Thm OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, February IS, 1946 PAGE SEVEN Amitie Club, Names Mrs. Sco field as New President MIDDLE GROVE, Feb. 14 Mrs. Willinm Kiufman and Mrs. Theodore Kujnzi, avistert by Miss Joyce Kumvi. entertained at the Kuenrt home Tuesday for mem bers and f ri nds oi the Amitie. club. Gucrts v.'t Mrs. Eurl Reed. Jr.. Mm. W. H. Scharf. Jr., Mn. Lewis I'atVrson, Mm. Leonard Hammer ard Mrs. Lester Dudley, the three latter were added to the memberbiD list. Annual elec tion of offiren placed as president Mrs. Roy Scofield; vice president, Mrs. John Wfkoff and secretary, Mr?. William Kaufman. The March meeting will be ; family night featuring covered diah dinner, in the school basement. Eatrrii Star Hold Annual District Meet SILVERTON, Feb. U-(Speeial) The annual district meeting of Ramona - chapter, Silverton and Chadwkk, EasUrn Star, was held at Silverton Tuesday night wftft Hatel Graham, grand worthy matron and Sylvan-West, grand worthy patron, present. . pf , Several' worthy matrons and patrons from neighboring chap ters attended the district meeting and were presented by Gertrude Bachman, worthy matron. Committees in charge of the evening' arrangements were dec orations, Mrs. R. A. Fish and Mrs. Wendell Heath; tables. Mrs E. A. Finlay, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester, Mrs. W. A. Woodworth, serving, Ber nice Larfen, Arlyw Johnson, Mrs. W. P. Scnrth, Mrs. C. II. Dicker son, Mrs. Dale Lamar, and Mrs. George Towe; toffee, Dale Lamar and J. E. Sloy. DRAGKRH IN VERNON L CLOVEHDALE, Feb. 14 -(Spe-citl)-Mr. and Mm. Sam Drager and girls, Karlecn and Margie, spent Sunday in Vernonia, where they were guets of his brother-in-law arid siaUr, Mr. and Mrs. WilUrd Ingermaixon. Society . ...Clubs Music The Home 4885 If Discharged From the army at Ft Lewis: Cel. Robert W. Price. WO N. Cot ton. St., Salem. Cpl. Lavrrne rredrJckson, OT5 Cen to' nt., Jialern. Pre Albert A. Smith. 25M Lee St.. Sa I m. T. Sth Gr. Arthur 3. Maden. 1730 N. Front ft.. Salem. pre Trsncis L. Koch. 2335 Laurel avc. Salem. T. Sth Cr. Clyuc A. Beatty. 2397 -ir 1 UnH rA . Salem. Cpl. Leroy I- Charticr. 713 Patter son ft.. Salem, pre George W. Bent, 1840 N. 5th St., T. Sth Cr. Neal t. FWher, 458 8. Hlch St.. Salem. T. 3rd Cr. Robert 8. Baker. SJS N Cottage t., Salem. Kit. Robert Ladd. route 4. box 132, Salem . St. Basil M. Rasiorfor. 135 S. 14th St.. Salem. T. Sth Cr. William DcVall, 059 J. Cottage St., Salem. Cpl. Crover C. Morrc, route 4. box 393. Sakrm. T. Sat Lloye W. Jons. SS N. 20th St.. Salem. Pre Vernon C. Lowery, 99 Evergreen ave., Salem. T. Sgt. Wayne H. Johnson. 1012 Sev enth st.. West Salem. - pre Thomas T. Foley, route 1, Al bany. - S. Set, Orville J. Olson,' 1040 Mult nomah St., Albany. St. EuKene 1. Crocker, rout 2, Al- PFC Benjamin A. Wooldbrldfie. lath and Thurston ts., Albany, T. Sth Gr. Lawrence Martin, 227 W. 4th St.. Albany. T. 3rd Cr. Gordon W. Bragg, 040 C. Cth St.. Albany. 8. Sgt. Warren G. KiHinger, Aums vllle. Cpl Hugh W. Boyle, route 2. co Robert Cdvln, Aurora. Pre Stanley L. Ehlke, route 1. box 32. Brooks. T. Sth Gr. Fred A. Johnson, Canby. Pre Hugh W. Harper, PO box 301. Canby. Pvt. Gustsv A. Khindt, route 1, box 311. Canby. Cpl. Harold Halted, route 2. Cor vallis. T. 4th Gr. Richard G. McReynokls, 212 N. 21st St.. Corvalhs. T. Sth Gr. Alvin Konick, 334 B. 7th St.. Corvallia. T. Sth Gr. Clarence D. Lowe, route 2. box 2M-A. Dallas. . Pt C Kenneth D. Johnston. 400 Wash ington St., Dallas. St. Robert ft Hubert. 1101 Wash ington t . Dallas, T. Sth Or. Kenneth J. Brown, 513 Church St., Dallas. Catholic Daughters Hear WAC Veteran At Tuesday Session STAYTON, Feb. 14-(Special ) The regular meeting of the Stay Ion Court Queenof Peace, Catholic Daughters of America was held Tuesday at Stayton, with Virgie Bradley, local member, and re-f turned Women's army corps vet4 eran speaker. Agnes Frank, a member of the. army nurses corps was also introduced. Jennie Dozler was appointed convert league chairman, Cecilia Martz, chairman of the Junior council reported that a new troop of j Juniors is to be formed In April. Troop No. 2 and 3 will give a card party February 24 in Par ish hall and are planning a trip to the Sanctuary of the Sorrowful Mother Grotto in Portland this spring. The committee appointed for the Red Cross drive is Ann De- Jardin, Marie Shields, Othella Spaniel, Louise Parrish and Ger trude Deidrich. The social committee serving was Zelma Lulay, Clara Dozler, Marie Shields, Ida Wounns, Mary Zimmerman, Lillian Needer. Pau line Barkmeyer, Margaret Pietrok and Loretta Welter. Women Hear About Valentines Day PIONEER, Feb. 14-(Speclal)-Mrs. Eldon Johnson entertained the Pioneer Sewing club at her home Wednesday. A covered dish dinner was served during the noon hour with a beautiful Valentine decorated cake on the table. Mrg. Sydney Hanson, president of the group, held a short busi ness meeting and each member answered roll call with some in teresting item about Washington or Lincoln after which Mrs. Johnson gave a talk on Valentine day and each member was pre sented a Valentine. Those present were Mrs. Archie Brown, Mrs. Roy Woodman, Mrs. Tom Keller, Mrs. Robert Kent, Mrs. Frank Sead, Mrs. Sydney Hanson, Mrs. Frank Dornhecker and Mrs. Johnson. MRS. BOOTH AWAY CLOVERDALE, Feb. 14- (Spe cial ) -Agnes Booth, county school superintendent, has been in Eu gene during the pant week, where she is attending school for future building preparedness. She plana to return to her home here Saturday. Amity- Sewing Club At Snyder Home AMITY, Feb. 14 - (Special) -Mrs. Delmar Snyder entertained the members of the Southskle Sewing club at her home Febru ary 7. The women sewed for the Red Cross. Hereafter the club will meet the first Thursday of each month. Mrs. Snyder served re freshments. Mrg. Ray Mitchell will be hostess in March. The East Side club were guests of Mrs. George C. Turner last week. A comforter was tied for the hostess. Mrs. Wesley Benji man will entertain in March. There are many mountains on islands in the South Seas thut never have been surveyed. 2k Keep Your Car In Shape Wt can now oiv you prompt itnrlce on any typ of rcconditloninc. Shrock Holor Co. 35 V. High rhone 1502 Plans for Juniors Are Outlined Court Capital City of the Catholic Daughters of America mt-t tit the Woman's clubhouse Wediiilay. Mrs. (iordoit H. ('of fry introduced Uie Rev. JrniH Kossler, OSH, of Mt. Aniftl, who spoke on ''Sacred fcrrtpturea." ; Mrs. J. D. While outlind plans for the Junior Daughters initiation. Member will assist with M-rving at the benefit card party February 22. A commit tee will aLo meit with the Knitfht of Columbus and awiU in sponsoring a dance for re 'lirned servi -e men and womi-n. Mrs. Mary E. Coffin poured t a t;ible centered with red tulips and lightel tapers. Today's Pallern A pietty apron, Pattern 48C3 ihhl'n in easy un pie to make! See the new round yoke, bow tied peek-a-boo pocket, em binxlety. SSee the diagram;, only I rii. in pattern, purls! Pattern 4885, in wnall (14-1), medium (18-20), uvne (40-42). Small (i.e 2 yards :J5 iiuh. S-nl TWENTY iVSTH ill c(n fur lilts pattt-tn to The OieK&n Slats min, Pattern Drpl , SsU rn, Oi, Print pamly SlK. NAME, AUURRSS, kltlK MMHIK. (ndrr vour ropy ct Anne Adams P.tinn hook for Tail and Wtnlcrl I iftrn rents more brtoK you Ihesa srnsrt stvk-s for thr I)'1 family I iu,k includrn pnnled instrucilons for. making; KKjHT accrsiwKf J hat, i bask, puplum, bedjMcktl. There were 218,440 miles of na tural gas pipelines and city mains throughout the US in 1945. Girl Reserves Elect Officers Two groups of Girl Reserve have announced new officers. Lending the Leslie seventh graders for a new term are: Helen Cadd, president; Joyce Wood, vice t president; Norma Jean Hamilton, secretary; Patsy Walters, treasurer; Marie Mar quarote, song leader; Berniece DeMotirie, inter-club council. Officers for Parrish ninth grade Olrl Rew-rve for the second seffiM'stir arej Eileen Russell, president; Peggy Kuhns, vice president; Penny Gilmer, secre tary; Jn Buell, treasurer; Bet ty Hook, song leaderi Valentine parties are arrang ed for Friday by two of the Girl Reserve units. The Leslie seventh grade group is having its party at the YWCA. The IMie eighth graders are to have their party at Marilyn Hall's home. The Chemawa Girl Re serves are giving a Valentine party Thursday. Mrs. Allen Wilcox is adviser for this group. Delegates listed to be at the mid-winter conference of Tri-Y in Eugene this weekend include: Annabclle Summers, Loyette Moppin, Marjorie Bartholomew, Georgia Ward, Janet Miller, Mary Elizabeth Reinhart, Lois Burris, Jean Hatfield, Donna Chat;iin, Pat Macnamara, Shir ley Kinn;,ns, Jean Madison, Pat Long, Alice Woodward, Hilda Fox, Beverly Kcnney, Deannie Lamb, Charlotte Alexander, Peggy Paxson, Catherine Moran, Donna Savage, Norma Jean Lotwen, Marilyn Hill, Luella Campbell, Mavis Eggens, Paul ine Miller, Verlain Walker, Betty White, Marjorie DeTour, Sally Cornelius, Berniece Ixham andS Betty Lou Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mc- Elhinny, sr. were hosts for a bridge dinner Thursday night at their Court street home in honor of their club. Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lidbeck were additional guests. Books Asked For Russia I English books for Russia to re place tho-e destroyed during the - war will be collected in Salem during the next two weeks by the Salem branch of the AAUW. This is a national project, pon sorcd by the American society for Russian Relief, Inc. The collection depot is at the Salem public library where book plates, which may be inscribed with the donor's name are avail- able. EneliKh and American books in goxl condition and by stand ard authors are desired. Sug gested authors welcomed are Scott, Shakespeare, Dickens, Milton, Hardy, Emerson, Haw thorne, Whitman, Melville, lngfcllow, Stevenson, Sinclair, Wells, Bret Hart and Jack Lon 1 don. Translations, wild west. Juv eniles, encyclopedias or text books me not desired. Lloyd Hockett, local chairman, states. English is now taught in ele mentary schools in the large cities in RuKsia and waiting lists at libraries for EnglUh books are from six to eight months Jung. That express YOUR OWN PERSONALITY 'Jh r-T-' I t. :-rP!rx I w M; vk v ' r-"'4 :rxmm krroi making a" "TCratcfctutefac-tjatoutdtj; V'Xr.S IZ'tiffl? Lb., 320 lf;, "J '2; ?,T- 7 ' ' ' I " 'I , A hat coupon with each Jar of IGAY&Z . II - ' fys ' ' 'A - " - DeLuxe Coffee. Enjoy this exceptional! nrr?5vri I W )WM, 'SMr - fo: 6 N LYJ s BUMS j) I . - "-V -J GBT THEM AT ICA. u mkli i mi ( ioa dSh -1 I 4 )! W I r Ohla f .was, JLW ICak Issss 1 r M M Cream Slyle Corn im Mnt You know (he quality of I Del Monte Products, always depend able. No. 2 160 . - - 12(5 IGA Ikand Golden Pumpkin makes the mont delicious) pies. I Elslnere Baby Whole Beets Small, tender beets for pickling or saladx. Hare everyday at IGA. 2 No. 2 OC ii cans T I New crop Thompson's Seedless Itaisins at the same low price every day. Halves Peaches vti vju Deliciausi ripe peaches in a good syrup. I Just the right sweetness for table use. l No. 2i can U I MM d- box Carton Straight wood that do not break when striking non-poisonous. ssaMssMBasBBsWss OAPv mm mm PkfcT. IGA Sugar Peas . ; Garden run peas, picked and packed at the - right time for real flavor. No. 2 can 140 I Swans Down is the perfect cake flour --get It at IGA every day at the same low price. KELLOGG'S CEREALS All Bran Lfe. 19c Corn Flakes ii..,.g. 9c Shredded Wheal Variety Pack Granulated Soap 27 C Snper Suds U(.,,f. 23c Palmolive Soap j t.r 20 C Drelt Granulated Soap ... Old Dutch Cleanser White Hose Bleach IGA Soap Grains u,. Pkg. 19c Bain Drops n Powder" ?4-os. pkg. 21c . Large 7 eans 15c i si. juc 23c Tasty Pak Peas j The same fine flavor that has made tasty pak a favorite with thousands. The price is always low at IGA. AJgL No. 2 can ..... L.....L & V p I I Green Beans iGA;ct A real fancy quality.-- tender and full of fresh f lavoi IG A stores feature these beans be cause they satisfy. 4ftu No. 2 can , AOy SUNKIST SALE ORANGES - - GRAPEFRUIT Fill the fruit bowl with these fine fruits. "Best for juice and ev ery use.' '--- ,m. Lee. 200 Size. Dozen vyuusraau WIMP Medium. 252 size, dozen SUNKIST DESSERT fn-fiT) n oryTriTrannnrrn MjilifMliiiyail SWEET POTATOES Small. 344 Size, Dozen 80 size, 6 for ...S-lb. 29c 9c 7c 35 c Oancho Vegetable Sonp Rancho Tenalo Sonp Ilnshroonj Pieces V Stems -- ean IGA Tonato Jnice Hunt's Tomato Jnice Hew West Apple Jnice Cilra Gold Orange Juice IGA Prune Juice r Hunt's Prune Plums Dennison's Peannt Butter Dennison's Peanut Butter Thompson's Seedless Raisins l ib. pkg. ssOC Italian Dried Prunes . 2-ib. Pkf. 31c Porter's Soy Sauce &-. bttle 19c French's Cream Mustard jar 8 c II'j-m. ran It' j-w. can 4-z. eaa t Z . Z cans i 21c St-es. bottle 27 c .. .lZ-s. ean 14c Qt. bottle 25C. N. 2 can 18C 1-lb. Jar 31C 2 -lb. Jar 57 c CAB SSStal f?BAtV r I r w r r bn aBB . vmww AfA vlFFJr USB... nnr.iouR VITA10X 2 Tabi spoons of Vitaox mokes one pint qravtj fs-prsAi m VAII CAIIP'S BEAIIS (with tomato sauce) The same good quality that you always enjoyed in Van Camp's f fgL 12-oz. can sBsUv Dennison's Chili Con Carne, 23c No. 1 can Enjoy real Mexican style chili, by serving Dennison's. The same low price every day at IGA. Hormel's Spam 12-oz. ean No. 1 34 c Krueger's Kash & Karry About 1 Mile East of State Hospital East Center at 40th Street Plenty of Parking Space Conan Spaghetti & Mushrooms jt; 21 C Calumet Baking Powder .. . l-lb. ean 17c Krispy Soda Crackers t-ib. Pkf. 31c Duff's Hoi Ilnlfin Ilix 14-os. pkg. saWV Powdered Sugar ... 8 c Brown Sugar l I-lb. carton 8c RALSTON CEREAL Quick or Kegular. j 12-oz, Pkg. Shredded Balston Ilite Size 12-oz. I'kir. 120 Berg's Grocery 1701 Center Street Corner of 17th Lemmon's Ilarket Ample Parking Space 598 Ho. Commercial Street Stale Street Market -In the Heart of the City" 1230 State Street Ilodel Food Ilarket 275 No. High Street V ! , Free Parking Lot Carter's Market 17th and Ilarket Streets Ifs Easy to Park at Carter's THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE AT Independence Food Market A Complete Food Store INDEPENDENCE, OBEGOII 7