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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1994)
FACE SIX Tli OREGON STATESMAN, SaW Ortgon, Wtdnday Morning, February 27. 1948 Sweetheart , Formal on L .Friday Out-tar.dmg event n ,th no (ial calendar- for memlx-i . of the high school set tin week be tl.e Hi-Y annual nvcft 1 h e a i 1 formal r 1 iday iiiftht, Mauh 1. The affair will be held in the school gymnasium, known the "Star Room " Van Armitago arid hU (nil. tik of Portland Have lieeri en gaged to play lor the affair be- l tan Q A A T ' I , .1 L- Tk dance 14 sponsored by the three chapters of Hi-Y, -Arthur Cot tor,, Abeil Gregg and Harrison t.uoi, a n'gniaxni 01 me- eve ning w ill be the pi mentation of trie Hi-J Sweetheart. v.hoe name win. not be levealert imtil that night. The" thice chapters aie pre senting at this dance the new false ceiling which the Hi-Y mothers have prepared. The dance is under the adv isorship of Mr. George Birrell, chemis try intructor at Salem high, and i. unHer the chali rnanhip of Chuck Robins, Harrison El liot member. Committees woiking with hnn air' Oihtia, Flank Drrke Uai h and l)nk Baibcr; publicity, Jim Miller, I 'haii man. Halt? ( leaver and Webby !(, ticket ';eii, -Joe Biaie; pingiam, Dan M'Call, ha;rmai. Bob Meye sixl Hill Meijiam: pi et italimi committee. link llendne and Chink Robins; clean-up commit 1"e. C,rv Krppinger. H'ib Wag-t- . f'.iil licmlv. Jim ('ailci, fi,k Cotkirg, F.ltneir Klfinke, Mvion I u endei , Hob Wipei, Jar.k .Smith, Hat old Lttlke. Dick Swaii, John Griffitli, Howard Hiil and Kenneth Mitler; coat' room. Bi t Meye. B Purdy and John We"ftphal. and decor ation?, Hni-t llustotf Initiation for tiew Members Mar:on auxiliary of th t esans cf Foreign Wut met Mon day night : the Vf W hall with Mr.. Xug. Bolton presiding. Inlhabon tvai held for Mrs. Hoc is Jofc.e. Mrs. Doris Random. Mr. Doicthy Stewart, Mr. Henrietta Meriiet, Mi. Maty HTTniuih and Mrv B"il!ie Cameron. Mr. Doris J le has the hot, or r-f being the final member taVen into the ixihaty on. her own eligibility. Natural President Mi. M: V nnrt A'dern will be in Portland Mar(h 13 and all piesi rtiit ar.d fkft pre.vdenU are urged to attend the one o'clock luncheon. After the business meeting the pt joined the auxiliary and i fi ..ethrrients were sirred by Mm. TTavty Hailan. Ms Eve lyn Kt-rrcuv, Mrs. .1inu'n"lle a'O Mis. Ro-.e Surprise Dinn 3 r Party Monday Mr. (Mr E. Price v ai'hoii oid't a surpiise dintT paity or his birthday "MiMi'Sy night v lien Mi . Price and tii son. M Ji k Pi tie, ent! S;Mcvi at lioie. Tr.e 'ku.t was cetite d with rr an; rgt -ment of t iiitions, I :!y-of-:i, - .lley btoth jrid can ilte. Gi.fT inrloderi emoloyee of Pr:t". End owt"i weie p'aced !fi '.wenty-f''. t Miilrl-racet d.jrnctiui I l -nce ti.wie cf J rv'a .(, t-rff! tint fjtHs jr.un I ti "jwH l" of the dnfurtv n,i pattHttJ (tjHiie 1k ianniilin cl r n i hrl f-ffenf thiplnt; M(iuMi( in (luertag, tl.'juoii i'Mifif th malitoiift I txiuU. .sco,it icile tim .ir' r, )m I 5 to 1 '00, 1'eJcfal itx i.uhf Jci. $75 ytTint tr -j t v Between High 4 liberty i I J I StrFl 4 ll 1 r Value... an-i p indudioij tax Society .... Clubs Music The Home Maxint Buret Wtnen'a Editor CLUB CALENDAR . WKDNCIDAT Woman's Association. First Presbvtertan church, S ptn., fx tculive board. 1 p ni. Navy Mothers. YWCA, .7:30 p.m. A A II W Afternoon I.itetatui (loup with Mr. Mewart Uenip sey. 101 J N. lith t.. 1:14 des sert Mjncheon. ' " North e-tion. Woman's First Congregational church. 1 p m. Nebraska auxiliary with Mrs. Henry Knight, 131 Roosevelt St . 12 .10 pin. Social club of ladies' auxiliary, FOE, card party. Fraternal tem ple. 2 p.m. McCormick Ladies with Mrs. Waldo Marsters, 18i3 D St., 1:15 dessert luncheon. PUT. and T club with Mrs. I.aura Johnson, 407' j Court at. THtXIDAT I on ll and diiwn club, Cari ler roiti. Iiri MetliodHI ihuicli, , 2 M p in. Hiuxh r'olleaa Helpers with ' Mn. N. J NTke. 1 p rn llaveiville Woman's club. Mis. Claude Talmadga, 60 Duncan ave , 1 p m. h(i)oiirnei s at Woinaii's rlub- hoilM-. hiimland Woman's club, at li in cli. 2 p in. ATI RIlAT Chemekela chapter, OAR. Mis. Frtwin Jiuy, t7i k, I p mi DeHuts Honored At Dinner Mr. nd Mm. E. M. Delliit were hosts for a smartly arranged din ner party Saturday night at their kouth High street residence in compliment to their ton and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I. Dellut who last week arrived in Silemafter his discharge from the U.$. navy. The dinner table was centered with an arrangement of daphne flanked by tall green tapers in crystal holders. Variegated ca mel ias provided the decorative note about the rooms. The eve ning hours were spent informally with Miss Glenna Faye Miller and Mr. Kenneth I. Dellut sing ing a number of duets, accom panied on the piano by Mrs. George Moore. ("overs were placed for Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson and on, George of Turner, I,t. and Mi. Vetliri Combs of Great Kallx, Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Lamka, jr., Mrs. George Moore, Miss Glenna Faye Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George Combs and daughters Merna and WHma, Mr. and Mrs.iMerle Combs, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Thompson. Shirley and Irry, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth I. Dellut and Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Dellut. Hobby Show at Club Meeting A hobby show was a feature of the Salem Junior Woman's club social meeting Monday night when the new members presented the enter t aintnent. . Mrs. Kred Gast presided at" the business session. Featured at the show were handicrafts by Mrs. John Hann: knitting by Mrs. Carey Martin; Engli-di toby jugs by Mrs. Al bert J. Walker; china Vases sent ' by her husband from Japan and the Philippines. Mrs. Carl Hal vorson; coin collection by Mrs. Irvin Bryan; and fashions of to day by Mrs. Calvin Kent. Mrs. Jamt.i Smart played a group o( piano selections. j Refreshments were served by the committee and presiding at the . table were Mrs. Fred Gast and, Mrs. Roy Mink. The center piece was of spring flowers and yellow tapers. Mrs. Carey Mar tin, jr.. was the chairman and assisting were Mesdames Irvin Bryan. H. John Anning, Calvin Kent. Sam Campbell. Albert Walker, jr., John Hann. Carl Hal voi son. Stuart Thede and Wallsir C, Wilson. Bridal Couple Honored Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reding fCon'tanre ..Rose Martin) were honored at a reception Sunday at Colonial House following their marriage at St. Thomas church in Jefferson. Mr. Reding is from Maple Hill. Kansas. The table centerpiece was of carna tions ami candles Attending wetc the- newly w '(Is, her parents. Mr. ami Mra l-iank Mm tin, Mr, and Mrs. I-on Mar cum. Mr. and Mis. Ro be 1 1 Hand, Mr. and Mrs. d GieasMi and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark. - 'A Acclaimed by Salem DON KAYE His piano and his orchestra Lat three lays at Normandy Manor FINE FOOD FINE MUSIC I Jerym Engllah Social Day Club Party1 The Socljal Day club of the Eastern Stair entertained with a delightful ifarty Tuesday after noon at the"Masonic -Temple, A dessert luncheon was served by the committee with Mrs. L. M. Ramage the chairman. Assist ing were Mesdames Rex Davis,' Milton L. Meyers, David Wright, J. A. Brownson, Fred Kteler, Arnold Johnson, Ernest Peter son, Bert Flack, D. A. Saunders, Roy Wassam, G, A. Recher, and Mi.s Ulva Derby. The tables and rooms were decorated with bouquets of daf fodils, fonjythia, heather and laurestitius. A program followed tile dessert hour. Mrs. Vance McDowyll, program director of the ywcA, gave a group of vio lin numbers. Mrs. James Smart wan; the accompanist and aIo played some piano selection. Mrs. William Merrlott read a gioup of her own poems which have been published and she has received recognition for. Mrs. Addie Curtis gave a group of humorous readings. Bridge was in play after the program with Mrs, J. E. Vaii Wyngarden and Mrs. Ray A. Yoeom winning honors. Sub-Disrict Meet Slated Methodist women will be hostesses at the Salem iiib-di-trict meeting at the i Leslie Methodist church on fYiday beginning at 1$ a.m. Seventy five to 100 membera Of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of churches from Salem, West Salem, Lyons, Donald, Woodburn. Dallas, Silyerton, Stayton, Falls City, , Marquam, Turner, Canby, Independence, Pratum, Ebenezer and Sherwood are expected. Mrs. Stearns Cushing is sub district president. The meeting opens with or gan numbers by Mrs. Melvin Gilson, worship by the Rev. Jo seph Knotta and a business ses sion. Mrs. Vern Bain will lead a devotional meeting following. Leslie church women will serve a luncheon at 1:15 o'clock followed by the afternoon meet ing. Miss Ruth Field, missionary to India, will be the speaker. Mrs.; Clarence Roberts, district president, will install new offi cers. ',7 Sims-Stenson Vows Read Miss Joidith Stenson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eddiej Gaub of Brooks and Corporal Arthur Sims, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim; Carter of Arvin, Calif., were married on February 22 at 5 o'clock with the Rev. Kunzman officiating at tire double ring "ceremony at his home in Van couver, Wash. The bride wore a powder blue suit with corsage of pink rose buds and gardenias. The bride's parents attended the couple. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents in the evening. The bride is a graduate of Sa lem high school. The groom at tended school in Princeton, Tex as. He recently returned from 22 months ia the South Pacific. The couple left Tuesday for . Arvin, Calif., to be with his par ents until he reports for three years of European duty, having re-enlisted in the army. Birthday Dinner For Mrs. Plant Mrs. Harry Plant was hon ored at a birthday Binner Sun dayat the Plant home on Mc Gilchrist street. A large birth day cake centered the table. Bidden were Mr.; and Mrs. Donald W. Rasnu!fsen; Mr. and Mrs. Garland Ilyerley, Anna and; Rodney Douglas, Ellis Drake. Harry Plant, jr.,' Ronnie Strjoud, Miss Audrey and Miss Phyllis Plant, Mr. and Mn. Harry Plant. Dance Slated For Thursday Nightclub Event of the week will be the Thursday Night Dancing club's partly at Crys tal Gardens. Claifde Bird and his orchestra wilt play for dancing between 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock. The af fair! is semi-formal. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Olt and Mr.j and Mrs. Edwin McEwen heads the directorate for the .February dance. , Several parties are being ar ranged to precede and follow the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Speer stra have invited rfuests to their home on Rose street before the dance and to a midnight supper after the affair. Their guests will be Mr. and; Mrs. Edwin McEwen, Dr. and Mrs Ralph Gordon, Mr. and Mrs; John Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Reimann, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Reimann, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kaffun, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Church, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wf Letterman. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stoddard, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Roock and Mr, Ralph Ransom. Mrv and Mrs. David Kllinger will b pre-dance host a( their home for a group of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Mc Millan are entertaining at sup per party after the d a n r e at their King wood Heights home. Travelers Return i I Mr;, and Mrs. Robert Sears and daughter, Roberta, are be ing welcomed home from a three: weeks trip to southern California. The Salem travelers stopped jin Santa Barbara for a visit with !her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mtt. Van Svarverud, (former Salem resident, and then went on to Los Angeles and Palm Springs for a sojourn. Mr. and Mrs. Sears and their daughter Joined Mr. and Mrs. jJohn Andrews and daughter, Gloria, of Turner in the San Fernando valley and accompa nied them home. Arrive in Salem To Make Home Being welcomed to the capital are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slater Bush and son, Charles Lee, who arrived here last week from Waukegan, 111. Mr. Bush was re cently released from the navy. He is the son of Mrs. Jessie Bush Mickelson. Mr. and Mrs. Bush are now at home at 1340 Saginaw street. 'Mr. Bu& plans to return to his position at Ladd and Bush branch, United States National Bank. Salem Rebekah lodge met Monday night with Mrs. Ralph Hornaday, noble grand, presid ing. Mrs. William Beard gave, a report on the meeting of tit. Women's Council. The Canton auxiliary will meet at 8 o'clock Thursday night for initiation. There will be team practice next Monday night. ' "I keep seeing SPOTS"...!! Spots before the eyes, dull headaches or any other signs of impending; illness should call for prompt, com petent diagnosis. C a 1 1 on" your Doctor before he has to call on you! Thenk natur-. ally, you will want to bring his prescription her to Headquarters for careful compounding by our special is U. i t WIIlett Capital Drag Slore Car. Stat A Liberty rtaeaa Sill I' - .. i ,4 ' i V '4 I it Mrs. H. R. Terhune of Jefferson, president of the Marion County council. Parents and Teachers, confers with Mrs. Harry Gsorge of Portland, stale president, following a meelinq on Wednesday night al the Sw?gle sehoci at .which Mrs. George was srxakr. (Statesman pholo ) A Birthday Dinner' Mr. and Mrs. Frank If. Spears, sr', will be hosts for a' buffet dinner tonight at their Cheme keta street home in honor of their son, Major Frank 11 Spear. Jr.. and Mr I. G. Ship ley, on their birthdays -ThW will 1 the first Joint celebi alio'i of the birthdays In ten years a Major Spears lia been in the east. Prior to that time a dou ble celebration was held each year. The buffet, table will be cen tered with an arrangement of early spring flowers and can dles. Guests will be seated at in dividual tables. Covers will be placed for 24 friends of the hon or guests. Racial Program Group Aim Salem Toistrniitres will de vote' its semi monthly meeting tonight to observance of the na tional brotherhood-of man week. Three talks will be given fol lowing the 6 o'clock dinner meet ing at the Quelle. Miss Isabel will be tnantmiMreps of the evening and Mrs. L. O; Arrns will be fable topirs chairman. The speakers will be Mrs. Jess Daughert who will talk on the Negro prob lem In Oregon schools; Miss Lois' Hamer, Negro contributions, to j American poetry; Miss Esther j Gulley. the oriental phases of the subject. Dinner guesU of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Busick on Sunday were members of her family In cluding Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hazlett, Susan and Jimmy. Mrs. Agnes Hazlett and Mrs. I. L. Howe of Portland, Mrs. Ran da McDonald and Jeanne Busick. The Hazletts and, their children Just returned from Texas where h has been stationed. Enroute home they stopped in San Mateo and other California points for ! a visit. ! i t I S . ,i , . f Mr. J. I.. Moorman U mo tor - iljig to Sh Francixo with her nephew, ("apt. I,ew'is R. Brown and wife; of Arizona. While in California Mis. Mooiman will friends and her sister, Mrs." Kenneth ; Woodside and r iece. Mis. ( 'ail ; I lor tost, and will meet her son, Lawrence Mooiman, lecently discharged fiotn the aimy and ictuin home with him Dinher at Ross; Home Mr. and Mr. Custer E. Ros have invited a group of their fi iends td a dinner paity Satur day nighj at their Cros street residences Arrangements of spring flow ers and ciindllfs will provide the deroiativf dole on the dinner table and; about the roomv Cov ers w ill be plac ed" for Iwelve. Contract hjridge will be in p!ay after the dif tier hour. Mrs. Iawrence Anderson has invited members of her club to her Madison street home Thurs day night for an evening of con tract and a late supper. Mrs. Lynn Heise will he an additional guest. Mr. William Rush will enter tain member of her club to night at bridge and a late sup per at her home on Saginaw street. Mrs. Jack S. Bush will be an additional guest. Buy Wards Reliable 9 iir..r;i Glad Bulbs Mixed collec- fF tion, pkjf. of 10 af Ov Balk Glais dot. So M sV'oAfcSsJs?'-1'- '-'o3 Nohlgrens a Pre-Dance Hosts The Trotters Dancing club has slated its monthly dance for Fri day night at the Crystal Gar dens. Claude Bird's orchestra will play for the semi-formal af fair, Refreshments will be serv ed at 9 o'clock with dancing scheduled to begin at ten o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. .Ralph Nohlgren will be hosts for an informal party at their South Summer street residence preceding the dance. Their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. C. Ronald Tludkins, Mr. and Mrsv Joseph Felton, Mr. and Mrs.' I.awrence Brown, Mr. and Mis. Albert Ott. Mr. and Mrs. Edw in L. McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerald Nibler, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bever and Mr. and Mr. Edwin McWain. Pianists in Concert The duo pianict.v Vein Apple Ion and Michael Field, playing before an audience of members of the Salem Community Con ceit association toniglrt at tht Salem high school will play the following program: Yix-rati Fi cv oh lit I Durltinii I'oncM laulr, alter Moiait riilvniit Andaiitr and Vailatiom Srltiitnann 'I . ! Milnhan W't'"" j Infante tnrttat!;. fimti iiifi fm I w 11 I'lanoji nt liMianmi.ff 'I lie HUie Danube .. Slian llia'ilrira Miliiaud ( au'ue Vlennois Kieisler Ktude based on "J'lifhl of the Kurt,ljleee" fiiand conceit vanalinns Balnn I ml DAR Meeting On Saturday Mrs. Edwin Jory will open her home 425 Hoyt Mieet. to mem bers if Cb'emeketa chapter, Daughters of the American Rev -olutioti Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock for the regular monthly meeting. Mrs George Rnsaman will re view the bopk "The Immortal Wife." The tea committee In cludes Mesdames C. C. Best, L. W. Potter. A. A. Underhill. W. B. Johonston. S. L. Minard, Harmon Da r ley and Miss Ruth Rulifson. Disabled American Veterans auxiliary will hold its regular bui.-;iiies meeting at the Woman's club house at 8 o'clock Friday night. Roce Kiskem of Tidewa ter, state department command er, will make an official visit. PACKAGE SEED, VEGETABLE AND FLOWER 470 6 Pkjfs. 100 frtsh vegstabls itcd and raro and prize-winning varieties of ?lowor toed di rect from Grossman Seed Corp. All soeds arc germina tion tested. Growinq instruc tions on packages. WARDS TREASURE ISLAND LAWN SEED i ib. 1 .08 A fino mixturo especially adapted to meet soil and cli mata conditions of tho West Coast, Contains long-lasting, deep rooting oerennial grasses that como back ytar after year. Peonies Red, white, or pink. Ex cellent quality, hardy stock. 2 roots .... ontgomery r'! ' ' -i 'AM Mr Vern S t a n 1 y ( Archiba-ldf wli03e wedding was ah evert of Tebruaiy 14 at the Seventh Day Adven tist church. .The bri.? is th dlnighter of Mrs. E;h N Archibald and ii e r hubrjrid is the son of Mr. md Mrs Clyde Stan!' t North Santiam. Tho nv !! will mak thT luitiii al Uoi SaniKiMi. (M 'hwan pitbtol. Mr. Sequin Is 1 lonor Guet Mn I!jv Scguin w ,ii l.o'ite for m ti(itv Satuulav inlit ( her home in honor of her h.i--band on his birthday. (lames weie in play dining the evctiing with a late supper following Miis Sharon Seguin assisted thr hostoss. Honoring Mr. Sep i in wee Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Seguin, Mi. Clarence Seguin and) Mr. and Mrs, Edward Seguin. Sharon and Iarry. all of Gervai. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tallman, Mr. Eugene Tallman and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tallman and Mrs. Ray Seguin. CASTLE PERU. ' WAVERS , 1 30$ 1st National Bank Bids. Phone 3663 Geo. Herberger, owner. Machine Waves aad RUling Koolrr Waves J Operators zana. j BLANCHE AND ETHEL ; Phone Yonr Appointments Now Standard Quality Lawn Seed m fJrows sturdy all-season lawns in just a few weeks. Shoots appear in from 5 to 10 days. The Popular Visroro Fertilizer m7( a4 10 lbs. UP A complete balanced ferti lizer for all flowers and vegetables. lb. bags of Vlgoro . J.J Tuberous Begonias Hardy stock, cameilia type . Owp Ward LHi