PAGE TEN Thsj OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Moping. February IB. 1948 1 I M i . Silvcrton Unit Installs Junior New Officers SILVERTON, Feb. 14-(Spclal) ielbert Reeves unit No. 7. Amer an Legion auxiliary, Monday ilht hutalJed cf fleers" tor? the unior 1 (iris. Mrs. John Bemas, resident, wan in charge, assisted y Mr. Rocoe Reeve, secretary. Junior officer are president, 'eanell Gottenbcrg; vice' president 'udy Madden; secretarj-treasur- r, Lois Porter; chaplain. Shirley irecafield; sergeant-at-arms, VI- lan Reeves. Mrs. Glenn Price, junior advisor nd chairman of junior activities ommittee, was installing sergeant t arms, and Mrs. Lewis Hall in tailing officer. Reports of committee chairmen ncluded the announcement of the unior girls' Valentine party after chool Thursday night. Mothers ..nd an invited guest for each girl vill be honored. Reports showed 17 schools had been contacted ith' distribution of ' lag codes and ther Americanism , instruc tion; a letter of thanks from the Portland child welfare center, for articles sent by the unit was read; vork aprons reported made for he PTA lunch, room; -1500 poppies ordered for the May. 24 and 25 .Alex. The Sewing club will meet .at he rooms February 20 for a no iost luncheon. The club members recently spent two days mending for the local hospital. Reported the sick list are Mrs. Elsie Pa ton at the Cottage hotel and Mrs. Jim Scarth at a Corvallis hospital. Mrs. Demas nemed Mrs. Hans fJlson ;ind Mrs. Price on the hous ing committee. Plans were made for a luncheon . and program meeting Monday, February 25 vhen paist presidents will be the .'xmtit.jies. Mv. Holhokc to Replace Mr. Zinn At Siinnv&jdc SUNNYSIDE, Kcb. 14 -(Spe-ial)- Mi.", ilnif-1 Holbroke of Salem ha been hired to teach he upper grad'K,; filling the;a eancy that occurred when Mrs. Lillian Zinn rexiijned. Mm. Hol broke taught at Krizer the past wo years and hs substituted at Keiiter and Wt .Salem this year. Mrs. Margaret Feller of Clov tdale, who had formerly taught .n thin hoI, kubotituted for three week until a regular teach er could be hired,) Mim Thelma Kokc of Salem ft the Bible study Icouiae teacher. Cla are held each Tuthday morning and the public is invited to viult. Hayittvillc Adult CJa Will Meet Friday Nipht IIAYKSVILI.K, Feb. 14 -fpe-Hal). The adult Han of the Hayeille Sunday school will meet Friday night at the home vf Mr. and Mrs. Albert-Stettler. The young people's clas will old n scavanger hunt at the Fimt Raptint church Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Union Hill Woman 1m Guet at Gift Party UNION HILL, Feb 14-W) Mrs. Ralph Mollet, Jr. was pleas antly Kurprlsed last week when 4 group of neighbors honored her with a miMct'llaneous shower at ihe Ralph Mollet, sr. home. It was also her birthday and Mrs. Jessie Carter presented a birth day cke. Valley Births LEBANON - Two girls and a boy were born on Lincoln's birth day. The first in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck and the little girts are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morford and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitfield. Girls continue to outnumber the boys in the hospital nursery. During January there were 26 babies born in the local hospital. Of these only five were boys. In December of 29 babies 17 were girls. FKEE LECTORI W CflttSilAHi 'SGDB1GE If srr j;- FromThe Qoverdale Soldier Honored With Party CLOVERDALE, Feb. 14 -(Spe-lal)-Eula Hennies entertained Monday for a birthday dinner to honor her brother, CI eve, recently discharged after several years with the U. S. army. Others present for the occasion were Ed Shilling, father, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shilling and daughter Linda; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jar man, Albert Hennies and daugh ters Evelyn and Celeste. Amity Plans Good Time For Youth AMITY, Feb. 14-(Special)-Tbe commercial club- keld )ts February meeting on February t at the WFlcdx cafe. Arthur- Anderson' entertained with films of road work: and the Phil Sheridan '.ro deo.: .The club will purchase jute box for the youth center and has made'' plans for high school students' ... entertainment , three evenings each week and twice a week, for grade school students. .Wilbur Johnson has purchased the Smith Bar B Q on CflW high way west of McMlnnvllle and will take possession March 1. The Are department is sponsor ing, their firnt annual dance Sat urday at the high school gym. ; Myrtle circle No. 68, Neighbors of Woodcraft, elected officers at their regular meeting Monday evening. Installation will take place in April. The monthly community sing was held Sunday at the Christian church following the evangelistic service. Amity folk will go to Hopewell the second Sunday evening of March where the sing will be sponsored by the United Brethren congregation. VanDDey DBnjeffs Lebanon Ernest Caldwell, principal of the south grade school, was elected president of the Re gional Elementary School Princi pal's association at the annual meeting held in Lebanon Satur day. Arthur Myers of Salem was chosen vice president and Flor ence Lane, Lebanon, secretary treasurer. Thirty-five elementary school principals took part in the meeting with fifteen other city, county and state school officials attending. Fear Corners The Lancaster club will have a progressive din ner party on Thursday night. First course will be served at Mrs. Leo Childa', salad at Etta Sutter's, Mrs. Floyd Boyington will serve the main course after which the group will go to the Walter Lukins home for dessert. Middle Grave -r- The February Community club will feature a pot-luck dinner in the school base ment Friday, February 16, 6:30 p.m. This will be followed by a short program including commun ity sing. ' Turner Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Davenport and children, Vi ola, Edward and Dixie, have sold their home here and are leaving for the Middle West. flwegle Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Hedges of Fort .Wayne, Ind., have moved into the home of Mrs. Hedges' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Lock, on Fisher road. Their children, Arlens and Aruthur, who are twins, and Connie, entered the third and fourth grades of Swegle school on Monday. Amity Contribution to the March of Dimes campaign in this community amounted to $181.40, according to a report by Mrs. Lloyd Cochran, chairman. Fringle The Community club will hold the regular February meeting Friday night Mrs. Ed Kottek has arranged the program of music and variety numbers. Plans will be made for the chick CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . The Divine Plan for Heeling Unman Heeds WILL B. DAVIS, LECTURER, IS. OF CHICAGO. ILL. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Elsinore Theatre, 170 S. High Street TODAY NOON AT 12:10 P. M. Under the Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Salem, Oregon ALL AR WELCOME Statesman's CommiihitvlCorres Mehama Folk Entertain for Visitors MEHAMA, Feb. 13-(SpecUl)-Dorothy Mason, j 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith un derwent an operation I at a Salem hoepital : Saturday. Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd Cllne and children and Mrs. Robert Reld and sons 1 are visiting at . the ' Frank Whit4 home. Dorothy Teetert hat been dis charged i from the Waves and la expected at the Home of her par ents, ,Mr. and Mrs. John Teeters soon. i i' -V ' ' "- i Mrs. Roy i PhilippI, Mrs. Erdl Wilson; Mrs. Merlin Dake, Mrs. Mae Patton ' and u Mr. and Mrs. Horace ; McCarley , .'attended ' -the district, meeting of Eastern: Star m MiU aty Thursday, v -.; ; The, Boy Scouts held a covered dish Supper at the club house on Thursday. : , K - : ; "k Mr.j and Mrs. Raymond Branch have sold one of their places to C. Ai Duggin of Willamina, who Will continue to rent to Mrs. Mas sarelli until 'June when he takes possession.' : Madge and David Samples of Stayton were Sunday guests of the John Teeters, t- ' Roy Philippi Is in Seattle on business.- ' " -I Glen Tate who , has been suf fering from rheumatic fever is somewhat improved and is home from the hospital. FUMIGATION MAKES FIKE AUMSVILLE, Feb. 14 -(Special)- The volunteer fire depart ment was called out Monday for a fire a the Guy Smelser home, started ; while Mrs. Smelser was fumigating after their scarlet fever I quarantine. i' : i en dinner to be put on In March. Refreshment committee ask all members to bring pies. Turner The Turner Memor ial Home library is to be avail able to townspeople now. The li brary,1 conslsiting of more than 1200 volumes is being rechecked by Mrs. E. J, Gilstrap, matron of the home, These books are in the museum, library ind office build ing. Books may be borrowed by residents of Turner by contacting the matron of superintendent. Re cently, a targe number of volumes was donated to the library by Mrs. Nellie Gunning. Jefferson MK and Mrs. Hen derson, who live in Bill Vallick's cabins, w e r awakened Sunday night t Jj:30 o'clock by flicker ing light outside and found L. A. Monroe's car on fire. Others in the cabins) rushed out . with buckets of water and extinguished the fire. The fire occurred a half hour after the Monroes had returned home, f The top and upholstery were burned. SUverten Robert Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Good man, has gone to RIckreall, where he is attending school and em ployed! at a dairy morning and night Jit spent the weekend at Sllverton with his parents. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Murr of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Archer. and two daugh ters, Connie and Bonnie of Sa lem. Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Murr are sisters and daughters of the Goodmans. They had not been to gether for two and half years. Harsvllle Boy Scout are to be in charge of the community club program to be held in the schoblhouse tonight at 8 o'clock. Moving pictures of Camp Pioneer will be! shown, and a box Supper served later in the evening. ' 1 j ' " ' : r i i Fratant Pupils of the Mei inger studio will furnish enter tainment at the community club meeting at S o'clock tonight Many Crown Queen at Basketball Game , SILVERTON, Feb. j 14 -(Special)- Ba bye Yates was crowned Queen of Hearts Tuesday night in si ceremony at the senior high school between halves of the Woodburn-Sllver ton basketball game. Jean Trak was crown princess. Sue Teter, Lila Dugger, Jackie Fisher, Eileen Bisanz, Mary Ann Hanson and Dorothy Thompson were princesses, and little Kay Bergeson, crown bear er. Parties at Jefferson JEFFERSON, '.Feb. 14 -(Special)- Frank . Wied was honored with surprise .birthday, party Saturday night at his home on the Marion road, for which his three sisters, .Mrs. Guy Roland, Mrsi EarJ Phelps and Mrs. Earl Lynes, were hostesses. Sunday, Mrs.' Frank Wied - en tertained with a family dinner on her husband's birthday. Oth ers . present were Mr and Mrs. Leonard McCaw and daughter of Crescent,' Jim Wied, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Johnson and two children. A "Valentine party was held at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meyers, Friday' night, for mem bers of the Youth Fellowship of the Evangelical church. Mrs. Don Davis and Mrs. Albert Meyers were In charge. Mrs. Don Davis entertained with a dinner Sunday honoring the birthday of Rosemary Camp bell. Others present were Leona Campbell, Lav-era and Nora Par sons, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Tommy, Mary Edith and Sandra Davis. Mrs. Esther Hartley, Mrs. Nan cy Davidson, Mrs. Fae Smith and Mrs. Car a Aupperle were host esses for the February meeting of the Past Matrons club which met in the sewing room of the city hall Following the business meeting the ladies sewed for the Red Cross. Refreshments were served by the hostesses to the 13 members present ' Mrs. P. L. Smith Receives Visitors MIDDLE GROVE, Feb. 14 (Special)-Mrs. P. L. Smith L able to have company after months of Illness and hospitalization. Mrs. Earl Reed, jr., and baby daughter are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed. Mrs. Edith Knuths, former res idents of this community, is visit ing friends here while a guest at the Lawrence Hammer home. IJrookt Sewing Club j Meets Willi Mn. Legher BROOKES, Feb. 14 -(Special)l-The Sewing club met with'sMrsV Martha Lesher. Roll call was, an swered with quotations from Lin coln and Washington. Plans were made for r program and silver tea, at the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Eva Conn. Mrs. Eva Conn, Mrs. Patsy Brutka and Mrs. William Cottew are the program committee and Mrs. Alan Dean and Mrs. Myrtle Davis will assist! the hostess. Torhets Hosts For HnMe-Eelect AMITY, Feb. 14-(Special)Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Torbet were hosts at a 7 o'clock dinner Feb. 6. hon oring Miss Fay Kosta, bride-elect of Lyle Smith. Other guests were the Misses Opal Glohm, Naomi Herndon and Nathelle Scoggan, all members of the' staff Of the Amity bank. GUEFFSOY riaee Sold PRINGLE, Feb. 14(Special) Mrs. Cora A. Harmon of Gates, has bought the Gueffroy place. With Mrs. Harmon la her daugh ter Cora Lee and her grandson, James Goetsinger. on dents . Mt. Angel Post Drum Corps to Be Organized MT. ANGEL, Teb. lJ-(Special) The drum and bugle' corps, spon sored by the Mt Angel post of the American Legion is in the process of organization. Jaqulth, Ellifson, Allen and Weathers of the Jaqulth Music store in Salem, all Legionnaires, were guests of the post Tuesday night Plans call for 20 members. The committee includes Flavius An nen, Gerald Dardis and Ernie Crowder, can get it going. The . post membership is now 117. Otto Oswald resigned as ser vice officer and Peter Gores will replace him. The auxiliary report from the district conference was given by Mrs. Cletus Butsch. Mt. Angel will share with four other units the responsibility of adopting a little Trench boy, Nichole, the re port Indicated. The first active part of this adoption is the send ing of a box containing woolen clothes, powdered milk and vita mins to him. Mrs. Fred Prosser and Mrs. S. Sibley will purchase and wrap the gifts. Mrs. Fred Lucht gave a report on the social meeting. President Theresa Oehler reported the flag contest had been conducted at St. Mary's school "according to the prescribed rules. The unit voted $5 from the gen eral fund to the leprosy fund of the Leonard Wood foundation. Supper committee for the next meeting of post and unit will in clude Mrs. Mae Heggie, Mrs. Eliz abeth Goodier, Mrs. Emma John son and Mrs. Martha Kintz. Tin sine t$ Taken Over, Jefferson JEFFERSON, Feb. 14 -(Special)- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Even slzer of Portland and formerly of North Dakota, have leased the Terminal cabins of John Koren iam They are redecorating the cabins inside and making other improvements. There will be a pinochle and 500 party in the city hall Friday night, February 22. The proceeds will be used to purchase equip ment for the fire department. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Salem were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. Jiffies Fresh Kg Noodle 1-lb. L cello. tJLv Mianion Cut I'lacarrini or Spaghetti 27-oz. rlO pk. Dundee Sweet Peas ...? tin 150 River Bice Blue Rose 2-1 b. carton 240 Din While Blues While You Wah Pkg. 90 Kenn Soap Powder 32-oz. pkg. 270 Pnrex K.. l..120 A 220 FRUITS Texas ll-J,. Delicious sfippieS or Winesap Grapefruit Cabbage New Solid Heads Lb. 60 Calavos for Salad...- 2 for 230 SUNKIST NAVEL Oranges Bursting with Juice, doz. 290 D" IT' iT'li W (V 1 IT' (T1 1 w ' Parties Feature Life of Folk In Pioneer Community PIONEER, Feb. 14.-(Special)-Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Theiss and children Evelyn, George, Joan and Wayne entertained a group of friends at their home Saturday and Sunday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Joe De Witt Jane, Jim and Roxanna, Mr. and Mrs. Ed De Witt, Mr. and Mrs. Art Gilman and ' Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Neil. I , Mr- B Mri- "t. Cham Eueene and Orin. Mrs. Pauline " nd Gary of Portland and Grones and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Basinger and Leota, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willis, Mrs. Beu lah Woolridge and children. Frank Searl and Jim Coy were honored with a birthday dinner at the Searl home Tuesday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searle of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Coy and children, Jim and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searl, Wayne and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells had as their guests for dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Har ritt and Sue Ellen and Mrs. June Schermister of Willamina. Mrs. Dale Slater and children, Karen, Stewart and Alan, of Ocean Lake visited her sister, Mrs. John Keller, Jr., ; from Thursday until Sunday when they went to Brooks where they will visit Mrs. Slater's mother, Mrp. Rayv Corel. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells and children, Sally, Irene," Jim,.. Jr., and Sharon of Los Angeles visit ed his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wells, Friday. Mr. Wells has just returned from overseas. He was in the army. . V - . ....' . ,. WnrDfi) Ijs3(dldl at 376 Patterson Ave., West Salem . Rotating Shift No Sunday Work Phnne 9255, Kxtenxion 12 Work Uill Last Ahonl Three Weeks 3PH(B(BLY fTTlLi"- Hreakfaat wiiu anus Champions Ginger Snaps Fashion I -lb. pkg. 230 NABISCO CLMMJJ:MM Spoon Size Whole anreaciies wnet uiHcuu.... rkg. JLop H&D Tomato Jnice o, 240 AND Pink 3 for 290 2 ibs. 250 l II B I LI 1 Ilorih Capilol at Ilarkei I Mr. and Mrs. Max Calavan were dinner guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Calavan, Saturday night. UNION HILL, Feb. 14 -(Special)- Emma Peters accompanied her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hyer, to Idaho for a visit Choice Singing Canaries Breeding Hens and Supplies Metal Cages and Stands Nestling Food and Nesting Hair BIIIGLAIID'S PET SHOP 483 Ferry St Between Liberty and High Phone) 6SS9 WIG6LYC of Lg. pkg. Aww H&D Peas f?f-.. Van Brite Self wax v ollhhinjr Pts. Waxfex Vax Paper 125-ft. roll 150 Ficgo Meal it me Drink lib. pkg. 290 TENDERLEAF Tea ...tHb. pkg. 270 35M u (5mj THIS WEEK'S HEADLINERS TILLAII00K CHEESE FINE ASSORTMENT OF LUNCH MEATS CORNED BEEF GRADE A FRYERS BAKES For Ileal lo Eal We Can't Be Deal! Iarge Iatub Takes On More Weight SUNNYSIDE. Feb. 14-(Spedal) Lambing season Is about over in this community and the farmers report a large per cent of the lambs arc twins. Ed Draper has a Romney lamb that, weighed 15 pounds at birth and has gained a pound each day since. HERE ON LEAVE SWEGLE Cpl. Harold W. Biles of the army air corps, son of Mr. ind Mrs. Wilson Biles of Hollywood drive, came up from Oakland, Calif., to spend a three day leave at his home this part week. Staley Cube UIohs Starch 12-oz- O pkg. SIC Slaley Cream Corn Starch Mb. O pkg. 80 i 28 tin AWV 390 Qt. 690 168 Tea Bags 180 TZ) i s