,000. Owner will take in late model sedan. Home and income. 5 R. living quar ters on lower floor and 3 R. apt. up stairs renting for $30. This place has just been completely reflnished in side and , has double plumbing, ldiy. trays, elect, hot water. $7300. GOING CROCERY STORE WITH GAS PUMPS $4000 per mo. gross business. $3000 stock, SHOO fixtures. Good spot for more business in the near future. No phone information please. j CHAS. HUDKINS & SON 275 State St. Phone 9494 Lot Bargain ! Corner lot 100x123. You can build 3 houses all for $6M 'i cash. Another lot 50x100. Only S375. Near Center and 21st St. Only S1OS0. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 SEE this lovely hillside home, attic finished in knotty pine. Auto, oil fur. 5 A. good bldg. site, only $11,000. Ph. "Elmer" Amundson ' 3210 BURT P1CHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street 1 Cor. lot. N.. $57.. - Call E. E. Grimm Reimann Real Estate. REALTORS 201 S. High Ph. 3722 or 7S03 NEW 3 Bed room home in choice N. E section. Glass utilized to best advantace has made this a delightful home. Pi iced right too at $800 SEE Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS . 344 State Si. P. 9261 Kinpwooil Heights,'! Nice 3 B.R. modem home, about 'j acre of ground. Price $ 10,500. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3f!8 Residential Lots $400. and Up North and East part of town A'.l larre lots. local building sites. M. 0. Humphreys & Co. i PhoneTMtli 2035 Portland Road j 'i ACRE, unfinished hme. Two bed- j rms. L.H.. DR.. K.. wired for rariee or gas. Gas range and circulator tort Imin. post. 837M). pn. Mr. Gardner. 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street $3,750 Sm. 4 Rm. hse.. lot -0yl20. Fruit j trees, berries 8c garden spot. see Mi. unmm Reimann Real Estate, REALTORS PH. 3722; eves. 7803 201 S. High OUR BEST BUY FOR $10,000 Almost new 5-room strictly modern home, exceptionally neat and clean throughout, finished recreation room in basement, auto air-conditioned heat (fuel costs less than $40.00 a year). Landcapping has been well planned, ienced-tn back yard with garden space. Located on North 18th street. In new district. 94000 will handle. LEE OHM ART & CO. REALTORS Phone 9680 477 Court St ! TWO Bcdr. home. N. 15 yrs. old. I L.R., K., nook, fireplace, wired for j range, full bsmt., fur. $6250. Ph. Mr j Gardner. , 3210 BURT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North High Street 85500. Furnished. 4 B. R. hse., 2 extra lots. Bsmt.. furnace. 3 car ga rage, lmmed. poss. Call Ray Dav is , Huff Real Estate Co. ! REALTORS Ph. 3793 $70 S. COM'L Eve. Ph. 9441 BY OWNER: New 2 bed room mod em house, priced for quick sale. liO Duncan Ave. V A. ATTRACTIVE English style', home, living rm.. dining rm., kitchen, i nook, 2 nice bed rms.. unfinished up- ; stairs. , bath, laundry rm.. Close to bus At school $6800. Melvin Johnson j 549 N COTTAGE ST. PH. 3.1 NEW SUB-DIVISION, excellent bldi sites front $650 up. Ph. "Elmer ' Amundson 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street CREEK PROPERTY $6350-3 B. R. home. Liv. rm , kit , breakfast nook. Full fin. bmsl.. fui nace. Nice lawn. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S. COM'L Ph. 37M Kve. Ph. $441 For Sale- Real Etat NELSON .NEWS $1000 FARM. $.1000 INCOME 40 ac . 25 cleared, bal. timber & tuir. II ar. oats At Vrtcii. J j. fiu.t, etc . fair 4 rm. house, euod barn. clii t rn .hou'c, hoe, house, complete :in livestock. & machinery. prosre-ti 1946 mi'unie $:i000. , COW!.- MILK ROUTE. EQUIPMENT 12 cows 1 buy some or alii, in k rw.l er. bottler & cipper, bottles A cmtrs. panel truck. 5 mile route. Terms 10 experienced buyer 5 ACRE ORCHARD 3 ac. cherries. 2 ac. cane- berries with' young cherries int-rs-JSfced. .l in prime condition. 1 mile 5o. ;n c-t fruit soil. $3500. 5 AC. ON YEAR AROUND CREFK L.R.. D R.. Kit.. 3 bdnr.s . butni n. but no fixtures jet, barn, wood thed. gaiage, S.'O.OOO. NEW WEST SALEM Comb. L H -D R . Kit., 2 bdr;v h-n. hdi. flr. throughout, anlm o:l nt. elc. wattr heater. V. blind., na-asr, paved st . near bus 6c school. Swti. Eaiy tei rtis. 3 BDRMS. NORTH I..R , dinette. Kit , 3 bdirr . t-atv all on 1 fir., autm. air condition, 1 g autm. oil furn,, f place. hd. i'i.. dfcl. construction, 1 blk. to bus. SXX). . If ou tlo not find what yau wart among mere, let us te!l you others that may meet your .nents. NELSON & NELSON 1 Nelson Theo G Ne'.sca REALTORS Rm 200-2 Masonic Bldg.. 493 Sta'e t. Ph. "j'r 4622 - Eves. 2-1030 or 87 $11,3003 bed rm. home In to, i location, hwd. firs., fire place beauti ful jaid. full basement. V. Blinds. Olson & Reeve, Realtor j 945 S. C om! St. Ph. 4590 Eve 93S) I $10,500 2 bed rm home In Engle , wood. Dist.. fire place, hwd. firs. f-.:U bsmt.'. iarie garage. This is in tl.e I best location. Olson & Reeve, Realtors I 943 S. Com 1 St. Ph. 4590 Eve. now ' $7500 3 bed rm home in X. Saler,:. j hwd. firs., oil heat, utility nr... jut ! redecorated. Olson & Heeve, Realtor ' 945 Com'l St. Ph. 4390 Eve. Slow S95O0 2 ted rm home in N. Saleri. Hwd. firs., larac lot. att. garage, full basement. Saw dust heat. Th:s hou? is insulaifd. Olson & Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Com'l St. Ph. 4590 Eve. 21f0 tBOOO-N New. Liv. rm. kitchen, nook, 2 bed rm.. utility rrn .. hwd. firs., p!tercd. V. blinds, floored upstaiiv loom for 2 bed rms Ga rage;: ll cue, bus at dsor. l:r,;n. post. Terms. Okon & Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Ctn I St. Ph. 4390 E ZZ:r.3 FNGLEWOOD Liv. rm.. din. mi., kitchtr. rork. 2 bed rm. down. hwd. firs., l.ieoiive. 2 bed nil. up. Double plu;r,6,n. a:t. Varage, breirtent. furnace. e!ec. water heater, idy. tras, large, lot. femed back ard. This is a real home, i:; 1 250.00. lerrr.s. -4 ! Olson Reeve, Realtors ! 945 S. Crnr.'l St.' Ph. 4390 Eve. 227:3 j. 84300. New 5 rm. bst. South. 1ut i out of c:tv limits, L. rm , d.ntiie, kitchen, utility rm., 2 bdnr.s, ins i- lateo. Liect. range goes. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 943 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 4390 Eve. 2:f-M SP500. 3 t-drni. home in Englev nt d Dut. T j ik a lovely home. iut I redec. Kwd. fir , elec. iefctr. I full bsitii.ent. This is ready to n.cjve into. j Olson A Reeve, Realtor : 943 S. Ctn. l. Kt. Ph. 4590 Zve. 2Tf-ve $4750. 3 ! Nlrm . hoire :n Sa n i Heifhr on W Hiwav, c!o? Jo t: suitable fcj; income propel';.-. Olson & Reeve, Realtors ' 943 V Cf.T.'l. St. Ph. 490 Eve SIl'41 INCOME PROPERTY S'9O0 Lfite home close in. T1- a place rn un incoire o'. tl.'S ir month. L'n't Fail to See T.iis Plie. ; Olson & Reee, Realtors 943 S. Ccnrl. St. Ph. 4.90 Five. Ilf4 INDEPENDENCE PROPERTY K500U, L. iriv. kitchen, nook. 2 bd; i, hwd. f'rs . Iae:nent. furnace, alt. i- aae. lot. 4 r. old, very r.tal Sx clean. Olson & Reeve, Rraltoi 943 . Cem'I. St. P!i. 4,.0 Eve. 22i73 Wet Salem "Little Giant oi InOj-isV" Builder Attention! Ten choice lots In West Sai:n. r)e to factcrirs. schools, bus a : J oui:: "a section crly $3210. Four Lots -$1300 Good :rts on high ground. You will never t.:M a lower p. ice. West Salem Realtv Co. 1233 FDCEWATER STREET Thone 5109 $4725.00 New 4-:.nm Home. Bath, electric tet water reater. laundry trays, fr lange. FcM-ssion in 2 wee. P. H. Bell, Realtor CLAUDE KILGORE - CLATR KILGOUt R L. "BOB" PRIME 402 Guarti tn Bldg. Ph. 4; eve S45fs 1 P- JR. eottage. 5. -all apt. on tiie, rented for 8-11 -mo. ea'l Sir.' fluff Real Estate Co. RFALTf.KS Ph. 3V93 970 S. COM L, Eve. Pia. 5-4Ta'l iy &rt fionQ&talt sraaa ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives ard-Grlffith Company, Ine. Ban Francisco Eastern' Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Company. Ine. Chicago. New York. Detroit. Hoi ton. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising Enfered at the Postofflr ef Sa'f. Orrqon as Seconal Class ster. Pub lished even morntnf Ixcrt Monde v. Business office 11$ South Commr cial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall Subserirtton Rates In Advanraf Within -Oregon: Daily and Sunday. XUk to cento: mea. ; $3.00; 1 year. $8 00; Elsewhere 80 rents per mo or $7 tot 1 ear In advance. Per copy 9 cent. Bv City Carrier, 73 cents a morth. 89 00 a year m advance ta Marian a4 adjacent countlea, r