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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1994)
'PAGE ELEVEN For Sale Farms For SaleFarms Acreage Suburban Wanted Used Cars ( . Wanted Used Cars 3 s For Sale Real Estata LEE OHM ART NORTH - ?lder ljie 3 bedroom home, living room, dining-room, kitchen and hath. Iiarag Mm 1 room house on rear of at Large double lot 110IN SUBURBAN CLOSE Iff" Only 1 rrn;e from city center. mall 9 bedroom home, wtth '. acre of land Hor4 has been newly re decorated, is wired lor ratw.e. ha eiec. wwr heater, garage. W50. FURNISHED Were l very comforlaM f room honte. with a fireplace and completely furnished. inciuaing elee. water boat , er. modern (a range, elec. refer', etc. Has large Oouble garage, about 18 year old. Located In Hen Lomond An nes. with 1 acre of land fiW. PHONE 9680 477 COURT ST. A CORNER LOT 7SITf North. This ts a wonderful building site for either residence or apartment house. $150. Term .? See tlx 9630 home just off of Slate Street Ytiu tan t go wrong swlth Uii j bedrooms, f. replace, haaeliienl. ga rage Garden arid some fruit tree. J Acres at edge of city filbert rest in paMure land Thia hi a good building spot. Natural dram hfortheast. Jltvt with tern;. me in and ee u if you have any kmi of property to sell Or trade We have rath buyers See or call HUTH R4.WLINf;S witn A A. McFarlane. R. A. MrFarlaiMv Real Ealale IXiSr.s a Inuieice Ills HI ale St ftTISOO Will buy new 4 room and tat horr laundry tray, electric hot water heater Wired for range. Will he rao to occupy In about t week. Tr to Mooern 2 bed room home with neo g im tr nardood floor, large kfti-tien, nice iation. Teo lied Room Home with auto. ga luinare. ra range, large double fata(e lf 3 large bed rooms above, miiediate poesalon. ' $70 00. Nice 9 room home within walking dit'ance of downtown, t Urge bed room, full bement. garage Will sell roaetrly furnished with almost new f ui niture for 87300 00 o unfur an.led for 82oooo. Modern hew house, room. 3 bed ro'm. Wvnis; room, dining room, kit etien. garage. acres. $7000 ew Bi and New 7 room home, modem ta eery respect, hardwood floors. fireplace, 4 tud room, only years Id Exi-)tent.y iandwawod. 00. If it a Building fart or stte you want. ee us and we have them in Bit directions. I II. Bel!, Realtor CIM Dr. KECORf. CLAIR KILGORE R I. BOB PHIMK 802 Gueidlan ftrrtg Ph Ive 7829 Mxh) New 9 T m. hse iioulh. Just ut of cilv I., rtn.. dinefte kitciien utility r . I bdrtns , insu lated. Elect, tange goes, OiMn & Reeve. ) Realtors fMi S Com 'I et. Ph. 4500. Eve. 1 1 090 tviiK 3 hdrm home In Eriglewood Dm' . Tr. u i s lovely home, lust redec Hwd f.t . elec wsler hester full baoennrnt Thl is ready to move an' OUon & Reeve. Realtors fMi S Coin'l M. Ph 4i0 - Eve. 11090 MTV S hdr-n ; home in Kalem B-ii,t on W Hiway. cloe to bus. suitable for .ncome property. Olion & Reeve, Realtors H5 S com'! ft Ph. 4M Eve 21000 ! ' ' IN'fCME PROPERTY $7'x no me cloae sn. This fVa e -ha an income of $129 per with Dt-n1' Fail to See This Place. OImhi & Reeve. Realtors CH5 S t onfl t-t. Ph. 4S Eve 21090 "JNDFPLNDFXCE PROPERTV t.. rrr . kitchen, nook. 2 hdrm . and f!r . fcaerrent. furnace, aft. ga rage, coiner iil, 4 yr. old. very neat A clear. Olori & Reeve. Realtors 43 s t'om'l t. Ph. 4S(W Eve 22373 Business Directory Boslnes Directory card - rttn by the month only. fUtr- $1.25 per line per month. Call 1101 be Us ted here for results! Act-ounllng Service AUDIT. Bookkeeping, payiolla. taxes. Eve aopt Jiriea Accounting Service. SI) Ote?n hiut Phone 7052. AUDITS. BOOKKEEPING. INCOME TAX Work c:d for and returned. Availabie evening. Telephone 3039. Airplane Models SALEM MODEL CRAFT 3t7 A High Airplane. Boat. Raeet . Railroad Hup- Cies. Halaa Dope. Xarto Seta "Salem dnl I eitier " Appliance KervW EXPERT Benlla and commercial and 4Vwnetic refrigerator serrtce Ralph Jehnson Appliance Pbom Art Trie Wltlsrd Tile Co. iy N. 4tn Ph fireplace, drair.board. bath rwta.. etc BATH Room drain noard, fireplace, ! fronts Pr. W&4 Jb9 Portland ftM Sam Art Tile Auto A Truck Rev vice MARION MOTORS NASH SALES At SERVtCS Expetieoceo mecoanic Otta Buff, foreman. 94 ct Fit 7839 HERRALL-OWENS CO 939 Com! Aoto Brake BRAKES A vreel-alientng. Shock ab sorber rxchrifd. 241 Center St. FERRY Ferry t. Street Brake aervire. 544 HERRALL OWENS CO 231 S Coml Mike Paaeh. 27s S torn! pn 8181 Brake and wheel aligning specialist Bra at y 8hop Heiut Hacienda, nermanestt waves and facials. Evening appofnbnenta taken every -night except Wed . Sat,. Sun. Room 201 lit Natl. Bank Bldg. Pit. 3929. Bicycle GENE'S BIKE SHOP. 1119 Edgewater St.. West Mirm. Phone I-1X. mrvn r Kt and reconditioned Harry W Soon. 147 Cotn'cl P 4318 Body A Fender t pairs BtRBAUeOWIMS CO. 938 S. Coos'l For Slg Real Estate CO., REALtOS tNGLrWOOO DISTRICT A 3 bedroom home, living-room, dining-room. 1 bedtbom. kitchen and bath down. 3 bedroom up. hardwood floor down, fireplace, V. blind, util ity room. le than block from En glewood School 9450. HOME ON STATE STREET Large 2 bedroom borne, entrance hall with open stairway, ample living room and dming-room. full bssement. saw dust furnace, wired for rang, fire place, elec. water heater t Bus at door $11650 riK) NEAR ST. VT!CENT DE PAUL Modern 4 bedroom home with full basement, furnace, fireplace, elee. wat er heater, hardwood floors, full siaed living-room and dining-room plus nook in kitchen. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION tssoo. .VWO EXTRA Large lot with old room nome. Lxtraiea 9 diks. n. w.. of Capitol Bldg. Very good court site can u. v. nunc witn State Finance Co ...Realtors 153 S. High Ph. 4121 52SO North. Immed Poss. 4 bdrms. tiv. rm . din. rm. kit., dble garage Can be converted Into apt. Cat! Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1 Mi HIT CENTER T Eve. Ph. 2-17J1 100 Ft. Boulevard Fronlace Just north of underpaas. city water and ga on lot. gaooo full price. Rhone 7820 M O HUMPHREYS and CO. 2039 Portland Road LARGE Modern homo well located on D St. Sawdust heat. Oarage. Price Call O. V. HUME with State Finance Co., Realtors 153 S. High Ph. 4131 Eight Room Houe Well constructed, on corner lot. very close In. Auto heat, nice surroundings, excellent location for home or busi ness Terms. 7SO0. Largen Home & Loan Exclusive Listings and Personsf Setviee 164 S. Commercial Phono IM HOME SPECIALS N. Summer St. T rm- auto oil heat knotty ptne recreation room, spacious rooms thru-out. Uble. plumbing, able garage, beautiful formal gardens. Price 1S.IMHI. Call Coburn L. Orabenhortt with Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Ph. 4121 Eves. TT72 BUSINESS LOT Locsled on 8. 12 St. 1U0 feet front ace. 140 depth. No 2 business tone Excellent location for used car lot. Call Richard E. Crahenlhorst with CrabenhorRt Bros., REALTORS i) 134 S. Liberty St. J Ph 4131 NORTH CAPITAL ST. HOME Good rm. home, den full base ment. furnace, fireplace, home In ex cellent condition Price laVAO Call Richard E. Grgbenhortt with Gralienhorst Bros., RCALTORi 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 I Rm. house on corner. BS'.xlSO. Nof bringing fOS per month besides living Quartets of 4 rmts. -for owner. Price fUOO. Loan can be arranged for 13500 F. H. Weir REALTOR 1247 S. Coml. Phone Mil Exchange -Real Estate Suburhan Home Set in Beautiful Surroundings I Rm. all hdwood Fir. Also glassed In Sun At sip. Porch In hardwood French doors tk windows Good baemt Fireolace inide A out l A. Mostly in Null it Fruit H4.0HQ. E. E. Grimm Reimann Real Rstate, REALTORS Ml S High Ph. 3722 or 7805 Building Contractor OHRIN a, fINEY, contractor Designing and remodeling borne Ph 9493 Rm 220 Oregon Bldg Bulldozing Bulldozing, leveling and grubbing Call Al Benson Ph 9309 Cement Contracting GENERAL CEMENT c o a t r a ctlog Stanley Fagg. Ph. 23049. CEMENT contracting C R Ellis Ph 4071 E. F M APES. Cement Contractor. Phone 3832 710 Cross St. Chiropractic Physician Lloyd L. Horkett. Physiotherapist Com'l Ph 4432 180 N fhlnsney Sweep CHIMNEY SWEEP. Phono Northnesa. 4450 mornings and evenings. OIL CIRCULATOR, furnaces, ehlnv neya cleaned Enstey 771 a 21st P 7179 Delivery Don's Delivery Service Ph. 8089. Quick. courteous. Insured. ITS BV. Hlgn Drafting Drafting and designing bouse piano. Phone 2-1930. Electric Repair Work Harpote's Washer Repairing. 200 Lena Ave, jtcaup service, fnooo nn. Fertilisers Organic fertilizer. Pet feet for your lawns and flowers, uenverea snywoere in Salem vicinity. Phono 109riL Funeral Director HOW ELL-ED WARDS Pit 9971 Flagstone Home Construction, Patloa, Terraces, Fireplaces. Retaining Walls. Ph. 21754 Florist EOLA ACRES, Rt 4 Ph 8739. Breithaupt's 447 Court Phono 9199 Floor Waxlsur Professional floor waxing. Ph. 7952. Fnrnace Cleaning Expert service Cooper s Son, P. 3003 Gunsmith General repairs, blueing, custom stock and metal work. C R. Douglass, PU. 7551. Gun repairing and rebtulng. By experienced and licensed gunsmith. 3250 Maple. tn asoa. NORTH HOWELL 50 ACRES, ratr building. This I a very good farm ana nae a tin spring that I used for Irrigating. itv.OOO. Good term. Sullivan Realty Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3335. Eves 21413 180 ACRES of excellent soil. All crop land In growing grops. vetch, clover, alfalfa, grain. Full set of older bldga. in good repair. Elec. lights, water pres sure, bath. Crop and all goes. Make good dairy or stock ana grain rancn. call it. o. MCMiiiin at State Finance Co.,Realtors 193 S. High . Ph. 4131 Eve.-1F21 HOWELL PHAIHIE 1 ACRES. rm modern house, fair barn and other outbuilidlngs. This Is a good one. llt.000. Some terms. Sullivan Realty Co. 3369 Portland Rd. Ph. 3259. Eves 21413 AN EXCEPTIONALLY good all around farm of 40 acres; 11 miles out. 1 room house, large bam. garage, chick en house, elec. hahtarwater' pressure. g acres oasture. 10 acres orcnara. w acres grain and hay seeded last fall. You'd be proud to own this at S9(X. Call Harold McMUlIn witn State Finance Co., Realtors 1S3 S. High Ph. 4121 Eve. I1F7I PUDDING River bottom. In Hub bard Dist. Suitable for gardening. 9150 oer acre. Some overflow land, lit acres. H. P. Grant, Realtor S2 Court St Ph. 744 FOR 'SALE: PAYING GRADE A DAIRY 40 acres in Cult. 14 excellent cows. Elec. Milking Machine. Tractor and some fanning equipment, oooo home with Modern conveniences. miles from Corvallis, Ore. 14.000. BATES AND MILLS REALTORS CORVALLIS. OREGON 54 ACRE Farm 14 miles from Salem AU can be cultivated, ta A. sewed to oata and vetch. Extra good barn. 2 car garage. room house that la wired for range. Price BS500. Include aome equipment Call U. V. HUME witn State Finance Co., Realtors 1S3 S. High Ph. 4121 98600 Very close In on Garden Road. 9 acres, all fenced, good barn. Mod. rm. house, hasmt. Sawdust turn . walnut tree, tractor, a swell location. Don't Mia this Buy. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 49 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4500. Eve. 22373 moo. Sub. 1 A. L. rm.. Kitchen. I hdrm.. utibty rm, att. garage. Fruit and nuts, only 4 yrs. old. neat St clean. Olson & Reeve, Realtors 45 S. Coml. St. Ph. 4500. . Eve. 23273 910.500. 34 acres. 19 A. In Cult, mostly fruit At berries, bal. In timber and pasture. Mod, rm. house. bamt furnace, only yrs. old. Double ga rage, barn, chickens. Very good buy. 01on & Reeve, Realtors 49 S. Coml. SL Ph. 4390. Eve. 22373 20 ACRES APPROX 1 ACRE IN CULT BAL ANCE SAW AND WOOD TIMBER 4 MILES OUT OFF OP SOUTH RIVER ROAD. GOOD 4-YEAR OLD 2 BED ROOM HSE. 2 CAR GARAGE. ALSO A 1 ROOM CABIN. WOOD WILL MORE THAN PAY FOR THIS PLACE. 90000. CHEHALIS WILLAMETTE SILT HERE IS A FINE II ACRES CLOSE TO WOODBURN THAT WILL GROW MINT. BEANS OR HOPS. AT A PRE-WAR PRICE OF ONLY 1S0 PER ACRE WHERE CAN YOU BEAT ITT CALL MR. GRAY Severin Realtv Co., SENATOR HOTEL "BLDG. 9 62 9 73 ACRES. 40 cultivated, all leveL Dneo dark soil. "fine for money malt ing crops. Beans. Melons, etc. Located in the W. Stayton-Turner irrigated Dist. Price 17500. Alfred Dumbeck or W. A. Saueressig, Room 3. Ledd tr- Bush Bank Bldg. 30 ACRES. II A prunes. 9 A. wal nuts. 3 A., cherries, very good loca tion. 94900. 1 19 A. North of Aluminum plant 00 1 15 Acre, North. I6O0. 20 A So. 14 A. gooseberries, open. 9000. Call Mr. Gardner. 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street Household Products The J R Watktns Co Products, 179 So. High St. Phone 9393. Lawytmowrr Sharpening MACHINE Grinding and repairing 2130 Fairground Road i t Dougherty GUARANTEED WORK on special factory grtnder by Harry W Scott. Trie cycle wan" 147 s commercial at Magailne Swbucrlptton Better Home At Gardens. 3 yrs. 93 00 Mrs. Paul H. Hauser. Phono 78Z8. Massage Battl Creek Sanitarium treatments b H Logan. 10M N. Capitol. Phono 4939 Medical trained masseuM. Ph. 9731 Mattreme CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phon 4099 Musical Instrument assuring Will's Must Store P. 459 Music Lesons SPANISH Hawtlaji Guitar. Mando in. Banjo. ete-1933 Court Ph. 7569 Naturopath rhyslclaji Dr. W. C. JACKSON Ntauropath physician. Kelp Mineral Batbs lor ail rheumatic condittons Treatment for sinus and prostate trou ble 971 Brey Ave. Pbon 8820. , Oil Banter Service) HUDSON'S, 179 N. Court. Ph. 4141 raJntlftg A Dee orating PAINTING. Decorating, Kem-tonlng at Kalsomlnlng. rti 4822 PAINTING 8 Decorating. Pb, 7553 Painting V Paperhanginr Painting, cement work. 959 N. 19th. PAINTING and Paper Hanging. Phone 9919. 997 Snipping St. PAPERHANGING. Reasonable B. I Woodworth. 8180 Myrtle. Ph. 9819. Paper hangg. Jerry Johnaoe? Ph. 9492 EXPEKT Workmanship PhotM 4329 PlowiAg Plowlnf ahd discing Ford tractor. Ceo, Wilson, mono saris. PLOWING. Discing. Ray Batter. Ph. 22504. Ford tractor Farms-Farms- Farms 203 A Excellent bldg. Year around stresim . 928.000 SO A. 60 A. cleared. Good soil. 203 acres New bldgs. Year around creek. A real farm 926.000 120 acre-Ideal stock farm 914.000 4 acres Dsiry farm 911.000 97 acres Good house and barn 98500 20 acres Beautiful suburban borne ... $19,000 19 acres Berries, nuts. 7- room house 911.900 34 acres Keller. 9 acres peaches 920 .000 97 acres Santiam river bottom farm. Irrigated 818.000 142 acres North 921.000 Bliven-Alderin-Cuonev REALTORS 430 Oregon Bldg. Phone 7008 Res. 7340 54 ACRES EAST. All In milt. 9 rm house, wired for range New 30x60 barn At equipment incld. Will consider house in or nesr Salem in Irsde. 8B500. Sullivan Realty Co. 3305 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255: eve. 2-1413 310.5OO-24 A. 19 A. planted to fruit. Sub-irrigated 9 A. of timber. Late built modern home. Fireplace Air conditioned furnace. Catl Jess Thomp son. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve Ph. 2-1731 23 ACRES. No bldga All in grow ing crop. Very good soil. 3 miles east of downtown Salem. An excellent buy at 95000. Can H. D. atcMimn with State Finance CoM Realtors 193 S. High Ph. 4121 Eves. 91E21 HOWK1X PRAIRIE 46 ACRES, all In cult. Ten rm. house barn it other outbuilding. On paved highway Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255; eve. 2-1413 BY OWNER: 33 A. with oil lease. 7 ml., from Saiem. six A. full bearing bo r sen & younrberries. 2 A. strsw berries. Rest under cult. 3 B R. mod ern house with elec. Deep well sys tem, elec. hot water, elec. range, laun dry trays, oil hest. Esaentisl furn. Inrl Double garage, baut ac other out -mam Ford-Forg tract, with equip. Ik other farm Implements tncl. All goe for 912.000 6', m. SI. on 2Z2 lAuma- ville Rd I It m. E. on gravel. D. L. Iserritt. Rt. 9. Box 322. After 1 .00 p tn RIVER BOTTOM 120 acres of Newberg soli. 69 acres In cultivation. 30 acres In mint. Good mint still. Pine irrigation system This place has always been a fine producer. The owner is selling on account of sickness and this place Is a bargain. Price 914,500. Good terms. Call Mr. Svarverud. R. E. Meredith, Realtor 178 S. Coml. Ph. 8941 Acreage Mono A. 1 A peaches. 7 r modem houw built in 1943. Garage attached, oil furn. Close In. Call Jess Thompson. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 17JT CENTER ST Ph. 3-1549 Eve. Ph. 3-1731 24 ACRES 4 rm. ceiled house, old barn at coop. 20 acres cleared, bal timber 8c brush, some Will. Slit load IMMED POSSESSION. Only 94500. 20 ACRES about 13 acres filberts, walnuts it cherries, few apple and prune trees, balance timber at pas ture. Small barn, well A spring. 96300 WALTER SOCOLOFSKY ' Phone 9835 34 ACRES, all cultivable. 9 r house, elec. water system, elec. water heater, garage, barn, other out bldgt. 87850 Ph: 3031 or 4087. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1993 N. Capitol St. CHOICE 16 ACRES! Located north. About 2 acres, large bearing peach trees. 1', acre large bearing Royal Anne- cherries, grapes. Large frontage on 2 roads Extra good s a. n. piastereo nome. iwoo. Kiicnen, some farm equipment. A good value Only 912.500 C. H. SANDERS. Kl N. High - 9838 I ACRE, first gravel road on right north of aluminum plant. 4th house on left. -etd RINGLAND'S Pet Shoo for Dels. foods and accessories. 463 Ferry St. Phone 9959. Plumbing S. 279 N. Coml. Ph. 4141 BO WEN BROS- Plumbing and Heal ing 853, N Com'l Ph 7219 Radio KervW RICHARDSON Jc BOESCH AO makes Also car radios Tube Phone 403- Valley Motor Bldg WILL'S Muslo Store Pb 405. Rand and Gravel SAND at GRAVEL CONCRETE MIX All kinds of Road Gravel, genuine River Silt Clean, sharp Mason Sand Crushed Rock COMMERCIAL SAND At GRAVEL CO Phono 2-1969 or 1-3199 SAND, gravel, crushed rock and gar den sand Walling Sand and Gravel. Phene 8581. ftaor Filing: WANTED to (lie Carpenter-hand saws, pruning saw, falling and buck ing saws. Open all work day. Hans Chrlstenson. 384 N. 12th St, Salem. Septic Tanks Cleaned SEPTIC TANK SERVICE. Ph. 9033. Jack, Boenlng Kenntth HameL 1143 9th St., W Salem Ph 7404 Guaranteed service. Septic Tanks Cesspools CLEANED FREE INSPECTION Gen Fit, 160 Williams av Ph. 7524 Sewer Service Roto-rooter sewer Ji drain cleaning service. 855 Center. Ph. 5327. Sewlnr Services SINGER Sewing machine offers serv ices on button- holes, belts, buckles or buttons 142 S High, pbon 3512. Sew ing Machine Kepalring Singer Sawing Machtn Co. Call for and delivery servlo. Guar anteed repairs. Phone 3912. . Verne's Repair Servtc Pb, 9029. Sheet Metal Work JUDSON'S. 279 N. CornX Ph. 414L Shoe Repairtac WHY Not sole your shoes with pre- lulu avhile vou wait All kinds of (nod rebuilt ahoes for sale at Cipaon'a. 928 N. Com L at Pboo 3808. TWO U-Acre Tracts. N T. on Fisher Road Ideal bldg. sites -8750 each. z Acre rami, 4 room home, near Sctn. A good buv -93370. Owner Must Sell, ill health Going Cafe on main thoro-fare. modern fix tures, low overhead, good living quar ters. Can give long leae. Term 93700. 29 Acre Farm, near . Brook. Ore.: nice 2 bedroom home, large 12-cow barn, elec. to all bldg.. Family fruit. 17 acre crops sown, uniy sjbso. B-Acre Farm. Best Valley loam. All in heavy bearing walnuts and berries. Good 9 bedroom home, deep elec. well. Very close to school and market. Easy term. 8o70fr- - 8 ACRLs and 2 bedroom modern English type home, .wired for electric range, very attractive view property lhiudip casement garage. I hi close-in suburban home ha charm and the acreage of walnut and filberts ha value. Buy today move in tomorrow Terms: 98000. 4'a Acre Wet Salem, choice build ing site, lovely view. 'Highway front age and road on two side. Terms: 83150. 5 Acre tract, all In producing Wal nut and Filberts. Ideal for home sites. Can be sub-divided. Term 92500. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Personal Service 104 South Com'l Phone 8389 ONE ACRE Swegle school. Highwsy frontage. 8700. See Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roherts, Inc. REALTORS Phone 4108 After 8- 8715 West Salem Little Giant of Indulry 2 ACRES KEIZER' Finekt possible location for rural home On highway 1'. miles east of Keizer. Exceptional soil. 91000. We personally own adjoining acreage, also ror sale. 2 ACRES CHERRIES -94250 Small, nearly new bldg., 2 wells fine subdivision. Glen Creek Road. West Salem Realtv Co. 1233 EDGE WATER STREET Phone -5109 40 ACRES East out State street Cherry, walnut and prune oi chard ltxid land and building. A choice lo cation and priced to move Immedi ately Price 87500 SEE Leo N.diilds, Inc. REALTORS 344 Stale St Ph. 9261 5 ACRES 8 miles north on pave ment, with 3 bed roi. mod. home, double garage, small barn and chicken house, very nice shrubbery and lawn, family orchard, nut and berries. You had better hurry. Price 86500. I1, acre. 4 rm. mod. house. 4 mile East. Price 95250. FURNISHED HOME I'.'t acres. Eat, good toll, family orchard, walnuts, A. of berries, barn and out bldgs. Cow and chick ens, good 3 bed rm. furn. home in cluding refrlg. and washing machine. Priced for Immediate sale 97500. Catl Bill Kitrp with R. E. Meredith, Realtor 178 S. Com'l. Ph. 8841 7'j ACRES. Fair two bed room home with shower. Gravity pressure, spring wsler in buildings, and piped to gar den for Irrigation. On paved highway. This won't last at 93500. SEE Leo N. Child, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 IMMEDIATE Possession. 1-4 acre and neat 2 B R. home. Close to Pen 4 Corner. Ha elec. water system. Gas piped to house. Stoves Included with home. Price 93750. Call O V. HUME with State Finance Co.,Realtors IjMSlHgh Ph4121 4 Rm. Houw; & IV2 Acres Strawberry ground 7 miles south of city on pavement. In Rosedale. close to school. Partly furnished. 93450. AND ANOTHER NORTH Towards Woodbum. 2 acres with T rm. house partly furnished, on pave ment, small barn, lot of fruit and shrubs, some walnuts. 94790. Art Madsen 1328 State St. Ph. 5580 Suburban A. suburban Phone 9368 building site Surveying "Dave" and Fred Bate. Land Survey, org. 477 Court St. Ph. 9680; Res 2-4294 Transfer NEWTON Transfer, local hauling Pi ano ana rurnuure moving, fit. z-zaiz CONTRACT Hauling farm products. wooa ana fertilizer Kt. 31 Box 5S8K. Salem. Ph. 23172. R. L. Phillips. Lester DeLapp . Truck Ser. Ph 2-1750 Gen Hauling. Local 4s Long Distance U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blankets furn. 197 Liberty Ph 9092 FOR LOC OR DISTANT transfer etarage, bu rer oil, briquet Trucks (o Portland dally. Agent Plerc Auto freight. Including Calif point Larmer Transfer Co Pe 3131 Tree Ssrrerr SALEM TREE CO. Tree pruning, trimming gt removal. Ph. 9284. All work expertly done. Vacuum Cleaner Service Electrolus cleaner and air purifier sales and service and supplies. A lim ited number of new machines now available. Get your name on the list for a new on now. Free Inspection In your bom. Qixice at 178 S. High Pbon SOBS. Verne' Repair Servtc. Ph. 3029 FREE Inspection In your home. Au thortzed Hoover servtc W service aO make cleaner Hogg Bros Ph. 9149 Waterproofing; Basements waterproofed. ' Phon 3777 Concrete busting. Watch-Clock Repair D E. Decker, licensed watch maker 2391 Stat. Ph. 2-1957. Open evenings Reweavinr Howard Reweavers 149 N 17 Ph 9060 Wcither Strips FREE estimates T Pullman Ph 90S9 Window Clesnlnr ALL work guaranteed. Window walla, woodwork cleaned Floors wax ed. Insured .workmen Professions! Cleaning Service Ph 4497 Wood 18 IN. Red fir mill wood. West Salem Fuel Co, phon 24031. WoodsawtDg PHONE 8685. Cha. F. Simon and 1 Associate Co-operative wood. service uil N. Liberty COUNTRY IIOMrt Good late built 2 bed fin. home Large lot garage, hwd floor Lorstcd esst. Just outside city limits. Price 97000 Call Richard E. Gralienhorst with (irabenliorht Bros., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 PEN 4 CTJKNERS HOME I acre with good 3 bed rm. home. Garage, small barn, chicken house. berries and fruit trees. On paved rd. Price 97000 Call Richard E Grabenhorst with Grabenliorit Bros. REALTORS 1134 S. Liberty St Ph 4131 13 ACRES subdivision land near Keizer. Call Bell Norris with Harold W. Heera 3055 Portlsnd Rosd Phpne 2-1874 , ACRE with a newfmr room house, electric water system, almost new automatic ga range snd wood circulator. Nice location East on a paved road. Immediate possession for 93750. ROSTEIN & ADOI.PH llOti N. Cornmerclsl Phone 3030 For Sale Trmber Land 40 A TIMBER near Waldport 3 mile from beach. Plione v. Reaort Property On the Beach - Furnifthed 6 rm. ultra modern beach home. right down on water front, close to UeLjike. tilaasea in sun poicn. uuiae 8c outside fireplace. Al Patio yard inclosure. Millionalie nurroundings. All nicely furnished A ready to move Into. Will consider some trad '-for Salem prop. 912.000. Art Madsen 1328 State St. Ph. 5580 Wanted Real Estate WANTED to buy: 2 bedroom home in Rosedale or En ale wood District. Box 429 Statesman. LISTEN We need listings have cash htiyera. R. A. Forkner, Realtor Phone 3031 NOTICE: If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with u W have all kinaa cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 193 S High St WE Are urgently In need of listings on city homes if your house ts for ssl call us. Prompt, courteous erv lc "Four salesmen to serve you SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS High St. 149 N. Phone 7080 Will Pay $7000 Cash for 3 BdRm Home Call E. E- Grimm Reimann Real Estate REALTORS 201 S. High Phone 3722 or 7805 Business Opportunities SMALL business for sal. P. O. Box 228. Salem. Or. 815.500. Gaa station, garage. 2 small dwellings, lge. corner lot. some equip ment, terms. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 CENTER ST Ph. 2-1549 Eve. Ph. 2-1731 AUTO Court, service station, small (tore on highway BVE. 23 unit apartment house in down down dist. Net approx. 15 per cent. HAROLD W. HEERS Ph. 21874 3055 Portland Rd S5750. Cafe doing good, business. Well located on 99 Hiway in Salem. Call Ray Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 S COM'L Ph. 3793 Kve Ph 9441 875 00 a month Income on a 95775 00 Investment 3 1-room Apt 2 1-toom Apt Completely furnished Gs cooking units, oil buiner. tall for particulars. P. H. Bell, Realtor CLAUDE KILGORE. CLAIR KILGORE R. L. BOB PRIME 402 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 4806 Apt: Property Downtown Near State St. Income 9219 Mo., plus lea. living ortrs for owner. Nice shade trees & shrunoery. on creex. Lge. 101 See E. E. Grimm. Reimann Real Estate, REALTORS 201 S. High. Ph. 3722 or 7805 Hotel & Dining Rm. In prosperous valley town, about ;m a. grounu. uwh ytmm iui . xw , . 912,500. Some term. Hotel brick bid;, near Salem,. 68 rniM 3 store rentals. $10,000. $15,000 cash. See E. E Grimm Reimann Real Estate, REALTORS 201 S. High Ph. 3722 or 7805 For Sale Wood GOOD Old Growth body fir; also dry 18" slab. Phone 8700 IS-IN. FIR wood, partly dry. Ph 2-1378. Immediate delivery. 18" OLD GROWTH. Ph. 7721. Cap ital Lumber Fuel Co. STOCK next winter's supply now. Old growth slab, block. Special discount. 3 load or more, veteran, rnon jjou OLD Fir log ends. Ph. 3380. OLD GROWTH FIR. 19", delivered. Clyde Barney. Rt. 1. Lyons. Ore 18-IN. GREEN edgings. 98 load, lmm delivery. Phone 5533 BIG 2 cd. load of mlllwood 11200 Phone 8161. OLD Fir slab. 2 units S18.00. 1 unit 810. 844 Mill St. Ph 3300. 18 IN Wood and sawdust, stove oil and dlesel. Ph. 2-4031. PREST-O-LOGS manufactured and sold by Capital Lumber Co.. North Cherry Ave. Superior fuel for furnace, circulator, range and fireplace Phone 8862 UTAH lump and out coal. Capital Lumber and Fuel Co Phone 7721 CHOICE mill wood. I unit load 913.00 Ph 8444 Highway Fuel IS-IN green slab wood for furnace Capital Lumber and Fuel Co, Ph 7721 DOUBLE LOAD 16-ln. slab wood and edging. $10. Immediate delivery. Ph 6883. , 18". O.G. H. R. Clason. Mehama FRESH cut sawdusL Ph. 6083. URGENTLY GOOD Hatfield's NEW LOCATION: For Sale- Wood Drv Old Growth Fir 18" choice, also exlia fine Ash, Oak, Maple Old gwth. dry slab. etc. Delivered anywhere. Call at 1311 N. LIBERTY and sec toe quality of wood you want. Phone 6685 Cha. F. Simon ' and Akaociates Co-operative Wood Service. DOUBLE load of mill wood 912 Cap ital Lumber and Fuel Co Phone 7721 Wood Sawing WOOD SAW on 2-wheel trailer. Ph. 3523. 980 N Com'l. Lost and Found LOST: Black billfold in F.lslnore theatre, Mondsy night. Identification apers. discharge paper. 953 in money, eward. Albert Walls. Turner. Rte 1. Box 138 or Modern Beauty College. Phone 8141. W1I.I. the person who took the black camel's hair top coat off Ute 3.40 roruana-naiem dus saiuraay return it to Bu Station Dmpatrher. No que lion asked. LOST by Veteran: Clothing from vehicle along 12th St. Cut-otf. 2 alack trousers, shirt, woman's suit & drew. Finder please call 28l. Rewsrd LOST on S. 25thr female black Cocker Spaniel 8 mo. Name "Murphy." Ph. 7058. BROWN Leather key caseToctal security card, downtown ta. Friday. Ph. 375. LOST: Small white female dog. one brown ear. Llbecal reward. A Calumpit. Rt. 2. Box 348. Portland Hiway. near Totem Pole. LOST: Light brown fillfold. white horse head. Important papers badly needed Keep money, return billfold Billy Corey, 90S S. Com l.. apt 3. or Phone 0785. Wanted Used Cars Wanted: USED CARS (Any Model) Highest Cash Prices ANDERSON'S Used Car Lot 240 Center St. - Ph. 3734 Cars Wanted Don't wait until a high volume of new car deliveries forces a drastic drop In used car values. Sell your late model car now. Loder Bros, are still paying ceiling prices for most cars Sell you car today at highest le gitimate price to LODER BROS. 465 Center St. Phone 9i7 or 6131 WE PAY TOPS! Oet every dime rout car i worm Cash on the Barrel-Head T SHROCK SALEM'S oldest noependent used eai dealer. N E Comer Oiunti Chem Ph Tvi PRIVATE party wants clean "36 or '37 4-door sedsn. Phone 2-4248 PANEL Delivery or pickup truck. 550 N Winter or 8M N. 17th D St. entrance. After 8 p.m For Sale Used Cars 1834 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedsn 9225. McCall's Used Cars. 127 State Dial 8108 DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Kind of parrot . . Beetle 11. Solitary 12. Per. to mania 13. PUtform 14. Performer 13. CSvity 18. Beat the wines, as a hawk 17 Northern (pL) 21. River (Swiss) 5. Tiny 6. Wine re ceptacle 7. Shake spearian play 8. A species of pier (arch.) Revelry 10. Seaport in Palestine IS. River (Alaska) 19. Registered 36. 1 Nurse (abbr.) 37 20. Passageway between 38 seats 24. Character ized by union 28. Stream of water 30. Trembled 31. Implicate 33 Compass point (Abbr.) 34 Surmise icolloq i 3d Barbed spear 39. Malt kUn 43. With might 45. Snake 46. A ball 47 Large net 48. An article of bedding 49 SlighUy crazy Icolloq.) DOWN 1. Reduce to pulp 2. Singing voict 3 ruei 4 Attendant spirit WEEDED USED CARS (Any Model) Used Car Market Front & Marion For Sale Used Cars FLASH! '38 PLYMOUTH 4 DR SEDAN V 35 CHEV. 2 DR. SEDAN '35 CHEV. 4 DR SEDAN 35 PACKARD 4 DR SEDAN '34 CHEV. 4 DR. SEDAN '32 NASH 4 DR. SEDAN If we don't have the car you want mayhe we car find it for you. "Hap" Powell USKD CARS On the Corner of Ferry and High Phone 21531 TRUCKS 41 RMr, -wheel drive, powee wtncsw '41 Dodge Pickup 855 '42 Chevrolet Cargo Truck, dual Urea, '41 Dudee Command Car. 3J l-H-D Trallei HERRALL-OWENS CO. PONT1AC SALES SERVICE 239 S Commercial Phone 3181 ""SHORTY'S USED CARS 1898 S. 12th CARS BOUGHT AND SOLO Any make or model PHONE 9706 "36 ST17DEBAKER Coupe, good tires, fsir motor. I ml. south Grand Island store John Fowier. 1931 MODEL A rumble seat coup, exceptionally clean, tip-top condition. Won't stay long 540 Union. '33 FORD Coupe, good cond. Earl Bond Rt. 8. Box 594-H. Near Krueger'a Store ; MODEL A plcsut and Chev. con- vertible 92B5. 484 rrsity . '31 CHEV. Coupe with smstl pick-up box 3 very good tires. Metal top. Run O K 540 Union. 1940 GREY Plymouth Sedan. Mm. Gladys Brown. Waconda. iOregon. PARTS: 1938 Studebaker. '39 Chev. stand artL 900 N Cirnroescial. 34 NASH 4-doos-cy Under sedan. Cheap, ready to g. 640 Union. "used CARS WANTED Will pav top prices for your car. Almost any make or model. If it win afford someone wtth transportatiosi we need It. For appraisal dial 3108 or call at 1297 State. McCalls Used Car. 33 PLYMOUTH cp 38 Plymouth, sed. Choice 9350. 960 N, Com'l. 1938 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan. Heat er below as is ceiling. 540 Union. 140 CM C. dump truck. 1850 Eastia rear end. Can be seen st .t way be tween R R. trackf and North Santiam schoolhouse. Clifford Martin. Aums viile. Rt. 1. Box n 1934 Chevrolet coupe, motor over hauled, good tires, clean Inside, needs paint. A good running csr McCslfs Used Cars. 1297 Stat. Dial Slog S3SS. '37 FORD V-8. 85 deluse 4 -door se dan Radio and heater. 540 Union '42 CHAMPION Studebaker. ' Liberty St . Silverton. Lodges SALEM LODGE No 4. A F 4k AM. Wed. Feb. 27. M. at. degree. 7:00 p.m. Pacific Lodge No SI. Af a AM. FC. Degree. Frtday. March 1. 7 :09 p m. Central Lodge No 19 Knights of Py tii la meets every 9nd and th Wed nesday at 9 o re. 249 N CoasT 21. Boys nickname 22. Fortify 23. Steel 25- Electrified particle 26. Prefix to German names of nobility 27. Piece out 29. An opening 32. Whether 35. A round-up 40. Mine en trance 41. Dispatched 42. Three, at cards 44. Snare 45. Viper Wanders about idly Nurse find.) A temple (archaic) i Aii) lAEr" 15IE 6 lot A 8 AS1 jt gcleL v e spr a gpoNTe t i-te : iAisUnslAP Rfc I TMtOlM A SCJi BE" 5 "ii o o i. "Ta r aTp " faTvE j I TT0 til Yesterday's Aaawa 1 i ZZZ o r B 1 io i It T-" m i4 to " " 7 7 727 "1 I 1 11 lH-