fAczncrrr -n OSZOOlf tTATCSMAIf fcdMi Oreo, Friday lUniaq, Febfucrr 'II. 1141 Court Names Marion Comity 1946 Jury List The Marlon county circuit court fias Issued the circuit court official fury list for 1946 which lists the names of persons believed bjr the court to be qualified to serve as J urori during the ensuing year. The complete iM is ail foliowa: : i- J In Us CUosU ICeajH fat MviM Ceoaty. etate a Oria In Um matter or the Preparation f the Circuit Court Jury Ut for the year 1W. On this day the matter of th mak ing; of tit Circuit Camrt Jury list for thi rear 1M cam on refularly for consideration. It U hereby OROFRZD by tbe Court that the following; list of ninwi of pfttont believed to tee qualified to eeree aa Jurors ibe. and' it i hereby, tinaUl aa the Circuit Court jury list tor the year; 14. JtT UST FOB THE IKAB 1M4 Aiourtlto Raymond Tttua, fanner; Lena Stetn kamp. housewife. luipli Lesbo. t farmer: Clara Hilda SitU-a. houskeeper, relteaibesb Char lea T. Haeemea,. lesser; Ira A. reeks Katharine ' Gouley, student; Mods ft Jones, houaewUe; ttaipn B. Sturgta, ebrer. atatterffle . Kvanceline Dentel. housewife. Caaaayeef Henry Zero, farmer. Cfceaaaws Guy H. Smith, farmer Reset Teets, Jnuewlf; Joseph A, Diednch, far rer; Don W. Evana. farmer; Anna Hasty, honaewlfe; aVtwairl Nevak. far rier; Edward U. CUese. carpenter. CrUas Clara Mlnard. housewife; Iee U. Rreily. manufacturer; Theedata H. houaewUe; Mary Btnfwald. house- Wlfr. Ienls l.rm O Cissy. Clifford Ceae. KacUweed : J .Win B. Can-nlec, -retired; Mary F at t well, hwiaewlfe; Adeline S. Lar- tm. housewife; ItereM C Lent, la rtr: Leonard J. fUdctiffe. rosson: Matgaret E. Wladiiind, etuderrt. Al- Iwr Truas, lie mi mil. ratrneM Edna B. theft, . housewife, fslrfreaade rinrertro Wright, housewife; Nurma D Hoedi4rhaunrr, house wtfe; Minnie ftnwtana. houaewife. kat Oertaif lieaii V. Molsan. housewife; Robert ftariirr. farmer; Marguenta ft John, iHI4'WUe. Wnl .srrale rtaiik Junf wirth, farmer, svesvtlle Fvrlvn M Adams, honeewtf: Freda flo-ell. houaewlte; Jewell G. Urlnkley, tn lle: Nell Allen Hilflrker, turuae WI: L,dla M. kfattaon. bookkeeper. Orover C. Pwnentf, retired, Auguat Y jottanaan, carpenter. Mereb Allert F. MUtaap, barb-r. CenuaJ Newell Ray McKJbheo. farmer; Mary Wamp , imtuewite. K-rtk MowrU Coorge CUne, farmer, Anna M. fVi-iiin, houaewife. -.t llaeoard l.arouch Oyater. farmoiette. Fred Cwrft, pipe fitter; Ora-e Atnucker, Vt Hakbard Aura E. Vre4elurg, lahorer; Ruth i" jungnieaei, atenngraptier. Jefferson Mariou Lonnev. farmer: Edward Ji. Dravrr, farmer; Curtieiia A. finley, rer-reo; czra v; union Marl, farmer. Lltertr Mary Meyer, houaewife; Kdwin W Mallear - ilrrman Amort. Jr., meat cutter; anna Amort, cannery iihmt. Marian MrRaa IXiitald Z. Vow; Clair T. Mlhler, far Mehaaaa Anton Macaeec. Jr., kimWr grader; rvemi t'nuupa, larioar. Mill CHy Aueiut T. Koeneke; trtlba La Vino. W1UIMT- Oeotge Oaaoer White, Jr, fanner; pnii t. pjwc, farmer tmt MU Am H ' J "aeon BirvMoUl. clerk; Henry Kaal !. farmer K. I.. Youti. Ituturance Ocent; Cieorga S. May, creamery work er; rreo jM-bwalt, pre. Cemm Co. Veat Mt. Awnl Krerta OboraMwaer, nwuaewtfe; Mary f leiMui, rtouatwiie; uanoy Keaon. rrtecU i Htttn K Swarta. fiouaewifa, William c m.i, farmer, ften KWker, farmer; wmv nrcailtari, priming prenan. loaky Jeeuh W. Leretlette, Ray C. Lick lUtedale Mutirtoe E. Klltifer, farmer; Barbara c Kama, aieoaewlfe; Grant Tatar, tar frwr. .ieni Ka. Mrrtle F. lUevea, houaewifa; K1a O Ueven, houaewife; IUteri C. Irwin auditor; floretire Keptne. hotiewlfe; in vi. mum, ornre mgr.: Haxel I, f.iion. houaewife- rhra R. Morley, tnukewlfe; Jaraee C rika, fiutt pack lea Ma. t Jneph arhlndtef, lahorr. Iira A Titnaa, painter; Avguat II. Nohlgrcn, r-taureAt op,; Otarkna H. McKlhtnnay, lilt agent: utmnt E. fre. ventlla turn dent, wei Mi, Jeaeohlne Kock, fnuewie , aiiiH k. t James L. Edward. puMV? account 4i. iinno l,. jMncmiM. nouaewire: Alia B. Walt. tioMwwifc; William A. l- tare, clerk, a Im No. 4 Anna Leawm. wartreaa; Gertruda F Lobdell. tenrejee; iJethne ft. Stuber. rone; awtma u. riactier. nounewu; V riuenee. ooakkaao'r. aJaaa Ko. t feo. Viaako. eentracter--Archie M. 1-aOue, Cfwaanery worker.1-' Oar K. Parmer, audrtor; Cltffoed R. Varkar, aa'iearnen: Marten It. William, typist; x wxjora X. rtrod, wooalnwu main. leaa No. f Haymnatd IL MCauVy . tirtrn; Joa- e i W. Ztecter. rruref: CLaia N '::ira, grocer, Hal I Kennedy, TUM-wife. Um Me. 1 lona C. Ooade. honjiewife. Helen Peatfy. botiearife: WlUaia BMveita, aa'eman: Barbara A brumho, tho a" operator: Metn Biotti, labortr; i.tn L, carper, nouaewtfe irea No. B trrlyn Trwvta. - houaewife: Ruth E, JTraitt, iBinr Marry If. Wilton, la iMirer; cstarlotte Aoole. a cretarr: wil I i n W. Crtadwk'k, teAel max ; Edith F Mooee. housewife. Silrta . t Mitha Cahbwlorf. hnttaewlfo. Ltiella H huren, howfe; certride W-tlcox h.,newite: Kathrrn rn-Br-. tuiiue T'ti M. Krre houwewtf " H jlhe LyrM-h. rr tnui ontpioyee; May.Almlra Kale tcler aiem Mo. IS rrancea Edward atat. funeral dl eiK-Aor; Harry J- Wiedmer. aecretary; U M. FImK, houwkewT; Holph w. br-uthwlrk. tciatf ocent: Ceo. W. M nr, farmer; ArwiW E MlUs. houao fe. ftel-at Ma. II Mas it. Hren. eaevrtiant: Grant W P . prea. fitfWare oa ; Olin K. De V, ,:t. real estate aeant: Hoi 111 W rltlngton. rHir. rlutixrtg atote; Mabel tuoent aiern Me. It i;rT W. Illllman. cannery owner Ir. Butler, laouaewlfe; Marry C. Corn. c'vf; Tereaa C. Want. lio-jae1fe Gaor D. Huaaey, hmiaewie, sleni Me. II lhn W. Nash, laborer; Kathryn rr iel. Oeauty aop on ; Knlgnt t Trmttj, nurseryman; Alma Im Jonas, ff.'wealfr;, Ilwetd B Hill, dentist; Ray H Keene. stliletic director, Clifton K, H'1,10. trarik keeper Bslem Ma. I Altne T H. noose wife; Msbla K njhriel. hotisewire'. Conrad O prance e'urfent; Herbert J tralraMi, electri cian. less Ma. t VjItVw rn n isiei: loe Cor wife; Gladys M. Wada, lerk; Ciena Munsors. ins, agent: voorgo w. Speed, mecrtanio. alees Me. U Thonaa MeLeMM. aajcemsn: Marions L Uomogslla houaowtfo; KnnU Wait, packing has. op.; Mary A. Turner, houaewife; Lloyd T, Rigdon, mauso leum mgr.; Nsotni Phelps, social wot tear. ale as Me. IT Atmcds E. Kellogg, housewife; Trad PL Kosler. aaet. bank mgr.; Edith H. Mudd. houaowtfe: Beulah I. rollis. housewife: Vsrnum T. Kuhn, mar chant; Rodney Martin, electrician! uwtus tv. Isom. secretary. Salem Ne. II Evelyn Benner. bookkeeper: Elsie C. Rhoten Rundlott, bouaowlfs; Wallace H Bmeataata. auto dealers John T. Edwards, merchant; Leona G. Joyce, Housewlfes U B. Klch. ocoounUnt, Salem Ma. t Or in C. Wstklns, retired; James T. Noble, painter: Matthew W. Oalsor, salesman; Effle Bcott, houaewife; rior ence M. Williams, housewife; Buth Stabb, housewife. Salem Me. M laabelle E. Rutherford, housewife: Ralnh Wlrth. chief auditor: U. Frank Snow, retired; Carleton L, Roth, grocer. Salem Ne. II CHftnn Rosa, clerk: Grace M. Tay lor, housewife; Cdrrlo B. Kuea. houao wtfe; Eather T. Kruger. housewlfa; Carmallie I. Wcddlo. teacher. alem Me. SI C. IL Glenn, postal clerk; Wm. J. Buaick, merchant; Gladys T. Lofky, housewife: Mrs. Sara Stump, . houae wife; Mrs. Mafclo Wenderoth, nouso wife; Ralph M. Murphy, office worker. saiem no. zj Dorta Mortartr. aecratarr: Harry P. Anderson, contractor; Olive M. Cur ray, proof readei ; Mrrtla S. lngTsra, bookkeeper. alem No. 24 Edtta McKay, houaewife; Josephine Spauldins:. houaewife: Herman ftchollberg; carpenter: Eather G. Man nine, housewife: Mrrtla M. Barr. housewife; Jssaie M. Harold, house wlfa. Salem No. It 911,1 1IIBII WW- .b., is-ium VIB) VH SknpU, truck driver: Oeraldlne Wood roffe, bousewife; oiadys J, seams ter, oeeuiy cuirurtat. saiem no. is Chailes A. Knle. enaineer: Ijivena Knight. retliW: Mary L Rowland. nousewue; Booen A. senwaru, wara- nouaeman. Saleaa No. tf Margaret Ahehsrt. housewife: Thom as E. Cole, retired; Helen B. Law, ti ssaiimsaslf m rBsswtsi am. 1 1 sji sm Bra sl Effte C. ltrteh, houaewife. ac aajem Michael X. PlUoatrlck. student: Chester E. Lee, contractor; Pent T, Smith, houaewife; Mable O. Boxing ton, hutuumnfe. Saleaa MelcsH w w-s srvit e-r ojn Ym'mt ar twm L. Scott, farmer: Olive M. Beardsler. houaewife; Alvln B. Stewart, merchant : Emma ft. Ahait. bousewife: Frederick M. C. Edmund son, student; Carl A. Graham, mechauie. St. Paal Jnaephlne Kerr, hot bm wife; Alphona sHsrserlo. farmer: Maria . Connor. oisewife. calUrd Mamie McCormlck, housewlfa; Lia na Hunt, housewife: Oliver W. NoyeS, manner oeaier; cnaa. vutoeni. . Brett Mills Jrihn T Pima l.miM' Ummw SVall. man, farmer; Bert till so, farmer. snaw Bliertnan R. Barrr. farmer. Sidney Ethel tuinaton. housewife'. Hsttle Mccsny, rtousewiia. Uverteo MIU John VanOordor, farmer; Triton Op-rta. NortJi BUverUm Jennie B. Johnson, houaewife: Ole W W 1 i. .... w 1 - & , Specht. houaewife: Earl O. HoIUday. farmer; Bertha U-Ksntis, housewife: Prank Edward Huhha, planing nrlU vorirr, South Sllrerton Srlvis E. Haberlv. housewlfa! Alvin mis itnif, farmer. F.ast Sflvertoa Granger, houaewife; Ida Kuntaon. nousewue; Mr lye M, Titus, noueewtfe; George W. Hubbs. Ins. agent; OUvs mnriey, nousewiia. West anverton Hiram E. Mice, farmer: EateHa F VanCleave, houaewife; Clara Tokatad, "nn w. noemrn, painter; Lama Uol die vown, nmiaewifo; Gi inert M. Gun d arson, liquidator trustee. j atari Tresaa I.. VanNura. houaewife' rwaro. thy B Wright, housewife: Louisa Im- kty. housewife; Jetut P. Richards, far mer. Eaat ataytee) Henry Msnltli. lahosr: UrK n Prey, houaewife: Abtier ri Taritiur i nruier West urton Addle P CaanelL hauae,ir f nr niiwm, laoorer aokUe-Jly Joseph Zuber. farmer' Mrs. rmlla wuier, nousewite. Tarner Merlin O. Pearaon. farmer; Anna Kunke, houaewife; Margaret O. Miller, mnurwiw rreo aiiicneu. farmer: ' mnn I racy, farmer. s'nion mn WUIla Tate, farmer: Rertlia N Klne houaajf; Joseph Im Long, farmer. tt arenas Eva M. Akolnwall. housewife. East Weodkwra Robert H. Mcott. farmer: J oh an S flail housewife; John Porter, laborer: Wsyns b. uveasy, laoorer; psrry Dale Mau Mn, signal man. Wast Weodbarn Clara Werner, housewife: Edith M. Cord, housewife; MoJly A. Hunt, house- wua; yrsns l. I'uray, laoorer. IlrckarLi, Taylorn Party HoL4 SUTfNYSIDE. Feb. 14-(Sieclal Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heckart open ed their home to a croup of neifhbnrs and friends. Preacn were Mr. anH Mrs. Ivan Oater man, sons Bobby j and Dicky of Salem; Mr. eexl Mrs. Kenneth Cole, Billy Cole, Tommy and Garry GleaaocL Mr. and Mrs. d win CaJdwdl. Ronald CaldwelL of Roaedale; Miss Grace Chand ler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles h. Taylor of SurmysUe. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Edwards of rWern, Mr. and Mrs. Dal ton Cat tle, GehUmr road, were (ttestg of Mr. and Mrs. diaries L. Taylor on Tuesday ercnlng honoring Mrs. Castle en her birthday an niveraary. Community Club I At Donihccker'i . PZONEER, Fab. 14SpclaI)- Tba Community club mat at tht Frank Dornhecker noma for tha regular meeting of tha month. The president, Mrs. John Cala- van, appointed Mrs. Frank Searl as -refreshment ' chairman and Mrs. Frank Dornhecker for the program for tha next meeting. Mrs. Roy Woodman had charge of the program for tha evening and Mrs. John Calavan gave an interesting reading. An exchange of Valentines was enjoyed by the group. ' Refreshments ; were served to BCHOOIXUKL IIOMTEgS AMITY. Feb. 14-(Special )-Mlss Phyllis Meeker entertained the Letter Girls of the high echoed with a Valentine party at - the home of her parents, Mr. and Airs, P. EL Meeker Saturday. Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleenless (lights Psstors say yonr kktaeys aeatala tt ssBea aUartssWerBJserssrkikapteyvTtfrtoe Um4 a4 lee yes) baateky. When tear aS tirad oa4 Sua work rich la toe 4ari a. suarrwei kae to mt as la1ta.y reeoeat acsesatyaasssmwIUsssartlraaWirsisat snwitlraii abowe there a seraethlss; wisag wtta yawr hi mn s ee sissser. peaj't a in i st Skle ssaSMsa sad hisvalaatle-raatfalalere. Wfcea eieereeref kidner f awetleo MfmMo pnlsoasas matter Wraeaak to yeur Mess. Si Busy simeanae saestag eaekaolia, rt maisUi Pains, lag peine, less Of pep and asteray. owsHma-. uiti tea B-wks Ue eysa, lua a ili is mm dlssiaaas. Uen't wahl Ask yasjr draetUt fee Doss's -xii. . i,,, gorilla, assa; nufssafanr bf -slUiaws fee over f years. Poaa'a give Kaopy reMef ae4 wd belp bsr IS asOas s asiaer w as mmmH mm a I hi aeaa waata im v Matel Mauwr Iuhih. rm oasesk ves maae. a fUlM, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Woodman, Mr. and Mrs. Eld on Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Torn Keller and Richard, Mr. and Mra, Sydney Hanson and Alvin, Mrs. John Calavan, Mrs. Hoy WoodhuU, Virginia Bradart, Roy; Black and Elmo, Mr. and Mrs, Dornhecker and Bob. WOMEN HEW HARD JEFFERSON, Feb.; 14 -(Special)- Six ladles were out to Had Cross sewing Tuesday in the city ball and completed three pajama sulU, 14 wheel chair cushion covers and 2t utility bags. The brightest US lighthouse In. peacetime was at Navesink, NV, with 9,000,000 candlepower. Foretfm Give Three Degree STAYTON. Feb, 14 -(SpecUl)-Twenty-five new members were Initiated In the three degrees of the Catholic Order of Foresters for the Visitation Court No. 1113 of Verboort, Ore., February 10. Conferring was conducted by the Sublimity Catholic Forester de cree team under the direction of Stake chief ranger, Michael Bene dict and L. M. Doerfler. A 7:30 banquet was served to over 200 by women of the Verboort parish. Among those speaking at the ban quet were Very Rev. Father Neu- gebauer, Rev. Father Saul of Roy, state chief ranger, Michael Bene dict, past state chief ranger, John Deserter, state aecretary, Edward J. Bell. BOY TO DOCTOB PIONEER, Feb. 14 -(Special ) Mra. Andrew The Us took her son Wayne to Salem to a specialist Wayne had been having severe ear trouble, but is greatly im proved st this time. WCTU REMEMBERS TURNER The Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union met at the Christian church Wednesday afternoon for a program and tea in memory of Frances Willard. Linn Republicans Expect One Content ALBANY, Feb. 14r-(Special)-At least one contest Is expected in the coming primary election. This is for office of district attorney, Melvin Goode filed his candidacy with the aecretary of state for the nomination to this office this week. Present Incumbent Is Har low Weinrick, who has Indicated he will be a candidate for re-election. Goode, a resident of Albany tor ten years, was recently dischar ged from tbe army after 28 months duty. Previous to enter ing the service be had a law of fice with Attorney Edward Sos of Albany. Since his return to Al bany he has opened a separate of fice. Both Good and Weinrick art republicans. FCKXOUOU OVER PIONEER. Feb. 14 -(Special )- Wayne Searl left Sunday morn ing for Colorado after apending a two week furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searl and hia brother Gary. In the hands of the Indians of Draxil the blow-gun is a deadly weapon. They can kill birds with it at a distance of 200 yards. Customert at Safeway enjoy making their lelectloiis from a wide r ' . ' " ; i - i ; " 'l.l tlr3 assortment of quality foods. On every shelf, in every section of I" I I ; j ; ' -- " " ! J !: V I ... ,lVrtiUv the store, there's a DromiM of rood eotni a oromise that's - v J ' 11 lsAHab .j V . . . . . t i w f e . . WBSf Pdjno!Jyo Socp Perfect Toilet Regular fe ! Soap Bar 9 Pwciie Hrjf sJzancu fiy Pcscxie RwSptiTjltO fcstat Iklsfci 1-D.pige2(r tertdivoXttL 1V.-B;pig.J0 Vheat Cered, COTeClIen 23p Shrcdiwd VhMIilsco pig. He Customers at Safeway enjoy making their selections from a wide assortment of quality foods. On every shelf, in every section of the store, there's a prorniw ol good eating promise that's -backed by Safeway'a famous money-back ruarantee. Important too, is the fact that you can buy these fine foods at everyday low prices, A few minutes spent comparing values at Safeway will show you the easy way to inexpensive, yet delicious meals. I ' Two Distinctive Heals ivitb Lou-Cost Heats I Lux TfcHs Soea 3bor,20e Sweet Smelting Mild Soap Um srasuttwl rdea 3-Dii3.13c Sj):;hwfH M:cercni Kitchen lkzzz ScCrccktrsmpigaM1 lldlrrax $i5lS, 5CD Sheets 55c far fine gravies t CIGARETTES Cornels, Chesterfields Lucky Strike, Oid Gold ! pigs. !6C Corton 54 4)A of 10 ,w $.O.S.Sccni.Pi$ft1JSar!0f Tcb:cco aISSt D.ca77 jcti-wcn Cherry & Rospberry PKG.5 DEEF POT ROAST Rich in I lovor ond very tender Arn or Blade cut A U. e, S Many of bi moat appealing menu are planned around inexpensive cuts of meat. Here are two of my beat-liked dinnera thai are sure to bring you compliments front guests, or family. OLD.ASH.0NID iOHED DIN NIX Don'f forget this old favorite for a wintry day Even tht moi discriminating eaters go for it. I like to serve tt with hot corn bread or cornmeai muffins and m frosted apple dumpling for des sert. I always pass soms of the "pot liquor and a bowi of mustard-horse-radish sauce. To serve 6, simmer 4 or 5 pounds of boiling beef (choose abort ribs, brisket, plate or chuck for this) in a large kettle for 3 or 4 hours or until tender. About H hour before aerring time place on top of the txvaat 0 medMun-aized peeled potatoes, carrots, white turnips, onions, cabbage wedges and pare anipa. Sprinkle lightly with salt and eove tightly. Simmer until vegetables are done. Arrange attractively on a large plattei around the meat, keeping ail of one kind of vegetable together. fOT ROAST WITH RICH VIOnAIU ORAVY Here's gravy thafs realty something, For m Sunday dinner I like to serve pot roast and gravy and accompany it svith fluffy masked potatoes, broccoli with Umon butter, grapefruit and avocado salad with French dressing, whole wheat biscuits and lemon chiffon pic. Brown m 4 or 5 pound pot roast in hot abort' ening In large kettle, turning often. (I usually select one of the chuck roast or sv rump roast to pot roast.) Add X to 2 cups water or tomato juice. Put 3 or 4 cut-up tope and outside stalks of celery, a peeled potato, m carrot, sx large onion, come leaves of cabbage, psu-alry and any left-over vega UUea you have en hand In the kettle with the pot toast. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover tightly and ausuner aiowfy several boon or until meat is tender, adding mere liquid if naceaeary. When done, remove meat and prcaa vegetables through colander along rim the liquid. Season the vegetable gravy to taste with salt and pepper, a few drops of .Woreeetersbire or gravy eauce. I find the maahed vegetables thicken the gravy suffi ciently. But if you like thicker gravy, the It may be thkkened with flour and water. Director The Homemakers Bureau eiefer Stj StrWte oroi wx r.03 ma COFFEE Rich, full bodied L J lb. bog 13 -1-tb. bog 4J Dose Peanut Batter, lb. jar 23' Peanut Bntter 25' & g?Ui MYAY COFFEE Ground when you buy it! lb. bog 20 S-tb. bog 5Qc Sunhritc ' CLEANSER Removes greose like Mag'- Corn 10 T CORN Cream style Golden Bontom CosjRtry Heene er Del Mente No. 2 con isle Grocn Boons Sontiom Cut IMo. 2 Con Spinach Emerald Boy 17' 17' CKtert3(TeaB',pr36 Tree Tea BLACK bstat Coffee .39 Bees tTL 20 l2ce,Etene 2-&.Fir.l9 Fu-ts, Wtd 17 ft 49 Prca I!x303 Izr 14 e McohlbeiyicaM1 Pern VO Veoeteble "0 CecMe.l Oece Helves Pess Cardeenicss Seartdord 451. ca 31' lb. J cet 11 CLAPP'S DADY FOOD i Urge Voriety (Stroined) Tin i i i Fresh produce. features are for Fri. and Sat. only Ccilavos Ripened Reody to eat Oranges, w Novel GlXtpeiTUit Afirona White Lomoair lb. 350 i 549 ik 5c 5 lb. 58c 144 s and larter APPLES Combination pock extra foncy fancy ond C grade Winesapa tj ar . lb, sH.JL(; NO.,1 NeftW POTATOES g- 100 19-lba. Itvak. $3.69 4Ze CcnTOts tp to py ior PcXTSXllplr Loco1 Crop Onion ylow Donvers Celery, Rc-i yontY BrOCCOli rth 0fn bunchet lb. I. 6Vtc 7c t iw.20c 18c T Lrnebcn Lc:tcs 34 Assorted Type 3 Shoulder LAMB ROAST Tender, mrtrrtou Squors cut bone m e Grades AA&A. t.34 LAMB STEW Neck, breast ond shonk Grodes sQc AA&A lb. 1 Perk Rccst Round bone Shoulder Da-V Dr-e4 Loin Rib I WIS. livseJI end cut Dfse4r Cysee, Bulk I Via kbneMra GrtnrJ Beef Dccf S!:crtrUbs Leon ondlCrodes 4 Le Tender J A&B Ik. IU B.31 &.31' B.39 kit fM" C-l--vaa VSan a rss seSesesesrsI Sliced 45 Typel Fresh Doily Spied lr:ch:cnM::t b.49 texa Uzz lb.37 'AAsTOc'A'CCc ww K Cj.35 SSISISIiBIBSIeVW IfSW IIBIS1B i snejkers Iwreeu efYers e) uM leWlet ebevt foods fee parti ea. j -sasr va P.cd. Ccd. fHIeh stICtrgST If yesVre bkimej fee aearttvis)r redpe or If yev wewt folder sxi fea4e) feods to seev trlse Meeisls, srrHe rKe COOKINO fO A CSOWDT If yesre pUwisirig rhe feed for larfe sjcoup, write fee rhe free iWeaWlW CtMsllisa If) M eaaW fWa " ' -iiiji -"t. BaaaaaasaasBsaasSBsassaBBsassBaBSBSsBSBsaa ' 'f Mokw U of thli 5pckil l&jfc'V' Sofwoy Swrvlcei -wdTVl ' ' Teetlaig kitchena. large cooking li ftTfloSnA "ys. lww,wU-UairiedsUiTofhorneeon- SSSlOSSel J V?':v eeaiats-thafa The Ifomemakera' Bureau, maintained by Safeway U yWIVir kelp you with houaehold rjrobloma. 'lt)m Ti MMsis isj Tts tt est? ftf ftzt ctsty tt se..