If PAGE FOURTEEN THt OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Orcaon, Friday Morning, ftbruary 15; 1946 Additional Classified Adi on Page! 3 For Sale MirHlaneoii Ready Mix TAJO SAND "CONCRETE MIX RIVI.R MIT AND MIX DIHT Ail. KINDS Or GRAVEL Commercial Saiul iiml ( ravel Co. 2-tC3 - 2-3100 REBUILT Tall nan's arid S P U-,"ot AM. Metal clothe 'Manners. YEATKlR APPLIANCE CO. I5IJ N LIBERTY V. E buy and sell furniture, louts stoves, d. sties, mot-is. radio, Electric spnlianeev household roods - Kl lfi MAN S 25 N Commercial Ph 9885 Vl.AsTlLICHTS t'omplrl with bat. t.rie. j- yeatfr appliance co. . 255 N. LIBERTY WanletJ Miaeelianeout WANT to buy rr rent a very small! p no. Piorie 2-1088 after 2 p.m. WANT1 an elec washing machine In good condition. Wi'ite A. C. Jacobson. WO Taylor t. "MACHINE Lath. PH. IITSI before 2. WANTED: S-hotse single phase else, rrotor or hmkrd up with (food pump. Harmburf. Rt. 2. Ph. 12F4. John Kropf. STEVf Ijwn mowers machine (round, law filing and gumming. Rlarkmi1h work. All work guaranteed Pit k -up it deliv eries. Pnone 803. ELECTRIC range. Ph. 2032 or call at tnt s. Front. ir YOU WANT to sell vour funil tutf. Phone Lambert. .U4. DISHES over 23 yrs. old. Upstairs Antique Shop. 41 Court. Ph. WTnTED: PIANO Will pay cash Wills Muitic Store. 422 Stale St. WANT TO Buy, Ued cameras J, tenses McEv'.an Photo Shop. 433 fcUle CASH for your used furnitute. Ph btate St yurntture, 1800 State CASH for used piano to other mu sical instruments Call 4441 days or S37 evening or tend description to Jaqutth Music Co- 11 S H'gh. " USED fr"NlTUHi: Ph 9133. IE YOU nave furniture to sell m Ruts Bright Ph 7511 433 Court AUTO painting, Just a shade better, ty Rav KTTER. Call Shiock Motor Co 6C2 .Miscellaneous HEAVY Hauling:. Excavation and Road Building. Land Clearing, Doer Wcifk I). tching. Basement Extavatmn Sand. Oravel, Crushed Rock, Mason rd. Concrete Mm. Cement Salem Sand & Gravel Co. 140 N rront St Salrm Oiernn Phone 940S or 71124 Dental Plate Repair TWO HOUR SERVICE IN "MOST CA5EH Burg or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HAKHY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpr Bldg State to Com Ph 231 1 Im estimate Diepel ' on the ion training. Special offer for Vets of World War II. Write for psr lcutr without obligation to TRAC TOR TRAINING SERVICE. 408 Pana res Bldg., Poitland 4. Oregon. MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked TJc LES SPRINGER. 4C4 Court St . Money to Loan Personal Finance Co. Makes Loans for liounr and car repairs, doctor and (Icnllut bills, oi to buy auton, ftirnituie. Iiventork. 17 27 a month iepas 1100 loan in full in II months Ijians made on livestock, alary, furniture or auto to far tnrm. office etnplorcs. factory oiliei'r skilled and unskilled t'onie" in. wrjfe or plione. Service is ptiva'.e and piompt. PerwHial Finance Co. 'Lie. S-122. M-1631 511 State St . Room 123 PI' 3l r oallinger. Mgr. Auto Loam Willamette Credit Co. ITII rtOOR CITARDIAN RUILOING LICENSE N M 119 f AKM and CITY LOANS 4','i and 4 Your on tern of repayment with in iraion f'afh for Real Estate Con ti art' and Second Mortgages. ' APITOL Srct'llITIES CO. 7 Pioneer Tiust Bldg Phone 7(62 PRIVATE MONEY to loan on 1st riitgge. Box 3!, co Statesman. I'll Pianos. Ie new Simp mvc 31i S 12th. neai DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 A caetA 6 Wire re. ceptaclcs Beat - 10 Delicate openwork fabric 11 A sadikr ravitv Anal l 12 Lineage 14 Forotle contact 15 Apportion 17 Enemy scout IS L'ncircs'?) hi'Jeof a CO 20 Erbium fsvin i 21 fca by nouth tabbr t 22 A small openlnE f Anat.l 23 Rowing; irnplemenl 24 Spaiwn of fish 27. Earners of artillery shellfire SO. Greek letter 32. Col J (Her.) 33. Yearning 34. Obtained 33. Equipment 35. Bear 40. Not, hollow 42. rartitlcB 43 Flare 44. Emmet 4. FU with olemn uonder 44 MckdO'A'8 IKJWN Kall- auddcnly Rapacious person Mountain of Thergaly English novelist While llntn vestm-nt lEccI Mutilate Measure of land Kind of icf Cold north wind (8 Ft 13. 13. 19 22 22 ft. 24 25 2" 2S 29 0 Money lo Loan you receive individual con sideration WHEN YOU APPLY TO General finance Corp. TOR Quick Cash Loans i Locally owned and operated. ere ! familiar with all local needs and con ( (iitions and lend on any reasonable security Up lo 12 mos to repay I'll 9118 136 S. Commercial St ! State Lie IS-138. M-338) Auto And Truck Loans Contracts Refinanced Money for new and used cara Of 'trucks regardless of are. No delay bnnc car and title and get the money You retain possession of vehicle, t to 15 months to repay. After 8 o'clock phono 21143 (oi appointment ROY II. SIMMONS Regulated by state PRIVATE MONEY lit Co"VI St Phono 3183 $ $ MONEY $ $ We make all types of personal loan including furniture, not and car loans, for any worth while cause W also make real estate loans and buy real etate contracts. For quick and effi cient service see or phono STATE FINANCE CO. Phone 4121. IS) . fDrh. Salem Lie. S 2li-M 223 For Rent Rooms ROOM for rent. No drlnkl!ng. Ph. 481S. 1 Housekeeping rm. 130. space for trailer house, lighU. bath. Ph. 8048. For Rent Apartments ELDERLY man converting room to comfortable apartment. Use of mod ern kitchen, refrigerator, washer, tubs, lines in basement. 24-lwmr heat, lite, hot water. Unencumbered employed women only. Write Box 387, eo States man. For Rent FIXX)R Sander for rent. Marshall Well Store, Phone 6877. FLOOR SANDER for rent- Mont gomcry Ward. GOOD Used Piano H L. Stilt TRAILERS for rent 0c per kr Woodry's MkL. 1603 N Summer. D-7 CATERPILLAR tractor, dozer. It cleaning blade for rent. Piione 8030 TRUCKS for rent. You drive Me Cune Si Lovell Phone 8000. Wanted lo Rent EX-ARMY officer and wife wish fur nished apt. or house. Call Mis. Wah- nir at 8188 or W3. COUPLE wants small furnished apt. or house. No pelt or children. Per manent. Phone 38K3. LANDLORD sells, says vacate. Busi ness man tritmt find 3 to S rm. unfur nished living quarters to rent earliest tune possible. 2 adulls, no children. Ik t of care. Prefer lease. Phone 4917. BUSINESSMAN and wife need mod ern furnished apartment on smalt home. 'Permanent. No smokers or drinkers. Phone 4340. VETERAN & wife in need of apart ment. No children, no pcU. Both work ing. Long tune Salem residents. Call 7230. i BUSINESS man. returned veteran, wife and daughter, must have house before March 1st. Ph. Mrs. Hartwell. 8588 or 7972. URGENT: Business man St wife best references want 1 or 2 B R. fur nished or unfurnished house or apart ment. Phone 8910. VETERAN Sc wife urgently need fur nished house or apt. in or near Sa lem. Would lease permanent. Phone 2-1680. WANT small houe or apt., furnished or unfurmHied. elderly lady alone. Consider buying small house. 1933 Broadway. Phone 2-1974. WANT to rent furnished small house or apt. Government employe St wife. No children or pets. Phone &7M. REWARD for Information leading to rental of partly turn, house or apt. Phone 5-119. REFINED "middle aged business couple desire small furn. apt. or light housekeeping rooms. Ref. Box .1)1.1 Statesman or Ph. 4151., Room 327, after 8 P.M. VETERAN and wife urgently need apt. or Iioukc. Phone 31138. URGENTLY Needed - FurnisliecTor unfurnished house or apt. Hy veteran, wife knd I yr. baby. Permanent. Will give refeience. Ph. 7824. For Sale Real Estate BY OWNER: I-ot 50x100. Street Im provements pd. Sewerage connection in alley. Near school it store, on bus line. Pliorie 4818. Queen of heaven (Cr. Relit;.) Metal Continuing, from year to year fBot.) Distant Diglref signal Tellurium iaym.t Coordinating conjunction Fsn A small sret Turn to the right Bog Yesterday' Aaswar 31 Shoshonean Indians 34" A droplike marking Below fntut t 37 Cereal grain 39 Prepared 41 Cod of the underworld VPy r" 7" T 4 s b 77s, ryr 22 WZ mim wwrm For Sale Real Estate f SEVERIN REALTY OFFERS 1 102 ACRES BO ACRES IN CULTIVATION AND ;-. ALL IN CHOP. BAL. PASTURE AND TIMBER. GOOD 2-BEDROOM f HOUSE. LARGE BARN, CHICKEN i MOUSE. HOG HOUSE, MACHINE SHED. HOUSE AND BLDG3. IN EX ; CELLENT SHAPE AND REPAIR, i YEAR 'ROUND LIVE STREAM. ON i PAVEMENT, i' 4 MILE TO SCHOOL. S : $12,330 I : ; ; ' : ! EXTRA SPECIAL! 3J 'ACRES WlLLAMaTITE SILT, AIX t IN CULTIVATION. DANDY 2-BED-i ROOM HOUSE, BARN FOR 19 COWS. ; INDIVIDNAL DRINKING CUPS, Mc ; CORMICK-DEERING MILKING MA : CHINE. 12 COWS. 145 LAYING HENS, CHICKEN HOUSE, HOG p HOUSE YES, IT'S TRUE FULL PRICE ONLY IfliOO . CALL MR. FOOS EVE. PHONE 7877 SEVERIN REALTY CO. f 212 N. HiKh St. Telepli NDATU aiara-u nnuv ' Modem 9 rm: hotne with full baae ment. sawdust heat, hwd. floors and fireplace. Home In excellent condition. Nice yard and ' rhrubs. Price 9M. I Call Richard K. Grabenhorst with Grabenhorst Bros., nt-Ar 7vn 134; B. Liberty hi. Ph. 4131 ' HOUSE it 1 jou located at 2800 S. Summer St. Price 84O0O. i W. G. KRUEGER i 'I REALTOR 143 N. Commercial i : Phone 4728 ' 8700 LOT close Englewood school. 31030 ijot near Walnut Prk. f 31000Lot on Fairmount Hill, C. II. SANDERS 231 N. High - 3833 i NICE 3 bedroom home. Sunset Av enue, fireplaces Venetian blinds, hard wood floors, chicken house, nice yard nd shrubs. See Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. RfAl.TOBS Phone 4108 - After 87813 t- SPECIAL I Good, clean, large home located only 3 blks. out. 7 ifms. plus 3 room In basement and one finished In attic. Hardwood floors, fireplace, basement, furnace. Owner lives on main floor. 7 rm. rented.! Brings 8138 per mo. A REAL VALUE AT $18,000. f Call G. 1L Grabenhorst, Jr with ! IIuf Real Estate Co. I i REALTORS 134 S. t.lberty St. Ph. 4131 Eves. 3-2048 i SH.SOO NEW 1 rm. house, latest de sign, has elect, heat, hwd. floors, elect, fireplace, Venetian blind At drapes. The rooms are large and well arranged Utility room and garage attached. . Jck llenningsen State Finance Co. Realtors HOUSES FOR "SALEI ! 3 B R. North - SriAOO. 3 B K. North 45U0. I 3 B.n. t;i In on creek $5000 i 3 B R. Near Parrish school $5000. ; .1 B R. Eait. if, Acre 8.1500. C)t. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 VIEVOTS i Large rcenic lots In South and West Salem, city water. REAL VALUES at $600 and up. See t Coburn L. Grabenhorst with s Grabenhorst Bros. I REALTORS 1348. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 Eve 7772 EOR SALE by owner; 3-room house N. Sag St Grand street; Independence. sippiy i, n. toog. $3950 ' Newly refinished 1 bedroom home. Close to Silverton Rd.; 8053 Poitland I ', Ph! 21874 Harold W. Hcers $8230 NICE 3 bed rm. home north. Hardwood floors, with full basement. Furnace, garage, fruit and nuts. Ph. "Elmer ' Amuridson. , 3210 ; BURT PIOIA, "REALTORS i -yH'f f 3 BED Rooms, llv. rm., din. rm.. breakfast nook, full basement and fur nafe. 5 years old. Redecorated, in ex cellent condition. In first class dist. North. $SO0. 3363 Portland Rd. Ph. 3233 Eves 21413 j Sullivan Realty Co. VIEW IxriS en Cascade Drive over looking Salem W1 eaitl. Ph. "F.l tnel" Amundooh. : i 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 North High Street Notice to Veterans! Owner of nine well located lots 72 x 180. ft. will build your home up to 310.000 if you. buy lot. Priced at $430- $4100 i L JP?-??:.2?!. !: Hlg1'" 9838 3 Rldr. Lots N. $1395 See Mr. Grimm Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 101 8. High. j Ph. 3722; Eves. 7805 $MooUnfhifined V k n. "bouse." i A. South. $42303 bed rm. house, good condi tion. Vacant. Lge. lot NE. j $47504 bed rm. hse, )Ialf basement Lot 75x128. S. I i $43003 bed rm. hse. Under con Struct Ion. Keber Dirt. $83002 bed rm. hse. New. Lot 3x 148. N. E. $9500 2 bed rm. hse. Insulated. Ven etian blinds, auto. furn. NE. $10,0002 bed rms. down, 8 bed rm. Unfinished tip. Fireplace, lge. gar. On bus 'line, NE. Completely furnished. Abram & Ellis, Inc. 411! Masonic Bldg. U Phone 6133 :. j Insurance r Mtg. - - Loans ONLY $6,830. FOR QUICK SALE Cood location,; large liv, rm., dinette, kluiirn. Wired for range. 7 bed rms. Basement, furnace. Lot 47x137. Bus past door. See E. E. GRIMM Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 201 S. High 1 Ph. 3722 or 7803 Store Building North Pull price 83500.00. Corner. Excellent location on highway.- Large lot, new building 24x38. Could bo used for any type business. Terms. Better hurry on this one. See Jo Holmes with Mi 0. Humphreys & Co. Phone 7820 3035 Portland Road ' 80850- Modern f 2 B. RJ home. Eire place, basement, furnace, good loca tion, Call Ray Davis with Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS $70 S. COM L Ph3793 ilrjrjl Lot Rargain Near Hollywood. 100x150 ft. Paved si. Price onlv $100. C. 1L SANDERS. 231 N, High . $338 For Sale Real !late 3 BEDROOM HOME HOME WITH I00x2.ri0 FT. UJT. LIV ING AND DINING ROOM, MUSIC ROOM. KITCHEN AND BATH HARDWOOD FLOORS, FULL BASE MENT,' AUTO OIL FURNACE. NEW COM P. HOOF. CHOICE SMRIfHS, TREES AND FLOWERS. WHY LOOK FURTHER? - 17930 - POSSESSION WHEN INK IS DRY 2 BEDROOM HOUSE NORTH. LARGE LIVING HWJM WITH FIREPLACE. DJN- ' k-V"rl. 9f tt.a w . . . ... .... . ...... I r.ijr., r 1 1 F.n nnu MA I II. rul.l. BASEMENT. SAWDUST FURNACE FENCED BACK YARD: OUTSIDE FIREPLACE, FRUIT AD NUT 1 It EES . . . COMPARE AT - f8M - ione 9629 CAFE Well located to heavy trade In Salem. Modern fixtures, low rent. A good established income. Priced to self $5900.00. Easy term. 3 bed room home. One block from eenter of Hollywood. Wired for elec tric range. Triple garage, large cherry trees. A clean roy home with nice surroundings. Easy term. $.1750.00. Exclusive Listing Personal Service Lareen Home & Loan Co. 184 S. Com'! Rt. Phone 8389 EXTRA NICE 3 bedroom home, full baeement, fireplace and hardwood floor See Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins & Roberts, Inc. REALTORS Plione 4108 - - 4 After -781$ $5900. 3 bdrm home. Wee condition, cor ner lot. Close In town. 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 21874 Harold W. Heern GOOD modern home, 3 bdrms. hard wood fir., fireplace, automatic fur nace. Wired for range, electric wtr. heater. 88050. j R. A. Forkner, Realtor Phone 3031 1833 N. Capitol ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT $IJ.25 Ltv. tin., din. rm.. kitchen, 2 B. Rm. down, I up. llwd. firs., fireplace, furnace. About 3 yrs. old. Very nice. Call Omer Huff, Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Pli. 2-1731 Our Rest Ruy Today! 4 bdrm. hnm N l.lv. rm- din. rm . kit., nook Plastered. Clooe to bus and ! slot. Ejcrelletit local Kin N. $33HI. Phone Mr. Gaidnei" 3210 B1TRT PICHA, REALTORS 337 North High Street NICE SUBURBAN LOTS R. A. Forkncr, Realtor Phone 3031 1853 N. Capitol $6000-2 B. R. home 8. Llv. rm., din. nn.v kitchen, oil heat. Wired for range. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 2-1731 $35Q0 Cash Will Handle 5 Rm. Modern Home ; Desirable Location Living rm., Ig. dining rm., 3 bdrms. Kit, .wired for range Basement, fur nace.! trash burner, smalt bdrm. In basement. Fenced backyard. Lot 50x129. Full price 8200. See E. E. Grimm. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor MTSiklr Ph. 3722 or 7805 West Salem "Little Giant of Industry" EXCLUSIVE EAST CIIEMEKETA Attractive 2 BR. home, fine dis trict Comb. DR. and L.R.. kitchen, bath, basement, fireplace. . This one won't last long. .VKi. SALEM HOME AND APT. Large home on acre corner lot. River view, yet high above floods. Everything from basement St furnace to double plumbing. 2 fireplaces. Both floors wired for range. Apt. rrpt at $00. Went Salem Realty Co. 1 1233 EDGE WATER STREET Phone! - 3109 S-R. and 3-R. House on one lot, orfly 3 years old, full bath and electric hot water heater in both house. Retter Not Wait to See Thin If You Want . A Good Deal. Chas. Hudkins & Son 273 State Phone 494 IN ONE OF SALEM'S BETTER DISTRICTS 9 bed room home with fireplace, hardwood floors, full basement. Ga rage. Cood corner lot. Paved street. Price only $8000. See Leo N. Child, Inc. REALTORS 344 Slate St. Ph. 9281 Lot Nor, $350 l ullTviTi Paved street, city sewers, near bus and stores. See Joe Holmes with M. 0. Humphreys & Co. Phone 7820 3035 Portland Road I-OTS - -$500 00 Lot 95x103, N. E. Terms. $750.00 Lot 45x120. D street. . $775.00 Ut 50x124. N. In city. $800.00 Lot 82x100. N. in city. Abrams & Lllis, Inc. 411 Masonic Bldg. Phone 6155 Ixians Insurance Mlg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Good S rm. home, newly decorated. Large corner lot 90x90 ft. arage. Fair mount Hill district. Price $ti0O0. Coburn L. Grabenhorst with, Grabenhorst Bros.- REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St; Ph. 4131 Eves 7772 $37504 ROOMS, balli and utility room. $1000 down will handle Uiis place. Sullivan Realty Co. 33C3 Portland Rd. Ph. 3255 Eves 31413 $9373 MODERN 3 bed room home horth. Englewood DUt. Elec. water heater. Wired for range. Full bsrnt. Fireplace. Beautiful yard. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 133 S. High St. Phone 4121 For Sale Real Estate I LEE 0IIMART & FURNISHED BUNGALOW A 5 room lurnixlird liome, firr plrice, wired for rangr, elec. water heater, nice back yard. ComplctHy ' urniKlwcJ. including refer, and Ire range, located near Grade and 111 Sihool PAHK), 2 HOMES I LOT Very comfortable small homen. front one is only year old. has V. blind. elec. water heater and is wired for a I range. Let the rent from one pay fn both $7900. j SMALL SUP.URBAN HOME ! Has living-room, dining-room. 2 bedrooms and kitchen elec. water y- , tern. About 'i acre of very good soil, ) some fruit trees and heirien. A little woik will make thin a comfortable I home 829MI. ' PIIONE 9630 477 COURT ST EXCLUSIVE 4 UNIT COURT 821.000. Excellent location. Oil heat. elec. rrfi rators. elect lie stove and water heaters. Walking distance of town and tate lioue. Space or 2 moie unit Gaiage with each cotut. A fine opportunity for a steady income 10 UNIT COURT $12,000. Excellent bufnets opportunity with a very handsome Income C. In. $ units completely furniahed. All have electric, stoves and reft n .;.n , fire places 1 , tin n. bal. at i':v. Don't pas this up. SEE "IKE" RACON Ed Byrkit, Realtor 423 f 12th NELSON NEWS FARMS CHECK INCOME RECORDS 143 ac. in Polk county, 10 ac. tim ber, 82 ac. oats St vetch. $ ac. alfalfa, 20 ac, wheat, 8 ac. prune, 4 ac. tall fescue St subterranean - clover, good -well Sc spring, large plastered home wiin oaui. loiiei, eic. ngnis, sawuusi furn., 26x50 barn, dbl. garage, hog house, rnllk house: See our photo, graphs, planting plat St income rec ord on this" before you invest in large farm. VETERAN'S OPPORTUNITY Sure income St safe investment while deciding on future permanent activ ity, 4 rm, house, elc. lights, shower bath, barn, hen house, new elc. pump St plumbing, 1 sc. strawberries, ground ready for about 3 more acres tills spring, 8 ac. prunes, misccl. family 'or chard, some hay St grain, property fronts on 2 rds., 13 ac. ideal for divid ing into 2 small part-time .farms. Only $5000. See pictures, planting plat, etc. in our office. Furniture, farm equip ment,, laving hens available at low price to buyer of farm. LAND 20 acres good mixed farming land fall plowed, well drained, 3 ac. wood lot, only $160 per ac, 5 miles out. CITY HOMES NORTH I7TH ST. I.aree 1. H. with attractive fnlace. French doots, leading tu patio, step saving Kit., bdrm., bath, on I fir, sewing rm , extra large bdnn. 2nd fir., plasteied througbout, full burnt., furn. Ac L, Hays, $K4)M), HOME A INCOME WEST SALEM 2 bdrm. home St 2 tin. aptin. on lot Ideal for cottage court t2OtixlU0) $5Kl. ON FAIRMOUNT Very laree comb. L.R.-D R , Kit., nook, 2 bdrms.. bath, all on 1 fir., fplace. Iidw.. gas water heater, piped furn.. L. trays St rumpus rm. in bsint., unfinished attic, lot 84x73. $9450. SUBURBAN PRINGLE ROAD, IMM. POSS. I1, ac, 2 bdrm. home. iidw. firs., L. trays, autm. oil heat. elc. water heat er, dbl. garage, variety fruit Sc nuts. KEIZER DIST. $2500 Unfinished 4 rm. house, on 1 ac. plu. good land, well with duiiid. elec tricity, on graveled rd. A place for some work tiiat will pay well. If you do not find what you want arming these, let us tell you about others that may meet your require ments. Ask for large February list now being mailed, NELSON & NELSON Chet I Nelson Theo. G. Nelson REALTORS Rm 300-2 Maiomc Bldg.. 493 State St Ph44J9Eves 2-1330 or 8280 ELECTRICALLY HEATED Attractive cottage on an Acre of ground. Nice location NORTH. Small barn, chicken house, garage. Variety of fruit. 16UO0.00. Well built home In West Salem. Liv ing room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bed rooms, bath. 2 rooms over double ga rage. 87500 no. Cottage on Park Avenue. $4750 00. 7 room home In Keier District on 1-3 acre. $540000. A MKAL HA KG A IN FOR .TI0 00 3 acres with S room home, electricity, gas, large bain, several out buildings, larce family oi chard, one block from school. IDEAL SETUP FOR APTS Good corner lot with 7 room house. Double plumbing. Garage. $5230.00. Apartment house with 8 furnished apt. Nice location within walking dis tance off town. l.ot 50x150. Monthly income 8133.00. 31 1.550.011. Three lots in Meadow Lawn Addi tion. $000.00 each. View lots on Cascade Addition $850. Two lots on Maple Avenue. 'J73.(XJ each. We have farms ranging from $3000 to $.0.'JO0. Call for particulars. P. H. Bell, Realtor CLAUDE Klir.Om JOE FEILEN R. L. 'BOB' PRIME CLAIR KILGORE 402 Guardian Bldg. Ph. 48U8 Evenings call 8769 or 7829 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $7900 NEWLY decorated N. 4 nn. home. Oil heat, Venetian blinds. Small hse. in back as rental. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 2-17.31 Vfc Acre in City 3 houses 1 a 8-room, the Oliver 3 large rooms with bath, laundry trays. These houses tn good cond. Plenty fruit, paved street, all for 37500. C, II, , SJNDERS 231 N. High - 5838 Lots Lots Lots 100x140, Hollywood Business District . $8500 5 "ACRES, walnuts, beautiful bldg. site $2000 BEAUTIFUL Apt house site $5000 COURT SITE $2750 8 ACRES View Property $2000 i ACRE view, beautiful firs . $1000 12 A. Subdivision property Fast . $8500 Rliven-Alderin-Cooney 'REALTORS 430 Oregon Bldg. - Phone 7906 Res. 8918 Duplex South! Extra well located double construct ed. Downstairs has large llvlng-din-ing combined, fireplace, hwd. floors, large B.R., nice kitciien, full base, wood furnace, elect, water healer. Upstlrs: 2 good sized B Hi., large living, 3 plece bath, kitchen. Price $9500. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 37900-A NICE 3 B. R. hse. Hwd. firs., sawdust furnace. Insulated and weather stripped. Nearly new. Engle wood Sch. Call Jeas Thompson. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS 1717 CENTER ST. Ph. 2-1949 Eve. Ph. 2-1731 For Sale Real Eflate C0M REALTORS KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Lovely modern home with 3 led rooins on one floor, auto luat, rtra plumbing in basement, double (.'atage A very nut home v-.it! a gland Mew OVEn 4 ACRES LAND - HOUSE j Located on the Smlh Pacific Hiway., only 4 mile from the edge of town, a 2 bedroom home, older, style. lii'hK and water in house, court posfiljiiil ies 84730. ron gracious living Hete is one of Salem's well built dignified home, located in a very fine neighborhood. North, this home has 2 fireplaces, extra large living room, good sized paity room upotairs. full baitenicrit, haidwood floors, plenty of room and onl pi iced at $11 Olio. Piione 381 OWNER SAYS YES You can sell my home. Choice loca tion. Large lot. some fruit, 2 bed rms., bath, liv. rm., din. rm.. kitchen. Front and hack porches, full bsmt.. furnace. 935O0 rash, terms on balance. A OOOD CORNER RKSIDKNCE 3 bed rms , choice - location. $7000 ! Some terms. Km "c. B." wilh Ed Ryrkit, Realtor 423 S. 12th St. Ph. 5981 WEST 8ALKM HOME Eight-room home, Llv. R., dining R.. kitchen, lots of bull tins, vlred for electric range, 2 bedrooms 8c bath downstairs. 3 bedrooms up. fireplace, basement, furnace, garage. Newly dec orated. Ideal location. Can be shown any time. See Mrs. Needham or Jim Flk, 341 State St., Room 4. 8-R. HOUSE and S large lots E. Sa lem, good locatiotk for warehouse. $7350. Nice mod. S-Roorn bungalow N. Sa lem, basement, fur., garage, large lot. nice location and good home. $7350. Good mod. 7-R. bungalow near H. School, garage, large lot, nice home. Valley Land Co 370 Stat St. Ejudiange Ileal Estate 5 Rm. Houpe -.W. Salem ' Trade for service ita. and grocery or grocery and meats pr larger home. See E. E. GRIMM Rich 1.. Reimann, Realtor 201 S. High Ph 3722 or 7805 For Salt -Farms A HE-MAN FARM 320 acres, full M-t bldgs , 200 acres all in M-ed grasses, full set bldg . sev eral spring, good road, elec. line, $1X1 per acre. Must be sold to divide estate. Write for new sale bulletin featuring Silver Falls State Park. HOMESEEKERS AGENCY Silverton, Oregon FINE GRAND ISLAND FARM 80 acres on Grand Island, 78 acres in cultivation, cement house, 10 rooms, modern throughout. Grade A barn, ce ment to the hay mow, electrical equipment throughout barn, 30 steel stanchions, cement double garage. Cement to kiln dryer, one kiln with granery In connection, elevator, over, head grain bins, and feed chopper. All of place under Irrigation. Sprinkling system with electric pump. 2 wells, 1 proven lake site. Very best machinery, full line of machinery. You will have to see' this place to appreciate it, En tire herd of Jersey cows and young stock goes wltn this place. Walnut grove around house, chicken house, hog house. One deep well pumping unit for building purposes. 18 miles north front Salem and 8 miles from Dayton, on Wallace Road. Phone 41X22 Dayton. Charles A. Fer guson. Dayton. Oregon. 20 ACRES South, good 3 B R. home, barn, chick houe. elect, and water to all buildings. Price 00 cash. 33 Acres, S t. 25 under plow, 10 A. In beans. Irrigated from creek, elect., small houke, burn, 12 ktanchions. Price' $581 x). CILSANDERS - 231 N. High - 5838 49 Acre Farm 7'i Miles out Slate St. Modern -room iiouior, gsrage. barn and other outbuildings. Year around stream to spring. 40 acres in cultivation. Family fruit At 2S young filberts. Tractor, plow, drill, sprlifgtootl), one cow to 3 calves. Price is light, $13,000. Sullivan Realtv Co. 2265 Portland Rdi Ph. 3255 eves. 2-141.1 Strawberry Ground! 40 A.. 12 cultl ; balance old stump, some fir timber, spring water to good 3 B. R. bungalow home. Large living, inside plumbing, i nice kitciien. plenty bulltins, Idy. tras, large elect, water heater. New double gar. 550 gal. gas SLSV.nl. C 1 1 ' ' a i . (efiocery or gas. Pi We 7000 or trade C': H. SANDERS. ?L33I N. JHgh - 5838 Turkey, Farm 340 Acres, near flhaw, 165 In cult. Would make a, real turkey farm. No building. This 1. really priced to sell. For information call or see us. Sullivan , Realty Co. 2265 Portland Rd.'Ph. 3255 eves. 2-1413 BY OWNER: 33 A.with oil lease. 7 mi., from Salem, six! A. full bearing boysen to youngberrlcs; 2 A. straw berries. Reht under cult. 3 B R mod ern house with elec. Deep well sys tem, elec. hot water, elec. range, laun dry trays, oil heat. Essential furn. incl. Double garage, barn' 8c other out bldgs. Ford-Forg tract, with equip, to other farm implements incl. All goes for $12,000. 6'i m. S.E. on 222 (Aums vllie Rd.l 'i m. E, on gravel. D. L. Merritt, Rt 5, Box 322. After 1:00 p.m. 40 A.. HT, 8. SALEM. 3 bed room modern home, fireplace, 1.1 stanchion barn, hollow tile poultry hses. 4 brood er hses. 10 cows, 2 heifers. 1942 Ford son, other good machinery. Level Willamette soil, all tiled, nearly all sown. Lot fruits and nuts. Year around creek. Terms. 922.500. 10 ACRES I.OCATED near Liberty. Nearly all different kinds of bearing fruits, 8 room modern 'home, hardwood floor, fireplace, basement, furnace, good outbuildings. $10 (MX) 3 ACRE FARM on Pacific highway 99 So. 5 room newly finished home, lots fruit, berries and nuts. Elec. equipped for chicken ranch. Easy terms. $4725. 16 ACRES BEAVER dam and onion barn. Prewar price $15,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. 'Exclusive Listings Only 184 S. Com l St. Plione 8389 80 ACRES NEAR MONMOUTH 65 acres cult I. 15 A. pasture. Good well, small house, fair barn. Gravel road. $8500. See "Ike" Bacon . Ed Ryrkit, Realtor 423 S. 12th ' Ph. 6981 267 ACRES, borders on Santlam. 100 under plow, 7-room house, burn with 23 stanchions, good spring. Elect. Price $20,000, C, II. SANDERS - 231 N. High - 3838 For Sale Farms 320 ACHE Equlpiwd farm. , ml olf Pacific highway. 8 room. 5 bed room modern home. Lai go 20 stanchion bain. 3 Mlos and other good hlilgs Family fruit and nut w chard. All bldgN. have water and electricity Soil :s Amity and Concord loamt, tiled, fenced and csoxs fenced All ctops in except M lo 40 acres flax. Fuuin inciit includes Csmp D. C. and combine, 'lows, ihairoWK. drills, cultivatois. bin der, mower. pUntcli. w aeons, etc lio head sh-ep. All land under oil les.e Terrns. $33.01 KJ.WI. 9 am- equipped farm 3 11 ft home, ham and other buildings for uoultrv ' 3 acre brens, V, acres filberts. 2 acres vetch and oalv Cow. hoi-.c. 6.' pullet. Model A pickup. Lot of ma chinery Lot of fruit trett. Terms $11,000.00. , I 40 Acre. I jle modern 4 bed room j home. Wired for range. Immiiii-iiI l,ul ..n4 I . il... ...... ' M I income from walnut and filberts. Mime crops sown. Timber will cut inoo curds of wo kI . Tractor and equipment and stock may be bought. Easy terms. I'.KKIO.IX). 85 acre farm. 1 1-4 miles off Pa cific highway north of Salrm. Modern home close to rchool and matket Large barn and poultry house, large new workshop. I-vel Amity loam. . fenced and cross fenced. Terms $17. onono. 126 A. east, about 80 acres In culti vations. 44 A. pasture and timber, good gravity water system. Springs, year around creek, 8 rm. house with fire place, wired for electric range. Large 2 car gar., chicken . hou.se. bam, hog house, electricity and water to all building! telephone. On pavement. Close lo school. $15,000. Pail trade. La r trn Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Set-vice 164 Sooth Coml. Ph. 8.9 120 ACRES. cultivated, more can be. Rome creek bottom, good bldg $140 per acre. Owner 830 N. 20th St., Sa lem. Ore. Phone 3374. Suburban SUBURBAN HOME t bed rma., liv. rm.. dining rm.. kitchen, unfinished upstairs, fireplace, wired for range, elec. water heater, bsmt.. tiays. furnace. Only t year old. Large lot with small creek. $Moo See ' Scott y" Ed Ryrkit, Realtor 428 S. 12ih Ph. SMI VIEW HOMES We have 3 modern homes on King wood Heights. If you are looking for a nice place see these before jou buy. &4F4r "SOOttV Ed Ryrkit, Realtor 433 S. 12lh Ph. 3981 SPECIAL FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Suburban home on large lot. 4 room cottage with built ins, wired for elec tric range. Drilled welt with electric water system. Price only $3600. SEE Leo N. Child, Inc. REALTORS 344 Slate St. Ph. 9281 Acreage Fiirnir-hcd $3750- 3 RMS. and bath 1', A 2u cherry trees. Chick, hse. Call Mi. Aln iniil. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Phone 3793 970 S l)M I, Eve Ph Z-4411 Vt ML KEIZER SCHOOL 4 19 A. 78 English walnut trees aver age IS yrs. old. 13 hearing filbert and 23 four ear old filberts Deep saiulv loam. Good for aub-dividmg. W ill take $5100 cash WILLIAM E. MOSES 331 'i State S. REALTOR 93250 N. 5 A. of Willamette silt. No bldgs. Can be subdivided. Call Omer Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1349 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 2-1731 88 A. of TIMBER. 18 ml. from Sa lem. Full price $30UU. Terms can be ar ranged -$1000 down. Hecru Real Estate 3055 Portland Road t7gaTud!stru-t 7 miles from Portland City renter " acre tract with 2 bed im. home. 4 vrais old Owner wishes to tiade for Salem properly. Ed IUrkit, Realtor 425 S. 12th " Ph 5981 DANDY HOUSE In Yamhill, Oregon. Approximately I acre of land. 4 bed rms . liv i m . din. rm.. kitchen, btnltms, bstnt . days, sewer. Full price $J5oo. See "Ike" Bacon Ed Ryrkit, Realtor 425 S. 12th Ph. Sil 2 ACRES Near Keler. SIS00. See "Ike" Hjioii Ed Rvrkit, Realtor 425 S. 12th Ph 5WII II ACHES of Royal Ami cherries located 2 miles on Kingwood Hgts Road. Full price $45(Hi See "Ike" Bacon Ed Ryrkit, Realtor 425 S. 12th Ph f'SKl UNIMPROVED 5 A. GOOD soli and location. N F.at The best value around Salem. Pi ice $1000 Term. 20 A. 7 ml. South. 14 tinder plow. 3 springs, 6 A. timber, pasture, tough lumber for building a small house, small barn. 7 A. walnuts, 6 A. cher ries, 1 A. apples, pears, all bearing and well cared for. Price $6300 $2500 down. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838 $2700 BUYS a new rm. hse and 1 6-10 A. of rich sandv loam. 1 1-4 ml. N. of Salem off of Cherry ave New hse.. not all finished. Wued for range. Jack llenningsen. State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High St. Phone 4121 $9500 8t A. llayesville Sch. Dit. A modern plastered hse. with furnace. 2 B. Rms. down, Attic. Tins is a nice place. Call Jess Thompson. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1549 1717 CENTER ST Eve. Ph. 2-1731 NEW 4 bed. rm. home. Llv. rm . din. mi . kitchen, bath. 11 Acres. Only 910,800. Ph. "Elmer" Amundson. 3210 BURT PICHA. REALTORS 337 N. High St. YOUR OPPORTUNITY! To buy an old 7-room house, 3 rooms down. 3-piece bath, laundry trays, wired range. iJirge oak and. ma ple trees around house. 2 blocks to school, it ml to bus, almost 'j acre rich soil. Price $3500. Can be pur chased on easy terms. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 $24003 ACRES north. Beautiful trsct to build on. Can be laid out in t acre tracts. 400 ft. on one road. 490 ft. on other rd. Easy terms. Olson Sl Reeve, Realtors 945 S. Commercial Ph. 4590 6 ACRES. 3 bd. room house. Lsrge chicken hse., elec. wtr. system. $80uo. R. A. Forkner, Realtor Phone 3031 1833 N. Capitol $47502 B. R. unfinished hse 2 A. Close to bu and sch. Call Mr. Als man. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS .Phone 3793 970 S COM L Eve. Pt. 2-4228 Acreajze JuJ So It Is In Oregou NEW Fine beach hotne Riht out on Ocean Kjont. Lie in bed and ee ti.e brisker come in. Ultrj modern no.ro wi'h iUsxd in sunporch. Al patio ln-clo-ed aid Where everything is go ing r.n now Clone to Delakc. 312 "OS. Tins home St view have to b wn hi be appreciated. 2 Veres N-ar Woodburn ON p.,ietnent, sit kindjf of fruit At nuts, i Jim. partly furnurted limine, m.jII tjjji, many siuuhs. 18 miles noMh of Salrn A good buy at $S.KJ. Rosetlale Di-t. aciis with 4-rm. house E)ect to houci. j'Hid rane St circulator Soire fi sut St nuts, concrete garare. Small tiutn St chicken liouse Bis 1mm miiixiI to, on pavement. Juit 7 mlM from Salr-m. $3j00. In City of McMiunville 7 RM. Ihome to t acres of groi.nd with all kinds of fruits to nuts Gorvi chicken house to raragej Creek run ning thro place The home has full laM-rrrnti with oil heat, fireplaee Dou ble plumbing Caipi-led fir to par'lr fu'ni'.hed. 3 biks. from eltr center $:Ki0. Nice Motlern 3 Bed r in Home in Salem North jof State St. Hardwood f . flrtplace.j full basement witn iawdut furiu.ee -fenced in bavk ard $; i Art Matlen PJ8 Ste St. Fnane S:4 Fariii-FarniJuFarmi 80 A. 80 A cleared. Good soil. ' Vii acreis New btdgs. Y'ear around creek.: A real farm . .. s2eo 120 acre Ideal stock farm . 918 94 acres-t-Dairy farm . . X.m 57 acrest-Good house and bam i . sav 20 acre-- Beaut If ul suburban home i 818 10 acres Berries, nuts, 7-room hotise ....... $1I"0 34 acres Keizer, 9 acres pessctMra W.Qno 37 acres Santlam river bottom farm. 1 irrigated . . . $l8 0is 142 acre North Ul W Rliven-Ablerin-Cooner REALTORS 4" Oiegon Bldg. Phone 74 Res. 7344) $M.W0-XEAR Lake dlst 85 A 2 A. are planted to nlberta. J, A. to peaches and apples. On paved u.id. Good improvement. Call Je Thon.p son. Huff Real Estate Co. REALTORS Ph. 2-1349 1717 CENTER ST. Eve. Ph. 2-1721 ACREAGE HOME acre all In bearing cherries lo cated 4 miles out on good road. I grt line. New 4 rm. home with rarate attached. Elec. water system IMMED IATE POSSESSION Piice fwson Call Richard E. Grabenhorst w ith Grabenhorst Rro. REALTORS 134 S Liberty ht Ph 411 JUST LISTED 20 ACRES S ACRES cultivated land, balanr fiaMuie with some wood, Has 4 :tn. loiive with a lot built ins and faraie. 1 'he e is a small ham. big rt.Mre Kl.eil tiiHt would make a nice rl.u kri boii'C AlHiot I A of berriet. e f i nit, rvire sliade tiees around !.ov.e Has a giHMl welt, but no lightest . nil. hut can get them. Tins Is a .-t buv al 4 txsl OO uitti some nucMntn. SHi-.e t.rms. See MH. UAKAEN uit Haukins Sk Robert. Inc., Phone 41isJ REALTOKS 10 Acrr.-s North 8 Rtom modem house, floored at tic, double garage, fiurt hnue. riitek en houhe St good ham. Bulldm. 9 years old St first class construction. Excellent soil 8c all in cultivation -crpt 1 acre Close in North. Stock St equipment Included $10,504. Sullivan Realtv Co. 12U Portland Rd. Fi. 32JJ eves. J I4II 9 ACRE BARGAIN IKfatti close In. S no. plant, red home with 3 bed rms Family fn.nl trees. A good place for Lie moiity. Price 9.500. Call G. H. Grabenhotst. Jr . w iih Grabenliorst Uro. REALTORS IZ f Libeity St. Ph. 4131 Ives J Jta Wanrel Heal Lata I r Want INIotleni Home in Quiet District" to $17,000 Cash f all E. E. Grimm j Rich L. Reimann, Realtor K High. Ph. 3722 or .M LIST VOI R PROPERTY I w.th us today fur quick te-.i is. U filed all !v'les of houses. fai' to luillii Vee Mis NrrJIK.n in J . n ; iK. U l state St. WAST to buy 3 or 4 ftom lni:., not yr S.MIO0 cath. 2277 N. Lirwity. Eur,e L Pollard. V. r. Are urgently In ned of :s!i--re on '.i'v Comes if vour houe H-foe a'e .ll u. Promot. courtcou e.v ue ' Tcur salesmen to serve yoi" SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 'i II, gh St Phone Tee Phone 3722 We have the buveis. Let us fem them tv rat you wish lo sell. Rich L. Reimann, Realtor 201 S f-ifri Ph eves. 7362 or :$) XlSTEN We need listing Iae cash buyer. R. A. Forkner, Realtor Phone 3031 rtfionQtatesmna ADVERTISING ' Wrstcrn Advertlsinf RrpresentativM t'ai d-Gi iffith Company, Ia. Ban FYs n Cisco EaMcrn Advertbinf Representative! ' ' Word-Griffith Company. Ine. Ctiiiaro New York. Detroit. Boston. Atlanta Member Pacific Coast Division Bureau of Advertising; , En'ered t the Pottofffre t SaU- Orrcorr u Second Class Matter. Pub lished tvvru morning Except Monday. Business office' 213 fouUs Commer cial Street. 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' V.l) fMibscTiptlon Rates tn Advsjice f Wi r.ln Oregon: Daily and Sunday .Mo. 60 cents; 0 mos 33.00: 1 year, 8 oo-. Elsewtiera 60 csmts per mo or (7 20 for 1 year in advance. Per copy 9 centa. Br City Carrier. 73 rente a month, 19.00 a yror m adance la Marion ana sdjsttbt counties.