PAGE SIXTEEN Th OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon. Friday Morning. February 15. 1946 BACK FROM SOUTH , JEFFERSON, Feb. 14 -(Spe-rial)- Mr. and Mrs. Karl Steiwer returned Saturday from a three months stay at Pilm Springs and Indio, Calif. Love's Treasure Make her proud and hippy with the perfect fift f love, a Keepsake. Keepsalte. DIAMOND UNO Guests Dine At Memorial Home, Turner TUnNER A birthday and Valentine party was held at Tur ner Memorial home Wednesday afternoon with a buffet dinner at 1 o'clock. Those having birth days in the first four months of this year were honor guests. They were Mrs. Inez Carton. Mrs. Pear! Lanktree, Mrs. Margaret Orr, H. R. Leep, Mrs. N. J. Rea soner, Mr. Marie Moore and Mrs. May Griffin. A special table was arranged for honor guests and a ' huge birthday cake was. used as a center decoration. Valentine fav ors and decorations were used. After the meal a queen and her assistant v ere chosen. They were Mrs. Alda Ritz and Mrs. George Kellems who were robed and distributed Valentines. During the afternoon a gift was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leep who are leaving Turner soon to make their home in Salem. Mr. Leep has been a trustee for ten years of Turner Memorial home until AtTMOmfD MtrSAKE DFAtfH Washing Machine Service Complete stock Maytag fac tory replacement parts now on hand. Reasonable quick service on Maytag, Easy and other makes of washing machines. Register new for post-war home appliance needs. Hogg Bros 26a KUte Kt. Ih. sH! be resigned In January 1945. t Those present Were B, L. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kellems, Mrs. Alda Ritz, Mrs. ; Tearl j Lanktree, George Good, Miss Nadine Ellis, Mrs. Marie Moore, Mr.l and Mrs. N. J. Reasoner of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Leep, Mrs. Mar garet Orr, ' Mrs J Amanda- Davis, Mrs. I' Dora Downs. Mrs. Sara Church, Elmer Underwood, MrsJ Annie Windom, Mrs. Inez Caron,' Mr. and Mrs. W; H. Griffin and the host and hostesses Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Gilstrap and Miss Eve lyn Brock, the bouse mother. Honor Roll panics Announced By Jefferson School JEFFERSON, (Feb. U .-(Special) j Honor roll students for the third six weeks this semester are as . follows: Freshmen, Janie Uutchings, Mary Knieling, Patsy LaRowe, Alvinjj Rolleri Yvonne Roseneau. Kathryn Spccht, Mar garet Swanzy, Darlcne Winn. Sophomores, Betty Diercks, Shir ley Gilkey, Loraine Proljop, Ijhyl lis Young.' Joy and June teller and Vernita Struckmeicr. Juniors, Shirley Jorgenson, Paul Specht, Betty Herrington, Jcancane Chris tenson.. Seniors, Frederick Ander son, Mary Jo Baxter, Don Cole, Ella Mae Cole, La Von Kelly, Al vina Knieling, Florence Ricks, Iona Rothrock, Luella j Sheffield and Vera Gliiser, j WOMEN MEET j . ! AMITY, Feb. I4-(Special-)The Woman's Civic club will meet in the ladies, parlor of the M. E. church, February 19, 2 p. m. Mrs. Edwin Morse is chairman of the hostess committee. The Home Ex tension department of the county will send a guest' speaker for the afternoon. Members may bring guests. . : : Erickson New WU Grid Boss Start the Mew Year ft OG KIT With Mo me (Delivery of I DO UVLJ Resolve now to save yourself the work and bother of "hit and miss" milk pur chases. With Mayflower's regular every-other-day delivery. It's easier to plan and easier to keep an even supply. And of course, youH always have Mayflower's fine quality and fresh flavor. -'"i I , "Z00 K m 1 i I ! My- 't,y ' lr Xl flewer;. deUverymsn i . -XLrf?-' ' will see that yea ' V '' " : set : EeseUr DUv- pi V, Board Names Former '(it Star to Post (Continued from sports page) collegiate footballing from 1929 to 1933. ; In addition to winning the unusual honor of being named all -North west conference back, every one of his four years of participation, Erickson in his sophomore year became the firt Bearcat athlete to receive the All American football board's Card of Merit. And the following year he became the first Willamette player to receive mention on-the Alt-Coast all star football team. Erickaon's feats on the gridiron and his energetic participation, in student activities while at Wil lamette earned him membership in the Blue Key national honor ary fraternity, and 4he Booth Athletic trophy, a cup awarded annually to the senior who, in addition to maintaining hijgh scholarship standing, has exerted a fine moral Influence and has achieved the highest standing in athletics. His active part in stu dent affairs was climaxed by his election as Willamette university student body president in his senior year. Immediately upon his gradua tion from Willamette in 1933 Erickson was appointed head coach at Camas high school in Washington. During his six year tenure at Camas, Erickson led the Papermakers from the grid- iron doldrums to a position , ax one of the high ranking medium sized high schools in Washington In his second year Walt led his gridmen to tfeeir first win again! the powerful Vancouver Trap pers in 22 years, and their first victory over the equally potent Kelso high school in 14 years, feats which he was to duplicate twice again during the remain ing four years he coached at Camas. Erickson's all-time coaching record at the Washington school listt 40 victories against only 10 losses 'and two games tied. Two of his -wins were at the expense of the perennially strong Salem high school Vikings, one of them coming in 1937, the year the Sa lem school was co-champion, of Oregon. In addition to handling football at Camas, Walt coached baseball for five years and bas ketball for four years, during one of which his hoop squad brought home the first southwest Washington conference champion ship in its history. In 1939 Erickson yielded to the inclination to enter the field of administration in college educa tional work and resigned at Cam as to accept the position of dean of freshmen at Willamette1, an office he has held for the past six years. Lestle J. Sparks, professor of physical education, who held the position of acting director of ath letics during the two and a half years that Spec Keene was on leave of absence with the navy, and then shouldered the load of directing the destinies of the Bearcat hoop team this winter following the, latter's resignation, will continue as head of aca demic work In the department of Dhvaical education at the uni versity. A Shower Given by'. Junior Women SILVERTON, Feb. 14-(Spc-cial)-Mrs. Emanuel Kellerhals, jr., and Mrs. Pat Grogan were honored at a Rhower Tuesday night w.hcn the Junior Women's club met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Kaser. Assisting were Mrs. Melvin Kaser and Mrs. Cal vin Kaser, During a brief business meet ing plans were arranged for the club's food sale Saturday, Febru ary 16, at the Sprouse-Ritz store. The group will meet February 26 at the home of Mrs. Larry Ernst Old Friends at Bradley Home In Aumsville AUMSVILL.E, Feb. 14-(Special) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clayton of Portland were Sunday visitors at the A. E. Bradley home. Mr. Clayton and Mrs. Bradley were childhood neighbors in Kentucky. Mrs. Alice Newby, living with Mrs. Lula Fu.son, enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watters of Nebraska. Mrs. Watters is a niece. Also, Mrs. Sarah Hoffnell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pearson, and daughters Doris and Marjlin, all of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Fowl er and Fred of North Santiam This was the first family gather ing of years. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sims were also afternoon visitors. Donald Bailey Services Set SILVERTON, Feb. 14-(Special) Memorial services for Donald Eu gene Bailey, 20, will be held from the new Legion hall Sunday, Feb ruary 17, at .2 p., m. with plans for the program under direction of an American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars committee. , Bailey had been reported miss ing 15 months ago and was recent ly reported officially dead. Survivors are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bailey, three sk iers and ' tyrce brothers, Lucia Rider, Akron, Colo.; Mary Leitch, Portland; Joyce Bailey at home; Randall Bailey, aeronautics in Hawaii; Bruce Bailey, T-Sgt., dis charged, and Dale Bailey at home. The public is Invited to attend the memorial services. workinf on their prinf health posters. Absent from the Intermediate grades this past week were Arlyn Lee, Ronakf Nelson, Zva McDotj ; gal t.rxi Barbara Harris. A lew pupil in the fifth .grade Is Hobtrta Hickman. Mother Meet at (Jul Session SWEGI.E, Feb. 14 -(Special) Mothers of the members of 4-H sewing club No. II were enter tained at the 4-H meeting at the schoolhouse Tuesday. The Cub Scouts met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Glenn Utter back, combining 4-H cooking I. The cubs are proud of the new uniforms they are gradually ac quiring. All 4-H health clubs are now FEIITIL! Gardens, Shrubs and Lawns I " Packed In i-5-10-25-50-100 lh. Sa. ks For Sale At BUSICK'S IIARIOII ST. I2KT. We. Give S&H Green Stamps Phone 7962 Tree Deliveries At your Store or at your Door! Visitors are ah my s welcome at the Mayflower plant mm msmsim w;i Hayesville Friends Celebrate Birthday HAYESVILLE. Feb. 14 -(Spe cial) -A group of friends surprised Mrs. Lyle Carrow Friday night on her birthday. The group in cluded Mrs. Paul Fuhrer, Mrs. Alpha West, Mrs. Evelyn Paslay, Mrs. Ruth Robertson, Mrs. Anna Wulfemeyer, Mrs. Isobel Slattum, Mrs. Delma Nystruzn, Mrs. Ger trude Baltzer, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Cyametzkl from Gardens, N. D., Mrs. Mary Karsten, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Savage and son Jim. EETURN HOME AMITY, Feb. 14-(Special) -Del-mar Snyder returned Saturday from a business trip to eastern Oregon. His nephew, Lonnie Christensen, accompanied him on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Munkers have returned from a trip to Los Angels, Calif., where they visited their daughter and family. v MARVENB SUDS.,, moires seep a "back -number" No soap film to dull and heavy-up AS "flimsies snd :f4iZ' nylons. xfAftljtXt rs K 'f i i I i Slim H Phone 7962 Phone 9176 mm FMIffi mms, ON OiUQS OIF $2.00 OH SOT MOHIE 'V Stale Sired and joulh lo city linili, our free delivery schedule as follows: Monday, Wedniday and Friday. Orders nasi be in by 12:00 noon. North ei Siale Sireei wilhin cily liniis, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, orders nasi be in by 12 noon. Snbnrban south, Wednesday calf, orders in by 12 noon. Snbnrban north and eas! Thsrtday caly, orders in by 12 noon. West Salen and Kingwood Els., Ilcnday and Friday, orders mnsl be in by &C3 A.IL mo Lociraons IIARIOII AIID COiniEBCIAL STREETS couht Aim comociAL stoeets OH FOB FREE DELIVERY 011 OEOEBS OF $1C3 OB IIOEE ARMOUR'S STAR PURE PORK LINK SAUSAGE SAUSAGE ROLLS SKINLESS WIENERS BUY THE BEST --BE SURE 2 PICTSWEET FROZEN FOODS c ASPARAGUS BROCOLU BRUSSEL SPROUTS CAULIFLOWER CORN GREEN BEANS GREEN PEAS MIXED VEGETABLES PEAS & CARROTS SPINACH SQUASH DICED CARROTS WAX BEANS mm Wffl 213S Fairgrounds Road Salem Phone 920$