TV ORXCOlt STATESMAN, fcdea, Oregon. Friday Moraine. February IV IMS fAOflRNl Flier Located, Stricken With Cold Exposure SEATTLE, Feb. lt.-VWay-man N. Tori 4 of Abilene, Tex., 24 year-old navy student pilot, was found today by a logging crew 12 miles from the town of Vail, Wash., alive but suffering from cold and ezpotture after spending five freezing nights in the hills. Todd took off in a rented air craft on a flight to Portland, Ore, Saturday morning and failed to reach his destination. The loggers who found him said he was just 400 feet from a cabin, well stocked with food and fuel .but marked by tree. They ibid hit plane also was located and that it; had crashed against the tnow; Hide of a peak. Todd was unable U move or talk, they said. He wmMakarr to Me Chord field, nawr Tacoma, Wash., and was to be flown tonight to Ida home haw, the Kan IHlnt naval ar station here. vr W- 3T IK' li HI DIOIHFQOTS' always rely ea cat great roe far CODOMDS 1 1 Matt Be Gaod! AJ thru Ua at Ux firs mt of a erfd the Qaatt4U' caw t. taraata end backa am imtnadiatriir rabod with MaKtrola. Muairrole faateaiff atarU U reilave ri, Mr taroat aad maarie i at tUAm. It eetaaily Mm twk ep saiaul keal iaa. Makta brMta- tog esawr. bntl froww-ups, tool la aUvficUta. Ship Sails San Cargo Due to Labor Dispute PORTLAND, Ore, Feb. 14-W) The Ainerillo Victory sailed, last night without taking on cargo here, after being Idle since Jan. 23 becauae of longihore-oper-ator dispute. The Boise Victory, Idle in the same dispute starting over the number of checkers to be em ployed, la still here. Both are American-Haw a i 1 a n Steamship company vessel. Chiang Says Standards of Living to Rise SHANGHAI, Feb. ang Kai-Shek today told a great crowd, 'perhaps the greatest ever massed In Shanghai, that China now was "free and Independent" and that "we no longer have to live as alavea and beasts of bur den." The vast throng waved nation al flags and roared Its approval of the war-time leader, who will go to Nanking tomorrow to discuss the future of China and her ar mies with his top generals. "Follow the example of our al lies the United States, Britain, Franca and soviet Russia,'' Chi ang exhorted the masses Jammed into the race course In the cen ter of this -largest city in China. "Their citizens are disciplined and responsible. That la why they were able to defeat their enemies, the axis and the Japanese. If we wish to be able to stand side by side with them we will have to observe dbidpUne aitd be respon sible ... "We now are a free and Inde pendent people, especially with the abolition of extraterritorial ity. To enjoy these sovereign rights and to be able to retain them we should exert ourselves to work bard." Dean .Jewell Talks, Annual Lions Party f Members of the Salem Lions club entertained their wives and sweethearts Thursday night: In Marion hotel . with their, annual Valentine day sweetheart party." In a humorous address follow ing; the dinner, Dr. James R. Jewell, dean of the college of edu cation at the University of Ore gon, drew on experiences of his early years In Kansas to illustrate how times have changed from the period of mutual distrust and sus picion among American farmers and merchants to the current per iod .of 1 improved standards and fairer business conditions. ? Deen Jewell attributed much of the improvement to the friendly spirit and community cooperation promoted by service dubs like the Lions In recent years. Merrill Ohltai was toastmastcr. Burr Miller welcomed the wom en guests and; Mrs. Floyd Seem lier, president of the Lion ancil lary, responded on behalf of the women, Presidents of several other Salem service organization were among the guests. Music was pro vided by a string' quartet and a vocal soloist, Edith Fairham, from Willamette university,; Deer Fed Alfalfa In Baker County BAKER, ' Feb. lt-(-Alfalfa hay to feed hungry deer is being distributed in Baker ounty foot hills. - I State game commission observ ers reported 500 deer la the Keat ing area were trying to live on tumble weed tops and another 3St deer in the Balm creek tnme re gion were suffering. . Hay was being delivered to the two points today. Mustang Crashes Into Power Line PORTLAND, Ore, Feb. 1-CP-A P-91 Mustang fighter plane struck a power line and crashed this afternoon near Tigard, nine mile south of here, killing the pilot, Portland army air base re ported. Electric service in the area was disrupted for 20 minutes. The plane was reported to have been on a routine flight but de tails of the accident were not im mediately available. The pilot's name was withheld. - i I lEILIECTimnCB MldDTTCDIl I fill. Halies and Sizes Prompt and Ulicieni j Service ' i t ' . ! WsnflttdDnn IBnwim EDeettHe (Cod LI 233 Stale Slreel Phcat 71 Grain Futures StageClimb CHICAGO. Feb. 14 -(J). De- acribing . the senate agriculture committee's criticuun of commod ity credit corporation . poliry a cheering news, commission houses confidently bid grain futures prices higher, where possible, to day against persistent flurries of profit cashing by local traders. The: senate committee's report requesting . r t c o n s 1 d eratkm of ceiling prices and revision of CCC Dollcies was viewed as an indi cation that a strong legislative fight for relaxation of restriction might be expected. I Wheat, corn and barley closed unchanged at ceiling of $1.80, ft and 11.22 tt; oat un changed to H cent above yes terday's finish. May SI -cent cell ing; rye unchanged to t cents up, May 12.MH-Z.1; Stocks Turn to Rallying Side NEW YORK, Feb. 14--Stocks turned to the raUying aide in to day's market, after five successive failing sessjons, but bidding was somewhat, timid: and top gains running to 3 or more points were reduced in the majority of in stances at the close. The comeback was viewed as mainly technical, baaed on the Idea that the llt had been over sold on labor pessimism. Steels finished around their best as hopes revived that a strike set tlement would follow the release from the White House of the long-delayed pay-price formula. Transfers of 1.290,00 shares compared with 1,680,000 Wednes day. The Associated Press 60-stock average was up A of a point at 77.6, first gain since Feb. 5. STOCK EXCHANGE HOLIDAY j NEW YORK, Feb. 14 -(,?)- The New York 'stock exchange an nounced today it would be closed on Feb. 23, Saturday, as well as on Friday, Febr. 3, Washington's birthday. 2-year-old Girl Diet After Drinkiug 1'oison Spray ! COOS BAY, Feb. 14 -(P)- Bar bara Irene! Bergen, two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bergen, died today after swal lowing some poison' sprsy found In the family greenhouse. i A small residue of the spray had been left in a mixing cup. The child was rushed to a hos pital but died shortly after ar riving there. Her parents and a sister, Carolyn, , survive. Civilian Charged With Alurtlerins Soldier VANCOUVER. Feb. lHH- Edwin M. Higdon, 34. Vancouver, was charged with first degree The Original "YELLOW FRONT" Drug and Candy Special Store 135 n. Cesnercisl JMe Agea4s fee reaalar Biawsitss -fee Matiea Ceataty Prescriptions Filled 1899-1946 j Pfcose 51S7-S723 CORNS! COItNSI Get rii M tkean kkly aael aarrly . . . Uae SCIIAEFEIl'S conn HEHEDY 25c rerferated File Ttp aaakea appllcatlee) eerrect aad easy. Schaeier's Pile Oinineal izr Piles No relief no pay. Sold the .Hchaefer Way 50c PENSLAR " Ste&Y llthtz Accuracy Recent dbcoveTiei in Arris now beinf nsest on the battlefront have, la rauy casc, been made available ts civilians thronsk their doctor and druggist. Re! m U for Accurately Compounded Prescriptions QJ Ul5 Schaeier's AnfcdJ Powder rronptl relieves acid stomach, fjas, and heart- Itottle 49 1 t DON'T BE LAME i Take care : of your sprains I and aore muscles with nerve and Bene j Lisisenl ' I 50c and $1X3 Only at Hchaefer's I EVEOYTHING FOB THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs foe babiea. Iet us fill your prescription. Thb h the off tclal Penslar Remedy Store for Marlea Ceanty. Ym will find thee preparstleas of hlgheat ality aad gaaraa- -tee4 U be exactly for what tbey are aeld and represented to be E!;3iHiir m'jffiFJTnn i ALL THE TIME! i Keep a Settle of Heed's i poison OAK LOTIOn la year naeeUelae caeas. 50C . $1.00 !! PmIUvo Relief Bay It a4 8ehaefer Can Yea Sleep inglls? If aet. try ear kiiaey aill. They will give yea tauaedlate relief. ftchaefer'a CAm ; Kidney Tins pU C Sinn inniTiTEo W 4) BaMs( Jsa4aV aaeat that gtvee araeaat reaaf ta It c Mag serf ace murder today la the slaying of a soldier on a downtown street here Feb. f after a tavern alter cation. The victim. Pvt. Leo J. Sajdak, 27, Wilbraham, Mass., was ata- tloaed at Vancouver barracks aad would hava bean eligible for dis charge within a few days. Hig don served la the North Africa campaign. Prosecutor De Witt Jones said. f ''" -i... ... . 1 t yjt .. t . r - , . j : t vr,. , y . y' 2 r -' ' ' try4 k 'f - , i I 'If, 'jji fsC jTI i Sat a famous mo-ttino GLASS ROASTC3 ape aaaaaaat DZUCirTTUUT DEC0HA1XO U3DSY HOSTESS CLASSES Qeor, sporkKofl gkmet, with distinctive designs in brBConf, per wowewt coaxl Heavy sHom bottoms . . ; smooth Safedge flats, gvat. oaf serf not to cWpl Pomt attractive deslgntt Graceful "Scroll,' bold fCbboa Row" in 12-oi "Laurel Leaf," with frostad band, and "Garden toca," dewcataly etched in rime-white Wv 10-os. far 'ect for afUertoiningl fteovtifwftV boxed for Drt-ovinal LOVLY DSCC3ATED vATtn oornxs a,, H, "5 yMIy. n Yoe eon watch yovr roast brown. ' ing to perfection In mil rr antpar. ant gloss rooste; with the af basting covert Non-poroui . . . gravy-crwsfs wash off easily. Holds wo to 6 pound roast. PYREX CLASS riAiv-vAnii err 250 Hark rrocrical and pramf Tma for cooling water In refrigerator, or for bedside use. Crystal-dear glan, with bright decoration. Choe of yellow ionaod, red rasa or oronge-ond -tomato detig aaaM 2A5 Top-of-fne'Sfove wore made by Pyre, guaranteed for 1 year against heatibreakagel 2 sauce pans end 1 skiflet, with removable glass and metal handle that fits each piece. Heat, serve and storel x 4 m StVOeTILATEO CLOTHES IIAiUeia 5.75 Ckweiy woven fiber bodyi panel front. Smooth enamel finish wfl not chip or discolor. Seif-venrl-loted . . . fiber woven so o4r Circulates through does. 1 2x22. a29" high. rUXNITUXI POU5H 25c t4g 2 4 -ax. aenial Cleans as aofatiat , i i protects fine Kk an fwmtwa. Save at Ware'! nil. t'-t ,' m i. in m i ma xvywu-jf ji.fe,.i;tv.'3i .1 QUALITY CORN tXOOM Strang, eotwrel celer tieafMe cany sewad wlm stwray f4, ' beand wioi wire. Weed Keaata- li a i mSlst, VXXxarJ V it DRUSIIES FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD HEEDS Wards have a complete line of brvshes for sal deoainq needs. Vegetable Ilruah . . . . 10 Toilet Howl Itruah ... 10c Pastry ltntsh ..... He Dish Mop 10 Scrub Itmsh lOe Ilottle Brush 20c 12-OZ. WTT MOP KXAO TMck, aktorbant 4-pJy cetion yarn, wiMi well-sewed tee. Moke mopping ealer end cleanerl STXONO HOUSEHOLD STEP LADOn 2e49 Rat, wide steps reinforced with ! redi added sefetyl Saangf y eeced Kondf pe-eWfl 5'tioh. WAXDS PAST! WAX PtJCl cuti Wbt 49c rlgM; waterproof fWth for ew tes, ftfrnltwre end woodwork. Cento im dvrable Cornovbo wax. 4-pAjrrrnoN tonri tox 139 Special slotted parHrion for tf eft, te keep ajMna-ad gasiiaan, rWy ef room for oaW cvHoryl ir for thovsoadi of pfkar velvet shop In ear cotoJof diaaiimial df Ue yevr vedw . i . any $ 1 0 pardtote wet opea aa oetowm ajTlfw Immtit a Mat fc 4aS(sJ SSafSJaa ACtsft saWaJa9Ha) tay ifas) ftHtf 0 fpWl wf SsSfJ MMaaa)CtsMtB mttd wUt1mim. 4ttm tm aw ! Aah Im faala WUta UitintaaC 50c M Ward ontgomery ahtai trrita. Mmm. 04 a lar af swaiaaieii rims Tsx 50c