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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1994)
PAGE TWELVE Tlx . OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, Wednesday. Morning. February 27. 198 Resuniation of Polk County Fair Planned MONMOUTH. Feb. 26 -'(Special) -The Polk county lair board of directors met February 18 with th Monmouth buildings and grounds committee to discuss plans for the 1946 fair in late Au gust. No Polk county fair has un held since 1941, and funds have accumulated until the prizes to oe onerea tnis year win oe double that of any previous year for livestock and other exhibi- ! .tions, f Future Farmers and 4-H club members have increased in num bers also, so the entries for live- . slot k will necessitate larger space nd more accommodations on the grounds. The committee was au thorized to purchase two build ings of corrugated iron from army surplus, size 20 by 30 feet, to aug ment the present barn and corral pace. . No carnival contract has been nigncd, but the committee plans to provide good entertainment fea tures of this sort. An evening khow similar to the one present ed in 1941, with modern innova tions is planned. The Polk county fair grounds and buildings were established at Monmouth several years ago. Last season W. Ray Adams obtained' e of it for rodeos - - in June and September. He improved both the arena and race track, and built corrals for his wild horses and cattle. The set-up is now consid ered in very good condition for hettxk exhibition purposes. The fair board includes Lou Turner, of Bethel, chaihnan; L. H. Mc Bee of Dallas and William Rid iJI, Monmouth. The local su lrrvisory committee here is H. W. Morion, chairman, L. B. Howard and Oscar, Groves. Lyons Society Nels $-12 From Pie Social LYONS, Fib 26-(Special) -The pie social at the community hall netted the Soc-iety of Christian Service $42. Mrs.- Chester Gary told of her experiences in Min datfio. Philippine Island, dodging the Jap. Other numbers were solvs. Jeanneen Bentlye and Eve lyn Clipfell; accordion solo, Dale Bassett; reading, Mrs. Albert Jul ian i. story, Mrs. Roy Huber. Valley Obituaries MBS. ED MYERS SCIO. Feb. 26.-(Special )-Mrs. Audie W. Myers, 59, lifelong res ident of Scio and wife of E. D. Myers, fo'rmir banker here.l died t the family home today after a two-weeks illness. Mrs. Myers, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Shelton ho also were natives of this area, was born Mar. 29, 1886, and was married Mar. 20, 1911. Sur vivors are the widower and a daughter, Helen, employe of the Ladd and Bush bank in Salem. , Services will be held at 2 p. m Thursday at the Scio Baptist e h u r c h wjth the Revi Victor Lou( ks officiating. Arrangements are in charge of the Howe Huston Funeral home. Interment will be in-f ranklin Butte cemetery. Mrs. Myers was a member of the Baptist church since child hood, and of the Pythian Sisters and the Scio Garden dub. The latter was Entertained at heir home earlier this month. She was a lo a leader in Red Cross knit ting and was instrumental in hav ing hundreds of garments provid ed by this area. MRS. GEORGE YOUNG BROOKS. Feb. 26.-(Specials-Mrs. George Young, who with her husband and 12-year-old daugh ter were burned to death in a fire which destroyed their home at Yakima Sunday, was a lister of Mrs. Vernon Stevens. Mrs. Stevens and her mother, Mrs. Georgia Davis have gone to Yakima. EDWIN S. BUCHNER ALBANY, Feb. 2fl.-(Specia)-Funeral services for Edwin S. Bu chner, 76. who died at the family home near Riverside following a .cerebral hemorrhage Sunday, February 24, will be held from J the Fortmiller chapel at 2 p. m., February 27. The Rev. Orville Mack will officiate. Born on March13, 1869, near Waukesha, Wise, Edwin Buchncr came to Oregon in 1877, and lived near Salem the first year 'after his arival here. He then moved to Millersburg where he remained until 1898. On Novem ber 23, 1898, he married Edna Dell Archibald, and they moved to a farm in the Knox Butte com munity, later living for a time near the Santiam Central hall and In 1920 buying a home at River side. Mrs. Buchner died several years ago. Survivors are a son, Virgil, of route 3, Albany, a sis ter, Clara Buchner of Albany, also two grandchildren. BABY S LINGER ALBANY, Feb. 2fl.-(Special)-Graveside services were held Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. In Wil lamette Memorial park for infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Sliger of Albany. The baby died at birth at the Albany General 'hospital Monday morning, Feb ruary 25. Survivors are the par ents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burrell of Lebanon and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sliger of Albany. The Rev. E. B. Luther officiated. j- MM .Willamette Valley News VVFrom:TicLStolmflii,8 Community Correspondents. ,V Lyons Visitors Entertained Over Weekend LYONS, Feb. 26 -(Special)-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hieneck were in Portland for her mother's 80th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Berry and sun Jimmie of Mabel visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ber ry, and were over night guests of the Alex Bodekers. Harvey Fox of Corvallis spent the weekend with his aunt, and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and visited his grandmother, Mrs. Sanford Bassett. Juanita Downing of Corvallis visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Corbett and Va) Jean Davie of Salem were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bressfer, Mrs. Corbett is a sister of Mr. Bressler. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andersen and her mother, Mrs- Sena John son, visited relatives in Vancou ver. Gorge Berry is convalescing from a light case of pneumonia. Mrs. Berry, who has been serious ly ill with double pneumonia, is also improving. Mr. and Mrs. Herthel Culwell and daughters, Janice and Thelma of Portland are visiting his .par ents above Fox Valley. Lucille Lewis of Philomath spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis. She is a teacher in the Philomath school. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox of Midvale, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Surry of Portland visited friends here Friday. They are old time residents and formcrlyrowned and operated a grocery store and post office. here- Surrys are also for mer residents. Mr. and-Mrs. Earl Allen attend ed the Rural Carriers convention in Scio Friday. Allen is secretary. Father Hildebrand Returns From Trip MT. ANGEL, Feb. 26 -(Special )-The Rev. Hildebrand Mel chior, assistant pastor in Mt. An gel, has returned after a sojourn of two months in the south. Fa ther Hildebrand who made the trip because of his health, and had another- attack of pneumonia while in Oakland, spent two weeks in the hospital there. He went from here to Arizona, and then to Los Angeles and on up through northern California. Sale of Telephone Co. Rejected hy Gervais GERVAIS, Feb. 26 -(Special)-The question of selling the local telephone system drew a large at tendance at the meeting Friday night. The majority was opposed to selling. An election of officers was held and D. L. St. John was elected president to succeed G. J. Moisan, who declined the office. The offices of secretary and treas urer were merged ani B B. Bar ner was elected to that office. This nothing like refreshment among friends There's nothing .nicer than intimate moments between friends ... moments when you feel real dote and share thoughts and feelings. Those are ftfcndly times. To Just such times Coca-Cola belongs. There's the spirit of friendliness in its life and sparkle. There's fun in its delicious refreshment. The words Have a Coe always bring the friendly pauae. That's why Coca-Cola belongs in your family refrigetator.Enjoy it now and often, lOiniD UNDII AUTHORITY OF TMI COCA-COLA COMPANT ST COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF SALEM SALEM, OREGON l: Hear Morton Downey KSLM, 9:15 A. M. Valley Briefs Break The Garden club will meet Thursday with Mrs.- Andy Zahare. Jefferson Mrs. Cleve Hampton was painfully injured while cut ting kindling at her country home. The axe went through the stick of wood and through her shoe, cut ting the top of her foot. Four stitches were necessary to close the wound when she was taken to a physician. Brooks Harley Libby spoke At the Farmers Union in the school house Friday night. Joe Fitts was chairman and auctioned the pies, which brought $30. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Grant Orsbom and family, of Brookings, are visiting his sister, Mrs. For rest Bouchie. Jefferson Mrs. Edna Stull is directing the student body play, "Spring Fever," to be presented Friday, March 22. The cast In cludes Bill Goar. Charley Frie tag. Leighton Weddle, Wayne Cole, Carolyn Gilmore, Iona Roth rock, Dorothy Brown, Helen Schuld, Shirley Gilkey, and Betty Fish. Turner Saturday night $530 was cleared at the carnival-dance held in the school gymnasium by the Clpverdale Farmers' union. It will be used for school improv ments. Mrs. Louis Hennies was in charge . of arrangements for the event. Union Hill Frank Deckers have bought a tract of land near the Eddie King place and are moving to a house on the C.E. Heater place until they can build on their property. Jefferson Mrs. Joe McKee is the local chairman of the Red Cross drive which opens March 1 in Marion county. Marlon Sunday School Convention Elects at Turner on Saturday TURNER, Feb. 26 -(Special)-The 47 th annual Marion county Sunday school convention was held at the Christian church Saturday. Seventy-five persons were served at a no-host dinner at noon. Theme of the convention was "The Task That Confronts Us.w During the morning session Ed gar B. Luther, of Albany, gave the sermon and in the afternoon the Rev- Wilmer N. Brown was speaker. County officers re-elected were Fred de Vries, president, Glenn E. McClellan, vice-president, Grace Klampe, secretary treasurer, and Mrs. George R. Clipfell, superintendent of chil dren's division. DIES IN GOLDEN GATE LEAP SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 26-JP) Identity of the 60th person to leap from the Golden Gate bridge, and the second to survive even briefly the dizzy plunge, was sought by police. The coroner's office said the man was about 55 years old. He died in the water. is grand... Have a Coca - To Offer Fire Protection to Linn District LEBANON, Feb. 26-(Special)-The city council has approved a plan to offer fire protection to outlying neighborhoods in the pro posed rural fire district. The plan is similar to contracts in force in other parts of the state and would give service of fire fighting crew and equipment at a cost of, ap proximately two mills added tax. Owners of the McPherson mill just south of the city limits have been most active in getting a rural fire district organized and a map showing the boundaries of such a district has been prepared by the county surveyor. As planned the new fire district would meet rural fire districts al ready organized around the towns of Albany, Scio and Brownsville. After approval , by the state fire marshal's office petitions for the establishment of such a rural fire district will b circulated. 1 Discussed for several years the project has been brought to the front since the Lebanon city coun cil voted to refuse help in fires outside the city limits after an April deadline. This last action of the council to offer rural service at a definite price is expected to make easier the work of getting out of town residents to take ac tion on such organization. Jeffenon Couple Married on Friday JEFFERSON, Feb. 2MSpenal) Viola Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ross, and Fred Brown, son of Mrs. Emma Brown, were married Friday afternoon at the home of the bridegroom. The double ring ceremony was read by Justice of the Teace E. E. Howell. The bride was dressed, in a light blue wool dress and wore a corsage. They were unattended. Following the ceremony, they left for a trip to the Oregon beaches. Brown served two years in the army, in B,urma and In dia. They vrjll make their home h Jefferson where Brown is in business. Kansas Woman Visits With Sister in Brooks BROOKS, Feb. 26-(Special)-Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Buffington of Jewel City, Kans., are guests of her sister, Mrs. L. Macy. They had not seen each other for 40 years. They plan to be here, two weeks. Ruth Macy of Portland spent the weekend with her moth er, Mrs. Macy and her sister, Mrs. Ray DeRoche (Fairy Macy) and family. The continental United States contains about 1,500,000 square miles of territory favorable for the accumulation of oil, only half of which has been thoroughly explored. 1 Li Yd Otf4S Dm CCU. Planning Commission Considers Re-zoning Parts of Silverton SILVERTON, Feb. 26- (Spe cial) -Re-zoning portions of Sil verton arid retaining nearby or namental timber were questions acted upon at the planning com mission meeting Monday night. Rholin Cooley named I. B. Al fred, C. B. Anderson and Alf O. Nelson a committee to make a complete study of re-zoning por tions of the city and bring recom mendations to the next meeting of the commission. A committee to serve with one from the chamber of commerce in conserving ornamental timber includes Rholin Cooley, Dr. P. A Loar and Mayor George Christen sen. Park improvement and athletic commission projects were dis cussed but no action taken. Nel son acted in the capacity of sec retary in the absence of Robert Borland, city manager. Measles Victims Return to Work SILVERTON, Feb. 26 -(Spc-dal)-A few pupils are returning following a siege of measles, M. B. Ford, principal, said Monday. However 19 of the 38 pupils in Helvie Silver's second grade were still absent. Several also in the third grade. Other grades report ed normal absences from two to six pupils. The dental clinic has been scheduled for Tuesday" with Dr. C. W. Wilson and Dr. - William MacNcill, local dentists, assisting the county health center. Early May day plans and grad uation plans for the eighth grade are underway. Ford reports ,74 are expected to be graduated. The grade school basketball team will play a return game at West Salem Friday. Linn County Couple Injured in Accident JEFFERSON, Feb. 26-(Special) Saturday night as Bob Hamilton of the Dever community and La- vonne Henion were enroute to Salem, their car skidded and turned over onthe highway six miles north of Jefferson. They were taken by ambulance to the Albany hospital. Miss Hen ion sustained a broken nose, la cerations of her forehead and lip. Hamilton was- unconscious. Both were released from the hospital Sunday. The car was damaged considerably. Gervais Church Croup Meets Woodhurn Quh GERVAIS, Feb. 26 -(Special)-A .group of 25 members of the Christian Endeavor met Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Banick for their devotional and business meeting. The topic, "What the Jews Believe" was led by Viola Bierly. Sunday night members met with Woodburn. Cola Cs-CI" sad tta sbbrrvina ks" art Ut rfUttr4 trtdV wfcick disfiTiUk U prod- 4Jact TTfcs Ccc-Col Cempy. Ncbraskans Arc Visitors In Jefferson JEFFERSON, Feb. 26-(Special) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knicker bocker of Albany celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary Wash ington's birthday, at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr! and Mrs. Albert Meyers, where a dinner was given for them. Others present were, Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis, Tommy, Mary Edith and Sandra; Mr. and Mrs. John Kihs and children, Da vid and Linda; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freeman. Relatives at the Walter Camp bell home include Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis of Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams of Angel, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell and two children, and Sgt Clyde.KCampbell of Portland. Walter Campbell has returned from Merino, Colo., where his sister is improved. He also visited his mother. Mrs. Roy Ross has gone to Hold ridge, Nebr., where her mother suffered a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Daisy Husted sold her house in- the south part of town to Mrs. Emma Brown who re cently moved here from Aums ville and has been living with her son, Fred Brown in the apart ment at the rear of the garage recently purchased from Albert Beam. Mrs. John Kihs and family were visited by her sister, Mrs. Ruth Robinson of South Gate, Calif., Sunday. Two families have moved into rooms in the W. L. Jones build ing on Main street. The Harry Hanscomes will occupy the rooms once used by the city library, and the Harold Ricks have rented the former beauty parlor quarters. Dunn is Not Guilty SILVEKTON, Feb. 28- (Spe cial )-W. Earl Dunn, charged with reckless driving, was found not guilty of the charge in a non-jury trial held before Justice of the Peace Alf O. Nelson Tuesday. One sea mile equals about 2000 yards.' r I IJfpet Georgia Webb is Staff Member at Silverton SILVERTON, Feb. 2fl -(Special)- Georgia Webb, daughter of There' nw BEMl as well as iVeit? V ision in Ji I V- I . ' F W mm mm I mmm izin the 'etc Dr. George Webb and Mrs. Webb of Mt Angel, a grad uate C'f St. Vincent's hospital school of nursing, is a new mem ber of the -al hospital staff: 7 Need glasses? Then why not wear glasses chat will make you took better as U as m better? It costs no more to have modern, smartly styled glasses that mill (litter your features. from our wide selection, you sure sure to and the style that is most beoom Dr. Harry A. BrwB Optmoaetrfet 184 N. Liberty St. - 42 Crt St. r- i sr mm w -v js 9 Your Grocers I