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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1994)
4 PAGE TEN Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salm. Oregon, Wednesday Morning. February 27. 1946 f - Wall Street Stocks; Slow Trend Down N K W YORK. Feb. 16. -A, Stocks, with a numtxT f select ed exceptions, continued their de- i line in today's market but on, a I more restricted b;isis. ' ! Foren.n losses r ti n il i n g t , . Ix.ut 6 points were later reduced I most cases aim motiest pius j "'Kns cropped up heie and there i ;.t the dose. Transfers of 2.650. "00 share compared with 2,390, '") Monday and were the largest Mnce .Ian. 29,. The cloudy lnbor situation and iKr earnings outlook remained i us a bearish influence although ailing off on the threatened New York transit strike propped sen 1? merit. ' , The A soda ted Press 60-stxk , average was off ,3 of a point at 72.2 against Monday's drop of 3.4 point. Of 1029 issues registering. "76 fell, 299 advanced and 154 were unchanged. Eastman Kotlak. of f 6 at one Ranch Ramblings By the Rural Reporter mmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm j The reporter admits this was mi itched from J. J. Inskeep, the : county agent over in Clackamas. Hut what is good enough 'for i Clackamas might also work out! for Marion, Polk and Linn coun ties. Mr. Inskeep, who- is always so interested in lotus major as well as other forage crops, has! had a letter from J. Smids of San Jose, Costa Rica. Smids writes,, in part: ' I was the one who imported tr.tu major seed to this country, tiied it on my farm and distribut ed Mime seed am mgst several of my faimer friend in other parts c f ihi.- country. In lime-rich sec tions it did very well, in calcium tx.or sections (including my place) it did not do so well, although it i still too caily to tit aw definite onclusiuns. "There is a Tropical Kudgu in Fuel to Rico which I am after as v. til. It seed-; profusely and per haps it would do also well in the States." Mr. Inskeep hasn't said so, but ti e icporter feels sure that be fore too long there'll be inform fion on Tropical Kudgu in Clack in, county. The farmers in that Mciotr have a rare curiosity, for perimrnting. Kor instance, I !o know that Mr.. In: keep "has just sent to the Maine Experiment Hntion for a email amount of d of ;i new early hybrid sweet cu n. Inskeep says that Spancross, foord i.i any good seed store, is K a. ni 1 .i t irintu K A Vl 9 St 4 r- Ast w 7 , ;l hole 0 far. It IS resistant to COld ; v.rafVr and very satisfactory for ! a rel early anety of roasting etr.. lil.g legume Mlage to save i efir crops such as alfalfa, red lier and extra spring pasture will be discussed at two meetings rranged for Thursday, February by W. G. Niblcr, county agent. 'Pie first meeting will be' held at tite foodburn city hall. 1:30 p. m. .j .u a n,..-ii sthool, 8, p. m. Harold Ewalt, ex- iri-tfion i:iliyman. ana Mine IIU- ltd r at? it ii ltiirnl eniioeer from s . IV .'. .. ... . .. '.re- state college, win De at tne meetings to discu-s Questions on J'gume tilage. Itirfhs EILERT To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Eilert. 705 Thompson ave . a son. Vance Lee. born January 24. Salem (irnerjl hospital. NEIiROW To Mr and,.-Mr?. Del tt1 L. Nedrow. tA N. 17U.' son. fiary I-ee. born February 13. Salem General hospital. 1'KTERSON To Mr and Mrs. Frank Ft Peterson. 1632 Court St.. twins. Mtctiael Douglass and Cnrtstine Marie, txttn February 14, Salem General hos pital KFRBEH To Mr. and Mrs. Philip D Keibcr. 315 Kinswood ave., a daugh ter. Diane Mary, born February )5. Saleirt (ieneral hospital. OOLDBKKf. -r To Mr. and Mis. Abraham L. Goldlierg. 1S5 Gaines ave.. a son. Daniel Allen, born February Jl. Salem tJeneral hospital.' THOMAS To Mr. and Mrs. Harry .IV Thomas, toute 3. a eon,'- Harold liewey. born January 1. FLO RES To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Flore, route 2. a d'aoghter. Rosalina Dickman. born February 8. Salem Dea cone hospital. i WINTERS To Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Winters. St. Paul, a daughter. Chervl Mae. born February 9. Salem Deacon ess hospital'. GOO LEY To Mr. and Mrs. Law J. Gooley. 1097 N. Winter St.. a Kin, Gerald LawTenee. born January 29. Salem Deaconess hoxpital. BILLINGTON To Mr. and Mrs. Arvi L. Billineton. Mehama. a daugh ter. Arvlsia Kae. born February 14. Salem Deaconess hospital. MORQ AN To Mr. and Mrs. James T Morgan. 250 Liberty rd.. a son. James Keith, born February 13, Salem IV-acnn hospital. Rl'PP To Mr. and Mrs. Fredolln A R ipp. 3?95 S. Commercial St.. a riaugl -er. Mary Carol, born February 8. Sa'tm Deaconess hospital KIIS To Mr. and Mrs. Georre W. Kill?. Marion, a son. Daryl Wttliam. born February 5, Salem Deaconeks hos pital. WASHBURN To Mr. and Mrs. Harold M Washburn, route I, a son. Kotert Brice. born January 31. Salem fjeaeone'S hospital. JACOBSON To Mr. and Mrs. Keith N. Jacobson. 1028 8th st . a son. David Keith, born February 12, Salem Dea coness hospital. MUSIC To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. Music. Scio a daughter. Vera May. twtm January 29. Salem Deaconers hos ptil METOXEN To Mr and Mr Vic tor , MrUmen. Cliemawa. a son. Mlllon Msinl, orn February 11. Salem Gen nl bnnintal. Preskut - To Mr. and Mr. Stanley V. Preskitt. 1323 Slate St.. a daughter Slaurren KJiabelh. hntn February 14 LI.m r.MwrAl bosnitil. . ( I.AKK To Mr. and Mrs. Fred . r Clkrk route 3. a daughter. Carol tNtnne. rxirn February 13. Salem Gcn- i eral hospital. BARNES To Mr and Mrs. Law rrnrr E. Barnes. i:3 N. Commercia at.. son. Wtlllam Elliot, tforn Febru ary IB. Salem oencrai notipnai. time, cut this to 2, final casualties of fractions to about 2 included U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motor. Santa Fe, Pennsylvania, f-drcat Northern, Goodyear, Unit ed Corp., Commonwealth & Southern, American Smelting, General Electric, and Standard Oil (NJ). Armour and Wilson & Co. moved up at the finish as the packing houte wage bsiost was an nounced along with a lift in meat nniM. Ahead were souinern ra- clfi Northern Pacific, American T t. j e h ,, e and Montgomery Cji d ' i Classified Advertising Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line ...25c Six insertions per line .40e One month per line... $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti min. imum 35c; 6 ti min 45c. No refunds Coov for this ae accepted un til I 30 the evening before publica tion for clarification Copy re ceived after this tint will be run under the beading "Too Lata to CUtsilv " .. The Statesman assumes no flnan cial responsibility for errors which mav aonear in advertisements pub lished in its columns and In cases where this, paper Is at fault will rrnnni that Dart of an advertise ment in which the typographical. mistake occurs Ttie Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to piece all advertising under" the proper classification A "Blind" Ad-an ad containing Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered bv letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. LheMoek and Poultry CUSTOM dressing of chickens, any number Prompt service. Dressed poul try wholesale otr specialty. Phone 2-2861. Lee's Hatchery. 7 WEEKS old New Hampshire pul lets, 40c each. Phone 8338. 17 N II. RED hens. 8130 each. 1183 Market. Phone 7U1S. WANTED: fleet and canner cows bulls and veals. Will call at farm E I Snetben. I55U Lancaster Drive Ph 21343 Morns, or eves BABY CHICK!. Cockerel. Pullet Nine leading varieties Weekly hatches OrOer chicks early. 25 In vear Phone I 2-2861 Lee's Hatchery j TOP Prices paid for animals alive i and suitable for fox feed". B. J'. Whelan, Rt. 4. Box (1 A. South of Browing warehouse on Liberty Rd. Ph. 2-2239. WANTED: Fat and canner cows foi neef Dairv cows, heifers bull, veal Fat hoes. sow, stag, boars Market price EC McCandiish. rt 3. box 37a Ph 8147: aero-.s from ball park. S 23th RABBITS WANTED, all sizes. to 6 lbs White, 24c lb. colored 22c lb. live weight Rabbit skins, best prices Wire stretcher and other supplies Salem address, CO Rateliff Drive, phone 2-IJ.I0 Portland address Rabbit Meat Co 8917 S E j Stark SUN """"wAN-T-3": All kind of livestock Valley Picking Co. Phone 5935. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED eounter man and ..., Senator Food Shoo. 232 N. High Help Wanted Male founU;n"u"IM.h. Honorably discharged l-tivis tl 1 VI tff m anaalrisl service man preferred CJood deal for right man. Write Box 423 co States man. EXP. Ser. Rta. Opr. Steady emply. good wages to qualified willing man Write Box 417. co Statesman. WANTED: Sinale man on dairy : frm. Must be experienced. $16OO0. Ixwd. room, laundry. Phone S7FI3. WANT At Once: Good Lube and i JiiW JJMTU Miail. riCiri l"VeSl 7DSw . - . I . I Lw.a t actssK. iitht.a man or returned veteran with exoerieni-e. Cood starting salary and oDoortuntty for ambitious man who . w -.. ,.arn buine. Apply in per i wn only to Mr. Kingan. 3t3 N. uioeriy Bl'S BOY. steady position. I Hotel. Marion WANTED: Men to work In cemetery 290 W. Hoyt or Call 8832. WANTED: Men for hop yard work Phone 7958. MEN wanted for hop yard work. 4 miles west of Salem Williams and Thacker. Phone 6739 Help Wanted Female EXPERIENCED waitress. Marion ho tel. WAXTFl): ExD.waitress. day shift Top wages Pades Coffee Shop. 1241 State. WAITRF.SS wanted: hrs. I a.m. to 4 30 n m. I hr. off for lunch. Sat. af terooon. Sun. Jc holidays off. Apply Mrs. Frank Krauger. state urnce atag. Leal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate Department No. 12,389 In the Circuit Court. State of Ore gon, County of Marion. In the matter of the estate of Lucas Calves, deceased. Notice is hereby given mat tne un dersigncd has been appointed Admin istrator or tne estate oi uucai vez. deceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion Coun ty, and has qualified. All persons hav ing claims against sal a estate are Here by notified to present the same to me at R. 1. Box 260. Brooks, Oregon, with vouchers and duly verified, within six month from the date hereof. Dated and first publUhed February 1946 Last publication March. 1948. JOHN GUNDRAN R. 1. Box 260. Brooks. Oregon. S. M. SUWOL. Attorney for Plaintiff, GArfield 4091. 2033 NX. Thompson Portland (121. OreffOfT t T 13-20-27-M 8-13 SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE OF PKKSONAI. PROPERTY IV THE JUSCTICE S COURT- FOR SALEM DISTRICT. COUNTY OK MARION STATE OF OREGON. In the Matter of H. M. Frlesen, Find er of Estraved Cow By virtue of an Order issued out of the Justice S Court for the Salem Dis trict. County of Marion. State of Ore aim 1 will sell at Public Auction on the 9 the day of March. 1948, at Id nclock A. M at the farm of H. H Frlesen. Box 764, Route 3. .-Salem. Ore gon, the following described cow, to wit: One unbranded red and white. Ouernsey row bearing- ear tag Or k U A . A-li.SM, semi circular liicvr eut from left ear. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 28th day of February. 1946. DENVER YOUNG Sheriff of Marion County state of tjregon By A. I. Johnson, Deputy, F.27-M.8 Help Wanted Female SECRETARY wanted, must have at least three years experience In short hand, typing and general office work. Apply at 109 Capitol Bldg. Oregon State Board of Control. SCHOOL GIRL, or woman to work for room and board In private honte. If school girl we must interview par ent. Phone 3343. GENTLEMAN needs housekeeper. Call 653 Jefferson clay times. WANTED: The Spa. Experienced waitress. COMPANION for elderly couple, light housework. 944 N. Cottage. WANT Secretary for Insurance office-permanent. Shorthand and typing ! necessary. Very good opportunity for advancement. Write Box 416, co 'Statesman. j EXPERIENCED fountain girl. The j Spa. 1 ' EXPERIENCED Saleslady wanted, between 30 and 45 vrs. References re quired. Ph. 3030 after 10 A M Situations Wanted : REFINED lady wants housekeeping in motherless home. Phone 2-159. "7roWNGmti my horned Phone 8843. PROFESSIONAL Floor Waxing. Pn. 6752. WANT carpenter work, repairing and building. No materials furnished. 7OT S. 23th. evenings. - FIRST CLASS carpenter work or re pair. Phone 8781. MARRIED VET wants sawyer or mill foreman -Job. Ore., Wash, or Calif. yrs. ex p. References. Write R. Holford, 2023 Market St.. Salem. GEN. YD. WORK, spading, sawdust put in. Phone 849. SEAMSTRESS: Alterations, quick serv Reasonable S34 N. Winter. 2-1879. ALTERATIONS. 16 yrs. experience Will pick up at deliver. Phone 2-2472. Preschool Playschool. 1381 stale Ages 2-8 Part or all day Ph 8430 For Sale Miscellaneous RUBBER Tired, all metal utility lawn carts. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LiBEHTY EXPERT washing machine service and wringer rolls, all makes. See Ed Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Sore 313 N Liberty . COMBINATION radio and record player. Excellent condition. 1 walnut as. suite. Ph. 4710. Call 80S . Cross. FURNITURE, practically new: Din ing table A six chairs, platform rock er, velour daVeno, end tables, book caae, 3 piece bed room suite, chest drawers, dressing table, bed, (box spring Ac mattress). 2 twin beds. 1 mattress, dresser, I chest of draw ers, ice box, 3 linoleums 9x12, 1 baby bed 4c mattress, high chair, bassinette cover, fruit jars. O. L.. Drydale. Rt. 4. Box 227, near Sunny side school, turn right at first cross road. IRONING Board pads and covers. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. -235 N. LIBERTY' 3 WHEEL Trailer for sale at i N. 2oth. Joe E. Wilson. WHITF ENAMEL" WOOD RANGE. 14 in. lawn mower. Tel. 4i42. Ij0 Pearl St. NEW 42 gallon electric hot water heater. 1383 Plaza St, W. Salem. AUTOMATIC Electric sldearm water heater. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. , 243 N LIBERTY UPRIGHT Piano. Moving, must scU by Thursday noon. 2383 Si niton St. SMALL upright Conway piano 8293. Phone 6239. PEMNESreerTold. $10 to riSt party. Ph. 22713. FARMERS Attention. Westinghouse automatic electric milk cooler. 40 gal lon capacity. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY PIANO: ALSO WRINGER. 2010 N. LIBKKTY. FULLER Brushes 1743 Grant P 8331 STOVE repairing A parts Woodry's Mkt, HOS N. Summer St TO GET your clocks properly re paired try the Clock Doctor. Good pocket watches and alarm clocks for sale. 190 S. 14th. ELECTRIC Room heaters. three type. - YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. LIBERTY WOOD circulator. 2 bicycles. 8-vr.- old size bed springs. 1230 Elm. West Salem. ULTRAVIOLET Germicidal lamps potent new germ killers to make the magic of ultraviolet energy available for better health and sanitation. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. LIBERTY ELECTRIC table broilers single and double hotplates with ovens.. YEATEH APrTJANl E tU. 233 . n! LIBERTY Unfinished Furniture Salem's exclusive 'unfinished furni ture larce assortment or made to or der. Picketts Furniture 13th and State BURBANK Seed Potatoes. 3c per lb. Rt. 1. Box 248. Phone 3-3249. DRESS up your awnfrigs and out door furniture with Set-Fast canvas paint All colors available. YEATEH APPLIANCE tU. 255 N. LIBERTY 3 DOUBLE Rabbit hutches. Fruit jars. Mrs. Kenneth Bond. Rt. 8. Box 54H. GIRL'S coat and dress, S to 7 years. 515 Hood St.. evenings. SMALL upright piano,? dining room set. 1320 Franklin St. PIANO Benches Tallman's 393 S 12th FLUORESCENT kitchen units, bath room brackets, desk lamps and student table lamps. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY LAWNMOWER Sharpening & Ad lusting. Woodry's Mkt.. 1803 N Summer St COFFEE Maker sets, with mirror ,ry' Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 253 N. LIBERTY Shingles Save by buying at direct mill retail orices. We have shingle for your need. Orders limited (rom IS squares to 39 squares to a customer Phone Tilla mook 383. For truck delivery phone Salem 2-1198. Roserberg single CO. 80S E- 8th ave, Tillamook, or. FLASHLIGHT Batteries, standard size. 3 for lsc. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 254 N. LIBERTY FURNITURE BARGAINS. 2442 Lee 4 SPRAY size fresh vegetable rack Pearson Food Market. N. Com'l. and Chemeketa. Phone 7333. ELECTRIC Solder trona. -all sizes. Y EATER APPLIANCE -CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SEE "The UJ. Store" at 330 Che meketa.UsedV furniture. We buy, trade and sell. Formerly at 413 Ferry St. EFFICIENT 2-unit concrete septic tanks. Sewer pipe. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 N. Front St -Ph. 3417 MODEST MAIDENS TrtaCsurarli aUctr4 V. S. Ftnt Oftn "You know, Mabel, I think -we've finally found a very good maid here!" For Sale .Miscellaneous) RADIO, table model, guaranteed A-l condition. Phone 2-1957. GLASS TOP mahogany counter. 8 ft. long, IS In. wide, gun top table 6" a ft long. 18 in wide, shelving 7'j ft. long. S'i fet high high. 12 plate glass mirrors.- all STATE STREET FURNITURE 1900 State Phone 7596 GARAGE EQUIPMENT 1 BUDGET. 1-ton chain hoist A A frame. Just like new. Will sacrifice for $173. 1 Milwaukee drill motor, 'j inch. 830. I brake machine. $30. 1 3-inch Parker vice, $20. All this equipnient is just like new. Owner is retiring from business. See Delmer Snyder. Amity. Oregon. CRAMER Steel Posture chairs. Im mediate delivery. Koen, 438 Court. MEAT CASE 20 ft. Blrkenwald. com plete with compressor. A-l condition. Saving Center. Portland Road. or call 4881 after 6 p.m. AUTOMATIC oil floor furnace. Ex cellent condition. 893. 375 S. 16th. STOVES. Wood and Cas. Furniture. Electric irons: tools. "The H. J. Store." 330 Chemketa. ONE NEW 4000-gal. storage tank with base. Salem Bargain, 323 N. Com l. Phone 8445. FINE BLUE Mohair davenport hite breakfast set, fruit Jars, new 6-foot atepladdcr. 1380 Pearl St. :MT. VERONO wood range in excel lent condition. 1243 N. Capitol. WARDS MASTER QUALITY HAR NKSS is cut from BEST bark-tanned leather! Sturdily built throughout with extra stitching at points of strain. Costly finishing. Priced as low at 881.50. WARDS FARM STORE Trade 4c High St. Salem. Oregon DRAWING Boards, lane sizes, $7.50. Roen, 458 Court; 100 LB. ICX BOX. high chair, nurs ery seat, mother's pusher, clothes racks, child's play school desk, fruit jars, and miscellaneous articles. All in good condition, reasonable. 548 Mill St. NEW Commercial Refrigeration Unit, s h.p p Super Cold compressor water defroster type coil with electric blow er. $325. Hubbard Building Supply. Hubbard. Oregon. 2103. JWANprewar bicycle Ph. M0 1942 AUTOCRUISER DELUXE TRAILER home.. 9x23 ft., sleeps 4. 3 rms. cir oil heat. Gas range with .rock wool Insulated oven, natural finish in terior, elec. Werner brakes, Ven. blinds, drapes. Inlaid" lino., lots butltins. 2 big closets, full plate mirror. Re frig., ra dio. Masontte exterior, new cond. 888 N. Com'l. afternoons and eve. IRONRITE mangle, knee hole desk. overstuffed custom built liv. rm. set. gateleg table with ladder back chairs, walnut bedrm. suite, beauty rest, ivory bd suite, extra Simmons bed. ham mered brass flrepl. set. pastel pottery dishes. 8 pe. crystal plates. Silex, A-l cond. 9 p.m. to 9. 830 Shipping. WELL bred Ar trained. I'k-yr.-old male, golden Retriever. $20, including dog house. See after 4 JO p.m. 432 Wat er St. GOOD fur coat, black caracul sire 12. $30. New Chumley suit, black gab ardine, alze 12. Phone 8898. HEAT Lamp, portable and stand type ultraviolet lamps. YEATEH. Af PUANCE CO. v 255 N. LIBERTY Rifle, 8 mkn. Ph. 6638. WHITE enamel range. 1945 mod.. slightly used, appearance of electric range, $80. Ph. 22680 or Jess W. Lucas. Gervais. Ore., on St. Paul-Newberg highway. 1st house past Fairfield Grange hall. AIRCO welding & cutting torch. complete outfit, like new, $73.00. Mar- lin pump 12 tia. gun, as is Siz.50. New guitar $7.50. Marshall strawberry plants at $7.00 per 1000. Wed. only a.m. till 8 p.m. 753 N. Winter St. 24 STEEL fence post, some barb wire. 39 Williams Ave. Ph. 7167. 2 HORSE TRAILER, also dry wood. See or write Circle V Ranch, Scot's Mills. Rt. 1, Box 37. 50 NEW Hampshire laying pullets $1.50 each. Light weight Vaughn drag saw. just overhauled, 2 ' blade. $135. Rt. 3. Box 886C. S. River Rd., turn on Finzer Rd. at Rhoten's Dairy. LAWN Mower. 1 folding bed. coil springs built in. twin bed & mattress, all in A-l condition. 590 Union. Ph. 9047 8-PIECE dining room set, practically new. 120 Duncan Ave. 2 HIGH box toilets. 1440 Waller St UNDERWOOD typewriter, automatic gas water heater, sawdust water heater. Phone 8098. Ready Mix MASON SAND CONCRETE MTX RIVER SILT AND FILL DIRT ALL KINDS OF GRAVEL Commercial Sand and Gravel Co. PH 2-1988 - 2-3100 ELECTRIC Curling Iron. YEATEH APPLIANCE CO. 255 N LIBERTY WICKER baby buggy, babv swing and trade chair. $15 for all. McCrath. 108 Hansen Ave. 3x12x20 planking, cheap. 100 Han sen ave. Call afternoons. . SILVERTONE radio, excellent condl lion. Leonard Patzer. Box 75, Fair View Ave jf' For Sale -Miscellaneous FOR SALE: Table model radio, "beds & coil springs, table 8c chairs, trash burner, waftle iron, toasti-rs, clock, table lamps, ewing rockers. iuk & many items. Mac's Bargain Place, 143 S. Church. REBUILT Pianos, like .new. Shop Tallman's and save 395 S. 12th. near S P Depot ALL Metal clothes ham Y EATER APPL1ANC oers. fc CO. 233 N. LIBERTY WE buy and sell furniture, tool stove, dishes, motors, radios. Electric appliances, household goods KLIG MAN'S. 283 N Commercial. Ph 9885 FLASHLIGHTS Complete with bat teries YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY SEE LAMBERTS for good used fur niture. 3260 Portland Road AUTOMATIC Vaporizers and bottle warmers. YEATFR APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. LIBERTY UPSTAIRS An'ique Shop. 439 Court "ALWAYS a big stock." Woodrv's Furniture Mkt Ph SI 10 ATMORAYS OZONE, sell and rent II C Pugh Ph 2-2458 P O Box 483 ALUMINUM frying pan (4 sires) serving trays, cookie wheels, pancake griddles, and sauce pans. YEATER , APPLIANCE CO. 2.3 N. LIBERTY STEELl Coat hangers for sale Kltg man's 285 N Cammerclal ..' FARMERS Attention. Electric fence contiollirs YEATFR. APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. LIBERTY TRAILER HOUSE, factory built, sleeps 4. oil lirat. Butane range, ven. blinds. Fir Crest Trailer Park. N. River Road. Wanted- Miscellaneous WANTED: Table model separator. Robt Chase, Rt. 1, Jefferson, Ore. RECORD PLAYER wanted. Phone 8725 evenings. . - WANTED: Trailer house. Must be reasonable. 1473 Pearl St. Ph. 6W)8. WILL PAY cash for good diamond. State price and size in first letter Write Box 424 co Statesman. WANTED: Small power saw. Ph. 8281 IF YOU WANT to sell your furni ture. Phone Lamberts, 3564. STEVENS FIXIT SHOP Lawn mower machine ground, saw filing and gumming: Blacksmith work All work guaranteed Pick-up & deliv eries Phone 7803. DISHES over 25 yrs. old Upstairs Antique Shop. 4.18 Court. Ph. 21443. WANTED: PIANOS Will pay cash Wills Music Store. 432 State St. WANT TO Buy. Ued cameras A lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 433 State CASH for your used furnltuie. Ph 7398 Stale St Furniture. 1900 State CASH for used piano & other mu sical Instruments Call 4641 days or 9537 evenings or send description to Jaqutth Music Co.. 191 S High. USED FURNITURE Ph 9183. IF YOU nave furniture to sell see Russ Bright Ph 7511 433 Court AUTO painting, lust a shade better. by Ray ETTER, Call Shreck Motor Co $302 Miscellaneous FOR HIRE: Ford Fergerson power loader for gravel, dirt or manure, fast and efficient. Ph. 109F13. HEAVY Hauling. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing. Dozer Work. Ditching. Basement Excavation Sand. Gravel. Crushed Rock. Mason Sand. Concrete Mix. Cement Salem Sand & Cravel Co. 1405 N Front St Salem. Oregon j Phone 9408 or 21924 Dental Plate Repair TWO -HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State 6 Com. Ph 1311 MEN'S HATS rletned and blocked 79c LES SPRINGER. 464 Court St - Money to Loan ' $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all tvoes of persons) loans Including furniture, note and car loans, for any worth while cause. We also make real estate loans and 'buy real estate contracts. Fos quick and effi cient service see or phone STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. 153 S High, lalem lift 8 216-M 223 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 3TII FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N M 139 " FARM and CITY LOANS 4"3'.i and 3 Your own term of repayment with in reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust BWg Phone 7 162 Money to Loan VOU RECEIVE INDIVIDUAL CON SIDERATION WtlEN YOU APPLY TO General Finance Corp. FOR Quick Cash Loans Locally owned and operated, we are familiar with all local needs and' con ditions and lend on any reasonable security Up to 12 mos to repay Ph 9168 136 S Commercial St Auto -Anti Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cars ov trucks regardless of age no delay bring car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle. 1 to 13 months to repay After S o'clock Dhone 21143 tot appointment ROY II. SIMMONS Regulated by state. PRIVATE MONEY 136 S. Com l St Phone 9168 MONEY TO LOAN WANTED. REAL ESTATE mortgage loans, city or farm properties: loans made as small as $300 See u aboot refinancing your present contract or mortfjace Approved city loans 4',i Leo N . Ch i 1 d s, I nc . 344 State St Ph 9261 INCOME TAX LOANS 'Personal' makes loans for Income Tax lor other worthy purposes! promptly and , privately. Sensible mo. payment. Ask for free Simplified In come Tax Wot k Sheet. I'erronal Fi nance Co. of Salem. 518 State. Rm. 125. Ph. 3191. Lie S-122. M-105. Room and Board ' ROOM for elderly lady. Ph3874. ROOM and tjoafd In exchange for some help in evenings and Saturday, l-hone 21582. For Rent FLOOR Saritler for rent. Wells Store. Phone 6877. Marshall- FLOOR SANDER gomery Ward for rent Mont- COOD Used Piano 11 L Stiff TRA1l1:HS for rent oOe per Mr Woodry's Mkt.. 1603 N Summer. D-7 CATERITLLAR tractor, dbzer. A cleaning blade for rent Phone 8030 TRUCKS for rent You drive Mc- Cune & Lovell phone 9600 Wanted to Rent VETERAN, wife and child need tin- furn. houfce or apt. Unnble to take job here until find house. Ph. 7177 days. BY LOCAL business man, 2 bedroom unfurn home. Will pay one years rent in advance and lease. Box 4Z9 Statesman. w WANTED: Furnished house, 2 to 4 bedrooms for period of 9 to 12 month. Reference. Phone 6124. WANTED to Lease: 10 to 25 acres with modern improvement, by re sponsible couple. Box 426 Statesman. URGENTLY Needed: 2 bed room house,! Call Beit Cator, 24108 office hour VETERAN, wife tt small daughter need 2 bed room unfurnish. house. Permanent, will leae. Write Box 427 Statesman. REPRESENTATIVE National con cern Just arrived Mirm ana neeas vood furnished apt. or house, wouia consider rural location. No pets, liquor parties or cmidren. Marion iioiei. Room 424. "URGENTLY need furnish, apt. 2215 N. 4th St.- DESPERATELY In need of laige house. Employed nurse In local hos pital. Phone 2-1935,. FURNISHED house or apt. Willing to pay 50-85 dollar. Responsible party; will guarantee to take first dan rare of your property. Permanent employed official of local concern. Married cou ple with 5-year-old child. Phone 9609 day or evening. SALEM businct man. wife and baby, wish to rent turn, or unfurn house or apt. Will pay up- to $63. References. Phone 7448 ' WANTED to rent: 2 or 3 room apt. or housekeeping rooms furnished. Middle-aged couple. Man employed by state. No pets or liquor. A. S. WelUr, Marion Hotel. WANTED! House ijfr apt. by profe sional man; just discharged from serv ice. Child one-vcar-olf!. Pleae con tact D. Elmer Door. 307 Nat l. Bank Bldg. Phone 6644. : ! BUSINESS mart, returned veteran. wife, daughter must vacate March 1st. Anyone with house or apartment for rent call Mrs. HartweU, 6388 or 7972. WANTED: A small house or apt for t adults by April 1st. In or near Sa lem. Write Box 414, co Statesman. OFFICIALS of new Industry wish to lease or rent a modern home, com pletely, or partly furnished, with 2 or more bea rooms t'n. van or oua. For Sale Real Estate SEE this lovely hillside home, attic "finished in knotty pine. Auto, oil fur. 3 A. good bldg. sue. only $n,uo Ph. "Elmer Amundson ' 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North Hjgh J6 LARGE LOT between 19th and 20th on Market. Ideal home site, street as sessment paid. Price 81200. Ph. 3228 s Vacant $68002 B. R. plastered hse. Hwd firs.. as range . Ik gas not wate heater. Call Mr. Alsman. i Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 3793 970 S. COW L Eve. Ph. 2-4248 Hollywood District 3 bed rm. house, liv. rm., din. rm kitchen, nook, wired for ranee, firepl full bmt.. auto, oil furnace. Exec cond. Possession 30 day. $9500. Ph. 3031 or 4g8L R. A. ForknerRealtor 1853 N. Capitol four ROOMS, shower bath, fruit room, carafe and woodshed. Floors covered with linoleum. Hot water heat er. wired for electric range. Lot 84x 150. room for house on front. $2500. 711 Howe St.. Dallas. Ore. i.-ACRE LOTS. $400-$500. with fruit tree and city water, view. 216 Salem Heights Aye. Tm M EDI A TE POSSESSION Modern 6 rm. Hdw. fir. Fireplace. Bae. furnace. ELEC. RANGE AND RE FRIGERATION INCLUDBD. Also small cottage on same lot. $10,300. Terms. More furniture If desired. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Phone 7113 BY OWNER: 2 houe and garage on 1 lot. $100 Income per month. Owner haa 3 rooms, basement and garage. Oil heat, gas water heater, electric. Close in. These house are modern and In good condition. 1143 Oak at. CHOICE CORNER Size 100x100, located on South 17th a. Uill VI. f rt,. S1MK1 Sm Mrs. Need- ham or Jim risk, 341 State t. Rm. For Sale Real Estate West Salem -"Little Giant of Industry" $5230 v Good. 2 B. R. home, nice condition, new roof. cir. heater goes with deal. Located In convenient West Salem Let us show you this one. $4830 NORTH SALEM Get you a neat new home 2 bed rooms. $n500-EAST SALEM A nice 2 bed room home, fireplace, basement. Early possession. $850 5 BED ROOMS North Salem. 2-story house. I BR down, 3 up. Kitchen, Dining room. Living room. 1 We.t Saleni Realty Co. 1233 2DGEWATER STREET Phone-51 09 BUSINESS Corner 130x150. $1100 F. II. Weir REALTOR 1247 S. Com'i. Phone 9411 CREEK PROPERTY $G350-2 B. R. home. Llv. rm , kit , breakfast nook. Full fin., lui nace. Nice lawn, Call Ray Davij. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 970 R COM L Ph. 3793 Eve. Ph. 9441 BY OWNER: Corner lot, nice loca tion, pavement & sidewalk in. $900 Call 2-1413 $170 2 houses with 4 lots. North. Call Cecil Parkhurst with HAROLD W. HEERS Phone 21874 3053 Portland Rd 3 RM. House and 2 lots. Southeast Salem. Price 13-100. W. C. KRUEGER REALTOR 147 N. Commercial Plr 8 RM. Plastered modern house. Needs some repair. On large lot and bus line. .$35O0. F. H. Weir REALTOR 1247 S. Com l. Phone 9411 $6500. Near Leslie sch. 4 bdrms liv. rm., din. tin., kit., oil heat. Call Otner Huff Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1349 1717 CENTER ST Eve. Ph. 2-1731 ENGLEWOOD! 3 large room with basement, saw dust furnace, 2 lots.- A good a buy as you can find for $0750. Inuii. ptijscss. 2 B. R. North. $3500. C. II. SANDERS 231 N. High - 58.18 RENT SAVER 2 Room New House, 4 acre, on pave ment. Price $2000- $700 down. Bal. monthly. Alfred Dumherk or W. A. Sauert-Ksig, Room 3. Ladd At Bush Bank Bldg. , Residential Lots ami Business Sites Phone 3031 or 4087. R. A. Forkner. Realtor 1853 N. Capitol St. possfssionTnio DAYS ' NEW 2 BEI ROOM ENGLISH STYLE SUBURBAN 0OTME. I.IV1NO ROOM. COMB DINRTTE AND KITCHEN. UTILITY RM.. LARGE XXYT. BUS BY DOOR; PRICE INCLUDES OIL CIRC. AND PINING ROOM SUITE. $8500 1- NEW COUNTRY HOME AMERICAN MODERN WITH 3 BED ROOMS ON ONE KIKW LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. DINING JtOOM. KITCHEN BATH. 'UTILITY ROOM. HARDWOOD FIOOKS THROUOHOUT. KI.KC. HEAT. 2 CAR GARAGE. . ACRE. IJ 1.300. CHOICE LOTS FEW IN THE BETTER RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS. SOME VIEW LOTS $I J00 AND ITP. CALL Mil. FOOS. EVE. PHONE 7877 St-verin Realty Co. SENATOR HOTEL 'BLDG. ' ) 6 2 9 $4730. A., two bedr. lune , ksi , poulttv hKe., fruit, berries A nuts, clone in. Ph, "Elmer" Ainundm 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street $8000 6 rms. Englewood dlst Oil floor fin - nace. Hwd. floors. Really nice. Call Cecil Parkhurst with HAROLD W. HEERS Ph 21874 305S Portland Rd 2 Bldg. lots. N. $."(). Y Cor. lot, N $57.". Call E. E. Grimm Reimann Real Estate, REALTORS 201 R. High Ph. 3722 or "803 $45001 B. R. cottage Small apt. on side, rented for $20 mo. Call Mr. Alsman. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph,' 37S3 970 S. Eve. Ph. COM'L. 2-4241 NEW 3 Bed room home in choice N. E. section. Glass utilized to best advantage has made this a delightful home. Priced right too at SiUoo StK Leo N. Chi Ids, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Ph 92C.I ' ACRE, unfinished lime. Two bed rm. L.R.. DR., K.. wired for range or gas. Gas range and circulator goes. Imm. poss. $3750. Ph. Mr. Gardner. 3210 Bl'RT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North High Street , WEST SALEM HEIGHTS Modern 2 B R. one story home. One year old and really'nlce. All large room, dbl. plumbing; full basement, rumpus rm. with ' fireplace. Priced to sell. $13,000. JSullivan Realty Co. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 32J5; eve. 2-1413 $3,750 Sm. 4 Rm. hse., lot 60yI20. Fruit trees, berries & garden spot. Only $6,895 For-One Week Onlv Llv. rm., with fireplace, kit. wired forTange, 2 bdrms , sm. child' nn.'or Nursery, bath', full bsmt. with auto matic sawdust burner; laundry tra-ys; all plasterd house. See Mr. Grimm Reimann Real Estate, REALTORS 201 S. High Ph. 3722: eves. 7803 EXCLUSIVE: Beautiful North Church street 4 b r. home, corner lot, h.w. floors, fireplace, large LR ft DR. den, full basement, fur nace. Owner says fruit pays taxef SEE ITI 'BUY ITI Lawrence Real Estate Loans ft In. 320 N. High St Phone 7308 VfODERN HOME Late built 8 rm. home with Ige. unfin. attic, basement, sawdust heat, fireplace, elec. water htr. Small creek on lot 80x130. Price $9500. Call G. H. Grabenhont, Jr., with Grahenhorst Bros., REALTORS 4. 134 t. Liberty St. Pt. 4131. Ivts 1-2.46 NELSON NEWS COWS. m.K ROUTE. EQUIPMENT 12 cou i buy some or a!ll M;ilk cooler, bottler Si capper, bottle Ai crates, pnel truck. 3 mile rout. Tern-.s to ex pt-r.enced buyer. HAZEL GKEEX FASM A lrttle over 31 acre, all n culti vation. Willamette silt soil, good r!l, juTm. elc pump. Rood, fanly r 4 rm. nouse, practically r.eJ bain, chicken house, machine shed 4c out nliivs.. for sale wid or vwtiiout equipment. VERY DESIRABLE Sl'EL'RE N 1 acre, edge of city ea-t. on j-this. walnuts A filberts for commercial in come. ariety of fruit, berries 4 '--monds, family orchard, modern 4 bdrm. borne, fpljce. full biriit , I.; trav. f..;n . tra.-tli burner, dbl. ga rage, elc water system, ai.not in.n.. avail l"iiy terms. COl'NTRY HOME 4 INCOME A good hme vith substar'Ul In come. '.8 producing filbert". 10 nuli, about 12 yr. old. ir'.sce! f:u.f. I rm. cabin rents for $12 f-r ir.o . 5 rm. home with modern bath, heat-o-lator f place, elc. water heater, near ly 3( 0 ft. road frontage, gat ace. large conciete lir wood shed, pump hou Ar fruit rm. About lx40 bldg fnr snop 6 garage. fi950. GOOD TRACT KOR SMALL FARM 20 acres good mixed larm.g land fall plowed, well drained. 3 jc. wood lot. Only JliiO per acre. 3 t-.i.Ies out. north irni I.ari;e L. R.. attractive fpljce. French iiMirs leading to pat:. step saving Kit.', bdrm. hath, on 1st fit. sewinc --Ml., extra lariie iKitni 2nd fir. Plak'ered throughout, t ill li;nt furn. A. L. trays. $8400. If vru r!o not find what wart anions tht-e. let lis tell n jhut otiier tat may meet ju-.r n-qui.e-ments. Avk being It r large tiled. Ft-b;'uarr NELSON & NELSON Cltet I Nelson 1 lieo G Nt'en nrii Tniij j Rm Sill-2 Masonic Bldg.. 4." Sta' M Pll. 41 or 4H22 - Eve 2-liV) it OCR PEST B!v"tRTw0 Al.ivM new 3-rooin strictly modern home, exceptionally neat and clean throughout, finished recreation room In baseiirent. auto air-conditioned heat i fuel cosvs less than $40.00 a vear I. Landcapping has been well planned. fencrd-n back yard with ga-den spar. Located on North 18th stirct. .n new dlMr.ct 4lioo will handle. , LEE OHM ART & CO. REALTORS Phone !VW) 47T Cauit t TWO l-rlr., hone, N. IS vr eld L.H , K . mxiV. fneplace -vi-ed f r ranm. f.i!l iwnt, fur. $.SJ ii Mr Gardner :v2io I.I RT PIl-HAREA! TOR. XI. North H'g.i Sir-.-- I.Viist rurnished. 4 B X ! $ extia lota. Burnt , furnace. .1 car -lage. In unci, poss Call Ri, Davis. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 37H3 TO S COM L. Eve. Pi. 44l - BY" OWNER: Viw J bed roo-n i mod ern house, priced .Tor quick sale. 138 Duncan Ave. ,51000 t.uiiding on city lot 44x214 Norlh. ti;i recll Parkhurir ifn HAROLD W. HEERS Ph. 2IM4 1 303J Portland Rd. i A .ATTRACTIVE FnglKh stvle homey living rm.. dining rm.. kitchen, nook. 2 nue bedrm. untm.ief up stairs. lauijdrv 1T.1 C!3e to L .l it ch- I- $r 800 Melvin John-on 54S N ' OTTAGE ST PIf 2'.23 ' DUPLEX v SOUTH Extra virll located, double con'ruct- ed. Dour-Stairs has large li vinx-om'r g . oonibir-efl.T fplace, hwd. floors., larie B. R.. riv3 kitchen, full base, wood furnace, -irVc. water hea'er. Upl rs 2 gol ie bed room, large livirg. 3-pif ce ttittn. kitchen. Price 19)00 C. H. SANDERS - 231 N. Hin - PS NORTH ' 2 B. R home, nic. kitci-en. lit'!. it room. Jot Vsinn-. cloe to jtoit .i4 school t.!;! Term-. C. II. SANDERS - 231 N H gh - Sg,a $12 3 MODERN. 2 BR hon w large t-orntr lot, nicely landwaped N . v Sullivan Realty Co. . XM13 Portland Rd. Ph. 3235; eves. 2-1C.3 BY OWNER: 2 bdrm. mod home. 1 blks. t f Moilvwood Theatre Full bsr t Sawdi-st heat. Elec. water beater. Ir.q. 2023 Werner NFW s-UB-DlVISION. excellent b'.g sites finrn St50 up. Pr.. "E!rr,j' AtTiiiri-st.n 3210 M RT PICHA. REALTOR" 33? Not III Higii St. .ft 4 - 1 unfinished hou peir pn 4-Corr. with A SM Bill Noirls HAROLD W. HEERS Ph. I.e.4 3UV3 Port'and Rd BY nWNER: Nice lot. Ioa tlon, WW Inquife I3M Nunnv r enFc amFdT?: Had to Move New Location: 520 N. HIGH STREET Mnir-cr Marlon & Hum MOP!: oFflCE SPACE i'LEMY tF PARKING Laurence Real Estate LOANS At INS. PI'.o: nigh ?t $6800 M i : n 3 bed rm. horr Oil hat Larfr tot South. Call BUI Norris v.h HAROLD W. HEERS Ph. 2ii4 30J3 Portland Rd. AJDVERTTSIJJG Tv"4itcrn Advertising Rrprescntatives A'srd-Crlffith Compar.y. Ins, San Trancco Eastern Advertisir.f Rcprcscatatives s t ard-Grtffith Company. Ine. Ct icago New York. Dec;o:t. Postoa Atlanta Member ra.ciflc Coast Dlvlsfon Hdteau of AdvertLiing Enter! at ihm Pottofflre et Jo'e-o, Oregon 5(0td Clast M if tee Pub, tfthrd 0iry morning Exrent Mend's . Bastness office 113 Mou Comntee, cloi Sfrtet. :$! SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mall finbsrrlption Rate In Advanref Within Oregon. Dally and Sunday Mo. 80 cents: 8 mos $3 00; t year. M: Else here SO cents per mo. or $7 26) for 1 vear In advance Per copy 8 cents. Bv City Carrier. 78 Cents a month, $f.oo a ar in advance la Marlon aixt sdjactnt wiintleai